
=== TRiNITY is now known as _TRiNITY_
_TRiNITY_join #fun02:41
_TRiNITY_oops wrong channel sorry02:41
AGiantSquidzHi, all, trying to contribute to a KDE application. The docs seem to be all over the place. Can I get any guidance for getting my system set up for development?02:46
valorieAGiantSquidz: what a great nick, btw02:54
valorieyes, a couple of links will help02:54
AGiantSquidzvalorie: You think it's just a nick *(goes away sobbing, wiping away a tear with a tentacle)*02:56
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lordievaderGood morning06:24
BluesKajHey folks10:35
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m_tadeuhi there....how can I make kubuntu able to login in sddm using my fingerprint?10:59
hateballm_tadeu: I am not sure that is currently possible11:03
hateballGoogling brings up http://home.ullrich-online.cc/fingerprint/Forum/topic.php?TopicId=54611:05
hateballNot sure if it's since been fixed however11:05
hateballSDDM itself claims to still have fingerprint support TODO11:05
m_tadeuyeah I guess I can't make it work in any way11:18
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douglgood morning folks12:43
douglBluesKaj, are you afk... just wanted to say good morning - hope all is well we'll chat tomorrow maybe13:45
BluesKajHi dougl , I'm here13:46
AceKingI'm having a problem with my laptop this morning. I went to update and I get a message saying I'm out of space. I have a 1 tb drive and my home folder shows 109 gb used. I tracked it down to root/proc folder showing 128 tb. Anyone ever run into this?13:51
douglBluesKaj, just reminissing/recalling looking forward to coffee and chatting in the past and thinking of you among others on irc13:51
BluesKajAceKing, have you been doing any autoremoves , but 128tb seems like typo13:53
AceKingBluesKaj: I just tried to do an autoremove. Won't let me do it. I keep getting: No apport report written because the error message indicates a disk full error.13:55
BluesKajAceKing, do you have separate / (root) and /home partitions?13:57
AceKingBluesKaj: I'm in the folder now. At the bottom it shows 234 folders 49 files (128 tb)13:57
AceKingBluesKaj: No13:57
BluesKajthat's tib not tb13:59
BluesKajlook again14:00
AceKingBluesKaj: I apologize it's tib14:00
BluesKajTiB actually14:00
douglAceKing, did you partition your 1 terabyte dor the - NM BluesKaj is helping I will just watch now that my keyboard is working again14:01
AceKingdougl: I did an install of 17.04 on a new drive using the whole disk.14:02
douglAceKing, BluesKaj I have had df errors and separated /home and /var to thier own partitions - whole disk ok, thank you :)14:02
AceKingdougl: I just went through the automatic setup. The only thing I chose was encryption. Don't know if that makes a difference14:04
BluesKajthe disk full error must be coming from somewhere else, can you run, smartcl -a /dev/sdX , X being the dev assigned letter for your / partition14:06
BluesKajjust to make sure14:06
douglAceKing, should not make a differenc but I always rely on passwords and avoid losing data to a misconfigured encryption process (me goofing up)14:06
BluesKajsmartctl -a /dev/sda most likely ...you might need to install smartmontools14:07
dougldoesn't 'df' show the culprit?14:08
BluesKajdf -h might14:08
* dougl is not following - will pay attention quietly14:08
BluesKajAceKing, are you on the job or are you a home user14:09
AceKingHome user14:09
dougl... wondering why the encryption14:10
dougl... not important tho14:10
AceKingdougl: I've always encrypted14:10
BluesKajthen encryption is mostly uncessary unless you're worried about someboady breaking in and stealing your pc ..but a decent password setup is usually secure nough on linux14:10
douglgood habit if you have the confidence in it...14:11
douglbut I just think it ia one more thing to fail of me 'bork'14:12
AceKingBluesKaj: I have some work stuff on my laptop that has SS numbers and info. In case my laptop is ever stolen, I don't want someone to be able to livecd in and steal the info14:12
douglor me bork14:12
AceKingUsing for 10 years and first time I ever ran into this14:13
BluesKajencrypting a whole disk is usin sledge hammer on a pin ...encrypt your sensitive data files is a better optoion14:13
AceKingBluesKaj: True, just easier during setup. But would that have anything to do with the problem I'm having?14:14
BluesKajlike I suggested run smartcontrols on your disk , to see if it passes14:15
AceKingBluesKaj: OK, thank you14:16
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
dougielBluesKaj, still here?15:30
BluesKajdougiel, yup15:33
dougielBluesKaj, I am having trouble with cups and am stuck on what I should google for - when I needed a sounding board I thought you might have a minute or two15:39
BluesKajdougiel, sure, fire away ;-)15:40
dougielCups is installed with one printer configured from web interface 192.168.x.x or and when I goto add a second printer it just loops from finishing (NOT) to printer manufacture scolldown and just keeps going through this cycle...15:42
BluesKajare you opening cups from system settings>printers or localhost 631?15:48
BluesKajfor the second prointer , or add printer in cups itself?15:49
BluesKajnever added a second printer , so I'm on new ground15:51
dougielBluesKaj, my second printer is just a copy of the first with different options ie colour instead of monochrome in the default settings so nobody has to fiddle with settings just send to appropriate printer config... this is the way I have always done it up to 14.04 then now trying on 17.04 with cups 2.2.215:58
dougielBluesKaj, can you explain or direct me to "cups itself" ?15:58
* dougiel checks failing memory (brain) but cannot recall ever doing an cups'ing without the web ui16:00
BluesKajsystem settings>printers, that should open cups on kubuntu16:00
dougielHey, thanks BluesKaj - appreciate the help :) coffee tomorrow? I will share what I learned ;)16:06
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=== EvilRoey is now known as WizardRoey
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caleb13321Hello, I just built a new computer with a Ryzen 1600 and an Asus Prime x370 Pro motherboard. The manufacture site doesn't seem to include drivers for linux, should I be fine?20:58
caleb13321manufacture site = asus20:58
ikoniabasic funtionality should be fine20:59
caleb13321Well, I had a few issues with the board before I installed the drivers on Windows21:00
caleb13321Although those issues largely stemmed from Windows' terrible USB 3 drivers21:00
oerhekscaleb13321, check the vendors site for an UEFI bios update first, that might save some headache21:01
ikoniathats a good bit of advice21:01
caleb13321Yeah, I updated the BIOS the other day. With the old BIOS I couldn't install the GPU in the first PCI-E slot.21:02
oerhekskeep checking, there is a lot of development going on with Ryzen.21:02
oerheksonce/month will do, i follow development and bugs too21:03
caleb13321Yeah, my problems weren't to severe, once I had the updated BIOS and drivers everything was smooth sailing21:05
caleb13321I just don't want to end up installing a boot manager if Linux doesn't run too well. The BIOS post already adds +5 seconds to my boot compared to my old computer.21:07
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KtopGood afternoon everyone, would anyone be able to tell me how I could mount (as read only of course) an unsafely shut down NTFS disk22:03
KtopActually, back later, wanna double check something22:06
jimtendoHi guys, anyone else having issues with QtCreator ending up non-responsive when opening .qml files? Using Kubuntu 17.04+Backports... QtCreator version is 4.1.0 built on Qt 5.7.1. Cannot find anyone else having problems on Google (other cases were from years ago) and am wondering if this could be specific to my machine.23:18
johnflux2When I boot up, it freezes at a black screen for approximately 10 minutes23:33
johnflux2going to a console I see glxinfo 100% cpu23:34
johnflux2any ideas what is going on?23:34
johnflux2dmesg says:   [  242.652699] INFO: task kworker/4:0:35 blocked for more than 120 seconds.23:35
johnflux2Workqueue: kec_query acpi_ec_event_processor23:35

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