blackboxsw | ejb1123: a couple of our unit tests mock metadata services, (tests/unittests/test_datasource/ but I don't think that's what your asking. you probably want a simple way to setup your own rest service in python? flask might present some simple rest servers you could set up. | 02:36 |
blackboxsw | then you'd provide the backend that would serve up your metadata | 02:37 |
blackboxsw | ... maybe other folks have ideas there. | 02:37 |
smoser | blackboxsw, i think he was asking for metadata servier | 14:19 |
smoser | is one. | 14:19 |
smoser | that mimics ec2 (incompletely) | 14:19 |
niluje | release 17.1 4 days ago | 14:24 |
niluje | !!! <3 smoser | 14:24 |
smoser | niluje, yeah, horay! | 14:25 |
smoser | | 14:26 |
niluje | can't wait to see it into zesty | 14:26 |
smoser | niluje, you could/should join that low volume mailing list if you're interested in such messages. | 14:26 |
niluje | (into xenial too?) | 14:26 |
smoser | zesty and xenial will get SRU at some point. | 14:26 |
niluje | SRU? | 14:27 |
rharper | stable-release-update | 14:32 |
rharper | it will get pushed into the xenial-updates after some time and testing | 14:32 |
niluje | ok cool :) | 14:47 |
hrybacki | hey all, trying to figure out why some custom networking isn't working via cloud-init. Following the debugging docs: I'm seeing an 'cloud-init error: invalid choice: analyze' upon `$ cloud-init analyze show -i <my init file>` -- not sure if the docs are out of date or if my version of cloud-init doesn't support it | 14:50 |
hrybacki | fwiw: cloud-init 0.7.9 on my system | 14:50 |
smoser | hrybacki, no 'analyyze' on .7.9 | 14:55 |
hrybacki | smoser: okay. can I trouble you with a networking question? If I want to disable the default cloud-init behavior of setting eth0 to pick up an IP via dhcp, is setting `network: \n config: disabled` enough to do so? Looking at specifically | 14:58 |
hrybacki | I've created a custom-networking.cfg file and copied it into the image in the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/ dir via `virt-customize --copy-in ...` prior to launching the VM | 14:59 |
smoser | and the file 'custom-networking.cfg' contains the disable ? | 15:00 |
hrybacki | smoser: aye | 15:03 |
smoser | hrybacki, then that should work. | 15:04 |
hrybacki | smoser: that is what I thought. I must be doing something wrong or have overlooked something else | 15:05 |
smoser | hrybacki, should work with content: | 15:12 |
smoser | network: {config: disabled | 15:12 |
smoser | er.. | 15:12 |
smoser | network: {config: disabled} | 15:12 |
hrybacki | smoser: okay, networking /is/ coming up as expected but cloud-init is holding up the boot process doing it's lookups. Not sure why this broke but -- the behavior changed in a bump from 7.6 to 7.9 | 15:12 |
hrybacki | | 15:12 |
hrybacki | is the host for the respective guest in this instance | 15:13 |
smoser | hrybacki, well, a full paste would be good | 15:33 |
smoser | but it sure seems like it is failing to find anything, which ends up falling back to the ec2 datasource which is a real pita | 15:33 |
smoser | and sits there and polls some endpoint that you do not have. | 15:33 |
hrybacki | that is precisely what is happening smoser . I'm just curious why this started happening now and not prior to the version bump | 15:36 |
smoser | hrybacki, need more info. not sure what you were hoping would work. what is the cloud / platform that you're running this on ? | 15:36 |
smoser | hrybacki, ^ ? | 16:26 |
hrybacki | smoser: sorry, in meetings. it's an atypical environment. I'm deploying a supplementary libvirt node on which FreeIPA will be running and interacting with an OpenStack deployment laid down by TripleO | 16:28 |
smoser | so openstack is the platform ? | 16:28 |
hrybacki | the node is being deployed manually prior to OpenStack being deployed | 16:29 |
smoser | where did you want this node to get its data from? | 16:30 |
hrybacki | nowhere on first boot | 16:30 |
smoser | i dont know how that ever would have worked. | 16:31 |
hrybacki | smoser: well I'm not sure how it was working before. I was probably using this wrong (out of ignorance) but now with the new version breaking things I'm not really sure what I'm trying to fix. Does that make any sense? | 16:33 |
* hrybacki slides back into mtg | 16:33 | |
smoser | hrybacki, i understand , and yeah, nothing was meant to revert. but the "there is no datasource" path never really was supported. i'm not sure how it worked. | 16:35 |
smoser | powersj, | 18:44 |
smoser | | 19:00 |
sedition | hi team. stupid question. are all parts of an apt config required? just trying to add a single additional ppa under sources is giving me trouble. | 19:10 |
smoser | sedition, example ? | 19:15 |
rharper | smoser: | 19:16 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1716773 in cloud-init "cloud-init doesn't cache network_config property in cache" [Undecided,New] | 19:16 |
sedition | smoser: sure, here's the apt block with the packages above it for good measure. the rest of my script is all about user setup (which works great) | 19:19 |
sedition | forgive my ignorance, i'm super new to cloud-init | 19:19 |
smoser | sedition, needs to have '#cloud-config' at the top | 19:25 |
smoser | cloud-init doesnt assume that all data is for it | 19:25 |
smoser | you have to tell it the type of data. | 19:25 |
sedition | Sorry, I do have #cloud-config at the time. I was just posting a snippet. | 19:26 |
sedition | s/time/top/ | 19:26 |
sedition | i'll redact the sensitive data and post the full script | 19:26 |
smoser | sedition, | 19:27 |
smoser | try that. | 19:27 |
sedition | heres the whole thing | 19:28 |
sedition | smoser: will do. one moment while i destroy and rebuild | 19:28 |
sedition | smoser: No such luck. No entries under /etc/apt/sources.list.d | 19:36 |
sedition | I've gotta be doing something silly. | 19:36 |
sedition | checking the output logs, im hitting errors adding the repository and hitting ubuntu mirrors (which is weird) so it might not be the script. | 19:55 |
sedition | i'll keep debuggin | 19:55 |
sedition | thanks! | 19:55 |
smoser | sedition, | 20:05 |
smoser | that "worked for me" | 20:05 |
sedition | smoser: totally an error with my egress configs. i'm a dummy. | 20:35 |
sedition | Sorry to bother, and thanks so much for the patience and help | 20:35 |
smoser | sedition, No worries. | 20:38 |
smoser | we're well aware that config is hard to "validate" | 20:38 |
smoser | and have been workignon a schema for some of the config modules | 20:38 |
sedition | That will be slick | 20:40 |
powersj | smoser: | 20:46 |
powersj | smoser: | 20:48 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1718681 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Artful) "Package copyright file omits Apache 2 license" [Undecided,In progress] | 20:48 |
sedition | Welp. Everything works. I am really impressed. I just started learning Terraform and figured I might as well do user data scripts correctly with cloud-init. | 21:21 |
sedition | really excellent stuff. | 21:21 |
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