
alkisgcascardo: sure, it's just disappointing when I file a bug report in launchpad, then I get asked for feedback "is this still happenning on 10.10 or should we close it? On 11.04? On 11.10? On 12.04?", and that's all there is to it, time spent to maintain bug reports when it could instead be spent on reporting them upstream06:12
alkisgIMHO upstream bugs should first be solved upstream, and then launchpad bugs should be filed when we need a backport06:12
alkisgTime is precious and if wasted inefficiently, people won't be willling to spent more time on that in the future...06:13
alkisg(and let's not kid ourselves, in the launchpad bug tracker, 9 out of 10 bugs are not handled by the package maintainers, they're just noice that should be directed upstream instead)06:15
alkisgA whole lot of wasted resources there06:15

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