
flocculantbluesabre: we haz issue ... no mouse working on the iso, I thought that was just another symptom of my vm problems - just seen it confirmed on ubuntu forum, given that *this* is something pretty recent, could it be because we added -synaptics?20:02
flocculantas it stands - we wouldn't be able to release final beta like this20:03
flocculantwell - we would of course - but without QA approval :D20:03
flocculantactually worse than that - no input at all, mouse or keyboard20:07
flocculantochosi: btw - definitely seeing 2 network icons in panel on the iso20:07
flocculantbluesabre: obv tried to purge it - but with no physical input not possible, tried telekinesis but I have a headache :p20:13
flocculanthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/25610137/ is diff between first one I saw with no mouse (21st) and the last working one (19th)20:25
flocculantakxwi-dave: all that ^^20:26
ochosiflocculant: what happens if you kill and restart nm-applet?20:49
ochosii'm wondering whether it's a timing issue, cause in general the trayicon should only be shown if there is no appindicator support20:50
ninetlsafaik nm-applet started as indicator only when you explicitly pass --indicator arg22:03

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