=== JanC_ is now known as JanC === maclin1 is now known as maclin [12:12] Hey folks! Just a quick question.. Is there a way to automate the login to LP when it's used by other apps (sso) like wikis and so? I'd like to automate some work, but I will need to login 1st [15:01] elacheche: I think login.ubuntu.com supports oauth for that, but I don't know where it is documented. [15:03] elacheche: Launchpad too IIRC, using the Launchpad python client or oauth [15:05] https://help.launchpad.net/API/ThirdPartyIntegration [15:08] Thx stub !! :D [16:01] cjwatson: i think there's a coding error in lauchpadlib/credentials.py, in the except case at line 643, browser_obj is not set to None and is used on line 656. I'm getting a backtrace in my snap (not sure why, as it was auth'd before, but regardless) [16:12] nacc: wasn't that one of the things I fixed in 1.10.5? [16:12] cjwatson: oh pypi only has 4 (same with artful) [16:12] bah nm [16:12] pypi has 1.10.5 [16:12] my fault! [16:12] but artful may need an update eventually [16:13] nacc: Debian is up to date, so a sync might be worthwhile [16:13] cjwatson: ack [16:13] lemme sync that [16:13] modulo approval [16:15] cjwatson: thanks [16:15] cjwatson: sorry i didn't notice it earlier :) [17:10] cjwatson: ok, different issue popped up, which I could have sworn we resolved earlier, but I can't find it in my logs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25640297/\ [17:11] cjwatson: lauchpadlib is encoding it before passing it down (i believe), but keyrings.alt (for file-backed keys) assumes it's not encoded [17:21] cjwatson: found the bug, sorry -- LP: #1685962 [17:21] Launchpad bug 1685962 in launchpadlib "keyring file-backend reports backtrace with oauth" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1685962 [17:35] nacc: yeah, as before we need to test that [17:39] cjwatson: yep