
infinitykarstensrage: Sorry, yeah.  Haven't had a chance yet.  It's been a messy 24h.00:18
karstensragei understand, very sorry00:18
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
alkisgGood morning05:17
alkisgsmoser: Re: #1718227, does that need action from the developers of those affected packages, or netplan will gain support for calling if{up,down}.d script and us developers just need to test that it works fine?05:18
slangasekalkisg: netplan only feeds configuration into the network renderer (systemd-resolved or network-manager).  It does not call any scripts, and neither does systemd-resolved05:19
alkisgslangasek: AFAIK, network-manager does have a compatibility layer that calls ifupdown scripts05:21
slangasekyes. networkd does not, and will not05:21
alkisgslangasek: to rephrase... as the developer of one of the affected packages (epoptes), I don't know what I'm supposed to do with that bug05:21
slangasekalkisg: add a systemd unit that handles the corresponding events from systemd05:22
alkisgOK, so it's not actually about supporting netplan, but about supporting systemd-networkd?05:22
alkisgGot it, thank you :)05:22
alkisgslangasek: ehm, an additional question just to make sure... so the best resolution is to ship (1) ifupdown scripts for backwards compatibility, (2) network-manager dispatcher.d scripts for those using nm, and (3) networkd units, for those using that?05:24
alkisgOr just (3) is enough for 16.04+ compatibility?05:24
alkisgIs everyone guaranteed to be running networkd from some release and on/05:25
slangasekalkisg: desktops will continue to use Network Manager, so really you want to integrate with both NM and networkd going forward05:31
slangasekalkisg: looking at /etc/network/if-up.d/epoptes-client, I wonder if this shouldn't be some combination of a udev rule, and a systemd unit that starts on network-online05:33
slangasekbecause the latter is a generic entry point supported by all network renderers05:33
alkisgslangasek: the basic task there is to relaunch the client when the ip changes05:34
alkisgAs it doesn't have enough intelligence to reestablish the ssl tunnel using the new ip05:34
alkisgnetwork-online wouldn't be recalled when the ip changes, would it?05:34
slangasekalkisg: correct, it would not; but I don't see anything there that shuts down the previous client, where does that happen?05:35
alkisgJust running epoptes-client (the last line) takes care about all that05:35
alkisgTerminating the previous instance and running a new one05:36
slangasekarguably, this should be implemented using netlink instead, to reconnect when the source IP changes - for any reason05:38
alkisgThank you, I'll read about that05:38
slangasekhowever, netlink is basically impossible in shell, and barely possible in C ;)05:39
alkisgWhoops :)05:39
slangasekstill, that's the way you subscribe to kernel network change events05:39
seb128wgrant, hey, could you trigger an artful langpack export manually? I would like to refresh the base pack to look at where we stand with those without having to wait for next monday08:07
wgrantseb128: Have you hit the web UI flag to request the full export?08:09
seb128wgrant, yes08:10
wgrantseb128: It's running now.08:12
seb128wgrant, thanks! do you know how long the job takes nowadays?08:13
wgrantseb128: Looks like about 3h1508:15
LocutusOfBorgkirkland, hello, wrt your pdf (thanks for sharing it)08:50
LocutusOfBorgpage 18, rhythmbox is in two different graphs08:51
LocutusOfBorgbecause many people mispelled it08:51
xnoxinfinity, netcfg: relocation error: /lib/libnss_dns.so.2: symbol __resolv_context_get, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference09:29
xnoxi wonder what am I doing wrong09:29
xnoxhm my libc.so.6 checksums don't match09:42
xnoxok rebuild again, and things are fine09:54
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: I remember doing so on other packages but I fail to find the link to the old llvm versions debs to download for bug 171757410:42
ubottubug 1717574 in clamav (Ubuntu) "freshclam crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail_base()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171757410:42
cpaelzerI thought to remember something like built binaries being a list of debs, but can't find the right link from publishing hostroy to them atm :-/10:42
cpaelzerah on the builds10:43
LocutusOfBorgclick on the version, and grab the debs10:43
cpaelzerI knew I did that before :-)10:43
LocutusOfBorgsnapshots.debian.org works better indeed10:43
LocutusOfBorgyou just need libllvm3.9 AFAICS10:44
cpaelzerfor dependencies it is libllvm3.9 llvm-3.9 llvm-3.9-dev llvm-3.9-runtime, which isn't much harder10:47
cpaelzerwhile the case is building I can script the fetch of all those pkg's10:47
dokomehh, opencv was synced from experimental :-/11:09
blazeqtcreator still depends on outdated llvm libllvm3.9 (>= 1:3.9.1-6~), isn't it possible to rebuild it?11:19
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: since 1:3.9.1-13ubuntu6-1337784911:20
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: but there was quite a lot in between11:21
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: that was on those that released, I'll split those that at least built and made it into LP publishing history after lunch11:22
dokomapreri: please could you have a look at the sikuli ftbfs? works with opencv2 in debian ... you synced the new one from experimental11:23
=== rbalint_ is now known as rbalint
mapreridoko: you mean sikulix?  well, I only did https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sikulix/1.1.0-2build1 that went just file (+ ubuntu1 to fix an hardcoded dependency)11:42
maprerii.e. didn't do anything extra/special for it11:42
dokomapreri: well, changes lists you ask the one syncing ...11:42
dokoas even11:42
mapreridoko: I'll have a look, as that means we have yet another package breaking with opencv 3 now, and we're struggling to take that transition to an end :\11:43
maprerijust not today11:43
dokomapreri: so my idea to sync opencv again was not a good idea. probably will reject it, currently sitting in NEW12:00
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: more specific it broke 1:3.9.1-13ubuntu4-13351809 -> 1:3.9.1-13ubuntu6-1337784912:02
mapreridoko: yes, I recommend against.  OCV 3.2 brings more FTBFS among its rdeps that 3.1 doesn't.12:14
mapreriI aim at working on it on the debian side (finally) during the next days and the week end12:14
LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, since the failure happens on i386 too, would be nice to test 3.9.1-13ubuntu512:18
LocutusOfBorgdoko, how could using -g1 instead of -g cause the issue https://launchpad.net/bugs/171757412:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1717574 in clamav (Ubuntu) "freshclam crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail_base()" [Medium,Confirmed]12:19
LocutusOfBorgblaze, why? there is no need to have a stricter dependency12:20
dokodoes clamav use unwinding internally?12:22
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: need to setup an nev doing so on i386, but ok easy enough12:23
LocutusOfBorgI uploaded something in a ppa12:29
LocutusOfBorgit won't probably build12:29
LocutusOfBorgalso, I expect it to fail also here http://debomatic-amd64.debian.net/distribution#unstable/clamav/0.99.3~beta1+dfsg-2build1/buildlog12:30
LocutusOfBorgsince the same llvm is in Debian12:30
LocutusOfBorgif it doesn't fail, I would blame glibc12:31
cpaelzerThe same test doesn't trigger in i38612:35
cpaelzerI'll check out your ppa ocne built12:36
blazeLocutusOfBorg: look at the package name: libllvm3.912:37
LocutusOfBorglibllvm3.9 (>= 1:3.9.1-6~),12:37
blazenow I have 3.9, 4.0 and 5.0. Isn't it a bit toomuch12:37
LocutusOfBorgthis means, everything with an higher value12:37
LocutusOfBorgblaze, if you want to port the code to llvm 4.0, 5.0 or 6.0, you are welcome to do it12:38
LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, http://debomatic-amd64.debian.net/distribution#unstable/clamav/0.99.3~beta1+dfsg-2build1/buildlog12:38
LocutusOfBorgso I blame glibc12:38
cpaelzerwow that worked12:38
cpaelzerso this becomed a package update love triangle then12:39
LocutusOfBorgmy package won't probably build because llvm takes too memory on amd64 without -g112:39
LocutusOfBorgrbalint, unattended-upgrades merge?12:44
smoserslangasek, i'm not sure that "it's not actually about supporting netplan, but about supporting systemd-networkd?" is true.12:46
smoserfrom a forward looking perspective, systemd-networkd is happenstance and netplan is design. i'd much rather tell people "this is how you integrate with netplan" and promise that that will work in 18.04, 20.04 and 22.04 then "integrate with systemd-networkd and then we might tell you something else in 20.04"12:47
smoserie, it *is* about supporting netplan.  and netplan being able to support things that interact with networking events.12:48
ddstreetbdmurray can you approve artful nomination for lp #1716964 please13:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1716964 in vlan (Ubuntu Zesty) "VLAN network script if-up.d/ip limits rp_filter value to 0 or 1" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171696413:10
dokobdmurray: 1715641 doesn't match the changelog. wrong number?13:17
rbalintLocutusOfBorg: yes, i'm preparing it13:19
LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, interestingly, clamav builds on all except amd64 and i38613:41
kirklandLocutusOfBorg: indeed, turns out "rhythm" is a hard word to spell :-)13:43
LocutusOfBorgkirkland, fortunately the outcome didn't change13:44
LocutusOfBorgit is still in second place13:44
dokorbasak: is mariadb serverish? if yes, there are autopkg test failures on ppc64el and s390x13:49
LocutusOfBorgbtw such results, are probably somewhat faulty, because people who answered, are probably ubuntu users, and Ubuntu always used gnome apps13:50
rbasakdoko: yes, though not in main. I've passed on a message to one of the DDs who looks after it for us in Ubuntu.13:56
rbasak(well, pinged him on IRC at least - #debian-mysql on OFTC)13:56
xnoxdoko, yes but it is systemd fault14:01
xnoxrbasak, unping14:01
ricotzLocutusOfBorg, hi, regarding your mention of rustc/cargo, syncing libgit2 0.26.0 would still be nice14:10
ddstreetbdmurray would you like to sponsor a bug for me into artful?  or cpaelzer perhaps?  lp #1716964 please14:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1716964 in vlan (Ubuntu Zesty) "VLAN network script if-up.d/ip limits rp_filter value to 0 or 1" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171696414:13
cpaelzerddstreet: bdmurray: I'm looking at it14:40
ddstreetcpaelzer thnx14:40
ddstreetbdmurray i have another one you could sponsor please, lp #171805514:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1718055 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "update-initramfs fails for MODULES=dep when root is on LVM wich uses nvme device" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171805514:41
LocutusOfBorgricotz, but out of Ffe14:47
dokonacc: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pacemaker/1.1.17-1ubuntu115:05
naccdoko: yeah, it's ftbfs in debian too15:05
naccdoko: LP: #171244115:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1712441 in pacemaker (Ubuntu) "pacemaker 1.1.17-1ubuntu1 FTBFS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171244115:06
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: I see your llvm ppa at dh_install so it might even succeed15:08
LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, strange15:08
LocutusOfBorgI see it too15:09
rbasakxnox: error: ping stack underflow :-)15:25
xnoxrbasak, que....?15:29
rbasak<xnox> rbasak, unping15:30
rbasakNever mind :)15:30
xnoxrbasak, hahahahah =) ok15:30
* xnox doesn't understand underflow jokes, i mostly code in C </giggles>15:30
slangasekseb128: uhhhh how is gnome-software using packagekit instead of aptdaemon now?  that's not ok15:41
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seb128slangasek, why is it not ok?15:42
seb128slangasek, it's bug #1673258, aptdaemon is unmaintained for years15:42
ubottubug 1673258 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "Remove aptdaemon and drop or port its reverse-dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167325815:42
slangasekseb128: packagekit's lack of debconf integration is a critical blocker, we JUST fixed all the regressions with debconf handling that were breaking users from being able to enable dkms modules on secureboot systems15:42
slangasekyes, aptdaemon is unmaintained; but packagekit is broken by design15:43
slangasekthis needs to be reverted15:43
seb128slangasek, I though that debconf was working in gnome-software now (robert_ancell fixed that iirc)15:43
seb128slangasek, I don't think it's as simple as "can be reverted"15:43
slangasekseb128: AIUI it was working by way of an aptdaemon backend, not packagekit15:43
slangasekam I mistaken?15:43
seb128could be, I didn't check15:43
seb128Laney probably knows more15:43
slangasekI thought you were referring to a recent change in artful :)15:44
seb128it's not that old15:44
seb128we dropped our aptd backend and switching to packagekit in 3.2515:44
seb128which landed in august iirc15:44
slangasekok hmm15:44
slangasekcyphermox, bdmurray: ^^ we need to revalidate virtualbox install on secureboot in 17.1015:45
seb128did anyone test recently?15:45
slangasekseb128: not in the past month, I'm sure15:47
bdmurrayslangasek: I forget was there a bug with instructions for testing that?15:47
LaneyI don't know that PK doesn't work with debconf.15:48
slangasekbdmurray: LP: #1679435 is the bug15:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1679435 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Artful) "GNOME Software fails to install .deb packages that trigger debconf prompts" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167943515:48
LaneyRobert worked on that https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-software-list/2017-May/msg00010.html15:48
slangasekwas that with the pk backend?  I don't know.  if there's been a change, we need to revalidate15:48
slangasekin any case, there are also architectural problems with how pk approaches apt that are going to be a problem down the line15:49
slangasekinfinity can speak to this15:49
infinityslangasek: I mean, I can in theory.  I'm pretty sure I need to re-evaluate the current state of the world.15:52
infinityslangasek: In the past, pk's approach to apt/dpkg was "install the package you asked for and hope for the best, and hey, maybe we'll try some crap dependency resolution on our own", ie: it entirely bypassed apt.15:53
infinityslangasek: aptdaemon, of course, is the other end of the insane spectrum, which is "hand off an exact apt-get call to aptdaemon, and let it go to town", which gets perfect results, but also assumes you entirely trust the every bit of that pipe.15:54
cjwatsonI think that must have been quite a while in the past15:54
cjwatsonI haven't looked very recently, but when I was trying to understand packagekit for click, it made basically sensible apt transactions15:54
infinityslangasek: I haven't looked at the current state of pk, but unless they invoke apt or python-apt to do proper resolution, I have doubts it'd be any better than it once was.15:54
infinitycjwatson: Okay, that sounds promising.  What do you mean by "apt transactions"?  Does it invoke apt via backend priv escalation?15:55
infinity(Which would, effectively, make it aptdaemon part two)15:55
cjwatsonit's using libapt15:56
cjwatsonin C++15:56
cjwatson(I think)15:56
infinityWell, that's definitely more promising then.15:56
cjwatsonsee backends/aptcc/ (you might want to check that that's actually still the backend in use)15:56
infinityProbably still has issues with bubbling up dpkg interaction, but aptdaemon had that same problem (it's just that aptdaemon frontends were usually written to know that).15:57
infinityAnyhow, if it's using libaptpkg, I think many of my old concernes might be moot.15:58
cjwatsonYou should definitely actually review its current state, since it sounds like your concerns are from several years ago at least.15:58
infinityI still loathe the gnome-software UI, but that's not a technical concern. :P15:58
infinitycjwatson: Oh, indeed, as mentioned when I jumped into the conversation, my concerns are based on outdated information from the last time I argued with pk and gave up ever wanting to use it on dpkg systems. ;)15:59
infinityAnd I believe that was from the last time someone suggested update-manager should be ported to pk, and the conclusion was "lol, no".15:59
slangasekcool; if the net is that pk does meet our needs and we can migrate to it, that's a good item to have off the lits16:00
cjwatsonAt one point there was a threat to remove aptcc due to undermaintenance, but I see a chunk of maintenance from (mainly) Ubuntuish people that's more recent than that.16:00
cjwatsonSo that's probably not a problem any more.16:00
slangasekhowever, since we didn't expect pk to be a viable replacement for aptdaemon, we haven't scoped that work for update-manager this cycle16:00
infinityslangasek: Yup, definitely worth re-evaluating the world here and seeing if aptdaemon can indeed die.16:00
cyphermoxslangasek: I have this brand new install of artful where I can go install virtualbox from the software tool16:02
slangasekcyphermox: so you're going to take care of validating this and bdmurray doesn't need to look further?16:03
cyphermoxsure, I'm kicking it *now*16:03
cyphermoxor I would have, if gnome-software hadn't crashed on me16:04
cyphermoxit's working now...16:05
cyphermoxI do have a prompt. That was using the image from yesterday16:06
cyphermoxis that software/pk change something that landed today?16:06
Laneyseveral weeks ago16:08
cyphermoxah, backlog tells me16:08
cyphermoxthat's what I thought too, just making sure16:09
cyphermoxthanks Laney16:09
Laneysounds good, we can not panic?16:09
cyphermoxyes, we can not panic16:09
Laneygreat, thanks16:09
* cyphermox moves the hands away from the Big Red Panic Button16:09
cyphermoxLaney: how can I make very sure this indeed used PK and not aptdaemon, given that aptdaemon is still on the system?16:10
cyphermoxI mean, I would expect things to just use DBus, but as I recall aptdaemon has just enough DBus pretention of being PK16:11
Laneyit doesn't, that was dropped16:12
cyphermoxoh right, I dropped it :)16:12
Laneythere's probably PackageKit stuff in the journal16:13
cyphermoxhistory.log mentions this was a Commandline: packagekit role='install-packages'16:15
bdmurrayI tested it with the noisy-fake-driver deb and it worked for me too with packagekit in the history.log16:18
slangasekcyphermox, seb128, Laney, bdmurray: thanks for the double-check16:24
slangaseknow if we could figure out how to make that an autopkgtest... :)16:24
cyphermoxmake the installing the driver16:24
cyphermoxshould be "doable", but requires an UEFI-SB-enabled VM16:25
slangasekwe would need to be able to drive gnome-software programmatically16:25
cyphermoxthat too16:25
slangasekit doesn't have to be SB-enabled, see fake-noisy-driver16:25
cyphermoxoh, that one is doing straight debconf?16:25
cyphermoxbecause you don't necessarily have to run gnome-software programmatically, it could be dbus-driven, as a PK autopkgtest.16:26
cyphermox(I think)16:26
LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, works :/16:27
Laneythere's a gnome-software-cmd16:27
Laneyfeel free to look at / hack on that :-)16:27
Laney(also, it has a testsuite)16:28
Laneynot an autopkgtest one, but it is a start16:28
slangasekcool, then we would just need to divert the gnome debconf frontend :)16:31
slangasekcyphermox: this is not about autopkgtesting pk, it's about autopkgtesting gnome-software.16:31
slangasekautopkgtesting pk itself would be useless, because the debconf passthrough has to be setup /by/ gnome-software16:32
cyphermoxah, right :(16:38
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: the ppa build works, I updated the bug17:24
smoserok. clearly i dont know what i'm doing17:37
smoseri go https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/615/appindicator-support/17:37
smoseri click 'on'17:38
smoserit moves over, but then reloading the page shows 'off' again.17:38
LocutusOfBorgstrange cpaelzer , really strange17:53
naccsmoser: fwiw, i thikn there's something lower level busted with extensions in artful17:54
naccsmoser: you're not the onnly one to complain of this (and i see it too with the tweak tool)17:54
naccsmoser: the only extensions i got to to 'stay on' were those that had the gear and in their submenu i had to turn them on as well17:55
smosernacc, :-(18:27
naccsmoser: yeah18:28
smosernacc, i completely removed just about all my .* files18:28
smosertried agin18:28
smosernow i get 'error'18:28
naccsmoser: yeah, have a test user for the same purposes18:28
naccsmoser: i can switch over to it later and check18:28
smoserseems like it must have worked at some point18:32
smoseranyone know how to configure more than 2 virtual desktops or viewports or whatever they're called.18:42
smoserlogged in to default Ubuntu (which i'm pretty sure is wayland now)18:42
jbichasmoser: I recommend installing gnome-tweak-tool 3.26.1-1ubuntu1 which has some fixes for the Workspaces panel19:01
jbichait's brand new19:02
smoserjbicha, in -proposed ?19:08
* smoser gets19:09
naccnot in artful at all afaict19:09
naccartful or artful-proposed19:09
naccper rmadison19:09
naccjbicha: --^19:09
smoser^ shows in -proposed as of 16 minutes ago. you are way behind the times nacc19:09
naccsmoser: ah rmadison hasn't seen it yet19:09
jbichaI did say it was brand new ;)19:11
dmj_s76Trevinho: I think there are some issues with the new scaling code in gnome 3.26.19:15
dmj_s76There's been a fairly recent regression where the shell text is tiny every login.  the control center also requires the user to set the scale twice for it to actually take effect.19:17
jdstrandxnox: hi! so, in your estimation, is there anything special I should have to do to ssh into lxd containers or libvirt qemu guests on artful? (ie, with systemd-resolved)20:35
naccjdstrand: (to be clear (from #snappy) -- i have the ssh snippet stgraber recommended)20:36
naccjdstrand: and i generally use uvt-kvm for VMs20:36
stgraberright and that snippet bypasses DNS so you don't have to fight with systemd20:40
jdstrandxnox: ok, nm on lxc (nacc is referring to http://paste.ubuntu.com/25582138/ for lxd), but how about libvirt?20:41
* jdstrand nods20:41
jdstrandI could probably do the same with libvirt20:41
jdstrandthat would be way better than injecting stuff into resolved, only to have it occasionally forget20:41
stgraberjdstrand: https://stgraber.org/2012/07/17/easily-ssh-to-your-containers-and-vms-on-ubuntu-12-04-lts/20:42
stgraberjdstrand: that has the .libvirt equivalent20:42
jdstrandnice even20:43
jdstrandstgraber: that is *super* helpful. I've been using way worse workarounds for so long it is sad20:43
jdstrandstgraber: thanks! :)20:43
jdstrandah right, the dnsmasq looks at the host's configuration so you get:20:53
jdstrand$ host sec-xenial-amd64
jdstrandsec-xenial-amd64 has address
jdstrandHost sec-xenial-amd64 not found: 2(SERVFAIL)20:53
jdstrand;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached20:53
jdstrandwhich is slow and annoying. however, libvirt now has virsh domifaddr20:54
jdstrandso I can use that20:54
ddstreetvery good .ssh-config-fu ^ I will have to use similar modifications for my lxd/uvt-kvm instances21:00
naccddstreet: if you use uvt-kvm, then i thinkn you can use `uvt-kvm ip <isntance>`21:00
naccddstreet: or just use uvt-kvm ssh <instance> :)21:00
ddstreetnacc i do that, but uvt-kvm ssh forces you to use --insecure every time21:01
ddstreetso right now i alias uvssh='uvt-kvm ssh --insecure'21:01
naccddstreet: heh21:01
naccgood poitn21:01
ddstreetbut throwing a bit of .ssh/config logic in there will let me ssh to them even more easily21:01
ddstreetand lxd containers too, i just do lxc exec bash now21:02
jdstrandddstreet: I landed on this for libvirt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25582228/21:02
* nacc suggests someone do a blog post21:03
* jdstrand is doing it now :)21:03
ddstreetjdstrand that's pretty good i may steal that for my .ssh/config ;-)21:05
ddstreetjdstrand nacc this is what i wound up with for lxd: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25582407/21:36
ddstreetjust uses the first non-lo ipv4 addr it finds21:37
naccddstreet: why not just use -c4 like the other one?21:37
naccddstreet: which explicitly askes for the ipv4 config?21:37
ddstreetnacc -c4 to what, cut?21:38
naccddstreet: lxd list21:38
nacc*lxc list21:38
ddstreetnacc yeah you can do that, parsing that table output is a bit harder imo21:38
cjwatsonlxc list --format=json would probably be more sensible than all this seddery21:38
cjwatsonwith jq21:38
cjwatsonshame info doesn't have that21:39
naccddstreet: i'm just quoting stgraber's reference :)21:39
nacccjwatson: true :)21:39
ddstreetcjwatson oh i like that21:39
stgraberthat was unfortunately missing back in LXD 2.0 :)21:39
ddstreetyes, i don't know how anyone got anything done with containers before lxd 2.0, very happy for it xD21:40
ddstreeti mean pre-lxd 2.0 is still light-years ahead of non-lxc/non-lxd21:40
stgraberthese days (2.17+) you could even use something like: lxc query /1.0/containers/artful/state | jq -r .network.eth0.addresses[0].address21:41
stgraberwhich would grab just what you need in a single API call21:41
cjwatsonyeah, it's quite fiddly with earlier versions21:44
cjwatsonlxc list -c4 --format=json | jq -r 'map(select(.name=="INSERT-CONTAINER-NAME-HERE"))|.[].state.network.eth0.addresses[0].address'   is the best I've been able to do with xenial's lxd21:45
cjwatson(probably possible to do better - I only speak quite basic jq)21:45
ddstreetstgraber i'm still waiting for lxc ssh NAME ;-)21:46
seb128dmj_s76, did you report bugs on launchpad (and maybe GNOME upstream) about those hidpi issues?22:36

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