
Trevinhodmj_s76: that's something that is using the classic scaling mode, not the new one...01:05
dmj_s76Trevinho: hmm...there have been a lot changes in the mutter/settings center code recently, even for xorg01:07
dmj_s76if not directly from hidpi work then from the settings center changes.01:07
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tsimonq2How would I go about using syncpackage with a package from wheezy-security?03:16
tsimonq2(oh, just as I got done typing that I see other uploads in {stretch,jessie}-security but it's still an interesting question nonetheless)03:17
tsimonq2(probably just needs --no-lp and the link to the dsc file)03:24
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: your last llvm didn't go in for a failed upload https://launchpadlibrarian.net/337703796/upload_13396831_log.txt05:34
LocutusOfBorgsure cpaelzer there is an ubuntu305:41
LocutusOfBorgnot sure why it was good amd64 on my ppa and not on ubuntu official builds05:41
cpaelzerwell only s390x didn't copy05:42
cpaelzerbut ok looking for ubuntu3 then05:42
cpaelzerah no ubuntu3 is the one with amd64 issues05:42
cpaelzerok I see05:42
LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, didn't copy because of superseeded05:44
cpaelzerwell whatever it is worth, the ubuntu2 that didn't copy works05:46
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: since you said the same ubuntu3 worked for you before what is the plan, rebuilding that?05:47
LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, I'm trying a patch without that RELWITHDEBINFO06:16
LocutusOfBorgor relegated only for arm6406:16
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: ok, just let me know if I shall try anything new06:23
dokoLocutusOfBorg, cpaelzer: what are you trying? we are back with two one gigabyte debug builds on ppc64el and s390x, and of course the failing amd64 build07:05
LocutusOfBorgdoko, -g1 is breaking clamav07:09
LocutusOfBorg-g works07:09
LocutusOfBorgI'm doing a -g -NDEBUG to see what happens07:09
cpaelzerdoko: bug 171757407:12
ubottubug 1717574 in clamav (Ubuntu) "new llvm3.9 breaking freshclam bytecode execution" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171757407:12
dokocpaelzer: is this upstreamed to clamav, or are trying to change things which we don't understand? why is a change for the debug information responsible for that?07:14
dokos/are/are we/07:14
cpaelzerdoko: I only rerun the test and found the link of the issue to llvm - there is no clamav change07:15
cpaelzerdoko: so nothing to upstream there that we'd know yet07:16
cpaelzerdoko: it is just that their bytecode worked before a certina llvm upload and fails since then07:16
dokocpaelzer: did you try to rebuild clamav with the same flags as llvm?07:16
dokocpaelzer: or did you try to rebuild clamav at all?07:17
cpaelzerwe rebuilt clamav with old and new llvm, but not change flags07:17
cpaelzernone of the rebuilds had any effect07:17
LocutusOfBorgwe also tried a new clamav just to be sure07:17
LocutusOfBorgbut yeah, no changes in flags, except for llvm07:17
dokoplease can you report that upstream?07:18
cpaelzerso far things looked like "Ubuntu changed the llvm build and that broke clamav" at least I expected clamav to say "so what fix your llvm" - but I can report if you think that is worth07:20
dokocpaelzer: we can't accomodate these builds if they take too much disk space to build, and even if, each of these packages take 1 gb, that makes 4gb for every upload ...07:25
cpaelzerdoko: I did never say "please make them big" I'm only naively debugged a clamav crash and found that it is broken since these llvm uploads07:28
cpaelzerI beg your pardon if that got to you differently07:28
cpaelzerI'm reporting to clamav and will link it up07:29
cpaelzerAlso the case is easily reproducible, I msut admit I don't even understand why exactly it now fails07:30
cpaelzerdoko: if you follow the bug I linked maybe you can see what the actual root cause might be the reason for that incompatibility07:30
dokocpaelzer: what is the change in compiler and linker flags?07:31
LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, https://launchpad.net/~costamagnagianfranco/+archive/ubuntu/costamagnagianfranco-ppa/+packages07:32
LocutusOfBorg II uploaded a new llvm with -g1 (to make doko and infra happy) and with -DNDEBUG07:32
LocutusOfBorgwhat I discovered, is that ppassing RELWITHDEBINFO flags, overrides the cmake default ones07:32
LocutusOfBorgand that -DNDEBUG is stripped then07:32
LocutusOfBorgso the change has probably been a side-effect of that -g1, but not directly related07:32
cpaelzerI'll test that once it is built LocutusOfBorg07:34
dokocpaelzer: there's nothing about this -DNDEBUG in the bug report07:34
dokoand then find out why clamav is relying on that ...07:35
LocutusOfBorgI discovered it some minutes ago, melding the failed amd64 and the succeeded one07:35
LocutusOfBorgbecause in my ppa it was good that build07:36
dokoyou should turn on creation of debug package in your ppa if you want to simulate the builders07:36
LocutusOfBorgboth enabled, build and publish07:38
LocutusOfBorgthanks for the reminder, I admit I didn't recheck it07:38
LocutusOfBorginteresting, libclamav is using some NDEBUG stuff07:47
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: doko: I reported to clamav and linked it up in the bug07:48
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: let me know if/once there is a build I shall try for you07:49
LocutusOfBorgconfigure: CXXFLAGS from llvm-config: -I/usr/lib/llvm-3.9/include -std=c++0x -gsplit-dwarf -Wl,-fuse-ld=gold -fPIC -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wcast-qual -Wno-missing-field-initializers -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-comment -Werror=date-time -std=c++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -O2 -g -DNDEBUG07:49
LocutusOfBorginterestingly, clamav is getting the build flags from llvm, so a no change rebuild should change them too07:49
LocutusOfBorgand in fact this seems to happen07:50
cpaelzerbut you rebuilt a new clamav07:50
cpaelzeralso I did with a local build vs the new library and -dev packages07:50
LocutusOfBorgbut clamav not picking up NDEBUG from llvm flags, means that the code ifdefs are not triggered07:52
LocutusOfBorgthis means less asserts07:52
cpaelzerbut the clamav currently in artful uploaded by mdeslaur still built by picking -DNDEBUG up as it was before the llvm changes07:53
LocutusOfBorgI think I'll directly upload to Ubuntu this one07:53
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: do you mean we have lost the -NDEBUG in llvm and those "extra" asserts might be the reason to break it now?07:54
LocutusOfBorgsomewhat this is a possible reason07:54
LocutusOfBorgrebuilding makes it assert because the current llvm in artful proposed is built without07:54
LocutusOfBorgprobably rebuilding it with -DNDEBUG makes it pass07:54
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: ok, so since clamav is already built with -DNDEBUG from the old llvm builds that would mean likely no re-upload there. Once your ppa is ready I would install from it and then retry + rebuild+retry - ok?07:56
cpaelzerso waiting on https://launchpad.net/~costamagnagianfranco/+archive/ubuntu/costamagnagianfranco-ppa/+build/13399109 now07:57
LocutusOfBorgI could also upload directly to Ubuntu07:57
cpaelzerI personally prefer uploading to ubuntu what is known or at least expected to work07:57
LocutusOfBorgthe current proposed one has debug symbols too huge07:57
cpaelzerah, ok I see the reason07:57
LocutusOfBorgeven if not working, it is worth an upload07:58
* LocutusOfBorg meeting time07:58
cpaelzerwell, are you sure the ubuntu5 at least builds and is as good/bad than the last one that had small symbols?07:58
cpaelzerI'll carry all this discussion into the bug for documentation07:58
LocutusOfBorgyes, it should build08:04
LocutusOfBorgnow with debug logs melded I had a clear view of the build issue08:04
zhongjuncoreycb: ping09:02
LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, mostly built09:57
petersaintsHi guys! I was looking at the latest Live CD/USB manifest (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/pending/artful-desktop-amd64.manifest), at the Ubuntu Package Search (https://packages.ubuntu.com/), and at Launchpad (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu), and I noticed that there are still lots of GNOME-related packages with 3.25.x versions (3.26 pre-releases). Will they be replaced with proper 3.26 versions? What about packages that10:51
petersaintsare stuck at 3.24 (e.g., gnome-terminal or gnome-getting-started-docs, among others)? And perhaps there are even packages lingering from even older GNOME releases that I've missed! Any plans about this?10:51
jbichapetersaints: that's a lot of questions!11:17
jbichathe docs package might get updated today. Generally if we have a 3.25 version we can update it to 3.26. Terminal might stay at 3.2411:18
jbichafor 17.1011:19
petersaintsThats what I thought @jbicha. It wouldn't have made much sense to move packages to 3.25.x if they are not supposed to be replaced by the final 3.26 version.11:28
petersaintsAnd thanks for the reply jbicha11:28
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: FYI 1:3.9.1-16ubuntu4 from the current build in a-p is not working11:33
cpaelzer1:3.9.1-16ubuntu2 from the same place did work11:33
cpaelzerso while -DNDEBUG was a nice idea, that wasn't it11:35
cpaelzerno reply on the upstream report yet11:35
dokomwhudson: golang still at 1.8, and nobody complained?12:13
LocutusOfBorgso cpaelzer I have zero idea12:13
LocutusOfBorgif doko is not happy with debug symbols of 1gb, and no other flags changed...12:13
LocutusOfBorgI don't know12:13
LocutusOfBorg(I'm not happy with them too, btw)12:13
LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, did you try a rebuild of it?12:14
LocutusOfBorgdid you try to use -g1 in clamav too?12:14
cpaelzerconfigure: CXXFLAGS from llvm-config: -I/usr/lib/llvm-3.9/include -std=c++0x -Wl,-fuse-ld=gold -Wl,--no-keep-files-mapped -Wl,--no-map-whole-files -fPIC -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wcast-qual -Wno-missing-field-initializers -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-comment -Werror=date-time -std=c++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -g1  -12:28
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: I thought you brought -DNDEBUG back but in combination with -g1 in ubuntu412:29
cpaelzerAnd failing still when rebuilt against the most recent - as expected12:30
LocutusOfBorgI'm really with no ideas12:42
LocutusOfBorgsome parts in llvm build log are with -g instead of -g112:42
LocutusOfBorgnot sure why12:42
LocutusOfBorgbtw manually adding -DNDEBUG does change something?12:42
dokoohh wonderful new gnome3 world ...12:53
dokoLaney, seb128: python2 is back on the desktop. was this intended?12:57
dokoubuntu-artwork team using python2. great!12:58
doko... and samba is installed by default again ...12:59
seb128doko, what is bringing it in13:01
dokoseb128: ^^^13:02
seb128doko, ubuntu-artwork team ... a team is using python?13:02
seb128for what  package?13:02
dokoahh, adium-theme-ubuntu13:03
dokoseb128: or is this temporary and will be replaced?13:07
abeatosil2100, hi, I have tried to use '--image-size' option in ubuntu-core. The effect is that the size of the resulting volume is as I specified, but the rootfs partition has the same size as before, leaving empty space in the volume...13:08
abeatosil2100, is that a bug?13:09
seb128doko, that seems like a packaging error, let me look13:09
dokojust asking because this theme has changes up to 2012, and one in 201613:09
seb128doko, that theme is not very active indeed but can still be useful13:12
dokoseb128: but it's installed by default13:13
seb128it's still useful13:13
dokook, converting to py313:14
seb128doko, you know python build systems better than me, why is that package even getting a depends on python?13:14
seb128doko, it uses     ${python:Depends},13:14
seb128but there is no python file included in the deb13:14
seb128doko, it has a setup.py that is just used to copy files to the right target as far as I can tell13:15
dokoseb128: yes, I see that, but it provides an egg-info file too. why?13:16
seb128where is that coming from13:16
seb128it's not in the source?13:16
dokobecause it's *built* as a python module. see setup.py13:17
seb128is that easy to change?13:18
seb128I don't know that build system at all13:18
seb128doko, I guess I could just revert the packaging changes in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/255953920/adium-theme-ubuntu_0.3.4-0ubuntu1_0.3.4-0ubuntu2.diff.gz13:19
seb128before that it didn't have that depends13:19
dokoseb128: sure, sounds fine13:20
dokoseb128: and the status quo about samba was, that it was installed on demand, afaik13:20
seb128what is pulling it in now?13:21
seb128doko, samba itself isn't installed, only -common-bin?13:22
seb128and libs13:22
dokoseb128: gnome-control-center -> gvfs-backends libsmbclient13:22
dokolibsmbclient is linked against libpython2.713:22
seb128that's not a new issue13:23
seb128we never resolved that one afaik13:23
dokoyes, but now it's pulled in unconditinally13:23
seb128it always was13:23
seb128libsmbclient is used by the gvfs samba backend13:23
dokowe had python2 free desktop images in the past13:23
seb128are you sure? when?13:23
seb128I don't think we ever got there13:24
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: -g1 -NDEBUG on the clamav rebuild still not changing a thing13:32
cpaelzerit is llvm that has "changed"13:32
cpaelzerI'm lost13:32
cpaelzerhope that upstream respsonds at some point13:33
seb128doko, I've uploaded a fix for the theme13:33
cpaelzercompletely disabling llvm support in clamav is the only option that I could toggle on clamav to unbreak it13:33
LocutusOfBorgI agree with doko on the fact that the change -g -g1 should have no effect, because symbols file are outside the package and stripped away13:33
cpaelzerbut then I wonder if there is more out there that might react to thellvm change13:33
cpaelzerI totally agree, but I can only report what I see :-/13:34
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: do you know if the -g1 change was also done in Debian already?13:35
cpaelzerthat might be a great chance to cross check there13:35
LocutusOfBorgyes, and it is not failing there13:35
LocutusOfBorgI already tried a no change rebuild13:35
cpaelzerld/glibc then maybe?13:36
LocutusOfBorgthe llvm in artful is in sync with the one in debian13:36
LocutusOfBorg(the one in artful proposed not really)13:36
LocutusOfBorgld is in sync, because binutils is at the same version13:36
LocutusOfBorgglibc isn't13:36
LocutusOfBorg(this is why I put glibc on the table)13:36
cpaelzerfortunately libc6 is the simplest package to exchange for a test :-/13:37
cpaelzerso zesty + new llvm + new clamav might be the closest low-hanging-fruit to try13:38
LocutusOfBorgyou can ask infinity to upload new glibc on debian experimental13:38
LocutusOfBorgand test there13:38
cpaelzergood idea as well13:39
dokocpaelzer, LocutusOfBorg: did you compare the build flags from before and after these changes?13:39
LocutusOfBorgdoko, melding the build flags is painful with 500k logs13:40
dokoI now ...13:40
LocutusOfBorgfor some reasons current llvm does -g somewhere and -g1 somewhere else13:41
LocutusOfBorgso, not even in sync with itself13:41
cpaelzerclamav picks up the CXX Flags from llvm-config - so the one in artful righ tnow still has -g, but rebuilding with the -g1 doesn't change anything13:41
cpaelzeralso tried the -NDEBUG, same (no) effect13:42
LocutusOfBorgthis is the llvm that worked13:42
LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, confirm please :)13:42
cpaelzerof the -16 series ubuntu1 = bad, ubuntu2 = good, ubuntu 3 doesn't exist) ubuntu4 = bad13:43
cpaelzerall -g1 are bad for the case at hand, but they obviously fix the huge debug symbols13:43
cpaelzerthe NDEBUG was the other flag that LocutusOfBorg found, but that didn't resolve it either13:44
cpaelzerand we all agree that without debug symbols installed the effect of -g[1] should be non13:44
cpaelzerbut this is "shoult (tm)" which never does as it should :-)13:44
LocutusOfBorgwhy the hell the NDEBUG is not there13:45
LocutusOfBorghold on13:45
dokoseb128: incomplete, you need to use python3:Depends. otoh, you should just remove the egg-info file, shouldn't you?13:48
LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, please try the llvm ubuntu5 I have just uploaded13:48
dokoor just remove the python:Depends13:48
seb128doko, I'm not familiar with python packaging, feel free to fix it (or to let it like that, it removed the depends which was not useful anyway)13:48
dokolater, I have an idea how to remove the interpreter from the images ...13:50
seb128doko, oh, how? and did you figure out if python was really off the iso on some serie and when? (I'm happy to compare/look what regressed if that's the case)13:53
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/llvm-toolchain-3.9/1:3.9.1-16ubuntu5 ?13:54
cpaelzerwill do so13:54
LocutusOfBorgdid you spot the error?13:54
cpaelzerI didn't compare debdiffs or anything13:55
cpaelzerI just read you cahngelog and will try later13:55
LocutusOfBorgyou can see it in the web interface13:55
LocutusOfBorgjust click on the link at the bottom13:55
LocutusOfBorgonce it is generated13:55
cpaelzersure, but I only click there if needed :-)13:55
cpaelzerit is there already13:55
cpaelzeroh I see, yeah +=/=13:56
cpaelzerso O2 and NDEBUG went away13:56
cpaelzerwell worth a try for sure13:56
cpaelzeryou don't have to upload to a-p all the time13:56
cpaelzerI'm fine with a ppa13:56
cpaelzeruntil we have settled on one working version13:57
dokoseb128: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/talloc/2.1.9-2ubuntu114:08
seb128doko, let's see how that goes :-)14:09
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LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, cross your fingers14:13
dokoseb128: done, shouldn't be there anymore on the image14:34
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smoserdidrocks, i have a question wrt your continued posts on desktop stuff.14:54
smosermostly this is due to my novice like understanding of desktops14:54
smoser https://didrocks.fr/2017/08/23/ubuntu-gnome-shell-in-artful-day-7/14:54
smoseri used rely on 2 indicators heavily14:55
didrockssmoser: you should have the indicators shown there14:55
smoser * the 'mail' icon, which would go blue when xchat highlighted me14:55
didrocksbut it's only appindicator14:55
didrocksnot messaging indicator14:55
smoser * the indicator multiload indicator14:56
didrocks(the mail icon was the messaging indicator)14:56
didrocksso you will only get the first one14:56
smoser(see, you just went way over my head with the distinction of 'appindicator' and 'messaging indicator' )14:56
didrocksheh, I'm a little bit late and need to head out14:56
didrockswe can talk about it tomorrow or andyrock can help you ^14:56
seb128I can reply14:56
smoserok. thanks.14:57
didrocksah seb128 as well :)14:57
didrocksthanks seb128 :)14:57
seb128waiting to see where smoser is going14:57
smoserso i just ran 'indicator-multiload' and it seems like it only gets a dozen pixels wide or so14:57
smoserand then i really want *some* indication that i got a xchat highlight.14:58
smoserare we expecting to get a 'messaging indicator' again ?14:58
seb128smoser, for the monitor you might want to try https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/120/system-monitor/ or look for similar extensions14:59
seb128smoser, not at the moment but we are trying to get back the "unread count" on the launcher, see bug #171371214:59
ubottubug 1713712 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "[UIFe, FFe] Provide Unity Launcher API" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171371214:59
seb128smoser, like https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3677105/30074008-23a5de62-9270-11e7-91e1-19ebc7b7dade.png14:59
seb128smoser, that should give you hint about IRC pings and unread email15:00
seb128if you use apps that integrate, like hexchat and tb15:00
smoserseb128, thanks.15:02
jibelFWIW, I replaced indicator multiload by the extension seb128 mentioned when I switched to gnome-shell and never went back.15:03
ricotz_LocutusOfBorg, hi, is it expected that the installed libllvm3.9 grew by 44MB with -16ubuntu2?15:16
ricotz_I mean -16ubuntu415:17
=== ricotz_ is now known as ricotz
LocutusOfBorgricotz, yes, I changed the -g flag15:28
ricotzLocutusOfBorg, ah, I see15:30
LocutusOfBorgricotz, the latest ubuntu5 should be fine again15:33
LocutusOfBorgI missed a "+" so the NDEBUG and the -O2 got stripped15:34
sboeuf_apw: Hi, James Hunt told me you are a Ubuntu kernel maintainer and I have a question regarding the recent kernel supplied by Canonical in the Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS image through Azure16:34
sboeuf_apw: I have noticed that the kernel bumped from 4.4.0-92-generic (yesterday) to 4.11.0-1011-azure (today)16:35
sboeuf_apw: the problem being that 4.11.0-1011-azure does not have CONFIG_KVM enabled16:36
sboeuf_apw: is that expected ?16:36
smoserseb128, sorry. you're prbably gone now, but i just looked at your screenshot. the only thing that i'd suggest is that any unread counts in hte launcher i'm generally not going to see because it auto-hides.l  the panel blue envelope i saw all the time.16:41
apwsboeuf_: in azure or elsewhere?16:41
sboeuf_in azure16:41
sboeuf_apw: ^16:42
* ogra_ is curious how the -generic kernel ended up there in the first place16:42
apwogra_: virtual reports as generic16:43
sboeuf_ogra_: well that's supposed to be a completely *clean* Ubuntu 16.04 image, meaning that it is supposed to be delivered with the generic kernel, right ?16:43
ogra_but wouldnt -azure have been used initially ?16:43
apwogasawara: |`16:44
sboeuf_apw: ogra_ : I don't really know if the "generic" name matters here, but basically the latest kernel provided by Canonical for the Ubuntu 16.04 image does not enable KVM anymore16:45
ogra_no, the name doesnt matter for that particular issue ... i was just curious why the original image didnt use -azure in the first place16:46
sboeuf_apw: ogra_ : and that's an issue since I am using some Azure platforms allowing nested VM16:46
apwyou should be able to switch by installing linux-hwe by eneric16:51
apwbloody autocorrupt16:51
ogasawarasboeuf_: we are talking with Microsoft right now about this16:53
ogasawarasboeuf_: and relaying impact of it not being enabled16:54
sboeuf_ogasawara: oh okay, thank you16:59
sboeuf_ogasawara: do you know the timeline for a new release (if you/they agree on releasing a new Ubuntu 16.04 with a kernel supporting KVM) ?17:00
ogasawarasboeuf_: I suspect we could respin a kernel in a day once we reach agreement17:01
sboeuf_apw: what do you mean ? installing when logged into the distro ? or you suggest custom image ?17:01
sboeuf_ogasawara: oh that's pretty fast ;)17:01
ogasawarasboeuf_: apw was suggesting you could go back to the previous linux-virtual kernel17:01
apwwhen logged into the instance install linux-virtual and reboot selecting that kernel17:02
sboeuf_apw: that's a good idea but I need to see how it goes about interactions between my Jenkins CI and the automation of Azure VMs launching17:08
* apw nods17:10
LocutusOfBorgapw :force-badtest virtualbox/5.1.26-dfsg-217:10
LocutusOfBorgplease update it! 5.1.28-dfsg-117:11
LocutusOfBorgor make it versionless17:11
LocutusOfBorgthanks :)17:11
Laneyit'd be good to fix dkms ...17:11
LocutusOfBorgnow it is currently blocking libpng and python :)17:12
LocutusOfBorgdkms can wait I guess17:12
LocutusOfBorgmaybe you can just lower a little bit the kernel version for the module17:12
LocutusOfBorgcalling it 5.1.28~17:12
LocutusOfBorgso the virtualbox-dkms one has higher value and overrides it17:12
apwinteresting thought, I like that17:13
LocutusOfBorgor I can increase it17:14
LocutusOfBorgI appreciate having higher priority wrt your module17:14
apwwe should reduce will look at it when I have power again17:15
sboeuf_apw: btw, how am I supposed to reboot to the new installed kernel (modifying grub I guess)17:27
LocutusOfBorgapw, in case you want to override the virtualbox one you can call it 5.1.28Ubuntu117:45
LocutusOfBorgotherwise a ~Ubuntu1 might be the best versioning17:45
* LocutusOfBorg didn't test that17:45
apwLocutusOfBorg: likely we want the dkms package to replace in case you want the live ones17:48
LocutusOfBorgwhy should somebody prefer them? maybe because they  might be signed?17:53
ogasawarasboeuf_: fyi bug 171874018:05
ubottubug 1718740 in linux-azure (Ubuntu) "linux-azure: KVM nested virtualization is disabled" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171874018:05
dmj_s76ping Trevinho18:08
Trevinhodmj_s76: hey18:08
dmj_s76When you were making the hidpi changes, did any of the multimonitor (not fractional) work get incorporated in a way that xorg would use or was that purely left in the old way?18:12
Trevinhodmj_s76: no, there was a big refactoring of the configuration management which jonas did...18:12
dmj_s76Trevinho: so this is probably the configuration changes separate from the hidpi work, xorg should be using the same exact scaling mechanisms as before, and the new config settings tools just didn't get any testing for scaling on xorg.18:16
Trevinhodmj_s76: I suggest you to ping Jonas in #gnome-shell (he will be available later)18:19
Trevinho(jadahl is the nick)18:19
dmj_s76yeah, waiting on a response :)18:20
jtaylortjaalton: xorg in artful probably needs https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/wayland-devel/2017-August/034895.html18:49
jtaylorpart of the pointer confine fixes the package already has18:50
tjaaltonjtaylor: I think that patch was dropped from artful already18:59
jtaylortjaalton: dropped as in added and removed again?19:01
seb128jtaylor, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/2:1.19.3-1ubuntu619:01
seb128jtaylor, which was the segfault your fix addresses19:02
jtaylorseb128: no its the xwayland-pointer-confine.diff19:03
jtaylorI have added the patch to ubuntu6 and it fixed my issue19:03
seb128jtaylor, what issue? did you report it to lp?19:03
jtaylorno, it requires prop. software to reproduce, though according the xwayland bug it can be reproduced with qemu too19:04
jtaylorah you commented on the bug :) https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10247419:05
ubottuFreedesktop bug 102474 in XWayland "segfault in zwp_pointer_constraints_v1_lock_pointer" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]19:05
jtaylorI think19:05
tjaaltonwell i can drop that one too :)19:06
seb128jtaylor, well for me (and I reported the upstream bug you mention) the upload withough xwayland-add-grab-protocol-support.diff fixes the issue19:07
seb128tjaalton, or just include the fix19:08
jtaylorfwiw the program I hit the crash was the steam game xcom2 in windowed mode which is already buggy as all hell19:09
jtaylorbut with that patch at elast it doesn't crash wayland :)19:09
Odd_Blokeslangasek: What's the alternative to dhclient hooks in the networkd world?  Do you know?19:14
slangasekOdd_Bloke: so, I think you can introspect /run/systemd/netif/leases after the fact; there is no explicit hook mechanism because networkd itself is designed to be asynchronous and non-blocking, so there would be some scaffolding to build up around querying + triggering19:18
slangasekI haven't checked if anyone is already working on this generically around networkd19:18
slangasek(haven't checked recently)19:18
slangasekOdd_Bloke: and you should spot-check that /run/systemd/netif/leases actually gives you all the info you require19:19
cyphermoxleases will tell you some of what you want to know, otherwise you'd need to have a unit trigger based on a network interface being up, I guess?19:19
slangasekcyphermox: we need to get the actual value of the ntp server passed by the dhcp server19:19
slangasekand reconfigure the ntp client based on changes19:20
cyphermoxright, that's why I say from leases (which should have some data from the dhcp server), and trigered from a job19:20
cyphermoxor timedateddd or whatever it's called.19:20
slangasekright, you said "some of" what we want to know, we need to know that it tells us everything we want to know (except the timing)19:20
cyphermoxI don't know right now, will be able to tell you in a few minutes19:21
cyphermoxthis desktop is using NM, I'm installing an artful VM with server :)19:21
slangasekI was just going to spin up an instance directly on GCE to check19:22
cyphermoxyeah, or that19:22
slangasek# grep -i ntp /run/systemd/netif/leases/219:24
cyphermox2 would be the ifindex of the interface, if you care19:25
slangasekyeah, that's the scaffolding bit that sucks to write19:25
cyphermoxindeed :)19:26
slangasekwell, possibly we don't need to map interfaces19:26
slangasekwe just need to know whether the set of ntp servers has changed as a result of any interface going up or down19:26
slangasek(... or getting a new lease)19:26
cyphermoxwhat if more than one iface comes up, with a different NTP server?19:26
slangasekso we don't need to know /which/ interface triggered, we just need to know there was an event, and re-examine /run/systemd/netif/leases/*19:26
cyphermoxoh, I guess you just re-read everything then19:27
slangasekthe sensible default behavior is to take the union of those values, unless we have configuration telling us to ignore ntp from one source but not another19:27
slangasek(which AFAIK for ifupdown+dhclient we have never had previously)19:27
slangasekOdd_Bloke: sound good so far? :P19:28
cyphermoxslangasek: that NTP value looks odd though, that's a zeroconf address. not that it means it's wrong, just surprising to see.19:29
Odd_Blokecyphermox: That's the GCE metadata server IP address.19:30
slangasekcyphermox: indeed, and therefore I went to double-check if it's really there; and I discovered that a) yes the address pings, and b) it's also the DNS server and functions as one, and c) this GCE daily image has broken /etc/resolv.conf19:30
Odd_BlokeAnd the EC2 one, for that matter.19:30
cyphermoxyeah, I supposed it might be good in this context, for ease of use or something19:30
slangasekOdd_Bloke: are you aware of /etc/resolv.conf pointing to non-existent ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf in the latest artful daily?19:31
Odd_Blokeslangasek: Nope.19:31
Odd_BlokeWell, I mean, I am now. :p19:31
Odd_BlokeAh, it's fine on the Alan-built image from today: daily-ubuntu-alan-1710-artful-v2017092119:32
Odd_Blokecyphermox: It also won't accidentally route outside of the cloud, IIUC.19:33
slangasek(that's good, because I didn't find any code in livecd-rootfs that would've broken it)19:33
cyphermoxOdd_Bloke: that too, yep19:33
sarnoldwhat's a reasonable upper-limit on the number of interfaces that may exist? re-reading them all on a change may be painful on a host with a few thousand containers?19:34
slangaseksarnold: generally your containers are on a shared bridge as seen from the host, no?19:35
slangasekand you would only have lease files for interfaces where you have run a dhcp client19:36
sarnoldslangasek: ah I thought there was a commonly-used mode with per-container interfaces on the host too19:37
sarnoldah good good19:37
ginggskirkland: hi, do you know petname is FTBFS? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/petname/2.6-0ubuntu119:40
kirklandginggs: oh!  no, I hadn't noticed...  let me fix that :-)19:40
kirklandTEST [12/16]: Ensure all adverbs are common in the SCOWL database [usr/share/petname/medium/]...19:41
kirkland⤷ Failure19:41
kirklandginggs: out of curiosity... did you notice that because you needed something from petname, or just because you were looking at FTBFS generally?20:07
sboeuf_ogasawara: that's great, thank you very much ! So basically, what does mean that the fix has been submitted ? Does that mean it is up to Azure now to publish the updated version ?20:26
bjfsboeuf_, we will build a new kernel today and get that out after some testing. then you would be able to upgrade the kernel for your instances20:28
bjfsboeuf_, it will take a little longer (a couple days I believe) for that new kernel to be the default in new images20:28
sboeuf_bjf: ok makes sense, thanks for the heads up20:33
bjfsboeuf_, np20:33
Odd_Blokeslangasek: Hmm, so I don't particularly want to take on building a generic solution (or even a specific one, if I can avoid it :p); any suggestions on next steps to resolve this?20:42
slangasekOdd_Bloke: scrape the above IRC backlog into a trello card? :)20:43
Odd_BlokeWill do.20:44
TJ-Odd_Bloke: could you tie into how systemd-timesyncd receives the NTP server addresses from networkd in some way?20:47
ginggskirkland: just trawling FTBFSs21:06
slangasekkirkland: have you been receiving the britney nagmails regarding your package being delayed in -proposed?21:06
kirklandslangasek: don't think so...  can you give me a key phrase to search for?  maybe it's getting filtered...21:12
kirklandslangasek: I searched for "britney petname" and got nothing21:12
cjwatsontry "proposed-migration"21:13
slangasekkirkland: Subject: [proposed-migration] petname $version stuck in artful-proposed for EIGHTY YEARS21:13
kirklandslangasek: negative;  not getting any of those21:22
kirklandslangasek: should this just be going to my upload address21:22
slangasekthat's a good question21:22
slangaseksince there was a bit of hacking around in the implementation to deal with the fact that snakefruit was still running on precise at the time21:22
kirklandslangasek: for better or worse, all of my mail eventually just collates down to a gmail address21:22
slangasekand therefore was not using launchpadlib21:22
slangasekkirkland: I can confirm emails have never been sent for petname :)21:25
slangaseknow to see why21:25
kirklandslangasek: ah?  my fault?21:26
slangasekkirkland: not directly, no21:26
slangasekyou're just exposing a bug somewhere in the britney policy21:27
kirklandslangasek: woot?21:27
Odd_BlokeTJ-: Unfortunately, it looks like timesyncd uses inotify in-process (via a systemd library) to be notified on new time servers from DHCP.22:04
TJ-Odd_Bloke: I was afraid of that :)22:04
TJ-Odd_Bloke: never easy is it!?22:05
Odd_BlokeGenerally not, no. :p22:05
slangasekkirkland: ah, so it comes down to the fact that "missing package builds" is treated as a "temporary" failure in britney; even after 118 days.  So you should have received the emails informing you of the build failure initially, but don't get any other emails currently for the case of a build failure23:15

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