[03:26] ah cool, unbound tells systemd it is stopping when getting a reload through systemctl [03:27] borkborkbork [03:29] then systemd gets mad at it [06:29] is luks encryption on a striped lv a bad ideea? i mean, when using striping and encryption together is the overhead so big that you should rather use linear, or is striping still worth it? [08:56] I use virtualmin. in firewall section I have "activate on start-yes", however, when I check ufw status in terminal, it says "inactive". can someone explain why is that? thanks [10:02] mike-zal: My *guess* would by that virtualmin isn't usingufw at all, but rather iptables directly. [10:03] mike-zal: iptables -L -v [10:26] andol: thanks, that's what I thought but wasn't sure. however I don't get fully the iptables/ufw relationship. is firewall working even if ufw isn't? what if I enable ufw? would it take over iptables then? [10:26] iptables -L -v shows the same as virtualmin [11:19] mike-zal: ufw is just an iptables wrapper [11:20] albeit a good one in my opinion === JanC_ is now known as JanC [12:26] Can one explain the concept of "MaxSessions" of sshd to me? I try to debug an application that softlocks when the remote terminates a connection due to "error: no more sessions". I set it to 5 now and the app reliably dies now everytime, yet I can open 20 SSH tabs in my terminal [14:06] soahccc: it's explained in the manual what that parameter does [14:07] but basically it comes down to multiplexing sessions over one connection vs. opening multiple connections [14:07] ssh probably does the latter if necessary [14:08] JanC: but if I create multiple tabs locally and create ssh connection in each I get "new session" and later "session closed" for each in auth.log with different local ports... is it still multiplexing my connection magically? [14:09] sounds like ssh is not multiplexing the sessions in your case [14:10] and I suppose your application doesn't try to open multiple connections [14:11] JanC: well the application has the same in auth.log but for some reason it get's restricted by "no more sessions" while I can still create new sessions via my terminal and ssh binary [14:11] also, try to figure out from the server logs if it has more info about why your application dies [14:12] yes, it's probably creating new connections for every session [14:13] any my terminal isn't? I mean it's even saying in auth.log but somehow it doesn't get restricted with maxsessions [14:13] when you use ssh in the terminal [14:14] MaxSessions limits the sessions per connection, not the number of connections [14:14] oh, well that explains it I guess :D thanks I totally misunderstood it [14:15] then I don't understand why my application dies, it creates new connections for every sftp download... *shrug* [14:16] does it support the right ciphers etc. [14:17] recent versions of sshd dropped several that are unsafe [14:18] or maybe it tries to use a feature that is disabled in your sshd [14:19] like, is sftp implemented? :) [14:19] enabled [14:33] JanC: it works essentially but if I download too many files at once it breaks and on the remote auth.log I see that it terminated the request [14:40] soahccc: maybe it tries to multiplex multiple downloads? [14:41] maybe it should do them in series instead of parallel :) [14:43] JanC: yeah it does a few in parallel but not all at once, I'm basically just trying to recover from this error in my application. but I guess I'm still struggling with some internals of the SSH library [18:37] hello some help guys [18:39] !ask | Machine_Ex98 [18:39] Machine_Ex98: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [18:40] i wanna make mysql connect remotely [18:40] to what? [18:41] to ip external [18:41] so i can login with MysqlWorkbench or from any other website [18:41] let me guess: you want to make some mysql client talk to a separately hosted mysql database server? [18:42] i'm already installed appserv phpmyadmin i wanna make my ip connect remotly [18:42] not localhost [18:42] external ip [18:43] this "appserv"? https://www.appserv.org/en/ [18:44] yes [18:44] do you run the mysql server yourself? [18:44] yes [18:45] i installed all fine [18:46] i modified the files on etc/mysql [18:46] mysqld.cnf [18:46] so you have a windows system running this "appserv" software compilation which includes a mysql server, but you do not want to use this server. you also run and manage another mysql server on some remote host, which the windows system can technically reach (but not connect to the mysql server, yet). [18:46] is this correct? [18:47] bind-address = === albech1 is now known as albech [18:47] i modified with my ip [18:47] then restart mysql [18:47] so now i got this msg [18:47] ERROR 1130: Host '188.11.x.x' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server [18:48] which operating system and version does your mysql server run on? [18:52] sorry i was idle [18:52] tomreyn : Ubuntu 16.10 [18:53] Machine_Ex98: that's end of life and thus unsupported here. [18:54] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases [18:54] !eol [18:54] End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [18:54] okey by the way i can get support here or not ? [18:56] this channel is for support with supported (non end of life, just real ubuntu, not derivatives, not debian) ubuntu server installations. [18:56] (refer to the channle topic) [19:38] :) [20:44] tomreyn fixed [20:44] by % [20:45] good luck === albech1 is now known as albech === Guest90177 is now known as karstensrage === karstensrage is now known as Guest82764 === Guest82764 is now known as karstensrage