
sujithHi!  Just wanted to know your opinions before I create a bug-report in launchpad..05:20
sujithI hit an installation and boot kernel crash with HWE kernel of Ubuntu-16.04.3 (4.10.0-28)05:21
sujithSetup is a Dell PowerEdge R940 with 2 socket x 28cores with Hyperthreading enabled.05:21
sujithLooks like this failure is due to this patch in HWE kernels: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/dc6db24d2476cd09c0ecf2b8d80313539f737a8905:22
sujithBooting works fine when this patch is included: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/c962cff17dfa11f4a8227ac16de2b28aea3312e4#diff-6bd7ef719bca1a2a56b9ebf4bd0bd88d05:23
sujithI noticed that fix is already in the 4.11 and above kernels of Ubuntu-zesty05:24
sujithso can I request for a SRU release for Ubuntu-16.04.3 HWE kernel for this fix? Especially because this one is a boot/install failure?05:26
elachecheHey folks! Where can I find IRC support related to the Tomcat7 package?09:28
rbasakelacheche: community support for tomcat7 -> #ubuntu-server14:02
rbasak(for the Ubuntu packaging side at least014:03
elachechethx rbasak The maintaner pointed me to the Bug report related to my issue → https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomcat7/+bug/162504314:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1625043 in tomcat7 (Ubuntu) "tomcat7 package not compliant with tomcat specification" [High,Triaged]14:04
naelHi guys, anybody from Bug Control here can please switch bug 1132736 xorg-lts-trusty from Confirmed to Won't Fix? Please see last comment for rationale. Thanks!20:18
ubot5bug 1132736 in xorg-lts-trusty (Ubuntu) "Xorg fails to start after installing the Hardware Enablement Stack due to missing symlink after purging old xserver-xorg" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113273620:18

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