
geigerCounterHello. How do I upgarde 14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS02:23
sarnoldgeigerCounter: do-release-upgrade02:26
geigerCountersarnold: Command not found.02:26
sarnoldgeigerCounter: hrm, that's funny. it's in ubuntu-release-upgrader-core02:27
geigerCounterI didn't have that installed.02:28
geigerCounterAlso, how can I back up my logs, content, and configs easily to another location?02:29
sarnoldthere's no easy way to do that. rsync -avz is my favourite way, and if you start with /var/log/ /home/ and /etc/ you'll have a decent start; but it's so easy to have important configs scribbled everywhere02:30
geigerCounterWhat is rsync?02:31
sarnoldrsync is a binary-differencing kind of tool that can drastically reduce bandwidth when trying to keep a directory tree synchronized between two machines over time02:31
sarnoldscp -r would re-transmit files even if the other side already has them02:32
sarnoldrsync can transmit just the changes02:32
geigerCounterThat said, I can't really afford to keep anything locally. Don't have the storage media for it.02:36
geigerCounterI dunno, unless I keep it on one of my external harddrives.02:36
geigerCounterThat could work.02:36
geigerCounterHmm. I shouldn't need to touch my keymaps, should I, sarnold?02:38
sarnoldgeigerCounter: I'm not sure, I've always been content with the us 104 key or whatever that is selected at install02:39
geigerCounterSorry about being a bit noobish, but this is my first time ever doing this process for an ubuntu server.02:41
geigerCounterShould I leave the line blank for "Interfaces on which the DHCPv6 client sends requests:" ?02:42
sarnoldgeigerCounter: probably; if you're asking the question anyway then it's likely it's not really important. yet. ipv6 will get more important in the future, and how you get your ipv6 config will matter more and more .. but right now most people don't have it and don't need it02:45
geigerCounterWell alright then.02:45
sarnoldfunny enough I just started a do-release-upgrade on a 12.04 TLS machine about an hour or two ago.. I haven't done this in ages.02:46
sarnold"TLS". It must be about dinner time :)02:46
geigerCountersarnold: Do I need to have a weekly run of fstrim?03:23
dpb1if you have an SSD, you should.04:44
geigerCounterdpb1: Oh hmm... I'll have to slap that script back in to the cron.weekly04:51
cpaelzerjamespage: I hope you don't mind but I added OVS 2.8 to the release note as I needed to refer to it from dpdk05:41
cpaelzerjamespage: but if you want to add more to it there please feel free05:42
lordievaderGood morning06:24
dpawlikcoreycb: Hello08:15
dpawlikPlease let me know when you are on irc :)08:16
dpawlikIs someone else from cloud archive team?08:22
Oskars_Shouldn't I get into my home directory when I FTPS in with my user?09:09
lordievaderDepends on the configuration.09:23
dpawlikcoreycb: hi11:57
coreycbdpawlik: hi, did you have a question?12:44
dpawlikcoreycb: Hello, yes I have small question for you :)12:44
coreycbdpawlik: ask away :)12:44
dpawlikcoreycb: let me copy few URLs for you12:44
dpawlikcoreycb: Is possible to generate new packages in Cloud archive for Pike and Ocata for oslo.middleware with patch https://review.openstack.org/#/q/Ic8b7f9698d7b3440005b17d249b1c8f0f66dae8a ?12:45
dpawlikcoreycb: one URL is enough :) I was thinking that more ulrs will be pasted :)12:46
coreycbdpawlik: yes that shouldn't be a problem12:46
coreycbdpawlik: i'll work on it in a few12:47
dpawlikcoreycb: thanks a lot12:49
coreycbjamespage: beisner: can you promote these newton SRU packages to newton-proposed please for bug 1718033?12:59
ubottubug 1718033 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive newton "[SRU] newton stable releases" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171803312:59
coreycbjamespage: beisner: can you also promote python-oslo.middleware to pike-proposed please?13:56
coreycbdpawlik: ^ i've also updated the bug for SRU purposes. if you can help with any testing that would be great.13:57
dpawlikcoreycb: sure13:58
dpawlikcoreycb:  I try to install the package on Ocata infra (I don't have yet Pike but maybe the package will work :P )13:59
coreycbdpawlik: ok it'll have to land in artful/pike first before the sru team will accept the zesty/ocata upload13:59
danpawlik_@coreycb i forget to logout on irc. I must go home earlier so if it is not a problem i will check package today or on monday. Ok?15:48
M3mphiZis it possible to tell 'logrotate' to put all the *.gz files into a subdirectory like /var/log/gz ?17:35
oerheksM3mphiZ, maybe 'postrotate' is what you want, to mv those .gz into /var/log/gz ? >> https://support.rackspace.com/how-to/understanding-logrotate-utility/17:55
M3mphiZoerheks: is logrotate not gonna complain that those files are not there anymore? or are those files left alone anyway once they are compressed?17:56
oerheksM3mphiZ, yes, there is no hook to them, AFAIK.. correct me if i am wrong, guys17:56
oerheksactive is .log, 1st backup is uncompressed .log.1 ...17:57
sdezielM3mphiZ: logrotate won't complain if log.2.gz isn't there. After all, on a fresh machine it's never there17:59
M3mphiZhow does it keep track of the x.gz number? not by checking all existing gz's but an internal counter of some sort? i mean if i move blah.1.gz out of the way, will it not create it next time instead of using blah.2.gz?18:00
sdezielM3mphiZ: yes, it will use the next "free slot"18:01
M3mphiZhmm.. well then i wont be able to simply move the gzs away the second time i try..18:02
M3mphiZas their names will conflict..18:02
sdezielM3mphiZ: it's not directly what you asked for but I have a logrotate snippet that takes my aggregated logs and archive them per year/month while compressing them, might interest you18:03
sdezielM3mphiZ: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25593805/18:03
M3mphiZsdeziel: thats looks interesting, may i ask how long u been using the script?18:03
sdezielM3mphiZ: and the associated rsyslog snippet: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25593822/18:04
sdezielM3mphiZ: I've been using similar variations of that script since 2014/0518:05
M3mphiZsdeziel: awesome thanks!, i gtg now but ill test it later, i might come back at you if thats ok?18:05
sdezielM3mphiZ: sure thing18:06
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Epx998Does the debian-installer support xfs for the / partition?21:22
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sarnold"seems likely"21:23
sarnoldxfs has been around forever anyway :)21:23
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pizzadeliverytwo xxxl pepperoni21:27
pizzadeliverywho ordered it :)21:27
sarnoldpizza!? for me?? I'm a lucky lucky little boy!21:28
pizzadeliverydid not you made a NY promise to eat no pizza or was it other guy? :D21:28
sarnolddefinitely other guy21:28
pizzadeliveryi guess since no one else is around its for you21:29
pizzadeliverystrange no one made pizza os21:30
pizzadeliverypizza linux distro21:30
sarnoldslices, boxes, deliveries, toppings...21:31
sarnoldyou're right, the metaphors to work with21:31
pizzadeliverywhat did you made today?21:33
pizzadeliveryfor dinner21:33
pizzadeliveryi made some stew21:33
pizzadeliverynearly ready21:33
Epx998yeah never used xfs but its going22:02
Epx998tho i got an error unpackaging the kernel, maybe /boot was too small22:02
Epx998recipes can be a bit tricky if you dont mess with them a lot22:02
RoyKEpx998: I use xfs for large filesystems whenever I don't use zfs22:52

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