[01:32] iirc Apple Darwin was always somewhat OSS [01:32] it was the pieces like Cocoa and the other stuff that weren't OSS [01:32] https://opensource.apple.com/release/developer-tools-821.html [01:32] This is all the stuff that was already FLOSS [18:25] if it was open source was it floss or just foss? what license do they normally use? [18:32] Something additional was open sourced beyond what previous bits of Darwin were open source, but I've no idea WHAT those piecees are. [18:32] Darwin has been open source since it started. [19:08] yeah, the kernel was oss [19:09] thiugh you'd be hard pressed to make a mac from the f/loss bits of macosx [19:20] impossible. [19:20] like you said, none of AppKit is open source. [19:21] most of the things here: https://developer.apple.com/macos/ aren't open source or open at all. [19:21] same with the things here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/ [19:26] So it's literally open-core, but not open anything else [19:26] "Here, here's a stem foryou to play with [19:26] "and some seeds" [19:26] What aboutthe actual flesh of the apple [19:27] "If you even THINK of copying that we will sue you into oblivion" [19:28] O> O< [19:32] Oh yes, I don't think apple or anyone is claiming anything else. [19:32] there is a GNU project to recreate parts of appkit. that Next window manager came out of it. [19:32] http://gnustep.org [19:33] Yeah, I remember that [19:36] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFSTnZM27Gc [19:47] Oh my, there's even Open GEM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TYUsL74ERU