niceprogrammer | is there a wasy to proxify the software updater.. I dont think the system wide proxy settings was working | 00:32 |
tonyb | Does anyone know of mirrors for cloud-images ? Australia would be ideal | 00:55 |
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fpghost84 | Hi I am on 16.04 and I generated a public/private key with gpg. I also set the trust to ultimate. However seahorse does not seem to see this key nor does enigmail when I press select keys (or look in key management) | 02:51 |
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kubanc | Hello. I have two LAN network card, and I would like to put Ubuntu machine as a bridge, because I would like to control the traffic that goes between two machines connected to LAN. I have problems with creating the bridge connection. Can someone help me please | 04:47 |
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Lowas1 | | 04:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1451728 in kaccounts-integration (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1574045 [master] kde-config-telepathy-accounts package install error" [Critical,In progress] | 04:49 |
Lowas1 | In zesty and arful bug fixed | 04:49 |
Lowas1 | In xenial bug present today. | 04:50 |
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rofltech | kubanc: basically make a fake interface and add your two ports to it | 05:23 |
kubanc | I am getting failed to bring up br0 error when restarting networking. Any ideas why? | 05:24 |
glitsj16 | Lowas1: have you tried the Kubuntu Backports PPA yet? | 05:25 |
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kubanc | rofltech: I am editing the /etc/network/interfaces file but with no luck. Now I am even getting an error when restarting the network, saying UNknown interface br0 | 05:28 |
Lowas1 | i not used kubuntu ppa | 05:32 |
Lowas1 | because kubuntu ppa destroy package manager | 05:33 |
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glitsj16 | Lowas1: I see, perhaps you can only download the .deb files you need from that PPA and install those manually | 05:35 |
Lowas1 | Not good idea | 05:40 |
Lowas1 | This is not safe | 05:40 |
Lowas1 | apt install -t ppa | 05:41 |
Lowas1 | Good output, but then again how would podsistemy not reached out to freeze and broke apt | 05:42 |
glitsj16 | Lowas1: if the fix isn't backported to 'official' xenial repos yet, chances are rather slim it will ever happen, but that's only my opinion as an ordinary user | 05:43 |
glitsj16 | Lowas1: What do you mean by 'apt install -t ppa'? Never seen that syntax in relation to apt.. | 05:45 |
Lowas1 | This is the index used in Apt in Debian, which allows you to attract packets from different branches. In ubuntu, this should not be soaked. | 05:46 |
Lowas1 | For example, you can cross-repositories 14.04, 16.04 and 17.10, using partial packages from 14.04, partially from 16.04, partially from 17.10 | 05:47 |
glitsj16 | Lowas1: like apt pinning? | 05:48 |
Lowas1 | The main repository is specified, and a part of the packages with the help of the prefix - t can be taken from another source. So for example, I used in 14.04 esr firefox | 05:49 |
glitsj16 | Lowas1: I understand, so couldn't you add the kubuntu-backports PPA like that and only use a higher priority on the relevant kaccounts-integration packages you need to fix that bug? | 05:53 |
Lowas1 | No. Because otherwise the whole repository will drag itself down, as a result of which the package manager will fall apart, since too many QT-components from the central repository are nailed to Xenial. | 05:55 |
Lowas1 | Try to put ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop packages at the same time and add the PPA. There will be a very interesting picture. | 05:56 |
glitsj16 | Lowas1: you can avoid that by giving the PPA a *lower* priority than official xenial repos as a whole, and assigning a higher priority to those few packages you need to get around the bug.. see, it happens to have an example for the kubuntu backports PPA | 05:58 |
glitsj16 | Lowas1: that way, no other packages will be regarded as an upgrade, so I don't get your problem I'm afraid | 05:59 |
Sterist | is there any way to get a progress info while compressing to 7z? I need to store over 200gb and it would be very nice to have some clue as to finish time lol | 06:47 |
ducasse | Sterist: have you checked the man page? | 06:49 |
alkisg | mksquashfs :) | 06:49 |
Sterist | just the man cave =/ | 06:50 |
ducasse | Sterist: 'man 7z' | 06:50 |
Sterist | aah.. I going to say no | 06:51 |
Sterist | "no manual every for 7z" | 06:51 |
Sterist | "alternatively, what manual page do you want from section z?" | 06:52 |
Sterist | 7z* | 06:52 |
ducasse | it says -bd to disable progress indicator, which leads me to think it has one by default | 06:52 |
ducasse | if you don't have the man page, 7z is most likely not installed | 06:53 |
Sterist | have you installed any archive related packages since installing ubuntu? | 06:53 |
Sterist | hmm one moment | 06:53 |
kubanc | how do I forward all the traffic from one LAN nic to other bridge br0 NIC? | 06:58 |
killown | what kind of error is this? apt is not working anymore | 06:58 |
Sterist | so you use p7zip? | 06:58 |
Sterist | do* | 06:58 |
ducasse | seems like it, yes | 06:59 |
Sterist | I don't even see the -bd parameter you mentioned earlier | 07:00 |
Sterist | you must have something different | 07:00 |
ducasse | which release is this? | 07:00 |
Sterist | sudo apt-get install p7zip | 07:01 |
Sterist | newest, I assume | 07:01 |
ducasse | of ubuntu | 07:01 |
alkisg | Sterist: are you running 7z from a terminal, or through the p7zip gui? | 07:03 |
alkisg | If you're using a terminal, `man 7z` will show you the -bd parameter | 07:04 |
Sterist | aaah I got it. you have p7zip-full | 07:04 |
Sterist | I do not have a GUI for it. can you point me in the right direction? | 07:05 |
vlt | Hello. I changed /home/ to an NFS mount. The NFS server is a VM on the very same physical machine (= unlimited network speed). The problem is that the system is unbearably slow, the load values jumped from ~0.8 to ~15.0 (and ~9.0 on the NFS server). Any idea what could cause this? | 07:05 |
ducasse | Sterist: is there no progress indicator when you create an archive from the command line? | 07:05 |
Sterist | I would much prefer a GUI | 07:06 |
Sterist | drag and drop would be very handy for this large archive | 07:06 |
ducasse | above my pay grade, i much prefer the cli :) | 07:06 |
ducasse | many use fileroller, afaik | 07:07 |
Sterist | haven't seen it abbreviated since DOS lol took me a moment | 07:07 |
Sterist | confirmed fileroller gives no status whatsoever | 07:10 |
Sterist | progressbar (remains one pixel) and number of files (never changes) til complete. | 07:11 |
jerin | I'd like a package manager which can take care of dependencies and install with some folder prefix. Does something like that already exist? | 07:11 |
jerin | There's a server which I don't have sudo access, and I'm getting into dependency hell a lot | 07:11 |
sirru5h | vlt, What OS are you using for the VM ? | 07:13 |
vlt | sirru5h: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS for the client (running MATE desktops), Debian stable for the NFS server. | 07:13 |
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sirru5h | what kind of resources have you dedicated to the VM? | 07:16 |
ducasse | Sterist: first of all i'd try creating a test archive from the command line to check if it reports progress in a sane way at all | 07:18 |
sirru5h | vlt, I run a VM and honestly the most it will run is apache2 no more than 4 clients and I have seen it slow to a crawl it has 2 cpus and 4gigs of RAM dedicated | 07:21 |
vlt | sirru5h: I’m not sure what to answer. Similar ressources as ally my other machines. 12 cpu cores, 1 GB RAM for the NFS server, 24 GB for the Ubuntu machine. | 07:21 |
Sterist | I'll give it a go in a few minutes, multi tasking big time right now. no offense if I respond slow or mysteriously disappear | 07:22 |
sirru5h | wow that should be flying ... | 07:22 |
vlt | sirru5h: We are using this XEN setup for years now without problems. Our mail, database, http and ltsp machines for ~25 users are all running fine. | 07:24 |
cybertek | hey all, having problems with no DNS appearing on my ubuntu. windows seems to pick up my dns servers via dhcp from my internal network but the ubuntu box does not, help? why? | 07:26 |
vlt | sirru5h: The only thing I changed yesterday was to clone one of the MATE desktop servers to allow logins for users w/o interrupting already working ones when xrdp again refuses to accept new connections. | 07:26 |
vlt | sirru5h: Because both machines need the same /home dirs I detached the bock device holding the home fs, attached it to the NFS server and used the NFS mount for /home on both clones. | 07:28 |
vlt | *block device | 07:28 |
vlt | Bock: (Hi!) | 07:28 |
Bock | Heya! | 07:29 |
EriC^^ | cybertek: try deleting the connection and plugging the cable back in | 07:31 |
mortn | cybertek, what's the target for /etc/resolv.conf point to? | 07:31 |
mortn | and what does it say in it | 07:31 |
sirru5h | We use esxi and we have a that apache machine that runs like an absolute dog.. it's odd but we did have another VM running on that same host and it also ran like a dog. So odd I wonder if it is something at the VM layer with the hypervisor | 07:32 |
mortn | sirru5h, kvm/qemu is awesome if you ever feel like looking into alternatives for esxi | 07:33 |
cybertek | mortin: it points to ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf and contains nameserver and search localdomain | 07:34 |
mortn | cybertek, do you see anything familar when running systemd-resolve --status | 07:34 |
ducasse | cybertek: which release is this? | 07:34 |
mortn | good point starting with the right questions, ducasse ;-) | 07:35 |
sirru5h | mortn, yeah I been looking at kvm... vlt yeah I am sorry but i have no experience wit XEN | 07:37 |
EriC^^ | cybertek: try nmcli device show | grep IP4.DNS | 07:44 |
cybertek | oh I fixed it already but thanks | 07:44 |
EriC^^ | ok, cool | 07:44 |
Bock | If your VMs are running like a dog, make sure your CPU flags are set (in BIOS, probably) to support hardware virtualisation. | 07:49 |
vlt | My observations so far indicate that this is *not* a xen issue. We are using PV machines. Very fast experience so far (since 2011). | 07:56 |
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jackhum | i have been trying to download musixmatch lyrics in my ubuntu , but my connection always closes . can anyone tell me if it works for you | 10:16 |
jackhum | wget "" -O musixmatch.deb | 10:16 |
MacroMan | For systems training, I'd like to run a process that is difficult to kill. Does something exists to help me in this situation? | 10:39 |
MacroMan | Something where 'sudo kill' would be innefective, like it was a zombie process or something | 10:40 |
MacroMan | Any ideas? | 10:40 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 10:57 |
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Sterist | anyone know why Browse Network would be missing from Nautilus | 11:19 |
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Sterist | recent home desktop documents music pictures videos trash, and (it's not there either) Other Locations | 11:20 |
Sterist | can't find anything recent on google and YouTube videos all show the Browse Network tab that I'm missing on both laptops. this is driving me nuts | 11:26 |
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geodb27 | People : hi ! When installing all the stuff to authenticate users on a ldap (apt-get install ldap-auth-client nscd), there is a gui tool that is launched at some point to fill in the ldapuri and so on. Is there a way to bypass this gui and provide in a way or another all the parameters ? | 12:14 |
geodb27 | As a matter of fact, this could be sum-up as bypassing the call that is made on install to dpkg-reconfigure ldap-auth-config. Is there a way to do so ? | 12:22 |
lfowlr | helo | 12:39 |
lfowlr | and if I don't have a firewall is it bad? ubuntu by default does not have a firewall. | 12:39 |
lfowlr | over a vpn where lots of connections are made,l how is it insecure? ubuntu | 12:40 |
albech | lfowlr: really depends on the vpn and if the machine is exposed to the internet in other ways. | 12:40 |
lfowlr | albech: so it's exposed using vpn and other ways too too hte internet | 12:41 |
lfowlr | so in what way | 12:41 |
lfowlr | is it insecure or not? | 12:41 |
lfowlr | what does it mean the ports are closed when clearly the firewall is not there | 12:42 |
albech | lfowlr: goes it have an external ip address? | 12:42 |
albech | does | 12:42 |
lfowlr | makes no sense, as firewall closes the ports, as it refuses the connection. | 12:42 |
Ichimusai | Impossible to know. Depends on what services you are running and if you keept i up to date. It's insecure if you have not hardened it. | 12:42 |
Ichimusai | lfowlr: It means nothing is listening on the ports. | 12:42 |
lfowlr | i am talking of firewall, ubuntu is hardened already | 12:42 |
albech | lfowlr: if you are not really sure then id configure iptables on it | 12:43 |
lfowlr | but firewall needs to close the ports, and I see all the iptables rules say allow | 12:43 |
lfowlr | by default | 12:43 |
lfowlr | yes, I did install ufw so | 12:43 |
albech | lfowlr: no firewall doesnt close ports on the machine.. | 12:43 |
lfowlr | but if not , then it does mean that it allows all the connections by default? | 12:43 |
lfowlr | and all hte ports are allowed to connection, as nothing is there to reject teh connection | 12:44 |
albech | lfowlr: not really | 12:44 |
lfowlr | tell me | 12:44 |
lfowlr | I can't read your mind. | 12:44 |
lfowlr | dudde I don't know what you are etalking | 12:44 |
albech | lfowlr: i really depends on your setup | 12:44 |
albech | lfowlr: it | 12:45 |
lfowlr | what do you mean | 12:45 |
lfowlr | I am talking of the defaults | 12:45 |
lfowlr | your don't say shit, but are babbling | 12:46 |
albech | lfowlr: have a nice day. | 12:46 |
Ichimusai | lfowlr: You need to chill man. | 12:46 |
lfowlr | no you dchill | 12:46 |
albech | Ichimusai: troll | 12:47 |
Ichimusai | albech: Yep, already on /ignore :) | 12:47 |
lol768 | So I'm on Ubuntu Server, and I'd like to change the DNS servers used | 12:48 |
lol768 | Normally I'd edit /etc/resolv.conf - and indeed there are IP addresses in this file, but these appear to have been autogenerated | 12:49 |
albech | lol768: #ubuntu-server, but look at the interface configuration in /etc/network/interfaces | 12:49 |
lol768 | The IP addresses in /etc/resolv.conf do not come from /etc/network/interfaces | 12:49 |
Ichimusai | It is systemd now that takes care of this | 12:50 |
lol768 | Why is the init system responsible for DNS? | 12:50 |
lol768 | Okay, fine | 12:50 |
lol768 | where is it configured? | 12:50 |
lol768 | /etc/systemd/network/? | 12:51 |
albech | i am configuring dns in the /etc/network/interfaces with the dns-nameserver setting, maybe that has changed recently | 12:51 |
lol768 | /etc/systemd/resolved.conf looks promising | 12:52 |
Ichimusai | /etc/systemd/resolved.conf | 12:52 |
lol768 | snap :P | 12:52 |
MindSpark | hey, how do I find out which package a file belongs to? | 12:52 |
Ichimusai | MindSpark: dpkg -S /path/to/file | 12:52 |
Ichimusai | MindSpark: apt-file search /path/to/file | 12:53 |
MindSpark | Ahhh! Dammit I was thinking it was a deb pkg and wondering why it wouldn't show. Turns out I had installed it via pear | 12:54 |
Ichimusai | There you go! | 12:54 |
MindSpark | thanks Ichimusai ! | 12:54 |
Ichimusai | No problem man! | 12:54 |
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beetlejuice | :-) | 12:59 |
Jochen_wvdT | wnks - binsch wech (AMSG Nr. 2.177) | 13:03 |
zautomata | `man errno` shows the man page but if i execute `errno` it says command not found | 13:18 |
zautomata | what would cause this? | 13:18 |
AtuM | :) | 13:20 |
geirha | zautomata: the manual page you get is ERRNO(3) right? | 13:20 |
geirha | the 3 means it's a C library function, not a command | 13:20 |
lfowlr | geirha: why the fuck are you here? | 13:21 |
lfowlr | fucking go back to #bash. | 13:21 |
zautomata | geirha thanks, i thought the C library are just wrappers to system utitlies? | 13:21 |
AtuM | :D | 13:22 |
geirha | zautomata: more like the other way around | 13:23 |
zautomata | geirha how to find out for sure? | 13:23 |
geirha | find out what, exactly? | 13:24 |
zautomata | what wrappers what, and how | 13:24 |
zautomata | any idea, what codebase I should look into? | 13:25 |
geirha | You can run man 1 intro to get an explanation of what the section 1 pages contain, and man 3 intro for what section 3 pages describe | 13:25 |
zautomata | geirha thanks for your help | 13:26 |
geodb27 | Hi again ? Can someone read me ? | 13:35 |
beetlejuice | Yes | 13:35 |
beetlejuice | Heh | 13:37 |
geodb27 | Oh, great. I've had troubles with my network. So, here is my question : is there a doc somewhere on how to configure pam_ldap on ubuntu so that all the authentications tools (useradd, passwd, groupadd, etc) can access directly a ldap ? | 13:38 |
geodb27 | Before asking here, I've followed this document : and I can authenticate, this works well. However, I can't use useradd and the like to manage the ldap users. I know for sure this can be achieved, since I've done this on other systems. | 13:40 |
Cooler | help | 13:41 |
Cooler | i can't boot into ubuntu | 13:41 |
Cooler | i successfully installed ubuntu 16.04 lts alongside windows 10 creators update | 13:41 |
Cooler | but after installing ubuntu it said pc needs to restart | 13:42 |
Cooler | and now i can only boot into windows | 13:42 |
Cooler | these are the options in the bootloader menu | 13:42 |
Cooler | all of those boot into windows 10 | 13:42 |
hehehe | hi | 13:44 |
hehehe | is there anyway to chroot user to a dir if path is owned by root:www-data | 13:44 |
hehehe | or it must be owned by root only? | 13:44 |
mortn | Hi, I'm trying to get quarter tiling to work in Ubuntu 17.10 | 13:45 |
Cooler | help | 13:46 |
mortn | Cooler, with? | 13:47 |
Cooler | scroll up please? | 13:47 |
mortn | just got in after reboot, sry :) | 13:47 |
lfowlr | what' s the way to install .deb file | 13:48 |
lfowlr | without informing the apt get | 13:48 |
mortn | dpkg -i my.deb | 13:50 |
mortn | sudo dpkg -i my.deb | 13:50 |
jLOTONAH | Hi | 13:53 |
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Cooler | <Cooler> help | 14:00 |
Cooler | <Cooler> i can't boot into ubuntu | 14:00 |
Cooler | <Cooler> i successfully installed ubuntu 16.04 lts alongside windows 10 creators update | 14:00 |
Cooler | <Cooler> but after installing ubuntu it said pc needs to restart | 14:00 |
Cooler | <Cooler> and now i can only boot into windows | 14:00 |
Cooler | <Cooler> these are the options in the bootloader menu | 14:00 |
jLOTONAH | ty | 14:15 |
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Hanumaan | It looks like I have spoiled my python2.7 and getting Segmentation Fault while I try to run Django .. how can I reinstall or repair? using Ubuntu 16.04? | 14:21 |
ottoshmidt | It depends on the sort of your spoiling | 14:22 |
ottoshmidt | Hanumaan, reinstalling might be a bit dangerous as I'm pretty sure there are a lot of packages depending on python 2.7 | 14:23 |
ottoshmidt | try updating (just install the package) without trying to remove it first | 14:24 |
oerheks | Django on ubuntu 16.04 lts uses python 3.. see this guide | 14:24 |
oerheks | this one even suggests to remove python 2.7, if you installed it manually... | 14:26 |
Hanumaan | ottoshmidt: yes true .. got the solution as pdb in python channel | 14:29 |
ottoshmidt | pdb? | 14:29 |
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qswz | man.. zoom application is awfully broken on linux | 14:57 |
qswz | is there someone using it? | 14:57 |
zerowaitstate | does anyone know if CVE-2017-1000253 is already patched in ubuntu trusty or not? the page at seems a little vague | 14:58 |
zerowaitstate | maybe I just don't understand what I'm reading | 14:58 |
hosas | how do I set a particular version of gcc as the default and the reset it back after I'm done with what I wanted to use it for? Thanks | 14:59 |
Pici | zerowaitstate: The different packages each list the potiential affected (supported) releases. Each of those may or may not even have that package available or that particular package may have reached its end of life (like linux-lts-raring). | 15:03 |
Guy1524 | I have an NVIDIA optimus laptop, will Ubuntu 17.10 work on my laptop? | 15:04 |
zerowaitstate | okay, I think I got confused due to the package naming scheme for kernel packages | 15:04 |
Pici | zerowaitstate: if you haven't opted into any of the HWE packages for Trusty, you'd just be running the 'linux' kernel and that has a released update . If you did opt in to an HWE package, you need to look for the linux-lts-whatever package and see whether you're either running an obsolete version or if there was an update released. | 15:06 |
nacc | hosas: update-alternatives? | 15:12 |
nacc | Guy1524: probably? try it and see | 15:12 |
Guy1524 | even w/ wayland enabled> | 15:13 |
Guy1524 | *? | 15:13 |
nacc | Guy1524: try it and see? 17.10 isn't out yet | 15:14 |
tgm4883 | !ubuntu+1 | Guy1524 | 15:14 |
ubottu | Guy1524: Artful Aardvark is the codename for Ubuntu 17.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 | 15:14 |
Guy1524 | oh, sorry | 15:14 |
gabboman | Hi, I have a problem with libreoffice in ubuntu. It's an exclusive problem from ubuntu: when I open a document it seems to be with other fonts. In fedora, or windows or even mac it does not happends | 15:17 |
gabboman | it seems that font rendering is... strange to libreoffice | 15:17 |
gabboman | any ideas on how to report this and how to fix it/workaround it? | 15:17 |
gabboman | (ubuntu 17.04 but I think it also happened in 16.04 | 15:17 |
gabboman | ) | 15:17 |
rfleming | Greetings... does anyone here know anything about configuring gnome-boxes? | 15:18 |
gabboman | What do you wanna do rfleming ? | 15:18 |
rfleming | have my network printer visible inside the virtual machine | 15:19 |
gabboman | well, you should be able to tell the ip of the network printer and it should work | 15:19 |
hosas | nacc: I got no alternative for gcc. This suggest I need to install something? | 15:19 |
gabboman | you might wont see it directly as virtual machines use to be in their own private network but U could write the printer's ip and geting it to work | 15:20 |
rfleming | gabboman: it doesn't see it | 15:20 |
rfleming | it's on its own network | 15:21 |
gabboman | what is running into the VM? | 15:21 |
gabboman | you should try to connect to the printer via its own ip, not the network name | 15:22 |
nacc | hosas: well, yes, I assumed you had more than one gcc innstalled -- or depending on what you are building, you set env variables/configure options | 15:23 |
pavlos | rfleming: are the vm and the printer on the same subnet? | 15:23 |
rfleming | pavlos: no. Boxes has its own network, and there doesn't appear to be a way to bridge the adapter. | 15:26 |
rfleming | maybe through the config file, but it's a rats nest | 15:26 |
rfleming | maybe i'll just switch to oracle but hoped to use boxes as it's really simple | 15:27 |
pavlos | rfleming: my home net is 192.168, the vm from VB gets a so the vm cannot see my network. There must be a way to setup bridge so that the vm gets an ip from your network, then cups should see the printer. | 15:28 |
lol768 | Why doesn't SIGINT terminate `su` when it's prompting for a password? | 15:29 |
nacc | or set up a cups bouncer of sorts on the host that redirects to the one on the same network as the host? | 15:29 |
rfleming | pavlos: yeah, my thoughts exactly... I just don't know where that is... | 15:29 |
rfleming | ... and try searching the interballs for the two terms of GNOME and boxes | 15:30 |
rfleming | two very generic terms | 15:30 |
nacc | rfleming: #boxes on GimpNet (per some older blog posts) | 15:30 |
nacc | rfleming: also, it's just virsh, which means you probably don't have bridge setup by default | 15:31 |
nacc | | 15:31 |
nacc | first hit on google for "gnome boxes networking" | 15:31 |
rfleming | yeah, that's on the old version of boxes which doesn't do config that way any more | 15:31 |
rfleming | I'll try boxes out on gimpnet though | 15:32 |
nacc | the connfig would end up being the same as any bridged virt-manager config, which should be easy to find | 15:32 |
hosas | nacc: configure option is a bit beyond me for this particular task. I want to install a particular Julia package and it's dependant on gcc 4.8 or 4.9, which I both installed, but my default is 5.3. If I had access to the config file I can set which gcc to use for installation, but Julia get this package like the way you do it on git...and I have no idea how to force Julia to use a particular gcc-this is why I think setting a system-wide gcc default would be bette | 15:33 |
hosas | thanks | 15:33 |
rumbler31 | running 16.04, dhclient doesn't seem to find the dns entry from the dhcp communication. /etc/resolv.conf shows which isn't something I would have put in there. | 15:34 |
nacc | hosas: so you're building this package? what is "Julia"? | 15:34 |
nacc | rumbler31: probably using a local dnsmasq (e.g., NetworkManager) or any number of other configs | 15:35 |
nacc | rumbler31: it's just bouncing dns locally through itself | 15:35 |
rumbler31 | ok. well where do I go to look at what server this system is *really* trying to query? | 15:36 |
rumbler31 | in wireshark I see the dns entry in the dhcpack | 15:36 |
nacc | rumbler31: are you using netowrk manager? | 15:37 |
rumbler31 | I might have at one point. I switch between that and running dhclient on the command line | 15:37 |
nacc | rumbler31: unless you disabled NM, it's still probably runnig | 15:38 |
hosas | nacc: Julia does that automatically using Pkg.add("package-name") within Julia | 15:38 |
nacc | rumbler31: in any case, it depends on what is running, and we don't have that info (you'd need to figure it out) | 15:38 |
rumbler31 | when you say NM ,do you mean the gui controls for network interfaces? | 15:38 |
nacc | rumbler31: yeah, although there is also a CLI | 15:38 |
nacc | hosas: I still don't know what Julia is | 15:38 |
nacc | hosas: so you're saying this thing, Julia, does 'Pkg.add("gcc-4.8")? | 15:39 |
rumbler31 | nacc: its a programming language and runtime | 15:39 |
hosas | nacc: Julia a programming language ...a bit new but very fast and simple | 15:39 |
nacc | hosas: that requires you to have a C compiler? | 15:39 |
nacc | that seems ... wrong? | 15:39 |
nacc | a *specific* C compiler, rather | 15:40 |
hosas | nacc: a particular Julia package requires that | 15:40 |
hosas | it require gcc4.8 or 4.9 | 15:41 |
akik | rumbler31: you can see it with nmcli conn show interface | grep -i dns | 15:41 |
akik | rumbler31: actually i was wrong, the interface is a connection from nmcli conn show | 15:42 |
hosas | nacc: let me put it in simple english, I have both gcc 4.8,4.9 and 5.3 installed, the default gcc is 5.3 - how do I switch default? | 15:43 |
hosas | thanks | 15:43 |
rumbler31 | akik: I think a resolvconf -u fixed it | 15:44 |
rumbler31 | since nmcli conn show interface showed that it was already correct | 15:44 |
akik | rumbler31: i don't know what you mean by fixed. is the dnsmasq dns server | 15:44 |
nacc | hosas: something like: I guess gcc is no longe rcontrolled by alternatives by default | 15:46 |
nacc | (as it can lead to some pretty bad ABI breaks if you do it wrong) | 15:46 |
rumbler31 | akik: all I can tell you is that resolv.conf now has the correct server above in the file, and I didn't put it there | 15:47 |
akik | rumbler31: maybe try restarting the machine to see if it'll stick | 15:47 |
Dan345 | Drone | 15:48 |
hosas | nacc: thanks, You are right it looks like some things might break. But thanks man | 15:49 |
untoreh | ioria: I couldn't manage to get the bt dongle working because its a friggin sound card at the os level and trasmits audio via bluetooth -.- | 16:07 |
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sysRPL | hello all, could i get some help with a samba share from one ubuntu system to another? | 16:24 |
sysRPL | the problem is i can mount a share, but for some reason i ge permission denied when i try to delete a folder. why is this? | 16:25 |
sysRPL | i can create a directory, but i can't delete it | 16:26 |
nacc | sysRPL: ? | 16:26 |
sysRPL | this folder is on an ntfs formatted drive conencted to the server, of that has helps | 16:26 |
sysRPL | nacc, nope, that didn't work :( | 16:29 |
sysRPL | rm: cannot remove 'samplefolder/': Permission denied | 16:29 |
sysRPL | | 16:31 |
tgm4883 | sysRPL: So you've got a linux server sharing a SAMBA share of an NTFS partition? | 16:34 |
tgm4883 | that just seems backwards | 16:34 |
sysRPL | tgm4883, this ntfs drive is an old window drive with data on it | 16:35 |
sysRPL | tgm4883, i don't want to reformat it because occasionally i need the data | 16:35 |
sysRPL | sshfs works | 16:36 |
sysRPL | but i'd rather use the more efficient/permanent smb | 16:36 |
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lol768 | Why are apt-get packages fetched using HTTP in plaintext? Can I force them to be fetched using TLS? | 16:40 |
lol768 | (yes, I know they're signed) | 16:40 |
lol768 | Seems I need apt-transport-https and then to go through and fix every default in /etc/apt/ | 16:41 |
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lol768 | Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused | 16:45 |
lol768 | wow | 16:45 |
tgm4883 | lol768: You'd need to verify that the mirrors you are using support https | 16:46 |
lol768 | well clearly the security mirror doesn't | 16:46 |
tgm4883 | lol768: apparently not | 16:47 |
lol768 | oh neat, there's a paper from 8 years ago complaining about this | 16:49 |
tgm4883 | lol768: do you have a support question? Otherwise for discussion you should be in #ubuntu-discuss | 16:50 |
lol768 | the support question was "how do I fix it" | 16:50 |
lol768 | but I guess I can't | 16:50 |
MrBiogene | Olá a todos ** Hi all | 16:51 |
tgm4883 | lol768: not for the security repo anyway | 16:51 |
lol768 | there's some irony there | 16:51 |
tgm4883 | lol768: I guess? Security doesn't necessarily equal privacy | 16:53 |
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lol768 | when a MitM can serve an outdated (but newer than the client has got) but signed package with security vulns instead of the latest one, isn't there a problem? | 16:56 |
nacc | lol768: LP: #1464064 | 16:59 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1464064 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu apt repos are not available via HTTPS" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 16:59 |
lol768 | thanks nacc! | 17:01 |
[twisti] | is >>file 'thread safe' ? as in, if two processes write ten lines each to the same file that way, is it possible that ill end up with a file with say 19 lines because one processes' editing of the file overwrote the other ? | 17:06 |
puff | I'm running ubuntu 16.04 LTS and I'm getting a warning aout "partial upgrade" | 17:06 |
nacc | [twisti]: i believe you want #bash, but I don't think there's any guarantee of racing processes stdout | 17:07 |
[twisti] | nacc: im not concerned about order/interleaving, just completeness | 17:08 |
puff | To clarify, I get the update popup, but it says "Not all updates can be installed\n Run a partial upgrade, to install as many updates as possible." | 17:10 |
puff | Googling on this gives me some askubuntu answers about sometimes the packages in the repo get updated out of sync. But I've been getting this repeatedly for the past couple weeks, so I'm wondering if there's something in my system out of whack. | 17:10 |
pavlos | tgm4883: getfacl /media/ntfsdrive/share should tell you owner and perms | 17:13 |
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rockyh | Hello! | 17:33 |
rockyh | I've upgraded from Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 to 16.04 | 17:33 |
rockyh | and I found that the root directory is owned by my user and its group, not root | 17:34 |
rockyh | I don't know if this is due to the upgrade or to some other error I made, but this is it | 17:34 |
rockyh | are user root and group root the correct owner of the / directory? | 17:35 |
rockyh | or does anyone experienced the same issue, with / belonging to user, group user? | 17:35 |
freeone3000_ | Hi. I have an install of 16.04LTS which was migrated from 14.10. On startup, the machine fails to boot. By putting it into recovery mode (by some miracle; I've not been able to get back), I got the error messages "Failed to start Raise Network Interfaces" as the last message before boot stalled. How can I get into recovery, or additional info on fixing this? (Also, why do I need network to boot?) | 17:37 |
leftyfb | rockyh: drwxr-xr-x 26 root root 4096 Sep 23 13:54 / | 17:38 |
jvelasquez | does anyone see anything wrong with this interfaces file? | 17:38 |
jvelasquez | rocky, root:root here as well | 17:38 |
rockyh | thank you leftyfb jvelasquez | 17:39 |
EriC^^ | freeone3000_: try removing quiet splash from the kernel line and putting debug ignore_loglevel instead and press ctrl+x | 17:40 |
freeone3000_ | EriC^^: Is there a way I can reliably get the grub menu on boot? | 17:40 |
EriC^^ | freeone3000_: holding left shift should do it, is this in a vm? | 17:40 |
freeone3000_ | EriC^^: No, physical machine. | 17:41 |
tgm4883 | freeone3000_: turn on the timeout | 17:41 |
EriC^^ | that'd be a good way to get it each time ^ | 17:42 |
freeone3000_ | EriC^^: Holding left shift doesn't seem to do anything. | 17:42 |
freeone3000_ | How would I enable the timeout? | 17:42 |
EriC^^ | freeone3000_: try pressing esc | 17:42 |
EriC^^ | freeone3000_: if you have a live usb you could boot that and set it from there | 17:43 |
tgm4883 | freeone3000_: | 17:43 |
freeone3000_ | EriC^^: Escape works, thanks. | 17:44 |
jvelasquez | freeone3000_, add your entrys to your motherboards UEFI | 17:44 |
jvelasquez | using efibootmgr | 17:45 |
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multifractal | The trackpad on my dell xps13 9365 has a mind of its own. Every so often it just flips out and does all kinds of crazy stuff with the cursor, scrolling around and selecting text. | 17:53 |
multifractal | I've tried various drivers but it keeps happening. | 17:53 |
jvelasquez | multifractal, me too. on an HP though | 17:55 |
multifractal | libinput didn't work for me. On the contrary, the response became more jerky and difficult to control, and my options for natural scrolling disappeared from touchpad settings. | 17:56 |
jvelasquez | multifractal, but only when I wake it up from sleep, and only on some wakes, not all wakes | 17:56 |
jvelasquez | So I don't use sleep anymore, I use hibernate, and I havn't noticed it recently. | 17:57 |
jvelasquez | does anyone see anything wrong with this interfaces file? | 17:57 |
multifractal | Oh I see. This will happen even straight after booting for me. I've also had my share of suspend/resume problems. Had to disable the power button and install a new kernel version. | 17:57 |
jvelasquez | multifractal, for me, it goes away after 5 minutes. so I lock the screen, and then warm it up by going back and forth | 17:58 |
jvelasquez | seems to go away faster, if I use it a bunch | 17:59 |
jvelasquez | back and forth, and circles | 17:59 |
jvelasquez | and only in linux, not in windows | 17:59 |
jvelasquez | surely a driver bug. | 18:00 |
oerheks | LVM/encrypted swap perhaps? | 18:01 |
jvelasquez | why not just encrypt the whole thing? and put LVM on top of it? | 18:01 |
jvelasquez | encrypted whole thing / LVM / swap | 18:02 |
freeone3000 | Hi. Continued issues with this system. I've gotten into recovery, thanks for that, but I can only stay in there a few minutes before it attempts to continue boot and logs me out, thus depoisting me at the recovery menu in curses while also prompting for a password. REally weird. Can I force remote recovery, or is there some out-of-band restore tool to view logs? | 18:02 |
jvelasquez | in this recovery, is it in single user mode? | 18:03 |
jvelasquez | or are there other services running? | 18:03 |
EriC^ | freeone3000: what's stopping it from booting normally? did you try removing quiet splash and putting debug ignore_loglevel? | 18:04 |
freeone3000 | EriC^: It's waiting on network to come up which never does | 18:04 |
genii | It will time out eventually | 18:04 |
multifractal | jvelasquez: yeah that sounds very much like the habit i've acquired. I mash the touchpad with loads of inputs and clicks, drags, swipes. Usually makes it regain its shit a bit quicker, and vents some frustration. | 18:05 |
jvelasquez | freeone3000, ohh. that NetworkManager Wait service ? | 18:05 |
freeone3000 | jvelasquez: Yes | 18:05 |
jvelasquez | freeone3000, try, systemd.debug-shell=1 | 18:06 |
jvelasquez | freeone3000, then change to tty9, or tty11, whichever it is. | 18:06 |
freeone3000 | jvelasquez: that's a kernel param in grub? | 18:06 |
jvelasquez | freeone3000, yes | 18:06 |
jvelasquez | freeone3000, then go and remove that service | 18:07 |
jvelasquez | freeone3000, in /etc/systemd/system/ | 18:07 |
jvelasquez | you can also, change "auto" to "allow-hotplug" in /etc/network/interfaces | 18:07 |
multifractal | Do I have to just keep doing a little rain dance to the god of touchpads until a new kernel version comes out that fixes the bug? | 18:07 |
jvelasquez | multifractal, how many lines is the source for the driver? | 18:08 |
multifractal | i don't know, is that rhetorical question? | 18:08 |
jvelasquez | freeone3000, and in the networking.service, at bottom, change the timeout to 5 seconds | 18:09 |
jvelasquez | freeone3000, maybe remove the stuff from: /etc/systemd/system/ | 18:10 |
jvelasquez | multifractal, microsoft believes the average is, each 30 lines of code have 1 bug. | 18:10 |
jvelasquez | multifractal, I believe, each 30 lines of code make it that much harder to read. | 18:12 |
jvelasquez | and decreased readability leads to decreased maintainability | 18:13 |
sigurdson | I need help, Grub2 could not be installed during installation of Ubuntu. Also it said another OS was using UEFI and i tried to install anyway not its all messed up :( | 18:25 |
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Seveas | sigurdson: time to restore from backup and retry. This time don't ignore the warnings. | 18:26 |
sigurdson | i have no other options :* | 18:26 |
sigurdson | its all messed up | 18:26 |
sigurdson | crashing all the time | 18:27 |
oerheks | if that happens, the other os has fastboot enabled i guess | 18:27 |
sigurdson | i cannot boot into any OS now | 18:27 |
sigurdson | what is the command to install grub_ | 18:27 |
oerheks | !uefi | 18:28 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 18:28 |
oerheks | grub | 18:28 |
sigurdson | grub then | 18:28 |
sigurdson | oh i am so close to wiping my drives clean with all the work i have on it and do a plain install i hate this | 18:29 |
oerheks | you' ll need a 100 mb partition or something like that, to install on uefi | 18:29 |
Seveas | /dev/sda1 511M 3,4M 508M 1% /boot/efi | 18:29 |
Seveas | ubuntu chose to do a 512mb drive, but 100 is definitely enough :) | 18:30 |
sigurdson | how? | 18:30 |
oerheks | maybe bootrepair can help too | 18:31 |
ioria | i did a small script in order to notify a samba client for any changes on the server, maybe someone can test it . tx ( i tested on a windows serv) : | 18:45 |
bocajnotnef | Hi, I'm having an issue where my unity settings menu is all screwy after removing gnome-shell | 19:04 |
bocajnotnef | specifically, the mouse menu loads the gnome version when selected, not the unity one | 19:04 |
bocajnotnef | I've tried purging ubuntu-gnome-desktop and gnome shell, as well as reinstalling unity-control-center | 19:04 |
bolanrint | Anyone have a second to help me with an SSH issue? | 19:05 |
leftyfb | !ask | bolanrint | 19:06 |
ubottu | bolanrint: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 19:06 |
bolanrint | Issue: I am trying to migrate cPanel accounts from a CentOS server to Plesk on 16.04, and for the life of me cannot get past an issue that is exit code: 1 | 19:08 |
bolanrint | stdout: | 19:08 |
bolanrint | stderr: stdin: is not a tty | 19:08 |
bolanrint | I'm sorry that was not all on one line. But the end of the message tells me that it cannot create directory, /root permission denied. | 19:09 |
nchambers | ioria: theres a lot of redundant stuff in that script | 19:13 |
ioria | nchambers, i know :þ... thanks | 19:13 |
ioria | nchambers, working on it | 19:14 |
nchambers | ioria: what about ? | 19:18 |
oerheks | cpanel migrating to plesk? not sure you can .. | 19:18 |
oerheks | that handles to another cpanel server | 19:18 |
ioria | nchambers, great ... testing tx | 19:18 |
harovali | hi, i'm trying to install in ubuntu 16.04 LTS x86_64 this driver for the XP-231 Epson printer. , but I'm getting dependencies problems related to lsb package, which in turn also has issues with dependencies. The installation is up-to-date. Any hint is welcome | 19:20 |
harovali | is this unanswered question related ? | 19:22 |
nacc | harovali: what is the exactmessage you get? we also don't support 3rd party packages, I would contnact epson | 19:25 |
Linux_Explore | hello, will installing Lubuntu Desktop Environment on Ubuntu Mate 16.04.3 create any conflicts? | 19:26 |
tgm4883 | harovali: try that | 19:29 |
jamisnemo | I manage a number of ubuntu machines and some are on kernel 4.4.0 and some are on 4.10.0 | 19:32 |
wir3d | hi | 19:32 |
jamisnemo | dist-upgrade doesn't move the 4.40 boxes to 4.10.0. I thought it would | 19:32 |
jamisnemo | What do I need to do to get them to 4.10.0? | 19:32 |
wir3d | does ubuntu have a ebook reader? | 19:32 |
tgm4883 | jamisnemo: what release are these on? | 19:33 |
tgm4883 | jamisnemo: my guess is that you've got the HWE enabled on your machines that are getting updated | 19:34 |
tgm4883 | !hwe | jamisnemo | 19:34 |
ubottu | jamisnemo: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see | 19:34 |
jamisnemo | tgm4883, They are both 16.04.3 LTS, 4.4.0-96-generic and 4.10.0-33-generic respectively | 19:34 |
tgm4883 | yea HWE | 19:34 |
jamisnemo | Ahhhh okay. | 19:34 |
tgm4883 | The ones stuck at 4.4 were installed with 16.04 ISO. The others were installed with a point release | 19:35 |
jamisnemo | The root cause of this seems like a docker corruption issue... I wonder if changing to HWE would actually impact that. | 19:35 |
jamisnemo | tgm4883, Okay. That sounds about right. | 19:35 |
Linux_Explore | how to install Lubuntu DE on Ubuntu Mate 16.04.3? | 19:36 |
jamisnemo | tgm4883, ubottu... Is that link the correct way to upgrade those machines? | 19:36 |
harovali | tgm4883: thanks! | 19:36 |
jamisnemo | that 'sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-16.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04' line? | 19:36 |
harovali | nacc: thanks | 19:36 |
tgm4883 | jamisnemo: close. If they are docker containers then they probably don't have a graphical environment | 19:37 |
tgm4883 | so you wouldn't want the graphical parts | 19:37 |
tgm4883 | otherwise yes | 19:37 |
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jamisnemo | tgm4883, ah, yeah. These are actual boxes... the docker containers seem to be getting their permissions corrupted and I don't know why. I figured I'd update the kernel just to be sure. | 19:37 |
jamisnemo | tgm4883, ubottu thanks for the help. I'll try that and see if it helps! Thanks! | 19:38 |
bolanrint | Anyone ever run into a problem where root isn't allowed permission to mkdir when migrating from cPanel to Plesk via Plesk Migration Tool? | 19:39 |
freeone3000 | So I have a machine which was at 15.10 upgraded to 16.04. /etc/network/interfaces contains only an lo line. And yet, NetworkManager fails to start. How do I fix this? | 19:44 |
nacc | freeone3000: those two statements seem unrelated | 19:45 |
nacc | freeone3000: NM doesn't use /e/n/i | 19:45 |
nacc | freeone3000: look at the NM logs? systemctl status network-manager, journalctl -u NetworkManager | 19:46 |
freeone3000 | nacc: journalctl says "Read Config /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf" (which reads ), and the next line is "Start operation timed out, killing service" | 19:47 |
freeone3000 | nacc: systemctl says "NetworkManager.service: Unit entered failed state" | 19:48 |
nacc | freeone3000: i'm not sure, sorry | 19:50 |
nacc | freeone3000: the timeout is odd, though, if it's immediately after (what do the timestamps say?) | 19:51 |
ioria | freeone3000, why #dns=dnsmasq is commented ? | 19:52 |
nacc | freeone3000: and/or why is ofono there (not there by default, afaict) | 19:53 |
freeone3000 | ioria: because we don't want dnsmasq messing with dns. | 19:55 |
ioria | ok | 19:55 |
sirru5h | hmmm I saw a person with this issue I am guessing you upgraded your distribution ? | 19:55 |
nacc | except commentinng it out does nothing | 19:55 |
freeone3000 | sirru5h: Yep, from 15.10 to 16.04 | 19:56 |
freeone3000 | nacc: it makes kerberos work. good enough for me. | 19:56 |
sirru5h | freeone3000, | 19:57 |
freeone3000 | sirru5h: Helpful, but doesn't address my issue - networkctl shows eno1 there as normal | 19:59 |
sirru5h | freeone3000, did you look at the blog referenced ? | 20:01 |
sirru5h | | 20:01 |
freeone3000 | sirru5h: Yes. That doesn't add additional info - my interface is named what it should be. | 20:02 |
sirru5h | and freeone3000 /etc/network/interfaces is normal? | 20:06 |
freeone3000 | sirru5h: contains only lo, same as that post, same as a working machine. | 20:06 |
IhrFussel | Someone suggested me to add the "noatime" flag to my HDD in fstab...can somebody tell me if that can have any disadvantages? | 20:07 |
tgm4883 | freeone3000: does it fail to start if you start it after boot? | 20:07 |
sirru5h | freeone3000, that is odd .. | 20:07 |
tgm4883 | IhrFussel: you won't get atime anymore | 20:08 |
freeone3000 | tgm4883: I can't boot due to the wait-on-network action. The debug systemd shell cannot start NetworkManager with the same issue. | 20:08 |
IhrFussel | tgm4883, okay and is it worth it? Does disabling increase the performance? | 20:08 |
sirru5h | freeone3000, have you tried re-install network-manager? Perhaps the DCHPclient if it is used in your network | 20:09 |
tgm4883 | IhrFussel: what kind of system is this? | 20:09 |
tgm4883 | freeone3000: have you tried with a stock conf file? | 20:09 |
acidchild | Does the ubuntu mainline kernel have a irc support channel? | 20:09 |
freeone3000 | sirru5h: I'm doing that now. It's stuck on cupsd, somehow... | 20:09 |
tgm4883 | !kernel | acidchild | 20:09 |
ubottu | acidchild: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see (see also !Stages) | 20:09 |
tgm4883 | hmm | 20:09 |
tgm4883 | acidchild: I think it's just #ubuntu-kernel | 20:10 |
IhrFussel | A dedicated server (Ubuntu 16.04)...or do you mean soimething else? | 20:10 |
computa_mike | Just done a clean install of 17.04. but don't seem to be able to launch terminal. It appears in the 'dock' - pulses a bit and dissapears. Can open Xterm no problem though | 20:10 |
tgm4883 | IhrFussel: I mean yea, what is the server doing. You no longer update file access times, so by definition you'll get better performance. Is it a noticible difference? You'll have to test | 20:11 |
acidchild | tgm4883: Thanks, I'll check it out. I'll ask my question anyways. I'm trying to get Intel Corporation Wireless 8260 to work on mainline. | 20:11 |
tgm4883 | acidchild: I'm going to stop you right there and point you at that other channel | 20:11 |
IhrFussel | tgm4883, it's running a game server with many different mods and some access files every 5 secs | 20:14 |
glitsj16 | IhrFussel: if it's a server, relatime might be interesting too | 20:14 |
tgm4883 | IhrFussel: test it out | 20:14 |
IhrFussel | Okay so noatime won't break anything? | 20:15 |
sirru5h | sounds good freeone3000 | 20:15 |
tgm4883 | IhrFussel: it bothers me a little that you're just willy nilly disabling things without knowing what they do | 20:15 |
wook_ | i've got a good question, i just installed ubuntu studio 14.04 on an old laptop. even after running sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade i can't seem to find a way to open nautilus. i tried installing it by installing repositories but it keeps telling me package nautilus has no installation candidate | 20:15 |
sirru5h | freeone3000, you may have to reconfigure resolvconf btw | 20:17 |
LTCD | Hi. I am using an Ubuntu Live USB right now, on my desktop hard drive I have a Debian Linux partition. The Home folder is encrypted with something, not the whole disk though. How can I access it, I need to copy some files because HDD will no longer boot. | 20:17 |
tgm4883 | LTCD: that honestly seems like a debian question, but you'd use whatever tools you used to encrypt it to decrypt it. Do you know what tools those are? | 20:18 |
IhrFussel | tgm4883, I didn't change anything yet, I was just trying to receive more info about that flag | 20:18 |
LTCD | tgm4883 But I am using Ubuntu now :P. It came with Debian so either LUKS or ecryptfs | 20:19 |
computa_mike | fixed my issue - issue was caused by locales not set correctly - followed this guide to reinstall locales and set up en_GB.UTF-8. | 20:19 |
* tgm4883 rolls eyes | 20:19 | |
LTCD | tgm4883 If I burn Debian onto a USB can I access it or something? | 20:19 |
tgm4883 | LTCD: I guess ecryptfs-mount-private then? | 20:20 |
tgm4883 | LTCD: I'd try | 20:21 |
Sebastian | I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 MATE and I'd like to know how to restore the more traditional virtual-console switching behaviour of CTRL+ALT+Fn#. After about forty minutes so far, reviewing the results of numerous searches and trying numerous different methods, I'm about to resign... any hints before I declare this the worst Linux environment ever? | 20:21 |
tgm4883 | Sebastian: what do you mean "more traditional" ? | 20:23 |
Sebastian | I mean, I want to be able to press CTRL+ALT+F2 and get a console screen. | 20:23 |
tgm4883 | Sebastian: doesn't that already work? | 20:24 |
LTCD | tgm4883 If you walk me through this in private I'm happy to pay you some Bitcoins? | 20:24 |
nacc | Sebastian: describe what happens innstead | 20:24 |
Sebastian | If it worked, would I be here? | 20:24 |
Sebastian | nacc, nothing happens. | 20:24 |
JonelethIrenicus | what is an easy way to figure out where a library is located if you know it by the package name? | 20:24 |
nacc | Sebastian: you haven't said *anything* and we are not mind readers | 20:24 |
nacc | Sebastian: literally no change? you are left on the desktop? | 20:24 |
sirru5h | True CTRL+ALT+F(1-6) work just used it now and I use mate | 20:24 |
tgm4883 | Sebastian: odd, it works on my desktop (I know because I have to kill skyrim when I quit) | 20:24 |
Sebastian | nacc: I haven't "said" anything, but I've "written" plenty. Very observant... now unless you can help, leave me alone. | 20:25 |
nacc | Sebastian: alright, good luck getting help with that attitude. | 20:25 |
tgm4883 | Sebastian: nm, please disregard what I've said. I wish not to help you | 20:25 |
LTCD | tgm4883 It's in /dev/sda4/ in a folder called root I don't even have permissions to view :( | 20:25 |
nacc | JonelethIrenicus: you mean the location on disk? | 20:25 |
nacc | JonelethIrenicus: can you give an example of what you have and what are you trying to get? | 20:26 |
Sebastian | tgm4883, are you using 16.04? | 20:26 |
tgm4883 | JonelethIrenicus: 'dpkg -L packagename' | 20:26 |
JonelethIrenicus | nacc: ya | 20:26 |
nacc | JonelethIrenicus: what tgm4883 said will give you the list of all cotnents of an installed package | 20:26 |
nacc | JonelethIrenicus: if it's not installed, use `apt-file` for the same purpose | 20:26 |
JonelethIrenicus | nacc: cool that works | 20:27 |
JonelethIrenicus | tgm4883: thanks | 20:27 |
tgm4883 | LTCD: I don't need bitcoins because I'll be stumbling though this with you. What I would do is look at that wiki and see what it requires for setup of the key and such. You'll likely need to chown some stuff so you can see it | 20:27 |
Sebastian | tgm4883, surely you could understand with the way nacc responded to me, well... what's good for the goose is good for the gander, right? | 20:27 |
LTCD | tgm4883 Well how can I access that ROOT folder just using sudo cd ROOT ? | 20:28 |
tgm4883 | <nacc> Sebastian: describe what happens innstead | 20:28 |
tgm4883 | yes, so uncalled for | 20:28 |
Sebastian | tgm4883, I did describe what happens instead. I said "nothing happens", in response to that. | 20:28 |
tgm4883 | LTCD: you're in the live session? | 20:28 |
LTCD | tgm4883 I am not owner so I cannot charge permissions. I am in live Ubuntu session yes, the hard drive has Windows and Linux dualboot. I need to access the Linux part to get some files. | 20:29 |
tgm4883 | LTCD: well you're in the live session so you could switch to root and have all the permissions. You do have the password for that encrypted block right? | 20:29 |
Sebastian | tgm4883, <nacc> Sebastian: you haven't said *anything* and we are not mind readers <--- I found this quite an emotionally charging message to send... this is what triggered me, and it was my trigger which seems to have triggered you. | 20:29 |
tgm4883 | Sebastian: I'm over 30, I don't get triggered | 20:30 |
nacc | Sebastian: that was in response to "? | 20:30 |
nacc | Sebastian: bah, nm, it was in response to ' | 20:30 |
nacc | would i be here | 20:30 |
tgm4883 | in any case, I'm assisting LTCD at this point | 20:30 |
nacc | Sebastian: so far we have one other mate user saying it works for them, and no one else able to reproduce the issue. | 20:31 |
nacc | Sebastian: and then I asked a follow up question, which you seem to have ignored | 20:31 |
janat08 | Coming from yast on opensuse that makes sure there're no conflicts and checks repository with latest software, will I be lost on ubuntu? | 20:31 |
tgm4883 | nacc: I was actually going to add that interestingly enough it doesn't work on my laptop but does on my desktop. Odd | 20:31 |
Sebastian | nacc: If it worked, I wouldn't be here asking why it doesn't work. That should make sense to anyone with half of a brain, right? By "nothing happens" and "it doesn't work", it should be obvious that I am indeed "left on the desktop", right? | 20:32 |
nacc | Sebastian: alright, again, I'm done | 20:32 |
nacc | Sebastian: good luck | 20:32 |
Sebastian | nacc: Go and drink some bleach, idiot. I'll work it out myself... and then hunt down Nishanth Aravamanudan with an axe. | 20:32 |
tgm4883 | Sebastian: really, you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. It "doesn't work" can mean many things (such as "it doesn't change to a VT" or "The screen turns white with graphical glitches") | 20:32 |
Sebastian | The same goes for you, Thomas Mashos. | 20:33 |
tgm4883 | !ops | 20:33 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 20:33 |
Sebastian | "I don't get triggered"... | 20:33 |
Sebastian | haha... | 20:33 |
Sebastian | Bullshit! | 20:33 |
tonyyarusso | C'mon children, let's maybe try keeping it to support issues? | 20:34 |
Sebastian | Wait until you least expect it. I won't brake for either of you when you're crossing the street. | 20:34 |
tgm4883 | Sebastian: somehow I was still trying to explain to you why more information was needed | 20:35 |
tgm4883 | geez, some people's children | 20:35 |
janat08 | so what about apt-get and yast feature comparison | 20:35 |
janat08 | I distinctly remember refusing to do stuff if there's a conflict | 20:35 |
janat08 | *apt-get | 20:35 |
tgm4883 | tonyyarusso: please ban me from this channel. The abuse is getting a bit much and if I'm not banned I might feel the need to come back here and try helping people again | 20:37 |
sirru5h | tgm4883, it takes all kinds, most people know that others are trying to help don't let one person discourage you | 20:38 |
LTCD | tgm4883 Yep I have password. So open terminal, su root ? | 20:40 |
LTCD | tgm4883 ? | 20:44 |
tgm4883 | LTCD: yea. Unfortunately I'm the wrong person to assist with this. I'd have to dig through the wiki and figure all that out | 20:45 |
=== capella is now known as capella|club | ||
LTCD | Gosh I'm about to cry with this stress. | 20:46 |
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon | ||
wgertler | man I'm having the worst time trying to install the new update for sublime | 20:47 |
LTCD | tgm4883 I've forgotten how to do sudo command where I want to do a few things - in English how to fix this: sudo cd ROOT | 20:47 |
wgertler | has anyone tried to do this recently? running 16.04 if that's any help | 20:47 |
tgm4883 | LTCD: this might be of some help | 20:48 |
kostkon | wgertler, what's the problem exactly | 20:48 |
LTCD | tgm4883 Thanks | 20:48 |
wgertler | kostkon, I'm trying to install the sublime update from a tar.bz2 file | 20:48 |
wgertler | when I use tar -xzjf FILE.tar.bz2, it doesn't work out so hot | 20:49 |
kostkon | wgertler, the correct way to do that would be to either download the .deb file or add the official repo and go from there | 20:49 |
LTCD | gksu nautilus <--- My love it opens a root window | 20:50 |
wgertler | kostkon, I'm a bit of a scrub, but where should I find the .deb file? | 20:50 |
wgertler | I got the .tar.bz2 straight from their site | 20:50 |
kostkon | wgertler, | 20:50 |
wgertler | kostkon, I mean I already have sublimetext 3, am I really supposed to uninstall it and re-install the updated version? | 20:51 |
kostkon | wgertler, if you add the repo and then check for updates you'll also get the sublime update | 20:52 |
kostkon | wgertler, it's the official repo, so pretty much safe to add | 20:52 |
wgertler | kostkon, alright, I'll give it a shot. Thanks a ton! | 20:52 |
kostkon | wgertler, np | 20:53 |
wgertler | kostkon, update: I did it, it worked. thanks again | 21:03 |
LTCD | Hey I was here earlier. I'm following this tutorial, I got to this part but it's not accepting my mount password or something "You need the mount password. This is different from your login pasword. Enter the following command into a terminal:" | 21:08 |
LTCD | Error: Unwrapping passphrase failed [-13] Info: Check the system log for more information from libecryptfs | 21:09 |
nacc | LTCD: what does syslog say? | 21:13 |
LTCD | nacc How do I check syslog? | 21:14 |
nacc | LTCD: /var/log/syslog | 21:14 |
LTCD | nacc There's so much stuff how could I ever find it? | 21:15 |
nacc | LTCD: presumably it's the last lines | 21:15 |
nacc | LTCD: as the error said, look for (lib)ecryptfs | 21:15 |
LTCD | nacc Sep 29 21:15:28 ubuntu ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase: Failed to detect wrapped passphrase version: Permission denied | 21:16 |
jje | cccccceefrrnrluhgefrcvelieitktcflkdvkcbtcgcn | 21:17 |
jje | sorry | 21:17 |
LTCD | Worked with sudo nacc | 21:18 |
nacc | LTCD: ok | 21:18 |
LTCD | thanks so far nacc | 21:19 |
LTCD | nacc I do this, what password should I use? sudo mount -t ecryptfs /media/ubuntu/f7f47ee8-3d57-47dd-a1a2-f9f270432a43/home/.ecryptfs/brad/.Private /media/myUSB | 21:27 |
nacc | LTCD: that is prompted for your sudo password | 21:28 |
LTCD | nacc It also starts asking me to select cyphers, blocksizes etc... I just want to mount something. | 21:28 |
nacc | then there would be a distinct prompt for your ecryptfs passphrase | 21:28 |
nacc | LTCD: i really don't know | 21:28 |
LTCD | nacc It wanted my passphrase. | 21:28 |
nacc | LTCD: this is what most people want, you don't want your data to just be available to anyone who has your physical disk | 21:28 |
LTCD | nacc Yeah but it's not accepting it. | 21:37 |
LTCD | nacc I also want to be able to backup my freaking data, right not encryption is worst decision ever. | 21:37 |
nacc | LTCD: well, usually you back up your data *before* you don't have access to it | 21:38 |
LTCD | nacc Toche | 21:38 |
nacc | LTCD: I don't konw much about how ecryptfs works, sorry | 21:38 |
LTCD | nacc I did backup I just need my bookmarks. | 21:38 |
slimjimflim | hi, what's the best package to install for flash on chromium-browser on 16.04.3 | 21:41 |
slimjimflim | i've been using the following packages: flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound pepperflashplugin-nonfree | 21:42 |
slimjimflim | but i keep getting errors about flash not being the current version etc. | 21:43 |
slimjimflim | also, why won't flash just die | 21:43 |
slimjimflim | actual error message with those packages removed: "Adobe Flash Player was blocked because it is out of date." | 21:45 |
=== Dragonslicer is now known as Dragnslcr | ||
tgm4883 | slimjimflim: flash won't die because people still use it | 21:50 |
onefabric | Greetings. I need some trouble shooting help with ubuntu server. Is this the right place to talk about it? I am new here. | 21:51 |
slimjimflim | onefabric: don't ask to ask just ask | 21:52 |
nacc | onefabric: here or #ubuntu-server. Depends on if your question is actually server specific. | 21:52 |
onefabric | Ok, thanks! | 21:52 |
onefabric | My question: wpa_supplicant connects to the target wifi. However, pinging after that says that the website host could not be resolved. Any thoughts on what the next step is? | 21:53 |
nacc | onefabric: do you have an IP? check dig to see if DNS is working. | 21:53 |
onefabric | got it, brb | 21:54 |
JonelethIrenicus | i have an application complaining about 64bit but it needs a 32bit library | 21:54 |
JonelethIrenicus | how can i fix that? | 21:54 |
slimjimflim | tgm4883: #usedcodeisgoodcode harumph | 21:54 |
nacc | JonelethIrenicus: that's a pretty vague sentence. If you're building something yourself, we do't really support that in this channel. You can pastebin the log, at least | 21:54 |
JonelethIrenicus | nacc: i am trying to install a game from gog that needs the libjson library and i get this error error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 | 21:55 |
slimjimflim | onefabric: `dig` | 21:55 |
kostkon | !find | 21:56 |
ubottu | Found: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 116 others)§ion=all | 21:56 |
krytarik | !find | 21:56 |
ubottu | Package/file does not exist in zesty | 21:56 |
onefabric | Yeah...a problem is that I have access to only one computer atm, so I will need to logout of irssi for a moment. See you soon... | 21:56 |
slimjimflim | JonelethIrenicus: or you could start with pasting the error message | 21:57 |
JonelethIrenicus | slimjimflim: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 | 21:57 |
JonelethIrenicus | ERROR MESSAGE ^ | 21:57 |
slimjimflim | :D | 21:57 |
kostkon | JonelethIrenicus, sudo apt-get install libjson0 libjson0:i386 and try again | 21:57 |
OneFabric | Hey? OneFabric here | 21:59 |
JonelethIrenicus | kostkon: spot on i think | 21:59 |
slimjimflim | OneFabric: yea, we can see your nick | 21:59 |
OneFabric | nm what I said about not having access; long story. Anyway, I have the serv booting up, will report asap | 21:59 |
slimjimflim | OneFabric: that was not useful information | 22:00 |
kostkon | JonelethIrenicus, does the game run? | 22:00 |
slimjimflim | JonelethIrenicus: you might need to install libjson0-dev | 22:02 |
JonelethIrenicus | kostkon: i got a bunch of libraries that need to be installed so i am going through them one by one with your method | 22:03 |
kostkon | JonelethIrenicus, ok | 22:03 |
JonelethIrenicus | kostkon: yep works | 22:03 |
JonelethIrenicus | kostkon: why the hell am I debugging GOGs shit | 22:03 |
JonelethIrenicus | i spent already hours debugging their website and now their installer scripts | 22:04 |
JonelethIrenicus | they need to pay me | 22:04 |
JonelethIrenicus | :D | 22:04 |
kostkon | JonelethIrenicus, I haven't tried their new installer yet but by the looks of it it's a bit messy | 22:05 |
OneFabric | slimjimflim: it says "DiG 9.10.3-P4-Ubuntu <<>> | 22:06 |
kostkon | JonelethIrenicus, they used to offer .deb installers (in case you didn't know). A much better experience for Ubuntu users | 22:06 |
OneFabric | ;; global options: +cmd | 22:06 |
JonelethIrenicus | kostkon: yeah that is what I remember | 22:07 |
OneFabric | ;; connection time out; no servers could be reached | 22:07 |
JonelethIrenicus | kostkon: so did the game maker | 22:07 |
JonelethIrenicus | kostkon: now the game maker is using a damn appimage | 22:07 |
JonelethIrenicus | which makes no sense since Ubuntu doesn't support it out of the box and they are targeting Ubuntu | 22:07 |
kostkon | JonelethIrenicus, I know. Hopefully they'll change to snaps or flatpacks one day, but it's becoming offtopic so that's my final thoughts on it :) | 22:09 |
JonelethIrenicus | ya kostkon well cool thanks for your help | 22:09 |
kostkon | JonelethIrenicus, np | 22:09 |
slimjimflim | OneFabric: what's the output of `ping` ? | 22:10 |
OneFabric | slimjimflim: connect: Network is unreachable | 22:11 |
nacc | OneFabric: that implies either no route, or maybe even no IP | 22:11 |
slimjimflim | OneFabric: do you have a wired network connection? | 22:11 |
nacc | OneFabric: look if `ip a` inndicates the wifi device has an IP | 22:12 |
OneFabric | Not at this moment. | 22:12 |
slimjimflim | get one | 22:12 |
nacc | right, you wo't be able to do DNS lookups if you do't have an IP | 22:13 |
OneFabric | slimjimflim: I will, soon | 22:13 |
slimjimflim | i won't be waiting :P | 22:13 |
OneFabric | XD | 22:13 |
OneFabric | nacc: There are a bunch of numbers at the end of my wireless device; like 1000 link/ether 64:76:ba:92... | 22:14 |
OneFabric | am I looking for the right thing? | 22:15 |
nacc | OneFabric: that is the mac address | 22:15 |
nacc | OneFabric: you should see a line like 'inet ...' or 'inet6 ...' | 22:15 |
OneFabric | nacc: thanks! no luck with inet | 22:16 |
nacc | OneFabric: no IP then | 22:16 |
nacc | OneFabric: i would suggest fixing that :) | 22:17 |
nacc | OneFabric: does't make sense to try and ping anything without an IP | 22:17 |
slimjimflim | can you pastebin the output of `ifconfig` | 22:17 |
slimjimflim | and `iwconfig` | 22:17 |
nacc | might be hard/slow without internet :/ screenshots on imgur might be sufficient | 22:17 |
slimjimflim | just pastebin for crying out loud | 22:18 |
OneFabric | hey...I have ethernet in now. | 22:18 |
slimjimflim | sweet. i'll take credit for that | 22:18 |
OneFabric | nacc: thanks! didn't about that | 22:18 |
slimjimflim | OneFabric: so can you ping google now? | 22:19 |
OneFabric | yes | 22:20 |
slimjimflim | win | 22:20 |
slimjimflim | what change did you make? plugged in an ethernet cable? | 22:20 |
OneFabric | trying to figure out the best way to get the iw... info to you all... | 22:20 |
OneFabric | Not a win yet, my friend. | 22:21 |
OneFabric | yeah! | 22:21 |
OneFabric | I need the wifi card to work | 22:21 |
nacc | OneFabric: well, if you have internet, `iwconfig | pastebinint` | 22:21 |
nacc | *pastebinit | 22:21 |
slimjimflim | ok. run the following commands: | 22:21 |
slimjimflim | ifconfig | 22:21 |
slimjimflim | copy that and paste it to | 22:21 |
slimjimflim | then | 22:21 |
slimjimflim | iwconfig | 22:21 |
slimjimflim | and repeat | 22:21 |
slimjimflim | ...copy the output of that command | 22:22 |
slimjimflim | #learnedtopastebintoday | 22:22 |
OneFabric | Ok. So...regarding my setup: I have a mac online, with access to internet, irc via web, and a different computer running the server off a usb. | 22:22 |
nacc | slimjimflim: that's all quite overkill if OneFabric has internet now | 22:22 |
nacc | !pastebinit | 22:22 |
ubottu | pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit | 22:22 |
OneFabric | These 2 are not connected | 22:22 |
OneFabric | Yeah, I think nacc's method might be best | 22:23 |
slimjimflim | nacc: hrm, didn't know that command. he's still only wired though. i think he's trying to setup a wireless NIC | 22:23 |
nacc | slimjimflim: right, but how he's connected doesn't matter for accessig pastebin | 22:24 |
nacc | s/he's/they're/ | 22:24 |
slimjimflim | ok | 22:24 |
OneFabric | | 22:24 |
OneFabric | actually ignore that | 22:25 |
OneFabric | need to run in through sudo | 22:25 |
nacc | you shouldn't just for `iwconfig` | 22:25 |
nacc | *shouldn't need to, that is | 22:25 |
OneFabric | ifconfig available: | 22:26 |
nacc | OneFabric: does your wifi AP (HOME-EB1E) work? | 22:26 |
nacc | OneFabric: for other machines | 22:26 |
nacc | OneFabric: have you done wpa_supplicant again, if you need to | 22:26 |
OneFabric | yes! the irc is from another machine | 22:27 |
OneFabric | on the same net | 22:27 |
OneFabric | *Wifi | 22:27 |
OneFabric | yes to the wpa_Supplicant | 22:27 |
nacc | OneFabric: hrm, it does look associated, but i don't see some expected fields (like bit rate) but it is associated per iwconfig | 22:29 |
nacc | i'm on a later release than 16.04, though, so hard to say | 22:29 |
nacc | OneFabric: anythig in dmesg or syslog that maybe looks like an error? | 22:29 |
OneFabric | what does associated mean in this context? | 22:30 |
OneFabric | let me check: | 22:30 |
nacc | OneFabric: your wireless device is authenticated to the wireless network | 22:30 |
slimjimflim | OneFabric: what's the output of `iwlist wlp3s0 scan` ? | 22:30 |
OneFabric | nacc: @wl_dev_intvar_get : error (-1) | 22:31 |
OneFabric | slimjimflim: interface does not support scanning | 22:32 |
OneFabric | sorry 1 sec: | 22:32 |
filadome | is it possible to install vmware tools on ubuntu server if there's no GUI? | 22:32 |
slimjimflim | filadome: yes | 22:33 |
filadome | i just want copy and paste | 22:33 |
slimjimflim | filadome: `apt-cache search vmware` or something | 22:33 |
OneFabric | I made a typo: real answer is: address there, channel:1. frequency there, quality and signal level there, 2 sets of bit rate there | 22:33 |
filadome | is there a way in ubuntu server's terminal to get autocomplete to work when tab is pressed? | 22:34 |
slimjimflim | yea, you hit tab | 22:34 |
OneFabric | mode: master, a bunch of IE: unknowns | 22:34 |
akik | filadome: if you want copy/paste in the console, install gpm | 22:34 |
OneFabric | one IE says group cipher, authentication styles; | 22:35 |
nacc | OneFabric: ok, if you use pastebinit, you can't make typos | 22:36 |
nacc | OneFabric: please don't try and copy & paste by hand, it leads to errors and frustration | 22:36 |
slimjimflim | OneFabric: well i won't be of any more use to you. i just use iwconfig/ifconfig to see if my wifi nic is enabled on my laptop and put in the creds from the gui. then it "just works" when i log in with xfce | 22:36 |
OneFabric | Yeah....Is there a way I can delete the pastebins after use? | 22:36 |
slimjimflim | er xmonad :D | 22:37 |
OneFabric | slimjimflim: thanks a lot buddy. | 22:37 |
OneFabric | :D | 22:37 |
slimjimflim | OneFabric: rule #1 of pastebin is never put sensitive information into pastebin | 22:37 |
* slimjimflim chucks a screenshot of vim at OneFabric | 22:38 | |
nacc | right, so you can do `iwconfig > file; vi file; pastebinit < file` | 22:38 |
OneFabric | nacc: doesn't that do the same thing though? | 22:38 |
nacc | or, honestly, what's sensitive in there? your ESSID? | 22:38 |
nacc | OneFabric: doesn't what? | 22:38 |
OneFabric | the iwconfig > file; vi file; pastebinit < file | 22:39 |
nacc | you dump the output of iwconfig to a file, you edit the file, you pastebin the editted file | 22:39 |
OneFabric | nacc: I am not sure; I don't know if I would have or wouldn't have sensitive info | 22:39 |
OneFabric | I am a total newbie to ubuntu server | 22:39 |
OneFabric | but I don't want to make irreperable mistakes either | 22:40 |
slimjimflim | OneFabric: take a deep breath and relax your sphincter. you probably didn't release anything sensitive | 22:40 |
OneFabric | :P | 22:40 |
nacc | OneFabric: then you should look at the output of `iwconfig` on your system and make a decision | 22:40 |
nacc | i don't believe you can easily delete a paste.ubuntu paste, as it's not autehnticated | 22:40 |
OneFabric | nacc: Thank you for your understanding. I feel its best to err on the side of caution, just because I do not want to give away sensitive info ( if it such exists ). | 22:42 |
nacc | OneFabric: understood | 22:42 |
OneFabric | I will see if I can dig deeper into dns issues | 22:42 |
OneFabric | or maybe just go with plan A ( this is plan B ) | 22:43 |
OneFabric | Thank you both very much. | 22:43 |
OneFabric | Cheers? | 22:43 |
slimjimflim | OneFabric: not sure what the requirements are for your project, but if you're running a server and expecting any significant longevity of uptime, don't use wifi | 22:45 |
slimjimflim | plug the sucker in | 22:45 |
slimjimflim | ...i'll drink to wired connections | 22:46 |
OneFabric | haha sure slimjim. | 22:47 |
airstrike | ok, so what's The Right Way to install python3.6 on ubuntu 14.04? specifically python3.6-venv, actually | 23:11 |
airstrike | python3.6-venv : Depends: python-pip-whl (>= 8.1.0-2) but it is not going to be installed | 23:11 |
nacc | airstrike: it's not available on 14.04. Use 17.04 or later | 23:12 |
nacc | airstrike: there is no supported way to do what you want | 23:12 |
airstrike | welp | 23:12 |
airstrike | should I expect any hiccups upgrading from 14.04 to 17.04? | 23:12 |
airstrike | from, say, a fresh 14.04 install | 23:13 |
nacc | airstrike: well, you'd do 14.04 -> 16.04 -> 17.04 | 23:13 |
nacc | airstrike: although tbh, just instlal 17.04 | 23:13 |
airstrike | any reason why I shouldn't stop on 16.04? | 23:13 |
airstrike | I can't install 17.04 from scratch | 23:13 |
nacc | airstrike: python3.6 is't available in 16.04 either | 23:13 |
nacc | airstrike: why not? | 23:13 |
oerheks | no 3.6 in zesty | 23:14 |
nacc | oerheks: it's called python3.6 there (the default python3 is 3.5) | 23:15 |
oerheks | oh.. | 23:15 |
nacc | (as the trasnitio wasn't donne until this cycle and now the default is 3.6) | 23:15 |
nacc | (in 17.10) | 23:15 |
airstrike | where were we... | 23:18 |
airstrike | is there an official guide to go from 14.04 to 17.04? | 23:18 |
nacc | airstrike: do-release-upgrade to go lts -> lts, then modify the settings to allow /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades to allow normal updates, do-release-upgrade again | 23:19 |
nacc | airstrike: it will be faster (by an order of magnitude) to reinstall 17.04 or 17.10 (even though the latter is only at beta) | 23:19 |
bazhang | thats three jumps airstrike | 23:19 |
airstrike | this box comes preinstalled with 14.04 | 23:20 |
nacc | airstrike: 17.04 will go eol early next year, so you'll need to move to 17.10 before then anyways | 23:20 |
nacc | airstrike: 'box'? | 23:20 |
bazhang | the next LTS is 18.04 airstrike | 23:20 |
bazhang | box means computer nacc | 23:20 |
nacc | I know what it means | 23:20 |
nacc | I would be surprised if a computer came preinstalled with 14.04 that i'm aware of | 23:21 |
nacc | so I assume airstrike means a VM or VPS or something | 23:21 |
nacc | oh well, good luck figuring out; /me signs off for the w/e | 23:21 |
FreakingOut1987 | I was drinking last night and fixing my PC and accidentally typed /dev/sda instead of /dev/sdc when I used GParted and long story short rewrote my partition table for a crucial data drive. Luckily I caught my error before I formatted the filesystem so only the partitioning table was overwritten. Is there any way to salvage data? | 23:28 |
fooperman | I'd use testdisk. | 23:29 |
FreakingOut1987 | fooperman, I have it open right now | 23:29 |
FreakingOut1987 | but it's not showing me any of my files so i'm scared to go through with any changes | 23:30 |
FreakingOut1987 | when I analyze the disk in question it responds back with NTFS partitions and Linux Swap partitions. I think these partitions may have been extremely old partitions from way back when | 23:30 |
Loshki | FreakingOut1987: if you repartitioned, but didn't format, the data should be there. If you formatted it, I don't know anything that will bring them back. | 23:31 |
FreakingOut1987 | Loshki, i'm pretty sure I didn't format. What alerted me was when I tried mkfs.ext4 my OS gave me an error saying it was in the wrong format | 23:31 |
oerheks | testdisk finds it instantly, .. or never | 23:31 |
FreakingOut1987 | okay | 23:31 |
FreakingOut1987 | well one more question | 23:31 |
FreakingOut1987 | I booted testdisk up under two modes | 23:31 |
FreakingOut1987 | Intel/PC and None | 23:32 |
FreakingOut1987 | Intel/PC is the one which spat out a bunch of weird partitions | 23:32 |
fooperman | oerheks: Sometimes you have to change the settings of what it's supposed to be detecting. | 23:32 |
FreakingOut1987 | None was the one that gave me one partition, ext4 but when I press P to look for files it said corrupted | 23:32 |
FreakingOut1987 | common sense says I should go with None | 23:32 |
FreakingOut1987 | but i'm scared that it'll make things worse lol. So if anything I guess I wanted a double check | 23:32 |
FreakingOut1987 | If anything better was on the table or if i'm doing things correctly* | 23:33 |
Loshki | FreakingOut1987: the last time I had your problem, the filesystem was ext3, and I had to resort to various windows applications to (try and) recover the data. Start here I guess: | 23:34 |
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ahammond | lsb_release -a reports 16.04.3. How do I get to .5? | 23:41 |
janat08 | so what's the command for starting session with kubuntu-desktop like xcfe4-session | 23:57 |
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