[16:57] Welcome Kilos :) [16:58] Kilos: And how are you doing? [16:58] hi pavlushka tired and you? [16:59] I am ok :) [17:04] LjL ping [17:04] yep? [17:05] LjL: wow! So were talking on 29th last month [17:06] LjL: were you talking to us? [17:06] yes, but i was jut being silly [17:06] just* [17:07] LjL: its nice being silly, I like that :p [17:08] LjL: if you dont mind disturbing you, then we will disturb you :p [17:12] and worst, we might ask you for help. [17:12] LjL: you know like helping with money, kidding [17:13] i help with earthquakes! [17:14] LjL: well thank you for that :)