_Anna_ | Astro7467 According to Oracle guys, what you showed me is a fork. | 00:06 |
ezk | N00b with problems with Ubuntu mate display | 00:19 |
ezk | The characters on my desktop are TINY ubuntu 17.04 mate | 00:21 |
ezk | how do I make them larger | 00:21 |
Astro7467 | @_Anna_ I think it shows that the 'problem' is more complicated. Suspect that VB as-is cannot go in Ubuntu repos, SB isn't a Ubuntu repo, nor a repo, it just configures and downloads s'ware from what is deemed the best source. If there truly is an issue, then quantifiable info shld be sort i.e. Due to Policy XYZ and Oracle's ABC in VB, then there is a conflict - not broad statements - there a lots of issues | 00:26 |
Astro7467 | between different licenses which prevent some packaged solutions, but rarely do such issues prevent users from do as they need. | 00:26 |
Astro7467 | Also remember that UM is a community driven flavour - that also means different things are viable | 00:27 |
greg_ | I'm loving the new welcome screen in the beta. whomever is responsible, good job. | 00:29 |
_Anna_ | So you actually say Ubuntu-MATE is not bonded by Ubuntu policy? | 00:32 |
Astro7467 | @_Anna_ , no, I'm saying (without actual knowledge), that that there are probably differences - e.g. Ubuntu LTS is 5 yrs, but Community editions have a choice and UM is 3yrs. | 00:34 |
Astro7467 | But the point is, SB isnt a repo, so so the unspecified policy, which probably is Ubuntu owned/managed repo specific, wouldn't apply - again guessing becuase no policy or conflict has been detailed | 00:36 |
_Anna_ | Neither Software Center is a repo. They both are package managers. | 00:41 |
Astro7467 | unless I am mistaken, it draws exclusively from Ubuntu repos | 00:42 |
_Anna_ | You can add sources for extra repos. | 00:46 |
Astro7467 | And if there is a VirtualBox repo, nothing would stop you from adding it | 00:47 |
_Anna_ | There is no VirtualBox repo. Software Boutique downloads it straight from Oracle's site. | 00:48 |
Astro7467 | so ther eis no policy issue - if you look at the link I shared before, that is what Ubuntu recommend you do instead of using their forked version | 00:49 |
swift110x60 | hey all | 00:50 |
_Anna_ | I can't see that. But even if it was true, then what is the use of a fork? | 00:51 |
Astro7467 | to comply with whatever policy hasn't be detailed - which may be legal, brand, quality or other issue driven | 00:52 |
_Anna_ | Even if the result is an old crappy version... | 00:57 |
_Anna_ | I still find it interesting, though, how MATE doesn't care to comply. | 00:58 |
Astro7467 | Which is probably why they recommend going to Oracle directly - when Ubuntu puts something in their repos it means they offer a level of maintenance/support - so for businesses, they may prefer to deal with Ubuntu exclusively to get a guaranteed level of, and single point of, service, while as individuals or other businesses, their motives and value drivers could be different - i.e. features, functions, etc | 01:01 |
Astro7467 | @_Anna_ unless you can provide specifics, I think you are doing everyone, including yourself, a diservice by making a broad statement that the MATE community 'doesn't care to comply' | 01:03 |
Astro7467 | @_Anna_ , to show how strongly I believe you are incorrect, and that I have demonstrated there is enough evidence to show there is no problem, if you can prove to me that SB needs to remove VB, I will personally follow-up with the UM core developers to fix the situation @ you can email me at my realname + '.io' and I will send you, anywhere in the world, a Raspberry Pi 3 Premium Kit with a Ubuntu MATE SD-Card | 01:08 |
_Anna_ | It's not me the one that claims it. Remember my original message: "A friend of mine..." I let him know about your generosity. He is downloading MATE right now, cause he didn't believe me saying SB offers the original version. | 01:12 |
Astro7467 | I quote: 'I still find it interesting, though, how MATE doesn't care to comply.' | 01:13 |
_Anna_ | Correction: doesn't seem* to comply. Better? You admitted from the start you are only guessing. | 01:14 |
Astro7467 | Good luck to your friend - may they enjoy what I believe is the best general desktop distro, backed by a awesome team of developers and supportive community. | 01:15 |
_Anna_ | Why do you believe that? | 01:16 |
Astro7467 | Yes, I'm guessing, but believe that against an unspecified policy, I have demonstrated how the situation is different (i.e. Ubuntu repo vs easy-to-install link to the Oracle source per Ubuntu's recommendations) | 01:17 |
_Anna_ | I mean why do you believe MATE is the best (!) | 01:18 |
Astro7467 | 1. Ubuntu is a solid base. 2. The focus is functionality & stability over glitz, 3. The UM team has a history of collaboration with other open-source (sometime what one could consider 'competitors') efforts to provide a better result for the general open-source/foss community, not just for their own means | 01:19 |
Astro7467 | I could go on | 01:20 |
_Anna_ | It's not the lighter nor the the most functional. Caja is crappy imo. Same with other things. MATE is what we call a "middle-solution". It is supposed to combine lightness and functionality, resulting being the best to none of these. Middle solutions are usually the worst. If I wanted lightness I could go with xfce. So it's not really about that. It's about nostalgia of gnome 2. But then again, if that's the case, then why the desktop is so | 01:27 |
_Anna_ | customizable?? You can even make it look like MSWindows. I personally love customability but that's just pointless for the nostalgic users (one of which I'm not). I could go on. | 01:27 |
_Anna_ | I definitely prefer MATE over Unity, but I'll switch to something else when the next LTS will be released. | 01:29 |
Astro7467 | The whole point of foss/open-source is freedom of choice - I agree, depending on your reference point, needs and objectives, U-MATE may not be the best choice - but as a general distro, I think it is a great recommendation | 01:29 |
swift110 | hmm | 01:34 |
ubuntu-mate | is ubuntu mate safe? | 01:42 |
ubuntu-mate | hello | 01:42 |
_Anna_ | safe to...do what? | 01:42 |
Astro7467 | @ubuntu-mate | 01:43 |
ubuntu-mate | ii mean not like windows | 01:43 |
_Anna_ | Yes, much safer. | 01:43 |
ubuntu-mate | so many prob | 01:43 |
Astro7467 | @ubuntu-mate , you probably need to be more specific, but yes, being based on the well maintained core of Ubuntu, I would say it is safe | 01:44 |
ubuntu-mate | ok | 01:44 |
ubuntu-mate | thanks | 01:44 |
swift110 | it is safe | 01:44 |
_Anna_ | All linux distros are safer compared to Windows! LOL | 01:44 |
ubuntu-mate | because im using a live dvd now | 01:44 |
ubuntu-mate | which i found it very good till now | 01:45 |
Astro7467 | @ubuntu-mate in reference to Windows - definitely - I have converted Data Science ppl over to Ubuntu MATE from Windows becuase of the issues they encountered, under UM they removed all the instability/crashes | 01:45 |
ubuntu-mate | bcz im a biginer | 01:46 |
Astro7467 | @ubuntu-mate as @_Anna_ says, all Linux distros are safer that Windows - if you maintain them (i.e apply the patches/upgrades) - any OS unpatched is a hot mess of opportunity for rogue actors | 01:46 |
ubuntu-mate | when i face aproblem i just restart my comp and evry thing start fresh | 01:47 |
ubuntu-mate | its lovely | 01:48 |
Astro7467 | Under Linux you should find you will need to do that a lot less, if not, never | 01:48 |
ubuntu-mate | as i told you im a biginer | 01:49 |
ubuntu-mate | and i miss out many things | 01:49 |
ubuntu-mate | thats why didnt install it in my comp | 01:50 |
Astro7467 | For a beginner, Ubuntu-MATE is a good start - the Software Boutique and default settings generally give you a good stable base, and you can customize the look & feel to your preferences (under Control Panel -> MATE Tweak) | 01:50 |
Astro7467 | You can install along-side your existing Windows install - dual booting - you pick which OS to boot into at the start - generally OK | 01:51 |
swift110 | hmm | 01:52 |
ubuntu-mate | im learning it by using the live mate live dvd | 01:52 |
swift110 | linux is more secure than Windows | 01:52 |
Astro7467 | alternatively, you can install Ubuntu-MATE on you machine, then run windows ina Virtual Machine to also gain access to some of your older apps, or apps you cannot find a good replacement for | 01:52 |
ubuntu-mate | even i took out my hard disk | 01:52 |
ubuntu-mate | so im using it without hard diisk | 01:53 |
_Anna_ | Are you trying the live CD right now? | 01:54 |
ubuntu-mate | yes | 01:54 |
_Anna_ | Can you see a button called "System" at the upper left corner? | 01:55 |
ubuntu-mate | yes | 01:55 |
ubuntu-mate | why is there any thing wrong? | 01:57 |
swift110 | lol true | 01:57 |
ubuntu-mate | by using the lve dvd wuthout a hard disk | 01:58 |
ubuntu-mate | yes its true | 01:58 |
swift110 | yes | 01:59 |
_Anna_ | Go System > Preferences > Look and Feel > MATE Tweak > Interface > Panels... Can you see the word "Windows" on the first menu? | 01:59 |
ubuntu-mate | jst tryn t | 01:59 |
ubuntu-mate | what do you mean ? | 02:00 |
swift110 | how do I do wobbly windows | 02:01 |
Astro7467 | @swift110 you need to switch to the compiz compositor in MATE Tweak then enable in the compz configuration util in Control Panel | 02:01 |
ubuntu-mate | what do you mean window? | 02:01 |
ubuntu-mate | yes i can see a window with many choices | 02:02 |
ubuntu-mate | whuch one you mean? | 02:03 |
Astro7467 | @ubuntu-mate under 'Panels' there is a drop-down box, in the list you have different interface layouts, one is called Redmond - it makes U-MATE look like a windows setup | 02:03 |
_Anna_ | It was mentioned you could make MATE look like MS Windows. It might be possible on live CD to change the appearance to look like Windows, but unless I miss something, I don't think it's still possible on the updated version... If that feature is important to you, I recommend you https://zorinos.com/ | 02:03 |
ubuntu-mate | ah ok .yo mean achoice like windows | 02:05 |
ubuntu-mate | no i dont have it | 02:05 |
ubuntu-mate | i have other choces | 02:06 |
ubuntu-mate | as astro said | 02:06 |
Astro7467 | @ubuntu-mate Redmond = 'Microsoft (Windows)', Cupertino = 'Apple (macOS)' | 02:06 |
Astro7467 | you can switch between to see what layout you prefer / like | 02:06 |
ubuntu-mate | ya thats right astro | 02:06 |
ubuntu-mate | oh god linux is sooooooooo beatifull window | 02:07 |
swift110 | hmm | 02:08 |
ubuntu-mate | i started to fall in love with it | 02:08 |
swift110 | I dont see wobbly windows | 02:08 |
Astro7467 | @ubuntu-mate only other suggestions before switching is | 02:09 |
Astro7467 | a) Backup your data (external HDD, cloud - somewhere unplugged/disconnect from your computer) before moving over | 02:09 |
Astro7467 | b) Think about what programs/apps you want/need - if they are not in the Software Boutique (or alternatives listed) - you can ask here for suggestions/solutions | 02:09 |
Astro7467 | @swift110 no wobbly windows option in the COmpiz config control panel app? | 02:10 |
ubuntu-mate_ | ok .thnaks astro.im just learning till now | 02:11 |
swift110 | how do i get to that Astro7467 | 02:12 |
ubuntu-mate_ | i have no data .bcz i took ouut my hard dusk out of my comp | 02:13 |
Astro7467 | @swift110 - It should be in the Control Centre under Look and Feel | 02:14 |
Astro7467 | I don't use compiz (less stable I think that macro or compton) but I recall playing with it and the options and a control panel app turned up | 02:14 |
swift110 | I switched to compix already | 02:17 |
Astro7467 | @swift110 you may need to manually install compizconfig-settings-manager | 02:22 |
Astro7467 | sudo apt install compizconfig-settings-manager | 02:22 |
swift110 | oh ok | 02:22 |
Astro7467 | @swift110 I can confirm - I just tried on one of my systems and I had to manually install the config app | 02:23 |
swift110 | ok cool | 02:24 |
swift110 | got it | 02:28 |
swift110 | goodness | 02:34 |
CreateChange | hello there! trying to test the 17.10 beta, but upon loading it hangs at the splash screen, immediately upon the screen showing | 03:53 |
CreateChange | im loading it up in qemu/kvm, viewing it with vnc | 03:53 |
CreateChange | 8gb of RAM and 5 cores allotted to it | 03:54 |
CreateChange | any suggestions on what I can do? I wanted to give it a look before i give it to a friend trying linux for the first time tomorrow | 03:55 |
vfx | hi | 04:49 |
mate|64610 | Hi! I want know, mate store its settings in xml-file or binary file? Sorry, for my English) | 06:47 |
sigurdson | ooo the f12 key :D | 09:56 |
allanboris | hello All | 11:25 |
allanboris | i was hoping for some help | 11:25 |
allanboris | i have kvm and qemu on but my hasswell cpu says no virtualisation i no my cpu works because it was working on windows | 11:26 |
allanboris | could it be my kernal | 11:27 |
allanboris | i am using mate 1704 | 11:27 |
sigurdson | I am just curious how many uses a journal? | 12:14 |
marosg | CreateChange: I cannot help you, but I can confirm I see the same. 17.10 alpha worked, beta does not. It is the same for Ubuntu proper and Ubuntu Budgie as well, all 17.10 betas. I installed VirtualBox, just to give it a try and it works there. No idea why. | 12:52 |
allen_ | question about streaming spectrum tv. Why will it not work with a linux system? | 13:55 |
CreateChange | marosg: thanks for verifying that, I appreciate it! | 15:32 |
mate|61161 | i am trying to install ubuntu mate 16.04 in my laptop which have 500gb HDD and 6gb RAM ,need help in creating partition like how much space should u provide for ROOT ,SWAP,HOME ,and BOOT,and can i make other drive to data or user? | 16:05 |
diogenes_ | mate|61161, 30GB-root, 2GB-swap, rest-home | 16:10 |
mate|61161 | no need of boot and /data partion? | 16:14 |
_Anna_ | Does someone use VirtualBox? I need an explanation on something. | 20:38 |
diogenes_ | on what? | 20:40 |
_Anna_ | I'm confused about the terms "expansion pack" and "guest additions". They are not the same, are they? | 20:43 |
diogenes_ | you can ask here /j #vbox | 20:45 |
_Anna_ | I do. But they are sleepy tonight. | 20:47 |
ali1234 | _Anna_: the difference between them is the license | 20:59 |
ali1234 | guest utilities has the basic virtual graphics, audio, disk drivers | 20:59 |
ali1234 | expansion pack contains the stuff that previously was not available in the open source edition of virtualbox, like usb 2.0 and 3.0 support, NVMe, etc | 21:00 |
_Anna_ | Thanks ali1234 | 21:09 |
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