zenguy | hi i was wondering how i might help, i can't code but i can type :D | 00:02 |
Jordan_U | !contribute | zenguy | 00:03 |
ubottu | zenguy: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu | 00:03 |
zenguy | thank you Jordan_U :) | 00:03 |
Jordan_U | zenguy: You're welcome. Thank you for your future contributions :) | 00:05 |
zenguy | :D | 00:06 |
CrazyEarner | Evening | 00:34 |
CrazyEarner | Anyone here know if theirs software to allow custom install of programs to diffrent dir then home when using deb files?? | 00:45 |
JonelethIrenicus | what are the additional software packages for languages that I am getting notifications about? | 00:47 |
minimec | CrazyEarner: When using a deb file, you will never have a program installed in /home ... You will find the relevant files in /usr/lib and /usr/bin or similar folders... | 00:50 |
CrazyEarner | minimec am wanting to install to seprate location than where my distro is on like my storage drive | 00:54 |
Jordan_U | CrazyEarner: What is your end goal? Is your root filesystem running out of space? | 00:54 |
CrazyEarner | Yeah I need to install bunch of things and my ssd root is like 120 gb and want to install stuff to 3tb drive like | 00:56 |
CrazyEarner | bit like i had on windows all programs under big drive and ssd for minimul programs | 00:56 |
minimec | CrazyEarner: The deb file itself contains all informations about dependencies (other nedded packages) and installation targets. You cannot chage them. The installation target follows the unix standard. So executable files for launching the program will be located in /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin or /opt/<something>. These folders are defined in a default 'path'. See /etc/profile. | 00:59 |
minimec | CrazyEarner: If you compile software yourself, you can noramlly choose the folder you want to place them. | 01:00 |
CrazyEarner | compile myself not good with but am sure can try to like but need learn basics first got most it working to where need to be. Just need time to learn it all | 01:01 |
Jordan_U | CrazyEarner: You can always make symlinks from your root filessytem, for example if I decide that armagetronad is taking up too much space I can make /usr/share/games/armagetronad/ a symlink to /external/armagetronad/ and those files will actually live on the external drive. | 01:01 |
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CrazyEarner | Jordan_U how do I create them like as that link posted I dont understand any of it or what to do | 01:02 |
CrazyEarner | was reading this https://askubuntu.com/questions/843740/how-to-create-a-symbolic-link-in-a-linux-directory/843741#843741 but dnt understand | 01:03 |
Jordan_U | CrazyEarner: What is one program whose data you want to move to your external drive? | 01:05 |
CrazyEarner | its Ethereum wallet | 01:06 |
tomreyn | CrazyEarner: this takes like 22 GB alone, doesn't it? | 01:08 |
Jordan_U | CrazyEarner: For a basic primer on creating symlinks via the terminal, say you have a file /home/crazyearner/real_file and you want it to be accessible from the path /home/crazyerner/symlink . You could do that by running "ln -s /home/crazyerner/real_file /home/crazyerner/symlink". Then any time you or any program opens /home/crazyerner/symlink it will actually open /home/crazyerner/real_file . Does that | 01:08 |
Jordan_U | make sense? | 01:09 |
CrazyEarner | Takes aprx 122gb or more for full chain data | 01:09 |
Toba | blockchain on bitcoin is getting long too | 01:09 |
tomreyn | a good candidate for moving off the ssd then | 01:09 |
tomreyn | unless oyu'll read it ofen | 01:10 |
CrazyEarner | its Ethereum not bitcoin got bitcoin sortyed as can get light wallet for it lol ethereum pain in my ass lol | 01:10 |
CrazyEarner | kind of makes sense like | 01:10 |
Jordan_U | CrazyEarner: OK. At what path is your ethereum wallet currently? | 01:11 |
CrazyEarner | current location is /home/crazy/.config/Ethereum Wallet | 01:14 |
CrazyEarner | and location where want everything to sit in /media/cryptocrazy/Storage/Ethereum | 01:16 |
minimec | CrazyEarner: so move '/home/crazy/.config/Ethereum Wallet' to '/media/cryptocrazy/Storage/Ethereum' and do 'ln -s /home/crazy/.config/Ethereum Wallet /media/cryptocrazy/Storage/Ethereum' | 01:20 |
CrazyEarner | do that in terminal right | 01:22 |
minimec | CrazyEarner: for the 'ln -s' command... yes | 01:23 |
minimec | CrazyEarner: oh it should be the other way around... 'ln -s /media/cryptocrazy/Storage/Ethereum /home/crazy/.config/Ethereum | 01:24 |
minimec | CrazyEarner: oh it should be the other way around... 'ln -s /media/cryptocrazy/Storage/Ethereum /home/crazy/.config/Ethereum Wallet' | 01:24 |
CrazyEarner | so what one to use lol | 01:26 |
Bashing-om | minimec: Not perhaps my place to say .. but " Ethereum Wallet ' : need to verify that name and escape that space . | 01:27 |
CrazyEarner | this one 'ln -s /media/cryptocrazy/Storage/Ethereum /home/crazy/.config/Ethereum Wallet' | 01:27 |
CrazyEarner | it has a space in it on the system | 01:27 |
CrazyEarner | seems like the program creates the folder with the space in it | 01:31 |
minimec | CrazyEarner: Indeed. In the console it would be '/home/crazy/.config/Ethereum\ Wallet' So you have to add a '\' in before the space. | 01:33 |
campitor | hi everyone, is it generally ok if I uninstall, default desktop environment of ubuntu, beause of resource usage, I am trying to only use lxqt | 01:33 |
campitor | I also don't want tools like gedit, disks, or such to disappear, | 01:33 |
trasckore | hi | 01:34 |
doug16k | campitor, install a second environment and pick it when you log in at the top right | 01:34 |
trasckore | do you know a repository for ubuntu 11.04 ? | 01:34 |
trasckore | i need to install build-essentials | 01:34 |
trasckore | and some other stuff | 01:34 |
campitor | doug16k: I know, I really want unity to go, because I am using it on a usb disk, and there is not much space on it | 01:35 |
campitor | I want to totally replace unity with lxqt | 01:35 |
CrazyEarner | ok think its done it | 01:35 |
minimec | CrazyEarner: Cool. ;) Hope it works... | 01:35 |
campitor | normally I am only on unitym no problems, but now I really need to limit things ;( | 01:36 |
Bashing-om | campitor: You will find that to build up is much better than tearing down . Minimal to have exactly what you want . | 01:36 |
campitor | Bashing-om : so it is better not to touch it, is what you suggest. right? | 01:36 |
doug16k | campitor, are you asking whether it will kill the install if you uninstall unity? I'd guess it will survive but ymmv | 01:37 |
Bashing-om | campitor: Not at all . imstall the minimal ( core install ) and add what you want; with out the unwanted overhead . | 01:37 |
campitor | well nothing can 'kill' linux :) but I am afraid if some tools might stop working if I remove the default desktop environment | 01:38 |
campitor | so is it ok to run 'sudo apt-get purge unity' ? | 01:38 |
CrazyEarner | minimec it makes it but it dont change the actual folder I need it to change as it makes the syslink with EthereumWallet not with the space | 01:39 |
doug16k | when fpartx says "loop0p1 : 0 30720 /dev/loop0 2048" then on the next line says, "loop deleted /dev/loop0", is that its cryptic way of saying it failed? D: | 01:41 |
doug16k | I end up with nothing in /dev/mapper | 01:43 |
Bashing-om | campitor: It is not that easy ; see for example: https://github.com/aysiu/purebuntu . I hve not tested and can not vouch for it . | 01:43 |
Bashing-om | have not** | 01:44 |
trasckore | do you know a repository for ubuntu 11.04 ? | 01:44 |
bazhang | trasckore, thats long eol | 01:44 |
bazhang | trasckore, why would you need that | 01:45 |
trasckore | bazhang,, yeah, but i know there are old releases | 01:45 |
campitor | Bashing-om: you are a magician, exactly what I needed, thanks | 01:45 |
campitor | Thank you | 01:45 |
trasckore | bazhang, old device shit is not compliant with newer releases | 01:45 |
bazhang | trasckore, why would you need that | 01:45 |
bazhang | no cursing here trasckore | 01:45 |
campitor | i'll be careful with it ;) | 01:45 |
trasckore | already answer | 01:45 |
trasckore | -ed | 01:46 |
bazhang | trasckore, give us the full info, which exact devices | 01:46 |
Bashing-om | campitor: Yhe author of the script is the magi . Me, I just been around a bit :) | 01:46 |
doug16k | ah I found the problem, I have to do fpartx -a fulldisk.img | 01:47 |
trasckore | bazhang, gcc | 01:47 |
trasckore | i need an old version of it to compile an old version of uboot for arm | 01:47 |
bazhang | trasckore, thats not a device | 01:47 |
trasckore | the device is the old dev board | 01:47 |
CrazyEarner | @minimec Solved it | 01:51 |
CrazyEarner | I just renamed the folder it made for it xD and put the sapce in seems to work | 01:51 |
doug16k | if I fsck.vfat a disk image that I just created with `truncate --size=15360K fatpart.img && mkfs.vfat -R 16 fatpart.img`, fsck.vfat complains that the FATs are not the same D: | 01:58 |
Ben64 | doug16k: works here | 02:00 |
doug16k | Ben64, really? thanks, maybe something else is causing it (I'm automating a build of a disk image) | 02:01 |
doug16k | Ben64, yeah you're right, this worked for me: `truncate --size=15360K fatpart.img && mkfs.vfat -R 16 fatpart.img && fsck.vfat fatpart.img`. pebkac | 02:02 |
doug16k | that helped | 02:02 |
Ben64 | looks like you're doing some weird stuff though | 02:03 |
doug16k | I'm creating a disk image to test booting an OS project I'm creating. I'm patching in an MBR and VBR with dd. I had it fully working when it boots from MBR but I'm expanding it to support coexisting with other OSes using chain boot | 02:04 |
doug16k | where "chain boot" means, MBR relocates itself to 0x600 and loads the partition first sector to 0x7C00 and jumps into it with SI pointing to partition table entry and DL=drive | 02:05 |
waffl3x | I am having problems with udev on ubuntu server 16.04, it is missing certain files and I am getting confused trying to fix problems | 02:08 |
doug16k | this is the bigger picture of how I'm building the disk image: https://gist.github.com/doug65536/73d393357c5115c49573a62aee34b816 mbr-bin is the MBR (512 bytes) and bootfat-bin is the ~24KB bootloader at start of partition | 02:09 |
waffl3x | I have reinstalled multiple times, I am going to try reburning the disk, I also verified the ISO with a hash | 02:10 |
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Jordan_U | waffl3x: What files are missing? | 02:17 |
doug16k | found the problem: I was reserving 16 sectors (8K) for the VBR instead of 64KB | 02:20 |
doug16k | ...and was trashing the FATs | 02:20 |
Kobaz | so, ubuntu 17.04. btrfs on /. Newest kernel 4.10.0-35 does not boot (cannot mount root). But the oldest kernel in grub 4.0.10-21 boots just fine | 02:22 |
Kobaz | usually to fix this i would just build a custom kernel with btrfs compiled in, but... i pronbably should know the ubuntu way to fix this | 02:23 |
waffl3x | @jordan_u /lib/udev/write_net_rules and /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules atleast | 02:24 |
Jordan_U | waffl3x: I have nether on my Ubuntu 17.04 installation. Why are you sure they should be there? | 02:25 |
waffl3x | based on trying to troubleshoot internet not working, and later the logical name of the adapter not being eth0 | 02:26 |
waffl3x | I was directed to the latter file to configure that, and it was missing | 02:27 |
Jordan_U | Kobaz: Are you dropped to an initramfs shell with busybox when it fails to boot? What is the error message at boot? | 02:27 |
Ben64 | waffl3x: the name of the interface wouldn't make you not have internet | 02:27 |
bazhang | waffl3x, is it something like enpos3 | 02:27 |
waffl3x | something like that | 02:27 |
Kobaz | Jordan_U: nope, just epic fail on mount root, and it's not failing in btrfs code, just general mount-root code | 02:27 |
waffl3x | @ben64 yeah I know, internet is working now | 02:28 |
Kobaz | Jordan_U: cannot mount root unknown block | 02:28 |
bazhang | waffl3x, thats simply the systemd re naming, not an actual block | 02:28 |
Kobaz | Jordan_U: looks like btrfs modules didn't load in initrd | 02:28 |
Jordan_U | Kobaz: Does that kernel have an initramfs image at all in /boot/? | 02:28 |
waffl3x | im just confused because it didnt configure right the first time, so I reinstalled, and then these files were missing so I am concerned other things might be going on | 02:28 |
waffl3x | @bazhang the former file is supposed to be a script (I think?) to generate the rules file | 02:29 |
waffl3x | I wasnt too concerned about the rules file missing as a couple pages I read just gave the write_net_rules file to generate it, but that one being missing was confusing | 02:29 |
Kobaz | Jordan_U: yeap... probably maybe rebuild initrd? | 02:29 |
waffl3x | it it just likely I was reading outdated information? | 02:30 |
Kobaz | poooooo | 02:31 |
Kobaz | Jordan_U: got it... new initrd didn't fit on /boot | 02:32 |
Kobaz | a 250MB /boot just isn't enough these days | 02:32 |
Kobaz | Jordan_U: is there an option for how many backup kernels to keep around? | 02:33 |
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Jordan_U | Kobaz: Not that I'm aware of. But you can just not bother with a separate /boot/ partition. Grub can read btrfs. | 02:35 |
Bashing-om | Kobaz: One can set autoremove in unattended-upgrades to only keep 2 kernels . | 02:37 |
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waffl3x | I'm going to go forward assuming the information I was reading was outdated, so my new question is, is it important to configure the logical name for my network adapter to be eth0, and if so, how do I do that | 02:39 |
Kobaz | Jordan_U: not with the 17.04 installer | 02:43 |
Kobaz | Jordan_U: grub can handle it just fine, but whatever the installer is doing... i haven' looked into it, but it will not install grub to a single btrfs / | 02:43 |
Kobaz | it just dies | 02:43 |
Ben64 | waffl3x: no it isn't important | 02:44 |
waffl3x | okay, thank you | 02:44 |
waffl3x | thanks for the help | 02:44 |
realies | what's an equivalent to rdp for ubuntu? vnc seems really slow | 03:13 |
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aloo_shu | if you havd a ssh connection, you could set up a remote X session | 03:26 |
realies | aloo_shu, how? | 03:26 |
realies | also, i'd like to be able to jump in from multiple platforms | 03:26 |
aloo_shu | ooof, not so easy to say in one line. you could study the man pages of X , Xserver , Xorg , realies | 03:27 |
realies | lol | 03:28 |
aloo_shu | but there is something else, dunno pkg name, some 4 letter things with x? k? , a search in synaptic or software manager w/ remote desktop should reveal | 03:29 |
realies | xrdp? | 03:29 |
aloo_shu | could be it. server and clent had different names, i seem to recall | 03:31 |
aloo_shu | *client | 03:31 |
mattfly | hi | 03:37 |
mattfly | i have a running process that i really need to kill but nothing does it | 03:38 |
mattfly | i tried kill -9 9007 | 03:38 |
mattfly | which is its pid | 03:38 |
mattfly | killall -9 | 03:38 |
mattfly | and as root | 03:38 |
mattfly | many times | 03:38 |
mattfly | sudo cat /proc/9007/syscall | 03:38 |
mattfly | running | 03:38 |
mattfly | the parent is 1 ... | 03:39 |
mattfly | my user is the woner. the stat is R | 03:40 |
mattfly | can someone help me? | 03:40 |
Jordan_U | mandje: If a process isn't killed after kill -9 then either it's a zombie process, meaning it's dead but its parent hasn't reaped it yet, or it's stuck in a system call in which case there's usually nothing that can be done (there is sometimes, rarely, a way to cause the system call to fail and exit rather than blocking for certain sytem calls and situations). | 03:45 |
mattfly | oh no | 03:46 |
Jordan_U | mandje: And now that I see that you said the parent is PID 1, we know it's not a zombie :) | 03:46 |
mattfly | how to check if its a zombie? | 03:46 |
mattfly | yeah | 03:46 |
mattfly | i cat the proc/pid/syscall file and it says running | 03:46 |
mattfly | and the parent is 1 | 03:46 |
Jordan_U | mandje: What is this process? | 03:47 |
mattfly | hashcat | 03:48 |
aloo_shu | must be too stoned <--- ignore, please | 03:49 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: I don't know much about /proc/pid/syscall, but I wouldn't expect it to output just "running". Are you sure that's the file you're reading? | 03:51 |
mattfly | yeah | 03:52 |
mattfly | im pretty sure | 03:52 |
Ojitos | hi there | 03:52 |
mattfly | status show more | 03:53 |
mattfly | the state inside status output show R (running) | 03:53 |
mattfly | what if i remove the process folder ? | 03:54 |
mattfly | if thats even possible | 03:54 |
mattfly | anything that would make it just crash and disappear is ok | 03:54 |
aloo_shu | just thought the same, but don't know the answer | 03:55 |
mattfly | interesting | 03:56 |
mattfly | okay i will sudo remove it | 03:56 |
mattfly | lets see | 03:56 |
mattfly | yeah thats when root gets permission denied | 03:56 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: Ahh, I think "running" means that it's not executing a syscall. Which means that we now know that it can't be either of the kinds of unkillable process... | 03:57 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: Did you run kill as root? Did kill give any error message? Are you sure you didn't mistype the PID? | 03:58 |
mattfly | nothing kills it | 03:58 |
mattfly | yeah im oding it | 03:59 |
mattfly | kill doesnt give any error | 03:59 |
mattfly | im gonna do a infinite loop killing it | 03:59 |
mattfly | okay now im running a infinite loop killing it as root | 03:59 |
mattfly | with sigkill signal | 04:00 |
mattfly | i think only rebooting will solve | 04:00 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: Wait. If you don't mind, I'm curious now :) | 04:01 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: please post the output of "ps aux | grep 9007 | grep -v grep" | 04:04 |
mattfly | okay | 04:04 |
mattfly | # ps aux | grep 9007 | grep -v grep | 04:05 |
mattfly | matheus 9007 99.6 0.2 177692 8712 ? R 00:13 50:43 /home/matheus/programs/hashcat-3.6.0/hashcat64.bin -m15700 $ethereum$s*262144*8*1*29834h908e3f093e4ruhg098w540gw059854nj9g489n6c2e60*7d838b7059bb5bed8053578d63cc1eb6e9f4f6a4419b5aceef17f77798d0a4e2*94d7644ce6aud9n0a8s9fdn089asdnf089ashb0df8as9dfhb08a9s7afg34IEDITEDTHISXDc3b316f1 out.txt --status --status-timer=5 -w3 -r /home/matheus/programs/hashcat-3.5.0/rules/hob064.rule -w 1 | 04:05 |
mattfly | so my user is the owner, the start is R | 04:06 |
mattfly | state* | 04:06 |
mattfly | the program is hashcat | 04:06 |
mattfly | which wasnt gracefully exited for sure | 04:06 |
mattfly | what i did was ctrl +C | 04:06 |
mattfly | and then force respawned my tmux pane it was on | 04:07 |
mattfly | even tho not being able to kill it in any way is weird | 04:07 |
mattfly | i renamed the file it was taking as input | 04:07 |
mattfly | and the values for the wallet there are edited lol... before someone ask | 04:08 |
mattfly | any way to kill this jordan_U ? :/ | 04:09 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: And from the same terminal you recieved that output, "sudo kill -9 9007" produces no output? | 04:10 |
mattfly | not output | 04:10 |
mattfly | no output* | 04:10 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: No containers, network namespaces, or anything like that? | 04:11 |
mattfly | while true; do kill -9 9007; done | 04:11 |
mattfly | i let it run for 30 min | 04:11 |
mattfly | is my laptop | 04:11 |
mattfly | nothing virtualized | 04:12 |
mattfly | nothing really | 04:12 |
mattfly | can that be a ubuntu bug or maybe hashcats... | 04:12 |
mattfly | no but would be ubuntu | 04:12 |
mattfly | or the kernel | 04:12 |
mattfly | interesting | 04:13 |
bazhang | mattfly, please dont use enter as punctuation | 04:13 |
mattfly | sorry i got this... weird mania thing sorry | 04:13 |
mattfly | # uname -a | 04:15 |
mattfly | Linux matheus-laptop 4.4.0-93-generic #116-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 11 21:17:51 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 04:15 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: Please pastebin the output of "dmesg". | 04:20 |
mattfly | okay now i use a pastebin | 04:20 |
mattfly | oh | 04:21 |
mattfly | okay i got a bunch of 514488.333725] vgaarb: this pci device is not a vga device | 04:21 |
mattfly | i have a ncidia card | 04:21 |
mattfly | hashcat uses it probrably | 04:21 |
aloo_shu | was kt considered a security feature if the process wouldn't listen for any signal? to protect data, or prevent half-encrypted partitions, e.g.? | 04:22 |
aloo_shu | *it | 04:22 |
mattfly | here it is jordan_U: https://pastebin.com/YAxxMtMU | 04:29 |
mattfly | this is interesting: [513140.570725] ptrace of pid 9007 was attempted by: cat (pid 9710) | 04:30 |
aloo_shu | man hascat to learn about possible peculiarities? | 04:37 |
mattfly | would it be unable to kill? | 04:37 |
mattfly | this is probrably a hardware bug or kernel bug | 04:38 |
mattfly | look this thing is using 100% of my cpu... is probrably doing something | 04:38 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: Try attaching to the process with gdb: "sudo gdb attach 9007" | 04:39 |
mattfly | it says attach: file or directory not found | 04:40 |
mattfly | and then attaching to proccess 900 | 04:40 |
mattfly | 9007 * | 04:40 |
mattfly | and i dont get the shell | 04:41 |
mattfly | oh and ctrl+c dont quit | 04:41 |
mattfly | ctrl+z did stop it | 04:41 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: Don't try to ctrl+c. Please pastebin all of the output from gdb. | 04:41 |
mattfly | okay but it didnt work | 04:41 |
mattfly | hey i god the gdb shell now | 04:42 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: Is process 9007 still using 100% cpu? | 04:42 |
mattfly | yes | 04:42 |
mattfly | and do you know what | 04:43 |
mattfly | i have another unkillable gdb process | 04:43 |
mattfly | this other one returned adb shell after saying warning: process 9007 is already traced by process 11868 | 04:44 |
mattfly | gdb* | 04:44 |
mattfly | the gdb output of the first one didng work at all | 04:44 |
mattfly | just got stuck after saying it was attaching to proccess | 04:45 |
mattfly | before this was just the gdb standart initial messages | 04:45 |
mattfly | oh the first gdb process is killed now jordan_U | 04:45 |
mattfly | im in another one now | 04:46 |
aloo_shu | can't expect lighning speed w/ 100% cpu in use | 04:51 |
aloo_shu | *lightning | 04:51 |
mattfly | hi back | 04:51 |
mattfly | have i missed something? i wasnt online the last 5 min | 04:51 |
aloo_shu | kno | 04:52 |
aloo_shu | no | 04:52 |
mattfly | so i have this gdb stuck... | 04:53 |
mattfly | what is the right thing to do when a proccess like this is stuck? | 04:53 |
mattfly | sigstop? | 04:54 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: I'm all out of ideas. This doesn't make any sense to me unfortunately. | 04:56 |
mattfly | okay :/ | 04:56 |
mattfly | is there any way to use nice for decreasing the cpu usage at least? | 04:56 |
mattfly | that would do until i have to reboot | 04:56 |
EriC^^ | kill -9 <pid> | 04:57 |
mattfly | yeah | 04:57 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: Actually, while we're at it. How much RAM is this process using? | 04:59 |
mattfly | almost nothing | 04:59 |
mattfly | 0.2 % | 04:59 |
mattfly | of my 4 gb | 04:59 |
mattfly | oh | 04:59 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: Shame. I was hoping that the OOM killer might be able to vanquish it. | 04:59 |
mattfly | :/ | 04:59 |
mattfly | i think restarting my X session will do it | 05:00 |
mattfly | this thing uses nvidia drivers and didnt run without it | 05:00 |
mattfly | without the X server i mean | 05:00 |
mattfly | I am using i3 window manager? | 05:00 |
mattfly | so is there a way to restart Xorg withou loosing all thats running?? | 05:01 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: If you're going to do that, try rmmoding the nvidia modules after killing X too. | 05:01 |
mattfly | now you got me | 05:02 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: No. Your X clients will all die, no way around it. (If you had used xpra to start them in the first place then maybe). | 05:02 |
mattfly | do you mean remoding? | 05:02 |
mattfly | oh okay (about the X clients) | 05:02 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: No, rmmod is the command to unload kernel modules. | 05:03 |
mattfly | so i could do this? | 05:03 |
mattfly | isnt there a way to just reload or restart while running X session? | 05:04 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: No, the nvidia module can't be unloaded while X is using it. | 05:05 |
mattfly | if i force remove all will crash | 05:05 |
mattfly | okay how to know the nvidia module name? | 05:06 |
Jordan_U | mattfly: "lsmod | grep nvidia" | 05:08 |
mattfly | okay, nvidia_drm | 05:08 |
dekatch | hi, can i upgrade an ubuntu 14 within its os to ubuntu 16.04? | 05:12 |
dekatch | short on cd-r and the install from external drive doesnt work | 05:12 |
dekatch | but i got this ubuntu 14 install cd. wondering if i can just upgrade it to 16.04lts | 05:13 |
Ben64 | dekatch: it's possible, but easier to install 16.04 fresh | 05:14 |
hateball | dekatch: do you not have a working internet connection? | 05:15 |
hateball | If so, you can simply do-release-upgrade | 05:15 |
Ben64 | hateball: the way i understand it, ubuntu isn't installed yet | 05:16 |
hateball | Ben64: Oh. I only saw the line about "upgrade" which would suggest it is | 05:16 |
dekatch | yep not installed yet sry :) | 05:16 |
dekatch | i have the latest 16.04 on an external drive and when i try to boot into it says "no operating system found" | 05:16 |
hateball | Then it has not been put onto the external drive properly | 05:17 |
dekatch | guess its an ntfs issue | 05:17 |
dekatch | thats also possible | 05:17 |
hateball | You can't simply boot an ISO off an NTFS drive, if that's what you're trying to do | 05:17 |
dekatch | no, i did setup this partition properly. i can for example boot windows setup with it | 05:18 |
dekatch | what i meant with ntfs issue is that the drive where ubuntu is supposed to be installed is set as ntfs | 05:19 |
dekatch | and the ubuntu .iso i extracted lol | 05:22 |
hateball | Yes, which is the incorrect way to go about things | 05:22 |
hateball | You need to copy GRUB into the MBR of the drive, otherwise it wont find anything to boot | 05:23 |
hateball | !usb | 05:23 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 05:23 |
dekatch | uhm ok, how shoul i do it? | 05:23 |
hateball | From Linux, "dd if=/path/to/iso.iso of=/dev/sdb" assuming sdb is your external device | 05:23 |
hateball | On Windows... well the links above should show you | 05:24 |
dekatch | thanks. i didnt copy GRUP to anywhere | 05:25 |
dekatch | ill check that link. installing ubuntu as a secondary OS | 05:25 |
hateball | Well it's not a manual operation, but the MBR is in the first bytes of the ISO | 05:25 |
sirru5h | Hello everyone | 05:41 |
dieomesieptoch | Hello all, I'd like to ask a question about X.org not behaving correctly in my copy of Ubuntu from time to time. Is this the right place? | 05:58 |
Autopsye | dieomesieptoch yes | 06:00 |
dieomesieptoch | It appears about every other time I boot up the PC, I don't see the login screen. Then I reboot to custom boot in Grub, select low graphics mode, and it will once again go back to a black screen. | 06:00 |
dieomesieptoch | However in this situation, I can ctrl-alt-f1 in to the terminal | 06:01 |
dieomesieptoch | where I can ctrl-c and see a message 'waiting for X to die' (or something to that effect | 06:01 |
dieomesieptoch | and then I'll get to the low-res login screen | 06:01 |
dieomesieptoch | I've googled so many times but I can't find someone else reporting this problem | 06:01 |
dieomesieptoch | I have a picture of the exact message: https://i.imgur.com/0eS6UVk.jpg | 06:02 |
dieomesieptoch | so it appears that X keeps 'losing' the config file? | 06:03 |
dieomesieptoch | Anybody? | 06:05 |
hateball | dieomesieptoch: What chipset/driver are you using? | 06:05 |
hateball | I know nvidia blob can have issues with encryption, and it looks like you're using that in the screenshot | 06:05 |
hateball | Still, it's X itself erroring out so... hmmm | 06:06 |
dieomesieptoch | Switching back and forth between ubuntu and closed source, it's an AMD graphics card | 06:06 |
hateball | So even if you remain on the kernel provided driver, it will error like that? | 06:07 |
hateball | I mean if you do multiple reboots | 06:07 |
dieomesieptoch | yes | 06:07 |
dieomesieptoch | but then *sometimes* when going through failsafe graphics mode | 06:07 |
dieomesieptoch | I'll log out and turn off the computer | 06:07 |
dieomesieptoch | and the next time it *will* work fine | 06:08 |
dieomesieptoch | but usually only untill the next boot | 06:08 |
hateball | Also, are you supposed to use nomodeset with AMD driver? | 06:08 |
hateball | I only use nvidia/intel myself so I don't know | 06:08 |
dieomesieptoch | No clue | 06:08 |
dieomesieptoch | I've tried adding it, removing it | 06:08 |
dieomesieptoch | just no dice | 06:08 |
hateball | So what chipset is it? | 06:09 |
dieomesieptoch | Radeon 6850 it seems | 06:09 |
hateball | I'm thinking if it's so recent you'll need to use a newer MESA from PPA | 06:09 |
hateball | That shouldnt be the case then | 06:09 |
hateball | Is that card even supported by amdgpu-pro ? | 06:10 |
hateball | Or are you on 14.04 using fglrx ? | 06:10 |
dieomesieptoch | I'm on 17.04 | 06:11 |
dieomesieptoch | what is amdgpu-pro ? | 06:11 |
hateball | It's AMD binary blob for the latest chipsets, stuff they havent yet moved to the open source driver | 06:12 |
hateball | the RX series etc | 06:12 |
hateball | I dont know if it is even used now, as I said I am not an AMD guy | 06:12 |
dieomesieptoch | well the thing is, I get the feeling X.org is fucking up rather than the card / drivers | 06:15 |
aloo_shu | hang on, going through failsafe graphics mode etc., could it be that a good xorg.conf is being generated, but duly overwritten? dpkg-reconfigure worth a try in that case | 06:16 |
dieomesieptoch | but would I have to run that every time as well | 06:17 |
dieomesieptoch | It's almost as if after every update Ubuntu has (big or small) X resets and I have to go through the routine again | 06:17 |
aloo_shu | pfff, or write-protecting the config file as a dirty fix first | 06:17 |
dieomesieptoch | dpkg-reconfigure is also in the grub boot options menu, right? | 06:18 |
aloo_shu | no idea | 06:18 |
aloo_shu | new to me | 06:18 |
dieomesieptoch | also, in /etc/X11/ there is no xorg.conf :) | 06:19 |
dieomesieptoch | there *is* a xorg.conf.failsafe | 06:19 |
aloo_shu | rename? a copy of it | 06:19 |
aloo_shu | I think that's how it works today, Xorg always intelligent guessing its config on the fly, but if a xorg.conf file is found, it will be used, an xorg.conf.failsafe only in failsafe mode, my 2ct | 06:22 |
hateball | That's it | 06:23 |
hateball | Unless you need to use specific options etc, there is no xorg.conf | 06:23 |
dieomesieptoch | ah ok | 06:23 |
aloo_shu | sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe /etc/X11/xorg.conf would persist failsafe settings in that logic | 06:23 |
dieomesieptoch | ya I tried to create a config using "Xorg :1 -configure" | 06:24 |
dieomesieptoch | which at some point will error out and say "(EE) Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting" | 06:24 |
dieomesieptoch | brr | 06:24 |
aloo_shu | man Xorg and you'll know why :) | 06:25 |
aloo_shu | try my cp suggestion, then log out and in or reboot. should bd easily reconvertible by deleting xorg.conf if it doesnt give expected results | 06:27 |
dieomesieptoch | I'll give that a go | 06:27 |
kalcso | I can't switch into two different languages in ubuntu zesty, unity shell. | 06:30 |
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter | ||
[worksti] | im looking for a way to thin out old backups - keep dailies for two weeks, keep one per week for six months, keep one per month forever, something like that, does ubuntu already come with a tool to manage something like that ? | 08:21 |
[worksti] | seems like itd be a common requirement | 08:21 |
dekatch | hi, thanks to hateball i was able to install ubuntu from an external drive. win32-disk-image-cloner to the rescue. however. now i can not boot to all my OP's that are installed. | 09:20 |
dekatch | i have windows 7, 10 and ubuntu 16.04 installed. and i preferably would use that more lightweight windows 10 loader. trying to figure out how to add linux to easyBCD bootload manager | 09:21 |
dekatch | i mean, i really can boot in all of those. but not in a convinient way | 09:22 |
dekatch | for example if i wanna boot into windows 7, i have to choose windows 10 bootloader from grub menu, and that opens the windows 10 bootloader where i can choose win 7 or 10 | 09:23 |
dekatch | i would kinda like to have these 3 entrys (ubuntu, win7, win10) available to begin with. not to mess around with loading different bootloaders | 09:24 |
dekatch | is that possible maybe? | 09:24 |
danslo | my ubuntu install boots quite slow, despite being on an SSD and a modern i7... stackexchange suggested to check for gaps in dmesg, but it doesn't look too weird to me: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/danslo/d7a1b4e85f3c8fbf5a52797cff1d4c14/raw/3d4c303845d80563fecb1ae8a7976c753c181e4d/gistfile1.txt | 09:31 |
danslo | any suggestions on how to debug slow startup times? | 09:31 |
danslo | systemd-analyze blame | 09:35 |
danslo | 21.541s plymouth-quit-wait.service | 09:35 |
Sterist | anyone familiar with a 200+ partition issue? vast majority of which, erroneous | 09:37 |
Sterist | or anyone know of a more proper channel to ask about such issues, if not here | 09:37 |
dekatch | nvm what i said. i fixed the bootloader part. i am booting into win10 bootloader. i just have to figure out now how to add my ubuntu install to it :) | 09:38 |
dekatch | Sterist, what was your question? | 09:38 |
Sterist | my old laptop has been out of commission for 2-3 years, an extended partition has some kind of MBR error causing the extended partition to be infinitely read up to 256 partitions, causing all OS's installed to crash or initiate OOM killer -- live boot and recovery tools do the same, while the hard drive is still in the lapop | 09:40 |
dekatch | wow so its about trying to get the data before replacing the hdd | 09:42 |
dekatch | ? | 09:42 |
Sterist | it's one seriously nasty problem to deal with, very little documentation on it via google searches | 09:42 |
Ben64 | just write zeros to the drive and it'll be fine | 09:42 |
Sterist | the laptop is ASUS, i've already entertained the idea of formatting it and reinstalling win7 followed by ubuntu but after investigation, microsoft does not allow downloading win7 iso for ASUS and does not authorize ASUS to make the ISO avaiable -- ASUS will happily charge $60 to have it shipped in and handled there | 09:44 |
dekatch | microsoft does allow. just had this issue the other day | 09:45 |
Ben64 | for windows issues head to ##windows | 09:45 |
dekatch | its just that you cant use OEM keys to download the iso from microsoft | 09:45 |
Sterist | this is not a windows issue | 09:45 |
Ben64 | talking about reinstalling windows sure sounds like a windows issue | 09:45 |
Sterist | you are correct deka, but, according to ASUS, the activation key i have is only valid for the pre installed win7 | 09:46 |
Sterist | so i would need to re purchase a license yada yada or use illegal pirated copy or forego win7 entirely | 09:46 |
dedze | Hello I have a question about auth.log | 09:46 |
dekatch | the oem key works just fine on any windows 7 .iso as long as its same version. home premium, pro or ultimate | 09:47 |
dedze | I get a lot of lines like this : Sep 25 11:39:18 Roronoa-Zoro pkexec: pam_unix(polkit-1:session): session opened for user root by (uid=1000) Sep 25 11:39:18 Roronoa-Zoro pkexec: pam_systemd(polkit-1:session): Cannot create session: Already running in a session | 09:47 |
dekatch | check pm Sterist | 09:47 |
dedze | And I didn'ttry to log in as root so is it a hacker? | 09:47 |
ass-hole | hello. Please join my new channel ##teledildonics | 09:47 |
aeifn | Hello. How to run unity with startx? | 09:48 |
ass-hole | aeifn: start ft | 09:48 |
ass-hole | typi | 09:48 |
ass-hole | typo | 09:48 |
ass-hole | startx is deprecated | 09:48 |
ass-hole | ubuntu is deprecated | 09:48 |
ass-hole | use debian or gentoo | 09:48 |
ass-hole | Please join my new channel ##teledildonics | 09:49 |
Ben64 | dedze: it says by uid=1000 so no, it is you | 09:50 |
Ben64 | !ops | 09:50 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 09:50 |
Sterist | anyone know of a native debian hard drive imaging tool that can create images of individual partitions and COMPRESS them during image creation? | 09:50 |
dedze | Ben64: Is it a hacker? What is uid=1000? | 09:50 |
Ben64 | dedze: no, it is you | 09:50 |
dedze | Ben64: Ohh sorry I misread this one thanks! | 09:51 |
Ben64 | Sterist: dd | gzip ? | 09:51 |
Sterist | i cannot create THEN compress, must be simultanios | 09:52 |
Ben64 | it is | 09:52 |
Sterist | actually i think it would be better to just do the hard drive all in one file, but ok | 09:53 |
Sterist | any more specific search terms i can use on how to use those commands? | 09:53 |
Ben64 | do you know how to use dd | 09:54 |
dekatch | back. | 09:55 |
dekatch | fixed my bootloader issues completely | 09:56 |
dekatch | thanks Ben64 and hateball for the previous help | 09:56 |
dekatch | got it all set up now | 09:56 |
ikonia | Ben64: all ok now ? | 09:57 |
Ben64 | yeah the guy left | 09:57 |
ikonia | cool, sorry for slow response | 09:57 |
Ben64 | np, it's late | 09:57 |
Sterist | no i dont | 09:59 |
Sterist | i have used it in the past but all via copy / paste or explicit instruction | 09:59 |
Ben64 | well you should read the manual or online guides. theres a ton you can do with it. basically 'dd if=input of=output' is normal, but you can do so much more. if you want to compress it as it goes, you can do something like 'dd if=input | gzip > output' | 10:00 |
Sterist | righto. | 10:01 |
Sterist | so it should look like... | 10:04 |
Sterist | dd if=/dev/sdb | gzip > of=/dev/sda1/user/me/home | 10:05 |
Ben64 | nope | 10:06 |
Sterist | darn! so much for a first guess lol learning! | 10:06 |
Ben64 | if you notice on my gzip example, there is no of= | 10:06 |
Ben64 | that's a dd option which doesn't exist for gzip | 10:06 |
Sterist | yes i thought that was your accidental omission | 10:06 |
Sterist | guess not | 10:06 |
Ben64 | i never make mistakes :P | 10:07 |
Sterist | neither do i! computers make them on my behalf. | 10:07 |
Ben64 | might want something closer to 'sudo dd bs=1M if=/dev/sdb | pv | gzip > output' | 10:07 |
Sterist | what are the bs and pv parameters? | 10:08 |
Ben64 | bs=1M will read 1MB at a time, pv is pipe viewer, will give you a neat status bar | 10:08 |
Sterist | too soon :) | 10:08 |
Ben64 | and you need sudo to read /dev/sdb | 10:08 |
Sterist | is there a safe way to abort if my hdd is dangerously close to full | 10:09 |
Sterist | manual or automatic abort, either works. | 10:09 |
Ben64 | well it will die if the drive it's writing to fills up | 10:09 |
Sterist | hmm.. do you know if it'd auto delete the partial image or would that even matter | 10:10 |
Ben64 | it would keep it | 10:11 |
Ben64 | although gzip probably wouldn't finish writing so it might not be easily readable | 10:11 |
Sterist | im only concerned about issues related to 100.0% full disks | 10:12 |
Sterist | not reading the incomplete image | 10:12 |
Ben64 | try to make sure you have room on the destination then | 10:12 |
Sterist | and potential corruption | 10:12 |
Sterist | i would if it was possible, there's no way to know for sure how well gzip will compress | 10:13 |
Sterist | dont even know how big it would end up prior to compression | 10:14 |
Ben64 | well that's easy, how big is the drive on sdb | 10:14 |
Sterist | 320gb physical, 296 actual. available storage options are ubuntu partition 160gb formatted, up to about 120 free (sda4) or 260gb formatted, up to about 210 free (sda2) | 10:17 |
Sterist | sdb should be no more than about 55-75% full on any partition. i know the free space should compress very well. | 10:17 |
Sterist | i guess i should expect a compressed image to be like 160 to 200gb... i dont use gzip very often but i dont recognize it as a high compression format | 10:21 |
Ben64 | free space won't necessarily compress well, when files are deleted they remain on the drive | 10:22 |
Ben64 | gzip isn't high compression, but it is fast | 10:22 |
Sterist | 7zip is open source... might it also be implemented for use in such commands? | 10:23 |
Ben64 | 7zip is sloooow | 10:24 |
Sterist | i can live with that lol | 10:24 |
Sterist | dont have a choice really | 10:24 |
Sterist | my 1tb drive died literally last night. the circuit used in the retail housing crapped out (wouldnt power on), so i busted the drive out and hooked it up with an old sata adapter and it turns on but isnt recognized. planning to solve that with a replacement newer housing. | 10:26 |
Sterist | hopefully the problem is not worse than a simple housing replacement (0_o) | 10:27 |
Ben64 | for example, compressing 1GB of zeros from /dev/zero is going at 16MB/s for 7z; for bzip2 it's going 68MB/s; for gzip it's going 103MB/s | 10:28 |
Ben64 | and zeros are easy to compress, with actual data it's going to take forever | 10:28 |
Sterist | ok i might or might not have stolen my roommate's 1tb drive... i should have up to 3 or 4 hours to return or not return it none the wiser | 10:31 |
Ben64 | so whats the goal here? recover data or what | 10:31 |
Sterist | "sdb" the correct label to image an entire drive? | 10:32 |
Ben64 | yep | 10:32 |
Sterist | current experiment is to have a backup to restore if other potential fixes worsen or simply dont correct the partition disaster | 10:33 |
Ben64 | ok | 10:33 |
Ben64 | well then if you have a 1TB drive to play with, don't compress :) | 10:33 |
Sterist | it's usb 3.0 too! :D | 10:34 |
Ben64 | for the extra comparison, 1.6GB/s without compression | 10:34 |
Sterist | the problem drive is in a usb 2.0 housing, max read speed i've seen it perform is 40 mbyte/s | 10:35 |
Ben64 | yeah that's not ideal | 10:35 |
Sterist | and i will still have to compress, as i cannot leave the image on the drive and will need to retain it at least 1 day to 1 week | 10:36 |
Ben64 | you really shouldn't compress, will just waste time | 10:36 |
Sterist | i dont have an option, worst case scenario a compressed image will consume up to 120% the largest storage i can retain the image on | 10:41 |
Ben64 | grabbed 1GB from my ssd, piped through bzip2, went 6.93MB/s | 10:41 |
Sterist | sudo dd bs=1M if=/dev/sdb | pv | gzip > /dev/sdc1/folder/ | 10:42 |
Sterist | look good? | 10:42 |
Ben64 | you wanna write this image for 88 hours? | 10:42 |
Ben64 | and nooo you can't write to a folder like that | 10:43 |
bullybass | W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_dmc_ver1_01.bin for module i915 | 10:46 |
bullybass | why this error on upgrade | 10:47 |
Sterist | i think that 88hr estimate is based on backing up 1tb of data. i just calc'd 296 gbyte to take 12.95hrs at 6.5mbyte/s, but if gz is faster than bz then i may take the chance. | 10:47 |
Ben64 | and then you won't even get any compression out of it | 10:48 |
Ben64 | so it's a big waste of time : / | 10:48 |
Sterist | sudo dd bs=1M if=/dev/sdb | pv | of=/dev/sdc1/folder/ ....besides the incorrect output part, look fine? | 10:49 |
Ben64 | well the output is really bad | 10:49 |
Ben64 | very close to obliterating sdc | 10:49 |
hateball | bullybass: what sort of upgrade are you talking about? | 10:49 |
Sterist | im all ears :) | 10:49 |
bacon-user | Is there ubuntu for women? | 10:50 |
hateball | bacon-user: If you are talking about an IRC channel there is #ubuntu-women | 10:51 |
Ben64 | Sterist: sudo dd bs=1M if=/dev/sdb | pv > /path/to/an/actual/folder | 10:51 |
bullybass | bacon-user: ? no one even knows you are a women, so just shut up | 10:52 |
bullybass | hateball: what sort of upgrade? apt upgrade? | 10:53 |
bacon-user | bullybass: nobody knows your a men so why don´t you shut up | 10:54 |
paul424 | hello , hello , would ubuntu-desktop-amd64 work as well on intel processor >? | 10:54 |
hateball | bullybass: I am asking you what update you did, prompting this message | 10:54 |
S1GM4 | I've got a rather strange problem | 10:54 |
hateball | paul424: Yes, it just means it is 64-bit | 10:54 |
paul424 | btw which livecd linux distro comes with preinstalled chntpw ??? | 10:55 |
S1GM4 | I'm stupid and tried to perform a "Windows Search" (using Windows 10) on a directory that is on my server, which is networked to this machine. This machine nearly froze, but now, I can't access my shares across the network | 10:55 |
S1GM4 | Even after restarting smbd and nmbd on my server via SSH | 10:55 |
hateball | bullybass: anyhow, it complains about missing firmware for kaby lake, so unless you have a kaby lake cpu it's just a warning | 10:55 |
Sterist | sudo dd bs=1M if=/dev/sdb | pv > /sdc1/backups/hdd/ ...look good? or is the same issue still present in this output? i dont understand what part of the previous illadvised command was dangerous | 10:57 |
hateball | bullybass: and make sure the package "linux-firmware" is installed, which it probably is | 10:57 |
paul424 | naah the chntpw is a program to change windows password | 10:57 |
Sterist | sudo dd bs=1M if=/dev/sdb | pv > /dev/sdc1/backups/hdd/ | 10:58 |
Sterist | ^correction | 10:58 |
Ben64 | stop doing /dev/sdc | 10:58 |
Ben64 | thats a device, not a folder | 10:58 |
S1GM4 | I'm going to gamble this is a Windows problem and restart this machine XD | 10:58 |
Sterist | sdc is the device i want it to go to though. | 10:58 |
Ben64 | right but it is not a folder | 10:59 |
Ben64 | you need to mount it somewhere so you can write to the directories on it | 10:59 |
BluesKaj | HI folks | 10:59 |
Sterist | with the 200+ partition problem, ubuntu will not allow access to any attached device by normal means. probably a safety measure via kernel to prevent OOM | 11:00 |
Sterist | sudo testdisk can and will still access attached devices, thus, i believe sudo dd will too. | 11:00 |
Ben64 | i didn't say you had to mount sdb, but you do need to mount sdc | 11:01 |
Sterist | its plugged in (and sudo testdisk sees it) but /mnt is blank | 11:02 |
Sterist | info center doesnt show it, or even my internal sda2 partition (win10) that otherwise appears normally lol | 11:05 |
soee | hi, how can i open 3306 port in xenial firewall? | 11:05 |
bullybass | how did you know it's about kaby lake cpu?? hateball | 11:05 |
hateball | bullybass: Because I am a skilled googler | 11:06 |
bullybass | not me | 11:06 |
Sterist | gparted shows the drive too, but Mount is grayed out. | 11:06 |
wallbroken | hi | 11:13 |
wallbroken | is possible to update from ubuntu 12.04 to 16.04 directly? | 11:13 |
wallbroken | keeping the old kernel | 11:13 |
SwedeMike | wallbroken: no you need to update to 14.04 in between. | 11:14 |
wallbroken | keeping the old kernel? | 11:15 |
Sterist | mount /dev/sdc1 at /media/test | 11:15 |
wallbroken | my goal is to keep the old kernel | 11:15 |
wallbroken | because is compiled with a specific driver | 11:15 |
reelin | Hey guys, think this is more a BASH question, but I'd be super grateful with a little help and this is the most helpful IRC I've seen. http://paste.ubuntu.com/25614009/ I want to grep values inside a loop whilst going over a file and output into a MySQL insert statement. | 11:15 |
Sterist | sudo dd bs=1M if=/dev/sdb | pv > /media/test/backups/hdd/ | 11:15 |
SwedeMike | wallbroken: possibly. I don't know for sure. | 11:15 |
Sterist | that look good ben? the two commands | 11:15 |
wallbroken | another question: why when i did install vim, i got uInitrd updated? | 11:15 |
bullybass | hey what's the cmd to remove a add apt repository? | 11:16 |
bullybass | hateball: | 11:18 |
dekatch | bullybass, google search term add repository ubuntu via terminal | 11:19 |
dekatch | led me to this. first hit. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine | 11:20 |
oerheks | wallbroken, upgrading 12.04 and keeping old kernel? no. | 11:20 |
dekatch | is irc really the lazy way to troubleshoot things these days? | 11:20 |
Sterist | deka, you familiar with mounting devices via terminal? | 11:20 |
dekatch | Sterist, no. | 11:21 |
oerheks | reelin, try the #bash channel | 11:21 |
reelin | thanks oerheks | 11:21 |
dekatch | i managed some servers back in the day. gaming servers. i really was very used to all that kinda stuff | 11:21 |
reelin | I googled it and got redirected to something bizarre | 11:21 |
dekatch | but i had a long break from linux | 11:21 |
reelin | if there's one on freenode I'll do it | 11:21 |
bullybass | dekatch: how do I list all the repositroies added? | 11:21 |
bullybass | sorry to ask ; but i prefer the comad line | 11:21 |
dekatch | and all is kinda gone. i am using ubuntu. i dont have much to do there via terminal | 11:21 |
oerheks | !ppa-purge | 11:21 |
ubottu | To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 11:21 |
bullybass | no first to find it's name | 11:22 |
oerheks | bullybass, if you in the ppa list, /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ you will find no proper name, check their launchpad page | 11:23 |
oerheks | *look | 11:23 |
oerheks | or use the guy .. | 11:23 |
oerheks | oop, gui :-D | 11:23 |
bullybass | how do I deleted the software of hte ppa first before deleting hte entire ppa? | 11:26 |
bullybass | not just the ppa, but it's packages that i instaled too?? | 11:26 |
oerheks | bullybass, read back, ppapurge | 11:26 |
oerheks | that also removes the ppa line | 11:26 |
bullybass | I use add-apt-repository --remove | 11:27 |
oerheks | oh, you know the other answer, good. | 11:27 |
wallbroken | oerheks, which is the newer version of ubuntu i can put keeping the old kernel? | 11:28 |
wallbroken | and if i do the same, what could happen? | 11:28 |
oerheks | wallbroken, none. | 11:28 |
wallbroken | oerheks, why? | 11:29 |
oerheks | wallbroken, go find out yourself, good lesson not to try such silly thing. | 11:29 |
bullybass | oerheks: ubuntu is clearly for noobs | 11:29 |
bullybass | it's way too easy | 11:29 |
oerheks | 1. 16.04 comes with systemd, a huge change.. 2. keeping an old kernel is not really supported. | 11:29 |
bullybass | and doesn't encourage the user ot learn more os like arch does | 11:29 |
bullybass | but hte problem with arch is too many unwanted updates all the time | 11:30 |
bullybass | oerheks: ubuntu is just and only for noobs | 11:30 |
bullybass | I don't like it | 11:30 |
bullybass | I am forced to become a noob and use it; because of less updaates, as bad internet | 11:30 |
bullybass | my internet is too slow | 11:30 |
dekatch | if you mean by noobs "non linux pros" than yea maybe | 11:30 |
oerheks | bullybass, good, but this is technical support, your noob rant is useless. | 11:31 |
oerheks | /ignore | 11:31 |
dekatch | but generally speaking of noobs about peeps who just dont want to spent hours and hours and hours to just have a running system. is wrong | 11:31 |
bullybass | no don't igore me, most ubunntu noobs don't even know bash. I prefer less internet usage + advanced arch like distro? | 11:31 |
bazhang | bullybass, thats enough | 11:32 |
Sterist | anyone, sudo dd bs=1M if=/dev/sde | pv > /media/me/Seagate Backup Plus Drive/Backup ...... fails with ..... bash: /media/me/Seagate: Permission denied | 11:32 |
bazhang | lets keep this to topical support only please | 11:32 |
Sterist | anyone know whats causing that? | 11:32 |
dekatch | less internet usage? but you want people to answere your question | 11:33 |
hateball | Sterist: Need to escape the spaces in your path | 11:33 |
dekatch | how is not knowing bash bad? | 11:33 |
dekatch | you cant even add repos to ubuntu dude | 11:33 |
bullybass | it's not it's just noobish | 11:33 |
bazhang | dekatch, lets get on with support please | 11:33 |
oerheks | Sterist, "/media/me/Seagate Backup 0Plus Drive/Backup" | 11:33 |
bullybass | dude that's becuse I came from arch | 11:33 |
bazhang | bullybass, did you have any support issues, if not take the chatter elsewhere | 11:34 |
oerheks | Sterist, or media/me/Seagate\ Backup\ Plus\ Drive/Backup | 11:34 |
Sterist | lol ubuntu's commands get so wonky sometimes | 11:34 |
Sterist | alright ill give it a shot :) | 11:34 |
oerheks | Sterist, spaces in names, so wonky | 11:34 |
Jamaic | Hello. I ran into a problem, tried googling it, but I didn't found anything which would help me. Some of the apps (gone-software, nautilus) are ignoring $DISPLAY and keep opening their window in :0. I found a walkaround by opening xterm (which opens in defined $DISPLAY) and then openning the app from the xterm. Is there a way to open the app without the xterm middleman? | 11:35 |
Jamaic | gnome-software* | 11:36 |
Sterist | oerheks, now fails with | 11:36 |
Sterist | bash: /media/nathan/Seagate Backup Plus Drive/Backup: Is a directory | 11:36 |
bullybass | hey what's unsuppported updates in the settings? | 11:37 |
dekatch | Sterist, are you trying to backup things? | 11:37 |
bullybass | is it enabled on by default? | 11:37 |
Sterist | yes | 11:37 |
dekatch | id prefer rsync for that | 11:37 |
bullybass | it's enbled for me l, even though I don't remember what I did | 11:37 |
bullybass | so pleaes tell | 11:37 |
bazhang | bullybass, no, thats things like PPA | 11:37 |
hateball | dekatch: as you can see he is trying to restore from a device, not a partition | 11:37 |
bullybass | should i enbaled unsupported updates or not? | 11:38 |
bullybass | for increased security which is the best | 11:38 |
dekatch | hateball, i wasnt talking to you anymore | 11:38 |
bazhang | bullybass, then no | 11:38 |
dekatch | my last lines were towards Sterist | 11:38 |
bazhang | dekatch, lets keep it civil here | 11:38 |
dekatch | oh hateball . totally confusing | 11:38 |
dekatch | what did i do bazhang ?? | 11:39 |
hateball | dekatch: The way I understand is that the device has failed, so there's no proper filesystem etc, hence the dd approach | 11:39 |
dekatch | ok, that way over my knowledge. i asked him back if he just wants to backup things | 11:39 |
dekatch | thats why i said id recommend rsync | 11:39 |
Sterist | im at a big loss for time lol not sure what to say or do about learning how to perform the backup by that other method | 11:39 |
bullybass | bazhang: no what | 11:40 |
bazhang | bullybass, You want better security, unsupported is at your own risk | 11:40 |
bazhang | bullybass, you asked if you should enable them | 11:41 |
bullybass | yes, so disabled them for better security? | 11:41 |
bazhang | correct | 11:41 |
bullybass | but what if security updates come for ppas | 11:41 |
bazhang | bullybass, thats not going to happpen | 11:41 |
bullybass | why not | 11:41 |
oerheks | security updates = !unsupported updates | 11:42 |
bazhang | bullybass, and dont use ppa unless its some archive you absuoltuey trust | 11:42 |
dekatch | Sterist, rsync is really pretty simple. but if you try to fix some device that failed -> then ignore what i said. | 11:42 |
bazhang | bullybass, things like a new firefox come along for security all the time | 11:42 |
bullybass | firefox is in the main repo of apt not ppa | 11:43 |
bazhang | bullybass, a ppa is literally a personal archive | 11:43 |
dekatch | Sterist, i was assuming you just want to have backups of an working device/drive/partition | 11:43 |
Sterist | i need an exact clone of the hard drive i can restore in a likely mishap | 11:44 |
Sterist | non working hard drive* | 11:44 |
dekatch | i remmeber using rsync to do just that | 11:44 |
dekatch | but i dont know about your original issue . so i cant really step up to recommend things at that point | 11:45 |
Sterist | can you convert the previous command to what i'd need to use for rsync? | 11:45 |
Sterist | sudo dd bs=1M if=/dev/sde | pv > /media/nathan/Seagate\ Backup\ Plus\ Drive/Backup | 11:45 |
Sterist | ooooooh i think i know why it's erroring with "is a directory" | 11:46 |
Sterist | i would need to end the output with the file name right? | 11:47 |
dekatch | dunno | 11:47 |
Sterist | *please be a right guess, please be right* lol | 11:47 |
dekatch | what program even is DD | 11:47 |
dekatch | doesnt make sense | 11:48 |
dekatch | unless its an image file name | 11:48 |
Sterist | data duplicate | 11:48 |
dekatch | yea of several files | 11:48 |
dekatch | so you cant backup several files to one file | 11:48 |
Sterist | i sporadicly used it since 2008 in android | 11:48 |
dekatch | do you have and hardware issues atm Sterist ? | 11:50 |
dekatch | are you trying to fix anything? or are we talking about just to backup something? | 11:50 |
Sterist | as far as i know, no. just a MDR nightmare on the drive im trying to image | 11:50 |
Sterist | MBR | 11:50 |
dekatch | uhm, ok. | 11:50 |
dekatch | so from where to where do you want to backup the stuff? | 11:51 |
dekatch | local drive to local drive? | 11:51 |
dekatch | same size? enough space available on target drive? | 11:51 |
Sterist | image sde (in it's entirety) to sdd1. i guessed right btw, backup in progress | 11:51 |
dekatch | ok then gg :) | 11:52 |
bullybass | how do I disable root once again | 11:52 |
bullybass | the way ubuntu did it | 11:52 |
bullybass | which cmd | 11:52 |
oerheks | bullybass, whay guide did you follow ? | 11:54 |
Sterist | is MiB megabits or megabytes? =/ | 11:54 |
Sterist | plz be byte.... lol | 11:54 |
dekatch | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mebibyte | 11:54 |
=== ShalokShalom_ is now known as ShalokShalom | ||
dekatch | !MiB | 11:56 |
dekatch | doesnt work for me or isnt specified :) | 11:56 |
Sterist | seems like 20MiB/s is ever so slightly faster than 20mbyte/s | 11:57 |
Sterist | based on that wiki | 11:57 |
dekatch | MiB isnt megabits or megabyte. its mebibyte lol. 1000 megabytes are 1024 mebibytes | 11:59 |
dekatch | kinda the same, but just not lol | 11:59 |
oerheks | the famous seagate gigabyte :-D | 12:00 |
Sterist | emberassed to say, after being the family's go-to nerd for like 18 years, i've never heard of kebi / mebi / gebi etc | 12:00 |
Sterist | just bits m bytes | 12:00 |
oerheks | it is just a marketing thing. | 12:01 |
Sterist | but i have been very aware of the 1024 / 2048 / 3072 multiple | 12:01 |
SwedeMike | oerheks: no, it's a clarity thing. | 12:01 |
SwedeMike | oerheks: SI units are kilo, mega, giga etc, and they're multiples of 1000. | 12:01 |
SwedeMike | oerheks: so if you want to use 1024, then it needs to be clear that this is what's happening | 12:02 |
dekatch | about the marketing thing. if they promise a 2 TB drive. should i end up with 2048 terabyte then? | 12:03 |
=== Piece_Maker is now known as Acou_Bass | ||
dekatch | why is it vice versa? | 12:03 |
EriC^^ | dekatch: isn't TB terabyte? | 12:04 |
dekatch | oh yea i guess i nknow why | 12:04 |
EriC^^ | !ping | 12:04 |
ubottu | pong! | 12:04 |
EriC^^ | you're thinking TiB | 12:04 |
dekatch | yea its hard for me to explain. i am not native english speaking | 12:05 |
dekatch | tebibyte lol | 12:05 |
dekatch | they use the terabyte for marketing purposes. but the machines really process in tebibytes. so 1 tebibyte is only just like 0.9 terabyte | 12:06 |
dekatch | its confusing lol | 12:06 |
dekatch | they straight out lying to us | 12:06 |
Ancer | Hey whats the command to bring wifi set up | 12:07 |
EriC^^ | dekatch: 1 tebibyte is 1.024 terabyte | 12:07 |
dekatch | EriC^^, exactly thats what it should be | 12:07 |
dekatch | but order a 1TB drive and see how much real space you end up with | 12:08 |
dekatch | its not 1000 GB | 12:08 |
dekatch | not 1024 GB | 12:08 |
dekatch | its like 900GB | 12:08 |
dekatch | or slightly more | 12:08 |
EriC^^ | dekatch: yes cause they give you the marketing in terabyte not tebibyte | 12:08 |
dekatch | damn, could have posted that all into one line | 12:08 |
dekatch | oh well. then. why dont they offer 1024GB drives then... all issues were solved lol :P | 12:10 |
bullybass | hey | 12:17 |
bullybass | hwo do i encrypt hte entire / | 12:17 |
bullybass | not jsut /home | 12:17 |
TJ- | bullybass: generally we use LUKS/dm-crypt, but you'll need to do it from the installer because we don't have tools to do an in-place encrypt after the file-system is created | 12:21 |
inflatus | bullybass TJ is correct you'll need to do it at the installer - encryption will erase the drive | 12:27 |
neure | hi | 12:28 |
bullybass | inflatus: but ubuntu installer gives no such full encryption of / | 12:28 |
neure | how do i disable alt-leftMouseDrag moving window? | 12:28 |
neure | i want to use alt-leftMouseDrag for something else | 12:29 |
TJ- | inflatus: there are ways but they're highly technical and you really need to understand the nuts and bolts! | 12:29 |
TJ- | bullybass: installer should offer an encrypted install - Full Disk Encryption | 12:30 |
TJ- | bullybass: I think that also requires/uses LVM | 12:30 |
inflatus | bullybass yes LVM | 12:31 |
neure | anyone? | 12:33 |
oerheks | neure, maybe this page is any help https://askubuntu.com/questions/118151/how-do-i-disable-window-move-with-alt-left-mouse-button-in-gnome-shell | 12:35 |
albech | looking for a way to route a particular application through a non-default route. | 12:38 |
albech | non-default gw | 12:38 |
neure | oerheks, thanks! | 12:39 |
bullybass | tj what is LVM 's requirement? | 12:58 |
bullybass | I know it's restrictive | 12:58 |
bullybass | but why cna't I not go for just / | 12:58 |
bullybass | and not full disk | 12:59 |
bullybass | what's wrong | 12:59 |
bullybass | and no ubuntu doesn't offer any such option; just encrypt the home dir | 12:59 |
bullybass | it says itself that in the instaler | 12:59 |
bullybass | have a look | 12:59 |
bullybass | inflatus: | 12:59 |
oerheks | it does give full-, or just home encryption. look again | 13:01 |
inflatus | bullybass you also may want to look at the advantages and disadvantages of using an LVM | 13:02 |
Simbaclaws | hey there, is someone willing to guide me through creating a multiboot usb in the command line that supports both uefi and efi/bios? | 13:20 |
Simbaclaws | I'm reading the arch article but am having difficulties | 13:20 |
f0o | Hi, is cloud-init broken in Zesty? It doesnt seem to be executed and there's also a thread without a conclusion on the OpenStack mailing list. Any ideas? (yes the service/s are enabled in systemd and executes fine if triggered manually) | 13:20 |
f0o | It seems to me that the cloud-init systemd generator is defunct. Systemd doesnt consider entering the cloud-init.target. | 13:23 |
ExeciN | hi people, I was trying to set up ufw on the vps and after locking myself out, I set it to boot to a rescue thing, I chrooted into the system's root and did systemct disable ufw and systemctl disable iptables. Then I rebooted and ssh'd into the server | 13:29 |
ExeciN | then I tried completely removing ufw and installing it again but I'm getting this error insserv: warning: current start runlevel(s) (empty) of script `ufw' overrides LSB defaults (S). | 13:30 |
ExeciN | what can I do to fix it? | 13:31 |
samlamamma | I've got 2 users (A and B) on the same physical computer. I'm logged into A and I want to run a GUI program through user B while logged onto A, how do I do that? | 13:37 |
samlamamma | They're both local users | 13:38 |
ExeciN | ok, I fixed it | 13:39 |
ExeciN | I don't know how, but I have fixed it | 13:39 |
ksbalaji | I have 16.04 my pointer is gone -touchpad not working. please help | 13:42 |
inflatus | ksbalaji has the touch pad ever worked? do you see it if you run less /proc/bus/input/devices | 13:45 |
ksbalaji | It was working earlier. After a failed update, this failure | 13:46 |
inflatus | failed update? | 13:47 |
ksbalaji | inflatus, yes an update failed to complete and now I have updating problem too. | 13:48 |
xorpad | hey guys | 13:49 |
xorpad | how do i install openjdk-7-jdk on 17.04? | 13:50 |
ksbalaji | I get message when booting : system problem detected... | 13:50 |
ksbalaji | inflatus, what is less /proc/bus/input/devices ? | 13:51 |
inflatus | in the terminal type less /proc/bus/input/devices it will show input devices ie. keyboard, trackpad, power button etc | 13:53 |
ksbalaji | inflatus, yes it is there in less . . . ELAN something. | 13:58 |
samlamamma | xhost + works but is dangerous | 13:59 |
ksbalaji | inflatus, infact I get lot of output. | 14:00 |
=== purist_ is now known as purist | ||
Rashad | Hello. I installed an ubuntu ISO and coppied the contents to a thumbdrive. | 14:07 |
Rashad | I have tried rufus and other software to also make the thumbdrive bootable, but one way or another it didn't work. | 14:08 |
leftyfb | Rashad: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#0 | 14:09 |
Rashad | Is there a specific file that should be used by BIOS to start booting into Ubuntu Installation/Menu? | 14:09 |
Rashad | leftyfb: That uses Rufus. Didn't work for me and I tried multiple times. | 14:09 |
Rashad | I will try again, but I want first to try if I can do it another way easily. | 14:10 |
leftyfb | Rashad: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Creating_a_bootable_Ubuntu_USB_flash_drive_from_Windows | 14:10 |
leftyfb | Rashad: it sounds like you're not following instructions did you said you "coppied the contents" of an iso to the thumb drive. | 14:12 |
Rashad | leftyfb: That looks like plenty of help. Thanks | 14:12 |
Rashad | leftyfb: Yes, after re-formatting it after trying Rufus. | 14:12 |
leftyfb | Rashad: there's also no need to reformat | 14:13 |
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kappa1 | In gnome terminal how can I rename or set the title of a tab? (it seems that such option was removed with latest versions) | 16:03 |
oerheks | tons of howtos to find, https://askubuntu.com/questions/446041/setting-terminal-tab-titles | 16:05 |
kappa1 | none of which suits me | 16:06 |
kappa1 | I wanted a shortcut to set the title | 16:06 |
oerheks | i think you need to logout/login again to let it take effect? | 16:07 |
BadInput | I was trying to fix an update with apt-get stating that my boot was full it was after i compiled a new kernel . So I followed https://gist.github.com/ipbastola/2760cfc28be62a5ee10036851c654600 and was able to free up space now only 88% full but when running sudo apt-get autoremove i get https://paste.linux.community/view/b10a415d | 16:08 |
BadInput | i am running ubuntu 16.04 running kernel 4.12.14 | 16:09 |
nicomachus | BadInput: what does 'ls /boot' provide? | 16:10 |
oerheks | BadInput, why not the official way, and get the 4.12 from mainline? | 16:10 |
oerheks | still, it is for testing, not supported | 16:10 |
posi | If you had a bunch of untrusted people who got physical access to a machine, what would you do beyond a reinstall to verify safety | 16:11 |
oerheks | !mainline | 16:11 |
ubottu | The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds | 16:11 |
posi | toss SSD? toss Mobo? | 16:11 |
leftyfb | posi: there are no options other than reinstall from scratch | 16:11 |
nicomachus | posi: sounds like a question for ##security | 16:11 |
oerheks | posi, not really an ubuntu issue, "what if" | 16:11 |
posi | leftyfb: that was table stakes. Beyond reinstall | 16:11 |
leftyfb | posi: that's beyond the scope of this channel | 16:12 |
oerheks | buy a tin foil hat | 16:12 |
nicomachus | lol | 16:12 |
nicomachus | ++ | 16:12 |
BadInput | i used 4.12.14 to compile my cpu support. tried to recompile the kernel but all the things i found online were to compile the lastest kernel and not to recompile | 16:12 |
nicomachus | what are you compiling the kernel yourself? | 16:13 |
oerheks | BadInput, we suggest not to compile | 16:13 |
BadInput | just to run intel 64 bit instead of amd it does give better performance | 16:13 |
nicomachus | this isn't long-beard gentoo, you CAN install a kernel from repos... | 16:13 |
leftyfb | uh | 16:14 |
oerheks | amd64 stands for inel + amd 64 bit. amd was just the 1st with 32+64 bit capable cpu. | 16:14 |
BadInput | the main thing was i was trying to run a headless system but not at first i was running desktop and i couldn't get ssl working. so i switched to the server install which allowed me to ssl and i installed apache php and rutorrent/rtorrent and i figured why not just installed ubuntu_desktop and go ahead and setup remote desktop but after i installed desktop ti came out with an error that i pasted | 16:15 |
nicomachus | so it's a seedbox. | 16:15 |
BadInput | well not really its my own personal media server now | 16:15 |
BadInput | i was going to install plex | 16:15 |
oerheks | BadInput, so that error has nothing to do with compiling yourself ?? .. strange way of asking | 16:15 |
BadInput | i know right just gave you the background | 16:16 |
leftyfb | BadInput: btw, there is absolutely no difference between the server install and desktop install that would have changed the outcome of what you posted above | 16:16 |
BadInput | i was told to check here to see if i needed to nuke a package to reinstall | 16:16 |
nicomachus | leftyfb: I didn't think that was worth getting into. lol | 16:16 |
BadInput | yes i know right it is only a different amount of packages installed except ssl doesn't work on deksotp | 16:16 |
leftyfb | there's a lot of misunderstanding going on | 16:16 |
nacc | BadInput: have you provided ls /boot yet? | 16:16 |
leftyfb | BadInput: incorrect | 16:17 |
BadInput | yes | 16:17 |
BadInput | oh wait i did a df | 16:17 |
BadInput | one sec | 16:17 |
BadInput | https://paste.linux.community/view/2f08b1a4 | 16:18 |
oerheks | so you builded 4.12, blame ssl .. | 16:18 |
blacknred0 | besides this resource -> https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/backup-thinkabout.html ... are there other recommendations as of what to backup if you are migrating system (from one PC to another)? | 16:18 |
nacc | BadInput: well, you built a kernel with a ridiculously large initrd | 16:18 |
nacc | I can't tell if it's not compressed properly, or if you picked every possibly modules | 16:19 |
nacc | *module | 16:19 |
nacc | BadInput: but you've made it so you can't update the initrd in place | 16:19 |
BadInput | well shrug i was thinking it was going to be a reinstall but in the future how would i just update in place to add support for intel 64bit instead of generic 64 | 16:20 |
leftyfb | :/ | 16:20 |
leftyfb | BadInput: that isn't a thing | 16:20 |
oerheks | amd64 stands for intel + amd 64 bit. amd was just the 1st with 32+64 bit capable cpu. | 16:20 |
leftyfb | there's no such thing as "intel 64bit". amd64 is ALL 64bit | 16:20 |
BadInput | i change it to dual + xeon support | 16:20 |
BadInput | dual core i meant | 16:20 |
leftyfb | doesn't matter | 16:21 |
BadInput | running make -j2 does run faster | 16:21 |
leftyfb | BadInput: amd64 already had multicore support | 16:21 |
oerheks | it does not run at all, now.. | 16:21 |
BadInput | so no need to change it to intel processor then ? | 16:21 |
leftyfb | BadInput: no, because that's not a thing | 16:22 |
nacc | BadInput: if you want to do that, you're on your own to support yourself. (I believe you mean, you disabled support for all other processors i Kconfig) | 16:22 |
nacc | BadInput: but given your current experience, I would strongly suggest not doing that. | 16:22 |
oerheks | building a kernel for a GPU, on a server .. i am missing something | 16:23 |
mekhami | yo something really weird just happened. I dual boot windows and ubuntu, I'm on my ubuntu boot right now. I have three monitors, one of which is a 4k monitor so i have to set up resolution scaling and some weird stu ff. anyways i took this screenshot with scrot, check it out | 16:23 |
mekhami | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/306284178549243907/361909580789186560/2017-09-25-111844_9600x2160_scrot.png | 16:23 |
mekhami | the weird thing is, besides all the weird corrupted nonsense, those 'screenshots' at the top of the left side of the image... are from when i was on windows earlier.... | 16:24 |
nacc | oerheks: which GPU do you mean? | 16:24 |
mekhami | how did scrot pick up an after image across a different operating system?!?! | 16:24 |
oerheks | nacc, BadInput did not give that info | 16:24 |
nacc | oerheks: right, i meant that I don't see any mention of a GPU :) | 16:24 |
oerheks | oh, cpu support, my bad | 16:24 |
nacc | oerheks: yeah, np | 16:25 |
BadInput | just a question to ask when i am reinstalling server again, how can i add 3 hdds at once seems the install only allows you to pick one / and not add any other hdds for other mount points | 16:26 |
tomreyn | BadInput: you can either do manual partitioning and add them there, or you can do it post install. | 16:29 |
BadInput | the weird part i was just installing server because it doesn't have open ssh installed on desktop | 16:29 |
mekhami | where is this ghost image coming from in my screenshot? D= | 16:29 |
BadInput | is there a way to install it after i tried doing but the service would not start ... or doing a manual partition while in ncruses setup of server | 16:30 |
BadInput | which i didn't see | 16:30 |
tomreyn | BadInput: both the server installer and minmal installer (mini.iso) allow you to install the openssh serverduring installation. | 16:31 |
BadInput | i know that | 16:32 |
BadInput | but i was talking about desktop :) sorry i have adhd and i jump aroun | 16:32 |
BadInput | d | 16:32 |
aruns | Hi, anyone know if it's possible to enable a Vi / Vim-like visual mode on the terminal without setting your shell to use the Vi keymap scheme? | 16:32 |
tomreyn | BadInput: desktops don't usually involve services such as an open ssh server. you can, of course, install it after installation there, too. | 16:32 |
BadInput | i tried and it would fail to start the server | 16:33 |
BadInput | boo | 16:33 |
aruns | This is for the purpose of selecting text on stdin with the option to either yank it into the system clipboard or to delete it. | 16:33 |
BadInput | ok well i'll try some stuff but drop by here before doing explosive work | 16:33 |
tomreyn | BadInput: can't comment on this (failure to start openssh server) without more details. | 16:33 |
oerheks | BadInput, after install, you need to configure ssl server https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/openssh-server.html | 16:34 |
tomreyn | BadInput: manual partitioning is available in all three installer types, but the one in the server installation is the most flexible one. | 16:34 |
BadInput | tom thanks yup i am just new and figuring things out | 16:35 |
tomreyn | s/ssl server/(open)ssh server/ | 16:35 |
=== ShalokShalom_ is now known as ShalokShalom | ||
Sterist | what's the recommended size for root partition in 17.04? | 17:08 |
Sterist | not /root but / | 17:08 |
Sterist | with /home excluded, to be created separately | 17:09 |
nacc | Sterist: i feel like that completely depends on your other partitions, and use-case | 17:10 |
Sterist | I want everything OS related on root, and user files separate | 17:10 |
Sterist | with a healthy extra bit on root for future storage requirement increases | 17:11 |
nacc | Sterist: ok, so you know how big you want /home to be? | 17:11 |
Sterist | everything that's left after creating root. | 17:12 |
inflatus | sterist i just stay with 10 gig > doesn't sound like you are going outside of a norm | 17:12 |
Sterist | 10 going to be future-proof for upgrades? | 17:13 |
nacc | Sterist: is there a reason you want a separate /home? Are you planning on sharing it across multiple OS? | 17:13 |
Sterist | yes, planning on ntfs | 17:13 |
nacc | Sterist: you want your /home to be ntfs? | 17:13 |
Sterist | correct | 17:13 |
nacc | i would be pretty amazed if that actually works. Also, why would you bother? | 17:14 |
nacc | Sterist: why would you make your Linux /home a Windows filesystem? | 17:14 |
cyberputz | I have an 18 gig partition for / , applications and home are on separate partitions, it hovers around 18% used on / | 17:14 |
Sterist | that's where the vast majority of downloaded files land by default, yes? | 17:14 |
cyberputz | i would have prefered not to do it that way, thats just how it gets set up via pxe | 17:15 |
nacc | Sterist: for regular user (e.g., desktop), sure. | 17:15 |
nacc | Sterist: that doesn't really answer my questio. | 17:15 |
cyberputz | i dont like it, in case anything goes apeshit in /var/log and fills up / , heh | 17:15 |
cyberputz | which has happened | 17:16 |
Sterist | 18% of 18gb used? that's pretty basic, yes? | 17:17 |
mmkumr | what is alternative of proteus(ISIS) for ubuntu? | 17:21 |
nacc | Sterist: I genuinely can't think of a good reason you would want to make your Ubuntu home a ntfs filesystem. You're going to be accessing those files from Windows primarily? | 17:22 |
oerheks | mmkumr, huge list https://alternativeto.net/software/proteus-pcb-design/?platform=linux | 17:23 |
Sterist | well I was planning on it yes, I frequently download and transfer stuff, long story short. but I just set it as ext4 since it sounded like more headache | 17:23 |
Sterist | just got this laptop revived from 3 years assumed hardware fault | 17:24 |
Sterist | isn't 18.04 the next LTS? | 17:27 |
oerheks | Sterist, yes | 17:28 |
Sterist | dang. time flies | 17:28 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | i have been a tit and done something now when i use lsblk i have loop0 and loop1 and whn ever i mount the usb i was messing around with i cant read or write to the usb unless in sudo | 17:31 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | i tried dmsetup info to see the mappings but the loops are not listed | 17:32 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | how can i remove them | 17:32 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | im using ubuntu 16.04 | 17:33 |
pavlos | MrCrackPotBuilde: sudo losetup -d | 17:34 |
tomreyn | MrCrackPotBuilde: it can matter what "something" is that youhave done. are those loop devices listed in /proc/mounts ? (are they mounted?) | 17:34 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | i have no idea all i was trying to do was make a windows usb disk | 17:35 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | it ket failing then i broke the usb so wiped it with fdisk that didnt work so used gparted then finally tried to use disks to write the iso | 17:35 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | thats when the loop appeared | 17:36 |
tomreyn | chances are the loop devices will be gone after reboot. or do what pavlos suggested. | 17:36 |
pavlos | MrCrackPotBuilde: maybe you did not write the iso to the usb but mounted the iso (a loop device does that | 17:36 |
tomreyn | if they are still in use then losetup should complain | 17:37 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | crap thing is i removed all the devices and restarted and still there | 17:37 |
pavlos | MrCrackPotBuilde: sudo losetup -l will list all loop devices | 17:37 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | losetup loop0 faild to use the device no such directory | 17:38 |
holgerdanske | Anyone ever run into a situation where you're trying to compile a tarball and towards the end of the ./configure'ing process the terminal spits "openssl check failed"? | 17:38 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | ah i see | 17:38 |
mmkumr | oerheks: Ok nice softwares:) | 17:38 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | its mounted the iso | 17:38 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | but i unmounted all the iso's | 17:38 |
tomreyn | holgerdanske: this sounds very much like a software specific question. i suggest to talk to its developers. | 17:39 |
pavlos | MrCrackPotBuilde: df should list what is mounted, do you see a dev/loop0 (or /dev/loop1 | 17:39 |
acresearch | people i am trying to format a USB flash drive on ubuntu 17.04 but it is not working (error sync after initial wipe), i cannot use the drive anymore i cannot format it and use it. any help how to forcefully format it? | 17:39 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | acresearch im going through the same problem now | 17:41 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | process i used is fdisk | 17:41 |
acresearch | MrCrackPotBuilde: ohok | 17:41 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | sudo fdisk /dev/sdb | 17:41 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | then d untill all deleted | 17:41 |
acresearch | hmmm ok | 17:41 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | then g | 17:41 |
pavlos | holgerdanske: you may be missing ssl libraries that ./configure checks | 17:41 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | after n | 17:41 |
acresearch | how do i find out which drive is my usb flash? | 17:41 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | and then mkfs.fat fat32 etc | 17:42 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | lsblk | 17:42 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | it should be sd(?) | 17:42 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | make sure you mount the letter and not the number | 17:42 |
acresearch | MrCrackPotBuilde: ok 1 moment | 17:42 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | ie dev/sdb not /dev/sdb1 | 17:42 |
acresearch | oh ok | 17:42 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | i have another problem though ahhaha | 17:42 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | my usb is read only what on earth did i do | 17:43 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | it must be something to do with disks because its only after using that can i no longer write | 17:43 |
acresearch | MrCrackPotBuilde: i get a problem: No partition is defined yet! | 17:43 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | theres your problem | 17:43 |
acresearch | MrCrackPotBuilde: oh | 17:43 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | so use this | 17:43 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | n | 17:44 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | sudo fdisk /dev/sd(?) | 17:44 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | and enter through till back to command promt | 17:44 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | then finally w | 17:44 |
acresearch | ok i used n | 17:44 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | exit and use the mkfs command with your desired format ext | 17:44 |
acresearch | wait | 17:44 |
acresearch | p or e? | 17:44 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | wait | 17:45 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | yer p its usb | 17:45 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | p | 17:45 |
acresearch | ok | 17:45 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | use all defaults | 17:45 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | you can just keep tapping enter | 17:45 |
acresearch | first sector? | 17:45 |
ChadTaljaardt | can someone zip ubuntu for me so that its like 10mb ? | 17:45 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | again hit enter | 17:45 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | haha use defaults | 17:45 |
acresearch | oh ok | 17:45 |
pavlos | ChadTaljaardt: ubuntu is bigger than 10MB | 17:46 |
acresearch | ok it is done, pritty quickly i must say | 17:46 |
tomreyn | ChadTaljaardt: why? | 17:46 |
ChadTaljaardt | ultra compress it ? | 17:46 |
acresearch | back to starting command | 17:46 |
ChadTaljaardt | not much internet | 17:46 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | ok now you need to format | 17:46 |
tomreyn | ChadTaljaardt: buy a dvd | 17:46 |
ChadTaljaardt | why not just compress it haha | 17:46 |
nacc | ChadTaljaardt: Ubuntu is an entire OS. it will never compress to such a size. | 17:47 |
tomreyn | ChadTaljaardt: because there is no way to compress it to that | 17:47 |
ChadTaljaardt | you can get windows 7 at 10mb | 17:47 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | no you can | 17:47 |
acresearch | MrCrackPotBuilde: again from the gui? | 17:47 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | cant* | 17:47 |
pavlos | ChadTaljaardt: ubuntu is already compressed in the iso format | 17:47 |
ChadTaljaardt | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6Cyu_nvcBLmSzB5NDRQR0IwaWs | 17:47 |
cyberputz | try slackware 2.0 floppy install. | 17:47 |
cyberputz | jk | 17:47 |
ChadTaljaardt | here is windows 7 at 10mb | 17:47 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | acresearch can use terminal or gui | 17:47 |
ChadTaljaardt | you can do it | 17:47 |
acresearch | MrCrackPotBuilde: failed again, same error | 17:47 |
acresearch | MrCrackPotBuilde: nothing changed | 17:47 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | can you display the error | 17:48 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | oooo try partprobe | 17:48 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | if that fails try sudo partprobe | 17:48 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | the computer needs to reread the partition table | 17:48 |
acresearch | MrCrackPotBuilde: wait i am confused, | 17:49 |
acresearch | let me repeat slowly | 17:49 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | ok follow my commands exactly | 17:49 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | i run along with you as i am doing the same thing | 17:49 |
cyberputz | on a non-smartalecky note, if you legit need a minimized installation, lubuntu might be of interest. | 17:49 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | lsblk | 17:49 |
cyberputz | thats "L" as in Larry | 17:49 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | grab your disk name | 17:50 |
cyberputz | they have a pi distro and some other goodies | 17:50 |
ChadTaljaardt | can someone compress ubuntu for me please? | 17:50 |
tomreyn | ChadTaljaardt: it is not going to happen | 17:50 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | sudo fdisk /dev/sd(?) | 17:50 |
nacc | ChadTaljaardt: no, please stop askinng. | 17:50 |
ChadTaljaardt | why? not | 17:50 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | d | 17:51 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | n | 17:51 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | cycle through enter using defaults | 17:51 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | w | 17:51 |
tomreyn | ChadTaljaardt: because no compression algorithm exists in the world that could compress it to that amount, as you were told before. | 17:51 |
ChadTaljaardt | how though | 17:52 |
ChadTaljaardt | did you see the link i sent? | 17:52 |
ChadTaljaardt | thats 3gb of data in 10mb file | 17:52 |
tomreyn | ChadTaljaardt: we can discuss this in #ubuntu-offtopic if you like | 17:52 |
ChadTaljaardt | yes pelase | 17:52 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | acresearch now sudo mkfs.msdos -F 32 /dev/sdg1 | 17:53 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | you should now be able to see it if not pull it out put it back in let ubuntu auto mount | 17:53 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | haha acresearch i actually owe you a thank you by helping you i helped myself with the problem of not being able to copy to the usb hahaha | 17:54 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | fixed my last problem | 17:54 |
acresearch | MrCrackPotBuilde: :-) | 17:55 |
acresearch | after w i get this: Re-reading the partition table failed.: Device or resource busy | 17:55 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | hhhhmmmm | 17:55 |
cyberputz | just doing some research on what you are claiming, "There are many websites showing to download the windows 10 with highly compressed format, however, they are providing you the hacked tool which will help you to update your current version of windows to windows 10,." | 17:55 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | try to unplug and close anything using it | 17:55 |
acresearch | MrCrackPotBuilde: did that | 17:55 |
cyberputz | it does not appear to be a full windows installer. | 17:55 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | its not | 17:55 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | i just extracted it and had a look | 17:56 |
nicomachus | why are we discussing windows? | 17:56 |
oerheks | cyberputz, and offtopic here, he is reasking in ##linux too | 17:56 |
nicomachus | !ot | all | 17:56 |
ubottu | all: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 17:56 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | its missing a lot | 17:56 |
cyberputz | thanks nico, oerheks. new to the channel. | 17:56 |
cyberputz | i may enjoy those channels,will join | 17:56 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | ok acresearch try rebooting your computer without the usb in when you load it back up follow the steps again | 17:56 |
acresearch | MrCrackPotBuilde: it worked now, just repeated everything again, and for some reason it worked haha | 17:57 |
acresearch | MrCrackPotBuilde: thanks :-) | 17:57 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | hahahaha no worries its the same for me not being able to write sometimes we make a spelling mistake or something i dont what i did | 17:57 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | but mines also fixed | 17:57 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | question for the group could it have been disks and trying to write a iso to the usb that buggered it up | 17:58 |
=== kostkon__ is now known as kostkon | ||
MrCrackPotBuilde | im really curious as to why the usb was read only and why i had the loops | 17:58 |
DarkDrgn3k | hi all | 17:59 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | hi | 17:59 |
DarkDrgn3k | how do you stop networkd from wainting for an interface to come up on boot | 17:59 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | why dont you want it to come up | 18:00 |
DarkDrgn3k | i dont want to WAIT for it to come up | 18:00 |
pavlos | MrCrackPotBuilde: when you plug in a usb, you can look at the bottom of dmesg to see how the system recognized the usb. | 18:00 |
DarkDrgn3k | sometimes the lan interface is not plugged and it wait 5 mins for it to come up | 18:00 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | pavlos thanks im going to try to repeat what i did so i can get a better understanding | 18:01 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | hhhhmm when you say lan interfaaace is unplugged you mean the ethernet cable | 18:01 |
DarkDrgn3k | yes | 18:02 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | from what i know shouldnt take that long if there is no connection | 18:02 |
DarkDrgn3k | well it has a 5 min countdown on boot :/ | 18:02 |
DarkDrgn3k | actualy 5 mins and 5 secs | 18:02 |
DarkDrgn3k | and untill it hites taht mark it doesnt continue the boot sequence | 18:02 |
pavlos | MrCrackPotBuilde: for example, after plugging in a usb, dmesg tells me, [sdb] Write Protect is off | 18:02 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | ah before it told me i wasnt the owner | 18:03 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | but when i use sudo nautilus i was | 18:03 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | but at the time i hadnt used sudo disks so not sure how it got its ownership set to sudo | 18:03 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | DarkDrgn3k try this | 18:04 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces | 18:04 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | back up everything inside the file | 18:04 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | delete everything but auto lo iface lo inet loopback | 18:05 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | save and reboot | 18:05 |
oerheks | :-( | 18:05 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | or you can check the configurations there see if the ethernet is listed twice | 18:06 |
oerheks | .. network manager controls the network | 18:06 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | yes but hes asking for the interface | 18:06 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | if what i read about his request is right its on start up | 18:06 |
=== bboles_ is now known as bboles | ||
oerheks | I doubt that it takes 5 minutes when you boot with no network cable.. | 18:07 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | it depends | 18:07 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | if his config is displaying twice then yes | 18:07 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | if no internet i wouldnt have thought it would hang either but the double config can confuse the loading | 18:08 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | wouldnt* | 18:09 |
nacc | oerheks: it *might* take 5 minutes if you booted with nnetwork before and then unplugged a cable. systemd-network-wait-online.service will wait | 18:09 |
nacc | systemd-analyze blame would tell us, i think | 18:09 |
DarkDrgn3k | only thing i can think of is i enabled systemd-networkd service | 18:10 |
nacc | DarkDrgn3k: what version of ubuntu? | 18:10 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | im more with nacc assumption | 18:10 |
nacc | DarkDrgn3k: and you manually enabled systemd-networkd? | 18:10 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | as i have done that in the past and had two ips the same apart from the last number | 18:10 |
DarkDrgn3k | yes manually | 18:10 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | DarkDrgn3k undo what you did haha | 18:11 |
nacc | DarkDrgn3k: was there a reaso? | 18:11 |
nacc | *reason | 18:11 |
DarkDrgn3k | there is reasons to my maddness :P | 18:11 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | care to share the hatters ink | 18:11 |
DarkDrgn3k | [ *** ] (3 of 3) A start job is running for...or networkd DNS (18s / no limit) | 18:12 |
DarkDrgn3k | sory its this one thast slowed it down | 18:12 |
DarkDrgn3k | systemd-analyze blame | 18:12 |
DarkDrgn3k | [ **] (2 of 2) A start job is running for...twork interfaces (59s / 5min 4s) | 18:12 |
zarzar1 | xerces 3.1.4 on 16LTS, i am running into install errors, make check fails | 18:12 |
DarkDrgn3k | anyway this is for an embeded board running ubuntu and it seems i needed systemd-network to fire systemd events for hot-plugged (and conntced) devices | 18:13 |
DarkDrgn3k | anyway still awiting for | 18:13 |
DarkDrgn3k | [** ] A start job is running for Raise ne... interfaces (1min 42s / 5min 4s) | 18:13 |
oerheks | !paste | 18:13 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 18:13 |
DarkDrgn3k | oerheks: technicllay i pased only one line :) | 18:14 |
DarkDrgn3k | practically too | 18:14 |
nacc | zarzar1: probably most useful to contact xerces for support | 18:14 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | two if your terminal is small | 18:14 |
nacc | zarzar1: we don't support non-ubuntu packages or building from source | 18:14 |
nacc | as in provide support for | 18:15 |
zarzar1 | oh ok, i think its an include issue, ubuntu includes are different than | 18:15 |
DarkDrgn3k | ugh any one know whaqt the magic file is that enables debugging on systemd ? | 18:15 |
zarzar1 | when i install something do i need to copy header files to ubuntu include dir | 18:15 |
zarzar1 | ? | 18:15 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwi-nKnk-MDWAhVLtY8KHYvYCYEQFggoMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.debian.org%2Fsystemd&usg=AFQjCNF1g1F8jatiX659GnoBLsTtWHu_BA | 18:16 |
DarkDrgn3k | i cant add kernel paramatesr | 18:17 |
DarkDrgn3k | tehre was some other wayt that you add a file into your etc directory | 18:17 |
DarkDrgn3k | i cant find it now :/ | 18:17 |
pavlos | DarkDrgn3k: suggestion, change one line in /etc/network/interfaces, from auto eth0 to allow-hotplug eth0 | 18:18 |
Jordan_U | zarzar1: Why are you not installing from the packages available in the default repositories? Also, what is your end goal? xerces is a library, not particularly useful on its own. Are you writing software to use xerces as a library? | 18:19 |
zarzar1 | as a library, need the same on my embedded board and dev machine | 18:19 |
zarzar1 | xerces works fine on BBB and RPI but fails on ubuntu | 18:20 |
zarzar1 | i used same install procedure | 18:20 |
DarkDrgn3k | auto hotplug did it thanks pavlos | 18:22 |
pavlos | DarkDrgn3k: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/128439/good-detailed-explanation-of-etc-network-interfaces-syntax | 18:22 |
zarzar1 | solved, g++ requires library last on command line | 18:24 |
zarzar1 | sad | 18:24 |
nacc | zarzar1: if you mean where you placed -l, you should read manpages | 18:25 |
zarzar1 | it used to work, older vesrions of g++ | 18:26 |
nacc | zarzar1: i mean you should read what -l does, and why the order matters. If it worked before, it was probably by chance. Now (well, possibly the whole time) offtopic here | 18:27 |
Disaster_Area | hey, printer issues. My printer normally works fine although I've not used it in a few months. Plugged it in my USB and it's turned on but my computer isn't acknowledging that it is connected in any obvious way | 18:28 |
Disaster_Area | what can I do about this? ;w; | 18:28 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | Disaster_area is it switched on | 18:33 |
Disaster_Area | yeah | 18:33 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | any errors at all | 18:33 |
pavlos | Disaster_Area: is cupsd running? (try ps aux | grep cups | 18:33 |
Disaster_Area | nope MrCrackPotBuilde; I'll type that command in a sec pavlos | 18:34 |
DarkDrgn3k | ugh.. | 18:34 |
DarkDrgn3k | https://www.pastebin.ca/3878115 | 18:34 |
Disaster_Area | https://paste.ubuntu.com/25616185/ that's the output pavlos | 18:34 |
Disaster_Area | ahh i've managed to fix things now | 18:34 |
pavlos | Disaster_Area: yes, cupsd is running ... | 18:34 |
Disaster_Area | I found a command online and now my printer is recognised | 18:34 |
Disaster_Area | i did sudo apt-get install --reinstall cups | 18:35 |
Disaster_Area | wew well thanks for trying to help :) | 18:35 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | !paste | 18:36 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 18:36 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | DarkDrgn3k try this in the config file | 18:37 |
MrCrackPotBuilde | http://paste.ubuntu.com/25616202/ | 18:37 |
blacknred0 | besides /home and /etc, should there be other recommended folders to backup before migrating to another machine (like list of pacakges and links, etc.)? | 18:51 |
oerheks | i would clone package lists, and backup home, no need for /etc/ | 18:52 |
oerheks | !clone | 18:52 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate | 18:52 |
DarkDrgn3k | anyone familiar with creatign bridges using systemd.network | 18:53 |
blacknred0 | oerheks: nice.... now, other packages that were not installed through apt, i would need to reinstall them manually,right? | 18:54 |
pavlos | DarkDrgn3k: see examples 3 & 4 ... https://systemd.network/systemd.network.html | 18:57 |
DarkDrgn3k | i had a type and the interface wasing being created LOL | 18:57 |
DarkDrgn3k | now the interface is not being added to the bridge | 18:57 |
DarkDrgn3k | looking thanx | 18:57 |
oerheks | blacknred0, yes, but it depends what that package does, some make an entry in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | 18:58 |
oerheks | blacknred0, another forum post with lots of info https://askubuntu.com/questions/9135/how-to-backup-settings-and-list-of-installed-packages | 18:58 |
blacknred0 | oerheks: thanks mate | 18:59 |
blacknred0 | i think some of the apps that i have are not in sources.list.d | 18:59 |
eni | I dont get it. I change my sources.list and sudo apt-get update and it still tries to get from a line that is commented :/ | 19:33 |
eni | I even get an error | 19:33 |
DarkDrgn3k | ugh systemd wont add the interface to a bridge :/ | 19:34 |
ioria | eni, maybe because it's in sources.list.d ? | 19:36 |
eni | yeah | 19:36 |
eni | ioria, thnx | 19:37 |
ioria | eni, vous êtes les bienvenus | 19:37 |
eni | pas mal! :D | 19:38 |
Cobrax | can a kernel module crash cause a kernel panic? | 19:58 |
Cobrax | hence requiring a reboot? | 19:58 |
Cobrax | if so, are there ways to prevent it? | 19:58 |
nacc | Cobrax: what kind of crash? | 20:02 |
nacc | Cobrax: but yes, generally, that is possible, depending on what the module does | 20:02 |
Cobrax | nacc, "sorry i can't do anything else"-kind of crash | 20:18 |
Cobrax | pretty sure that was the only kernel panic? | 20:18 |
oerheks | check /var/log/syslog or /var/log/kern.log -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSystemCrash | 20:22 |
oerheks | oh, skip that answer, you are clearly not interested in a solution | 20:34 |
TJ- | I've got a mount process stuck in uninterruptable sleep; any ideas how to unstick it? | 20:35 |
amincd | hi, on one of my Ubuntu installations, there is no indicator on the launcher icons to show how many instances of that program are open. How can I get that indicator back? | 20:44 |
oerheks | TJ-, if you can reach comandprompt, umount -lf ? -l, --lazy Lazy unmount. Detach the filesystem from the file hierarchy | 20:44 |
TJ- | oerheks: had to power down, there was a kernel BUG in a paging request | 20:45 |
oerheks | amincd, normally you would see 2 or more tiangles, indicating you have multiple instances | 20:46 |
amincd | oerheks: yes, I don't see that | 20:46 |
oerheks | amincd, odd, did you install a theme/iconpack or something? | 20:47 |
amincd | oerheks: I don't think so. This is an old PC that I just upgraded to the newest LTS version of Ubuntu | 20:47 |
amincd | I can't remember what I may have installed back in the day | 20:47 |
oerheks | i have no other clue to that, never experienced it myself. | 20:49 |
solar_sea | hi, i've just did a base install of the 16.04 on a dell latitude notebook. it fails to display any graphics unless I remove load_video and gfxmode from the grub config before booting. How do I make those changes permanent ? | 20:57 |
TJ- | solar_sea: edt /etc/default/grub then do "sudo update-grub" | 21:05 |
solar_sea | TJ-, thanks. I wasn't clear from the comments in the default how would I remove those so i edited 10_linux instead and just commented them out. It's not like I'll need them on that machine. | 21:07 |
TJ- | solar_sea: there are control variables declared in /etc/default/grub which control what the shell scripts in /etc/grub.d/ include in /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 21:08 |
zenguy | is there a chat channel for testing artfull xubuntu? | 21:20 |
oerheks | zenguy, yes, #ubuntu+1 for upcomming releases | 21:20 |
zenguy | thanks oerheks :) | 21:21 |
brontosaurusrex_ | a tool that would detect window resize event? (something I can use from shell scripts), like 'xprop -spy -stuff' ? | 21:21 |
oerheks | so all bugs/questions get to the right channel | 21:21 |
oerheks | brontosaurusrex_, wmctrl perhaps? https://askubuntu.com/questions/27894/get-window-size-in-shell | 21:26 |
brontosaurusrex_ | oerheks: cant see any 'spy' option and xdotool doesn't seem to have one either. | 21:26 |
d_1_stortion | my ubuntu mate 17.10 doesn't wake from sleep? | 21:40 |
d_1_stortion | how do I start fixing this problem | 21:41 |
d_1_stortion | ? | 21:41 |
nacc | d_1_stortion: #ubuntu+1 for 17.10 support | 21:41 |
TJ- | d_1_stortion: and that sounds like an ACPI DSDT acpi_osi= fix is required | 21:42 |
d_1_stortion | what do you mean by that TJ-? | 21:46 |
TJ- | d_1_stortion: I'll respond in #ubuntu+1 | 21:47 |
dedze | Hi, can anyone tell me if the guide this install adobe air (https://askubuntu.com/questions/87447/how-can-i-install-adobe-air) is safe or if I shouldn't do the sudo commands in it? | 22:23 |
doug16k | I screwed up my system with this repo: ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -- how do I purge that garbage? if I try to remove gcc-7 it wants to remove dkms and xorg! | 22:27 |
mcphail | dedze: it isn't supported by Ubuntu or Adobe. In that sense, it isn't safe. It might work, or it might not. But if it breaks anything you'll have to pick up the pieces | 22:29 |
doug16k | I purged some of it yesterday and it tore out my NIC driver. had to modprobe r8169 to get network back | 22:29 |
dedze | mcphail: Ah oki, what kind of damage could it do? I'm just worried about making my system vulnerable to hackers. If I have to delete all my files and reinstall ubuntu from scratch, I don't really mind | 22:30 |
glitsj16 | doug16k: did you sudo ppa-purge <ppa_name> or similar? | 22:37 |
nacc | doug16k: ppa-purge | 22:37 |
nacc | doug16k: don't remove the packages by hand, that's not what you wanted to do | 22:38 |
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doug16k | nacc, glitsj16, thanks, I'll try that | 22:48 |
dedze | Hi, is this command safe to use? sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 | 22:49 |
nacc | dedze: define safe? | 22:50 |
doug16k | dedze, looks pretty harmless | 22:50 |
nacc | dedze: it is installing some packages | 22:50 |
nacc | dedze: for 32-bit support in some libraries | 22:51 |
dedze | nacc: Safe as in my computer is not gonna get hacked because of this line | 22:51 |
nacc | dedze: fwiw, that last one no longer exists | 22:51 |
doug16k | two of them are compressed file libraries and the middle one is a library for doing text UIs | 22:51 |
dedze | nacc: Ah oki. I'm trying to installed a game (Dofus), but it needs Adobe air, so i'm trying to install adobe air for now :) | 22:51 |
nacc | dedze: well, presuming you are using official trusted mirrors only, they are as safe as any package. | 22:52 |
dedze | nacc: I don't know if I'm using offical trusted mirrors but I guess so. I'm a newbie in ubuntu actually | 22:52 |
nacc | dedze: if you haven't made any alterations from the installation time, then you probably are | 22:53 |
dedze | nacc: I totally didn't change anything about this | 22:53 |
doug16k | nacc, I get "Warning: Could not find package list for PPA: ubuntu-toolchain-r test" - should I add it back in and ppa-purge it? I removed the ppa already | 22:54 |
nacc | doug16k: i'm not sure; you're in a bit of an awkward state having already removed the PPA. I think adding it back (using add-apt-repository) and then ppa-purge'ing it should be fine. | 22:55 |
dedze | I get this message when I try to install adobe air: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25617486/ | 22:56 |
dedze | DOes anyone have an idea how can I fix it? | 22:56 |
doug16k | nacc, I add-apt-repository'd it back and ppa-purged it and it gives me a nice list of things to be removed/downgraded. looks like it will work. thanks!! | 22:56 |
nacc | doug16k: yw, gl! | 22:56 |
nacc | dedze: i believe you need libgtk2.0-0:i386 (if you need 32-bit) | 22:57 |
qxt | Using Gnome and for some reason I do not see thumbnails just the icons of files when looking at them over samba or nfs | 22:57 |
qxt | Locally I do see thumbnails. Anyway to fix this? | 22:58 |
dedze | nacc: Oh I see, is 'sudo apt-get libgtk2.0-0:i386' the correct command to enter in the terminal? | 22:58 |
oerheks | dedze, you might want to take a look at this ppa https://launchpad.net/~andykimpe/+archive/ubuntu/dofus but it is up to xenial 16.04 | 22:58 |
nacc | dedze: i think so, but not sure | 22:58 |
dedze | Hi oerheks !! How are you? You helped me a few weeks ago =) Thanks for the link but how do I know if I can trust this source? | 23:00 |
oerheks | i guess as much as you trust the source code | 23:00 |
doug16k | nacc, worked fyi, did exactly the right thing | 23:01 |
dedze | What does 'sudo ln -s' do? | 23:17 |
nacc | dedze: probably splits an error as you're missing an argument | 23:18 |
nacc | dedze: man ln | 23:18 |
nacc | dedze: and sudo means do it as root | 23:18 |
dedze | Actually, the full lines are these: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgnome-keyring.so.0 /usr/lib/libgnome-keyring.so.0 sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgnome-keyring.so.0.2.0 /usr/lib/libgnome-keyring.so.0.2.0 | 23:19 |
dedze | But I'm trying to figure what it does before doing it | 23:19 |
multifractal | I'm having a lot of trouble with my trackpad. 16.04, Dell 9365. Sometimes it'll suddenly behave as if 2 fingers are depressed so any attempt to move the cursor scrolls you around. And the cursor sporadically jumps about, or select a load of text, and becomes poorly responsive... | 23:19 |
nacc | dedze: those are two lines of the first form from the manpage | 23:20 |
nacc | they are creating symbolic links in /usr/lib/ with the given names pointing to the given files in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | 23:21 |
Bashing-om | dedze: ^^ . Basically, think of it like this: ln -s 'location to link to' 'name of symlink' . | 23:21 |
nacc | dedze: that does't seem like it should be necessary, though | 23:21 |
nacc | sounds like old and buggy instructions to me | 23:21 |
dedze | Ah oki, I didnt understand anything haha | 23:22 |
Bashing-om | dedze: sysop@x1604:~$ ls -al /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgnome-keyring.so* | 23:23 |
Bashing-om | dedze: >> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Oct 16 2016 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgnome-keyring.so.0 -> libgnome-keyring.so.0.2.0 . | 23:24 |
dedze | nacc: Bashing-om I finally got to run the Adobe air installer but it opened a X TERM windows asking for my password to install it, I entered it but it says wrong password? | 23:24 |
dedze | It says this message: This application requires administrating rights to run | 23:25 |
dedze | Please enter root Password: | 23:25 |
dedze | It means my user account password right? | 23:25 |
nacc | no, it sounds like it wants your root password | 23:26 |
nacc | i wouldn't set it | 23:26 |
nacc | *type it | 23:26 |
nacc | no game is worth this much hassle, tbh | 23:26 |
TJ- | dedze: sounds like a very poor installer script, that doesn't understand systems that don't set a root user password, which is how Ubuntu is configured | 23:26 |
TJ- | dedze: the best way may be to do "sudo -i" first to gain root privileges, then run the installer script | 23:27 |
dedze | Does it mean becoming root user? | 23:27 |
dedze | TJ-: | 23:27 |
* nacc stands by it's not worth it :) | 23:28 | |
dedze | Why not worth it nacc ? | 23:28 |
TJ- | dedze: "sudo -i" does that yes. the "-i" means an interactive shell which you type "exit" later to return to your regular user | 23:28 |
* TJ- agress with nacc though - this sounds like the installer might break the system | 23:28 | |
dedze | Break the system?? | 23:29 |
TJ- | I'd do it/test it in a chroot or virtual machine | 23:29 |
dedze | What is a chroot? | 23:29 |
TJ- | !chroot | 23:29 |
ubottu | A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot | 23:29 |
oerheks | oh, air needs root to update itself.. found @ french forum http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=1749631 | 23:30 |
dedze | Thanks oerheks , I'll check that link | 23:31 |
oerheks | i would drop that game, it has been removed from softwarecenter too, years ago | 23:32 |
dedze | Hmm do you think it's unsafe? | 23:33 |
oerheks | adobe air is dead, flash is dead, .. i think you follow this manual ? http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=18872181#p18872181 | 23:34 |
TJ- | dedze: potentially invasive install requiring non-standard changes to core library configuration. | 23:34 |
dedze | Alright guys, I will give it up^^ | 23:34 |
dedze | Thanks for your advices! | 23:35 |
dedze | good night guys! | 23:41 |
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