
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:34
Bashing-om\o lotuspsychje04:40
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om & EriC^^04:41
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje04:41
lotuspsychjeoff work now, monday new work04:42
lotuspsychjeartful gonna b such a nice release04:42
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Monday with a new perspective, change can be good :)04:42
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: it surely will :p04:43
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Was : "Launchpad temporarily offline due to DoS attack" back in-service for now .04:43
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Not seen too many repercussions from the outage .04:45
lotuspsychjesomeone really mad at freenode?04:45
lotuspsychjebbl brekfast06:22
xanguaMmm I just had pizza06:24
lotuspsychjebon apetit xangua06:25
lotuspsychjenow a big icecream for dessert?06:25
xanguaMmm no ice cream at 1 am06:25
lotuspsychjeplaying on artful11:02
BluesKajHey folks12:14
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj afternoon mate12:14
BluesKajHi lotuspsychje12:14
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Bashing-omAnd we do Sunday support :)16:55
daftykinswelcome back :>16:56
Bashing-omdaftykins: Thankee -- good to be here - better that you reside :D16:57
Bashing-omCoffee, cofee - more !17:09
immuits international coffeee day17:10
Bashing-omcommon grounds world wide :)17:11
daftykinshaha :D17:13
immudont we have international Chai day17:15
immuEriC^^, hi17:47
EriC^^hi immu17:48
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