[01:53] Ubuntu Mate is the best! [07:53] hole [17:49] salut [17:49] je viens de m'acheter un ordinateur [17:49] comment installer windows 7 sur mon nouveau rapspberry pi ? === olivier is now known as Guest53567 [18:24] Salut les copains [18:26] !fr [18:26] Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [18:27] /join #ubuntu-fr [20:39] How can i switch language in Ubuntu MATE? It seem in ubuntu-mate-17.10-beta2-desktop-amd64.iso it URL for the language pack for danish translation does not exist so i can install danish translation [20:44] Its trying to download http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/language-pack-da/language-pack-da_17.10+20170918_all.deb which does not exists. But http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/language-pack-da/language-pack-da_17.10+20170925_all.deb exists [20:44] Can i make it download the one that exists? [20:51] ok i just had to update the system it seems [20:55] has anybody noticed any significant change in adding a swap partition on a usb drive when running mate on an rpi? [20:56] anybody? [20:56] Hi everzbodz! [20:56] everybody [20:56] hey sylvie [20:57] i am on a macbook air and would like to try 17.10 beta [20:57] got a quick question, what are you running mate on? [20:57] ah ok dw [20:57] unfortunatelz it does not tart [20:57] unfortunately [20:57] start [20:57] have you tried apt-get update, upgrade etc? [20:58] (omg, I cannot write tonight!) [20:58] I cannot find on the net a command which brings me from stable up to date 17.04 to 17.10 beta 2. [20:59] Jaylouisw, yes, I have [21:00] anybody? [21:01] hey guys [21:01] sylvie: it may be best to start from scratch then [21:02] i cannot. [21:03] the macbook air does not boot after install from a fresh beta 1 or beta 2 image [21:04] in essence i am searching for a method to try 17.10 beta 2 on a macbook air [21:10] oh i see [21:14] good night! [21:19] gn sy