
=== sergio_ is now known as Seedsca
lordievaderGood morning07:31
zztoplessgood afternoon07:35
AnonymousSince a few upgrades back, 14.04.5 LTS has problems with kdialog. Apparently, several applications, not just one, talk to a kdialog version which is no longer the one installed on the system. Anyone else having a similar problem?07:38
AnonymousI.e. kdialog crashes (segfault) when called from various apps because it cannot parse the arguments being passed to it.07:39
IrcsomeBotBathabi was removed by: Bathabi07:41
AnonymousI use 14.04 LTS, which is supposed to be supported until next year. Since a few updates back, some apps  can no longer use kdialog. vlc segfaults on open file, chromium causes the kde crash dialog to appear and does nothing else. Anybody else having a similar problem?08:13
anqxyrhey, quick question. I enabled application menu bar yesterday out of curiosity, and now can't find where to turn it off. I'm on 17.0408:19
acheronukanqxyr: Application style > Widget style > Fine tuning08:22
anqxyrthank you!08:22
acheronukat least that's where it is in plasma 5.10. KDE move things around at times08:24
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest56238
Guest56238hy everyone. I'm on liveCD right now trying to install kubuntu beta2 and I have small problem08:54
lordievaderGuest56238: Which is?08:55
jake__whats that08:56
Guest56238I moved the whole old system under one folder and now I'm trying to install new kubutnu into existing partition but want to preserve this folder08:56
jake__i just installed the kubuntu mins ago08:56
jake__you need backup first08:56
Guest56238I'm at "prepare partitions" and cant choose root mount point without formatting whis is what I do not want08:56
lordievaderGuest56238: Don't let the installer format the partition. But as jake__ says, backup first.08:56
Guest56238whis = which08:57
Guest56238the thing is, I don't have a medium big enoug to hold my backups :)08:58
Guest56238under prepare partitions when I click "change..." I can't chose mount point because it's grayed out until I also select "use as"09:00
Guest56238and "use as:" says "do not use the partition". Shouldn it say ext4 already because that is my partition format?09:01
lordievaderIf you select the same filesystem as it already is you should have the option of not formatting.09:01
Guest56238ok. I chose ext4 and leave format chackbox empty then i selected mountpoint as /09:02
Guest56238but when i hit install now i get this09:02
Guest56238The file system on /dev/sda5 assigned to / has not been marked for formatting.  Directories containing system files (/etc, /lib, /usr, /var, ...) that already exist under any defined mountpoint will be deleted during the install.09:02
Guest56238ahhhh sory guys i'm and idiot09:03
Guest56238i' didnt read carefuly enough09:03
lordievaderHowever, do as jake__ says, make a backup.09:04
Guest56238it sais right there "... has not been marked for formatting..."09:04
jake__upload your data to the cloud for backup first. then try anything u want09:04
Guest56238thanks I will do backup for most important data just in case09:05
Guest56238uff that was tense :)09:21
Guest56238installation just finished and all data is still there09:22
Guest56238I'm so exited to reboot and check it out09:22
* acheronuk holds breath.....09:28
BluesKajHi all10:57
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acheronukripper17: I have not forgoten about that kate fix. just got a bit distracted, and with 17.10 final beta17:45
greatgig1hello there! How can add more channels to Konversation?18:07
greatgig1nvm I think I got it18:08
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=== Dragonslicer is now known as Dragnslcr
grahamperrin[m]With my home directory encrypted, should I refrain from using System Settings to change my password?23:06
janat08so what's the command for starting session with kubuntu-desktop23:50
janat08as in equivalent of xcfe4-session23:51

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