
stopspazzingWhen installing lubuntu onto a VM, choosing full disc encryption causes an error that wont let you continue04:40
stopspazzingseems issue is on 16.10 also04:41
vinraghavAnyone here?07:15
=== Anti-Pizza- is now known as Anti-Pizza
maria_hola, tengo problemas con lubuntu 16.04.311:30
maria_soy nueva en linux y, tras 1 día de instalación, no inicia11:31
maria_¿podría ayudarme alguien, por favor?, gracias11:32
AdI d like bug report version 17 beta12:17
AdWhen I install Lubuntu on pendrive..full instalation (no live usb)..after..runing is working, but there are some problems witch instalation software from synaptic.12:19
AdFor example form Software center..I ve installed torchat, chromium - no problem.12:19
AdBut if I want install sth else ..gimp or blender or librecat..not installing.12:21
AdSecont is that please add to lubuntu repository..libreoffice, blender, zygrib, and sthg good app to dvbt tv12:22
AdIs anybody here?12:33
Adwhere is support lubuntu?12:33
absk007how do i install lubuntu without internet for a low power pc. I've downloaded the alternative iso17:54
=== PresidentPip is now known as Pipton
invictI am reviving family's old hardware with lubuntu. They and I are very thankful with the results. TY20:39
invictnow they can finally print stuff :p20:39
stuckbutstrongi'm confused guys22:36
stuckbutstronginstalled lubuntu but want to remove the gui and stick to the tty22:36
stuckbutstrongtried apt purge lxde but it didn't work: unable to locate package lxde22:36
stuckbutstrongplease help22:36

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