
peenissHello.  Please join my new channel ##teledildonics00:15
bazhangpeeniss, offtopic dont spamvertise00:15
peenissbazhang: dude you need to chill every once in a while00:16
peenissalways so uptight00:16
bazhangchatter NOT here peeniss00:16
peeniss!ops bazhang00:18
AlsophilaHello everyone I'm Alsophila and I'm new here00:21
Bashing-omAlsophila: Welcome, this is ubuntu support . Other ubuntu chats are availabale too :)00:23
AlsophilaThanks. I love Ubuntu!00:24
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Bashing-omAlsophila: What is there not to love ? But, look - chatter is in #ubuntu-discuss :)00:27
multifractalI'm having a lot of trouble with my trackpad. 16.04, Dell 9365. Sometimes it'll suddenly behave as if 2 fingers are depressed so any attempt to move the cursor scrolls you around. And the cursor sporadically jumps about, or select a load of text, and becomes poorly responsive...00:28
AlsophilaOk I'll turn to that channel for chatting. :)00:28
AlsophilaAnd When I need some help I'll come back here :)00:30
Bashing-omAlsophila: :) .. Or render help to others .00:31
AlsophilaPerhaps when I get more used to Ubuntu :)00:33
AlsophilaBut now I'm trying to get my blue tooth and 3G module working...00:34
valeechHello! Is there a way to boot ubuntu server so that console goes right into an application and not to the login prompt?00:44
doug16kvaleech, I'd set it up to run the program in screen with cron01:30
doug16kthen in ssh or whatever you can screen -dRR and go into that shell. then c-a c-d to detach when done01:31
valeechdoug16k: Thanks for the ideas. I was looking more for a way so that when the machine boots, on the tty console there is not a login prompt but rather an application showing machine status info. I think I have it figured out. I can configure the tty.conf to login as a specific user and that user’s shell in the shadow file will point to the script/application I want to use.01:35
doug16koh you actually want it to come up on the screen? when you said "server" I pictured a remote vm or something01:36
doug16kthe whole point of my suggestion was that it just starts up autonomously with nobody present and nobody logged in and it can be attached to by a temporary ssh shell, for example01:37
doug16kand that losing the ssh connectoin won't kill it01:38
doug16kbut yeah, it is not visible immediately as you seem to want01:38
icedwaterHi, is anyone here using the Chinese (not ibus) input? I can't seem to get it to work.01:42
TopRopeHas anybody had trouble running Destkop 16.04 under esxi 6.5a01:53
TopRopemine vm will boot and run for a couple of minutes and lock up01:54
tatertotzTopRope: nope been running fine for me for over a year now01:55
TopRopewell 6.5.0a has only been out since February01:56
tatertotzTopRope: it's been in production in a vsphere environment since 5.x01:56
tatertotzTopRope: and it's survived every upgrade01:57
TopRopehaven't had any trouble with any Ubuntu Server's but have done multiple desktop build's and I can't keep the thing running01:58
tatertotzTopRope: did your symptom(s) occur immediately after installing the OS or did the symptom seem to occur sometime later?01:58
tatertotzTopRope: or image or whatever you used01:59
tatertotzTopRope: does your symptom(s) occur if you simply boot the livecd/liveusb?02:00
TopRopethey do.  But I did an apt-get dist-upgrade the other night and it ran for a few hours and I thought it was fixed.  Shut the vm down and tonight would not run for more that a couple of mins.02:00
tatertotzTopRope: knowing the results of those queries will aid in narrowing your support efforts, allowing you to not waste mental concentration going down illogical rabbit wholes02:02
tatertotzTopRope: so you should probably start there02:02
TopRopehaven't tried just the live cd yet.02:02
TopRopelocks up like clockwork though02:02
tatertotzTopRope: performing the trouble shooting steps above will also allow you to know if the root cause is something you introduced into the ubuntu environment or possibly some other problems in areas including but not limited to the hypervisor level02:04
tatertotzTopRope: by now you may have just realized, yes it's obviously something you introduced into the ubuntu environment02:06
tatertotzTopRope: but you're probably thinking "gee whiz, what is it and what am i supposed to do about it"02:07
TopRopewell it maybe something I did but would have to be during the initial build02:08
TopRopeI was having to race to patch the sys after I built it before it would lock up02:08
TopRopeI had the install auto lvm the disk02:09
TopRopeabout the only choice I made that and giving it a hostname and setting it to dhcp02:10
TopRopebout the only things you do in the install02:10
tatertotzTopRope: well hopefully you're leveraging some of the system resiliency and high availability features of vsphere esxi, and can quickly and nimbly get back up and running where you need to be........lol...wishful thinking i know right lol02:11
TopRopenahh this is just a home server02:11
TopRopeI host a few servers on a dmz of my pfsense box02:12
TopRopeand run to test machines that is about it02:12
TopRopenot enterprise critical or anything02:13
bazhangTopRope, lets get back to strict ubuntu supprot please02:14
bazhangchatter in #ubuntu-offtopic02:14
aloo_shuo m g !02:14
bazhangwhats the issue aloo_shu02:15
TopRopeI can't keep Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 running for more than a couple of mins  in esxi 6.5.0a02:17
bazhangwhat type errors are you getting TopRope02:17
TopRopesorry to be chattery but he asked me if I was using HA and I explained that it was just virtual host on my home net and no use for that02:18
TopRopejust locks up after running for a couple of mins02:18
bazhangTopRope, does this match any of the outstanding bugs for that scenario02:19
TopRopetatertotz: just built a vm for the live cd to run on02:21
TopRopeit is locking up too02:22
bazhangTopRope, as far as bug reporting/ error reporting goes, locks up is not going to get many takers02:23
TopRopebazhang: well that may be true but I can't change the facts.  I thought it might be something that somebody else has run it.  sorry to waste your time02:27
bazhangTopRope, error pastes, many more details, and bugs looked for and found would help a lot02:28
kantlivelongdoes ubuntu have issues with ios 10.3 photo mounting?02:28
bazhangkantlivelong, from iphoto?02:29
kantlivelongbazhang: i used to be able to connect my phone and browse photos through the file manager02:29
kantlivelongdoesnt seem to work now02:30
bazhangkantlivelong, iphone via ubuntu box?02:30
TopRopeit cool I will just keep running this cent box runs fine02:30
lotuspsychje!iphone | kantlivelong02:31
ubottukantlivelong: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod02:31
kantlivelongyeah no mention of ios 10.302:32
bazhangkantlivelong, sadly apple keeps changing the ifuse, what ubuntu uses for that02:32
kantlivelongseems like i need some sort of daily builds ppa for libiobiledevice02:33
bazhangkantlivelong, there is a search ppa at launchpad02:34
aloo_shuTopRope no idea if there are ways to make your vm more verbose , or if watching top in forest or threaded view could give clues on what is hanging02:36
lotuspsychjekantlivelong: wich ubuntu version are you on?02:36
kantlivelonglotuspsychje: 16.0402:36
lotuspsychjekantlivelong: fully up to date? can you check with lsb_release -a ?02:37
kantlivelongah hmm Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS02:37
lotuspsychjekantlivelong: what you could try is the .3 perhaps as test?02:40
kantlivelongyeah suppose so02:40
lotuspsychjekantlivelong: your device shows up when plugin on usb?02:40
kantlivelonglotuspsychje: it does but blank02:40
tatertotzTopRope: does your symptom(s) occur when booted to livecd/liveusb? yes or no02:41
kantlivelongshows correct usage but nothing in it02:41
lotuspsychjekantlivelong: to see the technical part: tail -f /var/log/syslog and plugin your device to find usefull errors02:41
tatertotzTopRope: sounds like a yea to me but you need to acknowledge it02:41
tatertotzTopRope: this means you got problems in other areas including but not limited to the hypervisor level02:43
tatertotzTopRope: and that pretty much puts you out of scope for this environment, unfortunately02:43
TopRopetatertotz: I mentioned earlier it locked up on the live cd.  The web console window timed out.  Has run for a while now02:43
tatertotzTopRope: you should now take this over to the vmware/virtualbox chat room, as it's been determined that your problem(s) lie elsewhere02:44
tatertotzTopRope: it's likely i'll be there when you get there so you should really be swift and go now while my attention is at your disposal02:45
TopRopealoo_shu:  good point. I think I will try a few diff options on the initial setup.  I wish it would give me a little feedback to look in the logs for02:45
TopRopeok thx tatertotz02:46
ghost-287hello, to install wine in ubuntu which command we use?02:49
ghost-287apt install wine32?02:49
tatertotzghost-287: you could just use the GUI02:50
Bashing-omghost-287: ' sudo apt install wine ' . see: apt list wine .02:51
tatertotzghost-287: has a handy little search feature in software manager/software center/synaptic or whatever name it's going by today02:51
ghost-287ty, i installed it but when i try to run it with root user it tells me $USER/.wine is not owned by you02:53
tatertotzghost-287: have you tried it NOT as root02:54
ghost-287tatertotz, without root it works02:55
tatertotzghost-287: really....you don't say...02:56
ghost-287but i need that it works with root02:56
tatertotzghost-287: no, you actually don't...you just believe you do, i suspect because you don't know any better02:57
tatertotzghost-287: and that's fine, that's ok, i get it02:57
tatertotzghost-287: https://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ#Should_I_run_Wine_as_root.3F03:10
tatertotzghost-287: if you read section 6.2 of the "official" wine documentation03:10
tatertotzghost-287: it's says and i quote " NEVER run wine as root"03:11
tatertotzghost-287: did you know that?03:11
tatertotzghost-287: it literally says it in big bold red letters03:11
tatertotzghost-287: they even explain to you why this is a bad idea03:11
tatertotzghost-287: so i'm really disturbed why you make a sad emoticon/emoji03:12
tatertotzghost-287: what you are wanting to do is wrong on so many levels03:12
tatertotzghost-287: the only logical explanation is that you did not know this information03:13
tatertotzghost-287: you have now been told....and "officially"03:13
capella:p sorry03:14
azakighost-287: why do you think you need root? =|03:15
azakiyou're not like... running your whole system as root are you?03:15
* capella ran Wine once in a *nix VM under an actual Win host ... it was stupid fun03:16
ghost-287azaki, need it because is included in a script which need to be run with root03:17
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AureliusOghost-287, I would invest the time in adapting the script, or finding a source for a script that doesn't advise you to "void the warranty."03:17
AureliusOghost-287, you'll find really quickly that making it work "quick and dirty" really isn't quick in the end, but it sure as hell is dirty.03:18
azakii'm starting to seriously wonder what this script is doing if it needs wine *and* root ..03:19
tatertotzghost-287: do at your own risk....it's unsupported completely as per the software vendor themselves, that's right from the horses mouth03:19
azakiwine is designed to run userspace stuff.. low level windows apps likely wont work..03:20
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ghost-287another question not related to wine :303:24
ghost-287where can i find the icons of applications that are present in the launcher menu03:25
tatertotzghost-287: open terminal03:28
ghost-287and locate *?03:29
tatertotzghost-287: no silly...you think i'm some kinda newb or something03:29
tatertotzghost-287: in terminal>         ls -lh /usr/share/icons|nc termbin.com 999903:30
tatertotzghost-287: share url/link here...if you do not get a url/link...says o03:31
tatertotzghost-287: share url/link here...if you do not get a url/link...says so03:31
tatertotzghost-287: think you can handle that?03:32
ghost-287tatertotz, i was looking what is termbin :D03:33
tatertotzghost-287: do you know how "reciprocation" works?03:33
tatertotzghost-287: see i asked something of you in return for what you requested03:34
tatertotzghost-287: share url/link here03:34
tatertotzghost-287: don't break the good "cycle" we got going03:34
tatertotzghost-287: you don't wanna mess that up03:35
rafasccan someone tell me which version of ruby ubuntu ships by default?03:37
tatertotzrafasc: open terminal03:37
Fixion_is there a windows services for linux channel?03:38
rafasctatertotz: Im not using ubuntu at the moment. Was trying to choose a ruby version to target my software against.03:38
Fixion_(ie bash on ubuntu on windows aka lxss aka wsl lol)03:38
tatertotzrafasc: ah i see, doing a little pre field research03:39
lotuspsychje!ubuwin | Fixion_03:39
ubottuFixion_: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.03:39
Fixion_thanks :)03:39
lotuspsychjeFixion_: see also the #ubuntu-server channel for more specific services perhaps03:40
lotuspsychjeFixion_: depends on what you look for :p03:40
glitsj16rafasc: you can do a search on https://packages.ubuntu.com, that will list all ruby versions in the official repo's03:41
Fixion_lotuspsychje thanks but its more the windows side that I'm having an issue with... the Ubuntu subsystem itself seems to work fine...03:41
lotuspsychjeFixion_: allrighty!03:41
lotuspsychjerafasc: or /query ubottu and !info yourpackage ubuntu-code-name03:44
lotuspsychje!msgthebot | rafasc03:44
ubotturafasc: Please investigate me only with "/msg ubottu bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu search <pattern>"03:44
rafascthanks, I'm in to it.03:45
rafasci believe I wanted to say I'm on it.03:55
rafascman english is hard when you're still awake at 04:55am03:55
Tobayou could have been into being on it03:58
Tobait's happened to us all03:58
viking667I've got a problem with my wife's machine. Some of her programs can't talk directly to pulseaudio, yet google-chrome can play videos (and I hear the sound). I added her user to the audio group, and to pulse and pulse-access for good measure. yet mplayer can't access the pulseaudio device, and neither can mpd.04:02
viking667What else do I need to look at?04:02
viking667(aside from mpd.conf, which has pulseaudio as its only output)04:02
viking667the volume control works, and Test Speakers works, I get audio in both speakers.04:03
lotuspsychje!sound | viking66704:04
ubottuviking667: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:04
viking667Volume's fine, hardware's all correct. Input works (microphone gives me bars on the meter) and output simply says (System sounds - muted)04:05
viking667Any player I've checked works, as long as I don't expect it to connect to pulseaudio (I get "Connection refused" there)04:06
lotuspsychjeviking667: wich ubuntu version?04:09
viking667latest release (not 171004:11
lotuspsychjeviking667: #ubuntu+1 for artfull issues please04:11
viking667hm, hang on. I'd best check that.04:11
viking667oops, it seems it's 16.04 (gah)04:11
lotuspsychjeviking667: .2 or .3?04:12
viking667I wasn't even aware there was a .304:12
lotuspsychjeviking667: ok, things you can try is a pulseaudio restart, and upgrade to .304:12
viking667hm. How would I do a upgrade to .3? I've never met this beast before.04:12
lotuspsychje!upgrade | viking66704:12
ubottuviking667: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade04:12
viking667And I've restarted pulse several times. Each time, it starts up.04:13
lotuspsychjeviking667: pulse worked before any time?04:13
viking667No idea. The volume works fine, the "Test Speakers" thing works fine (I hear left speaker, right speaker). Google chrome plays youtube videos and streams our local television.04:14
lotuspsychjeviking667: only on mplayer broken? or other apps aswell?04:15
lotuspsychje!info mpd04:15
viking667I haven't tested anything else.04:15
ubottumpd (source: mpd): Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19.21-1 (zesty), package size 374 kB, installed size 1189 kB04:15
lotuspsychje!info mpd xenial04:15
ubottumpd (source: mpd): Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19.12-1 (xenial), package size 369 kB, installed size 1168 kB04:15
lotuspsychjeviking667: got this version?04:15
lotuspsychjeviking667: did you try a reinstall perhaps?04:16
viking667reinstall of exactly what, though?04:16
viking667mplayer won't connect to the pulse server either04:16
lotuspsychjeviking667: how about vlc, does that work can you try?04:17
viking667I'll give that a go. please bear with me.04:17
viking667Output method is set to "Automatic"04:18
viking667Setting to "Pulseaudio" now.04:18
viking667yup. Works.04:19
viking667... strange. Why doesn't mplayer work, then?04:19
viking667hm. Now it seems to work. Amazing what happens when I threaten the machine with a Windows install...04:20
lotuspsychjeviking667: not sure, you can launch mplayer from terminal perhaps for more errors04:20
viking667mplayer's working fine, at least now.04:21
lotuspsychje!yay | viking66704:22
ubottuviking667: Glad you made it! :-)04:22
viking667not yet, I haven't. I need mpd to start working.04:22
lotuspsychjeviking667: try reinstall of mpd04:23
viking667how do I reinstall something, again? apt-get --install --reinstall  ...?04:24
lotuspsychjeviking667: sudo apt purge mpd04:24
viking667ugh. I'd prodded the conf file, I'll have to set that aside.04:24
lotuspsychjeviking667: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=182502304:25
viking667wow. When did apt get this colour interface? I usually only use apt-get and apt-cach04:26
lotuspsychjeviking667: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPD04:26
viking667err, cache04:26
lotuspsychjeviking667: on xenial you can use apt install package instead of apt-get04:26
viking667ahh. That's new to me.04:27
lotuspsychjeviking667: overlook your conf on the ubuntu mpd page ok04:27
yao_ziyuanhow do i install the wingdings fonts on ubuntu?04:28
viking667Yep. I'm just doing a diff between the two conf files now.04:28
* viking667 scratches his head... this is different...04:31
viking667README.Debian mutters something about a ~/.mpdconf and starting it up as a user. Oh, and disabling it in systemd.04:33
viking667... which it looks like I already did that some time in the past.04:38
viking667Okay. I'm out of here while I figure out why mpc won't connect to mpd.04:53
viking667Thanks for the help.04:53
AegonTargis there a channel for ubuntu server?05:16
krytarikAegonTarg: #ubuntu-server >_>05:19
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greydawgI'm trying to do git push06:28
greydawgor git fetch06:28
greydawgbut it stalls with no error06:28
greydawgany idea on where to look for what's wrong06:29
Matsustash updates, clone repo to another directory, copy there06:29
greydawg@matsu updates to what?06:30
greydawgmatsu: updates to what?06:30
AlsophilaAnyone can tell me the hotkey to switch input language?06:33
MatsuI meant that if u have changed since last push06:33
MatsuAlso it was a joke06:33
AlsophilaEverytime I use my mouse to switch it but I want a hotkey...06:35
MatsuAlsophila: what platform06:38
Matsuon windows, doesn't left-alt + shift do the thing?06:38
MatsuOr do I remember wrong06:39
AlsophilaJust about Ubuntu...06:39
greydawgit's ubuntu06:39
greydawgI installed the new git update06:39
greydawgalthough it works with https06:39
greydawgbut ssh is more elegant06:39
ducasseAlsophila: which release is this?06:41
Alsophiladucasse:Ubuntu Studio 16.0406:42
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Matsusuper + space06:42
greydawgducasse, new current one git ubuntu repos06:42
Matsushould work06:42
MatsuOn ubuntu06:42
greydawgMatsu, yes that should work06:42
greydawgI use dvorak and us and deutsch06:42
greydawgworks charms for me06:42
ducasseAlsophila: that should be switchable in the settings, i don't remember if it's under language or keyboard - check both06:44
AlsophilaOK It's super+space! It works! Thank you!06:46
gnomethrowerhey there07:26
gnomethrowerI have a Ubuntu 16.04 box and I'm trying to install Sendmaikl07:29
gnomethrowerbut it appears to get stuck on "Creating SSL certificates for sendmail"07:29
gnomethrowerit's on a t2.medium AWS instance using the official Ubuntu images07:29
gnomethrowerthis AskUbuntu post seems to have a solution: https://askubuntu.com/questions/937666/ubuntu-16-04-command-line-sendmail-installation-hanged07:31
gnomethrowerI just don't know how clean that solution is and would rather not have to run it if it's solvable another way07:31
ivanhi, does anyone know what I have to patch to be able to read a filename with a colon character when using mount -t cifs (xenial) to a samba server on xenial? mangling is already off on the samba server, but something either remaps : or tries to read it as an ADS07:54
Ben64ivan: i don't think ubuntu cares if there are colons in the file name08:01
ivanBen64: fs/cifs or samba does08:01
ivan# ls -l 2> /dev/null | grep 1505814645.11612_71.ra,U=71:2,S08:03
ivan-rw------- 1 at at    349 2017-09-19 09:50 1505814645.11612_71.ra,U=71:2,S08:03
ivan# cat '1505814645.11612_71.ra,U=71:2,S'08:03
ivancat: '1505814645.11612_71.ra,U=71:2,S': No such file or directory08:03
ivanah I see something is converting the : character to U+F022 (you can touch a file with : and the server will get one of those)08:07
Ben64i can see my test:file and cat it08:08
Ben64so ....08:08
ivanBen64: are you on xenial? did you make that file on the server and then cat it on the client?08:10
Ben64no; yes08:10
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skjoedtNFS issue: Files from one user on a client nfs mount comes up as 'nobody' (uid 65534). All other users' files are shown correctly. Is there a way to refresh nfsidmap for a single user? service idmapd restart doesn't work. I'm unable to remount or reboot.08:23
skjoedtRelated syslog message:  --- nfsidmap[3590]: nss_getpwnam: name 'jkgm' not found in domain 'local' --- The issue occured after I removed/readded the user on the client (no ldap)08:25
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ivanalright after reading the fs/cifs code I have figured out that I just need to add the mount option nomapposix08:26
hargutComing from the RedHat world, is there anything equivalent similar to authconfig for managing /etc/pam.d/ and /etc/nsswitch.conf?08:29
mas886Hello, I got a question. If I download ubuntu 17.10, will it update to the stable version once it's released?08:30
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sirru5hHello Everyone08:34
multifractalI've been having a lot of trouble with my touchpad, 16.04 Dell 9365 (XPS13). It jitters randomly sometimes, sometimes behaves like there's a second finger press so any cursor movement scrolls you around, and selects text. I tried a couple of suggestions from https://askubuntu.com/questions/865690/touchpad-issues-on-ubuntu-16-10 https://medium.com/@patrickmmartin/dell-xps-13-9360-journey-to-linux-trackpad-fix-a2d9b551d291...09:26
multifractalNow it's probably worse than before because I don't have natural scolling anymore; the mouse/trackpad options are now much more sparse - I can only choose primary button left/right and double click speed.09:27
multifractalMaybe someone can tell me the default touchpad driver so I can reinstall that?09:31
multifractalIt's called synaptics?09:34
multifractalNot to be confused with synaptic?09:34
gnomethrowermultifractal: I think correct09:38
gnomethrowerjust "synaptic" is a GUI for Apt, called Synaptic Package Manager09:39
gnomethrowerwhich I think is deprecated?09:39
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gnomethrower(or at least, replaced by Ubuntu Software Center09:39
multifractalhttps://imagebin.ca/v/3bhjE2RNN6oE Why do my settings look like this?09:42
multifractalWell... if anybody gives a goddamn: `sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-input-libinput` solved the problem.09:48
jinkmultifractal: (Y)09:49
gnomethrowermultifractal: Awesome. Thanks for letting us know09:49
multifractalI'd installed that junk to try and mitigate the jittery cursor + phantom scrolling problem. I guess I still face that stinking problem.09:50
gnomethrowermultifractal: Hopefully this isn't a stupid question09:56
gnomethrowercan you ask Dell for support?09:56
multifractalNope they wash their hands of anything ubuntu related.10:00
multifractalyou'll be talking to a dial tone if you mention linux.10:00
dekatchhi, i installed audacity via software store. the app is installed and now i wanna remove it. but i dont really know how to uninstall that now. software center only offers me the option "install" as if it wasnt installed10:05
Mr_Pandekatch, open Terminal ... sudo apt remove -purge <application>10:06
multifractaldekatach: I think you can sudo-apt get remove...10:06
multifractalbeat me to it10:06
Tin_manmight have to get out of the store, and then go back in, it should reset..10:06
* multifractal would never want to uninstall glorious audacity anyway10:07
dekatchyea its just i installed it on accident10:08
dekatchon a pretty tight drive here 9GB xd10:08
dekatchtried to avoid the terminal usage... tried how far ill come. and all my stuff works flawlessly after an fresh ubuntu install + first update10:09
dekatchseems very neat :) ubuntu ftq10:10
Tin_mandekatch, you mean 9gb left after the install?10:12
dekatchno, actually i mean 10GB total. 1gb swap, 9gb rest of it10:12
dekatchi will probably change that10:12
Tin_manwow that's about the min.10:13
dekatchthis is kinda a test run. dont judge me on that i am a windows gui **** but i always liked linux. just wasnt as convinient to use10:13
Tin_mani use both. A lot of people do.10:15
dekatchbut everything runs out of the box. thats neat10:15
Tin_mandon't know if you seen it, but in the Store you can view all the "Installed" programs.10:16
dekatchlike the audio settings better as them from windows. i can change the volume level of my sub in a very convinient way. windows cant do that.10:16
dekatchi had to install 3rd party apps to do it10:16
dekatchTin_man, i checked there twice and tripple. audacity wasnt listed10:17
Tin_manno i don't think it's a default program.10:17
dekatchsoftware center also only offered the "install" option again after i installed10:17
Tin_mannot on my install anyway10:17
Tin_manas i said, it gets confused sometimes..10:18
trijntje_how does the du command work? Does it read the entire file to determine its size or does it query some property of the filesystem?710:18
dekatchi really miss foobar200010:19
azakitrijntje_: pretty sure it looks at the filesystem, given how fast it is when scanning multiple directories =o10:19
dekatchjust the best app ever on windws.10:19
dekatchan audioplayer10:20
azakimedia players is the one thing we have no shortage of in linux.. =p10:20
dekatchyea. but none is like foobar2000 :)10:21
Tin_mannever used, or heard of foobar2000, but i'm in the older generation of life, so no not surprising.10:21
hateballIt is a rather modular player, and I guess there is no direct counterpart10:21
hateballIt runs well (or at least used to) in WINE tho10:21
hateballdekatch: If you havent already, you might want to have a look at Clementine10:22
Tin_mannormally just stream my music, don't have a large collection.10:22
dekatchyea was about to try them all i guess.10:22
dekatchwhat i need is a good library and an easy to create playlist section. like on the go10:24
dekatchmanually creating playlists is keeping me from doing it as lazy as i am xx10:24
kalcsoWhy can't I switch into 2 different languages in unity?10:27
bazhangkalcso, you want to type in two languages mid sentence?10:28
trijntje_azaki: I guess that's an indication, but I was hoping someone would know for sure. I do know that it gets confused when two folders contain hardlinks to eachother10:29
kalcsoI want to use Ru+En. It's ok by clicking and choose between these two from the panel, but shortkey doesn't work, short-keys are ok in other user environment!10:30
bazhangkalcso, via kb layout ibus or other10:30
pandaadbHi - i am having a weird situation where my mouse cursor is flickering pretty much constantly (somewhat like pulsing). I think this is a recent thing but i haven't installed anything new (other than updates)10:31
pandaadbis this a known issue? Is there an easy workaround for that?10:31
kalcsolanguages indicator10:31
azakitrijntje_: a more general channel like #linux would be able to answer things like that better.10:31
pandaadbI am using ubuntu 16.0410:31
hateballdekatch: if you want extended library functions etc then amaroK is also good10:31
bazhangkalcso, I usually use ibus for that, set a ccertain key to switch between the two10:32
kalcsoThey are defined but not working in unity (It will be fixed when I'm switching to gnome, even an unity from other users).10:33
bazhangkalcso, you are using ibus?10:33
kalcsobazhang, How can I get that?10:34
bazhangkalcso, same as other packages in ubuntu, install it10:34
kalcsoHow can I get that I'm using ibus10:35
bazhangkalcso, you would have downloaded it, configuerd it, added the appropriate language packs, then restarted it10:35
bazhangkalcso, did you do that10:36
kalcsoI'm using ibus-setup in terminal.10:36
bazhangkalcso, thats just the very first step10:37
bazhangkalcso, no using it until you actually set it up10:37
kalcsoâ–¶ ibus engine10:38
kalcsoI guess it is installed by default10:40
bazhangkalcso, so you ran it, exited it, added the language packs, then resrtarted it?10:40
bazhangkalcso, that sounds like only the very first step10:40
kalcsoI did it several times.10:41
dekatchclemtentine only lacks the feature to display the library sorted by folder structure. other than that i think ill stick to clementine hateball10:42
bazhangkalcso, you ran the first step several times?10:42
dekatchdo you know of any modding site for clementine player? the offered option wont let me complete theme the player. just portion of it10:42
kalcsoNo, I just add new language by "Text entry settings".10:43
kalcsoAnd switch into new language by pressing short-keys which I defined.10:43
bazhangwhich key did you set up as the switcher kalcso10:43
kalcsoleft shift + left alt.10:44
bazhangkalcso, and once all the language packs were added, you restarted ibus (not your computer)10:44
kalcso"ibus restart" command.10:46
bazhangkalcso, so can you tupe some russian here, to test it10:46
kalcsoI don't know why short-keys not work in unity.10:46
kalcsoOf course, I use top panel and click on new language that I want to use10:47
bazhangkalcso, could be you chose keys reserved for unity, I have been using ibus since before unity until now10:48
kalcsoNo it's ok in other users unity.10:48
dekatchor somebody any idea how i can change the color background from the media library? https://imgur.com/CrB6Auv10:49
bazhangkalcso, so switch up several variations on the key combo10:49
dekatchbasically i want to theme the player darkgrey and white font10:49
kalcsobazhang, Is there any solution?10:50
bazhangdekatch, is that easily themable/skinnable such as audacious is10:50
bazhangkalcso, yes, ry some other kb combos10:51
dekatchbazhang, but not with offered options right?10:51
dekatchnvm ^^ you were auto correcting ...10:51
kalcsoFew days ago I did use "Super+Space", that doesn't work too.10:52
bazhangdekatch, the best fully skinnalbe lightwight player is audacious that I know of10:52
dekatchyea and that lacks a media library it seems10:52
bazhangkalcso, just the one change around? try several options10:53
kalcsoI did use left ctrl even10:53
bazhangkalcso, what version of gnome3 unity is this10:53
kalcsoLatest one in zesty.10:54
bazhangUbuntu 17.04 kalcso ?10:55
kalcsoYes dear.10:55
bazhangkalcso, eother you are using this concurrently with some other kb switcher, your choice of switcher keys is rserverd for unity, or you have a bug10:56
kalcsobazhang, so why is unity ok when I switch to the other users?10:58
bazhangsounds like a bug10:58
bazhangwhy not check the bug tracker and participate10:58
kalcsoI don't think so, is there any way to view unity's configuration file?11:00
bazhanggive it a try11:01
kalcsoI mean a .conf or .desktop file, to read configurations.11:02
blackrabbitcan you guys help me, I just installed ubuntu on brand new computer11:03
blackrabbitthere was already windows, but not fully installed yet. I reinstalled it with ubuntu, it said that I need to use UEFI legacy install, so I did11:04
blackrabbitnow I can't boot into it "Error 1962: No Operating system found. Press any key to repeat boot sequence."11:05
blackrabbittried installing grub using boot-repair, checked bios, seems like I can't disable UEFI, what should I do? google is not helping11:05
NimeshNeemaHi. Can anyone help with the release date for Ubuntu 17.10? Thanks.11:09
glitsj16NimeshNeema: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases mentions October, maybe people in #ubuntu+1 have a more specific date11:11
worldsnutsNimeshNeema: Oct 19th AFAIK11:11
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CountryfiedLinuxOn this laptop there's no HDMI sound output. With Windows I get sound through my speakers plugged into the monitor. For Linux I have to plug the speakers into the laptop's audio jack. I have a Dell Inspiron 15 5555. Any suggestions?11:26
ivanCountryfiedLinux: use pavucontrol to switch output device11:28
mcphailCountryfiedLinux: what graphics card and drivers? The open source amd drivers don't give hdmi audio11:28
ivan(if it's there) output devices tab, then some unhelpful icon you have to click on the right11:28
CountryfiedLinuxmcphail, My AMD defaults to amdgpu and not amdgpu-pro drivers, so I'll most likely just buy an Intel-based laptop and have Windows on my current one. Thanks.11:30
mcphailCountryfiedLinux: hdmi audio is on the roadmap, but isn't in the newest kernel11:31
CountryfiedLinuxmcphail, Oh so it will be available in the near future?11:32
dekatchis aptitude still considered superior to apt ?11:32
Ben64dekatch: no11:33
mcphailCountryfiedLinux: who knows? i think everyone had been hoping the patches would have been merged a couple of kernels ago. they keep getting put back. Hopefully they'll be in an upstream kernel by end of year11:34
dekatchsudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal11:35
CountryfiedLinuxYeah mcphail hopefully.11:37
CountryfiedLinuxI'll wait a few months to make that Intel laptop purchase. The way I see it is if I can't afford 10 of them I'm not gonna buy 1. Gotta have a lot of money in the bank account in case of emergencies.11:38
BluesKajhowdy folks11:39
CountryfiedLinuxhowdy BluesKaj11:39
CountryfiedLinuxI don't think it's wise of me to spend more than 10% of my money on a new laptop, and I don't have that saved up quite yet.11:39
BluesKajhi CountryfiedLinux11:40
dekatchpeople do it even when they dont have any money11:40
CountryfiedLinuxdekatch, Oh like financing. Very unwise choice most of the time.11:40
dekatchguess you dont need that laptop that urgent. so why not. wait, save some more up11:40
dekatchits a win win. that particular model should get cheaper over time as well11:42
avrdudewhy does the iso file i downloaded say amd64 at the end?11:44
ivanthat just means x86-6411:45
avrdudeoh ok11:45
hateballCountryfiedLinux: do you get no video either, from the hdmi port?11:46
hateballI had this issue with an Intel machine of mine, it refuses to let me use HDMI for audio output unless I also output the video11:47
CountryfiedLinuxhateball, I do get video, it's just HDMI output that isn't in the kernel for amdgpu drivers yet. I could use my laptop's audio jack though, but that seems like forced regression on my part.11:48
hateballCountryfiedLinux: Ah!11:48
noccoWhen running pycharm from the command line, the program exists if I close the terminal window. How do I get around this?11:48
noccoexists = shuts down (damn I'm tired11:49
EriC^^nocco: pycharm & disown11:50
noccoErichEickmeyer: Many thanks! :)11:51
noccoI'm used to mac, where it does whatever disown does automatically. What is the single &-sign stands for?11:54
BluesKajCountryfiedLinux, make sure your pcm is turned up and your spdif is enabled in alsamixer11:55
CountryfiedLinuxBluesKaj, What does that do?11:56
CountryfiedLinuxBluesKaj, I may test that in a live session if it's supposed to enable what the kernel doesn't provide for amdgpu drivers.11:57
EriC^^nocco: & is to background the process11:57
BluesKajCountryfiedLinux, those are your digital sigmals and your media player uses them to transfer the audio to your hdmi audio out11:58
BluesKajsignals even11:58
CountryfiedLinuxBluesKaj, Do you think it would be a good workaround?11:59
noccoOh, i thought disown did that11:59
BluesKajit's not a workaround , thats how it works11:59
CountryfiedLinuxBluesKaj, Would it work with amdgpu pro drivers?12:00
BluesKajCountryfiedLinux, it depends on your audio driver  not the video driver12:00
EriC^^nocco: disown separates the process from the bash shell12:01
CountryfiedLinuxBluesKaj, Would you be able to help me figure that out in about 10 minutes or so?12:03
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BluesKajCountryfiedLinux, I'll be here for the next hour or so12:05
CountryfiedLinuxOk thanks BluesKaj :D12:06
CountryfiedLinuxI have Ubuntu writing to a usb stick now then I'll boot up the live session and come back here.12:06
manuelschneid3rhow do I install the vboxapi?12:12
manuelschneid3rseems like ubuntu does not ship the sdk. does it at least ship vboxapisetup.py12:12
ducassemanuelschneid3r: it's not in any package in the repos afaict12:16
inflatusmanuelschneid3r have you tried using pip3 to install it?12:16
manuelschneid3rno but that would be nice and platformindependant12:17
manuelschneid3rwhats the package?12:17
cfhowletthttp://www.cesareriva.com/tag/how-to-install-vboxapi/ manuelschneid3r12:17
manuelschneid3rwell I would have to get the sdk before though12:21
manuelschneid3rI am not sure if setting the vbox path to the binary makes much sense12:21
albechbeen trying to route traffic back through the interface where the connection is established on, but with no luck. I have a setup with three interfaces. eth0: internal network in the DC, eth1: external interface with static ip, tun0: vpn interface over eth1, which is used as default gw. I wish to route connections coming to eth1 back through eth1 and not via default gw. I have looked at https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/4420/reply-on-same-interface-as12:23
inflatusi do not know bit maybe pyvbox will help https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyvbox/1.2.0 > it seems to be the only one with some documentation12:23
albechbut it isnt working as expected. not sure if rp_filter should be off for this, but i have already tried without success.12:23
inflatus"A complete implementation of the VirtualBox Main API"12:24
manuelschneid3rit not that I would use the pyhton api12:24
manuelschneid3rI want to use the c++ xpcom api12:25
manuelschneid3rbut I need the headers and therefore the sdk to be installed12:25
CountryfiedLinuxHey BluesKaj I'm back.12:26
ducassemanuelschneid3r: try #vbox12:26
CountryfiedLinuxBluesKaj: can you explain what you were talking about before?12:28
BluesKajCountryfiedLinux, if you check your pavucontro you should be able to set your hdmi audio out there12:28
BluesKajerr pavucontrol12:28
CountryfiedLinuxBluesKaj: HDMI is not listed in "playback".12:29
CountryfiedLinuxBluesKaj: Testing with a random YouTube video.12:29
BluesKajit should show in the drop bown'12:30
CountryfiedLinuxBluesKaj: Oh yeah, it's there. It's muted when I switch to it though.12:31
CountryfiedLinuxI have the speakers plugged into the monitor.12:31
BluesKajCountryfiedLinux, try an audio file from your pc or are you running a media live session ?12:31
CountryfiedLinuxBluesKaj: live session. I'll try downloading something and play it.12:32
BluesKajCountryfiedLinux, that's not the way to test hdmi, it might work with html5 or flash thru pulseaudio , but not directly from your pc12:34
CountryfiedLinuxBluesKaj: I downloaded a .mp3 file and still muted in HDMI.12:34
akikCountryfiedLinux: try selecting hdmi in pavucontrol's configuration tab first12:34
BluesKajyou need to have a real installation on your hard drive anyway12:35
BluesKajbut I have to go ...bb in a couple of hrs12:35
CountryfiedLinuxBluesKaj: I had it installed in the past and had the same issue when selecting HDMI. I think it's a kernel driver issue.12:36
dekatchso i guess there is no option to display the startet menu on the bottom ?12:37
dekatchand kinda cut the edge. make it kinda floating?12:37
dekatchah nvm that. google led me to a solution12:40
AppAraathi, I think my /boot is full, so I can't autoremove stuff let alone install packages. I want to now try removing kernels manually but that also fails - https://bpaste.net/show/9a277eda4680 - so what is best practice in Ubuntu for manually removing older kernels?12:40
cfhowlettAppAraat, boot  an ubuntu USB, chroot to your installed system and remove the excess kernels.12:41
AppAraatcfhowlett: do I have to update-grub2 afterwards in the chrooted system?12:42
ducasseAppAraat: use 'dpkg -P' instead of 'apt purge'12:43
fishcookerhow to force dim the screen light when on recovery mode12:46
cfhowlettAppAraat, updating grub is advised12:47
AppAraatducasse: I tried but /boot is still at 100% - https://bpaste.net/show/3862200c624a12:47
fishcookerhow to force dim the screen light when on recovery mode *then fn key doesn't work at all12:47
unimatrix9hi there12:50
ducasseAppAraat: see what is actually there, you might have been purging packages with only config left12:52
blackrabbitubuntu installation is freezed on "Installing the 'grub2' package" for about 2 hours now12:58
blackrabbitcan i shut down my pc?12:58
dekatchubuntu install? or application install?12:59
blackrabbitInstalling ubuntu on new pc12:59
blackrabbitfrom live usb flash12:59
dekatchjust installed 16.04 yesterday via usb2 extrnal drive12:59
dekatchtook only about 10 minutes13:00
dekatchso i would just restart and start over13:00
blackrabbityeah in in loop somehow13:00
AppAraatducasse: I see a bunch of initrd images taking most of the space: https://bpaste.net/show/5393df2be4a0 - and when I try to remove the older kernels it complains because of missing deps.13:00
unimatrix9how can i get firefox to use libpepflashplayer instead of flash ...  .so13:01
ducasseAppAraat: try removing the remaining 4.8 kernels, for example13:03
AppAraatducasse: I tried, see the bottom of that paste. Or do you mean another approach?13:03
ducasseAppAraat: just put the linux-image-extra... package on the same line, you can list more than one package at once13:06
ducasseAppAraat: btw, remember to also remove headers, or you will eventually run out of inodes on your root fs13:16
daneziHi. Can anyone help me setting Samba up? Reboot causes shares to disable....13:17
blackrabbitI am getting this erro https://pastebin.com/1N3RsDt313:20
blackrabbitnot able to install ubuntu at all, google is not helping13:20
blackrabbitis there possibility that my usb flashdisk is broken?13:21
zarzar1can i install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi 4.9 using apt-get? if so how? i tried sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.9 but unable to locate package13:21
EriC^^blackrabbit: did you md5sum the iso?13:22
blackrabbitgoing to check it now13:22
EriC^^!hashes > blackrabbit13:22
ubottublackrabbit, please see my private message13:22
EriC^^check the link the bot gave you for the hashes13:23
blackrabbityeah hash is good13:24
blackrabbit0d9fe8e1ea408a5895cbbe3431989295 *ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso13:24
blackrabbitI have installed it first time, but I somehow screwed UEFI/legacy/boot, error message was "Error 1962: No Operating system found. Press any key to repeat boot sequence."13:24
blackrabbitso I tried to reinstall it again and now I can't get pass the "Installing 'grub2' package"13:25
ducassezarzar1: for trusty the available version is 4.8.2-1, package gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf13:25
Tin_manzarzar1, try this link >> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14921463/how-to-install-cross-compiler-on-ubuntu-12-04-lts-for-microprocessor-sa110013:25
EriC^^blackrabbit: try to install grub manually later, launch the installer with ubiquity -b for no bootloader installation13:25
zarzar1found it: https://www.howtoinstall.co/en/ubuntu/xenial/gcc-4.9-arm-linux-gnueabi i was adding 4.9 to end like gcc, was not correct13:26
zarzar1do i need to install 4.9 binutils or assembler seperately?13:26
blackrabbitEriC^^, thank, will try it13:26
EriC^^blackrabbit: what is the partition layout and mode you're installing in? pastebin "ls /sys/firmware/efi && sudo parted -l"13:26
blackrabbitwait I will check it, it's brand new PC13:27
daneziSo any help with setting up samba would be appreciated. Like I stated before, shares get disabled after reboot so maybe I just have to set samba to autostart but after trying different solutions found online the problem is still the same.13:27
d_1_stortionJust want to say to that person who yesterday was helping me with ubuntu mate sleep problem. I managed to fix it. It somehow helped to restore BIOS settings. Now it works13:28
akikdanezi: do you mean smbd starts upon reboot but stops after that? "journalctl -u smbd"13:30
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blackrabbitEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25620610/13:30
zarzar1ducasse Tin_man i installed but now i cannot find the install location13:31
EriC^^blackrabbit: everything looks good13:31
ducassezarzar1: dpkg -L gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf13:31
blackrabbitEriC^^, the problem is that when I first started, there was windows 7 installed13:31
blackrabbitubuntu asked me something about legacy or UEFI while installation13:32
EriC^^blackrabbit: reinstall again using ubiquity -b using the same technique you were already, and then boot the live usb and you can install grub manually13:32
EriC^^blackrabbit: no problem, if you want you could zero the first start of the disk and make a fresh partition table too13:33
blackrabbithow I start installation from terminal?13:33
EriC^^blackrabbit: "type ubiquity -b"13:33
EriC^^blackrabbit: type "ubiquity -b"13:33
zarzar1ducasse i tried update alternatives query but no alternatives found13:33
zarzar1ducasse dpkg -L gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf did not show alternative versions that i can see13:34
blackrabbitEriC^^, ohh thank you, I thought that ubiquity is some wifi driver or something lol13:34
ducassezarzar1: it shows where the package was installed, which is what you asked for13:35
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zarzar1ducasse i already had a version installed13:36
zarzar1ducasse 5.4 was installed, wanted to add 4.913:36
ducassezarzar1: is 5.4 installed through apt?13:37
zarzar1ducasse yes through apt-get, i want a side by side13:37
zarzar1looks like 4.9 did not actually install13:38
dzieglerHi, i have a quick question, i need to run a curl request inside of my debian/ruls file inside of pbuilder. But i always run into some dns resolve issues or connection issues. Is the network inside of pbuilder restricted? If i run "pbuilder-dist trusty login" it is working perfectly13:38
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ducassezarzar1: either that, or it replaced 5.4. if the package has no version suffix you can probably only install one at a time13:43
zarzar1ducasse it did not replace, all the installed versions that i can find report v 5.413:44
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zarzar1ducasse it is in the apt-cache but not installed13:48
ducassezarzar1: what does 'apt-cache policy gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf' say?13:49
blackrabbitohh fuck me13:50
blackrabbitis it possible that ubuntu is installed without vga driver?13:51
zarzar1ducasse i was searching for arm-linux-gnueabihf13:51
zarzar1 but i had installed 4.9-arm-linux-gnueabi13:51
ducasseblackrabbit: watch the language, please13:51
blackrabbitducasse, srry just trying to install ubuntu for almost 4 hours now13:51
leftyfbblackrabbit: what version are you trying to install? How are you trying to install it? What is the name of the iso you're using and where did you get it? What hardware is it being installed on?13:52
AppAraatducasse: thanks, that worked. I removed all but the recent 4.8.0 kernel (partly because ping makes CPU go 100% on newer kernels, but that's a different issue :p)13:54
|Night|not sure if my system is strange or filesystem curruped .p I have an 8 exobyte file on a 2TB hdd :p13:54
|Night|-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8589934590G mars 5 201413:54
leftyfbblackrabbit: scratch some of those questions, I just joined and scrolled up. Personally, I would enable legacy mode/disable EFI/secureboot and do the legacy installation of ubuntu.13:54
blackrabbitit's retro PC, have problems with UEFI and default installation. AMD Athlon II B26 3.2 GHz, 8192 MB, 250 GB HDD, DVD-RW, ATI Radeon HD425013:55
blackrabbitleftyfb, I can't see anything related in bios :(13:55
zarzar1ducasse so i think it installed, i need to switch it to system default arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc13:55
zarzar1 and arm-linux-gnueabihf13:55
leftyfbblackrabbit: read the documentation on your pc to get into the BIOS13:55
zarzar1sorry for the multi line13:56
blackrabbitleftyfb, I was in bios, but didn't see anything13:56
leftyfbblackrabbit: read the documentation on your pc to find out where to disable EFI/secureboot13:57
dekatchblackrabbit, good chance your mainboard doesnt have that feature13:58
dekatchyou can figure that out by install hwinfo afaik13:59
dekatchoh that requires to have a working OS on that system. oh just forget what i said .....14:02
dekatchread the documentation instead :P14:02
AppAraatare kernels 4.10.0-27-generic to 4.10.0-33-generic not marked as removable? If I do apt autoremove it lists only 4.8.* kernels for removal.14:03
ducasseAppAraat: it depends on what kkernels you have actually booted etc, but they will be marked for autoremove eventually14:07
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AppAraatducasse: I see, so would it be safe bet to remove all (or most) older kernels than I am currently booted in? (4.10.0-32-generic)14:10
AppAraatit's just that I want to leave only the one 4.8 kernel14:10
ducasseAppAraat: i always keep at least two known working kernels, if there is one you want to keep you can mark it as manually installed. then autoremove won't touch it.14:12
_TheDudeanyone figure out how to get iphone to mount with latest ios?  I can't get pics off my phone anymore14:21
dziegler_TheDude: maybe there is a better solution, but i use Nextcloud to keep my iPhone in sync^^14:22
AppAraatducasse: I marked those kernels, thanks. Primary concern is space, so I just removed some of the older 4.10 kernels even though they weren't marked for autoremove yet (and afterwards I did update-grub2)14:23
ducasse_TheDude: that will probably require an upgraded libimobiledevice, apple knowingly screws things up on every ios upgrade14:23
_TheDudenextcloud is pretty cool14:24
zarzar1to change gcc version between alternatives on my ubuntu machine should i just update the symbolic link or use update-alternatives?14:24
_TheDudeBut I dont' want my data public14:25
JediMasterhi, is it possible to allow a non privileged user access to another user's crontab (e.g. www-data)?14:25
AppAraat_TheDude: so whitelist only your devices14:25
JediMastere.g. to allow them to do "crontab -e -u www-data" without giving them sudo access to root?14:25
AppAraatJediMaster: put the non-priviledge user in a group that can modify www-data14:26
ivan_TheDude: I use windows 8.1 or 10 in vmware workstation :(14:26
JediMasterAppAraat, I've put it in the www-data group but it insists you have to be root to run that14:26
AppAraatperhaps it's being blocked by AppArmor14:27
JediMaster"must be privileged to use -u"14:27
_TheDudeYeah I do have a windows VM I could hook into .. why didn ti think of that..14:27
_TheDudeworkstation though sucks the cpu will go to 100% even when I'm not doing anything in VM or linux.  With i7 and 32Gb of ram.  So I don't use it often14:27
_TheDudeStill it did work I could import all the pics directly before .. just wondering if anyone had found any sort of fix for the latest ios lately14:28
ducasse_TheDude: you need to wait for that library to be updated, and then find a ppa for your release14:29
_TheDudeanyone use this before?  I was going to give it a shot http://www.libimobiledevice.org/14:30
ducasse_TheDude: that's the one i was talking about, yes14:30
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zarzar1ducasse: i'm getting an assembler not found error after installing an older version of arm-linux-gnueabihf: /bin/sh: 1: arm-linux-gnueabihf-as-4.9: not found14:42
MrCrackPotBuildeJust wondering is there any other fingerprint software for linux other than fingerprint-GUI its a really good piece of software but security wise its very poor14:45
blackrabbitok seems like I can't disable secure boot14:47
meandrainhi. Any idea how to check if an IP is blocked in iptables by searching in all tables ?14:47
MrCrackPotBuildeblackrabbit what computer do you have14:48
blackrabbitMrCrackPotBuilde, thinkcentre M7714:48
MrCrackPotBuildeit should be on your security tab inside bios14:49
pavlosmeandrain: iptables -L INPUT -v -n | grep ""14:50
unknown-osmeandrain: iptalbes -L |grep IP14:50
meandrainunknown-os: thanx14:51
unknown-oscorrect to iptables14:51
feliwirhey, when i install a ubuntu 17.10 daily build now14:52
feliwircan i upgrade to release when it's out?14:52
MrCrackPotBuildeblackrabbit make sure aswell that the label is less than 11 chars14:52
unknown-osfeliwir: apt-get dist-ipgrade14:53
feliwirunknown-os, is that a yes?14:53
naccfeliwir: yes, just like normal (sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade regularly)14:53
feliwirokay, thanks guys14:54
naccfeliwir: a daily build is just that, a daily build14:54
blackrabbitMrCrackPotBuilde, which label?14:54
feliwirbecause i just broke my 17.04 again14:54
feliwirso i can do a fresh 17.10 now14:54
MrCrackPotBuildeblackrabbit make sure uefi is enable14:54
MrCrackPotBuildeshould all be inside the security tab14:55
blackrabbitwell, it's not14:55
blackrabbitbut I think that uefi is enabled, I want to turn it off14:55
unknown-osblackrabbit: u can put off uefi if u don't want14:56
leftyfbfeliwir: 17.10 isn't released yet14:56
MrCrackPotBuildehe needs it14:56
feliwirleftyfb, daily builds14:57
MrCrackPotBuildecheck out this page blackrabbit http://archive.is/F6F8P14:57
unknown-osleftyfb: XX.10 never be a LTS14:57
leftyfbMrCrackPotBuilde: negative. UEFI is not necessary to install and run Ubuntu14:57
blackrabbitthere was windows 7 preinstaled14:57
blackrabbitI installed ubuntu over it, but I am unable to install grub14:58
dzieglerIs there an alternative for pbuilder's --use-network in Ubuntu Xenial? The option is missing...14:58
MrCrackPotBuildeah my bad but why do you want grub ???14:59
MrCrackPotBuildei use ubuntu without it and its fine14:59
unknown-osblackrabbit: disable secure boot when u install ubuntu14:59
MrCrackPotBuildeonly use grub when i want to dual boot14:59
leftyfbMrCrackPotBuilde: because it's default, easy and standard14:59
blackrabbitI don't have dual boot15:00
unknown-osgood way is LILO for alternative15:00
blackrabbitI erased win7 and trying to install ubuntu as only system15:00
d_1_stortionbut why15:00
MrCrackPotBuildethis video is a bit annoying but it should be the same as your bios15:00
MrCrackPotBuildeon the security tab its there at the bottom15:00
blackrabbitMrCrackPotBuilde, yeah it's my bios15:01
unknown-osblackrabbit: when u install Ubuntu 2nd system then linux crash MBR Windows..15:01
blackrabbitI clicked erase disk and install ubuntu option15:01
MrCrackPotBuildethen whats the problem15:01
MrCrackPotBuildedid ubuntu install15:01
leftyfbunknown-os: Ubuntu doesn't "crash MBR Windows". It overrides the MBR with GRUB because Windows doesn't recognize other operating systems and does not allow dual boot with it's own boot loader.15:02
blackrabbitMrCrackPotBuilde, I have no "secure boot" option under the "System event log"15:02
MrCrackPotBuildenot system even log15:02
zarzar2package gcc-4.9-arm-linux-gnueabihf does not include and assembler, do i need to install the binutils seperately? https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/gcc-4.9-arm-linux-gnueabihf/filelist15:02
MrCrackPotBuildesecurity tab15:02
MrCrackPotBuildethe tab for security15:02
blackrabbitthere is no secure boot option15:03
unknown-osheh bootrec.exe /fixboot and bootrec.exe /fixmbr on rescure Windows mode15:03
blackrabbitI already installed ubuntu twice, but can't boot into it15:03
DevonIs this the best place to ask how to install Qt 5.6 under 16.04 LTS where apt offers only 5.5?15:03
unknown-osleftyfb: true:) When install Windows for 2nd system then your mbr crash15:03
MrCrackPotBuildebest to download the online installer15:03
blackrabbiteverytime I will get "there is no OS installed" error15:03
MrCrackPotBuildethen follow instructions oh make sure you install the dependancies other wise when you build your project you get missing lgl error15:04
leftyfbblackrabbit: your life will be much easier if you disable EFI and put it into legacy mode and disable secureboot if you can. Then you'll more than likely not have anymore problems15:04
MrCrackPotBuildeleftyfb problem is he cant find secure boot15:04
blackrabbitI'm not blind, it's not there anywhere15:04
MrCrackPotBuildemaybe should update your bios if its really not there15:04
leftyfbunknown-os: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.15:04
blackrabbitI can see BIOS data 9/25/201215:05
unknown-osblackrabbit: is normal becouse probably u boot on ms-dos/ntfs uefi partition from windows15:05
DevonI've been warned the raw Qt installer will break the package system.15:05
unknown-osthen u must fixboot and fixmbr15:05
MrCrackPotBuildedevon no it doesnt15:05
MrCrackPotBuildei dev with qt and have just this morning installed it on this comp15:06
MrCrackPotBuildethe biggest problem you face is the build error15:06
blackrabbitunknown-os, yeah there was win7, but not fully installed yet. I just restarted it and run ubuntu install over it15:06
MrCrackPotBuildethe installation doesnt auto install the right dependacies for gui builds15:06
unknown-osbacknforth: and u boot from partition ubuntu or windows uefi? and what is mean not fully installed?15:08
unknown-osu install powershell and ms-dos only?15:08
leftyfbunknown-os: I do not think you're helping. I think you are making things more confusion.15:08
naccDevon: you don't?15:08
d_1_stortionwhat's the problem here?15:09
leftyfbunknown-os: blackrabbit is trying to install Ubuntu. There is no Windows. There is no powershell. There is no MS-DOS. There is no fixmbr. blackrabbit does not want any of these things. You are trying to fix/troubleshoot Windows and that is not the case here.15:09
MrCrackPotBuildeblackrabbit my advice carefully go through your bios and search bit by bit15:10
unknown-osleftyfb: :)15:10
leftyfbMrCrackPotBuilde: +115:10
d_1_stortionleftyfb, this make no sense15:10
MrCrackPotBuildetry to enable legacy as leftyfb mentioned or try to see if there is a secure boot15:10
blackrabbitI basically have pc without any OS and bios without UEFI option15:11
MrCrackPotBuildebut if you can boot and install from usb with secure boot on and wipe windows it may mean its already off15:11
d_1_stortionthen install in legacyx15:11
blackrabbitand secure boot is enabled15:11
MrCrackPotBuildetry as d_1_Stortion says15:11
d_1_stortionif it's an old computer15:11
blackrabbitwin is already wiped, because ubuntu is installed twice already15:12
DevonMrCrackPotBuilde:  I'm trying to find an installer at http://Qt.io but they're trying to confuse me.15:12
MrCrackPotBuildeits not15:12
d_1_stortionyou wont need a 2TB+ partition supoort15:12
MrCrackPotBuildedevon one sec i will find for you15:12
MrCrackPotBuildehave it book marked15:12
ghost-287hello, any image editor that allow us to blur ...15:12
nacczarzar2: binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf15:12
MrCrackPotBuildeghost use gimp15:13
naccDevon: if you really need a newer Qt, use a newer Ubuntu (or I would suggest a VM or container)15:13
d_1_stortionghost-287, GIMP?15:13
zarzar2nacc: yes, i think the right version is installed for the version of cross gcc g++15:13
ghost-287no alternative ?15:13
zarzar2nacc: binutils is 2.26.1, seems right for gcc-4.9-arm-linux-gnueabihf g++-4.9-arm-linux-gnueabihf15:14
d_1_stortionconvert /file.png -blur 0x5 /blurredfile.png15:14
nacczarzar2: yes, you need the one from the above package for those compilers15:14
MrCrackPotBuildeDevon https://info.qt.io/download-qt-for-application-development15:14
MrCrackPotBuildechoose the open source version15:14
MrCrackPotBuildethen after the install like i said you need to install the dev tools15:15
MrCrackPotBuildeill try to find them again for you15:15
Devonnacc: Can I discover what Qt version Ubuntu 17 has without installing the whole new OS?15:15
zarzar2nacc: thanks, i was not sure if it always installed15:15
naccMrCrackPotBuilde: Devon: this seems like better support done in a qt channel, as what you're doing is not supported here15:15
naccDevon: in this channel, !info <pkgname> zesty. Or use artful to test what's in the latest (17 isn't a version)15:16
d_1_stortionghost-287, did you tried that?15:16
MrCrackPotBuildeDevon i pmd you15:17
ghost-287bad pc so need light tool15:17
d_1_stortionwell that command blures whole image15:18
d_1_stortionis that what you want?15:18
MrCrackPotBuildeback to my question earlier hahaha anyone know of good fingerprint software other than fingerprint-gui15:18
MrCrackPotBuildefor ubuntu 16.0415:18
zarzar2nacc: to change arm-linux-gnueabihf between alternatives on my ubuntu machine should i just update the symbolic link or use update-alternatives?15:19
pavlosghost-287: there is mypaint for ubuntu, not sure if it can blur15:19
nacczarzar2: i don't know, i doubt you want to change your default gcc15:19
d_1_stortionbut GIMP runs on everything, it's not a heavy program afaik15:19
nacczarzar2: typically you set a CROSS_ env variable15:20
zarzar2nacc: cross arm-linux-gnueabihf15:20
zarzar2nacc: oh ok, is update-alternatives only for gcc naitve?15:20
nacczarzar2: i mean update-alternatives changes your gcc15:20
naccthat's not wha tyou want15:20
zarzar2nacc: i already have my eclipse projects sorted out, but the system arm-linux-gnueabihf-g** are not yet updated15:21
zarzar2nacc: i can update sym links but also saw posts about using update-alternatives (posts were for gcc native)15:22
Richard_Cavell_Does Ubuntu support GTK, and or GTK+ ?  I'm on ubuntu 16.04 with MATE15:28
MenzadorWe support GTK+ 3, which is what MATE is made of15:29
MenzadorGTK+ 2 is available as well but it's no longer maintained15:30
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MrCrackPotBuildeanyone know where the files are for system info like CPU Temp GPU Temp Memory usage etc i read proc has it but i cant seem to find it15:46
leftyfbMrCrackPotBuilde: you'll probably want to look in /sys/class/. Though there are utilities for all of this. Like lshw, dmidecode and lmsensors15:50
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MrCrackPotBuildetrying to build my own widget15:52
MrCrackPotBuildeseems not many people know of any librarys in C++ to access this info15:52
MrCrackPotBuildeso thought why not try to open files already there and just import the info15:52
DannyBHey quick newbie question.  How can I set hotkeys in ubuntu to start-stop my own user-created bash script?15:54
MenzadorDepends on your desktop environment or window manager.15:54
yeeveDannyB, there's a few different ways. Are you using Ubuntu/Gnome?15:55
DannyBYes.  And I have the script made and path and all that.  So really just a way to execute a terminal command, /PATH/script.c15:55
MrCrackPotBuildeyou could link the script to a hotkey in system setting15:55
MrCrackPotBuildein keyboard shortcuts then in the command section just type gnome-terminal -e "path"15:56
yeeveDannyB, In Gnome you can use your "Keyboard" app Shortcuts. Just put the full/absolute path to the script as the "command" and set your key-combo to trigger it15:56
MrCrackPotBuildei use my way a lot for my python scripts15:56
DannyBAh, "Keyboard".  Yeah I was looking for a shortcuts menu, didn't think to look there15:57
superherointjEvery .dev package I download opens in Ubuntu Software GUI and shows an 'Install' button but on clicking on it, it does nothing. I am using Ubuntu 17.04. Just installed it.15:57
superherointj*.deb - sorry15:57
pavlosMrCrackPotBuilde: https://askubuntu.com/questions/15832/how-do-i-get-the-cpu-temperature/62812415:57
yeevesuperherointj, you could try manually install it via the CLI (also check that the software app isn't opening a pop up asking for credentials)15:57
MrCrackPotBuildepavlos not quite what im looking for15:58
MrCrackPotBuildealthough maybe if i install it i can make a gui widget using that info15:58
pavlosMrCrackPotBuilde: there is psensor (bottom of link15:58
DannyByeeve or MrCrackPotBuilde:  Haha so accidentally changed some important shortcuts while messing around with that window.  Is there a way to turn a shortcut entry back to its Default command?15:58
MrCrackPotBuildereset to default fshould be there15:59
MrCrackPotBuildehaha i did it accidentally with yakuake15:59
MrCrackPotBuildewouldnt open for days haha15:59
MrCrackPotBuildeand F12 is my dev key haha15:59
DannyBWell I don't see Reset to Default.  It just asks for a new command when I double click15:59
MrCrackPotBuilde1 sec ill have a look for you16:00
MrCrackPotBuildeDannyB i cant see the button but maybe this can help https://askubuntu.com/questions/17626/how-can-i-restore-default-keyboard-shortcuts16:01
DannyBGot it!  Thanks for checking16:02
DannyBAnd have you had a need to stop the script?  The script starts with the gnome-terminal example you gave, but I have no way currently to end that specific script16:04
superherointjyeeve, manually it worked. tks.16:05
ReddyTeddyHey guys, having a lot of issues with my networking today ...16:11
ReddyTeddyI'm on a Hetzner server, got a KVM session going, but can't ping the outside world :/16:12
ReddyTeddyping google.com: unknown host16:12
ReddyTeddyping Desintation Host Unreachable16:12
nchambersare you able to ping other devices on the network?16:13
ReddyTeddywhat other devices on the netwtork?16:14
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ReddyTeddyeven pinging the broadcast address doesn't seem to work16:15
pavlosReddyTeddy: your gateway, for example ... can you paste the output of route -n16:16
naccReddyTeddy: https://www.hetzner-status.de/en.html16:16
naccReddyTeddy: it would appear tons of hardware failures?16:16
naccoh those are in the past16:16
ReddyTeddypavlos, I can't copy/paste because I'm using kvm16:17
ReddyTeddybut I can take a screenshot16:17
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bizhat any idea why i can't create physical volume (lvm) https://pastebin.com/raw/9NyHpQm816:54
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frostschutzbizhat, you can only use primary or logical partitions. extended is only used by the partition table itself as a container for logical partitions16:56
bizhatthanks, initially i tried with primary partition, i will try again16:57
frostschutzbizhat, so either you have to create another partition or, change the extended to primary16:57
bizhati will delete it and recreate as primary16:57
bizhatand let you know16:57
frostschutzbizhat, also partition changes might not be active until you reboot, if the other partitions are in use (the first message about not being able to re-read partitions)16:58
bizhatthanks, i just rebooting16:58
frostschutzReddyTeddy, if it works in the rescue system, compare ip link / ip address / ip route with yours.17:00
ReddyTeddyI don't think it works in anything frostschutz17:00
ReddyTeddyping 8,8,8,817:00
ReddyTeddyFrom my.server.ip icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable17:01
frostschutzReddyTeddy, . instead of , - and that's in the rescue system provided by hetzner? if so, open a support ticket17:02
ReddyTeddyfrostschutz, yeah, sorry, it was .'s I just typod (can't copy/paste)17:03
ReddyTeddyit's using this software KVM17:03
ReddyTeddybut I suspect the problem is probably somewhere in my config17:03
ReddyTeddyI can't access the internet in Ubuntu, other people in the same datacenter can, so it must be somewhere my config broke17:03
ReddyTeddyI was hoping someone could provide some support on where to look17:03
frostschutzkvm is not rescue system17:03
frostschutzthey let you boot a rescue system, or they let you boot your own install inside kvm, those are different things. it's not unusual for the kvm mode to not work, after all a virtualized system is different from bare metal17:04
frostschutzReddyTeddy, anyway, the network should work in the rescue system & then you should know the correct settings and compare them with your own install17:06
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ReddyTeddyokey dokes, will try it out17:07
ReddyTeddyhow do I get into the rescue system if I can't log in via ssh17:19
EriC^^!recovery | ReddyTeddy17:19
ubottuReddyTeddy: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode17:19
ReddyTeddyyes but this is a remote server17:20
ReddyTeddythat I can't connect to17:20
EriC^^ReddyTeddy: use the vps console17:21
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ghost-287can someone please check if there is a apt package named :  python3-pycrypto ?17:21
EriC^^!info python3-pycrypto17:21
ubottuPackage python3-pycrypto does not exist in zesty17:21
EriC^^!find python3-pycrypto17:21
ubottuPackage/file python3-pycrypto does not exist in zesty17:21
EriC^^ghost-287: in which ubuntu release?17:22
ioria!info python3-crypto17:22
ghost-28714 to 1717:22
ubottupython3-crypto (source: python-crypto): cryptographic algorithms and protocols for Python 3. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.1-7 (zesty), package size 237 kB, installed size 1344 kB17:22
naccghost-287: there are simply so many ways for you to check that yourself, the least of which is packages.ubuntu.com17:23
naccghost-287: also 14 and 17 are not Ubuntu versions. I assume you mean 14.04 and 17.0417:23
ghost-287yeah i mean 14.04 to 17.04 so includes 16.04 ...17:24
ReddyTeddyStill getting 'Destination Host Unreachable' guys :/17:29
tgm4883ghost-287: then the correct way to check is packages.ubuntu.com as nacc suggested17:33
tgm4883ReddyTeddy: did you ever post your config?17:33
ReddyTeddytgm4883, which config?17:34
tgm4883ReddyTeddy: your networking config and your route17:34
ghost-287thank you guys17:37
memo1hi, im creating a service /etc/systemd/system but when i execute systemctl enable script.service it shows this error Failed to execute operation:invalid argument17:39
on3pkQuestion in regards to memory management.  Using "free -m" says I have no available memory.  What is in the cache/buffer memory space?17:40
EriC^^that's memory you have (it's available for use)17:41
memo1nay help please.  I can show the unit file17:41
EriC^^memo1: paste it and share the link17:42
on3pkFor some reason I keep thinking cache memory is from frequently used applications - is that anywhere near correct?17:42
memo1EriC^^: paste.debian.net/98789617:42
EriC^^on3pk: i think it can be disk cache too, yeah it's basically the same17:42
EriC^^memo1: does systemctl status servicename work?17:43
memo1EriC^^: give me example of a service please, because the one im creating cant be enable it17:44
ReddyTeddytgm4883, route -n : https://i.imgur.com/1kBiwFr.png17:44
ReddyTeddywhat else did you need to see?17:45
ReddyTeddysorry, i can't seem to copy/paste from kvm17:45
EriC^^memo1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers#Example_Systemd_service17:45
EriC^^yours looks fine17:45
memo1EriC^^: systemctl status ssh is ok17:45
EriC^^memo1: try status on your service's name17:46
tgm4883ReddyTeddy: is this a static address or DHCP17:46
tgm4883your gateway looks weird to me17:46
on3pkthanks EriC^^17:46
EriC^^on3pk: no problem17:46
ReddyTeddytgm4883, it's a Hetzner server, so I think it should be a static IP?17:46
memo1EriC^^: Loaded: Loaded--Active: Inactive17:46
ReddyTeddyor anyways, I've always logged into it using a static IP17:47
ReddyTeddyin putty17:47
EriC^^memo1: that looks good, try systemctl start yourservice17:47
tgm4883ReddyTeddy: did you not set it up?17:48
ReddyTeddyno I used Hetzner's Ubuntu install17:49
memo1EriC^^: Active failed, Process(code:exited, status:203/exec)17:49
ReddyTeddybut then I upgraded from 14.04 -> 16.04, although that was about 4 months ago and never had any problems17:49
ReddyTeddyuntil I restarted today17:49
EriC^^memo1: looks like it's failing to start17:49
tgm4883ReddyTeddy: sounds to me that you should contact support17:49
EriC^^memo1: enable should still work though, try systemctl enable yourservice17:50
memo1EriC^^: It fails.  sudo systemctl enable smartracking.service,   Failed to execute operation: Invalid argument17:51
EriC^^memo1: try without the alias name maybe17:52
rmbeeri use ubuntu server and have problem for use 'apt-get update'17:52
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EriC^^memo1: try with the actual filename you used if it's different17:52
leftyfbrmbeer: please post the errors you are getting to pastebin17:53
memo1EriC^^: so, change the alias?17:53
EriC^^memo1: no, use the filename that's in /etc/systemd/system/filename.service17:54
leftyfbrmbeer: Ubuntu 10.04 is outdated and unsupported17:54
leftyfbrmbeer: it's well over 7 years old17:54
rmbeerleftyfb, how to update in the new version?17:54
leftyfbrmbeer: I would suggest installing 16.04 from scratch and restoring from backup17:54
rmbeerinstalling?? not have other method?17:54
MrCrackPotBuildenot if you want a functional build17:55
leftyfbrmbeer: since you are 19 versions out of date, not likely17:55
MrCrackPotBuildermbeer you could test it in a vm but it is highly unlikely17:56
rmbeerthen this is a dead end...17:57
MrCrackPotBuildeand if your running a server i deffinately would start from scratch for security17:57
MrCrackPotBuildeyour server will be wide open for attack17:57
rmbeerMrCrackPotBuilde, yes...17:57
MrCrackPotBuildeif its a public listed server im surprised you havent been compramised already17:58
rmbeerWell, I'll think of something.17:58
leftyfbMrCrackPotBuilde: it has, who do you think is asking for help? ;)17:58
MrCrackPotBuilderecently a cyber team listed three servers publicy listed within 3 days they were getting attacks17:58
leftyfbMrCrackPotBuilde: the latest exploits require a python library that isn't available on this machine, so they want to upgrade :)17:59
MrCrackPotBuildenot very good hackers then17:59
memo1EriC^^: im Alias i use http-test.service, then enable was sucessfull.  But systemctl is fail17:59
memo1EriC^^: code=exited, status=203/EXEC)17:59
MrCrackPotBuildeif 10.0 should have python 2.x17:59
MrCrackPotBuildewith that you can do everything you need18:00
MrCrackPotBuildemight need to write your own scripts but shouldnt be difficult at all18:00
leftyfbI shouldn't talk. I just replaced a server several months back still running 8.0418:00
MrCrackPotBuildeplease continue18:00
MrCrackPotBuildeits why i have a job18:00
MrCrackPotBuildei recently had a client hire me to test there system it was running windows 9518:01
MrCrackPotBuildei couldnt believe it18:01
leftyfbthe sad part is, it was running some sites/applications that require php5. So now I'm running those sites in a container running 14.04.18:01
MrCrackPotBuildei would just start again haha18:02
leftyfbone of the applications is gallery3. There's no replacement for it. Not one where I can import the photos/history anyway18:02
leftyfbI'll just let them keep running until they die off18:03
MrCrackPotBuildecan you not export them ??18:03
EriC^^memo1: you have to see the error the program is giving, try sudo journalctl -xe18:03
leftyfbMrCrackPotBuilde: not into anything that'll save the history(comments)18:04
EriC^^memo1: look at the line that has http-test.py[something]18:04
leftyfbit's not that big of a deal really18:04
MrCrackPotBuildedepends on who gains access18:05
leftyfbif they do, they get some old pictures. There's nothing else on the containers. I'm monitoring the containers so I SHOULD be made aware of exploits when/if they happen18:06
MrCrackPotBuildeits not so much the data id be after but bandwidth and personal usage18:06
blackrabbitlol guys I'm still installing ubuntu :D18:22
MrCrackPotBuildeshould be done by now18:22
blackrabbitit's been probably 6 / 7 hours18:22
MrCrackPotBuildeyer easily18:22
MrCrackPotBuildei installed a server already haha18:23
blackrabbitI have deleted EFI partition now, so let's see18:23
MrCrackPotBuildethe partition shouldnt mattr i wouldnt have thought18:23
MrCrackPotBuildeso far ive never had to change a partition table to install18:24
MrCrackPotBuildeonly have to do that with usb sticks18:25
MrCrackPotBuildetbf im still trying to find an alternative to fingerprint gui18:25
jerblackrabbit, damn i'm on a third world internet connection and it didn't take me that long =]18:25
blackrabbitjer, I can figure out why the bootloader isn't working18:26
MrCrackPotBuildedid you manage to turn on legacy18:26
MrCrackPotBuildeor find the secure boot18:27
blackrabbitbut I can choose to boot from USB in legacy mode or uefi mode18:28
MrCrackPotBuildechoose legacy18:28
MrCrackPotBuildethat should solve the problems18:28
blackrabbitsame result, no OS found18:28
MrCrackPotBuildecan i ask is your boot order correct18:28
maddawg2my boot order is... i got the left on the left and the right on the right18:29
maddawg2just as god intended18:29
blackrabbityeah there must be something that windows left there18:29
MrCrackPotBuildewell i dont wear boots too dam warm18:29
MrCrackPotBuildenot if you did a full wipe18:30
MrCrackPotBuildedid you delete all previous partitions everything18:30
blackrabbitnow I deleted everything18:30
MrCrackPotBuildelongest install every lah18:31
blackrabbitI'm not sure what the default installer will delete, so just to be sure I deleted everything with gparted now18:31
MrCrackPotBuildewait what18:31
MrCrackPotBuildedo you have the drive externally mounted18:31
blackrabbiteven the UEFI/ESP partition18:31
MrCrackPotBuildenormally when i insert the usb and boot i will format using the installer18:32
blackrabbityeah that what I did18:32
MrCrackPotBuildei delete all partitions then depending on who its for i will create my partitions18:32
blackrabbitI used auto mode everytim18:33
blackrabbitshould be ok I guess18:33
MrCrackPotBuildebefore you auto wipe the drive delete all then auto18:33
blackrabbitthat's what am doing right now, almost installed\18:33
MrCrackPotBuildeshould be ok then this time.18:34
MrCrackPotBuildeid work on finding out why your bios doesnt show secure boot18:34
MrCrackPotBuildecould be outdated18:34
blackrabbitseems like it's post 2012 feature18:34
blackrabbitand my bios might be older18:34
leftyfbblackrabbit: how many hard drives you got plugged into this machine?18:35
blackrabbitleftyfb, only one18:35
leftyfbblackrabbit: Ok, boot to the usb installer. Go through the install until it asks how you want to partition the drives, then STOP18:35
MrCrackPotBuildethink hes past that already18:36
MrCrackPotBuildeshould be after 6 hours18:36
blackrabbityeah I'm on like 95% right now, installation #6 I think18:36
blackrabbitalready tried every possible scenario :D18:37
leftyfbok, once that finishes, boot to a USB, go through the install until it asks how you want to parition the drives, then STOP18:37
leftyfbblackrabbit: then follow this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#The_terminal_way18:37
leftyfbblackrabbit: use lsblk to determine you drive18:37
blackrabbitok will check that,  Boot-Repair did nothing18:38
MrCrackPotBuildeleftyfb hes going to need a boot partition first though right18:38
blackrabbitusing terminal is my last hope18:38
MrCrackPotBuildeterminal is the best way much faster18:38
leftyfbMrCrackPotBuilde: the default install will create /boot in the main partition18:38
MrCrackPotBuildebut if he stops at the partition section that wont be created18:39
blackrabbithmm and again "No operatomg system found. Press any key to repeat boot sequence."18:39
leftyfbthere's no need to create a separate /boot unless you're doing LVM or multiple drives/OS's/distro's, etc18:39
leftyfbMrCrackPotBuilde: this is AFTER going through the installation once18:39
MrCrackPotBuildetrue and i just thought hes installed it so many times hell already have the partition18:40
leftyfbblackrabbit: good, follow my instructions18:40
leftyfbblackrabbit: at this point, there's really no need to go through the installation process again. We just need to get grub installed18:40
MrCrackPotBuildeblackrabbit have you checked the checksum to see if the iso your using is corrupted18:40
leftyfbMrCrackPotBuilde: he did. Also, especially when obtaining it from ubuntu.com, it's VERY unlikely that this would be the symptom of a bad image18:41
MrCrackPotBuildedepends if he torrented or not18:41
blackrabbitiso is fine18:41
blackrabbithmm I screwed something, can't access bios now18:42
leftyfbblackrabbit: unlikely18:42
leftyfbblackrabbit: just try again. You probably didn't hit the correct keys at the correct moment18:42
blackrabbitleftyfb, going to try the manual way18:52
DannyBI have a custom Bash script set to start with an Ubuntu shortcut, just gnome-terminal -e "/PATH/script", that script automates some user input, gathers data, clicks and stuff.  But while doing so, the terminal that is opened by the shortcut is minimized, and difficult to reach to CTRL+C to stop the script18:53
DannyBWhats the best way to use a shortcut to close a specific script that I just started, by terminal shortcut?18:53
blackrabbitleftyfb, grub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of 'aufs'18:56
leftyfbah, right18:56
MrCrackPotBuildeDannyB should be able to do the same thing but use something like ps kill etc18:57
leftyfbblackrabbit: mount your root partition to /mnt18:57
leftyfbblackrabbit: so if it's sda, then sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/ (if sda3 is the root partition. Look in lsblk)18:58
DannyBMrCrackPot, I could, but the way there would require input like the process ID?  How do I incorporate that into a single shortcut command?18:58
leftyfbblackrabbit: once you figure out your root partition, then: sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/ && for i in sys proc dev ; do sudo mount -B /$i /mnt/$i ; sudo chroot /mnt18:59
leftyfbblackrabbit: then try reinstalling grub18:59
MrCrackPotBuildeDannyB you could use pkill procType18:59
blackrabbitleftyfb, there might be problem with LUKS18:59
leftyfbblackrabbit: uh, you're using LUKS?19:00
DannyBMrCrackPotBuilde, I'll try that19:00
MrCrackPotBuildefor instance if the program is named bob pkill bob should work19:00
leftyfbblackrabbit: you never told anyone here you were trying to use LUKS19:01
leftyfbblackrabbit: that makes all the difference19:01
blackrabbitohh really?19:01
MrCrackPotBuildeDannyB or sudo killall -SIGKILL bob19:01
leftyfbblackrabbit: yes, you need a separate /boot which isn't encrypted19:01
DannyBpkill worked!  Thanks.  Didnt know the command, always did something complex with grep | kill19:01
blackrabbitI'm using encryption by default every time19:01
leftyfbthis might be who you're having these problems19:01
blackrabbitI mean everytime on all computers, without problem19:02
blackrabbitthis one is different :(19:02
leftyfbblackrabbit: have you tried without LUKS?19:03
blackrabbittrying right now19:03
MrCrackPotBuildei used to do the same then i cantt remember when but i killed something that ended up killing the wrong thing so learnt about that19:03
MrCrackPotBuildeDannyB be careful though that it doesnt kill all your terminals19:04
MrCrackPotBuildecan be a bit problematic if your in the middle of something19:04
d_1_stortionblackrabbit, how's ubuntu installation going?19:25
blackrabbitalmost 8.5 hours since I first tried :D19:25
blackrabbitseems like I am idiot and shouldn't use disk encryption every time19:25
leftyfbblackrabbit: it's not a bad idea. But this is troubleshooting. Seeing if LUKS or it's requirements might have something to do with the issue19:27
blackrabbithmm same error19:28
leftyfbblackrabbit: lets stick with unencrypted for now to limit variables19:28
leftyfbblackrabbit: At this point I would follow my previous instructions19:29
leftyfbboot to usb, chroot into root partition, install grub19:29
blackrabbitjust checking bios again, but HDD seems to be fine19:32
blackrabbitthis might also work http://www.rodsbooks.com/refind/getting.html19:34
leftyfbI know the guy who developed that19:34
leftyfbactually, could probably get him to come in and help19:35
blackrabbitis this right:  for i in sys proc dev ; do sudo mount -B /$i /mnt/$i ; sudo chroot /mnt19:40
ioriafor i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done19:40
leftyfbyep, though maybe put && instead of ; at the end19:40
leftyfbioria: I'm not sure /run is necessary to install grub19:41
leftyfbor pts for that matter19:41
leftyfbthey are for a proper environment if you're going to install packages or run things or whatever. But just running grub-update they aren't necessary19:41
ioriablackrabbit, and depends on where your /boot is ... you might need mount -a after chroot19:42
leftyfbioria: it's not a separate partition19:42
iorialeftyfb, ah, ok19:43
kraghothi guys, short question: I am using gnome and I would like to make some changes to my screens configuration (bump refresh rate to 75 and enable freesync). I can do that with xrandr however it is not permanent across reboots. I know I can run a script every time I reboot however I have heard that has its problems19:43
memo1EriC^^: Hi, sorry i disconnect.  Remember the service enable issue19:43
kraghotit's worth nothing I have no monitors.xml some people suggest should be i .config19:43
ioriakraghot, that's correct afaik19:45
akikkraghot: what problems do you get with that script method?19:46
kraghotakik, I've read that is resets after screensavers, screen locks and stuff like that19:48
kraghotbasically anything which returns you to, in my case, gdm and back, because it does not rerun19:49
akikkraghot: i don't know about that but it's easy to test. just stick your script in /etc/X11/Xsession.d19:49
kraghotthank you akik, Will do19:49
kraghotwhich nuber should I give it?19:50
qswzHi, I've a big issue, I bought a Lenovo, and I can't do right-click on the touchpad, if I click pref > mouse & keyboard > Left-handed , then the touchpad only do right-click on both right and left press19:51
kraghot"55gnome-session_gnomerc" before or after this?19:51
akikkraghot: it's up to you. i've use 70 myself19:51
kraghotthank you :)19:51
qswzegrep -i 'synap|alps|etps' /proc/bus/input/devices   is empty19:51
qswzxinput list "$(egrep -i 'synap|alps|etps' /proc/bus/input/devices |cut -d'"' -f2)"   is empty too19:52
qswzunable to find device19:52
qswzhttps://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2043744 like this guy19:54
qswzhttps://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2043744 hopefully this could work19:55
qswzhttps://askubuntu.com/a/504344 *19:55
kraghotI am back. It seems that the script didn't run at restart. How can I check what happened? I get nothing with systemctl --failed19:59
superherointjHi. I tried to change the theme on Ubuntu by change some settings on terminal. But I've created many different problems now and I'm not sure how to reverse it. Even the image showing when Ubuntu boots has changed. I think I went too far. Is there a way to reverse changes?20:01
superherointjOn terminal, I did many things like this: https://pastebin.com/9BXBHHyE20:03
dekatchtrying to reverse it by hand might take more time than ruining it by hand20:04
dekatchdont you have backups superherointj20:04
superherointjI don't have backups.20:05
superherointjI am considering reinstalling Ubuntu.20:05
superherointjBut it is a lot of trouble too.20:06
kraghotakik, the script does not seems to run. Could it have something to do with me running gnome?20:07
superherointjI think two ugliest commands I have used is: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme '' && gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme ''20:07
akikkraghot: sorry i don't know, i use kde (i set the dpi with that)20:08
dekatchsuperherointj, i dont have any idea about possible solutions to fix this. i am kinda like an trial and error user. but before i mess around i do backups much. dunno.20:08
dekatchcant really help at that point20:08
dekatchi guess if you could provide a step by step of any command youve used. some might be able to reverse it20:09
dekatchbut i guess that takes as long as just reinstall20:09
dekatchofc backing up private data before20:10
akikkraghot: try moving it to a later number20:10
kraghotwill do20:10
kraghotI'm going for a restart, let's see what happens20:10
superherointjI have used many combinations.20:12
superherointjIs it possible to uninstall Unity and GTK and Gnome and reinstall everything?20:12
kraghotnope still doesn't load. I will try to create a systemd service20:13
memo1hi, i create a script.service that i want to execute on every boot.  How i do that?20:20
qswzthx god, I could get this right click of Synpatics to work20:25
kraghotmemo1, place it in /etc/systemd/system/. and run systemctl enable script.service20:26
kraghotmake sure it works first by running systemctl start script.service20:26
blackrabbitAfter 10 hours I finally installed ubuntu!!!20:32
mentalitawhy did it take so long?20:36
blackrabbitI don't even know what was wrong20:37
blackrabbitcombination of LUSK, UEFI and bad luck20:37
blackrabbitdoes anybody know how to hide microphone icon from desktop? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/166598920:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1665989 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Microphone icon showing without sound input device connected" [Undecided,New]20:50
kiromaI have an issue with copying a large catalogue off an external USB HDD.21:01
kiromaAfter copying several files the drive ceases to exist for the system, and is removed as if it was unplugged, even though LED indicator on the drive is still lit up.21:02
codepython777has anyone moved from the stock kernel in 16.04 to 4.13.3 here? Any problems? What is the easiest way to move?21:11
nacccodepython777: why do you want to?21:11
codepython777nacc: I'm having usb power problems. I remember reading some of them being fixed in the new kernel21:12
d_1_stortioncodepython777, search for ukuu utility21:12
nacccodepython777: use the mainline PPA, test it, report a bug in ubuntu and the kernel team may help backport it21:12
kostkoncodepython777, what kind of usb problems21:12
codepython777kostkon: One of my devices is pulling too much power21:12
kostkoncodepython777, right21:13
codepython777If I plug it in after booting and waiting for a few seconds, everything works21:13
kostkoncodepython777, if not?21:13
codepython777if not, one of the devices does not connect21:14
thurstylarkIs this the right place to ask questions about ubuntu running under WSL?21:33
nacc!ubuwin | thurstylark21:33
ubottuthurstylark: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.21:33
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Saganhi there, can somebody help me? I've tried to install a openjdk package, but it's broken now, and apt-get install -f does not work22:26
oerheksSagan, can you show us a paste of your try and errors?22:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:31
Saganoerheks: some parts of the text of apt are at german, is there a way to run this in english once, or should I translate?22:32
SaganI used google translate now22:34
Saganoerheks: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25623360/22:35
noalternativei am trying to set up a xenial host on digital ocean and I am having problems with compiling cpuminer.  Is there a better group than this for general compiling issues?22:36
oerheksAttempt to override /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/include/linux/jawt_md.h ..22:36
oerheksSagan, oke, seen that before, maybe this page is your help too https://askubuntu.com/questions/769467/can-not-install-openjdk-9-jdk-because-it-tries-to-overwrite-file-aready-includ22:39
Saganoerheks: I will try, thanks :)22:39
oerheksold issue, i had to check if that version was still valid, and it is.22:40
oerheks!info openjdk-9-jdk xenial22:40
ubottuopenjdk-9-jdk (source: openjdk-9): OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK). In component universe, is optional. Version 9~b114-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 16 kB, installed size 55 kB22:40
Saganoerheks: yay, that fixed it. Thank you very much :)22:40
oerhekshave fun!22:41
noalternativeDoes anyone know how to select all to cut and paste from nano in a putty console?22:42
* oerheks is surprised that there is a linux putty version22:48
oerhekssometimes it is ctrl shift v22:48
LagairI'm running ubuntu on a xenserver. It didn't really have a display to detect. It set my maximum resoultion to 800x600. How to I change this?22:56
LagairI know how to generate mode lines and set it my resolution through xrandr but xrandr won't let me set anything above 800x600, the displays "maximum"22:58
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noalternativeYes, I am using putty on Tahr.   However if it were winblows I am still working on a Xenial host.  Anyhow.23:05
noalternativeHere is the paste of my config.log from cpuminer-opt  http://paste.ubuntu.com/25623477/23:06
noalternativeI really need some help, since I am not a programmer.23:06
noalternativeIf there is a better irc for this.  Pray tell!23:06
noalternativeif anyone logs on that can help me with my compiling issue, just pm me.23:19
noalternativeI am currenly on pidgin.23:19
tomreynnoalternative: i don't spot an error in your output. have you tried doing what the release notes say? https://github.com/JayDDee/cpuminer-opt/blob/master/RELEASE_NOTES23:37
noalternativeI used the release notes as a guide23:39
noalternativeThere were clearly make errors23:39
noalternativeand it never made minerd23:39
tomreynnoalternative: the output you provided does not show an attempt to build, just to configure the build23:40
tomreynit exits with status code 0, which usually means: no error.23:41
noalternativemaybe it only logs configure23:41
noalternativeanyway I can't try pasting output from command line23:42
noalternativeI can try23:42
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:42
noalternativeThe putty commandline wouldn't go back any further than this, but here goes.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/25623673/23:49
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tomreyni suggest you try to get help from the developers of said software, or ask in a place where people discuss the C programming language (and maybe another place where they discuss the putty software).23:54
noalternativewell thanks for trying.  I am looking at other possible places23:56
noalternativeI am going to be here for a while if anyone else has any ideas.23:58

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