=== josedonizetti_ is now known as josedonizetti | ||
rick_h | thumper: ping, see the PR on the juju version go by. Just wanted to check is the actual need functionality available or juju version specifically? | 14:33 |
wallyworld | rick_h: zup | 14:38 |
rick_h | wallyworld I see the PR on the juju version go by. Just wanted to check is the actual need functionality available or juju version specifically? | 14:39 |
rick_h | wallyworld: I always get afraid checking juju version numbers (especially point releases) will turn into nightmares down the road | 14:39 |
wallyworld | we've sort of been down this road a bit before - we couldn't agree on a clean way to advertise capabilities. the charm folks just want version | 14:39 |
rick_h | wallyworld: and much prefer feature checks vs version checks and we went through a lot of this when we added the min_juju_version in charms in an attempt to not specify a single version but make sure things assumed forward compatible | 14:40 |
rick_h | wallyworld: ok, just wante to dbl check it wasn't a drive by thing without bigger audience | 14:40 |
wallyworld | juju_version is analogoues to min version | 14:40 |
* rick_h sits in his desk and sees single PR since he's far away and wanted to dbl check | 14:40 | |
wallyworld | no worries, thanks for asking | 14:41 |
wallyworld | there's still time to refine before relase | 14:41 |
wallyworld | i'll be syncing with the charm folks again | 14:41 |
rick_h | wallyworld: yea, I'd be curios how the charmers will make sure that there's common tools for charm authors to express to users "this failed/errored/won't work because of your juju version" clearly | 14:41 |
rick_h | so that users don't have to debug the stuff | 14:42 |
rick_h | min_juju_version at least fails early and clearly while this could be in deep hook context during some relation/config change and such | 14:42 |
wallyworld | rick_h: it's more that the openstack folks want to say "what version of juju is running, if not 2.3 or later, then X won't be there" | 14:42 |
rick_h | wallyworld: right, but once the tool is there people will use it how they wish | 14:42 |
rick_h | wallyworld: not just in the clean way some folks want to use it | 14:43 |
wallyworld | that's true of any feature right? | 14:43 |
wallyworld | it's meant to alleviate the need for charm helpers to have all these try/except blocks | 14:44 |
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