
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
jibelgood morning05:26
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers05:48
jibelsalut oSoMoN05:55
didrocksgood morning05:57
didrockssalut jibel, oSoMoN05:57
oSoMoNsalut jibel05:58
oSoMoNsalut didrocks05:58
jibelsalut didrocks05:59
seb128salut les frenchies, oSoMoN didrocks jibel06:03
ThorHop[m]Something that bothers me is that there are very few screenshots in gnome-software...06:03
jameshoSoMoN: fyi: my branch adding host system font access for snaps got merged to master.  That probably means it'll be generally available in snapd-2.2906:06
oSoMoNsalut seb12806:14
oSoMoNjamesh, yes, I’ve seen the branch land, thanks!06:14
oSoMoNI’ll be eagerly waiting for it to be released06:14
jameshoSoMoN: it should only require you to plug the "desktop" interface, so apps should pick this up by default as they move to the new interface06:15
seb128jamesh, did you land the complete work? like if you plug to the desktop interface all the host fonts are bindmounted for you?06:30
seb128the pr I saw was just adding the mountdir but not doing any actual mounting06:30
seb128jamesh, oh and hey btw :-)06:30
jameshseb128: yeah.  There were two parts: (1) adding the empty directories as mount points to the core snap, and (2) updating the desktop interface to actually do the bind mounts06:31
jameshseb128: (2) is what just landed06:31
seb128ah nice06:31
seb128good to know they are open to that as well06:31
seb128do you plan to do similar changes for other things06:31
jameshthis is just in master right now though, so you'd need to compile your own snapd until it is released06:32
seb128like maybe mimetypes06:32
jameshseb128: I want to solve theming, but that is a little more complex06:32
seb128k, that one would be good06:32
jameshI'm not sure whether exposing the host shared-mime-info makes sense06:32
jameshwe should work out a way to avoid the rebuild that the desktop-helpers part does though06:33
jameshthe host system mime database is going to be a combination of the base shared-mime-info and stuff provided by installed applications06:34
jamesh(a) it's not clear we want confined apps to know everything that's installed out of the sandbox, and (b) it's not clear that they could meaningfully use that info06:35
jamesh(e.g. they can't launch those apps directly)06:35
seb128well, that's not an important part to resolve now in any case, theme is higher priority for sure06:38
seb128oh other topic06:39
seb128jamesh, did you see bug #1715662?06:39
ubot5bug 1715662 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Network Connectivity Checking does not turn gray when toggle is set to Off" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171566206:39
seb128jamesh, and did you forget to send your weekly summary for the meeting yesterday or did that just got lost on the way?06:39
seb128sorry for the dump of questions :-)06:39
jameshseb128: I had seen that bug.  The code is supposed to be doing delayed update, but obviously isn't quite working right.  I forgot to send through my update yesterday.06:43
seb128jamesh, l_aney has a review comment pointing to a code error which he thinks explains the issue, can you have a look to that and comment back at least? even if you don't have slots to work on a fix atm06:44
jameshseb128: sure.06:46
didrockshey ho Laney08:01
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:03
Laneyhey didrocks seb12808:08
LaneyI'm gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood08:08
seb128I'm good as well, had a good night and was up feeling fresh and ready to work at 7am08:09
seb128already got quite some work done08:09
seb128and I'm playing tennis tonight :-)08:09
willcookemorning all.  I'm on child care for a little bit this morning.  Should be back in about 15 mins08:10
Laney7am wtf08:11
seb128hey willcooke08:13
seb128good luck with the kids08:13
Laneymoin willcooke08:13
c-lobranomorning all 0/08:14
seb128hey c-lobrano08:15
jibelI'm looking at bug 1718285 and trying to confirm it. It seems that it's caused by the uim module under wayland. I installed uim but would anyone know how to enable it? I found nothing to configure input methods in control center08:38
ubot5bug 1718285 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in XGetModifierMapping()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171828508:38
seb128jibel, GTK_IM_MODULE=uim <cmd>08:45
seb128hey willcooke08:45
seb128jibel, I wanted to look at that but I'm currently under an x11 session and can't restart08:45
seb128jibel, the bt is gtk2 so find something gtk2ish08:45
seb128ignore that it's nautilus08:45
seb128and gtk308:46
seb128I saw a similar on gtk2 earlier08:46
seb128ah, no, it's the retrace08:46
seb128im_module_init (type_module=0x55a287902100) at ../../gtk2/immodule/gtk-im-uim.c:180808:46
seb128I wonder if uim is wrongly built and install the gtk2 module in the gtk3 dir08:46
seb128seems not08:47
willcookekoza, seb128 let's skip again today.  duflu is out and nothing new to report on the current bluez stack I think08:47
seb128willcooke, koza, +108:47
willcookeoh, except, I havent looked, but do you know if the fix for that bluetooth exploit is released to Xenial?08:48
* willcooke now looks08:48
seb128willcooke, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/5.37-0ubuntu5.108:48
jibelseb128, the gtk2 module is installed in the gtk2 dir and GTK_IM_MODULE=uim nautiluse crashes nautilus immediately08:48
kozawillcooke, breaks my heart but yeah we can skip08:48
* willcooke sends koza some flowers08:48
kozait is released, snap is following08:48
willcookethanks seb12808:48
seb128willcooke, yw!08:49
* koza koza has lags, is uploading kernel at 34.00 KiB/s 08:49
seb128jibel, the uim bug is https://github.com/uim/uim/issues/7108:51
jibelthanks, I'll update lp08:52
seb128refresh first08:52
seb128I did some changes to the bug08:52
oSoMoNchrisccoulson, hey, have you had a chance to check the chromium update (61.0.3163.79) in the stage ppa?09:00
jameshseb128: this should fix up the gnome-control-center issue: https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesh/gnome-control-center/ubuntu-bug-1715662/+merge/33103809:28
seb128jamesh, great, thanks09:29
didrocksjbicha: FYI, tried the pkexec patch, but it only has effects on Xorg session, so I think we can wait for .1 :)10:26
seb128bah, tb segfaults on start for me now11:08
chrisccoulsonoSoMoN, yeah, I'm working on it11:15
jbichaseb128: hi, I guess we want NM 1.8.4 (released today) ? https://cgit.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/tree/NEWS/?h=nm-1-812:03
jbichain case it helps with new gnome-control-center shell crashes?12:04
seb128jbicha, hey, sure12:05
seb128jbicha, I was going to ask you if you knew of a ppa with 1.1012:05
seb128jbicha, the NEWS doesn't sound like it fixes the g-c-c issue though12:05
Laneynah, master is still buggy, I tried with NM/g-c-c from git using jhbuild12:08
seb128Laney, would be useful if you say so on #control-center :-)12:09
seb128also good to mention12:09
seb128I was about to spend time on that12:09
LaneyI just did mention it12:09
LaneyI literally just did that so this is not a case of me failing to tell you12:09
seb128right, and I just thanked you for doing so :-)12:09
Laneyfeel free to spend time on it12:10
LaneyI'm going to have lunch12:10
seb128sorry, messages don't get through IRC easily sometime12:10
seb128thanks for testing!12:10
seb128I don't have a jhbuild handy around12:10
jbichait feels to me like the old g-c-c shell doesn't crash as much but I don't use the old shell as much either12:10
seb128so I was going to start some manual building figuring out build options and such12:10
seb128jbicha, do you have any idea what we do about that cups-filters/qpdf issue?12:25
jbichaseb128: I thought tkamppeter fixed it (LP: #1718215) with cups-filters 1.17.7 but that's stuck in artful-proposed because of cups autopkgtest failures12:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 1718215 in cups-filters (Ubuntu) "versions of cups-filters and libqpdf do not match" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171821512:30
seb128jbicha, right, the "blocked in proposed because of cups autopkg" is the issue12:30
jbichaI FAIL stderr: /usr/bin/lp: Unsupported document-format "application/pdf"12:31
seb128Till is away for travel/visiting of NY/w.e now12:31
jbichaI don't know12:31
seb128I emailed Till about it12:31
seb128but he said the cups-filters update should fix that12:31
seb128jbicha, should we revert the qpdf update12:33
jbichathe tests pass in Debian https://ci.debian.net/packages/c/cups/unstable/amd64/12:33
c-lobranodoes anybody knows why compiling mutter 3.24.4 I got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/25578901/ ?12:34
seb128jbicha, that's good to know but doesn't help us much?12:35
c-lobrano*does anybody know12:35
jbicharevert qpdf to what? qpdf 7b1 has been in artful for a few weeks12:36
seb128that version works12:37
seb128the issue is that they changed a symbol between 7b1 and 712:37
seb128c-lobrano, I don't12:38
c-lobranoseb128: ok, thanks anyway12:39
seb128jbicha, it's probably more productive to fix the issue but it's a bit annoying that it's when Till is travelling :-/12:40
c-lobranoTrevinho, maybe :)12:42
seb128c-lobrano, or the gnome channels12:43
c-lobranoseb128: I've tried in gnome-shell already, but no luck12:43
jk^hi all please, how to request a cancellation of a pastebin pasted for error? on paste.ubuntu.com?12:44
seb128jk^, you can't easily, https://askubuntu.com/questions/406275/i-would-like-to-delete-an-accidental-post-i-did-on-paste-ubuntu-com-while-using suggest filing an ubuntu rt12:47
jbichadidrocks: do you know why the Ubuntu session uses org.gnome.mutter gsettings instead of org.gnome.shell.overrides like the GNOME session does?12:59
jbichait makes configuring dynamic-workspaces or attach-modal-dialog etc. more complicated with Tweaks13:00
seb128jbicha, I think it has to do with the use of a gnome-shell mode13:03
seb128I don't remember the details though13:03
didrocksjbicha: because this is the thing which was hackish in org.gnome.shell.overrides13:09
didrocksjbicha: and upstream is ging to remove it now that we have per-session overrides13:10
didrocks(per desktop rather)13:10
didrocksjbicha: basically, in tweaks, you should just take the gsettings value, so it's actually easier13:11
jbichadidrocks: I should do what?13:13
didrocksjbicha: nothing, normally, the settings are just the base ones, org.gnome.mutter13:14
didrocksand it will be the same for GNOME classic soon13:14
didrocks(the patches are already ready by Florian)13:14
jbichadidrocks: it sounds to me like you're saying that this will be easier for 3.28 but what should I do for 3.26?13:16
jbichaa related bug is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78631113:16
ubot5Gnome bug 786311 in general "Ineffective "static workspaces" setting" [Critical,New]13:17
didrocksjbicha: you can test session and special case ubuntu if you want to support it13:19
didrocksjbicha: knowing that in 3.28, you sohuld just have to listen on org.gnome.mutter13:19
didrockswe are really getting a ton of positive comments on my blog post suite13:54
didrocksthe last one being:13:54
didrocks"Wow, I have just tried it out, you know, Ubuntu 17.10 ... and it looks very nice! Works like a charm!13:54
didrocksThe animations in GNOME 3.26 when maximizing windows etc. also work great. Together with the modifications for Ubuntu, it all looks very posh!"13:54
* didrocks was more expecting 50/50 feedbacks, but it's overall 80/20 of positive feedbacks13:55
cyphermoxwillcooke: ping about the mascott for slideshow :)13:57
didrocksjbicha: do you mind answer on a Tweak question on https://didrocks.fr/2017/09/20/ubuntu-gnome-shell-in-artful-day-13/#comment-3526266138? I can't think of anything blocking anyone installing an extension on Tweaks…13:57
didrocksapart from "can't disable extensions being part of a mode" ofc13:57
willcookecyphermox, HEY!13:58
willcookesorry for caps13:58
willcookeI added the mascot to the xcf file in the source13:58
willcookeand also, lemme find the bug13:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1717309 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "17.10 Artful Aardvark Mascot" [Undecided,New]13:59
TrevinhoLaney, seb128: hey... I finally was able to fix all the compile issues, test failures and arch-related troubles (the only "bad thing" i had to accept was disabling -Werror in armhf and ppc64)... s390x doesn't go, but it never went and I guess we don't care. So if you agree, feel free to publish https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/289214:01
TrevinhoSo I can proceed back porting the important fixes on lockscreen to Xenial14:02
seb128Trevinho, good, I do that14:03
willcookeTrevinho, was anyone able to test and recreate?14:03
willcookeon U7 that is14:03
Trevinhowillcooke: what you refer to?14:03
willcookeTrevinho, the lock screen / desktop flashing up for a couple of seconds14:03
Trevinhowillcooke: ah andyrock had it iirc14:04
cyphermoxwillcooke: cool!14:04
seb128Trevinho, Laney,the publishing fails because of the missing s390x builds it seems14:07
TrevinhoIn the past it was ignored... I don't know how to mark that14:08
TrevinhoThere's a default that I can't reproduce and also valgrind doesn't complain... I can ignore tests there too... But, I guess we can just ignore the arch14:10
seb128yeah, unsure how to ignore14:10
seb128maybe manual pocket copy14:10
tjaaltondoes super+up/down work for someone, to maximize/minimize windows? doesn't work for me14:12
tjaaltonleft/right does14:12
Trevinhoseb128: probably...14:14
seb128tjaalton, wfm under wayland14:15
tjaaltonseb128: ok, must be a hw issue on this beta laptop then..14:15
tjaaltonor something14:15
jibelsuper+up/down doesn't work on X, but ctrl+super+up/down does14:16
seb128what keybindings are listed in settings?14:17
tjaaltonjibel: yeah that works here too, and I'm on wayland14:17
jibelah, the settings was modified. After a reset super+up/down works14:18
jibelI don't remember I modified it or looong time ago14:18
tjaaltonme neither14:24
didrocksnever opened ccsm in the unity times?14:25
jibelit's keybindings inherited from unity714:25
didrocksccsm had the nasty effect to "write" some default keys and so, became non defaults14:25
didrocks(and so, new defaults aren't applied)14:25
jibeldefault zesty installation ctrl+super+up/down maximizes/restores the windows but only super+up/down on artful/g-shell14:26
jibelso on an upgraded system keybindings are different than a default artful installation14:26
tjaaltonok, i'll blame ccsm14:27
tjaaltonlooks like I got gnome set up pretty much the way I had unity7, but missing alt+f2 which had a history :)14:28
tjaaltonand some weirdness with a n*n workspace grid where some shortcuts think it's still a vertical array of workspaces14:30
tjaaltonbut that's just a bug14:30
tjaaltonall in all, artful is looking good :)14:30
GunnarHjseb128, jbicha: Hi guys, I think I made the adjustments of the ubuntu-seeds MP which we talked about yesterday, including an adjustment of l-s. Any remaining issues/questions, or is any of you ready to merge the thing?14:30
seb128GunnarHj, I'm not familiar enough with that to merge it without spending some time trying to understand what it does exactly and I don't have slots for that atm14:31
LaneyTrevinho: looks like the last release does build on s390x q14:32
seb128GunnarHj, while you are here, could you have a look to the UIFe on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock/+bug/1713712 ?14:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1713712 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "[UIFe, FFe] Provide Unity Launcher API" [Medium,New]14:32
jbichaGunnarHj: the MP looks good to me. Speaking of UIFe's, I was going to email the lists soon for LP: #171808314:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1718083 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "UIFe: Add Additional Printer Settings button" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171808314:34
seb128Laney, can you force skip over the cups-filters autopkgtest for cups failure? I emailed Till about it and he had a look and wrote "This is not a bug, this is a specialty PPD for Braille embossers which does not support PDF input. The autopkgtest of CUPS (debian/tests/cups in CUPS source package) needs some kind of override"14:34
seb128jbicha, ^14:34
didrocksGunnarHj: you should never have said "hi" :)14:34
GunnarHjdidrocks, seb128: Wasn't aware of the implied code in that word. :)14:35
jbichaseb128: so maybe Debian's autopkgtest didn't fail because they don't have cups-filter 1.17.7 with the extra braille stuff?14:36
Laneyseb128: if it's normal then the test shouldn't fail on it14:37
seb128jbicha, right14:38
seb128Laney, right, that's the "needs some kind of override" part14:38
seb128Laney, but qpdf migrated to artful screwing cups-filters/cups on the way14:38
seb128and Tiil is travelling to NY on having days off to visit14:38
seb128so he's off until eow14:38
seb128so either we keep cups broken in artful for the week14:38
seb128or we skip over the test for that one14:39
seb128and Till can do the test fix next week14:39
seb128Laney, ^14:39
Laneythat thing you pasted doesn't sound like he's planning to fix cups14:39
seb128the issue is not a real issue but an imperfect test so I would argue in favor of skipping and fixing the archive14:40
GunnarHjjbicha: Added a comment on 1718083. Will you merge the ubuntu-seeds MP?14:40
Laneyyes, well, everyone always argues in favour of skipping over regressions rather than fixing things14:40
seb128Laney, let me forward you the emails, I didn't want to spam IRC too much14:40
jbichaseb128: did cups-filters just need a rebuild against qpdf? if so, maybe going back to 1.17.5 would be easier now14:40
seb128jbicha, that would be a solution I guess14:40
seb128Laney, I fowarded you the email, let me know what you want to do14:41
seb128options are14:41
seb128- keep artful buggy until somebody fixes the cups test (not likely this week)14:41
seb128- delete the cups-filters and do a no change rebuild from the old version14:41
seb128- skip over the test for now and fix properly next week14:41
jibeloption 1 is not an option: buggy mean "no printing at all"14:42
GunnarHjseb128: Added a comment on 1713712.14:42
jibelso it's either revert or force the publication14:42
seb128jibel, well it's an option, even if you don't like it14:42
seb128I didn't say it was a good option14:42
jibelyou cannot reasonably keep printing broken for a week14:43
seb128that's not the option I favorite14:43
seb128but I can't be bothered going backward14:43
seb128and L_aney is not liking skips14:43
seb128so we might just end up there14:43
seb128jbicha, thanks for merging GunnarHj's changes14:45
seb128I'm going to ask Till to set up an autopkgtest for qpdf as well14:46
seb128so next time it doesn't migrate screwing up cups-filters/cups14:46
willcookeIt's probably worth pinging Till on email anyway, he might get a few mins here and there in the hotel before he goes out adventuring14:48
seb128willcooke, I did, he debugged the issue14:49
seb128well figured out what the problem is14:49
seb128it's not a bug in the runtime, just a test that is being done over braille ppds which are special cases and shouldn't be tested in that conext14:49
seb128I don't think he's going to have the slots to do the packaging changes today though and he's off tomorrow/friday and I don't think it's important enough to ask him to take time on his days off to work14:50
willcookeyeah, I mean he might fix the tests this week14:50
willcookeworth asking is all I mean14:51
seb128right, let me do that14:52
Laneyit would be easy for anyone to update /usr/share/cups/test-drivers to skip that brail [4~ even if that's temporaryledriver15:00
Laneyi'm having a really hard time IRCing atm, sorry15:01
Laneydon't even know if these messages are getting through15:01
seb128Laney, they do15:01
seb128thanks for the suggestion15:01
seb128I emailed Till asking about that15:06
seb128oSoMoN, you should probably change back the GNOME bug about the screen config being lost from needinfo to new since you provided the info15:10
oSoMoNseb128, I was kind of expecting the person who asked for more info to do that, and it seems I can only change it to RESOLVED15:11
seb128oh ok15:12
seb128oSoMoN, ignore me then, sometime it acts as a small nudging but I didn't remember the status was locked15:12
Laneymanaged to pass about 3 packets15:13
Laneyothers in this room aren't having problems15:15
seb128Laney, time to use your 3g? ;-)15:15
Laneycan't tether on that15:16
Laneyok, seems a bit better now15:16
willcookecyphermox, lol @ aardvarkify15:22
oSoMoNkenvandine, remember those /dev/shm/org.chromium.XXXXXX denials in the firefox snap? looks like firefox uses some chromium code for IPC, and they didn't bother modifying the namespace… https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/tip/ipc/chromium/src/base/file_util_posix.cc15:33
seb128Laney, you probably know that but just to give a confirmation, your n-m change fixes the g-c-c/unlock segfault for me15:41
seb128Laney, do you plan to handle the n-m upload with the vpn patch and yours once they are accepted?15:41
Laneyseb128: can do if necessary15:50
seb128Laney, that would be nice :-)15:52
kenvandineoSoMoN, indeed15:55
kenvandineoSoMoN, do you think that's related to the problem?15:55
oSoMoNkenvandine, I think so, yes15:57
TrevinhoLaney: hey, you saw my ping of before?16:01
Trevinhoit's still valid, though I triggered a rebuild of the silo as I missed a commit16:01
LaneyTrevinho: yes, you said that s390x doesn't build, right?16:04
Laneythe last build in artful does have an s390x build so that's probably why it's complaining16:04
TrevinhoLaney: well, it's libnux that doesn't16:05
Trevinhoit builds16:05
Trevinhobut... it segfaults in a test16:05
Trevinhoand I can't really debug it16:05
Trevinhovalgrind is ok with it here16:05
Laneydoesn't matter why, just that's the reason I think16:07
Laneyso you probably need an archive admin to help you remove it or something16:07
TrevinhoLaney: so... you suggest me to disable the tests and get it done, or ask for the removal?16:12
LaneyI don't think there's much point building something that is totally/mostly broken16:12
Laneyso maybe remove it16:12
Laneybut you need to check for things which depend or build-depend on it too16:12
TrevinhoI guess only unity16:13
Trevinhosil2100: can you help with that? ^16:14
Trevinhoor didrocks... but he's out now :(16:15
Trevinhoah, seb128 too, no?16:15
* Trevinho goes through the list of admins :-D16:15
ricotzoSoMoN, regarding firefox, this looks troublesome indeed16:17
oSoMoNgood night all16:59
jbichaqengho: hi! I hope Irma wasn't too bad for you17:16
qenghojbicha: Hi! Thanks! I barely felt it because I moved 3000 miles away.17:19
jbichaoh, that works17:19
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
kenvandineyay, auto-connection for gnome-3-26-1604 granted :)18:30
kenvandinejdstrand, thx!18:30
kenvandineseb128, ^^18:30
jdstrandkenvandine: curious if you are doing one for gnome-3-24-1604?18:33
kenvandinejdstrand, i could easily18:34
kenvandinejdstrand, but not sure we need/want it now that we have 3.2618:35
kenvandineless to maintain this way, we'll do one for 3.28 when it's out then we'll have multiple versions to maintain18:36
kenvandineso lets not start with extra baggage :)18:37
jbichaseb128: could you subscribe desktop-bugs to ibus-table-chinese and mozc? this is follow-up from GunnarHj's seed change18:51
jdstrandkenvandine: wfm. perhaps you will want to have the snap removed if you are abandoning it (once you move your stuff off of it). just for your consideration18:59
kenvandinejdstrand, yeah, that's a good idea20:43
jackpot51So, there are serious HiDPI regressions on 3.26 with Xorg. These are visible in the Artful installer.20:59
jackpot51Has anybody seen these?21:00
seb128jackpot51, report bugs on launchpad?22:26
seb128jbicha, I didn't follow, we need MIRs for new ibus things? is that for locales that were used fcitx?22:30
seb128mozc is already in main, why do you need desktop-bugs subscribed?22:31
seb128same for ibus-table-chinese22:37
jbichaseb128: oh that makes sense since they were 'supported', but shouldn't there be a bug subsciber? I was looking at component-mismatches22:54
Trevinhokenvandine: hey, can you give a look to https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu-themes/vertical-linked-buttons-tuning/+merge/330958 ?23:11

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