
Roeyhi, how do I restart iptables?  I try "sudo sevice iptables restart" but I get "Failed to restart iptables.service: Unit iptables.service not found."00:55
mparilloHave you tried (without sudo) systemctl [stop|start|restart|reload] iptables01:03
Roeymparillo: oh, that;s right01:09
Roeyit's systemctl now01:09
Roeythank you01:09
Roeymparillo: $ sudo systemctl restart iptables01:09
RoeyFailed to restart iptables.service: Unit iptables.service not found.01:09
mparilloI do not think you need sudo02:07
grahamperrin[m]Updated Kubntu a few minutes ago, accepted the invitation to restart the computer, now I get no further than sddm.02:13
grahamperrin[m]Logged in at tty2, using htop, AFAICT the highest numbered PID for the failed login (user grahamperrin) is for kwalletd502:16
valoriegrahamperrin[m]: you might try `sudo apt install -f` or if you're using the old LTS, `sudo apt-get install -f`03:03
valoriethey had a recent update to apt, which seemed to mess up discover until another update to it03:04
valoriein Artful at least03:04
grahamperrin[m]valorie: thanks, 0 to upgrade etc..03:05
valoriewell then, `sudo dpkg --configure -a`03:06
valorieand finally, `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade`03:07
grahamperrin[m]thinking back a few days, I vaguely recall adding a repo wondering whether it would get me Plasma 10.9.503:08
valorieor apt-get dist-upgrade for older03:08
valoriewhat is your base system?03:08
valorieaha, you might have the beta PPA?03:08
grahamperrin[m]17.04 and I see zesty-backports. How do I get rid of that backports ppa?03:09
valorieoh, that shouldn't hurt03:09
valoriebut you can always ppa-purge03:09
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html03:09
valorieI've never seen a problem with backports03:10
valoriethose are pretty extensively tested before being put there03:11
grahamperrin[m]Also I forget, how do I bring up the listing of boot options? (After entering the crypt phrase for the encrypted disk.)03:11
valoriebut still, every PPA can be pp-purged03:12
valoriegrahamperrin[m]: depends on your computer, but usually shift or control or so03:12
* grahamperrin[m] tries both of those, just the pulsing Kubuntu logo03:14
grahamperrin[m]I have decades of experience with command line Mac OS X, around three years with FreeBSD, but the PPA stuff I find horribly confusing. The good news: the Kubuntu machine is non-essential to me03:23
grahamperrin[m]It's past 4 in the morning here, I might revisit this some time tomorrow. Thanks folks.03:23
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lordievaderGood morning06:12
ripper17Hi all. Is there a PPA for newer KDE Applications for Kubuntu 16.04? I'd like to get 16.12 (or newer) as there was a bugfix in kate which would help me out quite a bit :-)06:38
hateballripper17: this is what exists https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports?field.series_filter=xenial06:45
hateballI don't think there are any plans to backport further, but #kubuntu-devel knows for sure06:45
acheronukripper17: what is the bugfix?06:45
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acheronuknot planning to backport a whole KDE apps release. too many dependency changes. individual things and fixes, maybe though06:48
MrokiiHello. I've been wondering if there is a way to change the characters that signify a wourd-boundary in the system. What I mean is this: One can highlight a single word (let's say in LibreOffice) with the key-combination of shift+ctrl+[left or right]arrow. this works for words separated by spaces and "-" for example. But I would like it to work on "_" as well. Is there some way to achieve that?07:16
noaXesshey hey hey ;) long time ago07:17
noaXesshey hateball07:17
hateballhello noaXess !07:22
noaXessdid anyone find a solution in kubuntu 16.04 to integrated google drive into dolphin?07:25
noaXessif i add google to online accounts, i only see that hangout services is loaded07:26
hateballnoaXess: https://community.kde.org/KIO_GDrive07:30
hateballI dont know if it is included in Kubuntu now, or if you can manually compile against 16.0407:31
noaXessnot included.. already checked hateball07:31
noaXessthats why i ask here ;)07:31
hateballnoaXess: I was thinking in more recent releases07:31
hateballI am also on 16.04, but I only use drive in a browser so07:31
ripper17acheronuk: https://cgit.kde.org/kate.git/commit/?id=fa5e37af33f44f6e721880042a48e162973c484007:46
ripper17hateball: thanks, the backports is nice (I got it already) but it "only" has kate 16.04.307:47
acheronukripper17: thanks. I will see in the next day or 2 if that fix can be applied to the kate package we already have in backports07:48
ripper17that would be great, thanks for looking into it !07:48
acheronukripper17: you are welcome. not sure it will be today, but if you are about tomorrow might have a test build to try (if the patch does do something weird)07:50
acheronuk*doesn't do something weird07:50
ripper17no worries, I'll be around for the rest of the week at least :-)07:51
ripper17(as long as my ISP doesn't disconnect me...)07:51
acheronukcool :)07:51
ripper17Mrokii: you can define additional characters for Libreoffice in the settings07:54
ripper17hmm, sorry, I might have been mistaken, my LO has "_" as separating character built in, it seems ...07:55
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noaXesshateball: yeah.. me also using drive only in browser.. kust thought there is a simple integration ;)08:35
Mrokiiripper17: I'm sorry, it seems that actually LO does separate on "_". But where it doesn't work is in the standard file requester in Kubuntu. So my main problem is that I'd need a way to set that for the system as a whole.08:37
ripper17Mrokii: AFAIK this is hard coded in QT: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qchar.html#Category-enum08:50
ripper17but I'm not an expert on this, sorry08:50
Mrokiiripper17: Thanks for the info.09:21
MrokiiOkay, here's another problem (though it's probably too generic). As of late, kwin seems to crash quite often. Sometimes it restarts by itself, sometimes I have to pen a konsole to restart it manually. I don't know what I should look for to see what causes the crashes.09:29
MrokiiOh, btw, it seems to be crash-prone especially when I try to switch from one virtual screen to another.09:30
MaakuthI see that as well09:49
Maakuthit happens more seldom after installing newer versions off kde ppa09:49
Maakuthhttps://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports this one09:50
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MrokiiMaakuth: I think I have that activated already, but I'll take a look. Thanks.11:00
Maakuthi still have crashes, not so often though11:02
Maakuthmaybe it's some unfortunate version choice of kde packages for 16.0411:02
MrokiiI'm on 17.04.11:03
Maakuthtoo bad, perhaps it's just kde being buggy these days11:04
MrokiiCould be.11:04
MaakuthI used to like KDE in in 3.x days and now i'm back. I don't think it used to crash that much back then11:04
MrokiiI haven't been that long on KDE, so I couldn't say. I think it's still far better than Gnome. :) I wouldn't want to go back to that.11:05
Maakuthhttps://www.trinitydesktop.org/ somebody still maintains kde 311:06
Maakuthit's obsolete these days I guess. but I liked it a lot ten years ago11:06
MrokiiOkay. :)11:07
Maakuthmy main gripe with (k)ubuntu isn't with kde though... it's this problem of monitor discovery11:08
MrokiiFor now, the crashes on Kubuntu aren that bad that I would switch to something else. But thanks anyway.11:08
MrokiiI only have one monitor, so I have no problems there.11:08
Maakuthi have a pair in both my home office and at work11:09
Maakuthand I haven't gotten xorg (or whichever component is responsible) to redetect the displays when I move between these. so I'll have to shut down and restart when I change location11:09
MrokiiI see.11:09
MrokiiSounds bad indeed.11:10
Maakuthyeah.. I do two office days a week and remotely the rest, so there's four location changes every week11:13
MrokiiRegarding work... I need to leave for work. :D Was nice talking, but I have to go. Bye.11:15
Maakuthno problem11:18
ysaekiAnyone know of a secure remote desktop 'server' and how it might easily be installed? Thinking SPICE-protocol based.11:53
ysaeki*If of course I can get KDE stable and to stop crashing random things on this fresh install..11:53
ysaekiMuch obliged...answer is Linux Mint.  Thanks.11:57
BluesKajHiyas all12:13
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kiromaPlasmashell suddenly started using 100% of CPU0 time.15:33
kiromaThat ain't good is it?15:33
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mparilloYou would not have dynamic wallpaper would you?16:40
elichai2I'm trying to connect to google drive, I opened `online accounts` and I click on google and then I get this error: "There was an error while trying to process the request: userActionFinished error: 2"18:42
elichai2any ideas what's the problem?18:42
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valorieelichai2: have you enabled things on the Google side?21:52

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