diplo | Morning all | 07:09 |
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 09:54 |
=== Gh0st is now known as Guest72314 | ||
diplo | diddledan: have you created a snap that needs a web server yet ? | 10:37 |
tomred | "Can't locate object method "countries_for_form" via package | 11:07 |
tomred | Sorry wrong channel | 11:07 |
Seeker` | have you tried down the back of the sofa? | 11:09 |
zmoylan-pi | i'm surprised more databases don't fall back to searching there | 11:17 |
zmoylan-pi | now i want you to sit down and breath deeply before clicking the link... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2017/09/29/commodore-64-coming-back-c64-mini-released-next-year/ | 11:23 |
diddledan | erhmagherd | 13:51 |
diddledan | c64?! | 13:51 |
ali1234 | meh | 13:52 |
ali1234 | someone made a FPGA board in pi zero form factor that can emulate an amiga in hardware | 13:52 |
ali1234 | https://hackaday.io/project/13048-flea-ohm-fpga-project | 13:53 |
ali1234 | https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/fleafpga-ohm-fpga-experimenter-board-arduino#/ | 13:54 |
diddledan | I wonder how "turned-off" the military bits are.. as in could they be turned back on by a hacker? https://hackaday.com/2017/09/28/military-satellite-goes-civilian/ | 14:10 |
zmoylan-pi | might have been so secret we can initiate self destruct in case we ever saw a russian shuttle pull up along side in case type destroy important parts thing | 14:12 |
diddledan | criminals totally need to look into ham radio | 14:16 |
diddledan | what better way to middle-finger the establishment than to use unlicensed bands to communicate out of the prying eye of internet censorship/spying | 14:17 |
zmoylan-pi | everyone monitors those frequencies | 14:18 |
zmoylan-pi | plus very very low bandwidth | 14:18 |
diddledan | do you need much bandwidth for a go order on robbing the granny on the corner of the street? | 14:20 |
diddledan | that must be due to doppler - they list the frequency of the downlink on that sattelite as start-of-pass at 435.115MHz drifting to end-of-pass at 435.095MHz | 14:22 |
diddledan | the uplink must have compensation inbuilt because it is static | 14:22 |
diddledan | the internet isn't going to break https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/09/28/internet_update_on_hold/ | 16:55 |
diddledan | sweet ooga mooga | 17:26 |
diddledan | I've cleared my overdraft!! | 17:26 |
diddledan | uk school lost their balloon and you'll never guess where it ended up! https://twitter.com/Raspberry_Pi/status/913763213195579392 | 18:16 |
diddledan | </clickbait> | 18:16 |
=== Gh0st is now known as Guest14552 | ||
Guest14552 | #sdf3dfgd454 | 18:39 |
=== Guest14552 is now known as CyberGh0st23 | ||
diddledan | omg, I was thinking exactly the same thing | 18:51 |
daftykins | diddledan: \o | 20:20 |
diddledan | o/ | 20:20 |
daftykins | well, good thing i read that Draytek's firmware update manual, it had one image which nukes your config and one that doesn't XD | 20:20 |
diddledan | run them both :-p | 20:20 |
daftykins | i also firmware updated an Oki MFP o0 | 20:20 |
daftykins | i think i might just enjoy progress bars or something | 20:21 |
diddledan | puerto rico is an island. surrounded by water. https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/913837786280558592 | 21:31 |
daftykins | hrmm | 21:34 |
aptanet | Anyone here running the 17.10 beta? | 21:40 |
daftykins | what if they were? | 21:43 |
daftykins | (usually best to just ask the question :) ) | 21:43 |
aptanet | good point, I'm clearly getting rusty with my irc etiquette! | 21:44 |
aptanet | I've just upgraded a box to play with and logged into the standard Ubuntu version of Gnome desktop and there are no indicators. | 21:45 |
aptanet | I'm sure they should be there, but I don't even have the Gnome legacy thing at the bottom left. | 21:45 |
aptanet | Just wondering how they were setup so I could fix it - rather than just sorting it out myself and ending up with a completely non-standard solution. | 21:46 |
daftykins | oops i forgot i read your query, i have no idea about desktop matters but i would probably take the simple approach of nuking my ~ gnome config to resolve any such surprises | 22:46 |
aptanet | Good point, I did try Gnome on 17.04; although I did surgically remove all packages and purge the configurations it may well have left stuff in my home directory. | 22:49 |
aptanet | Just need to work out what to nuke now. | 22:50 |
daftykins | mmm i'd only be googling, but maybe .config/<something in here> | 22:51 |
aptanet | found some . directories that may be related, nothing recent in them so I'll move them out the way (never delete, just in case - I've seen that mistake far too often) and see what happens. | 22:53 |
daftykins | *nod* | 22:54 |
aptanet | Well those made no difference. Nothing else looks likely so far. | 23:10 |
aptanet | Time to sleep on it. | 23:10 |
aptanet | Added quirks with Dash to Dock having ghost icons and the shutdown/sleep buttons not doing anything. | 23:11 |
aptanet | Also managed to get Dash to Dock appearing in the lock screen somehow! | 23:11 |
daftykins | ooh-err | 23:11 |
daftykins | can you create another user to test? | 23:11 |
daftykins | i'd start wondering about graphics hardware + driver in use in a way, assuming that's gnome3 - but i'm really rusty on desktop issues (used to give support but i stick to servers day to day) | 23:12 |
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