=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon | ||
michals | hi. So I'm trying to reinstall ALSA using .deb packages from this site: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/ubuntu/alsa-daily/+packages | 11:01 |
michals | however, I can't find the one that works with my xubuntu | 11:01 |
michals | 4.10.0-35-generic #39~16.04.1-Ubuntu | 11:02 |
well_laid_lawn | what's wrong with the alsa in the repos ? | 11:02 |
michals | Error! The dkms.conf for this module includes a BUILD_EXCLUSIVE directive which does not match this kernel/arch. This indicates that it should not be built. | 11:02 |
michals | I checked all 3 Xenial packages | 11:03 |
bazhang | michals, why are yuo messing iwth alsa at all | 11:03 |
michals | xubuntu doesn't recognize my soundcard at all | 11:03 |
bazhang | michals, which one | 11:04 |
michals | I have asus e200ha, soundcard is integrated (conexant) | 11:05 |
bazhang | michals, and which version of xubuntu | 11:05 |
michals | bazhang, 16.04 | 11:06 |
michals | VERSION="16.04.3 LTS (Xenial Xerus)" | 11:10 |
well_laid_lawn | https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/Asus/E200HA | 11:10 |
well_laid_lawn | "Unfortunately Intel doesn't support Linux on Cherry Trail Atom SOCs, so this laptop has problems with audio " | 11:10 |
michals | so the only option are non-debian distros? | 11:11 |
michals | or there will be no sound with linux at all? | 11:12 |
bazhang | Bug 1563110 | 11:12 |
ubottu | bug 1563110 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "No sound on Asus e200ha, intel sst with cx2072x codec" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563110 | 11:12 |
bazhang | fix committed | 11:12 |
michals | bazhang I'm confused about "committed" part. So is it solved? | 11:16 |
well_laid_lawn | check the last post in that bug report | 11:19 |
michals | ok, thank you bazhang and well_laid_dawn, seems like I'm on right track | 11:23 |
well_laid_lawn | from that report there is a patcch on github for sound | 11:23 |
michals | unfortunately not for 16.04, but I will upgrade to 17.04 | 11:23 |
bazhang | np | 11:24 |
xubuntu23d | Help! installing xubuntu 16.04 under Oracle Virtualbox problem | 12:23 |
franksands | Hello, I wanted to know if it's possible to make an unatended and offline install of xubuntu 17.04 | 14:33 |
franksands | I tried several solutions from stackoverflow and askubuntu but they usually fail when selecting packages to install | 14:33 |
slickymasterWork | https://askubuntu.com/questions/122505/how-do-i-create-a-completely-unattended-install-of-ubuntu#122506 | franksands | 14:38 |
slickymasterWork | franksands check that link ^^ | 14:39 |
franksands | yeah, thanks, but I already tried that | 14:39 |
franksands | it fails when trying to download updates from apt | 14:39 |
genii | Make an offline mirror, use that in the preseed file | 14:39 |
franksands | how do I do that? | 14:40 |
genii | !mirror | 14:41 |
ubottu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Zesty, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 14:41 |
* genii slaps ubottu | 14:42 | |
genii | apt-mirror | 14:42 |
franksands | thanks | 14:44 |
umbreon_ | hello? | 19:57 |
umbreon_ | is anyone here? | 19:58 |
umbreon_ | ok.... | 19:58 |
knome | nobody answered in one minute? | 20:00 |
knome | how slow... | 20:00 |
genii | heh | 20:00 |
knome | i mean, those volunteers must be slacking! | 20:00 |
* genii gets ready to wait another week in #blackberry for someone to say Hi | 20:00 | |
knome | umbreon_, or in other words... why not ask your real question and find out if people are lurking? | 20:01 |
umbreon_ | okay, So i windows no longer boots after i installed xubuntu. I tried using boot-repair but it wont open after i installed it. So then i tried to use the live boot repair version and it didnt let me move my mouse so i couldnt connect to internet like it says. does anyone know what i shold do to get boot repair to work? also if theres any other information i should list tell me. Also sorry for being rude | 20:04 |
umbreon_ | i think im lagging | 20:18 |
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