
RoadRunneris anybody out there?00:21
well_laid_lawnit depends on where there is00:27
RoadRunneroh good, a living soul somewhere :)00:30
RoadRunnerI don't suppose you could help me with an annoying system notice?00:31
RoadRunnerI keep getting a "Incomplete Languare Support"notice after xub 16.04 boots and there doesn't seem to be a way to get rid of it00:34
well_laid_lawnhave you tried updating?00:38
RoadRunner"have you tried updating?"   system updated with latest soft and reports to be current00:47
RoadRunnerI tried going through GUI and nothing seemed to be adding or changing; haven't tried CUI but (i) my language is english so nothing special shouldn't be needed and be I don't use gnome as is shown in the example in your link00:49
RoadRunner*and (b)00:50
RoadRunneror (ii) ... :)00:51
CrazyTuxhello, just want to report a nagging issue that is bothering me while using xubuntu 16.04.3. It keeps freezing randomly.04:51
CrazyTuxmay be it has something to do with the kernel. Please see that this is rectified.04:52
well_laid_lawnCrazyTux:  more than likely it is something local to your system05:31
well_laid_lawnno one else has that issue05:31
CrazyTuxI am running mageia 6 now. It doesn't have that issue.05:34
CrazyTuxI tried Zorin Lite 12.2 which is based on ubuntu lts. It too had this issue.05:34
well_laid_lawnso you won't know if the issue is fixed then...05:34
CrazyTuxI didn't get you.05:35
CrazyTuxI really wanted to stick to Xubuntu LTS.05:36
CrazyTuxreally like it.05:36
CrazyTuxafaik, Xubuntu LTS didn't have this issue earlier.05:37
CrazyTuxLooks like after updating/upgrading this is occuring.05:37
well_laid_lawnreally, you should file a bug, not make a demand. It'll be hard to file a bug without the os installed though. For future reference:05:41
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.05:41
CrazyTuxI will do that.05:48
CrazyTuxwell_laid_lawn, can we expect that problem to go away in the course of time, when Xubuntu LTS receive more kernel updates and patches.05:51
CrazyTuxhow does it work?05:51
CrazyTuxI am a newbie, just curious to know.05:51
feodoranHi, when I want to shutdown/reboot from GUI I always need to click the Button twice. On terminal it works directly. How can I fix that? (Xubu 16.04.309:09
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AsKerrHello. I have an old computer with xubuntu 16.04 that was working perfectly until today.17:31
AsKerrI updated it but it told something about a partial update. Now I can access the login but it is an eternal loop.17:31
AsKerrshould i reinstal something in text mode?17:43
rosesi have 2 hdd with xubuntu installed. if I plug the 2 and reboot the sytem, will I be ableto choose which one I start?19:46
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