
ubports_botProject daily-hammerhead build #336: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-hammerhead/336/00:25
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1091: SUCCESS in 1 min 40 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1091/00:27
tgBot<nfsprodriver> @Matthew[m], Thanks! That brings me some steps forward. I now must change my machine because my laptop is not able to make...00:58
=== _MiW is now known as MiW
=== Piece_Maker is now known as Acou_Bass
=== Piece_Maker is now known as Acou_Bass
tgBot<bastos777> @nnnnnn, Hy05:09
tgBot<bastos777> @Jose Barakat, Device: take no tablet with mediateck CPU. They will probably never get UT. Appstore: Yes it is growing and reliable. Have a look at https://uappexplorer.com/ Terminal: Yes you can but apt is only working after some tweaks or in a container and the system except your home folders are read only.05:15
tgBot<bastos777> Device: I forgot to say that AFAIK ATM there is no really sufficient new tablet on the market. But there is the ubports development of 16.04 based UT. This will be supported by more devices because also other OSes are using a similar basis. (halium.org)05:22
ubports_botProject click-import build #10: SUCCESS in 3.9 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/click-import/10/07:01
tgBot<TronFourtyTwo> @ubports_bot, What click-import is?07:15
tgBot<neothethird> @TronFourtyTwo, To get the latest click apps into the image, they're pulled from the openstore07:26
tgBot<TronFourtyTwo> ok 👍07:38
tgBot<Field10pg> Has anyone installed LoquilM?08:07
tgBot<Frank Gores> @Field10pg, Yes, and it has a big "decrypt error" issue... I can send messages but the receiver can't read it and the incoming messages are a grey boxed "decrypt error"....08:19
ubports_botProject daily-fp2 build #354: SUCCESS in 14 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-fp2/354/08:24
tgBot<Field10pg> Any solution?😁08:24
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1092: SUCCESS in 1 min 13 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1092/08:25
tgBot<Frank Gores> I read that it "should go away after a while of usage " which is not in my case...08:27
tgBot<Field10pg> @Frank Gores, Ok be patient...08:30
ubports_botProject vivid-rootfs-armhf build #145: SUCCESS in 1 hr 36 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/vivid-rootfs-armhf/145/08:37
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1093: SUCCESS in 7 min 25 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1093/08:44
tgBot<Stereofont> @Jose Barakat, At the moment there is BQ FHD. You may still find a new one in clearance?  If not, there have been some ports to Nexus 7 I believe. Those are easy to find used08:44
tgBot<Flohack> Guys can you please try to confirm this bug? https://github.com/ubports/ubports-touch/issues/27609:02
tgBot<arudy> @popescu_sorin, why09:18
tgBot<arudy> why does it look so good :)09:18
tgBot<popescu_sorin> (Photo, 1280x800) https://irc.ubports.com/jjkWozqk/file_917.jpg09:27
tgBot<popescu_sorin> @arudy, it does? :D i think it looks better because the icons blend in with the overall FM flat design, maybe09:28
tgBot<popescu_sorin> would be nice to refresh the ubuntu look a bit09:29
tgBot<popescu_sorin> at least some minor chaning like dropping the inner shadow form buttons09:31
tgBot<popescu_sorin> the overall design is quite clean and nice09:32
tgBot<popescu_sorin> though09:32
tgBot<Matteo> I'm following the instructions using system-image server from https://ubports.com/page/get-ubuntu-touch, to flash my BQ Aquaris E5 but after sending the last command to flash the phone when this is in fastboot mode I got the known error: "2017/09/30 11:30:55 Device is |vegetahd| … Channel  not found on server http://system-image.ubports.com". I can I overcome this?09:34
tgBot<samitormanen> @popescu_sorin, Looks good! 👍09:35
tgBot<popescu_sorin> 5 min mockup in inkscape, just to see how some flat icons look :P09:35
tgBot<arudy> @popescu_sorin, I really like how the header incluide the path starting with the home logo :)09:42
tgBot<arudy> and the integrated notification09:42
tgBot<Flohack> @Matteo, Can you post your shell cmdline that you used?09:42
tgBot<Matteo> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-device-flash phablet-tools09:43
tgBot<Flohack> no the one that throws the error09:43
tgBot<arudy> @arudy, ohhh wait wait wait, i just get it, it's the new devel app, just seing it in  openstore :)09:44
tgBot<popescu_sorin> @arudy, that;s @sverzegnassi and @nfsprodriver work :D09:44
tgBot<Matteo> ah sorry....09:44
tgBot<arudy> yep :)09:44
tgBot<Matteo> sudo ubuntu-device-flash —server=http://system-image.ubports.com touch —device=vegetahd \ —channel=15.04/stable —bootstrap —recovery-image=recovery-vegetahd.img09:44
tgBot<Flohack> So you copy/pasted it from the webpage?09:44
tgBot<Matteo> the long dash is a double das on terminal09:44
tgBot<Matteo> yes09:44
tgBot<Flohack> yeah09:44
tgBot<popescu_sorin> @arudy yep it's the dev version of FM09:44
tgBot<Flohack> hmm thats strange09:44
tgBot<Flohack> can you open http://system-image.ubports.com09:45
tgBot<arudy> @popescu_sorin, Just installed it, and  indeed. it is. awww. some. :)09:45
tgBot<Matteo> yes I did, no prob09:45
tgBot<Flohack> Can you try to write ubports-touch instead of touch as the 1st argument09:46
tgBot<Matteo> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/0zd6bjY0/file_919.jpg09:46
tgBot<Matteo> ok I try, just a sec09:47
tgBot<Schyken> @Matteo, This makes me want Unity back. 😢09:47
tgBot<Matteo> I'm still on Unity 14.04, coundn't it be a problem to flash from that?09:48
tgBot<Flohack> @Matteo, No I think the error channel not found is quite clear09:48
tgBot<Flohack> But you can try the GUI installer that we did now ;)09:49
tgBot<Matteo> @Flohack, error message is : … DEPRECATED: Implicit 'touch' subcommand assumed … unknown flag `server'09:50
tgBot<Flohack> ok haha09:51
tgBot<Flohack> Then plz someone here that has description for the GUI installer? Im on the road...09:51
tgBot<Matteo> thank you Florian though09:52
tgBot<Matteo> I think I'll try MDT09:52
tgBot<Flohack> yeah09:53
tgBot<Matteo> but I didn't understant if using MDT I should have snaps onboard because I have Ubuntu 14.04 and I don't think a can have snaps on it09:53
tgBot<Flohack> You can try the git clone method should wor09:54
tgBot<Flohack> I never used the snap with mdt 😆09:54
tgBot<Matteo> ah ok, so following the instruction on Ubports site09:54
tgBot<Matteo> thanks, I'll give it a go09:54
tgBot<Flohack> But anyway I recommend you to upgrade your ubuntu, it does not hurt, and you will be on the latest & greates updates and security fixes09:54
tgBot<Matteo> sure, I'll do it but to which version? I'm used to Unity so I would keep staying on it. Do you recommend 16.04?09:55
tgBot<Flohack> 16.04 is still with unity7, correct me if Im wrong? @Lorxu09:56
tgBot<DanChapman> Yes 16.04 is still unity7.09:57
tgBot<Matteo> ok good, I'll plan to upgrade to that version then09:58
tgBot<Flohack> yeah!09:58
tgBot<Schyken> Apparently you'll be able to install Unity in 17.10 from the Software Center. I haven't tried it myself, but I'm certainly interested in giving it a go.10:02
tgBot<Stereofont> @popescu_sorin, I like the square edge tab on the green more than the round edge tab on the purple. All these things are wildly personal though10:05
tgBot<Matteo> this is what I got using MDT10:06
tgBot<Matteo> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/jLczNOM8/file_921.jpg10:07
tgBot<Stereofont> @Matteo, First check if you have Android installed. You need to unlock the bootloader first. Second, as it is BQ the cache is probably 100% full10:07
tgBot<Matteo> I doesn't look it succeeded....😔10:07
tgBot<Stereofont> @Matteo, Are you starting from Android?10:10
tgBot<Matteo> @Stereofont, Android installed on desktop? How should I unlock the bootloader?10:11
tgBot<Matteo> no android, I have a Ubuntu image already on my phone10:11
tgBot<Stereofont> @Matteo, In that case probably a full cache. You can check that in terminal10:12
tgBot<Stereofont> @Matteo, https://forums.ubports.com/topic/263/can-t-get-the-m10-fhd-to-take-the-flash10:15
tgBot<Jaume81> What's about security in Ubuntu Touch?10:17
tgBot<Matteo> from the errors I got it seems there are probleblems to download the image from Ubports10:17
tgBot<Stereofont> @Matteo, If it loads into cache and cache is full that could be an explanation?10:22
tgBot<Matteo> I don't know but I don't see cache mentioned among the errors I got, like it is shown on the link you sent to me10:23
tgBot<Stereofont> @Matteo, adb shell "df -h"10:25
tgBot<Matteo> it doesn't work. It says device not found10:27
tgBot<Matteo> well good, 2 out of 2 methods to flash Ubports image not working for me 😂👍10:29
tgBot<Matteo> maybe I'm doing something wrong10:32
tgBot<Matteo> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/nKCOe9Jg/file_922.webp10:32
tgBot<wagafo> Try different cables, I have zillions of cables but only very few work10:46
tgBot<Jujuyeh> (Photo, 1280x187) https://irc.ubports.com/iPgSv7dm/file_924.jpg a Google no le mola tanto Xixón XD10:47
tgBot<Matteo> ok, I'll try thanks10:51
tgBot<Matteo> no, nothing with different cables also10:55
tgBot<Matteo> the problem is still the image cannot be retrieved10:55
tgBot<Matteo> now my BQ E5 is a lame duck10:56
tgBot<Stereofont> @Matteo, If the phone isn't mounted by adb that is something more basic. Try a different USB port. Find a machine with 2.0 ports if yours has 3.0. Did you install phablet-tools?11:27
tgBot<rehankodekar> #lineageos11:29
tgBot<PhoenixLandPirate> @popescu_sorin, Suru is flat, its folded ;P12:55
ubports_botProject daily-mako build #129: SUCCESS in 12 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-mako/129/12:55
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1094: SUCCESS in 0.51 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1094/12:55
tgBot<Milan Korecky> @wayneoutthere, great work Wayne. Best regards.13:17
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Milan Korecky, 👍13:37
tgBot<Thomasok> I try to flash Ubports on my BQ E4.5 … I get  "can't flash recovry image" … What was wrong?13:40
tgBot<Flohack> @Matteo, wget has issues. Sorry to sayx but I remember that mdt needs a specific ubuntu version, maybe > 14.04 =)13:53
tgBot<vanyasem> @Flohack, CPT works in most cases14:00
tgBot<vanyasem> even on Debian14:00
tgBot<vanyasem> and it's also available on Windows and MacOS14:00
tgBot<vanyasem> I'm not sure it support BQ E4.5 tho14:01
tgBot<Matteo> @Flohack, So what does it mean Florian, that I'm not able to flash Ubports at all right now?14:02
tgBot<Jaume81> While you are calling if you recieve a notification sound very high and how normal notication. It would be better if the advisement will be only beep or one vibration.14:02
tgBot<Matteo> @Stereofont, Yes I did as first step, according to Ubports system-image server installation procedure14:04
tgBot<Thomasok> 2017/09/30 16:01:33 Flashing version 2 from ubports-touch/15.04/stable channel and server http://system-image.ubports.com to device krillin … 573.97 KB / 322.69 MB [_________________________________] 0.17 % 2.80 MB/s 1m54scan't flash recovery image14:04
tgBot<Flohack> @Thomasok, Did you unlock your device correctly?14:05
tgBot<Matteo> @Thomasok, Same to me, with BQ E514:05
tgBot<Flohack> @Matteo, I cant tell the reason, just that a lot of people were able to use our toolsets. So its very unlikely that its a problem of the tool. You could try the windows GUI installer if you have a Windows somewhere14:06
tgBot<Flohack> Or mac too14:06
tgBot<Thomasok> I am in fastboot or what have I to do?14:06
tgBot<vanyasem> @Flohack, CPT is available as a Deb package, too14:06
tgBot<vanyasem> no need to use Windows for that14:06
tgBot<Flohack> @Thomasok, Yeah fastboot is fine, but did you unlock your bootloader ?14:07
tgBot<vanyasem> I was able to install UBports on Nexus 5 using GUI installer on elementary OS14:07
tgBot<Thomasok> How can I do that?14:07
tgBot<Matteo> @Flohack, Wait, what do you mean with unlock? I started the phone pushing the start-up button and volume +, entering the options panel where to choose the Fastboot option14:08
tgBot<Flohack> @Thomasok, Oh no you are using a BQ right? Was there Canonical image installed?14:08
tgBot<Flohack> @Matteo, Are you coming from Android?14:08
tgBot<Thomasok> No it is the Android-version14:08
tgBot<Matteo> no I have Canonical image14:09
tgBot<Flohack> @Thomasok, I am afraid you first need to install Canonicals version, then switch to UBports. Instructions for how to switch from Android to Canonical are found somewhere in the support section of BQ. You need another tool called SP Flash tool14:10
tgBot<Flohack> @Matteo, which device, I got confused now14:10
tgBot<Flohack> 2 people talking with me at the same time about the same problem 😆14:10
tgBot<Thomasok> Thanks14:11
tgBot<Matteo> @Flohack, I have BQ Aquaris E5 - Ubuntu touch Edition (NO ANDROID) 😂14:11
tgBot<Flohack> @Thomasok, But be careful, SP flash tool could damage your NVRAM ;)14:11
tgBot<Matteo> I understand, you are very kind to help14:11
tgBot<Flohack> @Matteo, Dont listen to what I am telling Thomas14:12
tgBot<Flohack> You are another case14:12
tgBot<Matteo> 👌14:12
tgBot<Matteo> a medical case? 😅14:12
tgBot<Flohack> lol no14:13
tgBot<Matteo> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/6keOa3Sb/file_926.jpg This is what I got using Ubports installer14:13
tgBot<Flohack> please post the command line you used to start the flash14:13
tgBot<Flohack> Ahh can you type the command into the shell please14:14
tgBot<Flohack> You got line breaks maybe. Instead of using copy/paste?14:14
tgBot<Flohack> Unknown channel "" is strange14:15
tgBot<Flohack> Channel "" not found I mean14:15
tgBot<Matteo> you mean I have to type manually the last command without paste it?14:15
tgBot<Flohack> yes please just try it once14:16
tgBot<Matteo> ok14:16
tgBot<Flohack> without the \14:16
tgBot<Big ET> Is there a bug in https://devices.ubports.com/#/ page? mako device apears twice.14:17
tgBot<Matteo> yes! that was the problem! the "\" is to be deleted! Thanks Florian!14:21
tgBot<Flohack> @Big ET, yes seems to be a bug...14:21
tgBot<Matteo> now started the flashing14:21
tgBot<Flohack> @Matteo, np I will tell the guys we should make a copyable text14:21
tgBot<Matteo> one last thing....I hope this will go very smooth....the image I will get will be the one with the OTA2 on-board?14:22
tgBot<Flohack> @Matteo, yes sure14:23
tgBot<Matteo> 😀👍14:23
tgBot<Flohack> @Thomasok, Do you understand German?14:24
tgBot<Frank Fricke> @Thomasok, http://www.mibqyyo.com/en-download/2015/05/22/flash-tools-ubuntu/14:26
tgBot<Frank Fricke> Here you find the SP_tool14:26
tgBot<Flohack> @Frank Fricke, Thx!!14:27
tgBot<Frank Fricke> @Flohack, np! 😉14:31
tgBot<Frank Fricke> @Thomasok ....settings for the Sp_tool14:35
tgBot<Frank Fricke> (Photo, 1024x673) https://irc.ubports.com/bRtmlFt8/file_928.jpg14:35
tgBot<Stereofont> SPtool you flash with the phone off. Not fastboot as usual …14:39
tgBotShrayek was added by: Shrayek14:42
tgBot<Big ET> I have installed ubports on my mako (nexus4) device. … sudo ubuntu-device-flash —server=http://system-image.ubports.com touch —device=mako \ … —channel=15.04/devel —bootstrap … as said on page https://ubports.com/page/get-ubuntu-touch … But this just left me on the recovery image of ubports. … I had to reissue the command without —bootstrap for the install to succedes. So there are some hickups here.14:55
tgBot<Big ET> Also the version is reported r149 and not ota-2 is this correct?14:55
tgBot<Frank Fricke> @Big ET, you have installed the devel-channel image14:56
tgBot<Stereofont> @Frank Fricke, It is possible to revert to stable in system settings now, without re-flashing15:03
tgBot<Matteo> Fresh Ubports image installed on BQ Aquaris E515:07
tgBot<Matteo> First impression is very good 👍  good job devs!15:08
tgBot<Matteo> I'm now trying to install apps. I said trying because Openstore seems not working at all15:09
tgBot<Matteo> Not even one app download succeeded; It keeps spinning the wheel until it just relax and nothing happens...very strange...15:10
tgBot<Matteo> Just before with Cannonickels image It worked smoothly15:11
tgBot<Frank Fricke> @Matteo, It seems there is a problem with the openstore at the moment15:14
tgBot<Frank Fricke> does not work for me either15:16
tgBot<sverzegnassi> Yes, seems there's a problem with the server...15:19
tgBot<sverzegnassi> (btw, that reminds me that I should reduce the timer for the timeout and show an popup when there's some issue)15:21
=== nkk_still_on_irc is now known as smusiland
tgBot<Chris Clime> @UniversalSuperBox, is there any chance to get the new oxide working on E5 in a future 15.04 OTA ?16:15
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> @Chris Clime, shrug probably16:15
tgBot<Matteo> @Matteo, After playing a bit with new UBports image, I faced twice a problem: the screen froze without possibility to recover. Never happened to my phone before, with Cannonickels image...is it a known bug? If I'll face it again I will open a bug report.16:28
tgBot<Chris Clime> ok thanks16:31
tgBot<Chris Clime> if someone has more info about how to build oxide (e.g. for testing small changes) and which version in github matches the current 15.04 stable,  you could post them here :  )  https://forums.ubports.com/topic/583/build-oxide16:34
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> The reason we can't make much headway on Oxide is that it takes two hours or more to build.16:37
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> But yes, @mariogrip should definitely provide some build instructions16:37
xorpad2 hours to build??? On what system are you compiling it?16:40
tgBot<Lorxu> @UniversalSuperBox, Isn't that what CI is for? So you can just commit and figure out later if what you did made any sense? :P16:41
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> @Lorxu, Well sure, but by the time your build is ready you're out of the flow.16:41
tgBot<Lorxu> Sure, but at least it makes it possible to code a feature, commit, and then fix until it actually works16:42
tgBot<Lorxu> Although yeah, anything that takes long to compile sucks16:43
tgBot<Lorxu> Well, CI + linters of course, a linter could tell you the worst things a bit more quickly than 2 hours16:44
tgBot<Lorxu> And generally, if your code is broken, you'll know much earlier than 2 hours into compiling16:44
tgBot<Flohack> @Matteo, Yes I saw some strange unity crashes/ out of memory too sometimes. We are still investigating this16:56
tgBot<Matteo> @Flohack, Ok. For the rest I can say it is definetely usable. The best part for me is that GPS improvement is impressive 😁👍16:57
tgBot<sverzegnassi> @Flohack, That happened to me too, and I got a few seconds for connecting the phone to the PC and do some check before the device got rebooted. In that case, there was something strange with the memory and CPU usage of unity8-dash (i.e. scopes)16:59
tgBot<sverzegnassi> After I replaced the scopes with the custom homescreen, I haven't seen anomalous battery drain as well. That *might* be one of the possible reasons, I'm not anyway 100% sure as I haven't retested scopes after that episode17:01
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> hi, does anyone know if the "no-go" bugs have been fixed for the nexus 4 ? around the beginning of summer there were some problems with mediahub and calls, but now when i check on hithub the search results show zero17:29
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> (Photo, 1276x388) https://irc.ubports.com/jlvx0hS8/file_930.jpg17:29
tgBotpalinuro was added by: DeadSquirreI0117:33
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
tgBotMark was added by: Mark18:01
tgBot<mariogrip> Q/A http://youtu.be/2m206CKo8ko18:02
tgBot<DeadSquirreI01> Woohoo18:04
tgBot<DeadSquirreI01> @palinuro ping18:04
tgBot<Vijay Kumar> For some reason Marius is not I in main screen right now18:04
tgBot<Vijay Kumar> We cannot see demonstration from Marius on full screen18:04
tgBot<aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai> @DeadSquirreI01, pong18:05
tgBot<DeadSquirreI01> @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai, Oooooooo18:05
tgBot<aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai> @DeadSquirreI01, aaaaaaaaaa18:06
tgBot<DeadSquirreI01> Ok...18:06
tgBot<aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai> 😂18:06
tgBot<vanyasem> is that a grime clash?18:06
tgBot<Vijay Kumar> In last live videos when the speaker changed the speaker used to come to main screen. But today only Dalton is on main screen. No switching if happening.18:14
tgBot<vanyasem> While this chat is active, I'm here to promote Off-Top UBports chat! @ubports_ot18:18
tgBot<j2g2rp> Q: Marius said some days ago that maybe should talk with purism people about librem5. You did it finally?18:18
tgBot<Alexander> @Flohack, Hello @Flohack , I am using the canonical image and the MMS work without problem ! If I can help somehow (like sending a log) to compare with a not working one or I don't know what ) tell me :)18:26
tgBot<Ben> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/A67dxFak/file_932.jpg Since today I cant connect to the wifi anymore. Also the wifi button is gone. What could it be?18:34
tgBot<aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai> koja nazri midan ?18:56
tgBot<Alexander> rm .config/connectivity-service/config.ini.lock Try to paste this in the terminal19:04
tgBot<Stereofont> @Matteo, Froze on swipe from right when explaining how swipe works?19:05
tgBot<exar_kun> Congratulations! Patreon hit $200019:07
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/fhRZvEDz/file_933.mp419:08
tgBot<Jaume81> Ubuntu Touch is only compatible with arm and not pc rocessor19:09
tgBot<Jaume81> ?19:09
tgBot<mariogrip> @Jaume81, you can run ubuntu touch on amd64 also, we dont build rootfs for it, but our ppa builds amd6419:32
tgBot<rogieroudshoorn> That is good to know for the zenfone crew19:36
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> "if I lose my phone it's more open than a can of Monster after I've drunk it" — Marius19:37
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Best Community Update yet...19:37
tgBot<Matteo> @Stereofont, Yes, if I'm not wrong it happened swiping from the right side....but I will pay more attention next time19:43
tgBot<Matteo> But not during the initial explaning on how to swipe but during normal usage19:44
tgBotricmm was added by: mariogrip19:50
tgBot<Jaume81> @mariogrip, Ok. Because an all in one with that OS  would be nice.19:53
tgBot<Jaume81> But I can get that connecting the phone to tv or monitor.19:56
=== xiinotulp is now known as plutoniix
tgBotWolf was added by: Wolf20:08
ubports_botProject daily-bacon build #286: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-bacon/286/21:02
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1095: SUCCESS in 57 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1095/21:03
xorpadCan I get system images to flash with fastboot for nexus 5?21:45
xorpadfastboot is working but adb is not... strongly suspect it's related to the nightly lineage build i'm running and or the custom kernel21:46
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Ubuntu Touch will not work with your own kernel.22:05
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> It is built with kernel options that are not compatible with Android. Android is built with kernel options that are not compatible with Ubuntu Touch.22:06
tgBot<samzn> CONFIG_VT :)22:14
xorpadI don't want to use my own kernel, I am just thinking the kenrel I have pre-touch installaton or the lineage build is stopping the bootloader from, or rather not telling to allow, adb connections22:22
xorpadI've flashed factory firmware now, going to see if that fixed anything22:22
xorpadAlthough I couldn't find an OEM unlock item in developer options... although I've got so many phones I can't rememeber if this one even had oem unlock via developer options22:23
xorpadI just can't use adb but fastboot works22:23
xorpadand both the windows flashing tool and the ubuntu repo's flashing tool rely on adb functionality22:23
xorpadIf this doesn't work, I guess I'll try another version of the factory rom... maybe this bootloader is borked or something22:24
tgBot<jacobmdekker> @Stereofont, You can order a BQ M10 in this webshop. Delivery form a depot in Germany within a week. https://www.bqstore.nl/nl/  Android is preinstalled, so you have to flash ubtouch / ubports.22:24
xorpadyeah, still not getting adb from the bootloader, not devices detected22:25
xorpadtried with lineage os, with factory kitkat rom, with factory marshmallow rom, with AOSP marshmallow rom... I'm running out of ideas22:25
xorpadI don't know why the device isn't being seen by adb, while fastboot detects it22:26
xorpadi wonder if I dont have the google usb drivers insralled22:26
xorpadthat might work, but pre-flashing the latest factory firmware ubunut and windows both couldn't see it with adb22:27
tgBot<palinuro> wtf is this group and why am i here?22:27
tgBot<andreasimonetti> Because murika22:28
xorpadbecause you joined the channel... duh22:28
tgBot<neothethird> @palinuro, i guess you joined someday or somone added you. We're discussing Ubuntu Touch here, a free and open source mobile operating system. ubports.com22:29
tgBot<palinuro> never joined this group, someone added me for a reason i don't really know22:30
xorpadI can't get touch working cause I can't get adb to work from the bootloader, only from the rom22:30
xorpadtrying to delete and reintall google usb drivers22:30
tgBot<palinuro> anyways i work for a debian derivative, so if this group has something to do with the debian ecosystem it would be interesting to stay here :)22:30
tgBot<neothethird> @palinuro, well, ubuntu is based on debian, so i guess it's somehow part of the ecosystem ;)22:31
tgBot<Jujuyeh> @palinuro, which one?22:32
tgBot<neothethird> xorpad: did you enable usb debugging in the android settings?22:32
tgBot<mariogrip> @Jujuyeh, parrotsec.org22:32
tgBot<Jujuyeh> 😲22:32
tgBot<Jujuyeh> parrot? I love it22:33
tgBot<Jujuyeh> :)22:33
tgBot<palinuro> @neothethird, yes i meant that if there are technical discussions about what is under the hood of an ubuntu touch environment (and not just people asking for support) i would like to stay here, but if i leave it is just because i have too many groups (more than 200 i think), so don't take it personal if i quit22:33
tgBot<palinuro> @Jujuyeh, yeah parrot22:33
tgBot<Jujuyeh> @palinuro, I think I still have a live flash USB somewhere22:34
xorpadtgBot, yes22:34
xorpadtgBot, I don't know what to think about this22:34
xorpadlike I haven't used adb in so long that I don't know when it stopped working22:34
tgBot<neothethird> @palinuro, no hard feelings, i know the struggle ;) No, this is mainly general discussion here...22:34
xorpadI never use it from the bootloader22:34
tgBot<palinuro> @neothethird, ook, i'll try to stay22:35
xorpadooo, rebooting into recovery seems to be doing something different than I usually see from it22:35
tgBot<neothethird> xorpad: mind you, the utility to talk to the *bootloader* is fastboot, use adb only for recovery and system22:35
tgBot<neothethird> xorpad: what device is that btw?22:36
xorpadnexus 522:36
xorpadcould it be because secureboot is enabled?22:36
xorpadbootloader is in fastboot mode, signing is set to production, secure boot enabled lock state unlocked22:38
xorpadthat's what the bootloader is telling me22:38
xorpadcan i manually flash it with fastboot?22:38
xorpadand if so, where do i obtain the img's?22:38
xorpadI'm gonna try flashing another factory firmwares bootloader22:40
xorpadi know adb originally worked on the phone in bootloader mode because I used it to oem unlock22:40
xorpadI guess i'll flash a less recent bootloader and hope that works22:41
tgBot<andreasimonetti> Like now.. I tryed to open the link to see this evening's meeting and oxide crashes toghether with yunty .. I need to wait 2 min for a kind of fast reboot. I think the device can not handle ram and swap capacity. My suggestion: Use the swipe down gesture on the dash combinated to some command line to free up memory...22:42
tgBot<Stereofont> @xorpad, Switch cables, switch port, wiggle cable, jab volume and power buttons - all that stuff22:51
xorpadswitched ports... haven't tried switching cables22:51
tgBot<Flohack> @andreasimonetti, Im afraid there is also some meory leak22:51
xorpadMight also try another computer because this one is garbage22:51
tgBot<Flohack> I have to reboot my phone every 3 to 4 days, since at the end of that period not even 1 App can stay open22:51
xorpadlike, this computer is the worst computer i've ever had in terms of hardware support and firmware functionality/conformance with standards22:52
xorpadfirst and also last time buying acer22:52
tgBot<Flohack> It starts with Apps getting OOMed, then unity gets OOmed, then I reboot =)22:52
xorpadI just flashed an older firmware with a different bootloader verison22:53
xorpadhoping that helps but first i gotta boot the rom and enable usb debugging22:53
xorpadand that first boot after flashing always takes longer than I would like it to22:54
xorpadI don't know what to do aside from taking apart the tools that flash it and seeing if i can extract the images or the code to download them22:54
xorpadis the flash tool a script or do I gotta RE a binary?22:54
xorpadbecause I am not so good with arm asm as I am with x86... It would be painful to try and RE it22:55
xorpadgonna go look for another usb cable... if that fails, i have a 13 year old netbook running lubuntu, i can try on that, see if it's this crummy laptop that's the issue22:56
xorpadI'm running out of things to try though22:56
xorpadAlso, if I update multirom to latest TWRP merging in the changes/new stuff, can we get it working again to install ubuntu touch? right now it's pointing to a dead link22:57
xorpadWould anyone care for me to do that and provide a new download link to embed in the manager app?22:58
xorpadI kinda want to take over MultiROM with a new fork since it's abandonware and opensource22:59
xorpadNo luck with lolipop rom either23:02
xorpadgonna try the ancient netbook, maybe it's still useful after all these years23:03
xorpad13 year old 1.6ghz single core atom lol23:03
* xorpad looks at his threadripper and then back at the netbook and ponders23:04
xorpadalso the command line arguments on the wiki for installing with ubuntu-device-flash are either old or just wrong, because they don't work23:10
xorpadno luck with another pc or another usb cable or both23:13
xorpadreally not sure why this isn't working23:13
xorpadLike, I've reflashed everything23:13
xorpadmaybe paritions that aren't visible and normally flashed are messing me up?23:13
xorpadit detects the device in the OS, but not in the bootloader23:15
xorpadgonna try sideloading OTA update23:17
xorpadthat's like one of the last things I can think to try23:17
xorpadOTA update will deal with hidden paritions that could be interfering I believe23:18
xorpadNot sure if that's the problem but I'm just taking shots in the dark23:18
tgBot<ZephyrArcturus> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/Mp7d03Bu/file_935.jpg Can't get any wifi on the latest stable build, neither 162 and 163 devel builds23:19
tgBot<ZephyrArcturus> camera finally works but wifi's broken :/23:19
xorpadhas the adb protocol changed at all?23:25
xorpadWondering if maybe adb is too recent and not working with this old thing23:25
xorpadI'm just grasping at straws at this point23:25
xorpadalthough, I looked at magic-device-tool and it uses no adb just fastboot, which is working fine23:26
xorpadso I could use that tool, but we'll see first if applying ota update changes anything first23:26
xorpadI'd like to solve the adb problem despite having an option that doesn't need it... I don't like when things don't work properly23:27
xorpadohh... possibly because the signing key signatures were deleted, ubports recovery + magic-device-tool discovered they are missing and pushed them to device23:37
xorpadUbports now booting, after flashing with magic-device-tool23:37
xorpadIt's flashed legacy version though23:38
xorpadThe newer releases are added to the script but commented out... Is there any reason i shouldn't use a more recent version than legacy?23:40
tgBot<ZephyrArcturus> @ZephyrArcturus, Works fine on devel 15423:43
tgBot<ZephyrArcturus> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/h38Fv5dr/file_937.jpg23:44
tgBotEliAran was added by: DeadSquirreI0123:46
xorpadI got it working, but it's not finding updates23:46
xorpadIt's been checking for updates for like 2-3 minutes23:46
xorpadis the update feature in legacy version not working currently?23:47
xorpadAlso it won't connect to my normal wifi network, but connected to my hotspot from another phone fine23:47
xorpadcould it not be working with my home wifi because it's trying to use the 5ghz radio instead of the 2.4ghz radio? My router has both and they mimic eachother23:50
xorpadbecause I don't have any reason to have 5ghz enabled but i've not until now had a reason to disable it either... I will try it, and submit bug report if it turns out to be that problem23:50
xorpadohh it's not working because I changed the password and was using the old one... false alarm + epic fail facepalm23:52
xorpadThis is cool, i'm totally gonna try and help you guys with this system23:54
xorpadohh, now it found an update23:56
xorpadHow can i get the source and contribute?23:57
xorpadLike, I can start at the bottom doing grunt work but I wanna port features into the kernel from franco kernel for nexus 5... Since that kernel has so many awesome additions to the linux/android kernel... and I've done kernel work before, altough not much linux mostly my hobby projects23:59
xorpadThe features could also be added to other devices if someone wants to test my builds for devices I don't have23:59

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