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nakul | Hi all | 12:40 |
nakul | does cloud-init supports Debian 7 (wheezy) ? | 12:40 |
nakul | specially 32 bit arch | 12:41 |
nakul | i have created an deb 7 (32bit) kvm based image and installed cloud-init cloud-utils and cloud-initramfs-growroot packages from "http://ftp.debian.org/debian wheezy-backports main" repo | 12:45 |
nakul | and uploaded in glance to work with userdata and config drive but its not accepting any credentials either | 12:45 |
nakul | but i can curl to metadata url and can see the config drive as well | 12:47 |
nakul | i am not sure whats wrong here and i dont have such issues with debian 8 and debian 9 release | 12:49 |
powersj | nakul: and you please share the logs in /var/log/cloud-init*? | 13:11 |
nakul | [....] Starting Cloud service: cloud-init[....] Starting NFS common utilities: statd idmapd[?25l[?1c7[1G[[32m ok [39;49m8[?25h[?0c. [....] Starting rpcbind daemon...[....] Already running.[?25l[?1c7[1G[[32m ok [39;49m8[?25h[?0c. [....] Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd[?25l[?1c7[1G[[32m ok [39;49m8[?25h[?0c. [....] Starting ACPI services...[?25l[?1c7[1G[[32m ok [39;49m8[?25h[?0c. [....] Starting deferred execution scheduler: atd | 13:19 |
nakul | hi powersj | 13:19 |
nakul | i am able to share the full logs here | 13:20 |
nakul | not* | 13:20 |
nakul | Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/cloud-init", line 509, in <module> sys.exit(main()) File "/usr/bin/cloud-init", line 505, in main return functor(name, args) File "/usr/bin/cloud-init", line 256, in main_init iid = init.instancify() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cloudinit/stages.py", line 311, in instancify return self._reflect_cur_instance() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-package | 13:21 |
nakul | @powerj : do you have any mail id to share the logs ? | 13:22 |
nakul | i followed this url for image creation : https://thornelabs.net/2014/04/07/create-a-kvm-based-debian-7-openstack-cloud-image.html | 13:23 |
blackboxsw | nakul: if possible to redact the /var/log/cloud-init.log to something that could be shared it would be helpful to file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug with any information you can provide | 13:25 |
blackboxsw | so others could benefit from the fix too. we can contact you with more requests if the bug filed doesn't have enough information to understand the problem | 13:26 |
nakul | blackboxsw: ok but i am not sure weather its a bug or some misconfiguration or something else | 13:32 |
blackboxsw | nakul: that howto is really dated (2014)... maybe this would help https://asciinema.org/a/132009 | 13:39 |
blackboxsw | rewriting that cloud.cfg file is potentially dated/broken in that howto you referenced | 13:40 |
nakul | dont think so..still let me try once more else i'll post the issue in +filebug site | 13:44 |
nakul | thanks blackboxsw | 13:44 |
nakul | ohh..thanks Chad Smith | 13:44 |
blackboxsw | no problemo nakul that'd be smoser to thank | 13:52 |
blackboxsw | :0 | 13:53 |
blackboxsw | :) | 13:53 |
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utlemming | smoser: around? | 15:38 |
utlemming | https://gist.github.com/utlemming/288607e974f597d89d940474874551df | 15:38 |
utlemming | smoser: looks like SysConfig rendering for network configuration is broken for IPv6 default routs | 15:39 |
utlemming | I can't tell whether its Fedora/RH or Debian/Ubuntu that is not following the spec | 15:39 |
utlemming | since network_data.json is not well documented | 15:39 |
robjo | smoser: Could you please give https://code.launchpad.net/~rjschwei/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/331149 another look? Would like to get this finished so I can put the patch into the 17.1 SUSE package. | 15:59 |
blackboxsw | will give it a pass robjo | 16:00 |
robjo | blackboxsw: thanks, I just fixed the alpha order issue I hope, as I couldn't reproduce that locally, so the bot will need to do another run | 16:01 |
benray | Hope it's OK to ask a general question here. How to populate ifcfg file with 'DHCP_HOSTNAME=<hostname>' prior to network start? If I use bootcmd it gets overwritten | 18:07 |
rharper | benray: we don't currently have a way to do that; ifupdown doesn't support DHCP_HOSTNAME, but it doe support hostname <hostname value> which should get passed to the client | 18:15 |
benray | Thanks! I might be able to live with rc.local | 18:15 |
rharper | *ifupdown in ubuntu at least | 18:15 |
benray | RHEL in this case | 18:16 |
benray | I believe ubuntu is a little more elegant in this regard | 18:16 |
rharper | ok; so for the sysconfig backend | 18:16 |
rharper | but generally, it appears there are some client dhcp options we should support (hostname, lease, client, vendor) strings that dhcp clients would submit in their request IIUC | 18:17 |
benray | That would be cool. Thought I would ask in case it was just hiding somewhere | 18:17 |
benray | :) | 18:18 |
rharper | benray: ok, I filed a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1720426 | 18:21 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1720426 in cloud-init "network-config should allow dhcp client option values" [Undecided,New] | 18:21 |
benray | Nice! Thanks for looking into it | 18:21 |
rharper | benray: sure, thanks for pointing it out | 18:22 |
benray | Keep up the great work | 18:22 |
rispa | hello. I'm trying to figure out how to disable different cloud-init datasources. Not sure why, but I can't seem to figure out from the docs. | 19:24 |
rispa | Basically, we're using cloud-init on internal vms with a cloud-config drive. When the cloud-config drive isn't there or is misconfigured, cloud-config tries to hit a bunch of metadata urls and eventually times out | 19:25 |
rispa | this really slows down boot time -- takes around 10 minutes | 19:25 |
blackboxsw | rispa: on your vms you can either dpkg-reconfigure cloud-init to enable/disable | 20:53 |
blackboxsw | rispa: on your vms you can either dpkg-reconfigure cloud-init to enable/disable datasources.... | 20:54 |
blackboxsw | or you can edit your /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90_dpkg.cfg datasource_list | 20:54 |
blackboxsw | and remove any datasources in your images you don't want to try | 20:54 |
blackboxsw | rispa: I'll add a work item for additional docs on this as I can't find them either | 20:55 |
rispa | blackboxsw: datasource_list is working great -- thanks very much! | 21:02 |
smoser | rispa, just fwi, there really should not be a reason to do that. | 21:02 |
smoser | if it is timing out, its due to the ec2 datasource, which should be done last. | 21:02 |
smoser | wonder if you could post a cloud-init.log | 21:02 |
smoser | rispa, oh. yes. if you remove the disk it will do that. | 21:04 |
smoser | you can set in the image "manual_cache_clean: true" | 21:05 |
smoser | and that means that if there is a cached datasource cloud-init will not go looking again | 21:05 |
smoser | so you can boot once with the disk, and then take it away | 21:05 |
smoser | but if you do that then you have to clean yourself, or cloud-init will never go looking again. | 21:05 |
rispa | smoser: thanks! it's definitely only a problem when the cloud config drive is missing or broken. more of annoyance than anything else | 21:08 |
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