ochosi | flocculant, Unit193: the decision what to include in terms of gtk3 components in 18.04 can be taken on a component level | 12:25 |
ochosi | no need to take or leave everything | 12:25 |
ochosi | things are compatible with each other mostly | 12:25 |
flocculant | ochosi: thanks for the info there :) | 16:44 |
flocculant | ochosi: currently have 2 network icons, no idea how to restart applet and systemctl is something other than networking - don't want to guess - just want to do whatever you want to get an answer :D | 17:09 |
flocculant | network-manager.service network-online.target < I'd assume service there | 17:10 |
flocculant | one is notification area the other in indicators btw | 17:14 |
ochosi | flocculant: yeah, that's what i expected (one here, one there) | 17:34 |
ochosi | ok then try "killall nm-applet" and then just start it again with "nm-applet" | 17:34 |
ochosi | for me the networking service is there, so systemctl restart networking works | 17:34 |
ochosi | you can also try sudo systemctl restart network-manager | 17:34 |
flocculant | ok - done that - 1 left now | 17:35 |
flocculant | ochosi: re systemctl, I guess changes in artful then perhaps | 17:36 |
ochosi | right, so it's a problem with the startup sequence in the session i guess | 17:36 |
flocculant | in indicators | 17:36 |
ochosi | if restarting it fixes it | 17:36 |
flocculant | yup | 17:37 |
flocculant | ochosi: not sure if I mentioned this is one of those 'sometime' things | 17:37 |
ochosi | to me it sounds like: nm-applet is started before the panel or the indicator service is up, so it starts with tray icon. as soon as indicator-application is initiatlized it also shows up there | 17:37 |
ochosi | yeah, just a race condition in the session startup | 17:37 |
flocculant | yup | 17:37 |
ochosi | we would need a clean sequence instead of starting everything at once :) | 17:38 |
flocculant | :) | 17:38 |
ochosi | not sure that's possible with xfce4-session currently | 17:38 |
flocculant | want release notes to mention it? | 17:39 |
ochosi | dunno, it's fairly random and has no functional impact | 17:46 |
ochosi | i mean yeah, now you have two ways to switch to a different wifi... | 17:47 |
ochosi | in theory this should affect the installed session too | 17:47 |
ochosi | but i guess you see it more often in the live install because the session start is slower, so it more often exposes this race condition | 17:47 |
flocculant | ochosi: yup - I was talking about installed here | 17:47 |
ochosi | bluesabre: what're your thoughts on this ^ ? | 17:47 |
flocculant | and for the record - 13 minutes later I now actually have 0 network in panel | 17:48 |
ochosi | ehm... without restarting the network-manager service in the meantime? | 17:49 |
ochosi | or maybe nm-applet was attached to the term you started it from and then you closed the terminal..? | 17:49 |
flocculant | restarted nm-applet is all | 17:49 |
flocculant | possibly :D | 17:50 |
flocculant | anyway - back a bit later | 17:50 |
ochosi | okeydokey | 17:50 |
flocculant | cyphermox: any idea's why I'd suddenly not see bug 1047384 ? | 17:51 |
ubottu | bug 1047384 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "System Encryption Password set before setting keyboard locale" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1047384 | 17:51 |
flocculant | oh ... forgot he was in here - thought I was in -release lol | 17:52 |
flocculant | bbl still :) | 17:52 |
cyphermox | no idea, I didn't change this | 17:55 |
cyphermox | one option might be that keybord-configuration and others were old, broken, so you'd just never get that panel until it got fixed? | 17:55 |
flocculant | cyphermox: ok - thanks, not sure what you mean about panel though | 19:29 |
cyphermox | well, that dialog in the installer | 20:05 |
flocculant | mmm - still not so sure - everything today appears to be the same as it was last time I checked encrypt installs *shrug* | 20:13 |
bluesabre | ochosi, flocculant, yeah, there's not a great solution to that. I see similar issues where qt apps load before xfce does, so the fonts and rendering are crap until restarting the app | 22:11 |
Unit193 | bluesabre: BTW, I'm leaving lightdm-gtk-greeter for you. :> | 22:45 |
Unit193 | #829931 is at least fixed with it. | 22:46 |
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