
tgBot10<Sconio> hi00:08
tgBot10<Sconio> good evening, would it be possible to add a function to choose a ringtone or a notification in the contact options00:08
tgBot10<Sconio> ??00:08
ubports_botProject daily-hammerhead build #329: FAILURE in 10 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-hammerhead/329/00:24
tgBot10StevenRichard_Last was added by: StevenRichard_Last01:47
tgBot10<StevenRichard_Last> hello01:48
tgBot10<StevenRichard_Last> im new member01:48
tgBot10<samzn> Hello new member01:51
tgBot10<StevenRichard_Last> i have question, thats ubuntu touch chroot or native linux?01:55
tgBot10<Ern_st> @Sconio, Place a request in the github.02:16
navarrorinaldiHey guys02:18
navarrorinaldiI'm flushing my nexus 4 phone and it's been stuck here:02:20
navarrorinaldiFlashing version 144 from 15.04/devel channel and server http://system-image.ubports.com to device mako02:20
navarrorinaldifor about an hour02:20
navarrorinaldiis that normal?02:20
=== JanC is now known as Guest8694
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
tgBot10<Ern_st> Nop it's not02:47
tgBot10<Ern_st> should take 5-10 min max02:47
navarrorinaldiI stopped it and started it again and still the same thing?02:54
navarrorinaldiAny idea of what could be happening?02:54
tgBot10<Ern_st> Without log or more information, no. What tool do you use to flash it?02:59
navarrorinaldisudo ubuntu-device-flash -v --server=http://system-image.ubports.com touch --device=mako --channel=15.04/devel --bootstrap03:00
navarrorinaldiI tried -v03:01
navarrorinaldibut nothing gets logged03:01
navarrorinaldiis there any kind of diagnostic tool I can use?03:01
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Is the device in fastboot when you run that, and is it unlocked?03:03
navarrorinaldilet me check that03:08
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> I *think* that device is supported by the UBports installer. https://github.com/ubports/ubports-installer/releases03:09
tgBot10<Ern_st> Otherwise you might try : https://github.com/MariusQuabeck/magic-device-tool it's support the nexus 4, but the channel needs to be verify.03:13
tgBot10<Ern_st> you see plenty of choice :)03:13
navarrorinaldilet me check that03:21
navarrorinaldihey, the magic-device-tool is working fine03:30
tgBot10<Ern_st> is shoud use the same command as you set earlier :)03:31
tgBot10<Ern_st> Anyway, welcome onboard !!!03:31
navarrorinaldievidently I was doing something wrong03:31
navarrorinaldiit's pushing things into the phone now03:31
tgBot10<Ern_st> missing an argument or worng writing like - instead of - -03:32
navarrorinaldiI have an orange dot jumping through the screen now03:32
navarrorinaldishould I wait?03:32
navarrorinaldisorry to bother you man03:33
tgBot10<Ern_st> Ho yes !03:33
tgBot10<Ern_st> wait until you got the welcome screen03:34
navarrorinaldithanks for hanging on there03:34
navarrorinaldiI'm excited03:34
tgBot10<Ern_st> better to be excited ^^03:35
tgBot10<Ern_st> you'll see a second life for this nice N403:35
navarrorinaldiI'm an old ubuntu user03:36
navarrorinaldihaving ubuntu in my phone is god's gift03:36
navarrorinaldiand there it is03:36
tgBot10<Ern_st> it's a community gift ;) thanks to all03:37
navarrorinaldiit's a way of saying it03:39
navarrorinaldiit's there03:39
navarrorinaldithanks a lot for your help03:39
navarrorinaldiI'll start playing with it03:39
navarrorinaldisuggestion on how to help the community?03:39
tgBot10<Ern_st> depends of your skill ... look on the website and forum and don't forget donation that helps to run the server and pay the coffee to the team : https://www.patreon.com/ubports03:43
navarrorinaldiI'll certainly do that03:44
navarrorinaldiI'm a developer also03:44
navarrorinaldiI would enjoy helping that way also03:44
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> did someone say coffee03:45
tgBot10<Ern_st> @navarrorinaldi, According to your skills, there is some app which needs a maintainer, if you want04:01
navarrorinaldi@tgBot10 Sure. Whatever I can do to help04:07
ubports_botProject vivid-rootfs-armhf build #136: SUCCESS in 1.3 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/vivid-rootfs-armhf/136/04:27
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1055: SUCCESS in 0.46 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1055/04:27
navarrorinaldiI'll give a look tomorrow04:37
navarrorinaldiis 1 am and need to go sleep now04:38
navarrorinaldithanks a lot for your help!!04:38
navarrorinaldi@tgBot10 Not sure how to help with that. Maybe those post from ubports_bot wasn't for me???04:43
tgBot10Jorge was added by: Jorge04:43
tgBot10<Jorge> Hello everyone04:43
tgBot10<Jorge> Fist of all, thank you developers! I am new to UBports and was wondering where I can find documentation, besides google, on how to multiboot-install UBtouch on OnePlus One04:46
tgBot10<nikhilbhalwankar> @ubports_bot, Does this mean ota rollout started?05:23
tgBot10<bastos777> @navarrorinaldi, Welcome. Thank you for offering your help. You can have a look at the ubports github reposition at https://github.com/ubports to orientate for dev support.05:46
tgBot10<bastos777> Unfortunately I man not a developer but if I where I would support the uMatriks development https://github.com/LarreaMikel/uMatriks05:49
tgBot10<neothethird> navarrorinaldi: developers are always very welcome! You can find all our code on github.com/ubports. There are also some issues tagged as help wanted: https://github.com/search?utf8=βœ“&q=org%3Aubports+label%3A%22help+wanted%22+is%3Aopen&type= and some components that need maintainers06:00
tgBot10<neothethird> @nikhilbhalwankar, No, not yet. We should probably remove those messages:D they're confusing06:02
tgBot10<neothethird> @Jorge, Welcome:) sorry, since making efidroid or Multirom work is very complicated and creates many additional edge cases for each device, we don't support it. That doesn't mean it's not possible, but it might not be that easy to set up and there might be new bugs... If you just want to check out Ubuntu touch to see what it's about, I suggest you make a backup of your android system and install: github.com/ubports/ubports-installer. If you06:10
tgBot10don't like it, just go back to android ;)06:10
tgBot10<Jorge> Thanks Jan, that's what I decided to do, unfortunately, I'm working on oem-unlocking my OPO as it is not unlocking. Will report back soon!06:14
tgBot10<Christopher> OTA-2 coming tomorrow it will be like Christmas morning!07:08
tgBot10<giovanniiannotti> (Photo, 540x960) https://irc.ubports.com/RP8aBodZ/file_697.jpg07:18
tgBot10<giovanniiannotti> Hi guys. I am experiencing two issues. 1) Every time I either change the focus from the browser to anything else or close and reopen it, I get the ubuntu / google start tap and all the other pages I was reading are closed. 2) When I go to setup and try to check if there are any updates, the setup crashes and closes. I didn't install anything recently.07:18
tgBot10<giovanniiannotti> (Photo, 540x960) https://irc.ubports.com/pUKPECa1/file_699.jpg07:20
tgBot10<giovanniiannotti> plus, my weather indicator is gone07:21
tgBot10<giovanniiannotti> (Photo, 540x960) https://irc.ubports.com/8d5lH8XW/file_701.jpg07:21
tgBot10nikhilubuntu was added by: nikhilubuntu07:24
tgBot10<Jorge> @neothethird, I was able to resolve my OPO issue, in case anyone needs to know, I found the ONePlusOne-BootUnlocker.zip on xda-developers. Once issue was resolved, I was able to install UBports on my phone very seemlessly, and I have to say " I love it". Thank you developers!07:46
tgBot10<giovanniiannotti> @giovanniiannotti, can anyone help?07:50
tgBot10<Jorge> Interface is very clean, the way a phone has to be. On the OnePlus One, however, the hardware buttons are not working. I checked systems settings but there was nothing to enable for 'buttons'. Something else I noticed is that the edges are not as easy to swipe. I have to take several attempts for the edges to pop up07:51
tgBot10<JBBgameich> Does the Ubuntu Touch gui even have any use for this buttons? SailfishOS for example can't use them by design08:08
tgBot10<LoorJ> Perhaps that is the case for UBPhones, I don't know, but I would like to know how to go back to the previous screen.08:10
ubports_botProject daily-fp2 build #347: SUCCESS in 13 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-fp2/347/08:23
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1056: SUCCESS in 1 min 6 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1056/08:24
tgBot10<LoorJ> Camera is not working on OnePlus One. Check permissions but there is nothing to do. Rebooted the phone but the problem persisted08:27
tgBot10<LoorJ> WiFi not working either on OPO, only celular data08:31
tgBot10<vanyasem> update to the latest build, it was fixed recently08:32
tgBot10<vanyasem> what channel are you on?08:32
tgBot10<LoorJ> I'm afraid I am not understanding you, channel? as in the frequency of the wifi signal?08:33
tgBot10<vanyasem> the update channel of ubports08:33
tgBot10<vanyasem> stable, rc or devel08:34
tgBot10<LoorJ> stable 15.0408:34
tgBot10<vanyasem> camera and wifi fixes were not pushed to stable as of now iirc08:35
tgBot10<vanyasem> so switch to rc or devel in order if you want them working08:35
tgBot10<LoorJ> I tapped on Updates under System Settings but there is no update available08:35
tgBot10<vanyasem> you have to SWITCH the channel08:35
tgBot10<vanyasem> it's not an update πŸ˜’08:35
tgBot10<LoorJ> let me find out how to do that. I am getting acquainted with the UI08:36
tgBot10<vanyasem> run `sudo ubuntu-device-flash --server=http://system-image.ubports.com touch --device={DEVICE CODENAME} \--channel=15.04/rc`08:37
tgBot10<vanyasem> I forgot opo's codename, I'm sure you know it08:37
tgBot10<LoorJ> thanks bud, will try08:38
tgBot10<LoorJ> I will google it08:38
tgBot10<LoorJ> It is bacon on Android but I am double checking08:39
tgBot10<vanyasem> @LoorJ, yep, bacon, right08:40
tgBot10<LoorJ> Yes it is bacon also08:40
tgBot10<andreasimonetti> @vanyasem, From adb08:40
tgBot10<vanyasem> you can also try running  `system-image-cli --switch ubports-touch/15.04/rc` from the device itself, but at my experience it never works08:42
tgBot10<LoorJ> I was trying to run the line you gave me above from command line08:42
tgBot10<vanyasem> @vanyasem, you should run this from your desktop08:43
tgBot10<vanyasem> @vanyasem, or this from your phone08:43
tgBot10<LoorJ> I get "Exception occurred during update; see log file ofr details"08:45
tgBot10<vanyasem> which one ?08:46
tgBot10<LoorJ> does not say08:47
tgBot10<vanyasem> which command have you run?08:48
tgBot10<vanyasem> and where?08:50
tgBot10<LoorJ> @vanyasem, I used it with sudo and used the pin I set up for my phone08:52
tgBot10<vanyasem> yeah, I told you, it rarely works08:52
tgBot10<vanyasem> @vanyasem, so plug your phone into any Ubuntu PC, intaall deps `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-device-flash phablet-tools` and run this08:53
tgBot10<LoorJ> @vanyasem, if I run this one from my PC, should I used adb with the phone logged into UB or recovery?08:55
tgBot10<vanyasem> you just need to install the dependencies: `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-device-flash phablet-tools` … and run ubuntu-device-flash, it will trigger adb automatically08:55
tgBot10<vanyasem> @LoorJ, you need to enable developers mode on your phone08:55
tgBot10<vanyasem> and then just connect it to the PC08:56
tgBot10<LoorJ> unfortunately, I left my linux machine at home but I am using a borrowed mac, I guess I cannot do the commands you suggested above08:58
tgBot10<NikosChat> @LoorJ, Short swipe from right edge (to the left) for the previous app and long swipe from left edge (to the right) for the home screen08:58
tgBot10<LoorJ> Thanks08:59
tgBot10<vanyasem> @LoorJ, you need an Ubuntu machine with apt package manager. you can always run Ubuntu in a VM08:59
tgBot10<LoorJ> to resolve this quickly, I am going to install again picking 15.04 RC from UBports installer09:01
tgBot10<LoorJ> @vanyasem, I guess I would be able to run it from Linux Mint, which I believe is installed on this machine too09:02
tgBot10<vanyasem> @LoorJ, yep, Linux Mint will do09:03
tgBot10<NikosChat> There is a command to change channels from your phone09:06
tgBot10<LoorJ> and that is?09:08
tgBot10<NikosChat> Ah Ivan provided that09:09
tgBot10<NikosChat> But you need to add your device at the end09:09
tgBot10<NikosChat> system-image-cli --switch ubports-touch/15.04/rc/bacon09:11
tgBot10<LoorJ> will try that. Out of curiosity, is there a way to show the command history or the up arrow in cli so we don't have to retype the whole line again?09:12
tgBot10<NikosChat> Yes09:12
tgBot10<NikosChat> Swipe up down on terminal09:12
tgBot10<LoorJ> Exception occurred during update; see log file for details09:16
tgBot10<NikosChat> Maybe sudo is needed09:18
tgBot10<LoorJ> I used sudo09:19
tgBot10<vanyasem> @NikosChat, this command never worked for me on Nexus 5 :)09:26
tgBot10<NikosChat> Tried it on my phone and it doesn't work. I get the same message.09:38
tgBot10<LoorJ> Reinstalling09:38
tgBot10<NikosChat> @neothethird any ideas why system-image-cli --switch ubports-touch/15.04/rc/bacon doesn't work?09:41
tgBot10<NikosChat> @neothethird09:42
tgBot10ouyangjun1999 was added by: ouyangjun199909:54
tgBot10<aki237> Getting a new load of errors when compiling the Camera subsystem … ```evice/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/QCamera2HWI.cpp: In member function 'int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processFaceDetectionResult(cam_face_detection_data_t*)': … device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/QCamera2HWI.cpp:4994:22: error: 'camera_face_t' has no member named 'smile_degree' …              faces[i].smile_degree = fd_data->faces[i].smile_degree; …            10:05
tgBot10device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/QCamera2HWI.cpp:4995:22: error: 'camera_face_t' has no member named 'smile_score' …              faces[i].smile_score = fd_data->faces[i].smile_confidence; …                       ^ … device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/QCamera2HWI.cpp:4996:22: error: 'camera_face_t' has no member named 'blink_detected' …              faces[i].blink_detected = fd_data->faces[i].blink_detected; …                       ^ …10:05
tgBot10device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/QCamera2HWI.cpp:4997:22: error: 'camera_face_t' has no member named 'face_recognised' …              faces[i].face_recognised = fd_data->faces[i].face_recognised; …                       ^ … device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/QCamera2HWI.cpp:4998:22: error: 'camera_face_t' has no member named 'gaze_angle' …              faces[i].gaze_angle = fd_data->faces[i].gaze_angle; …                       ^ …10:05
tgBot10device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/QCamera2HWI.cpp:5001:22: error: 'camera_face_t' has no member named 'updown_dir' …              faces[i].updown_dir = fd_data->faces[i].updown_dir * 2; …                       ^ … device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/QCamera2HWI.cpp:5002:22: error: 'camera_face_t' has no member named 'leftright_dir' …              faces[i].leftright_dir = fd_data->faces[i].leftright_dir * 2; …                       ^ …10:05
tgBot10device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/QCamera2HWI.cpp:5003:22: error: 'camera_face_t' has no member named 'roll_dir' …              faces[i].roll_dir = fd_data->faces[i].roll_dir * 2; …                       ^ … device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/QCamera2HWI.cpp:5005:22: error: 'camera_face_t' has no member named 'leye_blink' …              faces[i].leye_blink = fd_data->faces[i].left_blink; …                       ^ …10:05
tgBot10device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/QCamera2HWI.cpp:5006:22: error: 'camera_face_t' has no member named 'reye_blink' …              faces[i].reye_blink = fd_data->faces[i].right_blink; …                       ^ … device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/QCamera2HWI.cpp:5007:22: error: 'camera_face_t' has no member named 'left_right_gaze' …              faces[i].left_right_gaze = fd_data->faces[i].left_right_gaze; …                       ^ …10:05
tgBot10device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/QCamera2HWI.cpp:5008:22: error: 'camera_face_t' has no member named 'top_bottom_gaze' …              faces[i].top_bottom_gaze = fd_data->faces[i].top_bottom_gaze;```10:05
tgBot10<LoorJ> Reinstalled with 15.04 RC channel, and confirmed that camera and wifi are working on OPO10:07
tgBot10<hwpplayer1> @Lorxu, I understand we need strategy and tactics10:32
tgBot10<aki237> any idea : … ```device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/test/qcamera_test.cpp:1564:35: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type 'android::MediaRecorder'```10:38
tgBot10edergilian was added by: edergilian10:51
tgBot10<vanyasem> @edergilian, welcome10:53
tgBot10<hwpplayer1> Welcome10:55
tgBot10<edergilian> Moto x style 1572?10:56
tgBot10<vanyasem> @edergilian, Moto X Style 1572 what?11:02
tgBot10<DanChapman> Dekko update! \o/11:15
tgBot10<mariogrip> @DanChapman, woop wooop :D11:16
tgBot10<mariogrip> @aki237, is this using halium?11:16
tgBot10<aki237> @mariogrip, Sorry?11:17
tgBot10<aki237> I think it is from the cm-12.1 deice repos11:17
tgBot10<vanyasem> any news regarding Mir patch? anything new about 16.04 at all?11:18
tgBot10<mariogrip> @aki237, ok, you might give direct_camera_test a try11:18
tgBot10<mariogrip> @vanyasem, jep https://launchpad.net/~mariogrip/+archive/ubuntu/halium-7.1-caf11:18
tgBot10<vanyasem> i was not ready for this :P11:19
tgBot10<vanyasem> happily giggling11:19
tgBot10<aki237> @mariogrip, I haven't ported hallium yet for my device11:19
tgBot10<aki237> from the wiki, I have added all my local_manifests and built the source11:19
tgBot10<mariogrip> @aki237, that binary is avable on ubp-5.1 also11:19
tgBot10<mariogrip> @aki237, yeah, you should get that test from that source also, check in /system/bin/direct_camera_test11:20
tgBot10<aki237> @mariogrip, So you are saying by syncing ubp-5.1 repos I have built hallium?11:20
tgBot10<mariogrip> @vanyasem, :)11:21
tgBot10<aki237> @mariogrip, So I dont have to build the device camera test?11:21
tgBot10<mariogrip> @aki237, yeah, halium is a fork of ubp-5.111:21
tgBot10<mariogrip> @aki237, you should alredy have that11:21
tgBot10<mariogrip> it's in ubuntu/hybris11:22
tgBot10<aki237> @mariogrip, in the system.img file?11:22
tgBot10<mariogrip> @aki237, yes11:22
tgBot10<aki237> Actually yeah I have that direct_camera_test11:23
tgBot10<mariogrip> @aki237, ok, then just disable this test ^11:23
tgBot10<aki237> How to?11:23
tgBot10<mariogrip> there should be an Android.mk in the device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/test folder, just try to rename that so the build system do not pick it up11:24
tgBot10<aki237> Ok11:25
tgBot10<aki237> device/zuk/ham/camera/QCamera2/HAL/test/Android.mk No such file or directory11:27
tgBot10<mariogrip> remove include $(LOCAL_PATH)/test/Android.mk from  camera/QCamera2/HAL/Android.mk11:28
tgBot10<DanChapman> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/SLpeNGpY/file_703.png11:33
tgBot10<mariogrip> hahahah :D11:34
tgBot10<mariogrip> (Photo, 1440x2560) https://irc.ubports.com/ZTLgNUT0/file_705.jpg11:42
tgBot10<mariogrip> mir on halium 7.1 :D11:42
tgBot10<mariogrip> on oneplus 3 :D11:42
tgBot10<vanyasem> how did you do that?11:43
tgBot10<JBBgameich> @mariogrip, nice!11:43
tgBot10<vanyasem> are there any additional steps to run it?11:43
tgBot10<mariogrip> @vanyasem, add the ppa, apt update&upgrade then run `mir_demo_standalone_render_to_fb`11:43
tgBot10<vanyasem> im quite new to porting11:43
tgBot10<vanyasem> @mariogrip, at what point?11:44
tgBot10<mariogrip> @vanyasem, no problem :)11:44
tgBot10<mariogrip> @vanyasem, this is after you got the device up and running and can access ssh11:45
tgBot10<mariogrip> and wifi11:45
tgBot10<vanyasem> @mariogrip, and do I run this from the desktop ?11:45
tgBot10<vanyasem> or from the ssh?11:45
tgBot10<JBBgameich> Is there any specific reason why you don't use the quilt way of packaging?11:45
tgBot10<mariogrip> @vanyasem, yes, from ssh11:45
tgBot10<vanyasem> alright, thank you, will be playing with that later on PME (HTC 10)11:46
tgBot10<vanyasem> will message you in halium chat if i get stuch mid-way11:46
tgBot10<mariogrip> @JBBgameich, easier :) this was just a test repo so. will fix it later11:46
tgBot10<JBBgameich> Ah :)11:46
tgBot10<mariogrip> @vanyasem, no problem :) just ping me away11:46
tgBot10<JBBgameich> I've done something similar earlier, I'm not sure if you have seen it. It's untested btw πŸ˜†11:46
tgBot10<JBBgameich> https://github.com/debian-pm/libhybris-packaging/tree/ubports11:47
tgBot10<mariogrip> @JBBgameich, yeah saw it, haven't tried it yet, this was just using the xenial things and make them work with caf11:47
tgBot10<mariogrip> will try those later11:48
tgBot10<JBBgameich> @mariogrip, So this is still the older libhybris (non-upstream)?11:50
tgBot10<mariogrip> @JBBgameich, yes11:51
tgBot10<bhushanshah> @mariogrip btw about CAF, have you seen amdroid-headers packaging trick I've?11:59
tgBot10<ouyangjun1999> @mariogrip, One plus is very popular ?12:25
tgBot10<vanyasem> it's cheap and open, so yep, pretty much12:29
tgBot10<neothethird> @vanyasem, insert yo mama joke here12:31
tgBot10<vanyasem> wud12:31
tgBot10<vanyasem> oh I got it12:31
tgBot10<vanyasem> πŸ˜‚12:31
tgBot10<neothethird> but yeah, they make pretty nifty devices12:31
tgBot10<vanyasem> I've seen a video on why they won't for long12:32
tgBot10<vanyasem> we can see with their latest devices that they started to aim more to regular users and not us, crazy devs12:32
tgBot10<Stefan Kalb> @giovanniiannotti, I am Not sure, but isn't there already r4 for krillin.12:40
tgBot10<mariogrip> (Photo, 1440x2560) https://irc.ubports.com/FkSUZZxP/file_707.jpg12:53
tgBot10<mariogrip> somethings happeening12:53
ubports_botProject daily-mako build #122: SUCCESS in 12 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-mako/122/12:55
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1057: SUCCESS in 0.55 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1057/12:55
tgBot10<vanyasem> @mariogrip, is that 16.04 UBports on 1+3??12:55
tgBot10<mariogrip> @vanyasem, jep!12:56
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/F0duas1z/file_708.webp12:56
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> can we share the image? :))12:57
tgBot10<vanyasem> that's so impressive!12:57
tgBot10<vanyasem> I even got hard12:57
tgBot10<vanyasem> too bad unity crashes, but things will work out eventually12:57
tgBot10<mariogrip> @popescu_sorin, sure :D12:57
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> yay :D12:57
tgBot10<mariogrip> @vanyasem, @neothethird this is your area12:57
tgBot10<mariogrip> @vanyasem, soon tm :P12:57
tgBot10<Lorxu> (Photo, 454x626) https://irc.ubports.com/qpS417tJ/file_710.jpg13:06
tgBot10<bhushanshah> (Sticker, 512x400) https://irc.ubports.com/GQqwJdgU/file_711.webp13:06
tgBot10<gdane> Mmm furry at ubuntu channel? :)13:07
tgBot10<Lorxu> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/eXXSyM7j/file_712.webp13:09
tgBot10<gdane> :)13:09
tgBot10<gdane> Furries are everywhere :)13:09
tgBot10<Lorxu> Yeah, especially in tech and art13:10
tgBot10<gdane> Yeah13:10
tgBot10<ouyangjun1999> @vanyasem, I want to buy itπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚13:10
tgBot10<ouyangjun1999> But one plus five is less open and cheaper13:11
tgBot10<mymike00> https://github.com/mymike00/school-timetable.git … A new version will be out soon, if someone would like to translate it, please send me the .po or make a pull request🀝. Thank you all😍13:11
tgBot10<Lorxu> @mymike00, May I suggest Weblate? ;)13:12
tgBot10<ouyangjun1999> @ouyangjun1999, Like xiaomi13:12
tgBot10<StevenRichard_Last> just waiting porting on xiaomi redmi 3 ido13:13
tgBot10<vanyasem> @ouyangjun1999, exactly13:14
tgBot10<vanyasem> Fwd from vanyasem: we can see with their latest devices that they started to aim more on regular users and not us, crazy devs13:15
tgBot10<mymike00> @Lorxu, yep, it would be perfect, but I don't have my own website and it's not so useful/downloaded to put it on translate.ubports.com ...13:15
tgBot10<Lorxu> @mymike00, You could ask on hosted.weblate.org, only issue with that is that they take up to a month to approve you13:16
tgBot10<mymike00> thanks, maybe I'll try13:18
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> (Photo, 410x206) https://irc.ubports.com/uejl9eQg/file_714.jpg I get this always///13:25
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> some people can't join this group ^^ this message13:25
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> can somoane invite? @Javacookies13:26
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> not sure how telegram works X-)13:26
tgBot10Javacookies was added by: UniversalSuperBox13:26
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Left right away.13:27
tgBot10<Lorxu> Mods could also put an invite link in the description to share for when that link doesn't work13:27
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> We had another user who this happened for.13:27
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> thanks! @UniversalSuperBox13:27
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> I don't know how he fixed it, other than waiting. Might be that the TG servers for their area are being stupid.13:27
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> @popescu_sorin, No, he's gone. Left immediately.13:28
tgBot10<Lorxu> @Lorxu, Actually nvm I forgot the invite link is the same in this case13:28
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> (Photo, 448x121) https://irc.ubports.com/wnpuTzHS/file_716.jpg13:28
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> Fwd from Javacookies: did you add me to the group? … i have it in my list but I can't enter13:28
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> maybe he's banned? :))13:28
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> He's not banned13:29
tgBot10<mymike00> (Photo, 609x499) https://irc.ubports.com/Ip1PIbze/file_718.jpg ???13:29
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Let him know to wait a bit and it'll probably start working again13:29
tgBot10<Lorxu> Who told me again Telegram was well-coded? This is what I mean :P13:30
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> generic complaining about Telegram13:30
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> ok13:30
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> @Javacookies hello?13:30
tgBot10<bhushanshah> Its possible that javacookies is from some countries for which supergroups are banned13:32
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> indonesia i think13:33
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> or http://philippines/13:33
tgBot10<bhushanshah> For instance one person from Philippines iirc couldn't join halium telegram group13:33
tgBot10<Lorxu> @bhushanshah, Whaa?13:34
tgBot10<bhushanshah> @Lorxu, Yes.. don't ask me why13:34
tgBot10<bhushanshah> Spam problems as they say about it13:35
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> @mimecar I see new resources for the programming course! Awesome!13:35
tgBot10<bhushanshah> @UniversalSuperBox can you try to invite javacookies in non supergroup?13:35
tgBot10<Lorxu> Wtf... Surely there are at least 7 million better ways to fix that...13:35
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> @bhushanshah, I'm not a blue star over there. I guess @mariogrip is gonna have to do it.13:36
tgBot10<mimecar> Yes, it's the first version of the virtual machine. Later on I hope to reduce the size and add some things.13:36
tgBot10<mimecar> I have also uploaded the presentation I made at the Ubucon for those who could not attend.13:36
tgBot10<mariogrip> @UniversalSuperBox, you are a star now13:37
tgBot10<bhushanshah> Lol.. new superstar in town.. watch out for @UniversalSuperBox13:38
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> He is now a member of the other group!13:40
tgBot10<bhushanshah> @Lorxu, They said that they are gonna fix that.. guess they never fixed it yey13:41
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> yay! thank @UniversalSuperBox13:43
tgBot10<thepeter> Who's doing polish translations please? There is mistake on location setup when choosing way of receiving informations13:56
tgBot10<Lorxu> Probably several people on Weblate, you can fix it yourself too13:57
tgBot10<thepeter> Yeah I know, but maybe there is somebody to reach out too, polish is not my native language u know and it would be way faster for natives. and Iam on tablet now ...14:02
tgBot10<StevenRichard_Last> im sorry developer, are usbtouch os support for xiaomi redmi 3? im from indonesian 😁14:49
tgBot10<DanChapman> there's no port for that device right now.14:50
tgBot10<vanyasem> "usbtouch"14:50
tgBot10<vanyasem> I lost it there14:50
tgBot10<StevenRichard_Last> ups sorry typo14:50
tgBot10<thepeter> @vanyasem, Yep I saw ubsports lately from somebody :) that just happends14:51
tgBot10<vanyasem> that's funny though ;)14:51
tgBot10<StevenRichard_Last> @DanChapman, oh thanks for information14:52
tgBot10<thepeter> @StevenRichard_Last, no problem, don't worry14:52
tgBot10<StevenRichard_Last> just one question if i installed ubuntutouch , can i run docker ?14:54
tgBot10<mariogrip> @StevenRichard_Last, haven't tried, but if docker can run on vivid, then it might do14:56
tgBot10<mariogrip> the only proboblm might be to get lxc to behave14:57
tgBot10<rogieroudshoorn> why would you want to?14:57
tgBot10<JBBgameich> @StevenRichard_Last, In this blog post, there is a xiami device  running Plasma Mobile, which uses the same porting infrastructure that UBports will use in the future. Do you know if that's your device?15:00
tgBot10<JBBgameich> http://blog.bshah.in/2017/09/19/plasma-mobile-in-randaaa/15:00
tgBot10<StevenRichard_Last> @JBBgameich, ok i'll check it15:00
tgBot10<mariogrip> @rogieroudshoorn, it's linux, the question is, why not15:02
tgBot10<rogieroudshoorn> i'm merely curious15:03
tgBot10<JBBgameich> @StevenRichard_Last, If it's your device, it may be supported in the future15:03
tgBot10<StevenRichard_Last> @JBBgameich, oh no thats xiaomi mi not redmi 3 😭,15:05
tgBot10<mariogrip> @StevenRichard_Last, it's a qcom device, so might be a "easy" tartget to port15:07
tgBot10<JBBgameich> Ah sorry. You could port Halium to it if you have enough time15:07
tgBot10<JBBgameich> t.me/halium15:07
tgBot10<StevenRichard_Last> ok thanks for answering my question 😁15:08
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> @JBBgameich, Note, this is not a place to ask for porting progress. This is a group for Halium developers and those interested in listening in to their conversations.15:32
tgBot10<vanyasem> @UniversalSuperBox, this supergroup is also not a place to ask for porting progress but nobody really cares15:32
tgBot10<StevenRichard_Last> @vanyasem, πŸ˜… i'm so sorry.15:40
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=== eddie is now known as Guest61586
=== Guest61586 is now known as Acou_Bass
tgBot10Hasan317 was added by: Hasan31715:56
tgBot10<Jaume81> Then, where can we ask about the devices? I would like to know if the Meizu Pro 5 will recieve some ota update? And not only security updates.15:57
tgBot10<vanyasem> current devices - here. new devices - nowhere (the answer is always "no" or "at some point")15:58
tgBot10<Destrocados> Hey guys. Have a oneplus one and instaled Ubuntu Touch via multirom app. Anyone know how to update to last version? Mine is 15.04 stable15:59
tgBot10<vanyasem> with `sudo` in your phone16:00
tgBot10<vanyasem> Fwd from NikosChat: system-image-cli --switch ubports-touch/15.04/rc/bacon16:00
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> If it's installed with multirom app, that might not be possible.16:00
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> We don't support multirom any more.16:00
tgBot10<vanyasem> @UniversalSuperBox, oh, I missed that part16:00
tgBot10<vanyasem> sry16:01
tgBot10<Jaume81> πŸ‘16:02
tgBot10<DanChapman> @vanyasem, But that's kind of like saying "go away as you don't have one of our current devices". Should it not be where any question related to ubports on *any* device is welcome? Even if it means the same questions get asked over and over. It's usually the first time for the person asking.16:07
tgBot10<vanyasem> what should we do instead of saying the truth tho?16:08
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> I think he means, say no but nicely16:08
tgBot10<vanyasem> i have an idea16:08
tgBot10<vanyasem> let's make a template then16:09
tgBot10<vanyasem> with a polite way of saying no16:09
tgBot10<BrisPete> It's not hard.16:09
tgBot10<BrisPete> We'd love to support as many devices as possible. Unfortunately porting a new device takes a long time and there are only a few of us doing the work. More developers working on porting devices would mean more devices ported. This will particularly be true when the Halium Project is successful.16:11
ubports_botProject click-import build #1: SUCCESS in 19 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/click-import/1/16:11
tgBot10<vanyasem> @BrisPete, ty, copied16:12
tgBot10<JBBgameich> @BrisPete, Especially when there would finally be a UBports rootfs for Halium :)16:12
tgBot10<mariogrip> @Jaume81, there is a big change that that will get xenial anyway, since canonical has done the work in for it to run on xenial16:20
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> chance*16:20
tgBot10<mariogrip> @UniversalSuperBox, thanks autocorrect :)16:21
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> beep16:22
tgBot10KOKI22 was added by: KOKI2216:29
tgBot10<Jaume81> @mariogrip, Sorry, I try the traduction but I don't understand. … You say that since Canonical left the project, there are changes? I bought the Meizu a few weeks ago, and it's the Ubuntu Edition.16:32
tgBot10<Jaume81> There have been changes?16:34
tgBot10<Jaume81> And I don't undrestand too when you say, that will get xenial anyway.  β€¦ I install Ubports OS by the tool Mac.0.16v with a Mac.16:36
tgBot10<NikosChat> I think he means Pro 5 is probably going to receive 16.04 since Canoniacal already made an effort for this16:39
tgBot10<mariogrip> @Jaume81, I said, that canonical has alredy done the work for us to bring that device to xenial (next ubuntu version)16:39
tgBot10<mariogrip> @NikosChat, yes16:39
tgBot10<mariogrip> that means the device might not "only get security updates"16:40
tgBot10<Vijay> @mariogrip, You are being diplomatic here!! @UniversalSuperBox might appreciate this16:40
tgBot10<Jaume81> Ok. I understand, thanks and sorry. I will be patience.16:41
tgBot10<Jaume81> But if I have installed the ubports version, and Canonical send the update, will I recieved?16:43
tgBot10<DanChapman> canonical won't be sending any more updates16:44
tgBot10<Jaume81> Then I will recieve by ubports.good. …  Hey!! Thanks for Dekko 2. Searching mails is very easy and nice. Some bugs but see good16:47
ubports_botProject click-import build #2: SUCCESS in 4.6 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/click-import/2/16:47
ubports_botProject vivid-rootfs-armhf build #137: SUCCESS in 1.6 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/vivid-rootfs-armhf/137/16:48
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1058: SUCCESS in 0.45 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1058/16:48
tgBot10<Vijay> Hey... Guyz.. I am eager to move my main sim to Nexus 5.. but only issue that holds me back WhatsApp as my family and friends are on that platform. Anyway to make WhatsApp works on latest stable?16:57
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> There's loqui, but I'm not sure how that's working16:57
tgBot10<Vijay> @UniversalSuperBox, Is that similar to webapp?16:58
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> I am definitely not the developer of LoquiIM, nor have I ever used it16:58
tgBot10<neothethird> @Vijay, no, it's a native client. It works, but it's not very stable.17:02
tgBot10<neothethird> do you have another phone? i just have another android phone laying around which is running whatsapp, so i can look at it occasionally. If someone has something important, they'll call or use sms or telegram.17:03
tgBot10<neothethird> or email17:03
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/0tOp0Nii/file_720.jpg It's as if we're having an in-person sprint. Except we aren't.17:11
tgBot10<Vijay> @neothethird, I do have other phone... But I don't want to switch the mobiles only for single app... UT is completely ready for my kind of usage except whatspp17:11
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> You can use the hotspot on one when you need to listen on the other17:11
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Is this a solution to WhatsApp not working? Probably not. Contributing to LoquiIM would be a solution though. :)17:12
tgBot10<KOKI22> How to install ubuntu for android?17:15
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Ubuntu for Android does not exist17:16
tgBot10<JBBgameich> Maybe Ubuntu on Android devices?17:16
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> However, if you have a supported device as noted on https://ubports.com/page/get-ubuntu-touch, you can use the instructions there to install Ubuntu Touch on your Android phone.17:17
tgBot10<Jaume81> LoquilM is not usable. Don't decryp message.  β€¦ It's amazing when connect the Meizu to TV. Nice future.17:17
tgBot10<Jaume81> Similar the Microsoft's convergence but look more nice.17:18
tgBot10<koni_raid> ota2 already out?17:19
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Not yet17:19
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> But the hype train does not stop17:19
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> That is to say, the release notes are written and the announcement post is in progress. :)17:21
tgBot10<vanyasem> (Photo, 1172x900) https://irc.ubports.com/ptls6hfY/file_722.jpg it never does17:21
tgBot10<koni_raid> Brilliant! Thanks to all the developer, translator and others17:23
tgBot10<koni_raid> Question: File Manager gets listed in OpenStore and System Settings;17:25
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Yeah, there's numbering issue.17:25
tgBot10<koni_raid> as upgradable:17:25
tgBot10<vanyasem> @UniversalSuperBox, there's an older version of file manager in opensrore17:27
tgBot10<vanyasem> we bundle a newer one17:27
tgBot10<vanyasem> @koni_raid, and it doesn't get listed as "upgradeble", there's a note that it will actually downgrade it to the latest version uploaded to OpenStore17:28
tgBot10<koni_raid> ok17:28
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> http://cdimage.ubports.com/clicks/  β€¦ I saw it features a newer version of file manager, which is likely the one that comes preinstalled in ubports images. Would you mind to make it available on OpenStore too? It would fix the issue :)17:30
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> You don't own that app @sverzegnassi ?17:31
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> No, it's owned by UBports17:31
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> riiiiiight17:31
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> I'm quite stressed. :P17:31
tgBot10<mariogrip> @sverzegnassi, they are not all up-to-date17:32
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> @mariogrip, Just the file manager.17:32
tgBot10<mariogrip> the click-importer has done it's job17:32
tgBot10<mariogrip> @UniversalSuperBox, le me edit that -> "they are all up-to-date"17:33
tgBot10<mariogrip> here you can see what rev they are http://cdimage.ubports.com/clicks/apps_ctrl.ini17:33
tgBot10<mariogrip> com.ubuntu.filemanager = 517:33
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> @UniversalSuperBox, Don't ask me the amount of mails or messages I had to reply for this file manager issue πŸ˜†17:34
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> @mariogrip, So... that guy is in the store now?17:34
tgBot10<mariogrip> the importer has imported the versions that's on the openstore17:35
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> It has been in the store since always, it's the older version of file manager17:35
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> Apparently, Ubuntu Store has a newer one for some reason, and that's the origin of the issue17:35
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Marius, the problem is that the Ubuntu Store has a newer version than the OpenStore. The OpenStore wants to downgrade it, then the ubuntu store wants to upgrade17:36
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> If you upload the newer version to the OpenStore the issue will be resolved17:36
tgBot10<mariogrip> done17:38
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> @sverzegnassi our lives are saved!17:38
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> @UniversalSuperBox our inboxes are saved!17:40
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Aren't they the same thing?17:40
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> lol17:41
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> So... is this the overhauled version of the File Manager, or has that not been pulled yet?17:41
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> The new version of file manager is not complete yet, and we (Bjarne and I) are currently pushing code here: https://github.com/sverzegnassi/filemanager-app17:50
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Neat!17:50
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> ETA for a first beta is next week, so we're almost there17:54
ubports_botProject click-import build #3: SUCCESS in 9.6 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/click-import/3/18:04
tgBot10<Milan Korecky> Hi, There is one more non ! ubports app with tah same version problem18:05
tgBot10<Milan Korecky> wifitransfer18:05
tgBot10<Milan Korecky> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/S5QKf3jd/file_724.jpg18:05
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> That, unfortunately, would be the responsibility of its author18:05
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> I'll PM Stuart18:06
tgBot10<Milan Korecky> Great Dalton, thanks18:07
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Done18:10
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> Out of curiosity, how many of you currently use WifiTransfer?18:10
tgBot10<garrogarri> @sverzegnassi, you should use a bot to count them18:32
tgBot10riccardovidotto was added by: riccardovidotto18:35
tgBot10<vanyasem> Do you use WifiTransfer? … Yes … ▫️ 0% … No … ▫️ 0% … Never heard of it … ▫️ 0% … πŸ‘₯ Nobody voted so far.18:36
tgBot10<vanyasem> @riccardovidotto, welcome18:36
tgBot10<riccardovidotto> @vanyasem, Thank you, hi everybody!18:36
tgBot10<j2g2rp> i have it but i don't use it.18:38
tgBot10<j2g2rp> usually I use sshfs mount comand18:38
tgBot10<vanyasem> @j2g2rp, same18:38
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> @garrogarri, It was just an informal question, I was wondering if it is worth to include something similar to WifiTransfer into File Manager :)18:50
tgBot10<DeadSquirreI01> I use scp18:52
tgBot10<garrogarri> @sverzegnassi, I would suggest to include support for sftp and ftps 😊19:09
tgBot10<demokrit atomos> @sverzegnassi, If you mean the App Wifi-transfer: never if you mean something similar (KDEconnect on Android): all the time19:27
tgBot10<demokrit atomos> (in short +1)19:28
tgBot10<demokrit atomos> on a completely different subject, does anyone know where in the code the shell rotation/gyroscope response is handled or how i find out about this (where to look and how 😜)?19:29
ubports_botProject vivid-rootfs-armhf build #138: SUCCESS in 1 hr 31 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/vivid-rootfs-armhf/138/19:36
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1059: SUCCESS in 7 min 39 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1059/19:44
tgBot10<patrix0> @UniversalSuperBox, There is 'WhatsApp Desktop'  β€¦ https://github.com/Enrico204/Whatsapp-Desktop/releases19:44
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Great19:44
tgBot10<patrix0> @patrix0, With its source code, then, it could be a WhatsApp Desktop for UBports.19:45
tgBot10<bastos777> @patrix0, Make a webapp out of it, than you have confinement...19:48
tgBot10<Milan Korecky> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/0AF6N6mR/file_726.jpg19:49
tgBot10<Milan Korecky> Does anybody use this app? It is missing in OpenStore.19:50
tgBot10<Milan Korecky> @sverzegnassi, great19:55
tgBot10<Flohack> @patrix0, Whats the point you still need an android or iphone whatsapp active for it to work. Since whatsapp is not opensource there will be no native touch app in the near future20:12
tgBot10<Sconio> Hi Flo, or are you with the Telegram application? :)20:14
=== Acou_Bass is now known as eddie
=== eddie is now known as Guest7781
tgBot10<Sconio> πŸ™‚20:14
tgBot10<Flohack> I am what? Xd20:16
tgBot10<Flohack> On my E5 now20:17
tgBot10<Flohack> But going to bed soon20:17
tgBot10<Sconio> I want to know the advancement of telegram app, you talked about it a few days ago.20:19
tgBot10<Sconio> ok20:19
tgBot10<Flohack> We always advance, but with different speed xd20:19
tgBot10<urielc> (Photo, 580x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/Xbbh9TH7/file_727.jpg20:20
tgBot10<Sconio> I like this application20:20
tgBot10<urielc> (Photo, 580x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/Gk7NCQG2/file_727.jpg20:20
tgBot10GinΓ©s was added by: GinΓ©s20:24
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> @Milan Korecky, We definitely should do something for missing apps (at least for open source ones). As we already did for some apps, we could fork the code on GitHub, build and upload a package as "OpenStore team", and eventually wait for someone who wants to maintain the app. Let's see, I'm sure this will be discussed very soon :)20:26
tgBot10<HenryOne> I am wondering if it is possible to build apps using `electron`. It runs on all OS so maybe also on UT?20:35
tgBot10<vanyasem> @HenryOne, please no.20:35
tgBot10<lproven> Electron is famously resource-heavy. I'm typing in Franz, a chat client that uses it, right now. I have 6 tabs with 6 different chat systems. Each tab takes 100-200MB of RAM and the app is using a gig of RAM.20:36
tgBot10<lproven> Yes really.20:36
tgBot10<lproven> So, no, Electron on mobile, NOT good.20:36
tgBot10<patrix0> @Sconio, supergroup convertion is missing in Telegram for UBports.20:36
tgBot10<patrix0> @lproven, Why?20:36
tgBot10<vanyasem> electron is a bad idea by itself20:37
tgBot10<lproven> Which part of "a chat app taking a gig of RAM" was not clear?!20:37
tgBot10<lproven> I'm on a quad-core desktop with 8G of RAM. It's tolerable. On a phone? NO.20:37
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Can we please not get into an Electron holy war? thanks.20:37
tgBot10<vanyasem> you disagree with that it sucks?20:38
tgBot10<kz6fittycent> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/4vXDMyU6/file_728.mp420:41
tgBot10<lproven> Some of the tools are very very useful. It has a place. But resource-efficient it's not.20:46
tgBot10<NikosChat> @demokrit atomos, If you mean lock screen rotation  then there is an indicator for that. Pull down from top and scroll through indicators to find it20:51
tgBot10<Flohack> @patrix0, We are working on this, but still ETA is a few more weeks20:56
tgBot10<neothethird> a wild stable release appears https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-blog-1/post/ubports-ota-2-release-7820:58
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> The UBports project is excited to announce the immediate availability of Ubuntu Touch 15.04 OTA-2. … https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-blog-1/post/ubuntu-touch-ota-2-release-7820:58
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Oh... whoops20:58
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> The ninja was ninja'd20:59
tgBot10<neothethird> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/XhReK00n/file_729.mp420:59
tgBot10<Eranuzan> @UniversalSuperBox, Yay! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰20:59
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/W6V7sINB/file_730.mp420:59
tgBot10<tsimonq2> @UniversalSuperBox, Crossposted :P21:00
tgBot10<thepeter> @sverzegnassi, We can get to backup of all ckickables from canonical store, Alan has it, at least we woukd have the apps instalable and runable, even if we wouln'd be able to continue developing them21:00
tgBot10<thepeter> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/nrC9Qqzj/file_731.mp421:02
ubports_botProject daily-bacon build #279: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-bacon/279/21:02
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1060: SUCCESS in 54 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1060/21:03
tgBot10<Cesar_Herrera> @thepeter, +121:04
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> @thepeter, Yes, I'm aware of its backup (used to be available online for some time). However, I'm not sure we can just upload everything that used to be available on the old store (unless Canonical have the right to distrubute such software outside their store, and support OpenStore), so building a list of uploadable apps still makes sense for us21:06
=== Guest7781 is now known as Acou_Bass
tgBot10<thepeter> @sverzegnassi, true, it would be great if all that is communicated with canonical side, so we would know where are we standing ... maybe @neothethird may have contacts with them to find out? (but I am not sure in this)21:11
tgBot10<advocatux> Kudos and thank you to all the people that made OTA-2 possible πŸ₯‡21:14
tgBot10<BrisPete> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/eHdDU1pF/file_732.webp21:15
tgBot10Thorsten was added by: Thorsten21:17
tgBot10Callie_Cacophony was added by: Callie_Cacophony21:22
tgBot10<Ben> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/6C0jy02x/file_734.jpg Very nice update :) Thx21:23
tgBot10<josueqb> @Ben, is that a N5?21:25
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> I'd say it is21:25
tgBot10<josueqb> just asking because I'm using RC and I don't have the percentage of the battery21:26
tgBot10<Ben> @josueqb, Yes :)21:27
tgBot10<Ben> @josueqb, With the tweak tool ;)21:28
tgBot10<josueqb> aah21:28
tgBot10<josueqb> nice21:28
tgBot10<Ben> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/34S0m5x7/file_736.jpg21:29
tgBot10<BrisPete> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/0aBwORxx/file_738.waveboxdownload21:30
tgBot10<BrisPete> Very nice.21:31
tgBot10<Ben> Yes :)21:31
tgBot10<PseudoHuman> @BrisPete, if you dont mind I like that wallpaper a lot21:32
tgBot10<BrisPete> @PseudoHuman, I don't mind at all. It came with the OS.πŸ˜€21:33
tgBot10<PseudoHuman> Great :D21:34
tgBot10<Galaipa> I have a problem with a BQ E4.5 I wrote about this a while ago, but I didn't fix it. The manual carrier searcher is not working ( So I can't use it with some of them)21:35
tgBot10<Galaipa> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/JAkRisqC/file_740.jpg21:36
tgBot10<Galaipa> Am I the only one with this problem?21:36
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Is that your phone number21:36
tgBot10<mariogrip> @UniversalSuperBox, sim number i guess21:36
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> How would I get to those settings/21:37
tgBot10<mariogrip> @Galaipa, I haven't seen this before, but will do some digging21:37
tgBot10<mariogrip> @UniversalSuperBox, mobile -> apn and carrier -> Carrier21:38
tgBot10<Galaipa> @UniversalSuperBox, No, it isn't21:38
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Ah, okay. My SIM only allows one carrier.21:38
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Have you filed a bug, @Galaipa ?21:38
tgBot10<mariogrip> @Galaipa, it looks like it's no signal on sim 1, but sim 2 seems to have signal21:39
tgBot10<mariogrip> have you tired swapping the sim slots?21:39
tgBot10<Galaipa> @UniversalSuperBox, No, where can I do it?21:39
tgBot10<popescu_sorin> uneventful update on fp2 :D yay gg21:40
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Well, first see if what Marius suggested will fix it21:40
tgBot10<Galaipa> @mariogrip, Sim 2 works correctly, but because the automatic search works. The manual isn't either working in sim 221:41
tgBot10<Galaipa> @mariogrip, Yes21:41
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Has it worked in the past?21:41
tgBot10<mariogrip> Will try to recreate it, seems to work fine on oneplus one so far, will try on my e4.521:44
tgBot10<savetier> Hi guys, all of a sudden my screen lock menu doesnt show anymore and is called instead "indicator-rotation-lock". What can I do?21:44
tgBot10<mariogrip> @savetier, what device?21:44
tgBot10<savetier> BQ 4.521:44
tgBot10<Galaipa> @UniversalSuperBox, The sim was working, but with the automatic feature. I will try to explain myself a little bit better21:45
tgBot10<mariogrip> @savetier, when did this happen? on update or just randomly?21:45
tgBot10<savetier> @mariogrip, Just today21:45
tgBot10<savetier> @savetier, without update21:46
tgBot10<mariogrip> did it happen after a reboot?21:46
tgBot10<savetier> @mariogrip, I didnt realise it rightaway but yes, could be after a reboot21:46
tgBot10<Galaipa> If I insert this SIM in Android it doesn't work if the "choose the carrier automatically carrier" feature is enabled. But I have a list of avaliable networks, and after choosing the right one, it works. The problem is that I don't see that list in Ubuntu.21:47
tgBot10<Galaipa> I can't see the list with any of my SIMs. So it only works if the automatic feature chooses the right one.21:48
tgBot10<mariogrip> @savetier, I'll note it down as a bug report, thank you21:48
tgBot10<savetier> @mariogrip, I rebooted already twice but it didnt change. I gave it another try, and now it is suddenly back?!21:48
tgBot10<savetier> @savetier, I remember similar things happened when I still had Ubuntu Touch, but not the rotation was mixed up, but the network manager21:49
tgBot10<mariogrip> https://github.com/ubports/ubports-touch/issues/26121:51
tgBot10<mariogrip> I have seen this isse before also on my oneplus one21:51
tgBot10<mariogrip> @Galaipa, could you create a bug report on that?21:58
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> He asked where before, I'll get the link21:58
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> @Galaipa, we track issues at this repository: https://github.com/ubports/ubports-touch21:59
tgBot10<Galaipa> Ok, thank you22:02
tgBot10<Galaipa> Wow. After setting the right carrier in Android, the signal works in UBports 😳22:08
tgBot10<Galaipa> But still can't select manually. I will write the report22:09
tgBot10<Galaipa> Sorry, I am trying to get the logs but I have this error in adb22:13
tgBot10<Galaipa> error: device unauthorized. Please check the confirmation dialog on your device.22:13
tgBot10<Galaipa> but I have no dialogs in the phone22:13
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Do you have developer mode turned on?22:14
tgBot10<Galaipa> Yes22:15
tgBot10<Galaipa> I see the phone with "adb devices"22:16
tgBot10<Galaipa> but it says unauthorized22:16
tgBot10<mariogrip> there should be a dialog on your phone asking if you "trust this device"22:17
tgBot10<Galaipa> but ther isn't 😒 I will try with an other PC22:27
tgBot10<Jaume81> How can I see Netflix in browser?23:00
tgBot10<UlrikeSoltau> before I open a bug report, can someone verify the problems I have with the open store23:01
tgBot10<UlrikeSoltau> if I chose the different "Kategorien" in German, sorry I dont know the English counterpart it stays empty even though it tells me that there should something in it.23:03
tgBot10<UlrikeSoltau> I use bq 4.523:04
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Are you able to access the internet?23:04
tgBot10<UlrikeSoltau> yes23:08
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Could you try closing and reopening the app? I think the servers are under a bit of stress. :)23:10
tgBot10<UlrikeSoltau> if I use discover, it works fine, also my apps is working properly, but also if I search for Dekko f.e. it tells me nothing found23:10
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> @UniversalSuperBox, So this doesn't help?23:11
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Rebooting would be my next idea. Again, I assume their servers are as stressed as ours. :)23:12
tgBot10<UlrikeSoltau> on the nexus 5 it works fine and now under the bq 4.5 too, thanks23:13
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Yay!23:13
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Everything okay in HQ @bhdouglass ? :)23:14
tgBot10<mariogrip> @Jaume81, Netflix does currently not work in the Ubuntu touch browser, the support for nexflix will come with newer releases of oxide (browser backend)23:14
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> But widevine. :/23:15
tgBot10<mariogrip> no need anymore, they made it work on native html 523:15
tgBot10* UniversalSuperBox looks out from under rock23:16
tgBot10<NikosChat> hi23:16
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Hello23:17
tgBot10<NikosChat> i try to flash my MX4 but with no lack so far23:17
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Is it running android23:17
tgBot10<mariogrip> (Photo, 1175x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/7mWs4moo/file_742.jpg23:18
tgBot10<ZephyrArcturus> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/AYr40qcc/file_743.mp423:18
tgBot10<NikosChat> Was running Canonical's UT23:18
tgBot10<NikosChat> with MDT i flash CM23:18
tgBot10<NikosChat> and now i want to flash Ubports23:19
tgBot10<ZephyrArcturus> @mariogrip, Question … It's working on the OP3 but would it also work on the 3T? … I know the roms are usually compatible with both phones23:19
tgBot10<NikosChat> MDT gives me error pushing23:19
tgBot10<mariogrip> @NikosChat, Try the UBports installer `sudo snap install ubports-installer --devmode`23:20
tgBot10<NikosChat> OK i'll try23:20
tgBot10<mariogrip> @ZephyrArcturus, Yeah, they should work across eachother23:20
tgBot10<ZephyrArcturus> @mariogrip, Neat! … Can't wait to have both my OPO and my OP3T running ubtouch !23:21
tgBot10<mariogrip> @ZephyrArcturus, :=)23:21
tgBot10<NikosChat> @mariogrip, The installer asks for password?23:24
tgBot10<mariogrip> yes, it's your sudo password23:24
tgBot10<NikosChat> I have CM right now23:24
tgBot10<NikosChat> aaaa23:25
tgBot10<mariogrip> I need to make that more clear that it's the sudo password23:25
tgBot10<mariogrip> now it just says passoword23:25
tgBot10<NikosChat> the installer is nice!23:26
tgBot10<mariogrip> @NikosChat, :)23:26
tgBot10<mariogrip> @NikosChat, it's still in beta, it still needs some "pretty up" work to make it fully stable. but it's pretty close to been stable :) it even works on mac and windows23:28
tgBot10<riccardovidotto> Anyone tried to install Ubuntu on Moto G 2014 Titan? Because I can't complete the procedure and I can't neither boot on Android. Any suggests?23:31
tgBot10<NikosChat> Moto G 2014 Titan is not a supported device23:32
tgBot10<riccardovidotto> Not officially23:32
tgBot10<NikosChat> Is there a recovery image and an ubuntu image?23:35
tgBot10<mariogrip> @NikosChat, jep, then it's doing the update23:36
tgBot10<mariogrip> the installer should say "Success!"23:36
tgBot10<NikosChat> still pushing files to device (without the orange bar)23:36
tgBot10<mariogrip> ah ok23:36
tgBot10<NikosChat> is it normal?23:36
tgBot10<mariogrip> yes, it will push the files to the device23:37
tgBot10<mariogrip> it might take a little bit23:37
tgBot10<NikosChat> OK23:37
tgBot10<mariogrip> what device is it btw?23:37
tgBot10<NikosChat> MX423:37
tgBot10<mariogrip> Nice23:38
tgBot10<mariogrip> @NikosChat, still no orange bar?23:39
tgBot10<NikosChat> there is no orange bar23:40
tgBot10<mariogrip> hummm, could you send me `cat .cache/ubports/ubports-installer.log`23:40
tgBot10<mariogrip> seems like we fails to push also for some odd reason23:40
tgBot10<NikosChat> in .cache i don't have ubports23:42
tgBot10<NikosChat> maybe /home/[user]/snap/ubports-installer?23:45
tgBot10<mariogrip> are you sure it's not in ~/.cache/ubports/ubports-installer.log23:47
tgBot10<mariogrip> ah right! this is a snap23:47
tgBot10<NikosChat> yes23:47
tgBot10<mariogrip> right, it's in snap/ubports-installer/current/.cache/ubports/23:49
tgBot10<NikosChat> no log either23:50
tgBot10<mariogrip> you might need to run the installer again, since the log file wont get created before the folder ubports is created23:50
tgBot10<mariogrip> it's a bug i need to fix :)23:51
tgBot10<NikosChat> running installer again23:52
tgBot10<NikosChat> and we have a log file23:53
tgBot10<mariogrip> Nice23:53
tgBot10<NikosChat> how to send?23:55
tgBot10<mariogrip> use paste.ubuntu.com23:55
tgBot10<NikosChat> success!!!!23:55
tgBot10<mariogrip> oh! did it work now :)23:55
tgBot10<NikosChat> https://paste.ubuntu.com/25603336/23:56
tgBot10<NikosChat> Yes it worked23:56
tgBot10<mariogrip> humm thats nice! but wonder why it didn't work the first time23:57

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