swift110-phone | hey | 03:26 |
swift110-phone | how are you | 03:31 |
swift110-phone | hey | 04:10 |
cai | i love mount and blade 18years | 09:38 |
sigurdson | Hello MATE's:D | 13:24 |
diogenes_ | hello | 13:46 |
pavlushka | hello | 14:07 |
mate|8943 | Hi | 14:10 |
mate|8943 | Can I upgrate my ubuntu 16.04 to mate version or should I install mate from usb stick? | 14:12 |
diogenes_ | mate|8943, what do you mean by that? | 14:14 |
mate|8943 | I have ubuntu 16 | 14:20 |
mate|8943 | .04 and I want the mate version | 14:20 |
mate|8943 | the thing is I haven't flashed on the usb the mate version | 14:20 |
mate|8943 | but the regular version from ubuntu website | 14:20 |
mate|8943 | is there a way to move from ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS to mate version? | 14:21 |
mate|8943 | without burning a usb and redoing the whole installation? | 14:21 |
diogenes_ | mate|8943, ubuntu and ubuntu-mate are two different things | 14:26 |
diogenes_ | ubuntu is made my canonical whereas ubuntu-mate is based on ubuntu and is a result of other community effort | 14:27 |
diogenes_ | what do you need to do, is to install mate desktop environment | 14:27 |
diogenes_ | mate|8943, here is how you do this: https://www.tecmint.com/install-mate-desktop-in-ubuntu-fedora/ | 14:28 |
mate|8943 | Thank you :) | 14:30 |
diogenes_ | yw | 14:30 |
ouroumov_ | diogenes_, fyi he could've typed "sudo apt install ubuntu-mate-core ubuntu-mate-desktop" and have basically an Ubuntu MATE install. | 14:42 |
diogenes_ | ouroumov_, sorry I'm not that familiar with ubuntu things :) | 14:44 |
ouroumov_ | diogenes_, no problem, also just so you know, Ubuntu MATE is made by canonical too, the canonical infrastructure is the one that's producing the Ubuntu MATE disk images. | 14:45 |
diogenes_ | oh cool | 14:46 |
PythonZ | Hi guys | 15:47 |
PythonZ | Any one can help me ? | 15:47 |
linda | I am trying to update the bios in my dell dimension desktop using a flash drive i reboot and I don't see the bios come up | 16:18 |
linda | Can Ubuntu mate 16.04 do this | 16:18 |
linda | Dell Dimension 3100 64 bit | 16:19 |
deepaknayan | may i get some links from where i could learn some linux things | 17:22 |
diogenes_ | deepaknayan, somelinuxthings.com :) | 17:27 |
deepaknayan | thanks diogenes_ | 17:28 |
deepaknayan | let me surf that | 17:28 |
diogenes_ | deepaknayan, if seriously then you should be more specific | 17:28 |
deepaknayan | i have used linux previously but was panicked to get it working with some of the drivers | 17:29 |
deepaknayan | maybe knowledge of command line would help | 17:29 |
diogenes_ | deepaknayan, you have to take one thing at a time, for instance, if right now you're having troubles with drivers, then you should search for driver related stuff etc. | 17:31 |
deepaknayan | it was in the past with debian | 17:34 |
deepaknayan | somehow i managed to solve it | 17:34 |
deepaknayan | just now i have installed ubuntu mate on my laptop and was looking forward into it | 17:34 |
diogenes_ | there's almost no need in terminal commands | 17:35 |
diogenes_ | all the work is done just by clicking | 17:36 |
deepaknayan | ok thanks | 17:43 |
nitflem | #ubuntu-mate | 19:36 |
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