
redcavalierHi, since the latest update of cloud-init on centos 7, cloud-init doesn't resize my openstack instances anymore01:49
redcavalier /var/log/messages shows me errors regarding text.encode(encoding) showing that "'dict' object has no attribute encode"01:51
redcavalierseems to be related to vendor-data, which is empty as I don'T use it01:52
naccredcavalier: presumig cloud-init does come from centos, it seems like you should also report a bug there (and link to it here)02:30
redcavalierok, I'll do so right now.02:30
blackboxswredcavalier: thanks.  if you are using centos 7.4 and our daily cloudinit (17.1) released at https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/cloud-init/cloud-init-dev/packages/ there is a 'cloud-init collect-logs [--user-data]' command that will tar/gzip a file for your that'd ease analysis02:37
blackboxswyou could attach that to the bug (or just follow the bug filing suggestions which basically grabs the same content02:37
redcavalierblackboxsw, it's not the daily cloudinit but the centos package though (0.7.9)02:38
blackboxswahh, roger02:39
naccblackboxsw: yeah i was basing my guess off redcavalier sayig it was from a recent cent update02:50
naccwhich *might* be a distro issue, i'm not sure how y'all handle the cent releases02:50
redcavalierwell, I should specify the recent centos cloud-init update. Strangely enough, it doesn't affect our cloudlinux instances02:54
redcavalierso it seems really specific02:54
blackboxswyeah, redcavalier I'd be curious  what /var/log/cloud-init.log and  /run/cloud-init/reslts.json  has in it. on the systems just to rule out a datasource ordering issue with some changes that went into the Ec2 datasource which is a fixed bug that affected  openstack specifically in 0.7.902:59
blackboxswbut that'll come with the bug I presume03:00
redcavalierblackboxsw, let me make you a pastebin real quick. IT appears to be related to cloud-init trying to write the cache for vendor-data but failing because it can't find an encoding property on the object to write (but I might be wrong, I'm not a developper).03:02
redcavalierblackboxsw, https://pastebin.com/t8yyghGM is the log03:10
blackboxswthanks redcavalier gotta head to bed for the evening. Well looks like it still properly identified your Openstack datasource, so not this issue I wondered about w/ ec203:12
redcavalierAlright, thanks03:12
blackboxswit's possible that the vendordata_raw format changed across this update.... umm yeah please file a bug and we'll track it and see if we can get to the bottom of the failure redcavalier03:14
blackboxsw cheers.g'night all.03:16
seditioncatch you later03:31
redcavalierFTR, I've filed a bug with centos. Find it at https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=1393103:35
orf__hey, is it possible to mount any other files in a system via the vsphere 'user-data.txt' ISO data source?14:50
orf__as in, set up some network configuration?14:50
smoserorf__, i do not believe you can pass networking configuration in via OVF datasource15:20
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cesarjorgeHi, I'm need help with cloud-init17:18
cesarjorgeThe cloud-init when start, changes (in a linux), the network definition interfaces: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s317:18
cesarjorgeHowto do, to say to cloud-init not change the interfaces?17:19
larskscesarjorge: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/network-config.html#disabling-network-configuration might help17:23
cesarjorgemany thanks!!! I will try17:24

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