
linuxlovei used kerio00:00
zoeytfw u zpaq a zip becaus eyou don't want to globstar in files00:00
linuxloveit is okay in my terminal00:00
linuxlovebut my browser cant use that00:00
linuxlovehow i have vpn in my terminal and i cant use that in my browser ?00:01
demophobiaHow do I find the internet stream URL to add to radiotray from https://www.c-span.org/networks/?channel=radio ?00:03
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Bashing-omgartral: Back; Well, We know the GUI is screamming that there is no driver . As to what we can do I rally do not know with Intel . What results ' sudo apt purge xserver-xorg-video* ; sudo reboot ' . See what driver then that the system falls back to .00:13
illuminateddemophobia: https://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/api/livestream-redirect/CSPANRADIO.mp300:13
demophobiailluminated, how did you find that?00:14
gartralBashing-om: well, I don't think that will work, I decided to switch my display manager from lightdm to gdm3 and now I have a graphical environment, but I have NO icons, indicator-plugin crashed, whisker-menu crashed and if I right click my terminals they close/crash (can't really tell which)00:15
illuminatedright clicked the page in google chrome, went to 'inspect' in the menu, hovered over the player button, and looked at the code around the player.00:15
demophobiai had tried to view source ... must not be awake yet ...00:16
demophobiailluminated, found it the same way in firefox. thanks00:17
odigemhow to run some software in other x session  as user?00:17
illuminateddemophobia: np00:18
Bashing-omgartral: Make sure the file system is consistent . boot up a live USB and run a file system check/repair ?00:21
demophobiailluminated, how do you find the stream URL at https://soundcloud.com/stations/artist/thomisticinstitute ?00:33
demophobiait seems a relative URL embedded in the page using javascript00:33
gartralBashing-om: can you repeat, I crashed my term'00:34
Bashing-omgartral: My last : Make sure the file system is consistent . boot up a live USB and run a file system check/repair ?00:35
gartralBashing-om: the beauty of btrfs is that you don't nessocerilay have to reboot to run the disk test00:43
xzHi there, I'm on Ubuntu 16.04.1 using mgag200 video driver. I have very basic, built-in graphics card with only 1 VGA output. Currently it's pushing 1440x900 resolution to 23" display. Native resolution of the display is 1920x1080. How can I get full 1920x1080 resolution? In the GUI 1440x900 is the max setting.00:44
Bashing-omgartral: You are where I have never been [ no experience with btrfs either .00:45
gartralxz: it's possible that 1600x900 is the max that your card supports00:48
Dreamanxz: video card is00:53
xzgartral: I'm lost with xorg stuff. All tutorials on the internet refer to xorg settings, but I don't even have /etc/X11/xorg* files/directories00:53
xzDreaman: what do you mean?00:55
Dreamanyour video card model00:55
Dreamanmy is 940 gtx00:55
Dreamanand intel 52000:56
Dreamanfrom processor00:56
xzDreaman: my video card as reported by lspci is: Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. MGA G200e [Pilot] ServerEngines (SEP1) [102b:0522] (rev 05)01:06
xzDreaman: any suggestions on what I could do to get better resolution?01:19
NewUserkQuestion.  Older laptop has AMD C-50 Processor 1.00Ghz, and 2GB RAM (1.6 Usable)...does anyone have a suggestion as to which operating system that could be placed on this thing that it would actually work quick?  Or does this thing just need to go in the trash?01:44
venzenNewUserk: Lubuntu will work on that laptop01:46
B105PH3REneed some help with xbox 360 controller how do I make it only show the active controllers not the inactive which module/driver is doing this... its listing 4 controller but I only want to have 2 since I only have 2 some games won't work right when the other controller aren't synced01:47
B105PH3REor can I show only synced controllers01:47
Bashing-omNewUserk: +1 ^ Lubuntu is a faster, more lightweight and energy saving variant of Ubuntu using LXDE, the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. It is targeted at "normal" PC and laptop users running on low-spec hardware.01:47
NewUserkvenzen, Okay thank you, I'll give it a look.01:47
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack01:47
NewUserkBashing-om, Okay, thanks.01:48
venzenI'm on Lubuntu 16.04 and want to use the rolling HWE kernel path as suggested by the link above01:48
venzenhowever, the install wants to remove lubuntu-core and lubuntu-desktop packages01:49
venzenand does not ptopose reinstalling them, what is the best option to proceed?01:49
bazhangvenzen, those are metapackages01:50
bazhangat least the -desktop is01:50
bazhangthey can be removed01:50
bazhang!metapackage | venzen01:50
ubottuvenzen: A meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.01:50
Bashing-omvenzen: bazhang :: apt show lubuntu-core >> " It is also used to help ensure proper upgrades, so it is recommended that it01:52
Bashing-om not be removed.01:52
venzenbazhang: ok, if it will not remove my WM and core apps then no problem, i guess, only thing is my system installed a security update to the lubuntu-core package yesterday, so in future i won't get those?01:52
venzenBashing-om: indeed01:53
bazhangvenzen, you will get all the needed updates etc01:54
venzenwill manually pinning those packages perhaps prevent them from being removed01:54
bazhangvenzen, le them go, no issue01:54
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venzenbazhang Bashing-om: removing it seems the only option because it depends on default xserver- packages that are being removed and replaced by HWE01:59
venzenmanually locking lubuntu-core does not change the HWE install's mind, it still proposed force-removing  it02:00
Bashing-omvenzen: System is pretty smart . If need later one can just re-install what ever, right ?02:00
gnomethrowerhey guys02:01
gnomethrowerit seems I've completely borked Python2 on my Ubuntu 16.04 box02:01
gnomethrowergetting this error message when I try to run pip(2) or basically anything that uses python202:01
venzenBashing-om: yep, seems reasonable, let me take the plunge and find out - i'd rather have the hw working than occasional lubuntu-core updates02:01
venzenbazhang: Bashing-om: thank's for your input02:02
Bashing-omvenzen: :) . I be interested in the fall out .02:03
venzenBashing-om: sure, will let you know in a few hours - its quite a large download and install - kernel images and xserver- packages being replaced02:04
venzenif anyone is interested to see the proposed changes to 16.04 this is the HWE install command:02:05
venzensudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-16.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-16.0402:05
venzeninstalls kernel 4.10 in 16.04 Desktop. there are is also a server package and a bleeding-edge package as discussed at:02:07
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack02:07
B105PH3REwhere should I put the xboxdrv load in the rc.local or for per user session .bashrc02:16
B105PH3REi'll put it in my .xprofile per user02:23
infinituxi need to figure out how to adjust the resolution setting for my webcam within the browser.02:40
infinituxat the automatic resolution(highest one) i end up with framebuffer latency02:40
infinituxhi peet02:42
peethi, ininitux02:53
venzenBashing-om: unfortunately, running kernel 4.10 i get AMD-Vi (GPU) driver errors and boot does not complete. Fortunately kernel 4.6 still boots even with the new HWE xserver packages, so i can solve it in time02:53
venzenperhaps there are issues with the HWE install in Lubuntu aot Ubuntu. The software-updater now wants to install ubuntu-base :)02:57
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
dckx-gHi. I had dual boot with windows10 and ubuntu 16.04 wrking erfectly. I had to format and reinstall window, and now the computer boots straight to windows (i.e. no GRUB). I found this solution online:run this on windows:  bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi. Has anyone done this in here? what other solution may I try that does not require livecd?03:23
capellayah, Win sucks for that :-/03:24
Bashing-omvenzen: Pops to mind the graphics driver for th card . ' lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga ; lsmod | grep radeon ; lsmod | grep amdgpu ' . What have we for a driver ?03:25
dckx-gwell, I just ran that command. Let's see if it worked03:28
venzenBashing-om: the system is using "amdgpu" with additional modules "i2c_algo_bit, ttm, drm, drm_kms_help"03:34
venzenBashing-om: when booting the 4.10 kernel I notice from dmesg output that it cannot get the GPU clock speed03:35
venzenbut 4.6 it determines it correctly03:35
venzen*with 4.603:35
Bashing-omvenzen: 'amdgpu' driver supports the later generation cards . Is it correct for your card ?03:37
venzeni believe it should be, when running the lspci command you phrased above i get:03:38
venzenVGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Carrizo [1002:9874] (rev c8)03:38
venzenrunning lspci -vvv | grep -i topaz >>> 03:00.0 Display controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Topaz XT [Radeon R7 M260/M265] (rev ff) (prog-if ff)03:38
venzeni ommitted the PCI bus for the VGA controller above - it's "00:01.0", so a different device - let me do some websearching about this03:42
Bashing-omvenzen: If this card is the R7 M260 then yes, confirmed the the amdgpu is the correct driver .04:00
venzenBashing-om: what is the device called "Carizzo" that is being reported? is that the same GPU as the R7 ?04:02
Bashing-omvenzen: No .. confused me here also . the "Carizzo" and the "Topaz" are different cards . My reference: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/AMDGPU .04:04
venzenBashing-om: i'll look at that. I've found: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMDGPU-Driver04:06
Bashing-omvenzen: ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log ' does X see 2 slots ?04:06
venzenBashing-om: i suspect so, i see two consecutive lines in the log:04:09
venzenxfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card0)04:09
venzenxfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card1)04:09
venzenBashing-om: this is with xserver-xorg-video-radeon-hwe-16.04 and xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu-hwe-16.04 installed04:14
venzenBashing-om: amdgpu driver does not report support for the R7 M260 in the log, although that does not conform to what is reported at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMDGPU-Driver04:15
venzenperhaps I will try manually install AMD's amdgpu-pro driver04:15
Bashing-omvenzen: Hybrid graphics ? what shows  ' xrandr --listproviders ' ?04:17
venzenBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25570350/04:21
venzenBashing-om: this is with kernel 4.6 running - i have graphics and a working desktop, so that's ok for now04:23
venzenBashing-om: however, i want to get other things working, like a wifi firmware crash when NetworkManager tries to switch card modes, and the laptop touchpad is not working (or even detected)04:24
Bashing-omvenzen: Uh huh ! twin AMD cards . It will take some one here with the greater experince than I have ,. But do not think the kernel can cope with this arrangement (???) .04:24
venzenBashing-om: i'm not sure, and it is not critical right now - strange that it works with 4.6 but not 4.10, hey?04:25
venzenBashing-om: well we explored it and thank you for your help. If anything gives I will let you know04:26
Bashing-omvenzen: Always open to adding to my knowledge base :)04:33
NewUserkOk. I just did a fresh install of lubuntu on my older laptop.  It's not letting me connect my wifi.  Maybe a driver problem, not sure.  When I use the dhclient command I see "RTNETLINK answers: Operation not possible due to RF-Kill"  whats going on here04:35
Bashing-omvenzen: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PRIME . Give any idea of a way forward ?04:37
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:48
NewUserkwhy would linux give you a permission denied even while trying to run the command as root04:50
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NewUserksuch as "sudo echo "blacklist hp_wmi" > /etc/modprobe.d/hp.conf04:51
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: whats the denied output?04:51
NewUserkbash: /etc/modprobe.d/hp.conf" Permission denied04:51
NewUserkThis cannot find my wireless card for some unknown reason to me.04:52
NewUserkThis is some 'fix' i found on a search, just trying it.04:52
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: isnt hp.conf and configuration file you need to edit with gedit or nano?04:53
lotuspsychjemorning cfhowlett :p04:53
cfhowletthey ^3 lotuspsychje04:54
NewUserklotuspsychje: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1324810#p132481004:54
NewUserklotuspsychje, This was the suggestion I was giving a try.04:54
glitsj16NewUserk: only the first part of that command has sudo privs, the "> .." part doesn't and it needs it, as the filepath is in /etc.. try "echo "blacklist hp_wmi" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/hp.conf"04:54
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: whats your ubuntu version?µ04:55
venzenBashing-om: PRIME definitely seems appropriate here,so I will explore - thanks for the link!04:55
lotuspsychje!blacklist | NewUserk howto on ubuntu04:56
ubottuNewUserk howto on ubuntu: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »04:56
NewUserklotuspsychje, lubuntu04:56
Bashing-omvenzen: Is but a way forward . I do not know how prime will apply to twin AMD cards .04:56
venzenBashing-om: this seems to be a problem because both cards use the same driver (amdgpu) and the 2nd more powerful card (R7) is not being enabled by the xserver04:58
venzenBashing-om: although the xserver sees both cards it is only enabling the first (Carrizo)04:58
NewUserkglitsj16, Thanks. That command worked.04:59
venzenBashing-om: this gets into xserver config which i have lost skill with since Ubuntu just automagically started working with most hardware back in the 2000s...05:00
Bashing-omvenzen: yeah , As said I do not "think" the kernel can cope with the graphics arrangement . does not know what to do . I do not know how to tell the kernel what to do in this situation .05:00
glitsj16NewUserk: you're welcome, enjoy05:00
NewUserkglitsj16, Still not able to connect with wifi.  My only option may have to be to try and locate an ethernet cord.  I attempt ifconfig..and its not even installed.  What do you suggest?05:01
glitsj16NewUserk: let me read that arch wiki page you linked05:01
NewUserkglitsj16, I'm not sure why a new installation wouldn't put ifconfig with it....05:02
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: can you also hastebin us your: sudo lshw -C network please?05:02
glitsj16NewUserk: I think ifconfig is deprecated, it's ip these days.. but nothing stops you from installing it via the usual apt commands05:03
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: ^^ do you run AMD cards ? Any idea on twin AMD cards ?05:03
NewUserklotuspsychje, no, its too much information to write...one thing that sticks out with it is...*-network DISABLED05:04
NewUserklotuspsychje, It does show the wireless card however.05:04
glitsj16NewUserk: did you reboot and ran "sudo rfkill unblock all" as suggested in that thread?05:05
NewUserkglitsj16, Yes.05:05
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: wich chipset is that05:05
NewUserkIt took the command but accomplished nothing.05:05
NewUserklotuspsychje, You wanting the bus info?05:06
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD05:06
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: hastebin.com the full output plz05:06
angelawangHalo, I'm having trouble shutting down a network interface, p9p1, because it's "waiting for lock on /run/network/ifstate.p9p1"05:06
NewUserklotuspsychje, I'm not sure how to get it there...05:06
NewUserklotuspsychje, this is on a laptop laying beside me with no connection available05:06
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: cant you connect with eth cable neither?05:07
NewUserklotuspsychje, I don't have...ugh.05:07
angelawangI'm using `ifdown p9p1`, and there is a corresponding .pid file in `/run/network/ifup-p9p1.pid`05:07
NewUserkethernet connection would probably work...but I was hoping I could get it to work without one05:07
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: i strongly suggest you update your system with a cable somewhere, your system might automaticly find correct wifi drivers aswell05:07
angelawangI'm wondering if all I need to do is kill the process to shutdown the network interface05:08
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: with lubuntu version is this exactly plz?05:08
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: clean install or up to date?05:10
NewUserkclean install05:10
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: whats the specific chipset that doesnt work?05:11
NewUserkwhy would a lspci -s -vv show in the info under capabilties" <access denied>05:11
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: usefull aswell: https://askubuntu.com/questions/202028/does-ubuntu-support-ati-dual-graphics05:11
venzenBashing-om: i also found this in the AMD forums - related to the proprietary amdgpu-pro driver with and with 2 cards: https://community.amd.com/thread/20547505:12
NewUserkit appears the access is denied to my wireless adapter05:12
NewUserklotuspsychje, I'm not seeing any chipset information.05:13
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: is your system uefi?05:14
NewUserkhow do i know that05:14
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: are you sure you have a wifi chipset yes?05:14
NewUserkpositive, connected fine with windows 10 wireless05:15
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: ok if its w10 you got uefi, notice some uefi settings can block your wifi card05:16
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: you remember how you installed lubuntu on uefi settings?05:16
NewUserkI downloaded from their website, and burned the iso to a dvd and installed it..05:16
NewUserkI don't recall anything about any uefi settings.05:17
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: well ubuntu should give you chipset, even when driver isnt installed...if not i suspect uefi block05:18
NewUserkhow to unblock?05:19
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: did you have wifi connection in your lubuntu setup liveusb?05:20
NewUserknetwork controller: Ralink corp. RT5390 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe05:20
NewUserklotuspsychje, No it didn't.05:20
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: so you have the chipset...05:20
NewUserkYes, I got it.05:20
NewUserkDeviceName: Ralink 5390GN 802.11b/g/n 1x1 WiFi Adapter05:21
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: plugin your eth cable and update system please05:21
NewUserklotuspsychje, ok, I figured that would have to be the only way.05:21
lotuspsychjeNewUserk: ralink cards might need higher kernels/firmware versions05:21
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:21
NewUserkI appreicate you guys time though.05:22
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mindofmateoHi all. I'm having trouble with my desktop, 16.04 LTS. I've been having it freeze when going to sleep, not waking from sleep, and the networking freezing as well. I've caught it now where the networking is frozen and I don't know what to do. I've turned wifi on/off, networking on/off, and etc/init.d/networking start/stop. Please help.05:50
mindofmateoOh, I should add, in all three cases (freezing while going to sleep, not waking from sleep, and network pros) a manual forced reboot brings everything back to "normal" but the issue persists/returns eventually.05:52
mindofmateo*pros => probs05:52
mindofmateoHi EriC^^ you always seem to know a lot, ha.05:53
mindofmateoMy computer's networking just stops working. 16.04. Any ideas05:54
mindofmateoOops, I wasn't finished. On my phone. I've tried toggling wifi, networking, and etc/init.d/networking start/stop05:55
mindofmateoI have it in this state and haven't restarted it yet.05:55
mindofmateoAnother thing worth mentioning is that when I use command lsusb to see my network adapter, the process just hangs and I cannot kill it with any method I've tried.05:56
EriC^^mindofmateo: does "dmesg" show anything?05:58
mindofmateoI see IPv6...link is not ready, that a few times, in red I see freezing of tasks failed after 20.11 seconds (2 tasks refusing to freeze, wq_busy=0)06:00
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mindofmateoOh, scrolling up I see something even highlighted in red: RIP <ffffffsomenumbers> join cm hdl+0x265/0x334 [rtl8812au]06:03
mindofmateoEriC^^ can I pastebin my dmesg to you?06:07
mindofmateoUgh, nvm I can't, because I have no connectivity06:07
mindofmateoI see a few RIP lines06:10
mindofmateoAnd 'unable to handle kernel paging request at <address>06:11
EriC^^i got dc06:18
mindofmateoI saw, lol06:20
mindofmateoI was having IRC connection issues earlier too06:20
EriC^^ironically my wifi keeps disconnecting, i think i found the issue in dmesg just now xD06:20
EriC^^the wl module gives a seg fault06:21
mindofmateoIDK what wl is, seg is segmentation?06:21
EriC^^any luck with dmesg?06:21
EriC^^yeah wl is the module for my wifi card06:22
mindofmateoI see some red text and red highlighted text in dmesg, not sure what it means though, nor how to fix it.06:22
EriC^^mindofmateo: which network card do you have?06:23
EriC^^mindofmateo: type "dmesg | nc termview.me 9999" and paste the link it gives you here06:23
mindofmateoI was going to pastebin it... But no network 😂The box says OURLiNK Nanos USB adapter AC600, it uses the rtl8812au driver.06:24
EriC^^what does the line in red say roughly?06:25
mindofmateoHold on, I will make this work.06:25
mindofmateoIt says: RIP<ffffffsomenumbers> join_cmd_hdl+0x265/0x334 [rtl8812au]06:26
mindofmateoTwice it says Freezing of tasks failed after 20 seconds, 2 tasks refusing to freeze06:26
mindofmateoI'm trying to copy dmesg06:32
derphili1Can i force /etc/resolv.conf to be filled by the actual information? I am running 17.10 and set up my network using netplan06:34
ducasse!ubuntu+1 | derphili106:41
ubottuderphili1: Artful Aardvark is the codename for Ubuntu 17.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+106:41
mindofmateoMy computer won't even mount my phone to manually transfer a text file of dmesg06:42
mindofmateoI'm ready to throw it out the window06:43
Ben64mindofmateo: it does it when you put the computer to sleep?06:45
Herdois there any way to remove the option to unmount a partition?  I have it set to automatically mount on startup, but I don't want the "unmount" button showing up.  Ubuntu Gnome 16.04.  Here's a screenshot https://i.imgur.com/pRelzbp.png06:45
Ben64Herdo: how did you set it to automatically mount06:46
mindofmateoSometimes, yes. Then I have to put it to sleep and wake it again and then everything is normal. But sometimes when I out it to sleep, it "sleeps" but it's still on and completely unresponsive.06:46
HerdoBen64: gnome disks06:46
Ben64Herdo: undo that and use fstab06:46
HerdoBen64: OK, I'll give it a shot, thanks06:46
=== leion1 is now known as leion
EriC^^Mindofmateo: any luck?06:52
MindofmateoOK! I dug around some of my junk and was able to find a BT keyboard and some working batteries, thankfully.  I can't get much to work, but at least now I'm not handicapped to using only my thumbs.06:52
MindofmateoI can start typing dmesg output lines, using thumbs to do that would take forever.06:53
EriC^^Mindofmateo: which kernel are you using?06:53
Ben64seems like the solution would be not to put the computer to sleep?06:53
MindofmateoBen64 that doesn't fix the issue though, that's just ignoring it.06:54
MindofmateoI can get the kernel by typing una me - a?06:54
Mindofmateo*uname - a06:54
MindofmateoOK, the kernel is 4.4.0-93-generic06:55
Ben64Mindofmateo: stuff like that just doesn't work on some hardware06:55
MindofmateoI keep it updated regularly.06:56
MindofmateoBen64: you mean putting the system to sleep doesn't work on some hardware?06:56
ducasseMindofmateo: have you tried the hwe stack?06:56
MindofmateoThat's so wtf.  I can't remember what started/caused this issue, but it wasn't doing it forever, it just started somewhat recently.  ducasse: IDK what the he stack is.06:57
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack06:57
ducassei totally agree with Ben64, but a newer kernel might have better support for your hw.06:57
derphili1ducasse: thanks for the hint!06:57
Ben64for 16.04 the link is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/RollingLTSEnablementStack06:58
EriC^^Mindofmateo: try updating the kernel to 9606:58
EriC^^Mindofmateo: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:58
MindofmateoI can't do that stuff because my networking does nothing.06:58
Ben64basically install the 'linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge' package and it'll get you a newer kernel06:58
EriC^^Mindofmateo: type "ls -l /boot/vmlinuz*" and see which is the oldest number there06:59
MindofmateoWhen I enable networking, nothing shows up06:59
Ben64Mindofmateo: from what you said it works after reboot06:59
MindofmateoThe oldest number is 0-4507:00
MindofmateoI mean, 4.4.0-4507:00
MindofmateoThe last line highlighted in red in dmesg is: RIP [<ffffffffc053359>] join_cmd_hdl+0x265/0x334 [rtl8812au]07:02
=== leion1 is now known as leion
MindofmateoPreceding that, highlighted in red is: BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at $Address07:03
MindofmateoDirectly followed by: IP: $another address join_cmd_hdl+0x265/0x334 [rtl8812au]07:05
EriC^^Mindofmateo: heh, it's almost the same as mine07:08
EriC^^this is my dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/25570842/07:08
EriC^^oh wait, it's pretty different, i must have been searching your error earlier with the join_cmd stuff, nevermind07:09
MindofmateoHm, doesn't look much alike to me07:09
EriC^^Mindofmateo: restart the pc, hold shift to get grub, go to advanced > choose the 45 kernel and see how it works07:10
EriC^^if it's ok try updating the system with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and see how the latest one works07:10
MindofmateoInstead of upgrading it to hwe/96?07:10
EriC^^Mindofmateo: a sec though07:10
EriC^^what exactly is the issue? the wifi drops intermittently? after suspend it doesn't work?07:11
MindofmateoI don't even know. It's like there's suddenly no network capability. If I enable networking from the top menu bar, sometimes it will do nothing, as if networking is enabled but no NIC is present. Other times it "works" and connects to my wifi SSID, but there's no actual network or Internet connectivity. Sometimes going to sleep and waking it will m07:13
Mindofmateoake it work, but sometimes that freezes. Restarting seems to set it straight (but always temporarily)07:13
MindofmateoJust all of the sudden there is a toast/notification/pop-up (not sure the terminology in ubuntu) in the top right corner saying network disconnected.07:14
MindofmateoI don't know if these issues are related or have nothing to do with each other either.07:15
EriC^^Mindofmateo: ok try the older kernel and see how it goes07:15
EriC^^Mindofmateo: my guess is it's doing some seg fault, mine is doing the same07:15
MindofmateoAlright. The thing is, I haven't been able to trace back what caused these issues to come up, nor have I been able to identify what the trigger/s are.07:16
EriC^^sometimes sudo service networking restart and sudo service network-manager restart fixes it, sometimes i have to reboot07:16
EriC^^yeah it's annoying07:17
MindofmateoI've even disconnected all non essential peripherals and devices to see if that had anything to do with it, IDK07:20
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EriC^^Mindofmateo: fwiw sudo service network-manager restart seems to fix it for me07:32
MindofmateoIf there's *one* good thing that came of all this, it's instilled the fear of gods in me that I need to save my work and history and everything like every 60 seconds.  I tried that command, and I just got a reflash of the "you are now disconnected" notification.07:33
MindofmateoIs there a proper term for those windows that become hazy on mouse over? The messages/notifications that come up in the top right corner.07:34
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MindofmateoOh, I just remembered something... I'd get messages like those that mentioned Avahi something07:35
MindofmateoI'd have to find the screenshot I took to remember exactly what it said though.07:35
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MindofmateoAlso, in the mean time, is it possible to bind key combos/shortcuts to extra keys on my keyboard? I have 9 extra buttons that currently serve no purpose or function.07:38
MindofmateoOr maybe map is the word I was looking for07:39
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ducasseMindofmateo: how you do that depends on your de/wm, or you can use xbindkeys to do it independently of them.07:46
MindofmateoWhat are the pros and cons of using the former vs the latter?07:48
ducassethe former is what you need if you want to bind to specific desktop functions, the latter is good for launching programs or scripts (especially if you use more than one de/wm regularly).07:51
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MindofmateoMakes sense. You use sudo apt-get install xbindkeys?07:53
ducasseyes. you need to read the docs on how to set it up, there are examples in the default config.07:55
MindofmateoOh EriC^^ when I used 45, it didn't work, I rebooted to 93 and started the dist-upgrade. Just a friendly FYI08:10
KingsyI am getting this error --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1588637 <-- on ubuntu minimal on my laptop, my wifi does not work at all just toally crashes (the wifi I mean, network manager totally unresponsive) and I have that trace in dmesg. Does anyone know if this would have been fixed in 17.10 ? if so I can install the beta. I had 16.04 ubuntu mate on there and it worked so the08:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1588637 in linux (Ubuntu) " iwlwifi: Microcode SW error detected. Restarting 0x2000000" [Medium,Invalid]08:12
Kingsyproblem has been introduced as far as I know within the last year08:12
KingsyIts also pretty strange. if I try to connect qot a wifi network, network manager crashes then if I ping www.google.com I cant even Ctrl + C out of it...  pretty much everything is unresponsive08:13
Kingsycant even sudo reboot08:13
KingsyI need to turn it off by holding the laptop button08:13
Ben64Kingsy: if it works on 16.04 why not use 16.0408:14
KingsyJust because its old...08:16
Ben64no it isn't, it's still supported until 202108:16
KingsyI know the support is there.. I just always prefer to install the latest.08:16
brainwashI would test with 17.1008:17
Kingsyyeah I was thinking that.08:17
brainwashyou can easily do it via live usb/cd08:17
KingsyIs there a ubuntu minimal 17.10 iso?08:17
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mindofmateoAlright.  I rebooted to kernel 4.4.0-45 generic, the network didn't work.  IDK if that has something to do with the drivers being specific to -93?  Then I rebooted to -93, the network was functional, I did update, upgrade, dist-upgrade, and rebooted to -96... No network.  I have the drivers on a flash drive and the install script didn't work becaus08:48
mindofmateoe it needs net connectivity.  So now I'm back on -93.08:48
mindofmateoI'm looking at the HWE Stack/Rolling TLS Enablement page I was linked to earlier... and I'm not super-user enough nor rested enough to understand what it means.08:49
muriiHello! I'd like a blog or something similar from where I can read commands08:55
muriiNot from semi advanced to advanced08:55
feodoranHi, when I want to shutdown/reboot from GUI I always need to click the Button twice. On terminal it works directly. How can I fix that? (Xubu 16.04.3)09:00
cerionhi. So after a kernel update, I rebooted. And although I have my usb dongle with uks key on it inserted in laptop, ubuntu stil asks me about my key for home. Was working for years. I don't know what's going on09:02
brainwashfeodoran: I would run "xfce4-session-logout" in a terminal window, and see if it prints any error message after the first click09:04
muriifeodoran, use systemctl to shutdown09:06
feodoranbrainwash: nothing09:06
feodoranmurii: you mean in terminal?09:07
feodoranmurii: how is that helpful for a GUI issue?09:07
muriifeodoran, at least you can shutdown the machine.09:07
feodoranmurii: the issue is not that I cannot shudown09:08
muriiok, I understand09:08
brainwashfeodoran: it could be a known issue. best to ask in #xubuntu I think09:08
feodoranbrainwash: ok, I'll try09:09
cerionok. wierd. now it's booting fine09:19
mindofmateocerion: what is a uks key?09:20
cerionI meant LUKS key09:20
mindofmateoTry as I might, teh google is only giving me info on Brexit.09:20
carpediembabyHello, i restarted my ubuntu 17.04 install and i am no longer able to start/login. After i select to boot into ubuntu (i have dual boot with windows 7), it shows me a black screen in a loop saying /dev/sda3 recovering journal Clearing orphaned inode09:39
carpediembabycould someone help me with this?09:39
carpediembabythe last message says /dev/sda3 clean, blocks ... and then the screen goes blank and reappears in a loop09:40
Kingsybrainwash: heh I don't see it there, am I blind?09:50
brainwashKingsy: netboot09:50
Kingsyahh ok thanks!09:51
brainwashKingsy: but for a quick test why not take the regular ubuntu iso?09:51
carpediembabyWindows 7 boots fine but ubuntu doesn't. Also Alt+Ctrl+F3 doesn't work09:54
Kingsybrainwash: yeah fair enough, I'll do that09:56
Kingsyare all of these isos 17.10 ?09:56
brainwashyes. 17.10 daily09:56
KingsyI'll give it a go09:56
KingsyI really don't want to have to go all the way back to 16.04.. it'll annoy me. heh. Might even have to go foer a different disdtro if it comes to that09:57
brainwashwell, I assume it's a bug with the kernel and/or firmware files09:59
brainwashso, using more recent versions of both should fix the issue09:59
naquadis there a way to upgrade 15.04 to 16.04?10:39
naquaddo-release-upgrade says it is not supported10:39
hateball!eolupgrade | naquad10:40
ubottunaquad: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:40
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naquadhateball, thanks10:54
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BluesKajHi all11:24
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carpediembabyHello, I asked about a problem with booting into ubuntu 17.04 earlier, but then I got disconnected. Going to re-post my problem. I am unable to boot into ubuntu, while Windows 7 works fine. I get a message Recovering journal, Clearing orphaned inode in a loop11:42
MattxHi all. I'm getting this error with scp: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/212203962b0988ae7d71da13e258271811:57
MattxI'm trying to scp a file from this computer to host3 (through host2 through host1)11:58
Mattxand it's stuck at "debug1: Sending command: scp -v -t ~"11:58
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xubuntodoes ubuntu have a good raw image editor like photoshop?12:28
necrophcodrIs it possible to configure your ssh client to connect to 192.168.x.y on port z when entering `ssh example`?12:31
ioria!info rawstudio12:31
ubottuPackage rawstudio does not exist in zesty12:31
necrophcodrI've looked into using HostName along with Host, but I can't really get it working12:32
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BluesKajxubunto, hae you looked into gimp?12:32
xubuntoi have not12:32
hateballxubunto: Darktable or digiKam are other options, as well as Shotwell12:33
xubunto!info rawtherapee12:33
ubotturawtherapee (source: rawtherapee): raw image converter and digital photo processor. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0-1ubuntu1 (zesty), package size 2880 kB, installed size 10332 kB12:33
ioriaxubunto, it's about a camera ?12:33
hateball!info rawtherapee12:33
hateballthere's also this ^12:33
BluesKajxubunto, doesn't mention raw images in the description, but it does mention photoshop files etc12:34
hateballubottu: come on bro12:34
ubottuhateball: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:34
xubuntolooks like i may have to play around wit hthat12:34
xubuntodust off my vm ware12:35
glitsj16necrophcodr: that is definately possible yes, set things up in ~/.ssh/config and add HostName and Port12:35
xubuntoioria: i am a photo nerd with a canon dslr yes12:35
necrophcodrglitsj16, I tried having a Host "example" with a HostName for IP and a Port of Z, but when typing `ssh example` it uses a default port12:35
ioriaxubunto, ok, you can try  ufraw12:36
xubuntoi am also a prog nerd12:36
ioria!info ufraw12:36
ubottuufraw (source: ufraw): standalone importer for raw camera images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22-1 (zesty), package size 514 kB, installed size 2109 kB12:36
necrophcodrglitsj16, I should mention I have a "Host *" with a default Port set.12:36
xubuntoyea ill definitely need to evaluate both programs12:38
glitsj16necrophcodr: that might explain it.. have you tried putting the "example" item above the "*"?12:38
necrophcodrglitsj16, I have, both above and beneath12:38
glitsj16necrophcodr: do you really need that "Host *" with a default Port other than 22?12:39
xubuntoioria: is ufraw still active?12:39
necrophcodrglitsj16, Yes. I use a different port for a LOT of services, but for this one service, we'll use port Z12:39
BeforeClickcat scan.txt12:40
BeforeClickhmm WW12:40
necrophcodrIt's primarily useful for gvfs to be honest12:40
necrophcodrI don't mind manually entering it at the command line, but when browsing through sftp in thunar, it tends to want a correct .ssh/config file.12:40
glitsj16necrophcodr: I don't know why that's not working to be honest12:41
glitsj16I use different ports as well, but without a "Host *", I explicitly add "Port xxx" to every item (that isn't op port 22)12:42
ioriaxubunto, it's still supported, afaik12:48
jeffree running ubuntu 17.04. In Software & Updates I have set 'Automatically check for update = Daily' 'When there are security update = download and install automatically' 'When there are other updates = Display immediately' - however, security updates are displayed to me to choose to install. Why?12:53
XatenevWhere is the file under unbut that stores the ppa?12:57
feodoranWhen I want to shutdown/reboot from GUI I always need to click the Button twice. On terminal it works directly. How can I fix that? (Xubu 16.04.3)12:58
Xatenevah found it12:58
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NewuserkCan anyone be so kind to help me get my wifi card working on my new installation of lubuntu?13:07
Newuserkethernet is working fine, but no wifi13:07
NewuserkI have tried multiple websites and suggestions, with no luck13:08
NewuserkI have wifi enabled, but wifi networks is greyed out13:08
brainwashfeodoran: no response in #xubuntu?13:09
Mr_PanNewuserk, if addr   from Terminal13:10
feodoranbrainwash: apparently not ;)13:10
roryNewuserk: What wifi device or laptop do you have?13:11
Newuserkrory: RALINK 539013:11
Newuserkrory, old laptop..compaq13:11
NewuserkMr_Pan, ok, next?13:12
brainwashfeodoran: I've found bug 168386713:13
ubottubug 1683867 in Ubuntu GNOME "Have to click "Restart" and "Shutdown" button twice to make button work." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168386713:13
brainwashfeodoran: but it was filed against ubuntu 17.04, and seems to be GNOME specific13:14
NewuserkI am sure this is probably a driver issue.13:14
feodoranI have a slightly different effect: after first click some applications are closed, but not all13:14
brainwashfeodoran: please check ~/.xsession-errors13:16
feodoranbrainwash: only 2 lines, is this normal?13:17
feodoranopenConnection: connect: No such file or directory13:17
feodorancannot connect to brltty at :013:17
Newuserk07:00.0 Network controller: Ralink corp. RT5390 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe13:18
NewuserkIt finds that information in lspci13:19
brainwashfeodoran: does ~/.cache/upstart/startxfce4.log exist?13:19
^newLinuxhow can i get those commands for ubuntu? https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Networking/CLI#Wifi13:20
feodoranbrainwash: yes13:20
brainwash^newLinux: nmcli is not present? it should be included in the network-manager package13:21
brainwash^newLinux: https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-updates/amd64/network-manager/filelist13:23
^newLinuxthis error Error: Object 'general' is unknown, try 'nmcli help'.13:23
^newLinuxmine is 32it ubuntu 14.0413:23
brainwashwhen running which command exactly?13:24
^newLinuxnmcli general status13:24
brainwashit could be that this syntax was added in a later version13:25
brainwashI would check "nmcli help"13:25
Newuserkgeez this is annoying13:25
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: did you update system with eth cable?13:26
brainwash^newLinux: and indeed, that is the case13:26
Newuserklotuspsychje, hey! yes!13:27
Newuserklotuspsychje, I am connected now with the ethernet cable.13:27
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: wifi working yet?13:27
Newuserklotuspsychje, no...13:27
^newLinuxbrainwash, how can i upgrade the nmi?13:27
^newLinuxim running a older version of it13:27
Newuserklotuspsychje, what info was you wanting to see last night, i can copy and paste it now13:28
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: hastebin sudo lshw -C network13:28
brainwash^newLinux: by upgrading to the next Ubuntu LTS release (16.04)13:28
^newLinuxoh no i dont like that version it has bugs13:28
^newLinuxwifi does not work properly13:29
Mr_Panlotuspsychje,    [15:18:52] <Newuserk> 07:00.0 Network controller: Ralink corp. RT5390 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe13:29
^newLinuxcant change wifi network13:29
brainwash^newLinux: then read the manual page for your nmcli version, and figure out what commands work13:29
brainwash^newLinux: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/nmcli.1.html13:29
brainwasha simple "nmcli status" should work13:30
Newuserklotuspsychje, https://hastebin.com/icipacenem.coffeescript13:30
brainwashfeodoran: any hints in that log file?13:31
Newuserklotuspsychje, any info in there that helps13:34
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: i recall having issues with a ralink chipset, updating system solved that really13:35
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: did you try an LTS version of ubuntu up to date?13:35
Newuserklotuspsychje, http://lubuntu.net/ I went there, and downloaded that AMD 64 file13:37
feodoranbrainwash: a lot of "process 2091: arguments to dbus_connection_unref() were incorrect, assertion "connection->generation == _dbus_current_generation" failed in file ../../dbus/dbus-connection.c line 2794.13:39
feodoranThis is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library." (after rebooting) not sure if this is related13:39
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: you mean the .iso?13:39
Newuserklotuspsychje, yes13:39
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: but you said you had 17.04 right?13:40
Newuserklotuspsychje, yes13:40
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: perhaps try a 16.04.2 or .3 test13:41
feodoranbrainwash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25572509/13:41
Newuserklotuspsychje, when I use sudo apt-get update i see this info.....E: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/marko-techytalk.info/ralink-wireless/ubuntu/dists/zesty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found13:41
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: you added a ppa for the driver?13:42
Newuserklotuspsychje, Not that I am aware of13:42
Newuserklotuspsychje, I just used sudo apt-get update13:43
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lotuspsychjeNewuserk: that ppa is not really official13:45
Newuserklotuspsychje, ok13:45
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: can you test a liveusb perhaps?13:46
brainwashfeodoran: not sure. running out of ideas13:46
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: like 16.04.3 lubuntu .iso with eth cable connected13:46
NewuserkIf I could just figure out why it keeps saying wifi network disabled..that may be the issue13:47
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: did you check uefi settings already?13:48
oerheksnewuserk that ppa has no zesty candidates https://launchpad.net/~marko-techytalk.info/+archive/ubuntu/ralink-wireless13:51
oerhekscheck always that page before using it.13:51
Newuserklotuspsychje, drivers installed, restarted network connections....wifi now works..13:51
NewuserkI appreciate all you guys help13:51
Newuserkwhew, finally.13:51
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: drivers from where?13:52
oerheks.. not from that ppa13:52
Newuserklotuspsychje, this is exactly what i done https://hastebin.com/xayenayaje.http13:54
Newuserklotuspsychje, Found it searching google13:54
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: ok tnx for feedback13:55
Newuserklotuspsychje, I am sorry I was such a nuisance.  Thanks again.13:55
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: no sweat, thats what we here for13:55
lotuspsychjeNewuserk: and, you found it yourself this time13:56
hehehehey hey14:00
hehehein ubuntu when I copy text its auto purges previous text from clipboard?14:00
hehehe16.04 lubuntu14:00
jamie_1hey, I have setup shh for connections on my other computer and modified the /etc/ssh/sshd_config and added PermitRootLogin yes       but for some odd reason its still not letting me access root over ssh for some odd reason14:01
jamie_1any ideas14:01
jamie_1i have done a systemctl restart ssh.service and even a full reboot and no luck14:01
heheheok yes its so14:06
heheheI am using xclip to send clipboard text to a file14:06
hehehexclip -o -sel clip > webpage.txt14:06
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hehehehow I can instruct xclip to add next text to same file?14:07
brainwash>> instead of >14:07
heheheatm it deletes  old text14:08
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heheheset file to write only? :D14:08
[worksti]my ubuntu VM keeps having a 100% cpu load spike every full minute, any advice on how to track down the culprit ? trying to watch with top has not been successful14:08
[worksti]but its like clockwork, the blue one is my ubuntu VM: https://i.imgur.com/yP3Tp1p.png14:09
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sylarioI am looking for a cleaner way than root crontab to reboot mysql every week14:18
sylariois there a way to set a service for regular reboot?14:19
Promille[worksti]: Why wasn't top successful? You could try with htop, it's a bit easier to sort (sort by CPU by clicking on CPU and you should see the culprit quickly)14:19
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[worksti]Promille: because it didnt show anything with more than 5% cpu, neither did htop14:28
[worksti]im guessing its only at that load for a second or so14:28
pjstirlinghi, I'm having problems getting ubuntu to connect to a wireless lan (through an ooooooold wireless dongle), I've got the right firmware installed, and the SSID shows up inn the menu, but when I try to connect it says in syslog that it is aborting the connection because it is taking too long14:39
pjstirlingmy windows laptop manages to connect, so I know that the network works, but it's true that my laptop seems to connect quite slowly to the network14:40
VarunAgwI am developing a debian package (.deb). I want it to install files in "/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/dasda/das". Is it possible to set decide it automatically at runtime14:44
pjstirlingis it possible to increase the length of time that a wireless connection spends waiting for a connection before a timeout?14:52
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ztychrRan crunch on ubuntu earlier, but forgot to specify the save path. Where does crunch save by default? Can't find it. Let it run for quite a while, so i'd like to delete it.15:14
pjstirlinghi, is there a way to force the wireless driver to not time out its connections so quickly? I'm having problems getting ubuntu to connect to a wireless network that I know works (my laptop is right next to it)15:15
ztychrI guess i didn't give the wordlist a name, and didn't quite let it finish, so i Dont think its saved15:20
pjstirlinghi, is there a way to force the wireless driver to not time out its connections so quickly? I'm having problems getting ubuntu to connect to a wireless network that I know works (my laptop is right next to it)15:51
oerhekspjdc, maybe this page is any help, "sudo sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=100"   https://askubuntu.com/questions/21182/how-to-change-the-default-timeout-of-internet-connection16:01
Aliv3is unity going away?16:31
lotuspsychjeAliv3: 17.10 and 18.04 will have wayland by default16:32
Aliv3oh cool!16:32
lotuspsychjeAliv3: unity will be still installable as a choice of user16:32
dr-gibsonhello everyone, quick q, I'm running 16.04 as a VBox guest on a 2016 MacBookPro, I'm getting screen tearing when scrolling through webpages, thought as to what might cause this?16:33
lotuspsychjeAliv3: you can help test 17.10 at this moment @ #ubuntu+116:33
dr-gibsonI have 3d acceleration turned on, but doesn't seem to make much of a difference16:33
dr-gibsonit seems a modern mac book should have plenty of power both CPU and GPU wise to do a better job rendering16:36
DirkosIm currently using a "Broadcom Corporation BCM4321 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 05)". Problem is all the time when there is too much traffic going on the adapter it seems to kill itself16:36
DirkosFor example when i have alot of traffic over port 539, after x period it wont connect anymore. When i reconnect my adapter it is fine again16:36
lotuspsychjedr-gibson: perhaps the #vbox channel can also help?16:36
DirkosBut no idea what that could be or on how to solve such a thing16:37
dr-gibsonlotuspsychje: perhaps, i'll wander to yonder16:37
donofrioanyone here use remmina (only ask cause the issue I have sounds like this https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=855819) I'm ubuntu 17.0416:41
ubottuDebian bug 855819 in remmina "Remmina : SSH white blanking square after connection establish, but no Cursor" [Important,Open]16:41
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msvb-labIs this the right place to ask about live USB methods?16:42
lotuspsychjemsvb-lab: if its ubuntu related16:42
msvb-labIf I boot from UEFI and create an Ubuntu Live USB using usb-creator-gtk, then I get a USB media that has no filesystem and a iso9660 image on it.16:43
donofriolsa_release -a returns Ubuntu 17.04, zesty if that helps get my remmina ssh showing again.....16:43
msvb-labI know this is intended and works well enough, it's just that I prefer a FAT32 formatted media, with the casper and uboot files copied to it.16:43
msvb-labI also figured out that if I find a non UEFI supported computer and carry out the same identical usb-creator-gtk procedure on it, that a USB media results in the way I want. With FAT32 rather than ISO9660.16:44
msvb-labIs there anyway to trick the usb-creator-gtk into creating a FAT32 old style USB media, although the host computer has booted from UEFI?16:45
lotuspsychje!usb | msvb-lab16:45
ubottumsvb-lab: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:45
msvb-lablotuspsychje: I like the pipe, thanks.16:46
lotuspsychjemsvb-lab: will you dualboot or singleboot ubuntu?16:46
msvb-lab lotuspsychje: I singleboot ubuntu.16:47
msvb-labI'm not trying to change anything on my host, just trying to make a new Live USB without a ISO9660 on the USB itself.16:48
lotuspsychjemsvb-lab: then you need to disable fastboot & secureboot16:48
lotuspsychjemsvb-lab: you just wanna make a working usb from ubuntu .iso?16:48
msvb-lablotuspsychje: Why isn't there a way to trick usb-creator-gtk? I can surely edit some line since it's only a python script right?16:49
msvb-lablotuspsychje: I want the same thing that you get from usb-creator-gtk when running it on a non UEFI computer.16:49
msvb-lab...but I want to do so on a UEFI computer.16:49
lotuspsychjemsvb-lab: never had any issues myself with usb-creator myself16:50
msvb-labOnly 74 lines in usb-creator-gtk, but I still can't find where it determines BIOS/UEFI host method.16:51
msvb-lablotuspsychje: Did you know it creates two radically different Live USB partitions depending on host computer boot method?16:51
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msvb-lablotuspsychje: I'm not saying there's a problem either way, but it's rather convenient for the files on a Live USB to be accessible outside the Live OS.16:52
lotuspsychjemsvb-lab: not sure on that116:53
msvb-lablotuspsychje: I don't understand it, but it seems I'm the only one with this desire. In any case, thanks for trying to help.16:53
blacknred0is there a way to speed ubuntu on a celeron processor (w/o having to go to lxde)? i got 4 cores and 8gb ram, but every so often it halts for couple of seconds16:57
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stoner19all of a sudden I cannot SSH into one my my machines...used to be able to just fine. I can ping it, but SSH times out...17:05
stoner19anyone have suggestions??17:05
donofriostoner19, do you use remmina or just normal ssh issue?17:06
donofriostoner19, service ssh start on the server you cannot get to17:06
blacknred0stoner19: has this happen before? is the server rebooting?17:06
SimonNLBluesKaj: you still are.17:07
blacknred0stoner19: you can do `nc -zv 22` to check if the port is open to start with17:08
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stoner19will try that first thank you17:08
BluesKajSimonNL, I'm still what ?17:09
stoner19fixed, for some reason all ufw ports/settings were gone17:10
stoner19thank you!17:10
=== e-dard_afk is now known as e-dard
netcrashHello, I'm trying to start postgresql in ubuntu server 17 and nothing happens , the logs say server started but nothing else17:17
netcrashthe db is not listening in any port17:17
naccnetcrash: 17.04? (17 is not a version). does `ps aux | grep pg` indicate any pgsql processes are running?17:18
netcrashnacc: yes 17.04 , nothing appears on ps aux | grep pg17:19
naccnetcrash: ok, which logs say server started?17:19
naccnetcrash: can you pastebin the relevant bits?17:19
netcrashpostgresql directory logs are empty17:20
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netcrashnacc: only have this Sep 19 14:18:51 ubuntu-vps-1 systemd[1]: Started PostgreSQL RDBMS.17:20
naccnetcrash: pastebin `apt-cache policy postgresql-common`17:21
netcrashi didn't even had config files I had to copied them from another machine17:21
naccnetcrash: that sounds like a broken install of some kind or another17:21
holgerdanskeHave alittle trouble today with VirtualBox. No matter what I do, and I've already installed guest additions and VMWare Tools, I can not get the host desktop area to maximize17:21
donofrioanyone here use remmina (only ask cause the issue I have sounds like this https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=855819) I'm ubuntu 17.0417:21
ubottuDebian bug 855819 in remmina "Remmina : SSH white blanking square after connection establish, but no Cursor" [Important,Open]17:21
naccnetcrash: how did you install postgres?17:21
netcrashhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/25573798/ <- cache policy17:22
netcrashI initially selected postgresql in the installation menu when it asks for what the system will be for17:23
netcrashnacc: please see above17:23
naccnetcrash: reading17:24
naccnetcrash: `systemctl status postgresql` in a pastebin17:28
netcrashnacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25573836/17:29
naccnetcrash:  Process: 8657 ExecStart=/bin/true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)17:30
naccthat's weird17:30
naccnetcrash: let me go look at the src17:30
naccnetcrash: oh wait, that's not the one we want17:32
naccnetcrash: systemctl status postgresql\@9.6` i think17:33
netcrashnacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25573852/17:33
netcrashnacc: it says disabled17:34
naccnetcrash: ah!17:34
naccpostgresql.service is looking for what is enabled in /etc/postgresql/*/*/start.conf17:34
naccnetcrash: is anythingn in there set to "auto"?17:35
netcrashit just says auto nothing else17:35
netcrashthis was a copy from a config in a debian system because ubuntu didn't install anything17:35
naccnetcrash: sorry for the earlier typo (i wasn't sure on the process), can you run `ps aux | grep postgres`17:37
netcrashnacc: nothing returns17:37
naccnetcrash: systemctl status postgresql@9.6-main.service17:38
naccnetcrash: i just install the postgresql-server task and it started up fine (in 17.10, admittedly)17:38
netcrashhow can I reinstall this, purge everything including configs17:38
netcrashand do it from scratch17:38
naccnetcrash: can you provide the above output? i'm curious if it shows up17:38
netcrashps aux | grep postgres17:39
netcrashandref    8880  0.0  0.2  14820  1024 pts/0    S+   14:37   0:00 grep --color=auto postgres17:39
naccnetcrash: systemctl status postgresql@9.6-main.service17:39
naccthat output--^17:39
naccnetcrash: also, try `sudo apt install postgresql-server^` to see if it tries to isntall anything (that shoiuld be the same as the selection you did at install time)17:39
netcrashnacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25573876/17:39
netcrashnacc: it's going to install this postgresql-client postgresql-contrib postgresql-doc postgresql-doc-9.617:40
stubare the config files in /etc/postgresql/9.6/main ? Or have you got some other pg version?17:40
naccnetcrash: hrm, that's odd too17:41
netcrashI'm doing a clean reinstall17:42
stubto purge everything, remove the packages, trash /etc/postgresql and /var/lib/postgresql17:42
stub(which of course trashes your data too, so if you want to keep that...)17:42
stubpg_lsclusters may be more informative than systemctl17:43
netcrashit's going to install only this postgresql-9.6 postgresql-common postgresql-contrib-9.617:43
netcrashls -l /etc/postgresql17:43
netcrashtotal 017:43
netcrashno config17:43
naccstub: good point17:44
netcrashnacc: when I did the install no config was provided17:44
=== e-dard is now known as e-dard_afk
holgerdanskeHave alittle trouble today with VirtualBox. No matter what I do, and I've already installed guest additions and VMWare Tools, I can not get the host desktop area to maximize17:57
tomreynvmware tools wont help with making virtualbox work as expected.17:59
netcrashnacc: do you have any idea why I have no config?18:00
naccnetcrash: no, it seems like something rather strange happened18:01
naccbut I don't know what and I cannot reproduce it18:01
netcrashwill try a fresh install18:01
pavlosholgerdanske: guest additions help resize a guest OS, what's the host and guest OS?18:01
akikholgerdanske: you should install the virtualbox guest tools, not vmware's18:03
tomreynholgerdanske: please decide whether you'll discuss this on #vbox or here.18:03
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teskowhat is the channel for ubuntu if you are using 17.10?18:29
donofrioHow do I see what VTE3 version is?18:30
tomreyndonofrio: dpkg -l vte318:32
brainwashdonofrio: apt-cache policy libvte-2.91-018:33
donofriobrainwash, returns "libvte-2.91-0:  Installed: 0.44.2-1ubuntu3"18:35
brainwashit's version 0.44.2 then18:36
brainwashis that it what you wanted to know?18:37
donofriobrainwash, I'm unsure....I know remmina is not showing anything when I try to connect from ssh18:38
donofrioit looks like this (animated gif) https://1drv.ms/i/s!AsBlZbBf72iNnLYwnboDi0WGWki0Xg18:44
brainwashif no one here can help you, I suggest that you ask in #remmina18:46
donofriobeen lurking there no-one about that is active all day .....18:46
donofriobrainwash, only seven folks in that channel18:46
brainwashmaybe check https://github.com/FreeRDP/Remmina/issues18:47
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
zarzarhow do i revert to an earlier version gcc arm cross toolchain? specifically i need 4.8.118:49
donofriobrainwash, thank you for link but when you search for ssh you don't see blank screen, so I that is why I was checking vte version cause last year someone has issue but it was solved with the version I have installed, but my box gets the blank screen with blinking box cusor18:52
brainwashdonofrio: you could try with a snap package18:53
brainwashor the version from the PPA18:54
donofrioI could but I belive it's one of the files when I did the dist-upgrade from 16.04 to 17.04 ;(18:54
donofrioyah alot was upgraded 500+ files18:55
brainwashthe snap package would bring it's own libs and files18:55
donofrioit was not dist-upgrae but I changed from trusty to zesty in sources.list18:55
donofrioI might try that.....18:55
donofriobrainwash, so I apt-get remove first I'm guessing18:56
brainwashI guess it's best to do that18:57
zarzaris the gcc cross toolchain built in to ubuntu the same as the toolchain maintained by linaro?19:02
Kingsy[m]Anyone else having problems with *.ubuntu.archive.com ? Cant seem to download Linux headers during Ubuntu minimal install. It says it can't resolve .. funny thing is it gets that far19:25
Kingsy[m]Downloads all the other packages..19:25
Kingsy[m]I have tried GB. And us.19:25
Kingsy[m]Seems like a 404 when I try to wget manually.. any advise of a mirror that is up and running?19:34
zarzarcan someone tell me the difference between these; https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/amd64/gcc-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.8.1-10ubuntu7cross0.10 and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/amd64/gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf/4:4.8.1-119:41
brainwashzarzar: I suggest asking in #ubuntu-arm and/or #ubuntu-toolchain19:43
brainwashmaybe even #ubuntu-devel19:44
zarzari need help finding and installing gcc/g++/as arm-linux-gnueabihf version 4.8.1 on ubuntu19:44
zarzarbrainwash: ok thanks19:44
Kingsy[m]Brainwash: any idea about my issue?19:45
HarryPeachwhat are you wgetting19:45
brainwashyeah. please share your terminal output19:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:46
Kingsy[m]Hm how do I do that from a emergency terminal within the installer?19:46
HarryPeachlol good question19:46
Kingsy[m]Gonna try some auto completes... Heh see what it has installed.19:47
HarryPeachMaybe post an image of it?19:47
Kingsy[m]Trying the au mirror now let's see when it fails19:47
Kingsy[m]Ah ok yeah I can do that.19:47
Kingsy[m]Zzzzz so slow when your looking at it download...19:48
Kingsy[m]Right here https://imgur.com/gallery/9Fnfq19:59
Kingsy[m]Brainwash, harrypeach19:59
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Kingsy[m]That's from au. Got the same error on GB and us19:59
HarryPeachand the internet deffo works on that system?19:59
Kingsy[m]I can wget index.html from Google.20:00
HarryPeachwhat about if you ping ubuntus archive servers20:01
Kingsy[m]1 sec20:01
Kingsy[m]Yeah that works. Us GB and au20:01
tomreyn!+1 | Kingsy[m]20:01
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | Kingsy[m]20:02
ubottuKingsy[m]: Artful Aardvark is the codename for Ubuntu 17.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+120:02
HarryPeachHmmm thats very weird then20:02
HarryPeachI'm not really sure what the issue is20:02
tomreynKingsy[m]: you are trying to install ubuntu artsy / 17.10, right?20:02
Kingsy[m]I have tried 17.10 and 16.0420:03
brainwashKingsy[m]: I suggest asking in #ubuntu-mirrors20:03
tomreynwhats the error message with 16.04.3?20:03
Kingsy[m]Hm I thought this was 16.04... perhaps i downloaded the wrong image..20:04
tomreynthe latest screenshot you posted is of Ubuntu 17.10 ("Artful Aardvark")20:04
Kingsy[m]Right then I downloaded the wrong image .. damn I wanted to try 16.0420:05
Kingsy[m]I'll try it now20:05
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
zzarrI have a touch screen that is recognized as a mouse20:17
jarray52After installing Ubuntu 16.04LTS, my screen streams "nouveau .... fifo: SCHED_ERROR 08 []". I have an Nvidia GTX 1080Ti graphics card. What's the best way to proceed?20:17
zzarrxinput list shows my touchscreen as a "Virtual core pointer"20:18
elim_garakso i updated ubuntu from 16.4 to 17.4 but i still have Unity instead of the new gnome. How can i switch to Gnome? Is it as easy as apt-get install gnome ?20:46
kus_ubuntui686hi, what ruby on rails applications are available on ubuntu?20:47
kus_ubuntui686I want to install something quick from apt to see if my setup is working properly20:48
ubottuUbuntu GNOME is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses !GNOME as the default desktop environment instead of Unity. For more info or to download, see http://www.ubuntugnome.org/ or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/OneStopPage20:48
elim_garakoerheks: so i would have to reinstall ?20:48
oerhekselim, no, you can install it on top of unit, but you might want a clean gnome, see the url for downloading the iso20:49
Bashing-omelim_garak: When I updated to 17.04, I had the option to boot the gnome DE . At the login box - drop down from the ubuntu icon and choose gnome .20:50
brainwashjarray52: install the nvidia driver20:51
oerhekskus_ubuntui686, if you don't find an answer here, you might want to reask in #ubuntu-server too20:52
kus_ubuntui686thanks oerheks20:53
Loshkijarray52: sounds like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/161315821:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1613158 in linux (Ubuntu) "Booting with Nvidia GTX 970 hangs with an orange/corrupt screen in kernels 4.8-4.11 (but works with 4.4.0)" [High,Confirmed]21:04
donofriobrianwash, that did it snap git package for remmina fixed my black screen ssh issue, now if it could just pick up the private key that I already have that would be great so far it's not....21:05
fmultianyone have any luck using Snap behind a corporate proxy? i'm having this issue https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/certificate-substitution-and-snaps/1077 and cant find any resolution anywhere21:07
naccfmulti: #snappy21:07
fmultinacc:  im there too21:08
naccfmulti: i meant ask there specifically, not here :)21:08
fmultinacc: i did, just figured i'd ask here too since nobody responded21:09
fmultiit is somewhat-ubuntu related lol21:09
manuelschneid3rin which package do I find the xpcom header for virtualbox?21:16
tomreynmanuelschneid3r: does this help? https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=xpcom&mode=filename&suite=xenial&arch=any21:19
tomreynnote this search is limited to the xenial (16.04) release21:20
manuelschneid3runfortunately not21:20
manuelschneid3rtheres the shared lib but not the header21:20
tomreyni guess it'll be in the source package21:21
tomreynwhat are you trying to do?21:21
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manuelschneid3rcompile albertlaunchre21:43
manuelschneid3rone of on archlinux xpcom is in the virtualbox package21:44
manuelschneid3rignore the first two words21:44
awoserrahi, little help running ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64 in qemu would be great if anyone has experience with this?22:18
awoserrai just need network access and a place to store a file I compile within ubuntu22:19
awoserrarunning qemu on openbsd22:19
jiffeanyone see why unattended upgrades isn't upgrading libxml2 here? https://pb.jiffe.com/EhZs5Y8V5HBLMpfQXaK5iW22:30
naccjiffe: can you pb `apt-cache policy libxml2` ?22:30
jiffenacc: https://pb.jiffe.com/RTJLfNesXYTJvCDayED6Tz22:31
naccjiffe: i would just guess a mirror race (when unattended-upgrades ran it was not published to your mirror yet?)22:32
naccjiffe: you could try running it manually, iirc22:32
jiffeI didn't have to do an apt-get update to see libxml2 was available, would that have been updating outside of the unattended upgrade process?22:33
naccjiffe: possibly, i'm not sure22:33
virmahahello..how do i install this on ubuntu : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webkit2gtk22:35
jiffeI have nagios checking if there are packages needing to be upgraded, I don't know if that does an apt update in the process22:35
naccvirmaha: that's a src package, you don't install them22:35
naccvirmaha: you install onen of the binary packages from it22:35
naccjiffe: not sure, sorry22:35
jiffeunattended-upgrade does look like it wants to upgrade libxml2 now though22:35
virmahanacc: install how?22:35
naccvirmaha: `sudo apt update; sudo apt install <pkgname>` or use the GUI software22:36
virmahasudo apt install webkit2gtk failed..couldn't find packagename22:36
naccvirmaha: read what i just wrote again.22:37
naccvirmaha: you don't install srcpkgs.22:37
virmahanacc: ohhh gotcha my bad. works fine. wohoo thanks!22:37
naccvirmaha: np22:37
Nuno69Hello, I have a question. As I am a blind user, and the Orca screenreader doesn't work well with Unity and its dependencies, is there a way to safely replace unity with Gnome?22:40
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oerheks!find rock23:04
ubottuFound: rocksndiamonds, bottlerocket, luarocks, openrocket, rockdodger23:04
Bashing-omoerheks: Hey, no xangua found under these rocks :(23:06
* oerheks orders from tacobell.nl23:08
The_Woodsmanhey, i'm trying to set up an ubuntu server that i could log into with a remote desktop from time to time. i'm doing a little research and it looks like i'll need to configure the server to have a GUI first - the default ubuntu server doesn't have one from what i can gather. does anyone have any advice / a guide on how to do this?23:19
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oerheksjust install some desktop ?23:20
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours23:20
pieroI think somebody near my apartment is using aireplay to deauthenticate my wireless connection. Which tools and how can I try to detect it? Ty!23:22
oerhekspiero, change your ssid in your router, and use a long password of 32 characters+23:24
oerheksno rainbowtable goes that high :-D23:25
pierooerheks, yeah, i changed my ssid to "iknowudoing" but it's still happening. the password is already very long, but my tv, computer and cellphone keep reconnecting, not at the same time23:28
pieronext step is going to be a hard kick in some door, but i must know which door to kick :D23:29
oerheksoh, is that why you think someone is using aireplay?23:29
pieroyeah, because i changed the ap and it's still happening23:31

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