
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|zzz
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== JanC is now known as Guest58454
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
davidcalleGood morning07:42
zyga-ubuntugood morning07:48
=== JoshStrobl|zzz is now known as JoshStrobl
Son_Gokuzyga-ubuntu, can we merge this now? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/398409:44
mupPR #3984: release,cmd,dirs: Redo the distro checks to take into account distribution families <Created by Conan-Kudo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3984>09:44
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: hello09:45
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: looking09:45
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: +1'd, I'll ack with mvo and merge09:47
Son_Gokumvo is probably not going to be alive for some time...09:47
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: I'm a bit absent minded today with the news about catalan news09:47
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: how was the event?09:48
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: at least you didn't have to fly far :)09:48
Son_GokuI didn't fly at all09:48
Son_Gokuit's too close to fly ;)09:48
Son_Gokuit was pretty good09:48
Son_Gokuthough now I'm sick :(09:48
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: me too :)09:49
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: it was 3C in the morning today09:49
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: and the temperature jumps around to 15 and back all the time09:49
Son_Gokuit's 8C right now09:50
mupPR snapd#3966 closed: cmd/snap-seccomp,osutil: make user/group lookup functions public <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3966>10:05
mupPR snapd#3988 closed: Added note in HACKING file  <Created by rmescandon> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3988>10:05
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, hey, pondering about your comment https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3972/files/46c79aed60e0b8a3cfe7d827a32af297f2d4950e#r14161879010:10
mupPR #3972: repo: sanitize plugs and slots early in ReadInfo <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3972>10:10
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, ie. the check if snap.SanitizePlugsSlots is not set. it's tricky considering the tests10:10
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, would you expect it to panic if already set? or just print a warning?10:11
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: hey10:13
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: I was thinking about it myself10:13
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: it'd be easier if it would allow a nil value and just handle that elsewhere10:13
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: then any non-nil value could panic10:13
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: as for tests they should be fine as they can skip that check and assign the variable directly10:14
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, I did with a global bool for a quick test, but the problem is tests seem to be creating more than one instance when they e.g instantiate overlord10:14
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: well, think about it10:16
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: maybe you can come up with something10:16
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, sure, will keep investigating10:17
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
* zyga-ubuntu finishes NFS spread test and picks up another topic10:42
zyga-ubuntuso I have 8GB of ram now and I still see swap10:54
kalikiana_zyga-ubuntu: Same here, I can't find a way to avoid it even if to my best knowledge memory never exceeds what I have11:00
zyga-ubuntukalikiana_: I know linux swaps out unused memory just to use the RAM better but I really want to avoid that11:01
zyga-ubuntumeanwhile, I'm in shell quoting hello11:01
kalikiana_I thought that's what "shell" stood for if you spelt it out ;-)11:03
zyga-ubuntushell hell :)11:03
kalikiana_I'm already feeling the reverse jetlag... this week is not gonna be any easier to get through11:10
zyga-ubuntuso I have quoting fixed, now for the other half of the test11:12
=== ShalokShalom is now known as ShalokShalom2
Son_Gokukalikiana_: well, at least you're not sick11:51
zyga-ubuntuok, more progress, expanded the NFS test, now just to ensure it restores and I can push that11:51
zyga-ubuntuwoot, passed12:03
zyga-ubuntuok, now 14.04 to check it works too12:11
kalikiana_Son_Goku: now you're making me wonder... but I sure hope it's just the jetlag, at least now I can take power naps during the day12:13
kalikiana_on the sprint that was difficult, with it being a constant hallway conversation and such12:14
Son_GokuI hope I can get over this cold quickly...12:16
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: hey, can you please have a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/395812:17
mupPR #3958: many: add support for /home on NFS <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3958>12:17
zyga-ubuntuI need some tea and medicine, back soon12:20
zyga-ubuntu(the joys of working from home is that you can work while ill)12:20
ogra_hmm, are all snaopcraft.io URLs (including the store) dead or is it me ?13:00
Son_Gokuogra_: well, https://snapcraft.io/ works for me13:00
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: and https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3965 is also easy to review13:00
mupPR #3965: interfaces/mount: add support for parsing x-snapd-mkdir-{mode,uid,gid}= <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3965>13:00
niemeyerRunning late, but will be in the standup in a couple of minutes13:00
* zyga-ubuntu joins13:00
ogra_Son_Goku, thanks ... seems it is related to the canonical VPN (my desktop got stuck)13:08
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|AFK
* zyga-ubuntu is back but needs to do another errand, I'll be online but off irc as connection will be hit/miss14:46
kyrofaflexiondotorg, did that alsa fix actually end up working for you on that snap you were working on?15:40
flexiondotorgkyrofa: It did.15:44
flexiondotorgI want to make it a remote part because anything needing just ALSA will require that bespoke set of config files.15:45
kyrofaYes. Definitely15:45
kyrofaflexiondotorg, I _think_ this is the case but want to verify: those */card/* files are generic, right? They're the entire set of config files for every card supported by alsa, not somehow specific to the hardware on which alsa is installed. Agreed?15:46
sergiusensflexiondotorg wait, you got things working without the need to snapcraft-preload?15:46
kyrofai.e. it actually does makes sense to make it a remote part?15:46
kalikiana_kyrofa: I'm guessing you said something like 'have a nice day' but it was slow motion robot voice :-P15:47
kyrofasergiusens, yeah baby15:47
kyrofakalikiana_, hahaha15:47
flexiondotorgkyrofa: The card configuration is generic but requires the paths are modififed in each one.15:47
kyrofasergiusens, this is what happens when you go get coffee15:47
kyrofaflexiondotorg, of course. Excellent15:47
sergiusensI was thinking of just biting the bullet and creating snapcraft quirks logic for stage-packages15:47
flexiondotorgsergiusens: Not quite. It works in classic but still needed to ALSA config work around.15:47
kyrofaflexiondotorg, can I help you with the remote part? I want to make sure we don't drop that15:48
sergiusenswe already do it implicitly for other things, we should probably just make it an official thing15:48
flexiondotorgTo work in strict I have to manually add `/dev/shm/* rwl,` to the AppArmor profile.15:48
sergiusensa remote part for now should be ok15:48
kalikiana_flexiondotorg: that's what preload is fixing ;-)15:48
sergiusensflexiondotorg that is a bit broad though15:48
flexiondotorgSadly, we couldn't get snapcraft-preload to work.15:49
flexiondotorgI dicussed with sergiusens and he has some ideas about what can be added to snapcraft-preload.15:49
sergiusensflexiondotorg I want to make a minimal "configurable" version of it so you do not unnecessarily have to preload everything you may not want to15:50
kalikiana_sergiusens: so are my fixes still blocking on the rewrite?16:15
kalikiana_or should the user of preload define stuff like /dev/shm or /tmp manually instead?16:16
kalikiana_Might be worth opening a forum topic16:17
* kalikiana_ wrapping for today16:21
zyga-ubuntukalikiana_: o/16:24
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: thank you for the review, have you had a good trip home?17:31
=== JoshStrobl|AFK is now known as JoshStrobl
mupPR snapcraft#1581 opened: catkin plugin: support rosdep pip dependencies <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1581>17:33
kyrofasergiusens, that one is the last bit for one roadmap item ^^17:35
sergiusenskyrofa anything pending before that needs to go in?17:36
mupPR snapcraft#1420 closed: add new "no-wrapper" property to apps <enhancement> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1420>17:36
sergiusenskalikiana_ if your preload fixes are already converted to c++ you should be fine and just requires a review17:37
kyrofasergiusens, that has no dependencies17:37
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: yes, it was uneventful. direct flight, home friday night. couldn't have gone better. thanks for asking :)17:37
Son_Gokujdstrand: and you didn't even wind up sick :)18:00
jdstrandwell, knock on wood :)18:00
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: my weirdest patch to snapd *ever*: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3958/commits/56aaca91a5d7e7aed076703186c729a3283d4c2c18:04
mupPR #3958: many: add support for /home on NFS <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3958>18:04
Son_Gokuthat... literally makes no sense as a patch18:05
zyga-ubuntuit makes the PR green :)18:05
Son_Gokualso, you're really not going to like this...18:05
zyga-ubuntuthe previous patch failed because "exportfs" is obviously a mis-spelling of "exports"18:05
Son_Gokurot13 isn't in /usr/games in Fedora18:05
* Son_Goku grumbles18:05
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: I know, I know, I just made this test to run on 16.0418:05
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: I will expand it to do better and use python to do the rot1318:06
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: I just wanted to push something quickly not and not re-design it today18:06
Son_Gokuthis is such a stupid PR18:06
Son_Gokufor such a dumb reason18:06
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: no, I mean, the PR is nice18:06
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: but the patch that made it green is silly18:06
zyga-ubuntu(read the rest)18:06
Son_Gokuerr, the patch I mean18:06
zyga-ubunturight, no disagreement tere18:07
Son_Gokufixing /home on NFS is absolutely good18:07
Son_Gokuand necessary18:07
Son_Gokuzyga-ubuntu: https://github.com/SELinuxProject/cil18:08
Son_Gokuthis looks like it'd be useful for snapd18:08
Son_Gokuas it has its own HLL18:08
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: if I have a moment next week I'll update this to work with cifs18:08
zyga-ubuntuthanks, I'll check it out18:08
Son_Gokuerr: https://github.com/SELinuxProject/cil/wiki18:09
zyga-ubuntuwow, a documented project18:10
zyga-ubuntuI wonder how that happens18:10
zyga-ubuntuare all developers a great tech writers?18:10
zyga-ubuntuare the docs written ahead of code?18:10
Son_GokuCIL docs were written before code18:11
Son_Gokuthe whole thing had a huge design process ahead of time18:11
Son_Gokuit was explicitly designed to make writing SELinux policies and policy modules easier18:11
Son_Gokuand allow developing custom languages on top18:11
Son_Gokuand since snapd already has its own custom format, it would make sense to use CIL rather than the normal language (HLL)18:12
zyga-ubuntuthat does look sensible, yes18:12
Son_GokuCIL stuff can be directly loaded by libselinux18:12
Son_Gokuand semodule18:12
* zyga-ubuntu sees lisp-like language18:12
Son_Gokuintermediate languages tend to look very LISPy18:13
* zyga-ubuntu needs to run (not because of lisp, lisp/scheme are great)18:13
zyga-ubuntuyep :)18:13
zyga-ubuntuI'll be back later18:13
sergiusenskyrofa heh, you changed the PR while I was looking it seemed ;-)18:25
kyrofasergiusens, just the commit, no content. Forgot to ref the bug18:25
mupPR snapcraft#1582 opened: plugins: add ros2 boostrapper <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1582>18:40
kyrofasergiusens, that one is ready as well ^^18:45
sergiusenskyrofa do you have a 14.04 environment handy?19:00
sergiusenskyrofa almost done that review, got distracted by someone wrong on the internet19:00
kyrofasergiusens, I'm afraid not, but I can make one. Who's wrong, let me at 'em19:00
sergiusenskyrofa lol, I am sort of joking fwiw ;-)19:01
nacc(cough relatively trivial to setup a 14.04 env with either `lxc launch ubuntu:t` or `uvt-kvm sync release=trusty arch=amd64; uvt-kvm create trusty-vm release=trusty arch=amd64`, but I suspect you knew those :)19:04
sergiusensnacc it is a matter of having the correct bandwidth :-)19:14
naccsergiusens: heh19:14
sergiusensdiddledan does your corebird currently support wayland?19:16
sergiusenskyrofa added comments to the review, looks good, tell me what you think and will do another quick round19:41
kyrofajdstrand, I'm getting "snap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined but should be" on 14.04, using the hwe kernel. Am I missing something?19:43
Son_Gokukyrofa: that's probably because it's setuid19:44
kyrofaSon_Goku, well, that doesn't explain why it's not confined19:45
Son_Gokuprobably the AppArmor profile didn't apply19:45
jdstrandkyrofa: did you reboot into that kernel?19:46
jdstrandit is like Son_Goku said.19:46
kyrofajdstrand, Yeah19:47
Son_Gokujust because I don't use AppArmor doesn't mean I don't know how it works ;)19:47
jdstrandwhat does 'sudo aa-status|grep snap-confine' have to say?19:47
jdstrandkyrofa: ^19:48
kyrofajdstrand, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25662590/19:51
jdstrandkyrofa: hmm, what about just 'sudo aa-status'19:52
kyrofajdstrand, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25662599/19:53
jdstrandkyrofa: and: snap version ; snap list ; cat /proc/version_signature19:54
kyrofajdstrand, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25662608/19:55
jdstrandkyrofa: did you set SNAP_REEXEC=0 somewhere?19:56
kyrofajdstrand, no, this is a fresh install, nothing weird here19:57
jdstrandlet me try in a vm19:58
jdstrandkyrofa: it worked here. just a simple 'sudo apt-get install snapd ; sudo reboot ; sudo snap install hello-world ; hello-world'20:04
jdstrandkyrofa: what is the output of 'dpkg -l|grep apparmor'20:05
kyrofajdstrand, wait... I've rebooted several times now in order to play with VM networking settings, and all of a sudden things are working20:05
kyrofaAs rebooted after I installed the core snap, so I have no explanation for this20:07
jdstrandkyrofa: so, that is only supposed to happen if the profile fails to load on a distro that supports apparmor20:07
jdstrandso, the deb is 2.27.5~14.0420:07
jdstrandbut the core is 2.27.620:07
jdstrandhard to say what it was since it is now working. it worked right away here20:08
jdstrandkyrofa: did you try to install the snap before rebooting?20:11
kyrofajdstrand, yeah I did. But I installed from the netboot image with the hwe kernel20:11
jdstrandkyrofa: I don't know. I used a desktop install. maybe snapd is missing a dependency? iirc, apparmor_parser isn't in netinst (which uses ubuntu-minimal)20:18
kyrofajdstrand, that's possible20:18
jdstrandI should've phrased that differently. apparmor isn't in netinst, iirc netinst uses that instead of ubuntu-standard20:19
kyrofaUh. sergiusens have you ever seen pip-installed packages get chmod'd 700?20:59
sergiusenskyrofa nope21:00
kyrofaIt's suddenly happening to me and I have no explanation as to why21:00
kyrofaI just tested this a few days ago... it's like pip updated from underneath me, but it hasn't been updated for a while21:06
kyrofasergiusens, it looks like it's expected behavior from pip install --user21:09
sergiusenskyrofa new behavior?21:10
* sergiusens needs to run and pick up his kid from day care21:10
kyrofaNo, I'm seeing stuff from 2013 about this. I'm so confused21:10
sergiusenskyrofa wait, check if we have any postprocessing in the python plugin itself21:11
kyrofaHaha, _fix_permissions, dangit21:12
kyrofaWell, easy fix at least21:13
kyrofaI still can't explain why my testing ever passed, but I'll let it slide21:17
kyrofaMaybe I tested as root for some odd reason21:28
kyrofaIn a container, perhaps21:28
kyrofasergiusens, alright, snapcraft#1581 is ready for another look21:35
mupPR snapcraft#1581: catkin plugin: support rosdep pip dependencies <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1581>21:35
kyrofaThat was annoying21:36
nacckyrofa: yeah, containers as effective root have made of my testing in the past invalid too21:52
nacckyrofa: might be worth adding a local cloud-config snippet to ensure the ubuntu user has your ssh key and go that route21:52
kyrofanacc, yeah I actually do that. The only way I would have tested like that would have been unusual and a mistake. But it's the only way I can explain it :P21:53
nacckyrofa: ah ok21:53
kyrofasergiusens, +1 from OSRF on snapcraft#158222:02
mupPR snapcraft#1582: plugins: add ros2 boostrapper <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1582>22:02
kyrofaniemeyer, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/error-when-updating-snap-and-cleaning-old-revisions makes for a very sad experience in lxd :(23:15
kyrofaBut only after one has time to get invested in it23:16
niemeyerkyrofa: Thanks for the ping.. let's find someone to have a look at this so zyga can focus on layouts23:18
kyrofaniemeyer, no problem, I wasn't sure if anyone else was familiar with snap-confine other than zyga or jdstrand23:19
niemeyerkyrofa: zyga worked a lot on it, but we can find someone else to have a look23:20
kyrofaniemeyer, excellent, thank you23:20
niemeyerkyrofa: np!23:37
* niemeyer looks for dinner23:37

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