
patrick__Good evening00:03
matjaz_anyone here?08:52
matjaz_I'm having problems with sleep on my laptop running Ubuntu MATE 17.1008:52
DarkJarrisguess it wasnt that important then08:59
diogenes_or he went to sleep ahead of his pc09:00
DarkJarrismaybe the issue was him sleeping rather than his laptop09:00
DarkJarristhis isnt the place to fix narcolepsy09:01
DarkJarristry #doctors09:01
diogenes_well, you never know, there might be such people among us here09:01
diogenes_dammit, why updatedb takes that long09:02
alex1sHi all, there is an issue with the firefox 55.0.2 package, it crash when launched on all armhf ubuntu plateform I have tested, I have to downgrade to version 45.0.2 ?09:08
alex1sIs it a know issue ?09:09
diogenes_alex1s, run in terminal: mv $HOME/.mozilla $HOME/.mozilla.bak09:11
alex1sIt will not fix the issue. I already tried.09:12
diogenes_so run firefox in terminal and see what is the issue09:12
alex1sThere is no issue in firefox, but the report window, deal with an issue in the Gecko thread, but I don't have more info.09:14
alex1sSorry no info in the terminal window09:14
diogenes_so when you run firefox in terminal you get no output at all?09:15
alex1sI have three lines when it is launched but no error report in the terminal.09:15
diogenes_alex1s, copy everything from the terminal paste to some pastebin and share the link here09:16
alex1sok let give me 10 mniutes, to reinstall firefox 55.0.2 on my plateform and copy the log in patebin09:18
alex1sdiogenes, here is the log https://pastebin.com/ej1y5yYT09:53
alex1sbut as you can sse there is no usefull info.09:53
alex1sHere is the crash report https://pastebin.com/jnXwWGJ209:55
HeadzupHello Guys, how I can boot from a USB Stick on a Linux machine_ Basicly: I have Ubuntu-mate on my machine, but allways when I reboot my pc dont starts from usb stick.10:25
HeadzupIts possible to get the Grub menu after booting back_10:25
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d_1_stortionanyone here?21:25
diogenes_some rolling tumbleweeds only21:28

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