
=== thallada1 is now known as thallada
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boblamontI just let Software Update update everything it wanted to (running 16.04.3/Lubunutu).. now Pidgin doesn't open, though task manager shows it does launch... if I open with the terminal, the terminal just locks up waiting for pidgin to close (killing it in the task manager gets the prompt back)... it also seems like it takes longer than it should for the shutdown options to come up when I click on shutdown... any ideas what's going on?01:19
k-rockHow do I set my computer to connect to a http proxy on my computer?01:36
TobaBy http proxy on your computer, do you mean configure it on the computer, or that you are *operating a proxy* on your computer that you want to connect to?01:37
TobaNormally, you connect to a proxy that's running on a server, is why I ask01:37
k-rockI have a separate proxy on a raspberry pi on my network01:37
k-rockAnd I want to direct my ubuntu laptop to connect to it01:38
Tobado you want to send all the traffic on your system via the raspberry pi, or just network traffic from your web browser?01:38
Tobait's easier with just the browser traffic.01:38
TobaIt's in the config pages of the browser.01:38
k-rockin a browser setting?01:38
drduckWhy is it that sometimes when I press M-x in classical Ubuntu, some strange search dialog appears outside of the emacs window. What's it for?01:39
Tobayes, k-rock01:39
Tobanormally people only send their web browser or email connections via proxies01:40
Tobabecause you can really only do tcp with most of them01:40
k-rockOk, I'll have a look01:41
drduckIt actually happens whenever I press the alt key.01:41
TobaGood luck. Bye01:41
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boblamontdrduck: unlikely, but none of your keys are stuck, are they?01:54
drduckboblamont: No.01:55
drduckWhenever I press the alt key, I get some sort of command bar. This is the case no matter what application I have01:56
drduckI disabled it. All is well now.01:58
boblamontdrduck: that's good, glad you got it fixed!02:02
jiffeso I still can't figure out whats doing an apt update02:16
jiffeunattended-upgrades ran before 7 this morning but I see apt/lists files updated after 9am02:16
DatzHi, I was here before asking about why hyperthreading does not appear to be working on my install of kubuntu 16.04. H/T was on auto in the bios, and worked file with other OS's I enabled it always, but I still don't see the appropriate amount of logical cores.02:26
DatzOk, so I just found, and am reading this, my processor is listed https://askubuntu.com/questions/929274/16-04-how-to-get-the-recommended-intel-microcode-package-to-fix-hyper-threading02:29
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birkoffPlease help I'm getting:  mysql-server : Depends: mysql-server-5.7 but it is not going to be installed02:48
Loshki 02:54
coldasfuccHey, I'm running 17.04 with a Intel kabylake processor, and there's horrible screen tearing when scrolling through opera/chrome. hexchat also flickers sometimes, and it's getting annoying. Is there a solution?03:02
akikcoldasfucc: there's a couple of config options to fix it, at least for older releases03:14
akikcoldasfucc: have you created any xorg config yourself?03:16
akikcoldasfucc: put this content in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/xorg.conf and re-login to your system https://pastebin.com/raw/fsW2dacB03:21
coldasfuccakik: I have not03:29
akikcoldasfucc: try that and write back if it helped, please03:33
DatzSo, I tried the microcode recommended in that link, didn't fix hyperthreading03:34
coldasfuccakik: seems to have worked for scrolling, although my animations are a bit choppier. I'm not sure if that's related to this or not though.03:39
Datzok, looks like it might have something to do with my bios too.. odd since it has worked with linux and windows fine for over a year03:44
Datzhyperthreading not working with linux  ^^03:44
akikcoldasfucc: which animations?03:45
akikcoldasfucc: i disable smooth scrolling in firefox so it's faster. don't know if chrome has that kind of knob03:46
coldasfuccWindow opening/closing animations03:47
akikcoldasfucc: ok don't know about that03:47
coldasfuccyeah, animations are fucked, but i use a kwin tiling script :C03:48
coldasfucclatte dock also feels less responsive03:49
coldasfuccsame with typing03:49
coldasfuccoops chrome is still tearing a bit03:50
coldasfuccCould this be related to me scaling the display with KDE?03:52
django_anyone know some software to transfer files to my iphone?03:57
cfhowlettandroid phone, django_ ?04:01
django_cfhowlett, no04:01
cfhowlett!iphone | django_04:01
ubottudjango_: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod04:01
django_cfhowlett, ty!!!!04:01
demophobiaHow do I get Japanese working in lubuntu 16.04?05:22
demophobiai mean, in leafpad05:22
demophobiaor, how do i read japanese stored in a text file?05:25
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ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:33
Ben64demophobia: it should just work05:37
Jordan_Udemophobia: Do you know if the file is utf8 or some other character set?05:48
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untitledHi fellows, what's the deal with ubuntu 16.04, after new installation internet seems a bit slower than usual07:36
untitledlooks like some resolving issues07:36
untitledyeah, that might be ipv607:39
untitleddisabled it and it seems faster now07:40
Ben64untitled: ipv6 doesn't make internet slower07:55
royal_screwup21find -iname <name of file> searches for the EXACT name of the file - not files that are similarly worded. For example, if I have a file named "foo20", and I remember just "foo" and not "20", is there any way I can find it using the "find" command without having to manually look through all directories?08:06
royal_screwup21similarly named*08:07
Ben64find -name "foo*"08:07
royal_screwup21ah thank you! :)08:07
untitledBen64: then why it gets faster after disabling ipv6? :d08:08
untitledthere is some resolving issues, I'm not saying the protocol is buggy08:09
Ben64pick a better dns server then?08:12
Ben64ipv6 is an important part of the internet and will only become more necessary08:13
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untitledBen64: I've been hearing these kind of talk since year 2000 and no sign of importance of ipv6 here08:25
untitledonly slowing things08:25
polltHi, I have a problem with a TAP network interface messing up my internet connection. Disabled through terminal, but it keeps popping up under ifconfig within a few minutes, stopping my internet connection. How do I completely remove it?08:38
polltRunning Ubuntu gnome 16.04 BTW.08:39
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orb-ais it possible to have both nvidia and intel hd graphics installed at the same time?09:52
orb-acurrently nvidia is installed and i noticed that `xserver-xorg-video-intel` isn't and when i try to install `xserver-xorg-video-intel` it says there is a dependency issue: Dependend on xorg-video-abi-20 / xserver-xorg-core09:54
orb-ai fixed it by installing `mesa-utils`09:58
linuxlovehow can i get info from my video card?10:07
oerhekssystemsettings > details, in ubuntu-unity10:08
luc4Hello! Anyone who knows if it is possible to install ubuntu on usb and make it bootable on both pc and macbook? I'm able to create a bootable installaition on macbook, but can I make it bootable also on a pc?10:09
oerheksluc4, sure, https://itsfoss.com/create-live-usb-of-ubuntu-in-windows/10:10
oerhekslots of howto's > https://askubuntu.com/a/48955610:11
luc4oerheks: sorry, I wasn't clear. I want to install ubuntu on a usb device and use it there. Not a live, a REAL installation. I can do this for the mac and it works. Now I would like to make it boot also on a regular pc. I suspect I need a secondo EFI partition.10:17
oerheksluc4, i guess that does not work that way, except if the hardware is the same10:20
luc4oerheks: mkusb is able to create a device booting everywhere10:20
luc4oerheks: so I suspect this is possible10:20
oerheksyes, mkusb can do a live iso10:20
luc4oerheks: and persistent10:21
luc4oerheks: but it is not a real installation10:21
oerhekspersistent is just a storage part hooked on the live iso10:21
luc4oerheks: but it seems that firmwares and pc and mac can all boot the system10:21
polltSo no one has previous experience with tap-problems?10:22
luc4also I can boot my USB device on both, I just need to start manually from grub, which is not very comfortable10:22
tomreynluc4: this seems to have some of the info you're looking for https://medium.com/@mmiglier/ubuntu-installation-on-usb-stick-with-pure-efi-boot-mac-compatible-469ad33645c910:27
luc4tomreyn: yes, I followed that and I can boot from the mac, but not on the pc10:43
luc4tomreyn: the EFI partition is now HFS+, and cannot probably be booted on a pc10:43
tomreynluc4: and the mac can't ahndle vfat efi boot parititons?10:44
luc4tomreyn: not according to the document10:44
tomreynluc4: right. but this article says formatting the efi boot partition as hfs can make it work with both mac and linux10:47
tomreynluc4: so what happens when you try to boot it on a pc? you get the grub console prompt? and an error messag ebefore that?10:49
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luc4tomreyn: the computer starts grub from the main hd even when USB is selected11:04
CoderEuropeCAN? I do this on an 8GB usb on deepin 15.1 ?11:27
bazhangCoderEurope, is deepin MINT or what11:28
nbusroneWhat does it mean by "The following packages have unmet dependencies:" when installing application at apt-get install ?11:29
CoderEuropedebian testing : http://distrowatch.com/Deepin11:30
bazhangCoderEurope, ask in deepin support11:31
bazhang /msg alis list deepin  CoderEurope11:31
nbusroneI went to synaptic having the same error.Broken11:33
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nbusroneAnyone know how to install gimagereader  ? I am getting packages have unmet dependencies12:00
nbusroneBesides,  I am getting error viewing long length image .12:00
nbusroneI am using The GNOME image viewer. sometimes image was fully black .is it a bug ?12:07
oerheksnbusrone, apt install -f # would fix dependencies..12:22
oerheksand did you fully update before installing? apt update && apt full-upgrade12:22
nbusroneoerheks :  I did apt update but not full upgrade.What would be the difference ?12:29
oerheksfull-upgrade would give newer packages/kernels, when you run update, you might see x not updated12:30
oerheksi always run full-upgrade, to be sure12:31
AquaL1tesup! are there any plans for ubuntu to introduce selinux perhaps? i know debian has had it on their release wishlist for years12:33
oerheksAquaL1te, no.12:34
ubottuSELinux is available on Ubuntu, but not officially supported. Ubuntu uses another security framework by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor12:34
AquaL1teoerheks: okay thanks12:36
nbusroneoerheks :  I am using older version of ubuntu and don't plan to upgrade to newer version.I still finding how to do a full backup on application installed.12:39
kostkonnbusrone, how old?12:41
nbusronekostkon : 14.04.512:43
kostkonnbusrone, ok.12:44
nbusronekostkon : Does Aptik able to backup fully 14.04 application installed and transfer to newer fresh install 16.04 ?12:46
kostkonnbusrone, apt-get? Something along the line of this? https://askubuntu.com/q/9135/165112:49
darkadmy pcie usb3.1 adapter doesn't work, plaese any help?12:50
oerheksnbusrone, full-upgrade does not bring you to 16.04 .. do-release-upgrade does12:52
captinehi all.  just trying to ssh into a LXContainer and get an error "Bad Authenitaction.  Allowed uPublicKey"?  Anyone able to assist?12:57
captinerunning ubuntu 16.0412:57
darkadusing sudo lshw it gives no informations about my new pci e - usb adapter card13:00
oerheksdarkad, lspci would be more direct13:01
oerheksdown vote13:02
oerheksA newly created LXC container using the ubuntu-cloud template comes with the SSH daemon configured to not allow passwords: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3407617013:02
oerheksoops, pasted 2 lines too much :-D13:03
MonkeyDust'too many' ... use 'many' if you can count it ... 1-2-3... ;-)13:05
oerhekshey MonkeyDust, long time no see13:07
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MonkeyDusthi oerheks13:08
darkadoerheks, no string about my new card13:13
brainwashdarkad: I would check the system log by running "dmesg"13:14
darkadbrainwash, tons of strings13:15
brainwashsome are certainly related to the new pci card13:15
brainwashmaybe share the whole output https://paste.ubuntu.com/13:16
CoderEuropeI keep getting hacked on Telegram-web - How To Stop This ?13:17
darkadbrainwash, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25599267/13:17
darkadbrainwash, the pcie card is powered by sata13:20
CoderEuropeFustrated - someone just quit me off IRC - cos I have telegram showing notifications - how do OI wipe firefox cache ?13:22
MonkeyDustCoderEurope  simply remove the ~/.cache folder13:23
brainwashdarkad: not quite sure where the relevant part is13:25
CoderEuropeMonkeyDust: https://imgur.com/M7hngWT ?13:25
tesla_use rm -rf13:26
tesla_or just -r13:26
tesla_for recursive13:26
brainwashdarkad: do the usb ports work in general? for like charging a device, or usb hardware like lamps?13:26
CoderEuropeHow DO I check it worked ?13:27
CoderEuropeAnd I am still gettin' telegram notifications :(13:27
captineoerheks, thanks13:27
oerhekscaptine, have fun!13:27
darkadbrainwash, yes they works13:29
parapanhi there is someone more advanced in using / configuring cups ?13:31
brainwashdarkad: sadly, no idea then13:32
darkadbrainwash, thanks anyuway13:33
MonkeyDustCoderEurope  yes, type... rm -r ~/.cache13:33
CoderEuropeyes and its so easy - thats wat I did - but that doesn't answer my last question. So wat does that tell ya ?13:34
glineshow often are packages removed from the public Ubuntu mirrors? I need a reliable source from which to grab older packages, but it seems like a lot of the packages I'm trying to download aren't there anymore13:42
oerheksglines, when an ubuntu version is EOL, the serverspace will be cleared, only the old-releases server stays, see eolupgrade factoid13:43
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:43
oerheksnot sure why you want old, vulnerable or faulty packages, but that is your only chance. no support though13:44
glinesoerheks: are packages ever removed from the mirrors before an ubuntu version is EOL? In particular, I'm looking at the "apport_2.20.1-0ubuntu2.1_all.deb" package on xenial13:48
oerheksglines, then search on launchpad?13:49
CoderEuropebeta.launchpad.net - Is that for developers in rage ?13:49
glinesI see it on launchpad. I'm just wondering if that's where all packages that are removed from the mirrors are found13:49
oerheksglines, yes.13:50
glinesokay, I'll just grab it from there13:50
oerheksoke, have fun, i am off13:50
crisedThrere is a package I can't install... Why? https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/xenial/pcl14:18
crisedUbuntu 16.04  E: Unable to locate package libpcl14:18
bcowanpcl/libpcl? check which14:21
bcowancrised, my guess is libpcl-dev  apt search is your friend14:27
crisedbcowan: Seems that I have to go from source14:28
BluesKajhiyas all14:29
bcowancrised, are you using 14.10?14:30
crisedbcowan: 16.0414:30
bcowancrised, libpcl1/artful 1.6-2 amd6414:31
bcowan  Portable Coroutine Library (PCL)14:31
crisedbcowan: nope: https://larrylisky.com/2016/11/03/point-cloud-library-on-ubuntu-16-04-lts/14:31
bcowancrised, is there no ibpcl-common1.8/artful 1.8.1+dfsg1-2ubuntu1 amd6414:35
bcowan  Point Cloud Library - common library14:35
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bacon-userwill ubuntu make my pc slow like windows?15:16
idscipbacon-user: the opposite15:18
idscipWhat’s your machine?15:18
bacon-useridscip i don´t have a machine15:18
idscipYou know what I meant, pc?15:19
bacon-userit says desktop pc on the label15:20
bacon-userHP on the brand15:20
idscipDoes it have a sticker saying ‘i5’ or something like that?15:20
idscipAnd how about http://www.wikihow.com/Check-Computer-RAM15:24
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nathdwekHey I have a question regarding this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/696413/ubuntu-installer-cant-find-any-disk-on-dell-xps-13-935016:05
nathdwekI do not have the admin rights on the windows install and I cannot uninstall it16:06
nathdwekHowever I installed a fresh disk in my laptop16:06
nathdwekIs there anyway to keep windows and ubuntu working alongside each other if they are on separate drives?16:06
pewpewpewI have a problem: after the usual purpleish ubuntu splash/loading screen, i have a black screen (with a mouse cursor). I cant get to any tty from this black screen either. This is 17.0416:09
Schnabeltierchenhi i´m trying to write a init.d script which runs a screen session at startup, but i cant reattach it. http://termbin.com/is8b may someone have a look?16:14
pavlosSchnabeltierchen: first line no space, #!/bin/sh16:23
DatzHi, I've been having trouble getting hyperthreading working on kubuntu 16.04. I've tried several micocode versions, as well as updated by bios. Looking for any other suggestions.16:31
adrian_1908Datz: which CPU?16:37
tecanhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SK1_(program)  is missing from the repositories16:37
bcowanDatz, some older motherboards need it enabled in as an option in the bios config16:37
Datzadrian_1908: it's the i670016:41
Datzbcowan: I've enabled it.16:41
adrian_1908Datz: And `lscpu | grep CPU` doesn't list "0-7" but "0-3"?16:43
oerheksDatz, how do you tell HT is not working ( properly)  ??16:44
Datzoh I mean i7 670016:44
Datzadrian_1908: yes16:44
jerDatz, have you compiled a custom kernel?16:45
Datzfresh install of 16.0416:45
adrian_1908This is strange, something this basic should work out of the box, and huge amounts of users are testing this. I'd likewise assume this is hardware/mobo related.16:45
oerheksbcowan, maybe because the license? GNU Lesser General Public License .. grab it from here, with python https://github.com/sk1project/sk1-wx16:46
DatzI just updated bios, which says the last revison should fix it though16:46
Datzand it works with windows, and has worked with other versions of ubuntu16:46
Datzactually, including 16.04 running mate16:46
adrian_1908No idea, looks like you covered all bases :/16:48
Datzemailing gigabyte16:49
oerheksDatz, again:  how do you tell HT is not working ( properly)  ??16:49
yao_ziyuanwant to create a live cd that can erase everything on a laptop where the cd is booted. any suggestion?16:49
Datzoerheks: How can I tell if it is?16:49
oerheks.. oh, you claim it does not.16:50
Datzguess it could be, behind the scenes..16:50
DatzI do claim it is not16:50
Ben64based on....16:50
Datzcpuinfo output, system monitor, htop16:51
Datzprobably someother stuff along the way16:51
yao_ziyuano, i see. a ubuntu live dvd can do that.16:51
Ben64pastebin lscpu16:51
oerheksso did you load the microcode in the drivers tool ?16:51
Datzoerheks: yes, I've tried 2 different versions16:52
oerheksand give more info, such sparse claim..16:52
Ben64and /proc/cpuinfo16:52
Datznot the first time I've been here asking about it, but I guess I have to prove it every time.16:52
tecanSkencilits probably because inkscape works better than sk116:54
Datzso, hyperthreading was apparently broken in my bios before I updated it, which was after I install 16.04 (you can see they fixed it in bios here which I just updated: https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-Z170-HD3-rev-10#support-dl16:58
pavlosDatz: sudo lshw -C cpu ... the last line is configuration, it should tell threads16:58
Datzso before I email gigabyte, is there a step I should take with the OS first?16:58
oerheksDatz, 16.04 .. still on kernel 4.4 ? you might want to use HWE16:59
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:59
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Datzpavlos: https://hastebin.com/ojevowozif.pl17:00
Datzoerheks: ok thanks, I'll look into that17:00
oerhekskernel 4.6+ would fix this17:01
pavlosDatz: right, 4 cores, 8 threads, 2 threads per core17:01
oerhekslscpu is much more clear about it17:02
Datzpavlos: that's the i7 6700 there17:02
Datzjust want the damn capabilities :)17:03
Datzoerheks: what's that about the xserver? I can run that command on kubuntu?17:04
Datzor should I run the server command?17:05
Datzoerheks: oh, tried to run it, says I'm at the newest version.17:06
Datzso should I continue my support request to gigabyte?17:07
naccDatz: what does `uname -r` say?17:07
DatzLinux media 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.89-2 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:07
naccDatz: lol17:07
naccthat's not even an Ubuntu kernel at this point17:07
Datzran command from my irc window17:08
naccah ok :)17:08
bacon-userI have ubuntu on my computer but when I click on setup it does not work17:08
naccDatz: ok, yeah, then you're running the HWE stack already17:08
naccDatz: sounds like a message to gigabyte if `lscpu` is not indicating HT is on17:09
pavlosDatz: is there a pastebin for lscpu ?17:09
Datzit's all in the above hastebin I beleive17:10
Datz1 thread per core it says17:10
Datzodd that ubuntu mate 16.04 worked before17:13
DatzI could try and reinstall or something17:13
Ben64try a live usb17:14
Datzyeah.. nouveau drivers don't work.. so it's super slow..17:14
DatzI think I even noticed it then, but that was before bios update17:15
Ben64doesn't matter if it's slow, you're just checking lscpu17:15
Datzguess I'll abandon my gigabyte request for now17:15
Ben64and make sure your bios is actually updated17:16
Datzjust did that this morning, it said it provided a fix17:27
Datzand it probably did, as the live cd shows me 8 logical cores17:27
Datzso it's my install17:27
Datzso the question is, can i fix my install, or should I have to try and re-install?17:28
DatzI guess it's a new install. I could just try and reinstall17:34
Datzmust be some static kernel confiuration?17:35
DatzI guess I'll try and boot it one last time, then reinstall.17:39
* Datz gives up18:03
Datzit's not going to work for me18:03
Datzcan't even boot different kernels, screen just goes black18:04
Datzeverything is broken, it's kinda ridiculous18:05
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ducasseDatz: if the screen goes black you might need this (but i haven't followed your problem)18:39
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:39
Datzyeah, I have that set18:41
Datzalthough I just changed it to nouveau.modeset=018:41
DatzI was also going to try and install nvidia drivers in safe mode as root, but the screen just freezes18:42
Datzgoing to just have to wait for next LTS, dual boot windows..18:43
Datzor try and go back to mate18:43
DatzI've spent hours and hours over the last couple days trying to get this running18:43
leftyfbDatz: mate = Ubuntu18:44
Datzand it does run, but with hyperthreading problems18:44
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borw3Ubuntu 17.10 is comming out fully when?18:45
Datzwell, i meant Ubuntu Mate18:45
Datznot some other mate variant18:45
leftyfbDatz: Ubuntu mate = Ubuntu + mate DE as opposed to Unity DE which has zero to do with your video drivers.18:46
leftyfbborw3: in October18:46
ducasseborw3: next month, see the topic in #ubuntu+118:46
Datzleftyfb: yes, but ubuntu != mate18:46
leftyfbDatz: Mate is a Desktop environment. Not a distribution.18:46
Datzleftyfb: although your first statement told you thought otherwise18:47
leftyfbDatz: Whether you're running Mate or Unity or Gnome Shell or KDE, has little to nothing to do with the issues you're having.18:47
Datzleftyfb: I know it shouldn't but I was running Ubuntu mate 16.04 without problems before18:48
Datznever knew it was pronounced maté18:50
Datzso, these nouveau drivers not working in this particular instance, is that something being worked on?18:53
leftyfbDatz: did you file a bug?18:53
DatzI did not18:53
MrokiiHello. What can I do to activate an laptop (internal) webcam, or how can I check if it is working in Ubuntu?18:53
Datzit looks like it's a common issue18:53
leftyfbDatz: is there a bug report?18:54
Datzlooking now18:54
Datznot sure whether to look into nouveau community, or ubuntu..18:55
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skypcehi all19:04
pewpewpewI have a problem: on startup, after ubuntu loading screen, i have a black screen (with a mouse cursor). I cant get to any tty from this black screen. It was all working fine a few days ago, and I don't recall installing/updating any packages. I am not sure where to go from here19:24
ToAruShiroiNekoI am trying to do the same thing but I want it to remain on reboot19:54
tomreynyou could use iptables-save/-restore, or a firewall management interface such as UFW, shorewall, bastille...19:57
tomreyniptables-persistent also19:58
ToAruShiroiNekohmm would "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 25570 -j REDIRECT --to-port 25565" survive a reboot?19:58
tomreynnot by itself19:58
ToAruShiroiNekowhat I want to do is everything going into port 80 be redirected to a different port with one exception url19:59
DatzTo everyone who was following my hyperthreading problem, I reinstalled, and it's working now. No, I'm not sure how.19:59
tomreynToAruShiroiNeko: iptables / netfilter has no concept of URLs, that's the application layer20:00
ToAruShiroiNekoalright, would there be a different way to do this?20:00
ToAruShiroiNekoits two different problems probably20:01
tomreynToAruShiroiNeko: you may want to use a webserver, reverse / caching proxy or application layer load balancer for this purpose20:01
Jordan_Utomreyn: Is it really a specific URL, or just a specific domain?20:03
tomreynJordan_U: how would i know? :)20:03
ToAruShiroiNekoah I first have to fix this thing. I was trying to set the box up with a static IP20:03
ToAruShiroiNekosince then it doesn seem to be able to resolv edns names20:04
Jordan_UToAruShiroiNeko: Is it really a specific URL or just a specific domain?20:04
ToAruShiroiNekojust a url20:04
ToAruShiroiNekoa local url20:04
Datznacc: pavlos oerheks. I re-installed after the bios update, and now hyperthreading is working20:04
ToAruShiroiNekoto be more specific if someone types www.mywebsite.com/foo they would be redirected to www.mywebsite.com/foo:####20:04
ToAruShiroiNekoif someone types www.mywebsite.com/foo2 they would not be redirected20:05
ToAruShiroiNekoonly foo2 though20:05
ToAruShiroiNekoeverything else, not20:05
Datzhumm, a new kernel update. I wonder if this is what broke H/T20:06
oerheksBios update, good find.20:07
tomreynToAruShiroiNeko: "redirected" in terms of returning a HTTP response with a "Location:" header, right?20:07
Datzoerheks: yeah, thing is, the update alone didn't fix it.20:07
ToAruShiroiNekoI dont know the terminology20:07
ToAruShiroiNekowhen they try top reach port 80 they end up on a different port without knowing20:07
Datzoerheks: but I'm just installing updates. Maybe this new kernel will break it.20:08
* Datz will wait without too much guessing20:08
ToAruShiroiNekoiptables does exactly this20:09
tomreynToAruShiroiNeko: so what i said above is what you want: use a webserver, reverse / caching proxy or application layer load balancer for this purpose. a port redirection won't work for this.20:09
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: iptables works with ip's, not webserver files20:10
ToAruShiroiNekocan we fix my first problem first?20:11
ToAruShiroiNekothe dns isnt working :(20:11
tomreynyou can fix it. we may be able to help you fix it if you provide details.20:11
Datznah, latest kernel is just fine20:12
ToAruShiroiNekothis is what I have in /etc/network/interfaces/20:12
ToAruShiroiNekohttps://askubuntu.com/questions/470237/assigning-a-static-ip-to-ubuntu-server-14-04-lts <- I was following this20:12
tomreynToAruShiroiNeko: are you using ubuntu 14.04 then?20:12
tomreynor 16.10?20:13
ToAruShiroiNekoI downloaded it today so I believe that is the latest20:13
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.20:13
ToAruShiroiNekothat one, yes20:13
=== Acou_Bass is now known as eddie
ToAruShiroiNekoUbuntu Server 16.04.3 LTS20:14
tomreynyour interface is probably not called 'eth0' then20:14
ToAruShiroiNekobut it is20:14
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ToAruShiroiNekoI commented out the original setting20:16
tomreynsudo grep 'renamed from' /var/log/syslog20:17
tomreynthis should tell whether network interfaces are named differently20:17
ToAruShiroiNekoit did nothing20:18
ToAruShiroiNekoI didnt renamed my interface and I can ssh to the machine20:18
ToAruShiroiNekoit just cannot dns lookup20:18
EriC^^try "ip a | nc termview.me 9999"20:19
ToAruShiroiNekonc: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution20:19
tomreynok, what does "systemd-resolve ubuntu.com" say?20:19
tomreynhmm so this resolves it fine20:20
ToAruShiroiNekother eare two more lines20:20
ToAruShiroiNekoit may be ached20:20
ToAruShiroiNekoI cannt apt-get update for example20:21
tomreynwhat's the error message there?20:21
ToAruShiroiNekoTemporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com'20:21
ToAruShiroiNekoetc etc20:21
tomreynhwich nameservers are you using?20:21
ToAruShiroiNekomy nameserver is the router20:22
ToAruShiroiNekoI tried and did not make a difference20:22
ToAruShiroiNekoufw may be interfereing? I do not see why it would20:22
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: alias pasteit='nc 9999'20:22
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: ip a | pasteit20:22
EriC^^ToAruShiroiNeko: does ping work?20:23
tomreyndig ubuntu.com @
tomreynwhat was it?20:25
ToAruShiroiNekodsn-nameservers -> dns-nameservers
ToAruShiroiNekoI feel particularly stupid20:26
tomreynoh, i missed this, too20:26
eqlipsehi everyone20:28
eqlipsecan i get a tiny bit of help in here? or am i in the wrong channel20:29
ducasseeqlipse: depends on the question20:29
leftyfb!ask | eqlipse20:29
ubottueqlipse: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:29
ToAruShiroiNekoinstalled iptables-persistant20:30
ToAruShiroiNekothat too is taken care of :)20:32
ToAruShiroiNekotomreyn you were mentioning a reverse / caching proxy or application layer load balancer ?20:32
ToAruShiroiNekoI want access to foo2 to be only from local ips20:33
eqlipseI am starting an app as a regular user on startup. I have setup the server to autologin by editing the TTY1 which works as i want to. Now i edited the ~/.profile and added the line xinit <app name>. This also works but it asks me for a password. I want it not to ask me for a password. Can i add the user/password  to the "xinit <app name>" so that it will start without asking for anything else?20:33
tomreynToAruShiroiNeko: use a http access restriction20:34
leftyfbeqlipse: can you explain what "app" you are starting on boot and for what purpose?20:34
tomreynToAruShiroiNeko: which web server are you using now? any load balancer or reverse proxy (cache?)?20:35
ToAruShiroiNekoI dont think so20:35
eqlipseleftfb. the program is openpht something similar as KODI. this starts fine manually if i type "xinit openpht"20:35
tomreynToAruShiroiNeko: which of the two questions is this an answer to?20:35
leftyfbeqlipse: tried putting it in /etc/rc.local ?20:35
eqlipsei tried autostarting it so many ways, but this seems to be the easiest/only thing that seems to work for me20:36
eqlipseleftyfb what syntax would i have to use to put it in /etc/rc.local ?20:36
EriC^^rc.local won't work, plus it'd run as root20:37
leftyfbeqlipse: su -c /path/to/app $USER20:37
EriC^^in what terminal is the gui app going to launch from rc.local20:38
eqlipseEriC, i edited the TTY1 so that the server auto login on a specific user20:39
eqlipsewithout asking for a password20:39
EriC^^yes, rc.local runs i think before a tty even exists20:39
eqlipseto start the program i just type OPENPHT from within my home folder, how can i find where the install folder is?20:40
leftyfbeqlipse: which openpht20:41
eqlipsethe official, 1.820:41
leftyfbeqlipse: no, type: which openpht20:42
eqlipsehahaha, ok :)20:42
oerheksfrom ?? https://github.com/RasPlex/OpenPHT/releases/download/v1.8.0.148-573b6d73/openpht_1.8.0.148-573b6d73-xenial_amd64.deb20:42
leftyfbeqlipse: if openpht is anything like kodi, then starting it from any tty should have it displayed on your monitor20:42
eqlipseit's based on kodi20:42
oerheksi think you need to start the systemD service file20:43
leftyfboerheks: even better20:43
eqlipseleftyfb, i can get it running, not a problem, but i want to reboot my server and have it startup in openpht20:43
leftyfbeqlipse: sudo systemctl enable openpht20:43
oerhekssytemctl status openpht.service or something like that, i cannot find a good manual20:43
oerheksor are you running an older ubuntu, 14.04?20:45
eqlipseam running 16.04 server20:46
oerheksoke, and you got 'it starting under tty1 ..' what does that mean and how did you do that?20:46
eqlipsesudo systemctl enable openpht gives error no such file20:46
Richard_CavellHi everyone.  Does Ubuntu provide and support SDL?20:46
leftyfbeqlipse: mind you, it looks like openpht hasn't been updated in 6 months20:46
oerheksRichard_Cavell, jups https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=sdl220:47
leftyfbeqlipse: As I said before, I don't think logging the server in automatically and specifying a tty is necessary. You should try adding it to /etc/rc.local and see if it just starts20:47
eqlipselet me try that right away lefty...20:47
leftyfbeqlipse: The better way to do it is to create a systemd unit file and enable it20:47
leftyfbbut try rc.local first20:48
eqlipselefty, editied, going for reboot now20:49
eqlipsefingers crossed20:49
eqlipsedidnt' do anything20:50
eqlipsei'm logged just to the prompt20:50
leftyfbeqlipse: you should look at /var/log/syslog to see why20:50
oerheksto the prompt.. that means the service is running?20:51
eqlipsein the log i see the line rc.local ERROR: unable to create GUI, i20:52
eqlipsei think what went wrong20:52
eqlipsehold on20:52
eqlipsehow do i include xinit in that line? (su -c /usr/bin/openpht $USER20:53
leftyfbeqlipse: mind you, you should replace $USER with your user20:53
eqlipsesu -c xinit /usr/bin/openpht $USER ?20:53
leftyfbsu -c /usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/openpht eqlipse20:54
leftyfbmaybe: su -c "/usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/openpht" eqlipse20:54
leftyfbyou can also just test this from the command line instead of rebooting20:54
leftyfbsudo to root20:54
leftyfbrun it from a terminal20:54
eqlipsejust eqlipse? not $eqlipse?20:55
leftyfbunless you're exporting the $eqlipse variable globally somewhere, that won't work20:56
akiksu syntax to change user is "su - username -c command"20:56
leftyfbakik: you don't always need - and you can specify the user last or first, doesn't matter, as long as you delineate the command from the user20:57
leftyfbin fact20:58
leftyfbakik: from the man page: "su [options] [username]"20:58
leftyfbif you want to get technical ;)20:58
eqlipseleftyfb, neither of the 2 worked20:58
akiki always use su - because then i know i will be in the new user shell20:59
eqlipsesudo -c /user/xxxx   and sudo -c "/usr/xxxx"20:59
akikotherwise i'm left in the original user directory20:59
leftyfbakik: correct, but that doesn't really matter in this case21:00
EriC^^nothing matters in this case, you're not starting a gui from rc.local21:00
eqlipselefty, i did notice an xserver error during startup before the prompt21:00
akikand that's the problem that people have having wrong permissions in their home directories21:00
akikso it's better to always use su -21:01
eqlipsexorg-server throws error cannot open /dev/tty0 (permission denied)21:02
leftyfbmaybe: export DISPLAY=:0 ; su -c "/usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/openpht" eqlipse21:03
leftyfbtry that21:03
eqlipseif i put the command in the ~/.profile it works fine, it just asks me for a password21:03
eqlipseand i not want it to ask me for a password, just start the program21:03
EriC^^all this will become more in perspective if you run systemd-analyze blame21:04
leftyfbI wonder if it was asking for your password for sudo. Which means it wants to be run as root/sudo and all this work to run as the $USER is pointless21:04
eqlipseyes, it does because of the sudo21:04
eqlipseif i put "21:04
akikif you use su, it asks for the target user password21:04
leftyfbakik: yes, we knoe21:04
eqlipseif i put the line "xinit openpht" in the ~/.profile it throws an error21:05
akikif you run su as root, it won't ask for any password21:05
leftyfbakik: yes, we know21:05
akikmaybe eqlipse doesn't know21:05
eqlipseif i put the line "sudo xinit openpht" it works fine but asks for a password first, after entering the password, openpht starts fine21:05
leftyfbeqlipse: try (logged in as root) : /usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/openpht21:06
EriC^^eqlipse: what error does it throw when you put it in ~/.profile?21:06
leftyfbeqlipse: If that doesn't work (logged in as root) : export DISPLAY=:0 ; /usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/openpht21:06
eqlipseERIC, it doesn't throw an error, it works but asks for a password first21:06
leftyfbEriC^^: it needs to be run as root21:06
leftyfbeqlipse: please follow my 2 suggestions above21:06
eqlipsehow do i auto login as root?21:07
leftyfbeqlipse: sudo su -21:07
eqlipsein every guide i read they tell me DO NOT AUTOLOGIN AS ROOT21:07
eqlipsethe whole point is it to autlogin from boot and start openpht21:07
EriC^^eqlipse: dont you run a de?21:07
eqlipsewithout any passwords or anything else21:07
leftyfbeqlipse: openpht requires running with sudo ... that is running it as root21:07
eqlipseoh sorry lefty, i misunderstood21:08
leftyfbeqlipse: try (logged in as root) : /usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/openpht21:08
leftyfbeqlipse: If that doesn't work (logged in as root) : export DISPLAY=:0 ; /usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/openpht21:08
eqlipselefty you want me to type that directly in the terminal? or in the rc.local?21:09
leftyfbdirectly ... to test21:09
akikEriC^^: his explanation tells me he has no x11 running but he starts it with xinit21:09
eqlipsewell that works, id has always works21:09
EriC^^akik: yeah21:09
leftyfbeqlipse: as root21:09
eqlipsejust typing xinit openpht starts the program21:09
leftyfbeqlipse: if it works, then put it into /etc/rc.local21:10
leftyfb /usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/openpht21:10
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eqlipsebut we did that already21:10
eqlipsethat didn't work21:10
EriC^^leftyfb: it can't possibly work from there21:11
leftyfbno, we didn't originally put xinit in rc.local. At least I didn't originally tell you to21:11
leftyfbEriC^^: why is that?21:11
EriC^^leftyfb: there's no tty even21:11
EriC^^see systemd-analyze blame , the tty's get started way after rc.local21:12
EriC^^it has nowhere to put anything...21:12
leftyfbthen maybe a systemd unit21:12
eqlipseit works!21:14
eqlipsei thought we tried that already21:14
eqlipsei have added the line "/usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/openpht"21:14
eqlipsejust added that to rc.local and it suddenly works21:14
eqlipsealthough EriC says it can't possibly work21:15
eqlipseLefty? i hate leaving without a big hug... Thanks so much for your time and patience!21:15
leftyfbpretty sure xinit starts/creates the tty necessary21:16
leftyfbthat's my guess21:16
eqlipsemaybe it's because i edited the TTY file21:16
leftyfbyou should unedit that if it's not necessary21:17
eqlipseyes, i will try and find it21:17
eqlipsei edited with the systemctl cat getty@tty1 | grep Exec21:18
leftyfbthat doesn't edit anything21:18
eqlipseok, un-edited the getty... rebooting21:21
eqlipsestill works...21:22
eqlipseThanks VERY VERY much Leftyfb and EriC as well!21:22
ahmed751995excuse me , i can't run a java code it tells me Could not find or load main class untitled  , but when i use terminal the code compilation and running work fine but in geany compilation work fine but running not21:41
ahmed751995iam talking about geany21:42
hwpplayer1Do we have a channel for geany ?21:51
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"21:51
hwpplayer1Yes we have #geany21:52
tomreynahmed751995: ^21:52
ahmed751995hwpplayer1: i asked at #geany but no one answer21:52
hwpplayer1Then wait for someone to answer your question21:53
ducasseahmed751995: you might not get an answer right away, that's not how support on irc works21:53
ahmed751995ok, thanks anyway21:54
oyHi, I did this, I tried doing a cheat sheet, but the background sux https://imgur.com/a/sJdgf ; if someone wants to give it a go and make a better bg, I can share the .xcf file :)22:03
Jordan_Uoy: That's more for #ubuntu-offtopic than here.22:16
EldonMcGuinnessAnyone familiar with ufw? Was hoping someone could shed some light on what :PREROUTING ACCEPT [0:0] does in the /etc/ufw/before.rules file.22:39
ghost-287hello, how can i close firefox using terminal ?22:56
Bashing-omghost-287: Answered in ##linux .22:58
ghost-287Bashing-om, yeah , ty22:59
ghost-287Bashing-om, you are everywhere XD22:59
Bashing-omghost-287: :)22:59
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coldasfuccDoes anyone know how to increase scrolling speed on the trackpad? KDE 17.0423:33
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