
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> Only me responded to Rick's doodle so far: https://beta.doodle.com/poll/qy7kmfxeeiruwtby20:31
valoriedoodle for what?20:31
valorieI looked on the list and found nothing20:32
valorieand missed out if it was in IRC20:32
valoriecouncil meeting for what?20:32
valoriethere was nothing on the ML20:32
clivejoKC metting for future stuff20:33
clivejolike Ovi's Kubuntu Vision20:33
acheronukvalorie: https://phabricator.kde.org/T701820:34
valorievery cool -- and there should be something on the ML20:35
valorieIRC isn't reliable enough20:35
valoriethanks for telling me, and I will fill in the doodle20:36
acheronukI thought there was something on the ML, but I guess I was confusing that with the Phab task20:36
valorieI think phab is a good place to keep track of work as it's being done, but I don't trawl through there to see whether or not there is anything new for me20:37
* acheronuk does an email20:41
valoriethanks rik!20:42
valoriethat's cool!20:59
acheronukgotta live up to it now :P21:06
acheronukbut that was a given anyway, that would want to backport that PDQ21:06
valorienice to get a bit of publicity though21:08
valoriemparillo: might want to tweet that21:09
mparilloReady to pull the trigger. This means my suggestion on a quick backport is acceptable.21:39
valorienot just acceptable, but the plan!21:39
valorietiming to be determined by circumstances21:40
mparilloToo late for weasel words21:40
mparilloHow about that for a release codename. Wordy Weasel?21:41
* valorie ain't no weasel21:43
valorieI've just lived through a few of those last weeks where we thought we had smooth sailing21:43
valoriewhen instead it was unforeseen issue after unforeseen issue21:44
acheronukPlasma 5.11.1 is out on the Tues 17th, and artful is out on Thurs 19th21:44
valorieit's possible they will get all the bugs out by release21:44
* valorie crosses fingers and hopes for the best21:44
* acheronuk watches a squadron of flying pigs pass overhead21:45
acheronuklol. but hopefully most/the worst21:45
mparilloBirdie, Birdie in the sky / why'd you do that in my eye / I'm a big boy; I don't cry / But I'm sure glad that pigs don't fly.21:46
acheronukI will build 5.10.0. just a question of whether we push that one to backports or wait a day or 221:46
valorieour fav local restaurant has a flying pig as their logo21:46
acheronuk5.11.0 I mean21:47
valoriethe RC could be clean21:47
valorieand we might all get a chance to test the heck out of it21:48
valorieand pass it with flying colors!21:48
valoriethat's the best outcome21:48
acheronukwe shall see. :P21:48
acheronukwe can test 5.10.0 for a week to see how it seems21:49
mparilloI suppose the question is if 5.11.0 *seems* clean with a whole week, and by then 5.11.1 is already released, which is lower risk for users.21:57
valorieyes, we often go with the .121:59
valorienot quite as flashy though21:59
valoriewe can always add to our release announcement: 5.11.1 will be in backports in a few days22:00
acheronukwe should also mostly know by then if the .1 fixes any 'shockers'22:02
valoriethere were a few shockers with the beta I've heard about22:04

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