
sheawhat are lubuntu sys reqs?00:37
wxlshea: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/#System_Requirements00:40
=== BrAsS_mOnKeY is now known as g2
sj___Hi!  Wondering if anyone can help me install Lubuntu on an older Toshiba laptop, which originally ran Windows XP.  For the past 2 years, I've run Ubuntu 16.10, but I'd like to switch to lubuntu hoping it is a little easier for it to run. I've started the install process and I've chosen to delete all existing files and start fresh with lubuntu. After choosing my security key and click "install," iget an error msg: "Unsafe swap space d05:25
sj___about disabling the swap space "by running swapoff"  What is all this?05:25
hateballsj___: run "swapon" in a terminal to see where you have swap spaces mounted05:27
hateballsj___: also, are you installing 16.04 or 17.04?05:27
hateballas 16.10 is not a supported release05:27
sj___I had ubuntu 16.10 and I'm installing lubuntu 17.0405:30
=== xxoOAyeScottOoxx is now known as AyeScott89
=== ledeni_ is now known as ledeni
ffgmy opensll is here /usr/local/openssl/bin/openssl  but system looking it here /usr/bin/openssl: No such file or directory hot to change it ?15:52
leszekffg: you need to set the correct PATH variable for the user who wants to use the openssl from /usr/local/openssl/bin15:55
leszekffg: best is to add PATH="/usr/local/openssl/bin:$PATH" to ~/.profile15:56
leszekafter a relogin it should find the file15:56
leszekor executable15:56
fggleszek: ok, so now I get The program 'openssl' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt install openssl16:05
fggbut I installed it manually16:05
leszekfgg: are you sure the file in /usr/local/openssl/bin/ is executable16:06
leszekcheck the path again please16:06
ApoenaHi, someone know how to run TIBIA 11 in lubuntu? when I try to run, appear it "./start-tibia.sh: line 10: /home/apoena/Desktop/tibia-11.47.5602/bin/client: impossible to execute binary file: Format error exec ./start-tibia.sh:  line 10: /home/apoena/Desktop/tibia-11.47.5602/bin/client: Success "16:11
ggreleszek: ok, openssl work for me, but how to do it that it can work  for root and others users16:21
ggreis there global path ?16:21
leszekyeah there is /etc/profile where you can add the PATH aswell if you like16:22
ggreok, it works now I need openssl-dev but for latest version on github how to do it ?16:49
leszekggre: not sure what you mean16:51
leszekopenssl-dev is a package in ubuntu. But if you have compiled openssl yourself it should've the files that are in openssl-dev aswell already16:52
ggreok :)16:53

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