tgBot | <looney_tkp> the problem is gone, could someone test this for a day ? to duplicate the issue if I'm right | 00:00 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> it's morning here, good morning everyone :) | 00:01 |
tgBot | John was added by: John | 00:14 |
tgBot | DDago was added by: DDago | 00:15 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-hammerhead build #332: SUCCESS in 11 min: | 00:25 |
=== JanC is now known as Guest73457 | ||
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #1071: SUCCESS in 1 min 55 sec: | 00:27 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> hmmm, i still got a few things to understand here | 00:55 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> when the bot sends messages like these, does it mean there's an update ? if yes, how do i go about it | 00:56 |
tgBot | <josueqb> that's what I thought, but I guess it depends on your channel | 01:19 |
tgBot | <josueqb> I'm on RC and I don't get them | 01:19 |
tgBot | <josueqb> maybe it's for DEVEL | 01:19 |
tgBot | <Ern_st> the bot talk in Devel language | 02:08 |
tgBot | <rchar66> If I uninstall the open app store, where do I go to reinstall it ? | 02:36 |
tgBot | <Tardis96 Desenvolvedor> I need your help Help the Tardis96 OS system. voting in the link below so that it receives full registration in the distrowatch | 03:02 |
tgBot | <deedend> @Tardis96 Desenvolvedor, Hey mate, you need to translate the page in english, I prefer avoid google if possible. Can you do that? Or is a Portuguese only project? | 03:14 |
tgBot | <Tardis96 Desenvolvedor> In the oficial site have a translator | 03:16 |
tgBot | <Tardis96 Desenvolvedor> (Photo, 720x1280) See? Sorry my bad english | 03:18 |
tgBot | <Jaume81> @popescu_sorin, Do you mean the control down? Or to can make the scroll to use with one hand? | 03:24 |
tgBot | <PseudoHuman> (Sticker, 512x400) | 03:24 |
tgBot | <Tardis96 Desenvolvedor> @Jaume81, Scroll | 03:26 |
tgBot | <Tardis96 Desenvolvedor> Click in the thing and scroll | 03:26 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Cool 800 members! Thank you all for your interest and participation! | 03:34 |
tgBot | <Jaume81> @Tardis96 Desenvolvedor, You get a swipe to get down the screen like iPhone, it's the same. However with the Ubuntu tool bar don't need because you can move to left-right when the tool bar is open. | 03:36 |
tgBot | <exar_kun> (Document) | 03:37 |
tgBot | <Jaume81> (Sticker, 512x512) | 03:38 |
tgBot | <Jaume81> (Sticker, 512x512) | 03:39 |
lotuspsychje | | 04:18 |
lotuspsychje | ota2 working on a BQ 4.5 ubuntu version? | 04:20 |
tgBot | <TronFourtyTwo> @lotuspsychje, Sure | 04:52 |
tgBot | <bastos777> @Lorxu, No. I want you, @Lorxu to be alive! I am following this group since month and also started following the group on and your comments, hints and chats are always a constructive and proffesional support and a pleasure to read! Thank you for that anyway. We all will miss you a lot, if you decide to leave! | 05:17 |
tgBot | <deedend> @Tardis96 Desenvolvedor, It's google... 😑 anyway no worries, it's not so important | 05:32 |
lotuspsychje | tnx tronfourtytwo | 06:04 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> @rchar66, | 06:12 |
tgBot | <rogieroudshoorn> download the click app, push it to your phone, and install it on CL? | 06:26 |
lotuspsychje | i got a device not found on bq 4.5 with magic-device-tool, what could be wrong? | 06:27 |
lotuspsychje | im on fastboot mode | 06:27 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> I think I have read MDT does not support bq anymore , ask at MDT group, or use CPT tool from ubports page | 06:33 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @mariogrip any idea where I can install oxide debug symbols from? They seem to be missing in the xenial archive. | 06:37 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> When supporte the problem was: 1. USB cable, and the bq was already running UT or only android? | 06:38 |
lotuspsychje | milan: currently my phone got Ubuntu touch on it | 06:38 |
lotuspsychje | milan:ubports site says 4.5 still supported | 06:39 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> @DanChapman Hi Dan, back to missing notifications on my N5, I have also bq 4.5 and installing Dekko 2, I can confirm the same problem | 06:40 |
lotuspsychje | lotuspsychje@RooTBooK:~$ fastboot devices | 06:41 |
lotuspsychje | JU015280fastboot | 06:41 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> @lotuspsychje, Yes ubports supports bq, are right, I was talking about MDT-magic device tool | 06:41 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> Try to change the USB cable | 06:41 |
lotuspsychje | milan: cable works, just did a picture transer | 06:42 |
lotuspsychje | its the MDT snap if that matters | 06:45 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> In accordance to Marius Quabeck, we should use snap, pls try here I am driving, | 06:48 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> There is also telegram link for help | 06:51 |
lotuspsychje | milan:trying the git way now | 06:53 |
lotuspsychje | milan; worked!! your the man! | 07:00 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> 👍 | 07:01 |
ubports_bot | Project click-import build #6: SUCCESS in 5.4 sec: | 07:01 |
lotuspsychje | seems like the MDT snap doesnt download all requiered packages it needs like the git version | 07:01 |
ubports_bot | Project vivid-rootfs-armhf build #141: SUCCESS in 1.5 sec: | 07:01 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #1072: SUCCESS in 0.52 sec: | 07:01 |
lotuspsychje | milan:ubports logo loading | 07:12 |
lotuspsychje | milaN:TNX again for supporting me | 07:15 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> You are welcome | 07:28 |
tgBot | <jakko> @Flohack, No problem! | 07:40 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> <lotuspsychje> milaN:TNX again for supporting me … what do these messages mean ? i have no idea | 08:09 |
tgBot | GinoHereIam was added by: GinoHereIam | 08:17 |
tgBot | <YougoChats> ^IRC chatroom is linked to this telegram group via a bot. lotuspshychje says something to milan. | 08:21 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-fp2 build #350: SUCCESS in 13 min: | 08:23 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #1073: SUCCESS in 1 min 10 sec: | 08:24 |
tgBot | <YougoChats> @ubports_bot, and this is the Ubports bot notifying an update for Fairphone 2 in the devel channel has built sucessfully, and then pushed succesfully to the server. … it means i can update my phone now 😊 | 08:25 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> i see...thanks for the enlightening me | 08:27 |
tgBot | <YougoChats> np | 08:27 |
MCMic | If I use to switch from canonical release to ubports, will I lose all the data on the phone? (text messages, installed apps, …) | 08:41 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> @MCMic, yes, make a backup | 08:56 |
MCMic | @looney_tkp Is there any efficient back-up tool for u-touch? | 08:56 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> @MCMic, not that i know off, but you could just copy your data to a PC. | 09:05 |
MCMic | I always have trouble copying data to the phone, but maybe the other way around it will work, I’ll try | 09:06 |
MCMic | But I would’ve like something to backup the list of installed app as well | 09:06 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @MCMic, The ubports do have an option to switch without loosing data also | 09:11 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> if you don't choose "wipe" it wont loose any date | 09:12 |
MCMic | @mariogrip oh ok | 09:15 |
MCMic | I saw the wipe but I was not sure if it meant not checking it would keep data. I’ll still make a backup ^^ | 09:15 |
MCMic | Thanks for the info | 09:15 |
tgBot | <Thoralf Sann> Hallo UBports-Team, | 09:41 |
tgBot | <Thoralf Sann> Thank you for OTA2. first it seems all be OK, now I have two problems. First the music-app can not read the sd-card and allway it lost the titel in my lists. All other apps can use the sd-card. 2. after the nprevious update from the file-manager I have seen my Network and could load and upload files, with the last update the file-manager crashed ever if I go to the network. | 09:46 |
tgBot | <Thoralf Sann> I have a e5hd. | 09:46 |
MCMic | Well I did copy everything I can with a USB cable but that does not contain much :-/ Any way to backup the settings, ubuntu one account and so on? Is a Ubuntu One account still useful on ubports? | 10:12 |
tgBot | <j2g2rp> @DanChapman hey dan, before post it in gitlab, i want to confirm that this two things are don't known things: … 1. I can't read mails before 31 of july. I assume that this is related to the maximum (mb) size. I increased the size but looks like it can't be refreshed? … 2. There isn't a way to refresh inbox manually like swiping down the scroll? | 10:24 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> Hey so number 1 is a known bug i don't think there's a filed issue for it though. It should be fixed in the next update there's an issue with how the message list model isn't detecting there's no more messages locally and needs to start syncing more. It doesn't do a mass sync like most clients as it's just a waste of space on a mobile device but the logic to try and prefetch before you reach that point needs some tweaks. … For the 2nd there isn't | 10:29 |
tgBot | refresh option yet but you can open the navigation menu and swipe the folder left to access the context menu from which you can sync. (Note on inbox folders "All inboxes" needs to be collapsed. Not easy to find so pull to refresh will be the ideal solution. Also there's no bug filed for that. | 10:29 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> @MCMic, you're required to sign in but i don't know how far it goes in terms of backing up settings | 10:30 |
tgBot | <j2g2rp> @DanChapman, 👌perfect. I didn't know if they were related or something else. … Thanks Dan | 10:32 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> 👍 | 10:35 |
tgBot | <docjuhnk> @Sander_Smit, Self signed certificates seem to not work. Will this problem be adressed in future updates? Or is there another qorkaround than switching to let's encrypt? | 10:36 |
MCMic | After starting ubports-installer my phone just says «Fast boot mode…» and nothing happens, is it all happenning in the background and I just need to wait? | 10:40 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @MCMic, Use the backup option in the magic device tool | 10:41 |
MCMic | @Flohack too late | 10:42 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Copying what you see is not enough, there are a lot of hidden folders in your profile ;) | 10:43 |
MCMic | Yeah I guessed as much but I started the switch already so I’ll just reconfigure after if it works | 10:45 |
MCMic | But I’m not sure the switch is doing anything so far | 10:46 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @MCMic, What does the installer say? | 10:47 |
MCMic | @mariogrip «switching your device to UBports» | 10:48 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @MCMic, Any progress bar at the bottom? | 10:51 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> hey guys, has anyone tried installing zsh on ub touch ? | 10:52 |
MCMic | @mariogrip No, none (neither on phone nor laptop) | 10:53 |
tgBot | <Ben> So now I am also a Patreon Supporter :) | 10:57 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> (Photo, 1280x525) i get this error | 11:00 |
MCMic | What should I do? Shut down the phone, close the app? | 11:01 |
tgBot | <LarreaMikel> @looney_tkp, Do you have the system in write mode_ | 11:02 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> @LarreaMikel, I don't understand this, write mode_ ? | 11:02 |
tgBot | <LarreaMikel> the system (OS) comes with a read only mode that you have to change in order to install apt things. | 11:03 |
tgBot | <Jujuyeh> @looney_tkp, Your image might be at Read-Only mode. You sould try allowing Write with `phablet-config writable-image` but there's no going back, (only reflashing the device). Also `apt` may break the hole system, use it at your own risk. | 11:04 |
tgBot | <LarreaMikel> +1 | 11:04 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @MCMic, maybe try restarting it? since there is no progress bar, i think it got stuck. I need to add a way so i detect if it's stuck in the installer. | 11:05 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> @Jujuyeh, thanks :D … everything on Linux is mostly at your own risk xD | 11:05 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> @LarreaMikel, thank you too | 11:05 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @Jujuyeh, you can also do `sudo mount -o rw,remout /` this will be reset after a reboot | 11:06 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> today I'm going to be giving a free software speech on a huge conference in Moscow, I'll be sure to give you a shoutout guys ;) | 11:06 |
tgBot | <LarreaMikel> ;) | 11:06 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> `sudo mount -o rw,remount /` | 11:06 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @vanyasem, Aweome :) | 11:07 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> ty Marius for mentioning me in a community update | 11:07 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> I will never forget that | 11:07 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> ☺️ | 11:07 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> @mariogrip, i already did this | 11:07 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> @Jujuyeh, this says … phablet-config: command not found | 11:08 |
tgBot | <LarreaMikel> you can also use the UT tweak tool | 11:10 |
tgBot | <shinyhairsmylifeambition> @vanyasem, 🙂👍 | 11:10 |
tgBot | <Jujuyeh> @mariogrip, :O | 11:11 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @looney_tkp, that requires the `phablet-tools` package | 11:11 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> @LarreaMikel, thank you :D | 11:11 |
tgBot | <Jujuyeh> @looney_tkp, Oh sorry, I think this should be mode via `adb` | 11:12 |
tgBot | <Jujuyeh> @Jujuyeh, | 11:12 |
tgBot | <Jujuyeh> Also: 800 🎉 | 11:13 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> thank you | 11:14 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> what's the size of ubport installation file ? | 11:14 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> when installing through the installer it downloads some files to flash | 11:15 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> what's the size of the downloaded file | 11:15 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @vanyasem, :=) | 11:16 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @looney_tkp, about 400MB | 11:17 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> 2GB uncompessed | 11:17 |
tgBot | <Ben> I have a question. Is anybody here, who began to port UTouch to the Nexus 6P? :) | 11:20 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @UniversalSuperBox, My Fairphone rebooted when I touched a tablet on same WiFi network 😱 | 11:24 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @looney_tkp, never happened to me on Nexus 5 | 11:25 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> @vanyasem, it's happening now to me now 😂 | 11:28 |
MCMic | @mariogrip the phone is stuck keeping power pressed does nothing. I unplugged it, I’m not sure what I can do. Battery is not removable :-/ | 11:33 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> MCMic, what phone is it? | 11:34 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> if it's a Nexus 5 then the battery is easily removable | 11:35 |
MCMic | vanyasem[m]: bq E4.5 | 11:35 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> oh, then I can't help you | 11:35 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> I've never held one in my hands | 11:35 |
MCMic | Got it | 11:37 |
MCMic | I needed to press all three buttons | 11:38 |
tgBot | <j2g2rp> @MCMic, try to pushh power+volume up + volume down during almost 30 seconds. … it happened one time to me... | 11:38 |
tgBot | <j2g2rp> @MCMic, almost in time 😂 | 11:38 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> (Photo, 1280x1121) | 11:47 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> it's raining outside :/ | 11:47 |
tgBot | <Sander_Smit> @docjuhnk, I wouldn't know. … Have changed back to android a while ago. … is very good but lacks to much for me for everyday use | 11:52 |
MCMic | @mariogrip Tried again and same results. The password asked by ubports-installer is the password for the phone right? It does reboot the phone in fastboot mode but nothing more. | 12:01 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @MCMic, Oh, its the sudo password of your pc | 12:07 |
MCMic | Oh, that should be said | 12:08 |
MCMic | I gave the wrong one then | 12:08 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> That must be a bug, it said say at least wrong password | 12:08 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> I will get that fixed | 12:08 |
MCMic | @mariogrip it’s flashing now :-) | 12:11 |
MCMic | But yeah it should say which password it’s waiting and fail with an error if I give the wrong one ^^ | 12:12 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> Yeah, im not sure why it didn't tell you, it should. i'll look into it and see what's wrong | 12:13 |
tgBot | rehankodekar was added by: rehankodekar | 12:16 |
tgBot | <rehankodekar> is one plus 2 supported yet | 12:17 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @rehankodekar, nope | 12:17 |
tgBot | <rehankodekar> anyone working | 12:18 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> We'd love to support as many devices as possible. Unfortunately porting a new device takes a long time and there are only a few of us doing the work. More developers working on porting devices would mean more devices ported. This will particularly be true when the Halium Project is successful. | 12:18 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> ty @BrisPete | 12:18 |
tgBot | <rehankodekar> i mean to say anyone working on it | 12:18 |
tgBot | <rehankodekar> i have a previous experience | 12:19 |
tgBot | <rehankodekar> over it | 12:19 |
tgBot | <rehankodekar> like in the initial days of ubuntu touch i ported it to my optimus 3d | 12:19 |
tgBot | <rehankodekar> if i can port it if no one is porting it | 12:22 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> you can check and to be sure | 12:22 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @rehankodekar, you can, see | 12:22 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> | 12:22 |
tgBot | <JBBgameich> There is a docs page showing supported devices being worked on | 12:23 |
MCMic | Switching worked fine, seemed I did not lost much | 12:30 |
MCMic | Wow there is an adblock in the openstore, was missing that so much | 12:40 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @bastos777, agree! | 12:47 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @MCMic, :) | 12:49 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> @vanyasem, 👍nice template Ivan 😉 | 12:52 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> it was made by @BrisPete | 12:53 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Milan Korecky, 👍😁 | 12:53 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-mako build #125: SUCCESS in 11 min: | 12:54 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #1074: SUCCESS in 0.63 sec: | 12:55 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> (Sticker, 512x512) | 13:00 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> I didn't mean it that way even but thanks... | 13:01 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> (Photo, 1280x960) | 13:11 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> it's confirmed, I'm allowed to give you a shoutout here | 13:12 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> looks really nice !!! | 13:15 |
tgBot | <mymike00> (Sticker, 512x512) | 13:15 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> … I'll be giving a speech in Russian in 50 minutes | 13:17 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> remember we are already 799 | 13:17 |
tgBot | Kopimi was added by: Kopimi | 13:17 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> It's 800 again! | 13:18 |
tgBot | <Kopimi> 😊 | 13:18 |
tgBot | <Mohannes> OMGOMGOMG | 13:18 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> 800 2.0 | 13:18 |
tgBot | <Mohannes> 800 (inhere) | 13:19 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> so.... i just installed ubuntu gnome on a secondary machine... and it's so.... ugly. It's like stepping back to 2006 or something. I feel older than I am.... Is there any chance Unity will live again? | 13:20 |
tgBot | <Mohannes> LinuxIRC is forever number 800 | 13:20 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @wayneoutthere, unity and ubuntu touch are like buddies | 13:20 |
tgBot | <Kopimi> and 8 is a symbol of infinity :) | 13:20 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> Kek | 13:21 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> What happened to Unity 1-6 | 13:21 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @wayneoutthere, yunit | 13:21 |
tgBot | tsimonq2 was added by: tsimonq2 | 13:21 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> @Mohannes, No, I am :P | 13:21 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> anyways, just install Arch with a tiling WM (i3wm gaps, for example) | 13:22 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> no ui - no problems | 13:22 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> based on my understanding Unity is a kiind of skin.... a GUI if you will. Darn. Just reminds me how awesome unity is | 13:22 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> back to 800. … Congrats! | 13:22 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> 800 3.0 | 13:22 |
tgBot | <Kopimi> @tsimonq2, i took yer throne 😊 | 13:22 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> nice name.......... ubuntu Infinity8 | 13:23 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> @Kopimi, Noooo :P | 13:23 |
tgBot | <ahayzen> @wayneoutthere, ...doesn't look too far from Unity :-) ... Only real differences are the global menu, app button at the bottom rather than top of the launcher, clock is in the centre | 13:24 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> hmm | 13:24 |
tgBot | <Kopimi> @ahayzen, There really needs to be that Ubuntu "whirl" logo up top! | 13:24 |
tgBot | <mymike00> @ahayzen, is the HUD working? | 13:24 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> kind of | 13:25 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> it's not the hud i remember but it's huddy | 13:25 |
tgBot | <ahayzen> ah yes and HUD :-) | 13:25 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> how do i do this fake unity thing to make myself hate my day lesss? | 13:25 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> is it an appearance setting? | 13:26 |
tgBot | <Kopimi> or Applications up top by default not at the bottom | 13:27 |
tgBot | <Kopimi> Trash could be at the bottom then again... not on desktop | 13:27 |
tgBot | <mymike00> @ahayzen, 😭 | 13:28 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> (Photo, 1280x1121) | 13:29 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @wayneoutthere, MATE has a HUD app thing and KDE lets you create the unity style app bar thing (with file/etc), wonder if those mix and match | 13:30 |
tgBot | <ahayzen> @wayneoutthere, This is what artful 17.10 will look like ... and i believe what the daily images are | 13:30 |
tgBot | <ahayzen> but you can use extensions like dash-to-dock to do the same thing on an earlier release | 13:30 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> i see thanks andrew. so basically just wait. | 13:31 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> and thanks @Lorxu because i already tried Mate and it's pretty good... was thinkgina bout it but i figured i might as well deal with Gnome first and see what I'm up againast | 13:31 |
tgBot | <shinyhairsmylifeambition> @popescu_sorin, Liky! This is nice. | 13:31 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> thanks :D | 13:32 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @wayneoutthere, I wonder if KRunner can do HUD things, should try when I get home | 13:33 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> @shinyhairsmylifeambition i think i need to use a lighter color for the background, i have a hard time seeing the indicator menu in bright sun light | 13:33 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Which will take a while because I missed the bus and walking an hour is faster... | 13:33 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> i guess convertgence will fix all this. one day I could just forget about these laptops, get a kick butt mobile, install Ubuntu Touch and buy some screens, eh? … Eh?? … Eh??? | 13:33 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Sure, but you can also converge KDE, just saying ;) | 13:34 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> perhaps, but i just realized how important the look and feel is. you can't sell this to the world unless it looks like unity (cannon's nickels style) | 13:35 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> (or better) | 13:35 |
tgBot | <shinyhairsmylifeambition> @popescu_sorin, Indeed. Are you going to post it somewhere more sustainable like this telegram group?... | 13:35 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Well... Put the app menu on top like on Unity, set your system bar to use icons only launcher and move it to the left, then apply a brown theme, done :P | 13:36 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> @shinyhairsmylifeambition, on google+ X-) | 13:37 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> But yeah, the only thing I miss from Unity is the HUD | 13:38 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Issue #17 on Pext/Pext … | 13:38 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @Lorxu, If there are devs ;) | 13:38 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @Lorxu, cool will try :) | 13:39 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @wayneoutthere, Just poke me if it's hard to figure out, I can give a step-by-step tutorial | 13:40 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> thx | 13:42 |
tgBot | <shinyhairsmylifeambition> @popescu_sorin, Awesome! \(^_^)/ | 13:43 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
tgBot | <TomasOqvist> @popescu_sorin, Nice! | 13:53 |
tgBot | <wagafo> @wayneoutthere, Unity 7 is still in the repositories. So for the upcoming Ubuntu 17.10 if you upgrade from previous Ubuntu: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm, choose lightdm as default, and there you have Unity again. If it is a fresh install: sudo apt install unity-greeter, and you get Unity 7 again. For the time being there is not a lot of breakage, it works well. Let's see for 18.04, hopefully there will be Yunit eventually around. | 14:05 |
jajons | hey i would like to know, is it possible to install ubuntu touch to my smartphone that was not listed on the supported devices? | 14:07 |
tgBot | <JBBgameich> You have to port ot yourself | 14:07 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> there is yunit | 14:08 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> isn't that a port of unity? | 14:08 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> | 14:09 |
jajons | <tgBot> <JBBgameich> im not sure how would you mind explaining more | 14:09 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @vanyasem, `Following up with Mark Shuttleworth’s announcement to abandon Unity 8 development, we have forked it and are planning to continue working with the project.` | 14:09 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @vanyasem, Have they even made a commit in ages? | 14:10 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> I'm not sure, I don't use a desktop environment anyways | 14:10 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> I use a plain tiling window manager (i3wm) | 14:11 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> dear me! gnome doesn't come with a *language selector* kit! i guess Gnome is only for English speaking people. That's easy! :( | 14:11 |
tgBot | <theMitu> @popescu_sorin, It may look good, but this does not blend into the Suru design language at all :) … Furthermore, what's the point of toggles at the botom, when they are a single swipe away both with yours and with the current design. … I believe that there are many places in the OS that might benefit from redesign, but we have beautiful Suru style, icons etc. created by Canonical - so why don't stick to these guidelines and create the concepts tha | 14:12 |
tgBot | match? :) | 14:12 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @Lorxu, there is a blogpost from the 18th of September | 14:12 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @vanyasem, i was a bit scared to try but I think I will do this next weekend. this gnome thing, sorry to say it... really sucks | 14:13 |
tgBot | <theMitu> I love the consistency of Suru and the fact that it's all around the font - all the rounded corners, icons, shapes are derived from it creates a wonderful, consistent feel. | 14:13 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @wayneoutthere, try elementary OS | 14:13 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> it has Pantheon as a DE | 14:13 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> it's quite decent | 14:13 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @vanyasem, Oh I see | 14:13 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @vanyasem, i use it on my laptop daily | 14:14 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @vanyasem, i'll look but my heart is set on my life with unity. it was so good ... john salatas... don't let me down, mang! | 14:14 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> screw emotions and addictions | 14:15 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> i'm going to #audiocast some serious shout outs if unity works with yunit | 14:15 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> do you take drugs? | 14:15 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @vanyasem, no. | 14:15 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> yes you do. | 14:15 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> you had that pasted | 14:15 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> and now it's gone all of a sudden | 14:15 |
tgBot | <mymike00> (Sticker, 512x512) | 14:15 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @wayneoutthere, What about your wife? :P | 14:16 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> oh boy | 14:16 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @Lorxu, technoloigally speaking, my friends ;) | 14:16 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> and thanks for your care. I will investigate but i want fast, easy, and safe. Unity was nearly there. | 14:16 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> unity was neither fast, easy or safe though | 14:16 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> but let's not get into that | 14:17 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> GNOME is easier than KDE (unless you're a power user), KDE has enough options to break it. | 14:18 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> But KDE also lets me do neat stuff like force Riot's video chat to be windowed instead of full screen even though Riot doesn't support it itself | 14:18 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> let's not forget about mate, cinnamon, XFCE, bugdie and deepin | 14:19 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> GNOME: Options scare me … KDE: Give me more options! … MATE: I miss GNOME 2 … Cinnamon: I like KDE, but also kinda net … Xfce: I want a nice amount of power on little resources | 14:20 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> The others, no clue | 14:20 |
tgBot | <wagafo> @vanyasem, No, yunit is a fork of Unity 8. | 14:21 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @Lorxu, you can use your mouse to navigate | 14:21 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> if you want to... | 14:22 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @vanyasem, If you use i3 you already decided you don't want to :P | 14:22 |
tgBot | <wagafo> @Lorxu, Add LXDE also. | 14:22 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @wagafo, I haven't really paid attention to unity, what's the difference? | 14:22 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @wagafo, LXDE: I want a lightweight KDE | 14:22 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @Lorxu, well, sometimes do use my mouse | 14:23 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @Lorxu, lxqt :) | 14:23 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @tsimonq2 take it away ^ | 14:23 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @mariogrip, Oh oops yeah, isn't LXDE dead now though? Didn't that become lxqt? | 14:23 |
tgBot | <wagafo> @vanyasem, Unity 7 was the default desktop in Ubuntu until 17.04, working on Xorg. Unity 8 was fully Mir based, supposed to be its successor and already being used in Ubuntu Touch. | 14:24 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Fun fact: Unity 7 used GTK, Unity 8 uses Qt | 14:24 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @Lorxu, im not sure, haven't follow that side of linux, but i think lxqt is rewritten lxde in qt | 14:25 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Qt ftw | 14:25 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @mariogrip, I thought they merged and are only continuing lxqt now | 14:25 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> @Lorxu, The initial plan was to kill LXDE but there's still work on it | 14:25 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> LXQt is great though | 14:25 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @tsimonq2, Ah, I see | 14:26 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @tsimonq2, "Why won't you die!?!?" | 14:26 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> speaking about it, i really need to take it for a spinn | 14:26 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> haven't left gtk on desktop in a long time | 14:26 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> @UniversalSuperBox, Since there's no plan to port to GTK 2 it'll be deprecated forcefully eventually | 14:27 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> @UniversalSuperBox, I ask myself the same thing :P | 14:27 |
tgBot | * tsimonq2 -> off to class | 14:27 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @tsimonq2, :( | 14:27 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @UniversalSuperBox, I ask the same thing about windows | 14:28 |
tgBot | * UniversalSuperBox is currently using Visual Studio | 14:29 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> And I agre | 14:29 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @UniversalSuperBox, do you feel ashamed? | 14:29 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @vanyasem, Not really. Shaming people for their software use is pretty stupid. | 14:29 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> I always try to hide the fact I sometimes use proprietary software | 14:29 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> (Document) | 14:29 |
tgBot | <samzn> Port ubports, not unity | 14:29 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> as of I were a kid that got a bad grade in school | 14:29 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @UniversalSuperBox, This is basically what we do when we shame people for something as trivial as their choice of software | 14:30 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @mariogrip, man. i had to acutally use a virtual windows machine (xp) to make SWF file work for some math tutorial disk. Nuts. I can't believe how bad we had it. I shouldn't complain about gnome | 14:30 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> If anyone is interested, I was on a swedish podcast the other day, here it is if someone understands it | 14:30 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> I was "very" close to liking windows 10 and then it just went all damn stupid after a few months. Paved ubuntu over the top after telling my boss I aint using it anymore 😃 I'll just have to deal with not accessing some of the company services. | 14:30 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @wayneoutthere, At my high school system the system with grades on it used Silverlight... | 14:31 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @mariogrip, @TomasOqvist maybe | 14:31 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> (Photo, 720x1280) | 14:31 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> hahahaha silverlight! that happened to me once. brrrrrrrrrutal. | 14:31 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @vanyasem, Hey, that's the background I use! | 14:31 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> sue me! | 14:32 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> @UniversalSuperBox, No but in reference to LXDE. I love my life. | 14:32 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> Lol Telegram in class | 14:32 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @tsimonq2, That's good. | 14:32 |
tgBot | <TomasOqvist> @mariogrip, I think I saw that, but haven't had the time to listen. Will definitely do as soon as possible! | 14:33 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @tsimonq2, I Telegram at work :P | 14:33 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> me too 😊 | 14:33 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Train station is running an ad to not feed birds at the station because their poo causes inconvenience. Like geez, how about the birds? Starving causes THEM inconvenience. Selfish humans >.> | 14:38 |
tgBot | <enriconia> well, birds should find food on their own, like before the man appeared on earth :) | 14:50 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> That doesn't seem a fair request when we literally make that harder for them by destroying so much of their environment | 14:51 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Also, humans throw so much food away, why not use it instead | 14:52 |
tgBot | <enriconia> nice topic, but we are already a bit OT :) | 14:52 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> There needs to be a UBPorts OT group | 14:52 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> So I can ramble on about random stuffz | 14:53 |
tgBot | <enriconia> nice idea! :) | 14:53 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> agreed | 14:53 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> (Document) | 14:53 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @kz6fittycent, I vote this for group avatar | 14:54 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @Lorxu, @ubports_ot | 14:59 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> there you have it | 14:59 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @Lorxu, and your avatar is there | 14:59 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> (Sticker, 512x512) | 15:01 |
MCMic | @Lorxu Use mastodon to ramble about random stuff | 15:06 |
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
tgBot | <Lorxu> I already use Twitter for that, but I guess I could try mastodon. I just... want to talk about things not just ramble them and get ignored :P | 15:07 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Anyway we have an OT chat now | 15:07 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> Important News Flash From the Ubuntu Touch News Desk! … | 15:15 |
tgBot | <wagafo> @wayneoutthere, Amazing! | 15:18 |
tgBot | Federico was added by: Federico | 15:19 |
thrrgilag | @wayneoutthere well done. 😀 | 15:20 |
tgBot | Oskitzein was added by: Oskitzein | 15:32 |
tgBot | Kevin Brophy-Lehmann was added by: Kevin Brophy-Lehmann | 15:43 |
tgBot | <mymike00> Welcome all! | 15:44 |
tgBot | <Oskitzein> Thanks | 15:48 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> I think you were number 800 (again) :) | 15:48 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> congrats. that news flash above was for your welcoming party | 15:48 |
tgBot | <Federico> Thanks | 16:31 |
tgBot | anonymous_class was added by: anonymous_class | 16:37 |
Matthew[m] | is there a way to launch a Qt app in ubports from the commandline without messing around with click packages? | 16:47 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> A hacky quick way is to just do `./myapp --desktop_file_hint=unity8` | 16:49 |
Matthew[m] | ah, thanks. | 16:49 |
* Matthew[m] continues to hunt his wretched OSK | 16:49 | |
tgBot | <DanChapman> ouch! still not working? | 16:51 |
Matthew[m] | yup :( explicitly setting a QT_PLUGIN_PATH which prioritises my 5.9 plugins over 5.4 and explicitly double-checking that QT_IM_MODULE is set doesn't seem to work | 16:52 |
Matthew[m] | so i assume that 5.9 is failing to pick up the 5.4 plugins and i'm going to have to go off building a bunch of maliit stuff | 16:53 |
Matthew[m] | but wanted to first check via strace, hence wondering how to run under strace | 16:53 |
Matthew[m] | fwiw running with `--desktop_file_hint=unity8` after setting a `export MIR_SOCKET=/run/mir_socket` segfaults (with or without the --desktop_file_hint, actually) | 16:56 |
tgBot | <rchar66> @Milan Korecky, Thanks! I realized where to look for it after I posted the question !👍 | 16:58 |
tgBot | YvesLucien was added by: YvesLucien | 16:59 |
Matthew[m] | fwiw, the segfault i see is: | 17:00 |
* Matthew[m] sent a long message: Matthew[m]_2017-09-26_17:00:46.txt <> | 17:00 | |
* Matthew[m] hopes that manages to make it matrix->irc->telegram in one piece | 17:01 | |
Matthew[m] | but for whatever reason the app works fine (modulo lack of OSK) when installed as a click | 17:01 |
tgBot | <neothethird> Yep, it arrived | 17:01 |
Matthew[m] | :) | 17:02 |
Matthew[m] | ah! segfault fixed with `MIR_SOCKET=/run/user/32011/mir_socket` | 17:09 |
* Matthew[m] returns to the quest for his OSK | 17:09 | |
tgBot | <YvesLucien> (Sticker, 512x512) | 17:27 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
Matthew[m] | fwiw, setting a QT_PLUGIN_PATH with both qt5.9 and qt5.4 plugins does make the app search both (yay), and even open my (yay), but then doesn't actually load the plugin :| | 18:12 |
Matthew[m] | (it mmap()s it, close()s it, munmap()s it, and then carries on - whereas on an app which works, it actually read()s the ELF headers and looks to actually load it) | 18:13 |
larreamikel[m] | Matthew, maybe click file logs would tell you where's the problem.. | 18:35 |
tgBot | Light_V was added by: Light_V | 18:36 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @mariogrip @neothethird could you re-open please, it looks like it was closed by accident. | 18:50 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> probably also needs a title change | 18:50 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> There you go | 18:56 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> Cheera @UniversalSuperBox 😊 | 18:56 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> *Cheers | 18:56 |
tgBot | <Marcos> Anyone knows why the mount -o rw,remount / with sudo doen not work? | 19:04 |
tgBot | <Marcos> as well with the tweak tool does not work | 19:05 |
tgBot | <Marcos> I have an e5 with ota 2 | 19:05 |
tgBot | <Marcos> ota 1 also did not work | 19:05 |
tgBot | autosmarthome was added by: autosmarthome | 19:07 |
tgBot | <autosmarthome> Go with the xiaomi redmi 4x ? | 19:08 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @autosmarthome, ? | 19:09 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> what do you mean? | 19:10 |
tgBot | <autosmarthome> ubuntu touch move the firmware for xiaomi mobile | 19:12 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> there is no image for xiaomi redmi 4x | 19:17 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> Fwd from BrisPete: We'd love to support as many devices as possible. Unfortunately porting a new device takes a long time and there are only a few of us doing the work. More developers working on porting devices would mean more devices ported. This will particularly be true when the Halium Project is successful. | 19:17 |
PsynoKhi0 | hi, are the recovery images for Aquaris handsets from verbatim copies of ? | 19:40 |
tgBot | <bastos777> @vanyasem, 👍 | 19:44 |
tgBot | aptinstall was added by: aptinstall | 19:48 |
tgBot | <looney_tkp> welcome | 19:52 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> hmm.. new file manager? | 20:08 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> | 20:08 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> Yes, we need some feedback so that we can release it as stable, so that we can start with the second phase of our rewriting | 20:11 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> first feedback point: looks awesome! :D | 20:11 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> (Photo, 768x1280) | 20:12 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> i think we need new icons, not the the current ones are that bad eh.. something new and fresh | 20:15 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> and maybe not orange x-) | 20:15 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> omg omg! i see thumbnails! | 20:16 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> (Sticker, 512x512) | 20:16 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> (Sticker, 512x512) | 20:16 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> omg!!! and multi select;' | 20:17 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> OOMMMMMMMGGGGGGG this is like 1000000000000000x better | 20:18 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> it;s not even in the same league | 20:18 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> Next time I ask you to write the changelog for me... after 140 commit I forgot many of the changes we did 😆 | 20:19 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> (Document) | 20:24 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> I was doing some experiment with the breeze icons at the time, but I wasn't too sure about them... we could eventually try with the new Suru theme from Sam Hewitt, in case | 20:25 |
tgBot | <hwpplayer1> Test | 20:26 |
tgBot | <Jujuyeh> @sverzegnassi, I think that could fit I little bit more to Plasma Mobile... The new Suru is more unity8-friendly … (My opinion) pls don't kill me | 20:27 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @sverzegnassi, do you run that on your desktop? | 20:28 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> the icons are really great, although I agree that they look a bit alien | 20:29 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> not a bad thing in my opinion | 20:29 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @vanyasem, if so, then how? | 20:29 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> @Jujuyeh, yep, we should test the new Suru set first. After all, Ubuntu is using that icon set since 2010, I would miss it those icons 😊 | 20:30 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @vanyasem, @sverzegnassi ? | 20:31 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> (Photo, 768x1280) | 20:31 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> (Photo, 768x1280) | 20:31 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> (Photo, 768x1280) | 20:31 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> @sverzegnassi 2 minor things, the selected color is different in list and icons, gray and green | 20:32 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> and the restricted access when you have places opened it's a bit weird | 20:32 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> @vanyasem, Yes, that's an early fork of File Manager running on my PC, I have just built it with Ubuntu IDE - if that was the question :) | 20:32 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> oh, i see, thank you | 20:33 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> (Photo, 768x1280) | 20:34 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> @popescu_sorin, Great! well spotted, thanks! 1) Sidebar shouldn't be visible in portrait; 2) Layout shouldn't mess up like that | 20:34 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> and maybe something else for grid size, i don't know how i feel about S M L XL | 20:34 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> @sverzegnassi, Ok... @popescu_sorin how the duck you triggered that? 😆 | 20:35 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> i don't know :D | 20:36 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> that's how it looks on mx4 | 20:36 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> Ok, because I can't manage to reproduce it on my BQ 😄 | 20:36 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> @popescu_sorin, Is about choosing between S M L and XL, or the size of the grid elements? | 20:36 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> i've tapped on the hambuerger? menu | 20:36 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> the 3 lines menu | 20:37 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> (Photo, 210x145) | 20:37 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> i mean something like this | 20:37 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> a diff component | 20:37 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> instead of S M L XL | 20:38 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> a slider with steps | 20:38 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> something, don't know :D | 20:38 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> it is also fine as it is now | 20:38 |
tgBot | <Jujuyeh> (Photo, 1080x1920) | 20:39 |
tgBot | <Jujuyeh> @popescu_sorin, Do you mean, like this? :P | 20:39 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> sort of, but with range | 20:39 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> i mean.. 4 positions | 20:40 |
tgBot | <Jujuyeh> @popescu_sorin, yeah, maybe with the labeled one | 20:40 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> Like in GNOME Nautilus then! | 20:40 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> yep | 20:42 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> now let's see on the tablet | 20:42 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> ❤️ | 20:42 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> 4 minutes stucked at the boot (white) screen | 20:47 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> it's just a bug on m10 right? | 20:47 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> (Photo, 768x1280) | 20:52 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> on the tablet in desktop mode | 20:52 |
tgBot | <theMitu> @popescu_sorin, Wow, waiting for the new file manager :) … One visual suggestion though: the blue color will be better for selection. Not only it will look better, but it will match the Suru color codes, where green is for on state, positive actions etc. and blue is meant for highlights, selections etc. (vide blue text selection, blue caret, blue left side of slider etc. … I'd also reduced the border radius to a very small value, or non radius at | 20:54 |
tgBot | Keep up, great work. I can't wait for the stable vesion :) | 20:54 |
tgBot | <Jujuyeh> @theMitu, +1 … blue is love, … blue is life. … I don't like Telegram's green, … neither the selection dye. | 20:59 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-bacon build #282: SUCCESS in 11 min: | 21:02 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #1075: SUCCESS in 54 sec: | 21:03 |
tgBot | <Marcos> Stefano. Great work with the file manager! | 21:21 |
tgBot | <Marcos> congratulations! | 21:21 |
tgBot | <Marcos> just one suggestion from my side | 21:21 |
tgBot | <Marcos> (not sure if feasible) | 21:22 |
tgBot | <Marcos> should be nice the capability to send files by bluetooth (i.e. music files, etc) | 21:23 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> Marcos you can already do that, i think | 21:27 |
tgBot | <Marcos> Ooops | 21:27 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> in list view if you swipe to the right | 21:27 |
tgBot | <Marcos> just found! | 21:27 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> you get an option to share | 21:27 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> cool :P | 21:27 |
tgBot | <Marcos> that's fantastic!!!! | 21:27 |
tgBot | <Marcos> 😅 | 21:28 |
tgBot | <Marcos> tks and sorry! | 21:28 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> np! | 21:28 |
tgBot | <Metaroka> 4G work in nexus 5? | 21:28 |
tgBot | <BrisPete> @Metaroka, yes, it works | 21:29 |
tgBot | Narugawa was added by: Narugawa | 21:34 |
tgBot | <Metaroka> Great, It remains to learn how to install without the Internet. I'm sitting by phone on the Internet | 21:34 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> @Marcos, Extending those congrats to @nfsprodriver who helped me a lot! 😊 | 21:35 |
tgBot | <Jaume81> @sverzegnassi, Very good and nice. | 22:23 |
tgBot | <Jaume81> @popescu_sorin, That tablet have a very bad point. It's Bq. | 22:24 |
tgBot | <savetier> (Photo, 540x960) The new file manager is awesome! Works perfectly on Aquaris 4.5 :) | 22:26 |
tgBot | <PhoenixLandPirate> @savetier, That's looking sexy, is it in the open store, or? | 22:26 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @PhoenixLandPirate, Yes | 22:27 |
tgBot | <savetier> @PhoenixLandPirate, Yes, it is there since today, in dev version | 22:27 |
tgBot | <PhoenixLandPirate> @savetier, Ooooo | 22:27 |
tgBot | <PhoenixLandPirate> @UniversalSuperBox, Very ooooo | 22:27 |
tgBot | <davidcalle> @hi, I'm wondering if anyone is still using content from these pages: ? If not, they might get the axe soon. | 22:30 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @davidcalle, its on webarchive anyways | 22:31 |
tgBot | <Jaume81> Looks nice. But it show storage icon when it's a folder, in sdcard. | 22:31 |
tgBot | <davidcalle> @vanyasem It is, and all can be rebuilt from the source -doc packages, but I prefer asking before putting down something someone is currently using | 22:32 |
tgBot | <Jaume81> He coment before, it's developer. | 22:33 |
Matthew[m] | bleurgh, still can't get my OSK to show :( my qt 5.9 app looks at the 5.4 plugins (and loads some of them - the image ones), but not | 22:37 |
Matthew[m] | i'm clearly missing something in the env or the app to say "oi, use an OSK" | 22:37 |
tgBot | <Jaume81> Anybody test the cloud musc app? It's a good pre-spotify. | 22:44 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> | 23:19 |
tgBot | <popescu_sorin> on MX4 | 23:19 |
tgBot | <Ben> @popescu_sorin, 👍 very nice :) | 23:38 |
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