
floridagram-bot<KMyers> @itnet7, I can take it over01:04
floridagram-bot<itnet7> That would be cool, I'd still like to have access in case we do some events up this way again01:05
floridagram-bot<KMyers> @itnet7, Of course01:05
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> I'm doing my first totally online 3d print.  http://print.adamoutler.com01:05
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> It was downloaded, then sliced on a raspberry pi running raspian and octoprint.01:06
floridagram-bot<itnet7> Nice!01:06
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> https://print.adamoutler.com/webcam/?action=stream&150578312130501:07
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> I'm printing a 3d printer model :D01:07
floridagram-bot<itnet7> @KMyers I'm thinking of using the Guy Tux for Halloween and dressing up at work this year 😊01:08
floridagram-bot<itnet7> @AdamOutler That is sweet!01:08
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> Getting there01:21
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Maria is a Cat 5... How long did I fall asleep for?01:22
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> idk01:23
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> I enabled security on my printer site.  Now you can only view the webcam.02:04
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> Sounds like someone broke in lol02:11
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> Nope.  I'm just careful about my security.  I need it online but I need to prevent people from messing with it.02:11
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> Ahh02:12
ahoneybun<3 Telegram02:31
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> Waze, Android auto, or just plain maps?03:40
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Android Auto with Waze03:40
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> Does it automatically integrate? Or must I configure?03:41
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Pretty much automat03:42
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Automatic03:42
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> Ok awesome03:57
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> Will try it tomorrow OMW to the airport03:57
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> if anyone have sometime to add some testimonials to my wiki for UCC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AaronHoneycutt10:47
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncil10:48
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> here is what the UCC is10:48
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> @RazPi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm3Gp9KEs1w&app=desktop11:25
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> Qt5 demo11:25
floridagram-bot<govatent> @ahoneybun I'll add to your testimonials. It will have to be later today. What's the deadline?19:16
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> I think the ending of the vote is Sept 27 or something19:18
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @KMyers @AdamOutler https://medium.com/code-for-america/is-apple-about-to-accidentally-kill-government-as-platform-f68eef001d3720:50
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @ahoneybun Nice!20:50
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Also I would like to announce I just made a makefile! It searches the project directory for headers and source files, builds it into object files, and then produces multiple exe files20:52
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> Cool20:54
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I'm proud of it 😂20:55
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> I picked the right place to work:21:12
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> https://twitter.com/system76/status/91022199684748492821:12
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> @KMyers21:12
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> man something is up with my laptop's network21:26
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> anyone else taking forever to get to ubuntu servers for apt updatE?21:30
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> *update21:30
floridagram-bot<SivaMachina> http://wsvn.com/news/us-world/jogger-nicknamed-mad-pooper-wanted-for-defecating-in-front-yards-of-colorado-homes/22:54
floridagram-bot<SivaMachina> Apperantly Florida woman has flown north22:54

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