
=== jbicha_ is now known as jbicha
hallynso.  the artful desktop isntaller carefully askedme for networking details.03:58
hallynupon reboot, i find all that information has been dumped?03:58
hallynand it's back to "let's use dhcp"03:58
hallynmaybe i'm misremembering, and hte desktop install didn't ask for those?03:59
dobeyi don't recall the installer ever doing network setup like that. you can set up netwokr in the "try ubuntu" shell so you can install updates during install, but i don't recall that it copied that config to the installed system05:42
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d_ven0mHello, I'm trying to compile an upstream package with gnutls support. I have libcurl4-gnutls-dev, libgnutls-openssl27, and libgnutls30 installed from the repositories. I can't seem to find libgnutls30-dev anywhere, only libgnutls28-dev seems to be available. I was wondering where and what the right package is to use. Thanks23:53
maxbIt appears that libgnutls28-dev and libgnutls30 build from the same source package version, so I guess they do actually relate to each other... as odd as that seems23:59

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