{bosco} | ok | 00:19 |
d_kam | Hey guys. Package installation question. If I have ubuntu 16's nginx package installed, can I install nginx from another PPA ( EG, PhusionPassenger ) without issue? Or do I need to uninstall the standard nginx package first? | 00:57 |
sarnold | you almost certainly need to uninstall the distro-provided package first unless the other packager has gone to lengths to make side-by-side install an option | 00:58 |
sarnold | you could use apt-get download ... to grab the binary package, ar x the thing to get data.tar.* file, and tar tf that data.tar.* file to see what filenames it uses. if it uses 'standard' names, then you have to uninstall the distro one first. | 00:59 |
sarnold | if everything goes into /opt/phusionphun/nginx/ or something like that then you might be fine | 00:59 |
d_kam | Thanks sarnold | 01:03 |
d_kam | Any idea when the standard nginx package is built against openssl 1.0.1, when the OS provides 1.0.2g? | 01:04 |
d_kam | I want HTTP/2 which now requires ALPN, which requires nginx to be built with OpenSSL 1.0.2d(?) | 01:05 |
sarnold | that's probably a "minimum version". 16.04 LTS ships with openssl 1.0.2g with a load of patches for security fixes, so it's probably new enough for the ALPN.. | 01:20 |
sdeziel | d_kam: if you get back, nginx in Xenial already supports HTTP/2 | 01:25 |
=== dkam is now known as d_kam | ||
oskaress | Hey guys, when I want to add a new user to an existing group, shouldn't the command just be adduser $user $group --gecos <...> and then chpasswd on a new line to set the password? | 08:27 |
jamespage | o/ | 09:11 |
lordievader | oskaress: The way I add users to a group is `sudo usermod -a -G <groups> <user>`. | 09:13 |
oskaress | lordievader But I want to create the user and in the same command add it to an existing group, that is possible right? | 09:14 |
lordievader | oskaress: Yes, read the useradd man page: https://linux.die.net/man/8/useradd | 09:15 |
lordievader | -G flag. | 09:15 |
oskaress | Thank you | 09:16 |
RoyK | oskaress: try man useradd ;) | 09:52 |
Oskars_ | Is there any way to use adduser and create a user without creaing a group with the same name? | 13:01 |
andol | Oskars_: adduser --ingroup ExistingGroup NewUser | 13:06 |
Oskars_ | andol, Thank you, will try! | 13:06 |
=== giraffe is now known as Guest431 | ||
rbasak | cpaelzer: re bug 1658469, I think the goal is still to enable HTTP/2 in apache2 in Xenial. It just needs figuring out the details. | 13:15 |
ubottu | bug 1658469 in apache2 (Ubuntu) "mod_http2 is not available under Apache 2.4.23 / Ubuntu 17.04 xenial" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1658469 | 13:15 |
rbasak | nacc: ^ that's right I think? | 13:15 |
coreycb | jamespage: i'm going to get started on newton point releases today: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/1718033 | 13:18 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1718033 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive newton "[SRU] newton stable releases" [Medium,In progress] | 13:18 |
Oskars_ | andol, I don't get it, when I run it, it seems to work, says Adding new user <user> (1001) with group <group>, but when I run "grep <group> /etc/group" the new created user it not in the group which it earlier said he was added to... | 13:27 |
Oskars_ | is not* in the group | 13:28 |
andol | Oskars_: It wouldn't, as only secondary groups show up that way | 13:29 |
andol | Oskars_: Try `groups username` | 13:29 |
Oskars_ | andol, Ah I see.. 'groups <username>' worked, now I see it. Just got to figure out why I can't FTP in with the user now haha | 13:30 |
andol | Oskars_: If you look in /etc/passwd you will see that the GID of the primary group is listed as the fourth value. | 13:31 |
jamespage | coreycb: ack I was doing likewise on ceph 10.2.9 | 13:36 |
jamespage | and and ovs updates | 13:36 |
Oskars_ | andol, Yeah they have the same GID so that looks correct | 13:36 |
coreycb | jamespage: awesome | 13:36 |
cpaelzer | rbasak: well I was following naccs last comment in there, but he will know and can correct my misunderstanding if it was one | 13:37 |
coreycb | beisner: neutron 2:8.4.0-0ubuntu5~cloud0 is ready to promote to mitaka-updates for bug 1668410 | 13:55 |
ubottu | bug 1668410 in neutron "[SRU] Infinite loop trying to delete deleted HA router" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1668410 | 13:55 |
coreycb | beisner: jamespage: there are a few tempest smoke test regressions with the nova and libvirt in mitaka-proposed that i want to dig into before promoting them | 13:57 |
beisner | coreycb dosaboy ivoks - neutron is now in mitaka-updates re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1668410 | 14:03 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1668410 in neutron "[SRU] Infinite loop trying to delete deleted HA router" [Medium,In progress] | 14:03 |
beisner | thx for validation on that coreycb | 14:04 |
coreycb | beisner: np, ty | 14:04 |
ivoks | beisner: coreycb thanks! | 14:04 |
Pinkamena_D | on AWS machine, 16.04 server, I have uninstalled resolvconf. After updating contents of /etc/resolv.conf, it still gets overwritten on reboot, but there is no header about resolvconf doing it now, just the other lines. What else is modifying this file? | 14:14 |
iliv | I'm installing Ubuntu Xenial 16.04.03 using server amd64 ISO installer and I ran into a problem creating RAID-10 out of 4 physical disks I have in this server. I created my "physical raid" devices, all identical to each other, utilizing all the 4 physical drives. I specify that there will be 4 active devices and 0 spares. When the installer attempts to actually create the RAID device, it says "Not enough RAID partitions available" and strangely "You | 14:17 |
iliv | have 1 RAID partitions available but your configuraiton requires 4 partitions". I checked several guides online, including official Ubuntu Wiki and I seem to be doing everything correctly but, unfortunately, this error. | 14:17 |
sdeziel | Pinkamena_D: it's a wild guess but maybe it could be cloud-init? I don't know if it normally interacts through resolvconf or not | 14:18 |
iliv | I tried creating RAID1 using just 2 disks but it failed too displaying similar error message with the only difference in number of available vs required partitions. | 14:18 |
jamie_1 | anyone have any ideas why i cant get into my root when connected with ssh? I changed the setting in /etc/ssh/sshd_config to PermitRootLogin yes and its still not letting me. I changed and saved and then did systemctl restart ssh.service and a full reboot | 14:18 |
iliv | I don't really have any ideas what could be wrong | 14:19 |
iliv | here's a screenshot of the error message: https://i.imgur.com/SCbK6GX.png | 14:19 |
sdeziel | jamie_1: check in /var/log/auth.log, it should tell you why root is being denied | 14:20 |
jamie_1 | sdeziel: its just telling me ubuntu-server sudo: pam_unix(sudo:auth): auth could not identify password for [jamie] | 14:24 |
jamie_1 | i know my password is correct | 14:24 |
sdeziel | jamie_1: that is a log entry from sudo, not sshd. Try "grep sshd /var/log/auth.log" | 14:25 |
jamie_1 | sdeziel: its just saying that it accepted my public key and opened a session for me | 14:27 |
sdeziel | jamie_1: can you share the line (you can obfuscate the IPs if you want) ? | 14:27 |
jamie_1 | sdeziel: their all local ip's right now so it doesnt matter https://pastebin.mozilla.org/9032730 | 14:29 |
jamie_1 | thats all it says even after my attempts to use sudo | 14:30 |
sdeziel | jamie_1: OK, " Accepted publickey for jamie" seems to indicate that you didn't tell SSH to log as root (try "ssh root@" ?) | 14:30 |
jamie_1 | sdeziel: one sec | 14:30 |
jamie_1 | sdeziel: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/9032731 | 14:32 |
jamie_1 | my bad wrong section XD | 14:32 |
sdeziel | "Failed password for root" | 14:32 |
jamie_1 | sdeziel: i know its bad security but for sanity checking reasons i changed the root password to the same as my standard user and its not accepting the password | 14:33 |
sdeziel | jamie_1: you might want to try with SSH keys, those are secure and you can't typo them ;) | 14:34 |
jamie_1 | sdeziel: how would i add my rsa to root? | 14:35 |
jamie_1 | im used to just accessing as user and sudoing | 14:36 |
jamie_1 | i like to sudo and not touch the root directory | 14:36 |
jamie_1 | would i just do a cp /home/jamie/.ssh/authorized_keys /.ssh/authorized_keys | 14:38 |
sdeziel | jamie_1: there are many guides explaining that but the gist of it is: as jamie, escalate to root with "sudo -i", create the the ssh dir in root's home with "mkdir -m 0700 ~/.ssh", put your *public* key in root's authorized_keys with "vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" | 14:38 |
jamie_1 | so yeah, create the directory and then move the key into there | 14:39 |
jamie_1 | thanks a bunch | 14:39 |
sdeziel | jamie_1: mostly, just make sure the perms/owner are right | 14:39 |
hehehe | hi | 14:44 |
hehehe | I am playing with xclip | 14:45 |
hehehe | xclip -o -sel clip > webpage.txt to get clipboard data into file - however it overwrites existing data | 14:45 |
smoser | rbasak, | 14:45 |
smoser | $ uvt-kvm create sm-a1 release=xenial | 14:45 |
smoser | uvt-kvm: error: libvirt: internal error: qemu unexpectedly closed the monitor: 2017-09-19T14:45:45.076265Z qemu-system-x86_64: -chardev pty,id=charserial0: char device redirected to /dev/pts/22 (label charserial0) | 14:45 |
smoser | warning: host doesn't support requested feature: CPUID.80000001H:ECX.svm [bit 2] | 14:45 |
smoser | 2017-09-19T14:45:45.115161Z qemu-system-x86_64: -vnc Failed to start VNC server: Failed to listen on socket: Address already in use | 14:45 |
smoser | did you know this ? | 14:45 |
hehehe | can xclip add data to a text file? | 14:45 |
hehehe | instead of delete add | 14:46 |
cpaelzer | I know smoser | 14:46 |
smoser | hehehe, xclip -o -sel clip >> webpage.txt | 14:46 |
smoser | '>>' is append | 14:46 |
smoser | or in vi, open the file and type | 14:46 |
cpaelzer | smoser: looking up the bug | 14:47 |
smoser | :r! xclip -o -sel clip | 14:47 |
cpaelzer | smoser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/1717442 | 14:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1717442 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "VNC auto port allocation affected by daemon state" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 14:47 |
cpaelzer | smoser: I ended up not being able to reproduce anymore | 14:47 |
cpaelzer | smoser: maybe your case can help to change that | 14:47 |
* smoser hands cpaelzer the word diglett | 14:48 | |
cpaelzer | smoser: I saw it on xenial, but only on one machine | 14:48 |
cpaelzer | the workaround is easy thou | 14:48 |
cpaelzer | ok heading over to diggi | 14:48 |
cpaelzer | which is unfortunate as diglett == horsea so it might still be system dependent | 14:48 |
jamie_1 | sdeziel: thanks a bunch, its working now | 14:48 |
jamie_1 | was having a hell of an time correcting postfix going back and forth between computers XD | 14:49 |
hehehe | smoser: does not work yet | 14:49 |
hehehe | with >> | 14:49 |
cpaelzer | rharper: can I restart your rh-x1 guest? | 14:49 |
smoser | hehehe, i don tknow. i dont use xclip (i use xsel for such things) . but 'some-command >> file' will most definitely write the standard output of 'some-command' to the end of 'file' | 14:50 |
nacc | rbasak: cpaelzer: was going to bring that up in standup today | 14:51 |
cpaelzer | nacc: the MIR on http2 | 14:51 |
cpaelzer | ok right place to do so | 14:51 |
nacc | cpaelzer: ack, i saw it got approved | 14:51 |
hehehe | smoser: so xsel can take text from clipboard and do it? | 14:53 |
sdeziel | jamie_1: glad to hear that | 14:53 |
cpaelzer | smoser: you have an a1 and an x1 | 14:53 |
cpaelzer | smoser: unfortunately once the symptom was removed it was as unreproducible as the bug I linked | 14:54 |
cpaelzer | hmm :-/ | 14:54 |
cpaelzer | smoser: the bug has my thoughts so far, but for now you are unblocked | 14:54 |
hehehe | installing xsel | 14:54 |
hehehe | smoser: xsel -o -sel clip >> webpage.txt paste some garbabe | 14:57 |
hehehe | not a text from clipboard | 14:57 |
hehehe | it writes own manual to a file | 14:58 |
hehehe | :D | 14:58 |
rharper | cpaelzer: yes | 14:59 |
cpaelzer | thanks rharper | 14:59 |
nacc | hehehe: read `man xsel`, -sel isn't an option (at least in 17.10) | 15:00 |
hehehe | nacc: yes I read it | 15:04 |
hehehe | ok maybe it will work now | 15:05 |
hehehe | ty smoser works now | 15:07 |
nacc | rbasak: hrm, is insights a staic view? https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/07/24/developing-ubuntu-using-git/ hasn't updated the top index | 15:09 |
rbasak | I suspect it's a static view :-/ | 15:10 |
rbasak | We might need to push updates to them manually each time. | 15:10 |
nacc | rbasak: yeah, I was hoping to linnk to it from the manpage | 15:11 |
nacc | rbasak: should i use your actual post instead for now? | 15:11 |
rbasak | nacc: sure | 15:17 |
smoser | cpaelzer, thanks | 15:50 |
cpaelzer | yw | 15:56 |
nacc | rbasak: just realized something, our --dl-cache handling probably needs adjusting to handle GIT_DIR (rather than assuming .git) ? | 18:27 |
oraqol | hey all, is there a build of conjure-up that doesn't display the following error: lxd not found please install with sudo snap install lxd && lxd init and wait for this message to disappear? | 19:02 |
oraqol | on 16.04? | 19:02 |
stokachu | oraqol: yea you need to run `/snap/bin/lxd init --auto` | 19:04 |
stokachu | having both deb lxd and snap lxd installed with a PATH preference to use deb lxd confuses things | 19:04 |
stokachu | i have a build going through QA now that'll make this much clearer | 19:04 |
oraqol | ok cool | 19:05 |
oraqol | I'll try that now | 19:05 |
stokachu | oraqol: best to just `apt remove lxd lxd-client` if you aren't using it | 19:05 |
stokachu | stgraber: ^ i thought the /snap/bin prefix was added to the environments PATH for xenial server installs? | 19:05 |
oraqol | so its? sudo snap install conjure-up --classic; sudo snap install lxd; sudo lxd init --auto | 19:08 |
oraqol | then 'conjure-up' and it should work? | 19:09 |
stokachu | oraqol: just /snap/bin/lxd init --auto | 19:09 |
stokachu | oraqol: are you reimaging ? | 19:09 |
oraqol | the baremetal? I did last night | 19:09 |
oraqol | this is a pretty clean install | 19:09 |
stokachu | oraqol: do you already have a lxdbr0 interface? | 19:09 |
oraqol | I do not, it's named br0 | 19:10 |
oraqol | I'll rename the interface | 19:10 |
sdeziel | stokachu: sudo has /snap/bin last: secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin" | 19:11 |
stokachu | oraqol: that's ok you dont have to as long as br0 doesn't have ipv6 enabled | 19:11 |
stokachu | sdeziel: thanks, for some reason i thought it was first | 19:11 |
oraqol | will it auto-detect br0 and set it as the bridge? | 19:11 |
stokachu | oraqol: if it's a bridge device and doesn't have ipv6 enabled it'll show up in the conjure-up list after you select localhost | 19:12 |
oraqol | ok cool | 19:13 |
oraqol | lemme try it | 19:13 |
oraqol | brb | 19:13 |
stokachu | oraqol: make sure to ping me if it doesn't work | 19:13 |
stokachu | so we can get it fixed | 19:13 |
stokachu | or if you have any other issues | 19:13 |
lucidguy | Ok, using Mitaka, is it really necessary to setup ssh-keys between comuter nodes for resizing etc? | 19:20 |
oraqol | still getting the following: error: Unable to talk to LXD: Get http://unix.socket/1.0: dial unix /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket: connect: permission denied | 19:55 |
oraqol | these are my steps: sudo snap install conjure-up --classic; sudo snap install lxd; /snap/bin/lxd init --auto; | 19:56 |
lordcirth_work | oraqol, and which step fails? | 19:56 |
lordcirth_work | init, I'd guess? | 19:57 |
oraqol | https://pastebin.com/VXcpCY4n | 19:57 |
oraqol | network config ^ | 19:57 |
oraqol | and yes, at lxd init --auto | 19:57 |
stokachu | oraqol: whats `ls -l /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket` show | 19:58 |
oraqol | srw-rw---- 1 root lxd 0 Sep 19 15:51 /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket | 19:58 |
stokachu | oraqol: and what's `id` show? | 19:58 |
oraqol | uid=1000(oraqol) gid=1000(oraqol) groups=1000(oraqol),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),113(lpadmin),128(sambashare) | 19:58 |
rbasak | nacc: ah, yes. | 19:58 |
stokachu | oraqol: you aren't in the lxd group | 19:59 |
oraqol | lxg group | 19:59 |
oraqol | yup | 19:59 |
stokachu | and your br0 doesn't seem to have any addresses | 19:59 |
stokachu | oraqol: you could create lxdbr0 with `/snap/bin/lxc network create lxdbr0 ipv4.address=auto ipv4.nat=true ipv6.address=none ipv6.nat=false` | 20:00 |
oraqol | I don't need the VMs to communicate with another physical network, just internal, but I want to be able to communicate with the eno1 netwok | 20:01 |
stokachu | ok | 20:01 |
oraqol | 'Expected 4 octets in 'None' after attempting to assign br0 as the network bridge in the conjure-up gui. I imagine the wizard requires br0 to have an IP address in order to continue? | 20:07 |
oraqol | possible workaround, attach br0 to eno1 and apply it's ip settings to the bridge? | 20:08 |
stokachu | oraqol: yes to both | 20:09 |
stokachu | we should have a better error for that though | 20:10 |
stokachu | ill file a bug | 20:10 |
oraqol | looks like it's working! Thanks guys! | 20:26 |
oraqol | hmm looks like it's stuck on 'waiting for machine' in the deploy display. Usually doesn't take this long, and it's not utilizing any of my 12 cores | 20:41 |
oraqol | 'Running step: 00_deploy-done. | 20:42 |
kus_ubuntui686 | hi, what ruby on rails applications are available on ubuntu? I want to install something quick from apt to see if my setup is working properly | 20:53 |
sarnold | kus_ubuntui686: using apt-rdepends --reverse ruby-activerecord gives me the strong impression that gitlab and redmine are the only real 'ruby on rails applications' that are packaged for ubuntu. and they look _HUGE_. | 20:56 |
trippeh | oh no, I can't reach the motd service from home ;) | 22:14 |
sarnold | trippeh: thanks :) | 23:19 |
trippeh | I thought this was no more, but just got it in artful: E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room. Please increase the size of APT::Cache-Start. Current value: 25165824. (man 5 apt.conf) | 23:32 |
trippeh | oh my. I'm leaking mem | 23:33 |
trippeh | ah ha my ansible fail, it was pushing a big hugepage sysctl config to this small vm | 23:36 |
trippeh | <- smrt | 23:38 |
sarnold | :) | 23:39 |
trippeh | (unfortunately Transparent Huge Pages keeps causing us problems, so using good oldskool pre-allocated hugepages) | 23:43 |
trippeh | s/good/awful/ | 23:44 |
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