slax0r | jutro | 06:01 |
metalcamp_ | jutro | 06:08 |
metalcamp_ | | 06:09 |
jabuk | Optionsbleed - HTTP OPTIONS method can leak Apache's server memory | The Fuzzing Project | 06:09 |
napsy | lp | 06:15 |
=== Guest90757 is now known as sasos90 | ||
=== sasos90 is now known as Guest15168 | ||
slax0r | Guest15168: idi spat | 06:27 |
Guest15168 | :DDD | 06:27 |
Guest15168 | prekesno identificejral... zdaj pa mam guest jeboga | 06:28 |
=== saso_ is now known as sasos90 | ||
slax0r | | 06:44 |
jabuk | Hold my beer.... | 06:44 |
matjaz | | 07:09 |
lowk3y | re | 07:17 |
slax0r | ne | 07:17 |
idioterna | | 08:09 |
b4d | :):D | 08:10 |
slax0r | :D | 08:10 |
* CrazyLemon doesnt get it | 08:20 | |
slax0r | CrazyLemon: | 08:23 |
idioterna | | 08:26 |
jabuk | Look what you made us do, hackers tell Vevo after dumping pile of internal data | 08:26 |
jabuk | Vevo, which hosts music videos from popular artists on YouTube and its own site, is the latest media company to be struck by hackers. The hack, carried out by the gray-hat security group OurMine—which also included a link to the data in a blog post—occurred, according to Vevo, after hackers carried out a “LinkedIn phishing scam.” Gizmodo …<a href="" class="more-link">Continue | 08:26 |
jabuk | “Look what you made us do, hackers tell Vevo after dumping pile of internal data”</a> | 08:26 |
CrazyLemon | now i get it! | 09:12 |
slax0r | good | 09:12 |
matjaz | naroču sm amazfit | 10:27 |
matjaz | I caved in | 10:27 |
matjaz | I gave in* | 10:28 |
matjaz | wtf | 10:28 |
matjaz | tuesday go away | 10:28 |
slax0r | you poor thing | 10:29 |
slax0r | all caved in | 10:29 |
CrazyLemon | matjaz: but why | 10:32 |
matjaz | y not? | 10:32 |
CrazyLemon | you wanna be more like msev- ?? | 10:32 |
CrazyLemon | :P | 10:32 |
CrazyLemon | in all honesty ne razumem teh smart ur.. i guess thats just me :) | 10:33 |
slax0r | jaz tudi ne | 10:34 |
slax0r | nimam niti butaste ure gor | 10:34 |
CrazyLemon | ^ | 10:34 |
CrazyLemon | .radar | 10:35 |
jabuk | Radarska slika padavin: | 10:35 |
jabuk | Satelitska slika oblačnosti: | 10:35 |
slax0r | release the kraken | 10:35 |
CrazyLemon | .vreme koper | 10:36 |
jabuk | ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4m): 14.4°C @19.09.2017 10:00 UTC. | 10:36 |
jabuk | Vlažnost: 65% vzhodnik 3.6 m/s (13.0 km/h) | 10:36 |
jabuk | Sončni vzhod: 06:49:38, Kulminacija: 13:00:14, Sončni zahod: 19:10:49 | 10:36 |
jabuk | Dan je dolg: 12ur 21min 11s, Luna je v ščipu | 10:36 |
CrazyLemon | kr chilly | 10:36 |
matjaz | well, če ne nosita ure, pol verjetno tud smart ure ne bosta | 10:46 |
metalcamp_ | .btc eur | 11:19 |
jabuk | Vrednost BTC v EUR: last: 3382.49, low: 3236.60, high: 3470.41, bid: 3370.18, ask: 3382.49 | 11:19 |
metalcamp_ | .btc | 11:19 |
metalcamp_ | .btc usd | 11:19 |
jabuk | Vrednost BTC v USD: last: 4010.48, low: 3848.35, high: 4122.70, bid: 4007.00, ask: 4010.48 | 11:19 |
speed- | dobro jutro | 13:50 |
idioterna | o | 13:51 |
slax0r | bog daj | 13:51 |
metalcamp_ | bog nič ne da, bog samo vzame! | 13:52 |
metalcamp_ | ali kako že grejo te vaške modrosti... | 13:52 |
Matthai | | 13:54 |
jabuk | ChaosKey | 13:55 |
speed- | kak smo | 14:07 |
Matthai | Hoj, eno vprašanje bi imel... kako nastavim da je zagon posameznih servisov v systemd odvisen od drugih servisov. Namreč, rad bi, da se servisi zaženejoo v naslednjem vrstnem redu: nginx, openvpn in nato dnsmasq | 17:17 |
idioterna | pri openvpn v [Unit] dodas Wants=nginx | 17:32 |
idioterna | pri dnsmasq pa Wants=openvpn | 17:33 |
Matthai | to pa naredim takole: | 17:33 |
Matthai | sudo systemctl edit dnsmasq.service | 17:33 |
Matthai | in potem napišem Wants=... | 17:34 |
Matthai | ozirma kako urejam ta unit file? | 17:34 |
Matthai | aha, lahko dodam --full | 17:36 |
Matthai | a Wants dodajam v več vrstic (če Wants vrstica že obstaja)? | 17:37 |
pitastrudl | CrazyLemon vem da si enkrat iskat background YT audio | 19:00 |
pitastrudl | | 19:00 |
jabuk | GitHub - TeamNewPipe/NewPipe: A lightweight Youtube frontend for Android. | 19:00 |
pitastrudl | maybe this? | 19:00 |
jabuk | NewPipe - A lightweight Youtube frontend for Android. | 19:00 |
pitastrudl | je na f-droidu | 19:00 |
idioterna | Matthai: to pa ne vem na pamet | 19:21 |
idioterna | Matthai: poguglej | 19:21 |
Matthai | sem uredil, hvala | 19:21 |
Matthai | neke komplikacije so bile, pol sem pa kar s kladivom :-) | 19:21 |
idioterna | a v rc.local :) | 19:27 |
CrazyLemon | pitastrudl: najdu že - suamp | 19:38 |
CrazyLemon | sam čakam da implementira še Liked playlist | 19:38 |
CrazyLemon | ker trenutno lahko izbiraš samo Favorites pa smth smth | 19:38 |
CrazyLemon | pa tole je čist navadn client..sam da je 'light' | 19:39 |
jabuk | M 1.2 > SV od ZGORNJEGA JEZERSKEGA @20/09/2017 00:37:00,+14.55+E | 22:47 |
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