
inetprogood evening11:07
inetproso cold in here18:39
inetprowhere is everybody?18:40
superflychesedo: isn't there supposed to be a meeting now?18:49
chesedosuperfly: no, that was yesterday18:50
superflyOh. I'm behind the times18:50
chesedohow is it btw?18:50
superflywe're finally making our way toward autumn! it's finally colder outside than inside in the mornings18:50
superflyoh dear, my days are really confused... for some reason I thought it was Tuesday today.18:51
pavlushkao/ :)18:53
inetprotime to recharge the batteries again... good night19:09
pavlushkanight night19:10
chesedosuperfly: you are not in a snowing region iirc?20:05
superflychesedo: I'm in the desert20:05
chesedosuperfly: just checking that it does not snow in deserts :D20:05
superflyit does in the mountains around here20:06
superflybut it's about an hour's drive up to where it snows20:06
chesedobut it would be about the same that you are use to in cpt's mountains?20:06
superflyIt doesn't snow much in Cape Town's mountains.20:07
chesedoor was it there were you mentioned driving to the snow once?20:07
superflyCeres is where the snow usually is, but that's about 2 hours outside of Cape Town20:07
superflychesedo: yeah, here20:07
chesedoyeah, now my timing is out of wack20:08
superflyWe usually go up to Summerhaven, which is in the mountain: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/32.4388/-110.758320:08
superflyfor snow, that is20:08
superflyCookie Cabin <320:10
chesedoso there is enough snow on summerhaven to enjoy it properly?20:15
superflyYes, just looking for a photo20:17
chesedowow seems like a lot of fun possibilities20:18

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