inetpro | good mornings | 07:29 |
chesedo | morning inetpro and others | 07:56 |
chesedo | inetpro: meeting again tonight | 07:56 |
inetpro | wow, where did the time go? | 07:57 |
Kilos | hi inetpro chesedo | 07:57 |
inetpro | hi Kilos | 07:57 |
inetpro | did you get rain last night? | 07:57 |
Kilos | not if you dont count 10 drops | 07:57 |
Kilos | nothing even showing on gauge | 07:58 |
Kilos | and still dusty | 07:58 |
chesedo | wow, we had a lot | 07:58 |
Kilos | i watched the lightning there | 07:58 |
Kilos | how much? | 07:59 |
chesedo | our gauge is broken so wil have to wait for pro | 07:59 |
Kilos | pro? | 07:59 |
* chesedo had to run around the house to go which of the net and returned semi wet | 08:00 | |
Kilos | hahaha | 08:00 |
chesedo | inet pro | 08:00 |
Kilos | 'oh ja | 08:00 |
chesedo | s/which/switch/ | 08:00 |
Kilos | so many peeps use pro for all kinds of things i get lost | 08:01 |
Kilos | even pro for profit | 08:01 |
chesedo | lol | 08:01 |
Kilos | driving me nuts | 08:01 |
Kilos | or nutser i should say | 08:02 |
chesedo | Kilos: so hoe gaan dit met oom? | 08:02 |
Kilos | sigh | 08:12 |
Kilos | net sucks | 08:12 |
inetpro | what's up doc? | 08:13 |
Kilos | left arm getting weaker, when i went in they did many xrays and say its a nerve problem, ulna nerve i think they said | 08:13 |
inetpro | am not sure how much rains we had but it was not so much | 08:14 |
Kilos | but they wont listen when i say its blood shortage to the left arm | 08:14 |
Kilos | now will see neuro peeps on the 21st | 08:14 |
Kilos | our medical system is shocking | 08:15 |
Kilos | left hand much whiter than right hand | 08:15 |
inetpro | ai! | 08:15 |
Kilos | maybe i must take a box of spectacles next time so they can see better | 08:15 |
chesedo | lol, yeah sometimes one gets the impression that some are just there for the paycheck at month end | 08:30 |
Kilos | definitely | 08:30 |
andrewlsd | Morning all | 08:33 |
Kilos | hi andrewlsd | 09:04 |
andrewlsd | \o | 09:20 |
bushtech | Morning all. Finally found the time to change my ubuntu server from 32 bit to 64 bit. But ran into a problem trying to increase the size of bootduring install. Does anybody have a recipe for me to do this? | 09:47 |
chesedo- | hi andrewlsd | 09:52 |
Kilos | we see how long we stay connected this time | 14:59 |
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos | ||
chesedo | wow now i have a bad connection | 18:33 |
chesedo | anyone ready for the meeting | 18:34 |
chesedo | *? | 18:34 |
chesedo | inetpro paddatrapper theblazehen | 18:34 |
chesedo | hi aquarat | 18:36 |
paddatrapper | chesedo: will be in 5 | 18:43 |
chesedo | paddatrapper: seems like we will be the only ones... | 18:44 |
* inetpro is back now? | 18:50 | |
inetpro | chesedo: I think I'm here now :-) | 18:51 |
paddatrapper | So 3 :D | 18:51 |
chesedo | hmm | 18:51 |
chesedo | Maaz: start meeting about Ubuntu Monthly Meeting - September 2017 | 18:52 |
* Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles | 18:52 | |
chesedo | Maaz: topic Welcoming and Introduction | 18:52 |
chesedo | Welcome all and thank you for joining in on our monthly meeting | 18:52 |
chesedo | As usual, our bot maaz does the minutes, so please introduce yourself to it using `Maaz: I am <firstname lastname>` eg. | 18:52 |
chesedo | Maaz: I am Pieter Engelbrecht | 18:52 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Welcoming and Introduction | 18:52 |
Maaz | chesedo: Righto | 18:52 |
inetpro | Maaz: I am Gustav H Meyer | 18:52 |
Maaz | inetpro: Done | 18:52 |
londoner | Maaz: I am Paul Romano | 18:52 |
Maaz | londoner: Okay | 18:52 |
chesedo | Today's agenda is at | 18:52 |
inetpro | londoner: nice to see you here as well | 18:53 |
chesedo | i'll skip over the regular content since we are all regular... that ok with all? | 18:53 |
londoner | hi all. thanks inetpro | 18:53 |
inetpro | chesedo: +1 | 18:53 |
chesedo | Maaz: agreed All happy with agenda | 18:53 |
Maaz | Agreed: All happy with agenda | 18:53 |
chesedo | Maaz: topic Review minutes of previous meeting | 18:54 |
chesedo | previous meeting minutes is at | 18:54 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Review minutes of previous meeting | 18:54 |
chesedo | just for a refresher | 18:54 |
chesedo | londoner: will you be needing any next step help? | 18:54 |
paddatrapper | Maaz: I am Kyle Robbertze | 18:54 |
Maaz | paddatrapper: Alrighty | 18:54 |
chesedo | ...trello, mailing list, etc... | 18:54 |
chesedo | Maaz: topic Events | 18:55 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Events | 18:55 |
chesedo | upcoming events for the next month are: | 18:55 |
chesedo | - PyCon ZA 2017: 5th and 6th October 2017 (Cape Town) -> | 18:55 |
paddatrapper | Eish don't remind me... So much to organise before then | 18:55 |
chesedo | paddatrapper: you were at debconf iirc? | 18:55 |
paddatrapper | chesedo: yup | 18:55 |
londoner | I opened a Launchpad account in May and, after waiting for 4 months, earlier this month finally got approved as an Ubuntu Wiki editor. | 18:55 |
inetpro | londoner: wow | 18:55 |
chesedo | paddatrapper: wow keeping busy... how was it? | 18:56 |
chesedo | londoner: are you part of the wiki team? | 18:56 |
londoner | I maintain the official Full Circle Magazine article index at - also in spreadsheet format at | 18:56 |
paddatrapper | chesedo: it was good fun. Getting there and back was a mission, but lots of interesting talks and discussions | 18:56 |
paddatrapper | Debian packages are over 95% reproducible! | 18:57 |
chesedo | ah cool, i have not read that in ages | 18:57 |
inetpro | londoner: that is nice to know | 18:57 |
chesedo | paddatrapper: reproducible? | 18:57 |
paddatrapper | chesedo: so the binary built in the archive can be rebuilt on another machine with the same environment and be bit for bit identical | 18:58 |
chesedo | i see the full circle mag still has the py section | 18:58 |
paddatrapper | | 18:59 |
chesedo | paddatrapper: that is interesting, i though that machine languages might differ between machines... | 19:00 |
chesedo | or is that covered by the "same environment"? | 19:00 |
paddatrapper | chesedo: yup. Needs to be the same architecture | 19:01 |
chesedo | ah righto | 19:01 |
chesedo | i am not aware of other events for the year | 19:01 |
chesedo | are any of you? | 19:02 |
paddatrapper | But seeing as the Debian build infrastructure builds for all supported architectures, it isn't that much if an issue | 19:02 |
* inetpro should try to make an effort to print the Full Circle Magazine for coffee table reading in the office | 19:02 | |
paddatrapper | Nope. Wikimania happening in CT next year is the next one I know of | 19:02 |
chesedo | inetpro: that might be a lot of ink (colour wise) | 19:03 |
chesedo | but a great distraction | 19:03 |
inetpro | chesedo: true, that there's always nice content in there and we can't keep it to ourselves | 19:03 |
inetpro | info is there to be shared | 19:03 |
inetpro | :-) | 19:03 |
chesedo | i remember saving each one years ago for the gimp content it had | 19:04 |
inetpro | s/that there's/but there's/ | 19:04 |
chesedo | inetpro: how big is your office in head counts? | 19:05 |
chesedo | Maaz: agreed No other events to add | 19:05 |
Maaz | Agreed: No other events to add | 19:05 |
inetpro | we have four in the office but a few other IT guys and users who come and go | 19:05 |
chesedo | Maaz: topic Miscellaneous | 19:06 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Miscellaneous | 19:06 |
chesedo | if anyone has any misc topics... | 19:07 |
inetpro | chesedo: but you're right... maybe too much ink needed | 19:07 |
* chesedo now wonders if it is possible to get a copied subscription | 19:07 | |
chesedo | or maybe a print shop will work out cheaper... and better looking... | 19:08 |
inetpro | would be nice if we could just do cheap printing and selling locally to cover the printing costs | 19:08 |
chesedo | i think posting would be the biggest/killer issue here in SA | 19:09 |
chesedo | but yeah... | 19:09 |
* chesedo sighs | 19:10 | |
chesedo | Maaz: topic Next meeting | 19:10 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Next meeting | 19:10 |
chesedo | Maaz: agreed Next meeting is 24 October 2017 @ 20:30 | 19:10 |
Maaz | Agreed: Next meeting is 24 October 2017 @ 20:30 | 19:10 |
chesedo | Maaz: topic Elect chairperson for next meeting | 19:11 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Elect chairperson for next meeting | 19:11 |
chesedo | paddatrapper: are you still on for the next chair? | 19:11 |
inetpro | +1 for paddatrapper, if he's available | 19:12 |
* chesedo has an exam on that and the next day | 19:13 | |
inetpro | chesedo: he said last time, "I _should_ be free" | 19:14 |
chesedo | ok, i'll put him on for now... can change if need be | 19:15 |
paddatrapper | Sorry, yes I am | 19:15 |
chesedo | Maaz: agreed paddatrapper to chair next meeting | 19:15 |
Maaz | Agreed: paddatrapper to chair next meeting | 19:15 |
chesedo | awesome, ty paddatrapper | 19:15 |
chesedo | and thank you all for having joined in | 19:16 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Please help oom Kilos! | Ubuntu South Africa | Next Meeting: Tue, 24 October 20:30, Agenda: | Logs: | pastebin: | picpaste: | ||
chesedo | Maaz: end meeting | 19:16 |
Maaz | Meeting Ended | 19:16 |
Maaz | Minutes available at json: :: txt: :: html: | 19:16 |
paddatrapper | chesedo: thanks! | 19:16 |
chesedo | lol that's the quickest yet inetpro | 19:16 |
chesedo | yw paddatrapper | 19:16 |
inetpro | chesedo: sorry for my lack of partcipation | 19:17 |
chesedo | inetpro: you added loads | 19:18 |
* chesedo is now interested in finding out how much it would cost to print a mag | 19:18 | |
inetpro | chesedo: maybe something this could work? | 19:27 |
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