=== JanC_ is now known as JanC [08:20] tseliot1, hi :), I assume 304.137 and 340.104 is already on your list? [08:31] ricotz: yes [08:31] ricotz: I was waiting for the public release [08:47] great [09:43] * tseliot1 working on the legacy drivers now [12:12] is there some noew version planned soon ? :) [12:13] soee_: A new version of what? [12:14] mamarley: nvidia driver [12:15] New legacy drivers were just released. Judging by the normal release schedule, I would also expect a new release of the latest branch sometime in the next couple of weeks. [12:15] (That's just a guess, I have no insider information from NVIDIA.) [14:39] ricotz, mamarley: I've just uploaded the new 304 and 340 in artful [14:39] tseliot: Awesome, I will test it later today. [14:39] thanks! [16:37] tseliot: It looks like NVIDIA made a booboo when they were updating kernel support in 340.104. A stripped-down version of buildfix_kernel_4.11.patch is still required: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25580747/ [16:47] mamarley: oh, I didn't test uvm. Thanks for finding out the failure. I'll fix it tomorrow