
zeeblefritzBashing-om: I removed 1 card and believe the driver is loaded http://termbin.com/mbvle00:06
Bashing-omzeeblefritz: look'n .00:07
Bashing-omzeeblefritz: Yepper " configuration: driver=amdgpu  " .. I expect ya look'n good .00:08
zeeblefritzshould the clock rate matter for performance? or is it just showing idle speed?00:09
An0nymousanyone alive here00:10
zeeblefritzso dead00:11
Bashing-omzeeblefritz: Did the kernel configure it's self when you booted up ?00:13
An0nymousany ideas outside of chamging boot config to modify resolution on mate/pi display00:14
zeeblefritzBashing-om: how would one know this?00:14
Bashing-omzeeblefritz: If you just booted up and the driver is loaded;  the kernel did all the discovery for us :)00:15
MannyLNJHello, Not sure where to ask. I have an LG Androd phone on Android 7.0 and I am looking for instructions  on how to backup the entoer phone to my Ubuntu 16.04 system. Am I in the correct channel or should I ask in Android?00:16
An0nymousmanny get a backup app like TWRP and put backups everywhere..00:17
zeeblefritzBashing-om: Yes, this is how it happened.00:17
An0nymousi generally use adb00:18
MannyLNJAn0nymous,  I believe TWRP requires ROOT on the Android phone and I lack that00:18
An0nymouslookup adb on buntu00:18
Bashing-omzeeblefritz: nice kernel --- roll over : good boy :)00:18
An0nymousi am fairly certain can backup from adb00:18
MannyLNJAn0nymous,  thank you for that starting point00:18
An0nymousanyone here usp raspi00:21
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VivekanandaHi. Trying to understand this (https://askubuntu.com/questions/681422/grub-menu-not-showing-with-dual-boot-uefi-mode-installation ) instruction for dual boot, uefi, grub not found issues. Can anyone help me understand what  'disk' and 'system partition' mean for my gparted image. Image also provided below00:36
ToffeHey guys00:37
Toffeanyone here know why i might have trouble getting port 80 on my wan?00:37
ToffeI port forwarded port 8080 and port 80 to
Toffewhen i visit my wan-ip:8080 i get the webpage00:38
Toffewhen i visit wan-ip:80 i get nothing00:38
Toffebut if i do local-ip:80 i get my webpage00:39
Bashing-omVivekananda: a 2nd drive (sdb) partitoned as GPT with 16 partitions .00:47
VivekanandaBashing-om: I didn't quite get you. Could you tell me clearly what 'disk' means and what 'system partition' means. I thought 'disk' = sdb (ie without any number in the end) and 'system partition' = /dev/sdb7 (ie the partition where I installed the ubuntu system).  Is this correct ?00:54
VivekanandaAlso I installed ubuntu on sdb7 ( mount point \ ) and on sdb8 and9 I gave \home and swap respectively. Wonder why thatdoesn't showup as such on gparted when running gparted from a live cd. !00:55
Bashing-omVivekananda: Sure .. sda - is (S)erial (D)evice (1) - sdb is the 2nd drive, sdc would be a 3rd drive. sdb7 is a partition- that is presemly a Windows partition . linux is ext4 as the default partition file system .00:58
sybaritenhello fellow apt lovers01:00
sybaritenWhat could be a probable reason that i get "E: Unable to locate package gitfs" when following these instructions?  http://docs.presslabs.com/gitfs/usage/01:00
VivekanandaBashing-om: thanks. I meant that in the code provided in the solution on the link above what do the words sd* , sd**, sd*** mean based on my image I pasted above is what I was asking. Please note that I installed ubuntu on sd7 + sd8 + sd9  ( \ , \home, \ swap). Given this info I need the names for each of those *** sd's01:00
sybaritenI add a repo, i update, and i try to install01:01
sybaritenI should maybe mention that i'm on xubuntu, i dont know if that could make any difference in this case...01:01
Bashing-omVivekananda: show a real shot of your GPartd . ion the reference sd(***) are but place holders for the actual target identifiers .01:04
Bashing-omVivekananda: Let's talk from a terminal perspective . from your installer - try ububtu mode - ctl+alt+t to gain a terminal . pastebin ' sudo parted -l' and we have a talk .01:07
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VivekanandaBashing-om: imgur.com/a/xrq8g.  I tried the code substituting as follows: /mnt = /media/b7 ; /mount/boot/efi = /media/b2 ; sd*** = sdb7; sd** = sdb2; sd* = sdb;  Then on executing the code i get the error : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/1ee4e5c010c44a7c6829b80dfa5a9ec201:12
Seven_Six_Twosybariten, do you get anything for   sudo apt-cache search gitfs01:13
sybaritenSeven_Six_Two: i dont, actually01:14
Seven_Six_Twodid you get any errors for the previous 2 steps?01:14
sybaritenI mean it's so weird when this comes from the creators web page, AFAI can tell. Could ofcourse be a terribly non-updated web page, but....01:15
sybaritenSeven_Six_Two: no, not that i can see01:15
Bashing-omVivekananda: well, no ! .. got to give the system explicit directions . For the ease of teaching please a text paste rather than an image - formatting !- .01:15
sybaritenSeven_Six_Two: the add-apt-repo thing says somet things about gpg keys, requests something from a keyserver but it seems to end in an "OK"01:16
Vivekanandasure gimme a sec01:16
Seven_Six_Twotry    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:presslabs/ppa01:16
tenemu1hey guys.  I'm new to linux and keep finding myself breaking stuff.  I am running a virtual machine with ubuntu 16.04 on my windows machine.  I installed python 3.6.  I'm trying to follow this website to get django installed.  https://simpleisbetterthancomplex.com/series/2017/09/04/a-complete-beginners-guide-to-django-part-1.html?utm_source=mybridge&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=read_more01:16
tenemu1i am getting stuck at the virtual environment part01:16
tenemu1i make a project folder, and tried what was listed on the website and it just installed the virtual environment with python 2.7.  I uninstalled that and tried the command "python3 -m venv myenv" based on some things i read01:16
Seven_Six_Twooh no wait. I don't see gitfs in their ppa at all01:17
tenemu1and it tells me that i need to install python3-venv, but i already have that installed01:17
sybaritenSeven_Six_Two: ok lets see, got a similar reponse ... doing the apt get update...01:17
sybaritenSeven_Six_Two: still no gitfs with the cache searc, still no luck with the installing01:18
sybaritenSeven_Six_Two: i suppose its naive to think there would be some world wide search engine that lists "all" ubuntu/debian packages i could install01:18
Seven_Six_Twosybariten, what version of ubuntu?01:19
VivekanandaBashing-om: I called a terminal from the desktop ui and executed the parted command. Result -- https://gist.github.com/anonymous/1ee4e5c010c44a7c6829b80dfa5a9ec201:19
Bashing-omsybariten: All packages from the repo ? .. install synaptic .01:19
Bashing-omVivekananda: looking;01:20
Seven_Six_Twosybariten, there are only packages for trusty and precise01:20
sybaritenSeven_Six_Two: its actuyally xubuntu, does that make a difference?01:20
Vivekanandasorry wrong link one sec01:20
Seven_Six_Twosybariten, the base version is what's important.01:20
Seven_Six_Twosybariten, lsb_release -a01:21
Bashing-omVivekananda: OK. let's back up . you want to dual boot Windows with ubuntu, right ? Want to see the directions ?01:22
GeoHi, when clicking in the scroll bar on a window, is there a way to set it to just scroll up a page, rather than jump to the position that matches where in the scroll bar I clicked?01:23
Bashing-omVivekananda: You really really want the file system ( partitions 6 and 7 ) to be ext4 . ext4 has major enhancements over ext3 such as file journalling .01:25
ebluhi guys, i screwed everything up01:26
eblui set my BIOS to fast mode and now i can't access any other options in GRUB, nor can i get back into the BIOS itself01:26
ebluso now i'm stuck in ubuntu and can't do recovery anything since i can't do anything with my BIOS01:27
ebluquestion is, is there a way to boot directly into BIOS/UEFI from ubuntu01:27
Vivekanandasure. Also, were the directions I followed ( linked above) not good / accurate ?  Second question. After mounting them I see two partitions having  'boot' and 'efi' folders so was also confused which one was actually the efi-booting partition. The flags helped but wanted to be sure01:27
sybaritenSeven_Six_Two: ubuntu 16.04, xenial01:28
Bashing-om!dualboot | Vivekananda01:28
ubottuVivekananda: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:28
VivekanandaBashing-om: I couldn't agree more with you but the only reason I chose ext3 is coz cannot write from windows ot ext4 and will SURELY need that writing ability01:28
Bashing-omVivekananda: The installer will use the existing EFI partition .01:29
Bashing-omVivekananda: Windows tools for Windows system; linix tools for the ubuntu stuff .01:30
Seven_Six_Twosybariten, that's the problem. There's no xenial package in that repo01:30
JohnVonNeumannhey guys, anyone have any experience in changing their production environments from amazon linux to ubuntu? anyone have any neagtives of running ubuntu in production?01:30
eblunot sure if people saw my question so i'll ask again01:30
Seven_Six_Twoeblu, try holding left shift when you reboot01:31
eblualright, i'll try01:31
Bashing-omVivekananda: When ready we continue the discussion .01:32
eblunope, didn't work01:33
eblunot sure if it's the fact that fast boot disabled all usb devices on boot01:33
eblui am thinking i might be able to change the grub config to jump me into UEFI by default so that might be a fix01:34
argent-coffeeif it's a setting in uefi for fast boot the only way i had of accessing it was with a windows system board app that comes from the manufacturer01:35
argent-coffeethis was with an asrock board though01:36
sybaritenSeven_Six_Two: aha. What does this mean in layman terms, a package like gitfs cant be trusted to just be "forward compatible" ?01:37
VivekanandaBashing-om: let me read. Also since system is dual boot I don't want to be handicapped to transfer files from one to the other so ...01:39
Vivekanandaext3 for me now01:40
Bashing-omVivekananda: Well, you do not have to be handicapped. ubuntu read Windows .. and Windows can be made to read linux .01:41
Seven_Six_Twosybariten, it could be, but it's packaged for a specific version to make sure dependencies of the right version are there. You can build it for your own version, but that risk is on you.  https://github.com/PressLabs/gitfs01:42
sybaritenSeven_Six_Two: ok i see. Bummer. Thanks for the help!01:42
VivekanandaBashing-om: I did search a bit but the only windows tool that reads is EXt2Fsd and it reads AND writes ext3 but only READS ext4. writing in ext4 from windows is touch and go and hence my choice for 3.  am readin gyour link. Seems it is for legacy dual boot not UEFI based dual boot01:43
eblualright, looks like i solved my own problem there01:43
ebluthanks for having a UEFI entry, grub01:43
Seven_Six_Twosybariten, the build looks very simple, actually.01:43
eblunow to somehow restore the ubuntu on wayland option since KDE decided it would be a bright idea to replace it with itself01:43
sybaritenSeven_Six_Two: you mean as in making from source ?01:44
Bashing-om!UEFI | Vivekananda01:44
ubottuVivekananda: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:44
Seven_Six_Twosybariten, yes. it's only python, so the setup isn't too bad. The instructions aren't for beginners, but you might be able to get away with running "make" and possibly "make install"01:45
VivekanandaBashing-om: btw did you LOOK at the link I was using. I chose that link coz that coz the situation of the user was very similar to mine. I already have a 8.1 installed original system (which is failing) and I am trying to install ubuntu on it. Since it is a very confusing setup by lenovo and also am very new to uefi is why amhaving all this trouble. Reading...01:45
Bashing-omVivekananda: I have the suspicsion that ubuntu is installed . just need to install grub properly .01:45
Seven_Six_Twosybariten, do you program python, or have you installed anything from source before?01:46
Bashing-omVivekananda: No I did not pay close attention to the askubuntu link .01:46
VivekanandaBashing-om: yeah I did install ubuntu and yeah justneed grub to be installed. Butwhere and how iswhere I am stuck. Reading your link above of uefi01:46
Bashing-omVivekananda: Ya want the easy answer or to understand what we are doing ?01:47
VivekanandaBashing-om: I have to time so want to LEARN , hence reading the uefi link. But then I will have more questions :)01:47
Bashing-omVivekananda: K. when you get caught up . presently the EFI partition is sdb2 // 2nd drive 2nd partition .01:49
VivekanandaBashing-om: ok I will finish reading. In the meantime since you said sdb2, I too thought of THAT as the EFI partition. During installe of ubuntu I chose boot partition AS sdb2 too!  I was expecting that on completing install and reboot I will see the grub menu. I didn't . Then I used a live cd to see if there was any ubuntu folder in sdb2 but nope! nothing there. howcome ?01:51
donofrio_is there a better way to get most of the packages installed on one host installed on another host, I've used dpkg in the past but figured I'd ask again a year or so later and see what you folks recommend01:52
Seven_Six_Twodonofrio_, apt-clone02:00
Bashing-omVivekananda: Well. sdb2 is a fat32 file system. The installer looks for a linux file system ( ext3 will do for now ) . %he grub installation needs both the EFI partition and the root partition defined for it .02:02
sybaritenSeven_Six_Two: well. i know about python, i've done a little tinkering.... and i've installed things from source before. The thing is i really like the "comfort" of having a package registered by the system so you can just apt-get remove it or whatever the syntax is....02:03
sybariteni like the control that apt-get gives02:03
sybaritenBut i might look into building it then. Now i need to sleep.... again, thanks02:03
Seven_Six_Twosybariten, maybe now would be a good time to learn how to package a deb ;)02:03
sybaritenhehe, yeah thats true02:03
sybaritenyou can do that with something youve built yourself and get a similar control, i suppose?02:04
Seven_Six_Twosybariten, yes!02:04
sybaritenyeah... then i should look into that!02:05
sybaritensleepy time... laters!02:05
VivekanandaBashing-om:  The grub installation needs both the EFI partition and the root partition defined for it . -- Didn't I give these two things to grub when running the command as shown in the gist ?  I gave the sdb2 as the uefi  and gave sdb7  mounted on /media/b6 as the location of linux root. So that code should have worked righht ? Unless grub too needs an ext3 uefi partition to install in which case it won't go to fat3202:07
Vivekanandastill reading..02:07
GeoHi, when clicking in the scroll bar on a window, is there a way to set it to just scroll up a page, rather than jump to the position that matches where in the scroll bar I clicked?02:08
donofrio_Seven_Six_Two, https://apaste.info/Uv1q ;(02:08
donofrio_that was just me making the source file02:08
tenemu1Hi all.  I'm trying to activate a virtual environment in ubuntu 16.04 and i'm getting the error that i need to install python3-venv.  I already have that installed though.  Any ideas?02:13
Seven_Six_Twodonofrio_, you also forgot the "."02:13
donofrio_Seven_Six_Two, dot where?02:14
donofrio_just tried to create the "source file" with "apt-clone clone installed-packages.txt" and t returned 'not installable?02:15
donofrio_oh it made the file02:15
Seven_Six_Twoin the command after the second clone.  sudo apt-clone clone . --with-dpkg-repack02:16
donofrio_that is a note it seems not me typeing that02:16
VivekanandaBashing-om: ok done reading the uefi. The only relevant thing I understood was that the mount points of the linux root and the efi have to be clearly defined (which aren't so in the live disk). Other than that not sure how to install grub in the correct location besides running boot repair.02:17
Bashing-omVivekananda: Are you for sure certain where ubuntu's root partition is at do we need to verify ? - prior to proceeding we have to KNOW this .02:21
VivekanandaI am happy to mount that partition and check again.  it should be /dev/sdb7   (not sdb6 which I think I mistakenly said a little while ago). let me verify though02:22
VivekanandaBashing-om: I checked and /dev/sdb7 IS the linux root yes02:23
Vivekananda but do explain the steps that we need to do to get the system correct. Also why aren't those mount points showing at all ?02:24
Bashing-omVivekananda: Untill you make the mount points they do not exist . Pardon my delays - I am working 4 fronts presently .02:28
VivekanandaBashing-om:  I did make them during the install but they aren't visible now in the live cd ! Is this so coz grub wasn't installed or coz it is live cd or something else ? Also why wasn't grub installed during the os install if I chose the boot drive correctly during install (as sdb2) ?   no issues with the delays02:31
Bashing-omVivekananda: What we are going to do is make the mountpoints ( attaching other file systems to the kernel ). set up the installed paths for grub to see, and then install grub . As I do not know the state of grub we do it the intensive way .02:33
Vivekanandaso should I go ahead and give mount points on gparted in live cd and execute it via gui ?02:34
Bashing-omVivekananda: sda2 is a partition , grub is not happy to install to a partition, is not an easy thing to do . one installes grub to the device - sdb .02:35
Bashing-omVivekananda: we work from the liveUSBs terminal . Will "change root" into the install from there .02:36
Vivekanandaah so I should have chosen sdb from the installer dropdown then?  shoot!  but I distinctly remember seeing a video guide where the person also chose sdb202:36
Vivekanandaok so then will try the terminal approach not gparted approach02:37
VivekanandaBashing-om: waiting on you and also reading. so I guess wil have to locate  /etc/fstab on the Installed linux root (after mounting it) and then change it there is it? ifso howwill that reflect immediately  on  fdisk -l  on live cd ?02:42
Bashing-omVivekananda: K; Mount points from the liveUSB : sudo mkdir /mnt/root ; sudo mkdir -p /mnt/EFI ; sudo mount /dev/sdb7 /mnt/root ; mount -t vfat -o rw,users /dev/sdb2 /mnt/EFI . once to this point advise and we check and make sure of the target .02:44
VivekanandaBashing-om: ok  doing. Quick question is there anything special about using /mnt or could I have used /media/root ... etc with same effect ?02:46
Bashing-omVivekananda: The mount yes, can be where ever you want . /mnt is for my thought process . Keep in mind here I am bouncing about a lot . patience please .02:48
VivekanandaBashing-om: ok done with the mount. I see two folders ie EFI and root in the /mnt directory02:55
Bashing-omVivekananda: great ! .. ok ' ls -al /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg ' has a positive result ? we just want to make sre of the target here .02:57
Vivekanandals -la /mnt/root/boot/grub/grub.cfg is a positive for grub.cfg yes !02:59
Bashing-omVivekananda: Outstanding onward ! ' for i in /dev /dev/pts /sys /proc /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt/root$i; done ' . ' modprobe efivars ' . Then we continue .03:06
VivekanandaBashing-om: ok I executed both commands successively. Done. No outputs though (expected ? )03:09
Bashing-omVivekananda: Yepper expected . now for the biggy ' sudo chroot /mnt/root ' and make sure we have networking : ' ping -c3 ubuntu.com ' .03:12
VivekanandaBashing-om: ok done and yes for networking03:13
Bashing-omVivekananda: ' apt install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed ' .03:15
VivekanandaBashing-om: want to know more about this last command.  But also during installation I got the last line of the output as --  Can't acces efivars filesystem at /sys/firmware/efi/efivars,  aborting.     Other than this there was some output which did some setup and stuff03:20
Bashing-omVivekananda: think'n - back soonest I get some head room ,03:30
VivekanandaBashing-om: anything. DidIdosomething  wrong. should I start  over and reinstall the new os ?03:45
Bashing-omVivekananda: No hold what we have , comming up with an alternate command to install grub that I m sure of . getting that hed room :)03:57
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VivekanandaBashing-om: ok.  I am waiting also goingto get sth to eat in the meantime04:00
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:06
Bashing-omVivekananda: Good . I m think'n we will have to disable secure boot ., checking at this time ... just for now hold what we have .04:08
hwdykihow do i build a deb src package?04:12
lotuspsychje!deb | hwdyki04:15
ubottuhwdyki: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.04:15
lotuspsychje!compile | hwdyki04:15
ubottuhwdyki: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall04:15
hwdykii need to make some changes to an existing deb package and it needs to be built with the same compile settings it was originally built with.04:16
Bashing-omVivekananda: I can find no other fault to the install of grub . let's back out of the change root and disable secure boot in the firmware ,, and try this again .04:16
SynfulAckis localhost some native thing that just defaults to I tried to use type and alias on it thinking it may be just aliased to 127.x.x.x but nothing came up.04:18
Triffid_HunterSynfulAck: on my system it's just listed in /etc/hosts04:20
SynfulAckTriffid_Hunter, hah yeah interesting. I changed the hostname away from localhost but i guest somehow that just stays the same.04:21
lotuspsychjeSynfulAck: try the ##networking channel perhaps04:21
VivekanandaI have to check how to disable secure boot04:25
Vivekanandamine is a lenovo y510p04:25
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Vivekanandaok goint to restart \04:26
lotuspsychjeVivekananda: are you going to install ubuntu single?04:28
Vivekanandanop dual boot uefi04:28
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Bashing-omVivekananda: awaiting advisement from one who knows EFI systems .04:37
Bashing-omVivekananda: before rebooting if ya time out .. will need to back out of that change root we set up .04:38
VivekanandaBashing-om: I already rebooted and didn't do any changes. just shut down. Now looking for ways to disable secure boot. There is no option for it. Thinking I might need to flash the biositself to a more open one :(04:40
Bashing-omVivekananda: Ouch . Wish I could help there . But evey manufacturer does EFI different . No ideas how to find secire boot . How old is this box ?04:42
Vivekanandawell 4 - 5 yrs04:43
VivekanandaI might be able to find it !04:43
Bashing-omVivekananda: that old . Secure boot may not be a factor .04:44
VivekanandaBashing-om: I am going to go into there again and try the same steps04:50
VivekanandaI changed one parameter in bios. hopefully thatwould help. btw the machine is a lenovo y510p ideapad.04:51
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Bashing-omVivekananda: still awaiting my confirmation .( and I do have an altenate grub install directive that might be the more proper ) .04:54
Bashing-omEriC^^: ya got time to look over my shoulder on a EFI/grub install ?04:56
VivekanandaBashing-om: are you there. If that last command 'ie install --reinstall' ...  worked then is that it ? nothing more to do ? just reboot ?05:01
Bashing-omVivekananda: Wont hurt to try it and see .. but that error I have my doubts . Sure good thought to try it .05:03
VivekanandaBashing-om: I thought it worked coz it went throught without error. but seems it didn't . did I have to unmount or something before shutdown ?05:07
Bashing-omVivekananda: We should have ,, Yes . but the system " should have" taken care of it's self .05:08
VivekanandaHere is the output ( look at the second half of it) -- https://gist.github.com/vvikramjhu/014db5c12ed7a5bc20d8d276750aaa8105:09
Bashing-omVivekananda: does look like grub installed,  but "  450 not upgraded. " is unreal ! what now results when booting from that 2nd hard drive ?05:13
VivekanandaBashing-om: btw I started this whole double booting only coz the hard drive is (probably) dying or windows went corrupt but I haven't deleted windows partition just cleared out another partition to install ubuntu. So whenever reboot it is superslow coz it tries booting into windows and windows just loads in 8 - 10 mins or even more :(05:16
Vivekanandaif grub was fixed I was hoping to load ubuntu and that would tell me if it was really the disk dying or a windows issue05:16
Bashing-omVivekananda: I am asking smarter people than I on EFI if ext3 could also be an issue .05:17
Vivekanandaah hmmm05:18
Tin_manif your just wanting to access the hard disk, a live boot of ubuntu should do. Can you boot a live ubuntu?05:18
VivekanandaBashing-om: in the meantime why were we installing grub on the '/mnt/root' drive? I thought grub needed be installed on the  /mnt/EFI drive right ?05:19
VivekanandaTin_man: did you mean me ? If so yeah I have been giving a headache to Bashing-om this while , while using live ubuntu itself!  :)05:20
Tin_manyes, i was speaking to you. but it sounds like your in good hands.05:21
Bashing-omVivekananda: there are 3 stages to grub's booting . 1st satges in drive boot sector AND /EFI partition. the rest are the config files in the root partition , in your case root is sdb7 . ( remember we checked to make sure those files were there ) .05:22
VivekanandaBashing-om: given what you said is grub to be installed in sdb7 or should it be installed in the drive bootsector ?05:24
Bashing-omVivekananda: to the boot sector ( device sdb ) would you like to read the book on linux boot process ? An hour or so to go through the tutorial .05:26
Bashing-omVivekananda: bios hands of to a known location ( boot sector ) and this points to /EFI, once grub gets to this point it loads the files from /boot/grub/grub.cfg .. these are built from other scroipts, hooks and ladders within the system . then finally grub hands off to the initial ram file system that thjen starts the operating system and finally the initramfs jands off to the system on the hard drive .05:29
Bashing-omVivekananda: Looks kike help is nopt forth comming . may as well reboot and see what results . If you are able to boot into the install . asap ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' .05:32
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Bashing-omVivekananda: Hey !! what release are you installing ?.. checking and the grub that is installed is way out of date !05:49
Vivekananda14 lts05:53
Vivekanandathat is the one I have on th e yumi multiboot usb05:53
Bashing-omVivekananda: :) that will do .. was comparing to release 16.04 . trusty (14.04) will have support 'til 2019 :)05:54
Vivekanandapretty sleepy too05:58
VivekanandaI am trying a reinstall of the whole thing using the usb drive05:59
Bashing-omVivekananda: K .. when asked where to install grub .. it is sdb ,, install to the device not to a partition .06:02
EriC^^Bashing-om: hi06:09
lotuspsychjemorning Eric06:15
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje06:15
lotuspsychjeVivekananda needs your help eric06:16
lotuspsychjeVivekananda: explain your efi issue again plz06:17
Bashing-omEriC^^: Hey :) .. reinstalling the OS at this tine . but question : grub/EFI compatible with ext3 as in 3 file system ?06:17
alkisgEFI reads grub.efi from the fat partition, then grub can read anything...06:18
EriC^^Bashing-om: yeah, why ext3 not though?06:20
VivekanandaI reinstalled choosing the disk this time yet no luck. tried chaging to pure efi  in the bios but no grub menu. Will change it back to 'legacy support' mode with boot from uefi first .06:22
Vivekanandarestart again to see. if it works. pretty sleepy too :( . computer is a lenovo y510p06:23
JakeMakesStuffVivekananda, if you still have no luck, try PLOP bootloader.06:23
Bashing-omEriC^^: " Bashing-om: I couldn't agree more with you but the only reason I chose ext3 is coz cannot write from windows ot ext4 and will SURELY need that writing ability " . I tried .06:23
VivekanandaJakeMakesStuff: but where do I try it from ? btw I am getting a black screen right after the lenovo id . could it be that it is working and I have to give the no modeset or something . I see just a pointer and a black screen so wonder if it could be the grub loading?06:26
SteristI'm having issues with gparted taking or altering ownership of partitions it works with... not quite sure how to diagnose this issue other than gparted is involved06:26
Steristfound some similar reports on google but nothing particularly useful06:27
JakeMakesStuffVivekananda, oh, thats different to what I am used to06:27
Vivekanandanvm . the black screen was temp and booted again into windows :(. So no grub still. back to square one other than the fact thta ubuntu Is on disk but cannot boot into it !06:29
Vivekanandaonly option is live disk now. windows was already kaput in the dual os I was trying to get working.06:30
Vivekanandawaiting for any suggestions by anyoe06:30
Coolerhow do you get the window to minimize when you click its icon in the taskbar on ubuntu?06:30
Bashing-omVivekananda: Installation . What mode did you install ubuntu in ?06:34
vltCooler: Works for me (using MATE desktop environment).06:35
VivekanandaBashing-om: I don't think I used the uefi mode or anything. I just booted into a multiboot usb and installed it regularly on the hard drive just giving it partition locations using the gui06:35
vltSterist: There’s such a thing as a partition ownership? How do you notice the change of ownership?06:37
Bashing-omVivekananda: Got to match the mode that Windows is installed . EFI and legacy are not compatible . Now as to how to determine the mode that ubuntu is installed in from the liveUSB - I do not know how to tell .06:38
Bashing-omEriC^: IRT Vivekananda - how cn we see if ubuntu is installed in EFI mode ?06:40
EriC^Bashing-om: see /etc/fstab for if /boot/efi is there06:40
Bashing-omEriC^: :)06:41
Triffid_Huntersee if sudo efivar -l spits out a list or errors perhaps? efi vars should be inaccessable in legacy boot mode06:42
Steristvlt, if I create a NTFS partition with gparted, right click the new partition and click properties, it says owner: root (create/remove) and the other two sections are access only06:44
Bashing-omVivekananda: Boot the liveUSB and let's have a gander ^ . ' sudo mkdir /mnt/looksee  sudo mount /dev/sdb7 /mnt/looksee/ ; cat /mnt/looksee/etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999 ' .06:44
Steristif I create the NTFS with windows, then boot to ubuntu and look in the same menu, it says owner: Me and all 3 sections are create/remove06:45
Triffid_HunterSterist: sounds like the gparted one has unix permissions enabled. you can override that with a mount option or ntfs user mapping if it uses ntfs3g06:46
Steristif I resize a FAT32 partition with gparted, owner is still Me, with create/remove, but other two change to Access Only, and in windows it'll no longer recognize the FAT32 partition06:47
Steristhowever, Ubuntu will happy work with the newly resized partition06:47
VivekanandaBashing-om: ok will do in a min. letting the comp cool a little :)06:48
Steristtriffed, that may need to be translated to noob language ':)06:48
alkisgVivekananda: do you have an .efi based usb stick? If so, you can easily boot only grub from the stick, and then type `set root=(hd0,gpt3); configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg` from grub, and boot into your real ubuntu box, from where you can then easily reinstall grub etc06:53
Vivekanandaalkisg: I don't but I have an empty usb and a ubntu comp (the one I am using). Thinking that I can get 16 lts on it and try that. But before I do that a question.  I was trying to create a multiboot disk esp with hbcd as part of it. I used yumi but didn't realize that if  windows went down I couldn't ADD isos to it using linux.  please suggest a good multiboot soft that has both windows and linux presence06:56
alkisgVivekananda: didn't you have a usb stick that you installed ubuntu from? That would have grub+efi, if you installed in efi mode.06:57
alkisgVivekananda: just install windows first, ubuntu second; No need for special software nor special usb stick.06:57
alkisgThe ubuntu cd does the right thing.06:58
Steristvive, I had the that same problem when I got this laptop. I gave up trying to get grub to work but never removed it from the hard drive. then one day I bought a SSD hard drive, used Macrium to clone the old drive onto the new one and BOOM grub was working.06:58
Steristvery bizarre.06:58
Vivekanandaalkisg: the situation is likethis. have windows 8.1 comp but seems EITHER windows or my disk is dying. so I am trying to make it dual boot so if linux loads fine then it is windows that is corrupt ELSE it is the disk. I don't want to delete windows yet coz haven't saved the serieal nos etc of it. No money to spend on new disks or new window serials07:00
Sterista potential (unorthodox) fix could be to replicate what I did. if you have another computer or hard drive to work with, create an exact clone image of your hard drive, then just restore it.07:00
Steristusing Macrium07:01
Steristlogically, this should have no effect. but it worked for me on accident lol07:01
VivekanandaSterist: I have another issue. For some reason windows made 10 or more partitions and lot of them are marked recovery but for the life of me cannot understand why there are so many07:02
Vivekanandaalso I could have formatted the disk but don't want to lose all those recovery until I know what they are07:02
Steristare you sure it's not like... 250+ partitions?07:02
Steristgiving out of memory errors07:03
SteristI don't have a lot of time. I would like to help if I can but communication is key07:06
Vivekanandaok going back to do it stepwise. so first off going to do what Bashing-om asked ie to boot in live and check if et/fstab anything efi related07:07
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alkisgVivekananda: are you on a live cd now? What's the output of `sudo gparted -l | nc termbin.com 9999` ?07:27
Vivekanandaone sec07:29
Vivekanandayeah am on live cd07:29
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alkisgVivekananda: I'll go afk in a couple of minutes, so if you could upload it soon, I could help...07:35
Vivekanandaalkisg: there07:36
alkisgVivekananda: sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt; ls -lhaR /mnt | nc termbin.com 999907:37
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Bashing-omalkisg: Vivekananda old parted : https://gist.github.com/vvikramjhu/1e38ae242f2b2cd7a984a231db400eb6 .07:38
madmangunLive feed *shooting http://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/21038/web07:39
Vivekanandaalkisg:  sda2 doesn't exist07:39
alkisgBashing-om: nice, although grub-install won't work in uefi07:39
alkisgVivekananda: sorry, sdb207:39
alkisgsda is your boot stick07:40
Vivekanandaalkisg: check gist again . updated it07:41
alkisgVivekananda: so, the situation is:07:42
alkisgYou used a bad usb stick that doesn't support uefi07:42
alkisgThat means Ubuntu couldn't install itself properly07:42
alkisg(you don't have an Ubuntu folder in your efi partition)07:42
Vivekanandaalkisg: I am going to create a fresh usb stick with 1607:43
alkisgNow you could install it in GPT without UEFI, but that would be incompatible with Windows07:43
alkisgVivekananda: yes, but don't use the software you used07:43
Vivekanandais 16 stable or should I go with 14 ?07:43
alkisgUse the one recommended in the ubuntu download site07:43
alkisg16.04 is stable07:43
VivekanandaI don't want surprises please. not interested in testing in my main machine. I can go with 14 no issues07:44
alkisgGo with 16.0407:44
Vivekanandawell ok .07:44
alkisgAnd use the recommended software to create the stick07:44
alkisgDon't google for "multiboot stick"... :)07:44
VivekanandaAlso to make a uefi  stick I cannot have multiboot. I will need to use my whole 32 gb stick for just ubuntu :( . A waste07:44
alkisgVivekananda: when you launch the usb stick, select "test ubuntu", and open a terminal07:44
alkisgVivekananda: from that terminal, run: ls /sys/firmware/efi07:45
Vivekanandaok then ?07:45
alkisgIf you see a directory there, only then do the installation07:45
Vivekanandaok let me check the current usb too07:45
alkisgIf you don't see it, you'll end up with the same problem, i.e. you won't install in uefi mode07:45
Vivekanandaok current stick has only two folders in firmware but no efi folder07:46
alkisgYes, that's the issue07:46
Vivekanandacan you link me to software for making stick ?07:46
alkisgYou're trying to install in uefi pc with a stick that doesn't support uefi07:46
Vivekanandathe uefi stick I mean07:46
alkisgIt's in the ubuntu download site07:46
alkisgIt depends on your OS07:46
alkisgAre you going to create the stick from ubuntu or from windows?07:47
VivekanandaI have my back up comp (this one) which is very old but using ubuntu  ...07:48
alkisgThe easiest method is to just copy the image to the stick using a program called "dd"07:48
Vivekanandahow do I check uubntu version07:48
alkisgYou can do it from your current live usb stick too, if you have a second one to write the image to07:48
alkisgcat /etc/os-release tells you the version, but it doesn't matter if you use dd07:48
alkisgdd is just a copy, and the image runs fine then and it supports uefi07:49
Vivekanandaah ok it is 12 precise in this07:49
alkisgSomething like the first answer there07:49
Vivekanandaso no way of making a usb whih has multiple isos but all uefi ?07:50
alkisgI'm sure there are tools that do that07:50
alkisgBut I'm using a plain grub script for multiboot, so I can't recommend any07:51
alkisgMaybe your tool already supports it and you just didn't select the uefi support in its menus07:51
VivekanandaI used Yumi to create my disk07:51
Vivekanandathat was also a recommended one07:52
Vivekanandabut nvm07:52
Vivekanandaright now let me try making the usb aain07:52
alkisgVivekananda: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#0 says the recommended one is rufus07:53
alkisgNot Yumi07:53
Vivekanandayeah but I hve this stick for > 1.5 yrs07:53
alkisgI think they recommended rufus for 4-5 years at least07:53
Vivekanandaah is it . my bad then07:54
Vivekanandabtw is rufus also for linux. Also does rufus allow for uefi isos07:54
alkisgRead the link I just posted07:54
alkisgIt can't be more clear than that :)07:54
alkisgYes it supports uefi07:54
alkisgThe last yumi beta says it has uefi support, but your stick isn't formatted, so I believe you'd need to reformat it so that it has at least one fat partition for uefi support. So you might as well stop using yumi.07:55
Vivekanandahmm ok. for the moment I am downlaoding16 and want a tutorial tomake uefi out of it07:55
alkisgSee the last link I posted07:56
alkisgIt's the one that they give you when you download ubuntu07:56
Vivekanandalast link was for rufus07:59
alkisgYes, use that.07:59
* alkisg waves07:59
VivekanandaI mean I don't have windows working anywhere . backup machine is ubuntu and live cd also ubuntu08:00
Vivekanandabut nvm I can find a link :)08:00
lotuspsychjeVivekananda: make you life easy and dump windows once and for good..08:02
alkisgVivekananda: Then use the first link that I pasted08:03
alkisgAnyway, any method that isn't yumi should work :)08:03
alkisgCheck the /sys/firmware/efi folder before installing08:03
Vivekanandayep alkisg will do.08:04
Vivekanandalotuspsychje: yeah I already never liked windows but cannot play games on linux plus don't have things like word etc. if not for those two things would have already dumped it08:05
Vivekanandaalso it came preinstalled so ..08:05
lotuspsychjeVivekananda: libreoffice & steam08:06
Vivekanandayeah liberoffice is still very limited08:06
Vivekanandaalso steam is there but not any of the others eg gog or uplay or similar08:07
Vivekanandaalkisg: still here ?08:11
VivekanandaI got the iso , mounted it with disk mounter and the copied via gui. during copy at one place -- there was an error copying ....  Filesystem does not support symbolic links :(08:12
alkisgVivekananda: omg follow the link08:13
crazycoderhello everybody08:13
lotuspsychjecrazycoder: welcome08:13
alkisgVivekananda: there's no way to make it bootable as you're trying now, it'll be broken08:13
* alkisg waves for real now :)08:13
crazycoderanyone know a good softawre to edit PDFs ?08:13
crazycoderhi lotuspsychje08:13
lotuspsychje!pdf | crazycoder08:14
ubottucrazycoder: The Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)08:14
VivekanandaI was following the link itself --  https://askubuntu.com/questions/395879/how-to-create-uefi-only-bootable-usb-live-media/     . Used the  'exaple via gui' method08:14
crazycoderlotuspsychje, yeah, but i need to edit an existent pdf08:15
Triffid_Huntercrazycoder: libreoffice can do that08:15
alkisgVivekananda: compare with my link: (10:49:30 πμ) alkisg: https://askubuntu.com/questions/372607/how-to-create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive-from-terminal08:15
alkisgI don't know what else to tell you :)08:15
lotuspsychjecrazycoder: inkscape for ubuntu08:16
Vivekanandanp I will have it ready and try08:16
lotuspsychje!uefi | Vivekananda have a good read08:16
ubottuVivekananda have a good read: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI08:16
crazycoderlotuspsychje, i will install it thanks!08:16
geodb27People : hi ! What tools can I use to add/update/delete user accounts that are stored in a ldap ? The nss is configured and works perfectly, but I gather that using ApacheDirectoryStudio or ldapadd is not the prefered way to do so ?08:40
Vivekanandaso for some reason the copying is not going as expected. Tried two methods08:42
Vivekanandabut let me again look at what was paseted and try that08:42
cart_manHi everyone.. I am trying to install FFMPEG from .deb packages only ! BUT I cannot see to find and install any of the libavcodec-ffmpeg packages09:44
cart_manI get told that its missing libavcodec-ffmpeg56 but when I try and install it it just says it does not exist ...09:45
cart_manSo then later on I see that Ubuntu16 has libavcodec-ffmpeg57 now but that can not install either ... tried -> " sudo apt-get install libavcodec-extra57 libavformat57 libvutil55 "  : Unable to locate packages09:46
Ben64what version of ubuntu09:50
Ben64version number09:51
SimonNLcart_man: topic shows the version you should have told09:54
cart_man16.04 ......09:55
SimonNLto late09:55
cart_manSo if I say version 16 that counts for nothing? in the question it states that I am using Ubuntu 16 -.-10:00
cart_manSimonNL : ^^10:00
cart_manBut aahhh well pedantic IRC version auhtentication police got me10:01
SimonNLcart_man: sorry I'm a mint user normally I only 0_0 in here.10:03
FMatthews_Hello people10:15
FMatthews_This place is my last resort for help with Ubuntu and Flash10:15
FMatthews_I've been scratching my head for two days trying to fix this to no avail10:16
FMatthews_I'm running 16.0410:16
FMatthews_Is flash supposed to be that laggy on Ubuntu?10:16
FMatthews_I can not run a single flash game decently on Chromium and Firefox10:17
FMatthews_I installed from the official repos10:17
FMatthews_I thought it was a driver issue, but I upgraded everything from Oibaf's PPA and I don't see a single difference10:18
FMatthews_Hardware acceleration is on on Chromium10:18
FMatthews_So i know this is not the issue10:18
FMatthews_I have no idea what to do10:19
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Triffid_HunterFMatthews_: adobe stopped developing flash for linux several years ago, you might want to try some of the open source implementations which may work better and hopefully have smaller attack vectors for malware10:25
FMatthews_I thought they started supporting it again10:25
FMatthews_Since I installed from the official repos and I seem to have the latest version10:26
Triffid_HunterFMatthews_: adobe is dropping flash for windows too10:27
hateballIt is supported again, it's just still rather terrible10:35
tomeaton17_I am trying to install re install ubuntu 17.04. I cleared partition containing ubuntu and it messed up grub. Now when trying to install I am told 0B left of computer storage. How do I get ubuntu to recognize my storage?11:02
EriC^^tomeaton17_: pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" from the live usb11:04
tomeaton17_What is the default login for tty111:08
tomeaton17_When booting into live I couldn't open any apps.11:09
EriC^^tomeaton17_: user ubuntu with a blank password11:10
tomeaton17_EriC^^ All I could get https://i.imgur.com/e4LqYHg.jpg11:11
EriC^^tomeaton17_: do you have another usb? looks like its dying11:12
tomeaton17_I can't get in, SQUASHFS error11:13
tomeaton17__I think there is an empty bios/grub option how do I get rid of it11:17
tomeaton17__Is there any other options to display this data?11:23
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tomeaton17_I have a left over boot option for ubuntu in my bios, how can I get rid of it?12:55
BluesKajHi folks12:56
EriC^^tomeaton17_: efibootmgr -v get the entry then do efibootmgr -B -b <number here>12:57
EriC^^*sudo efi..12:57
tomeaton17_EriC^^: Is there anyway to do this not on a linux system, problem is squashfs doesn't like the drive for some reason so I am trying to remove all traces of ubuntu first before reinstalling12:58
EriC^^tomeaton17_: yeah windows can do it i believe, i dont think that's your problem, no idea about it12:59
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yasonTRHi, is there a way to clear the scroll history in the terminal? The command 'clear' clears the window, but you can scroll through history with wheel-up, for example.13:08
yasonTRSo I want the behavior of creating a new tab ... without creating a new tab :)13:09
akikyasonTR: cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history && history -c13:11
tomeaton17_ I am getting blk_update_request i/o errors does anyone know how to fix this?13:13
yasonTRakik: thanks ... this clears the command history if I am correct, I just want the window to be cleared.13:13
akikyasonTR: clear ?13:14
alkisgyasonTR: tput reset13:14
yasonTRtput reset works! great13:15
yasonTRthanks a lot alkisg13:15
yasonTRakik: 'clear' clears the window, but you can still go up with mouse-wheel-up13:15
wook_do any of your guys have any experience trying to play music files from a shared drive? i have some drives shared via samba and in VLC or audacious they have problems, VLC doesn't play them at all, and audacious only plays them if i add the files from inside the directory, not by adding the directory itself. i tried running winamp via WINE, but then it does the same thing that VLC does even if i add the files from inside the directory...13:15
wook_i have ~2TB of music i'd like to be able to add to a single large playlist to have access to all of them at the same time like i can do with VLC but VLC doesn't like files from shared drives so i'm looking for any suggestions13:16
akikwook_: what kind of problem do you have with a shared samba drive? i just tested "vlc *flac" and it works13:19
wook_i have like a 1000 directories so i'm not interested in using audacious, even if it does play files i'd have to add all the files one directory at a time instead of just selecting a whole drive full of music and13:19
wook_VLC won't play the files if i add them from the samba drive13:19
wook_running ubuntu studio 14.0413:19
akikwook_: this works too "vlc Tony\ MacAlpine\ -\ */*"13:20
wook_and like i said audacious will play them but only if i add files from inside the directory, not adding the directories13:20
alkisgRun `mount | grep gvfs`, you'll see a folder. Inside that folder you should see the samba drive but now as a directory, which vlc should now like.13:20
wook_that does sound interesting13:20
wook_so mount the directories as a drive13:21
wook_i know i can do that in windows but didn't know how to do that in ubuntu13:21
wook_so i ran that command that u said and got this back: "gvfsd-fuse on /run/user/1000/gvfs type fuse.gvfsd-fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=adam)"13:22
wook_what would i do from there?13:22
wook_i'm googling some of the things that u mentioned, would i also be able to run something like this?: "sudo mount -t cifs -o username=raghu // /media/Data/"13:25
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nzoueidithe package glibc 2.15-0ubuntu10.18 is vulnerable to the ghost bug?14:17
FManTXwas there some kind of YouTube downloader program available on Ubuntu?14:23
BluesKajFManTX, youtubedl14:23
nzoueidiYoutube-dl a good tool :)14:23
FManTXlol at the description of youtube-dl14:24
FManTXI have used keepvid.com on Windows (it needs Java)14:24
tomeaton17_Trying to add the graphics drivers ppa but am getting this error '~graphics-drivers' user or team does not exist14:25
tomeaton17_It was because I am not connected to the wifi. How do I connect to the wifi without logging in? It freezes if I log in14:28
nzoueiditomeaton17_: did you tried to connect from the console (ctrl alt f1)14:28
tomeaton17_nzoueidi: I dont know the commands for that14:29
nzoueidiyou need to be sure that you can capture the wifi by this command : iwlist scan | grep -i SSID, if you can see your wifi, just add it using the nmcli tool.14:30
tomeaton17_Yeah just did it with nmcli. Thanks14:31
nzoueidiGreat :) or just using the nmtui; much easier.14:31
wook_i love youtube-dl, when it works14:32
wook_u have to keep it updated though, it's really anal about that14:32
adrian_1908Anyone here got experience with eCryptfs? I was wondering if it there's a setting for shorted encrypted filesnames. By default they're really long and with a ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED prefix.14:34
adrian_1908*for shorter14:34
canadaOKi got a silly question.   let's say i've identified a package that I want to look for in the repos14:42
canadaOKhttps://github.com/OpenVPN/easy-rsa <-- that one14:43
canadaOKhow do i determine if this is easy-rsa, easy-rsa2, easy-rsa314:43
adrian_1908canadaOK: If you mean how to see which version the package is, you can type `apt-cache show easy-rsa`. On my system that gives me 2.2.214:46
pavloswook_: did you resolve the vnc and vino-server issue from a few days ago?14:48
canadaOKthanks adamg14:58
canadaOKwhere would i find easyrsa 3 in the repos?14:58
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adrian_1908canadaOK: It's not in the repos and there seem to be no PPA or Snap, so if you need version 3, your only option is to build it yourself.15:01
baconologyfair enough15:02
baconologyi dont 'need' it, it just seems recommended by openvpn15:02
baconologyi wonder if i lose the ability to keep that software up to date with apt15:02
baconologyif i install it myself15:02
eternoyeah faier enought ok15:03
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baconologylike if there is a bug, i need to remember to watch for it if i don't use a package manager, yes?15:03
adrian_1908Yes, you'd lose that ability and need to check yourself periodically.15:03
baconologyhow do i reach out to the easy-rsa owner of the package?15:04
baconologyor how would i find out who that is15:04
adrian_1908Older versions don't have to be bad, they're likely still secure, just with an older API. So if 2.2.2 woud work for you, simply use that.15:04
bazhangbaconology, is that for snappy15:04
baconologyhow do i identify a repo owner so i can email them15:05
baconologyfound this: https://packages.debian.org/stable/easy-rsa15:06
baconologyfound him, alberto15:07
baconologythanks all15:07
xentity1xHi can anyone help me figure out the command for forwarding port 8000 to 3008015:13
xentity1xI've tried iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to 808015:13
xentity1xbut that doesn't work15:13
blacknred0what's the best way to backup (somewhat incremental) your system? I found this https://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/html_node/Incremental-Dumps.html , but doesn't seem to do what i hope it would15:16
pavlosxentity1x: the destination should be --to-port 808015:18
blacknred0maybe my question is... after i create the level 0, then do i always replace the level 1 backups? or do i need to create various level 1?15:18
was172level backups base on level015:19
pavlosxentity1x: https://glassonionblog.wordpress.com/2011/04/08/tomcat-redirecting-traffic-from-port-8080-to-80-using-iptables/15:21
blacknred0was172: is there something or some tool that i could look at a tar (file for example) and only check for changes (adds/delete/updates)?15:21
blacknred0base on my understanding is that the files will only grow larger with this method.... for example, if I create a backup on level 0, and then delete 10gb, then next incremental backup will not include this 10gb, but it will still be on my first level 0 backup15:23
frostschutzblacknred0, dar, borg, or just filesystem based cow...?15:27
blacknred0frostschutz: i'll check those out... mainly backing up ext4 fs15:30
pavlosblacknred0: tar -t will list contents of archive, tar -d will show differences between archive and file system (man tar)15:30
blacknred0pavlos: yep, i get that, but i'm looking for a solution that once i backup my system, the next backup will only update adds/remove/modified files and dirs15:31
blacknred0instead of doing the whole thing again15:31
pavlosblacknred0: maybe rsync, https://www.electrictoolbox.com/rsync-ignore-existing-update-newer/15:42
jayjoI have a gif that I'd like to replace a specific color in every frame of the gif. Can this be done with gimp, imagemagick, or some other readily available tool on ubuntu?15:45
blacknred0pavlos: hhhhmmmmm... i have to think about this, since i also want to compress everything into one file15:46
pavlosblacknred0: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/25541/updating-tar-gz-daily-only-with-changed-files15:54
blacknred0pavlos: thanks! let me play with this to see if it does what i expect it to do :)15:55
blacknred0i also found this -> https://www.duplicati.com , which it might be cli as well15:55
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VivekanandaFinally got things to work. Thanks pl.  Why isn't gparted part of standard 16 install though ? Also what should I do immediately after instaling 16? Any script etc for a collection of software esp things like emacs, eclipse, virtualbox , gparted etc ?16:03
=== Conder_ is now known as Conder
tgm4883Vivekananda: because gparted isn't necessary for most users?16:10
Vivekanandadid you mean they had a better app for it now or that parted cli works for most ?16:11
tgm4883Vivekananda: most users don't need to partition stuff after installation16:11
tgm4883Vivekananda: and there's gnome disks16:11
Vivekanandadisks just tells you the health right ? not mount points , flags, labels etc or does it.  Also if it doesn't that gparted is needed to see these things plus install if a new hard drive is to be replaced (my present state) .16:15
VivekanandaBtw any chance you could recommend a cheap but reliable (of the choices) 700gb - 1tb hard drive ? hopefully inside $50.16:17
leftyfbVivekananda: everyone is different with their environment, needs and preferences for applications and settings. application-X isn't installed by default because that is the decision the release team made for that particular application16:19
leftyfbVivekananda: as for your hard drive choice, there's plenty of brick and mortar as well as online stores to choose from. This is beyond the scope of this Ubuntu support channel.16:19
Vivekanandaleftyfb: I understand. could I request a pm for some of those good online stores please.16:20
leftyfbVivekananda: amazon.com16:21
leftyfbVivekananda: that is my personal recommendation. But again, this is beyond the scope of this channel.16:21
Vivekanandaleftyfb: I had other questions about ubuntu itself though. I have my backup computer running 12 and have apps installed and set up in my way. Was there a way I could have installed the same apps in 16 ? Also in case there IS such a way whathappens to apps which are discontinued eg  xchat ( theclient I am using now). ?16:22
leftyfbVivekananda: they don't get installed16:22
leftyfbVivekananda: apt list --installed | cut -f 1 -d '/'16:23
leftyfbthat will get you a list of installed applications16:23
Vivekanandaah ok .16:23
leftyfbyou'll have to pick through it o grab the ones you want to install on your other machine16:23
wook_pavlos: no i haven't yet, but i've been lazy and haven't done anything with it since the other day yet :)16:36
wook_but i probrobly will today16:36
SeveasVivekananda: xchat lives on as hexchat :)16:42
Moe_AHello, I've updated ubuntu from 16.04 to 17.04, then my terminal colors were screwed. I have tmux with gray background but now it has black background and only text has gray background and it gets fixed when I use mousewheel up or down, also the menu text (file, edit, etc) are so close to each other as if they were one word. What could be the issue there?16:46
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
Moe_AShould I reinstall nvidia drivers?16:52
Moe_AI also noticed lots of GTK-Warnings about deprecated stuff when I run any software, is that from my GDE3?16:54
Coolerhow do you disable the guest account?17:02
Unimatrix9hello there17:11
n-iCeI installed Ubuntu minimal and used this to connect to wifi e/n/i but dhclient is taking time, any idea?17:11
n-iCehttps://photos.app.goo.gl/z8j9hc4OlFdQmFuz1 is not stopping17:12
Unimatrix9on my ubuntu 16.04  when trying to play mp4 with normal video player and restricted extra installed its starts muted sound and i dont have sound17:12
Unimatrix9any tips are welcome17:12
n-iCeUnimatrix9 try vlc17:12
Unimatrix9well it does work with mplayer, i just dont understand why not with default video player17:13
Unimatrix9its more the "why" wich interests me17:13
skinuxI installed a few days ago and I've been having problems with really bad lag, with these softwares running https://gist.github.com/skinuxgeek/104870ed9a7cb41a2b24c387f581d9ee17:16
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Unimatrix9hmm, i will have to do it with mpv player, but thats okey17:27
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skinuxCan anyone help me track down why my system gets so laggy?18:06
cristian_cyou could tell you machine specs to this channel18:07
skinux4G RAM18:07
skinuxHP 15, hp-wm387fm18:07
skinuxhp 15-f387wm I mean18:07
cristian_c'machine specs'18:07
skinuxWhich ones then?18:07
cristian_ccpu, gpu18:07
skinux2.5G Quad I believe, GPU i don't know18:08
cristian_cand what desktop you use18:08
cristian_cskinux: try to get the specs18:08
skinuxHave a command I can call for GPU specs?18:08
cristian_clshw -C video18:09
cristian_cand lshw -C cpu18:09
cristian_c!paste | skinux18:09
ubottuskinux: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:09
oerheksskinux, you pasted a lot of services, and plugins, disable them to find out18:11
oerheksand "lag" is so wide, what lag exactly?18:11
konradosHi. How do I know what will be upgraded, but without actually installing anything, if I'll do apt-get upgrade?18:29
konrados*how do I find out18:29
nacckonrados: i believe by default apt-get prompts you; but you can also use -s / --dry-run18:30
oerhekskonrados, you could do a dry run, to see what is updated, and how much space it takes18:30
oerheksnacc ^18:30
konradosnacc, oerheks - thank you! But to be sure - $ apt-get --dry-run upgrade18:31
nacckonrados: yes18:32
nacc(or apt-get -s upgrade)18:32
konradosor $ apt-get upgrade --dry-run18:32
konradosI never know :(18:32
nacckonrados: the order depends on the application, but in the case of apt-get, it doesn't matter18:33
konradosI got disconnected18:33
konradosnacc, - ok, thank you!18:33
sochi, can someone help me with an environment variable issue?18:39
socsome application sets XAUTHORITY, I believe it is lightdm, and it seems I can't override it18:39
socsetting it in .profile is too late, and in .pam_environment it just gets overridden18:39
socany ideas where this setting is made/where it can be changed?18:39
oerhekssoc, override Xauthority? can you explain why please?18:41
akiksoc: you can manage it with xauth command18:42
socoerheks: I want to get it moved to a more appropriate directory18:50
socoerheks: setting ICEAUTHORITY DEFAULT=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/ICEauthority in .pam_environment works for .ICEauthority18:50
socakik: do you know where xauth can be configured?18:51
socI grepped through the whole /etc and I couldn't dinf a setting18:51
soceverything works for setting ICEAUTHORITY in .pam_environment, but doing them same for XAUTHORITY doesn'twork18:53
socsomething later seems to overwrite the env var18:53
alkisgsoc: you want to patch display manager source code?18:53
soc.xsession-errors contains the line dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XAUTHORITY=/home/soc/.Xauthority18:53
socalkisg: depends, I'd expect that there is _something_ setting the XAUTHORITY env var18:54
socand I'm trying to figure out whhich application18:54
alkisgsoc: probably lightdm, as it's the one responsible for starting X18:54
alkisg`apt source lightdm` and grep it18:55
mortnhi, good ppl.18:56
alkisg./src/x-server-local.c:            path = g_build_filename (g_get_home_dir (), ".Xauthority", NULL);18:56
socI downloaded lightdm and grepped it already18:57
alkisgsoc: so you'll likely need to patch the source code, recompile, and do that for future display manager etc18:57
socI only found places where it assumes that .Xauthority, but not where it sets the env var18:57
mortnanyone knows how to do quarter tiling (sending a gnome-terminal, for instance) to the top right corner?18:57
mortnin Ubuntu 17.1018:57
mortn sorry for repeating my question from yesterday (had to bail before seeing any response)18:57
alkisgsoc, it doesn't matter if .Xauthority is set or not if it's hardcoded18:57
alkisgYou can unset it from the environment and it will still work18:58
akiksoc: i've only used xauth manually to configure it18:58
alkisgYou can't move it if it's hardcoded. Unless you copy the file elsewhere, of course, so that you have 2 files18:58
socalkisg: yes, but that's a further step18:58
socI first try to understand _what_ sets XAUTHORITY18:59
socthen stop it from doing it18:59
socthen write patches for applications which assume a hardcoded path18:59
alkisg./src/seat-unity.c:        process_set_env (script, "XAUTHORITY", path);19:01
alkisgsoc: ^19:01
socI think that's only unity, I'm szuing xfce19:02
ducasse!ubuntu+1 | mortn19:02
ubottumortn: Artful Aardvark is the codename for Ubuntu 17.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+119:02
socalkisg: x-server-local.c:537-550 reads suspicious19:03
alkisgsoc: grep the source, it has 5-6 different code paths there19:03
alkisgAnd also note that lightdm development has pretty much stopped...19:04
BeansnRicehey folks19:15
samlhow can I install a package where dependencies conflict?19:18
samllike, my ubuntu already has a package FOO.  I'm trying to install BAR which depends on FOO1  (different package name . but basically almost same as FOO with some patches applied to it)19:19
naccsaml: that does not generally happen for Ubuntu packages in supported releases. What is the package and conflict?19:19
samlsince, FOO1 isn't built with Conflicts: FOO19:19
samlit's all custom package with custom app19:19
naccsaml: fix the packages19:19
samlnothing works since all people left.19:20
samli mean, this jenkins job that supposedly build packages isn't working :(19:20
naccsaml: although if FOO1 does *not* conflict with FOO, then nwhat is the problem?19:21
alkisgsaml: it shouldn't be very hard to unzip the packages, fix the dependencies, and run dpkg-buildpackage again with the correct dependencies...19:21
alkisgYou don't even need to have the sources for that19:21
naccsaml: you can also make dpkg ignore just about anything, but the result can be rather broken.19:21
samlthanks let me try those19:23
skinuxlag, in this case, means applications go really really slow, half the time I wonder if the computer froze when it gets laggy.19:27
skinuxI believe 4G RAM is enough to run what I run. It should be, especially with use of a SWAP file.19:28
skinuxI know there are not hard drive errors getting in the way because it's a brand new hard drive.19:28
tgm4883skinux: SWAP makes things really slow19:28
ioriaskinux, if you have 4g and swap is in use, you got a problem19:29
tgm4883skinux: when things are slow, might be beneficial to see the output of 'free'19:29
skinuxI don't know if swap is in use or not.19:29
n-iCeset swapiness to 1019:29
skinuxHow do I set swappiness in Xenial?19:29
ioriaskinux, free -m19:29
skinuxSWAP shows 0 across the board19:29
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naccskinux: includig for "total"?19:30
skinux3381 1709 493 103 1178 1300 are the numbers for memory19:30
tgm4883skinux: is it slow now? Can you pastebin the output of the free command?19:30
n-iCeskinux:         echo 10 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness19:30
n-iCethen, sudo swapoff -a , then sudo swapon -a19:30
n-iCeand try19:30
skinuxPermission denied for that command19:31
n-iCedude, use sudo19:31
skinuxThat was with sudo19:31
ioriano echo with sudo :þ19:31
tgm4883That command won't work with sudo19:31
n-iCetalking about swap19:32
tgm4883IIRC, you need something like 'echo 10> sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/swappiness'19:32
ioriasudo bash -c "command" but don't do that19:32
tgm4883n-iCe: I'd still rather see if he's actually got a problem currently and what the memory usage currently is19:32
n-iCeskinux: sysctl vm.swappiness=1019:33
skinuxOkay, it is set.19:33
n-iCedo the swapoff and swapon19:34
skinuxI forget, it is the lower number the less swap use?19:34
n-iCeand see how the system responds19:34
n-iCeskinux: yes19:34
skinuxSo, perhaps the real problem was my system using too much SWAP and not enough RAM?19:34
naccskinux: that's not how swap works19:35
naccskinux: you also still haven't provided the free output?19:35
n-iCeskinux: try19:35
skinuxYes I did.19:35
n-iCeand tell results19:35
naccskinux: in a pastebin?19:36
skinuxI did tell the results of free -m19:36
skinuxNo, not in a paste bin, it was only one line19:36
tgm4883one line of it, hardly helpful19:36
naccskinux: well, use a pastebin, as asked twice now by tgm4883 annd provide the complete output19:36
naccskinux: if your 'swap' line before had 0s across all columns, you had no swap configured19:36
skinuxIt is on this gist https://gist.github.com/skinuxgeek/104870ed9a7cb41a2b24c387f581d9ee19:36
naccskinux: so changing your swappiness was irrelevant19:36
tgm4883Glad you spent so much time dealing with swappiness, since you have no swap...19:37
skinuxWell, I did not configure a SWAP partition because I was told Xenial uses a swap file automatically.19:37
naccskinux: yeah, so you didn't have any swap19:37
naccskinux: no, xenial does not19:37
tgm4883nor do I see a memory issue19:37
iorianope, 17.0419:37
skinuxI have 16.04.3, but I have thought 4G should be enough.19:38
tgm4883skinux: it is19:38
skinuxI could understand more if I were playing games, but I rarely do that.19:38
skinuxAnd free -m gives values in MB right?19:39
naccskinux: mebibytes19:39
skinuxMB = Megabytes19:40
naccskinux: the you want --mega19:40
naccskinux: presuming you understand the differnce between mebi and mega19:40
tgm4883irrelevant to this discussion19:40
skinuxI've never heard of mebi19:40
nacctgm4883: agreed19:40
naccskinux: does the swap line still show only 0s?19:40
skinuxYes, swap line shows only 0s19:40
naccskinux: then you still have no swap19:41
ioriaskinux, let's show sudo parted -l19:41
naccskinux: did you put the swapfile in /etc/fstab?19:41
skinuxNo, I was told Xenial does it automatically.19:41
tgm4883skinux: the difference is 1024 vs 1000, but it's irrelevant to this discussion because A) it's miniscule difference and B) You don't have a memory problem19:41
naccskinux: and we told you that was wrong19:41
skinuxYeah, but I was just re-stating why I didn't do that.19:42
skinuxI'm looking up how to configure a swap file19:42
naccskinux: ok -- so you need to add it to fstab and then do the swapon agai19:42
* tgm4883 sighs19:42
skinuxI do understand there is no memory issue.19:42
cristian_cand you've not told the hardware specs19:42
skinuxLet me look up a command to get all the hardware specs19:43
cristian_cskinux: btw, i've already posted the commands19:43
skinuxIs this enough? https://gist.github.com/skinuxgeek/104870ed9a7cb41a2b24c387f581d9ee#file-hardware-specs19:44
cristian_cyou should know19:44
skinuxWell, I think it is, but I don't know exactly what all specs you want.19:45
cristian_cskinux: btw, i've already posted the commands19:45
cristian_cchapter 2nd19:45
skinuxI don't see them, not even with scrolling up.19:46
ioriaskinux, mai i ask you what's your issue ?19:46
cristian_c20:08] <skinux> Have a command I can call for GPU specs?19:47
cristian_c[20:09] <cristian_c> lshw -C video19:47
cristian_c[20:09] <cristian_c> and lshw -C cpu19:47
skinuxOkay, here is everything https://gist.github.com/skinuxgeek/104870ed9a7cb41a2b24c387f581d9ee#file-hardware-specs19:49
cristian_cskinux: you're limited. I mewn: you can't load the os excessively19:51
cristian_cskinux: you also still have 1 gb free of ram19:52
cristian_cskinux: try to look at differences using xfce or lxde in place of cinnamon19:53
skinuxAre you saying I don't have the system resources to use Cinnamon?19:54
skinuxBecause I was using it with a lesser system without the lag issue.19:54
alkisgWhen you see lag, run `top` to watch the CPU, and see if you have 100% CPU usage. And `free` to see if it's a mem issue. And `dmesg` to see if you have some conflict.19:55
cristian_cI don't know exactly, but it doesn't look like a performing hardware, but as susual, it depends on what you do with ypur pc19:55
cristian_calkisg: I agree19:55
leftyfbskinux: I haven't been following completely, but have you tried installing a better video drive?19:55
cristian_cI think gpu on mullins19:56
leftyfbskinux: what video chipset do you have?19:56
cristian_cI think gpu on mullins (r4) couldmuse only radeon drivers19:56
cristian_c*could use19:57
skinuxA8-7410 ??19:57
cristian_cit's APU19:57
stochastixOk, so I take it sshd is not installed and running in 17.04 by default?19:58
stochastixI take that is the case since I had to install it,  But before installing it I see that I have an sshd -D running?19:59
stochastix165536    3985  0.0  0.1  65524  6312 ?        Ss   05:47   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D19:59
leftyfbstochastix: no, never has been19:59
tgm4883little reason to have it installed and running by default20:00
cristian_cskinux: if you have a ssd, you could also try to install ubuntu to it20:00
stochastixI take it thats why Ansible has their own images you can deploy of Ubuntu?20:01
stochastixOne of the reasons anyways.20:01
skinuxEither way, it's been stated it's not a memory issue. So, I'll have to try to figure it out when it happens again.20:02
skinuxThanks for the help20:02
cristian_cBashing-om: hello20:03
IndustrialHi. I have a laptop with a broken display. I have disconnected it. I have a HDMI monitor connected. The output of `xrandr --query` is `xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default`20:07
IndustrialIt just renders 800x600 now. The monitor can handle 1920x108020:07
cristian_cIndustrial: check the drivers20:07
n-iCeuse arandr20:07
IndustrialI can't issue xrandr commands like `xrandr --output HDMI-0 --mode 1920x1080 --primary` since it's not recognized.20:08
cristian_cn-iCe: is a frontend for xrandr20:08
n-iCewhich i love20:09
cristian_cah, sorry, you0remright20:09
Industrialcristian_c: I kinda messed up my unity and gnome, and I'm using Xmonad so I don't have a menu to apps etc. Can I do this from the command line? How do I check the loaded drivers?20:10
cristian_cwhen vesa is ueed, it cannot be possible use xrandr20:10
oerheks"<Industrial> Hi. I have a laptop with a broken display." .. so it is a hardware thing, not software20:10
IndustrialI remember configuring xorg.conf's back int ehd ay :p20:10
smallfoot-firefox is old!!!20:10
smallfoot-ubuntu - firefox 5520:10
smallfoot-windows - firefox 5620:10
Industrialoerheks: yes, but the HDMI display connected is the one being rendered to at the moment.20:11
smallfoot-ubuntu always have old software20:11
leftyfb1 version off is old?20:11
smallfoot-it might contain security vulnerabilities too, who knows20:11
Ben64!info firefox20:11
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 56.0+build6-0ubuntu0.17.04.1 (zesty), package size 43481 kB, installed size 166248 kB20:11
oerhekssmallfoot-, as you speak, i get a firefox update20:11
Ben64windows - 56, ubuntu - 5620:11
n-iCeuse nightly20:11
leftyfbsmallfoot-: the update came out 10 days ago20:11
oerheksindeed, 56 with updates are out20:11
leftyfbcristian_c: yeah, seem to be getting a lot of that lately20:12
cristian_cIndustrial: lshw -C video20:13
leftyfbalso, firefox 56 on Ubuntu 16.04 on my machine is updated from the main security repo20:13
leftyfbsmallfoot-: you should actually do updates before complaining about versions being out of date20:13
oerhekssmallfoot-, check your mirror how many hrs/days/weeks behind https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors20:13
oerheksin india is sometimes a tragedy20:13
Industrialcristian_c: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/02beb34a4bf0c84c598d7b0c22c6827f20:14
Industrial(yeah its a nice laptop (desktop replacement really, by MSI) so a shame the display broke.20:14
cristian_cvesa drivers, nouveau or closed nvidia are not loaded20:14
IndustrialI will be getting a new one ..  next month ..20:14
cristian_cIndustrial: you should install proprietsry drivers20:15
cristian_cusing ubuntu-drivers command line tool20:15
IndustrialI'll see what I can do to upgrade/update my system and install drivers20:15
cristian_cit's 980m so it should be supported20:16
Industrialthat should pull 3 big monitors easy :p20:16
cristian_cit's not the desktop counterpart, btw20:17
IndustrialYeah it's still the mobile. Doesn't go quite as fast due to energy requirements I think? Mine is a MSI GT72S. There is also the GT80 series which includes a full blown desktop card20:18
Industrial.. and keyboard20:18
samlis there a way to remove a package with another package that provides same files?20:20
samlwithout fixing and republishing the package20:20
cristian_c= replacing?20:20
samli have libogg  that supposed to replace libogg0 .    apt remove libogg0    gives me Unmet dependencies20:20
samlso, I want to install libogg  and remove libogg0  in same transaction(?)20:21
cristian_csaml: if you try to install libogg, it conflicts?20:21
samllibogg doesn't specify Replacing:   rebuilding libogg (private package)  is a bit of work currently20:21
samlcristian_c, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25662786/   not sure if it's conflict. unmet dependencies20:24
cristian_csaml: apt-get -f install make things worse?20:25
samltrying to overwrite '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libogg.so.0.8.2', which is also in package libogg0 1.3.220:28
cristian_c(I think you'll have to repacage your deb, but I'm not a debian packager, so I'm not sure)20:28
samlyeah i wanted to avoid that ugh20:28
samlor, start with ubuntu image that doesn't come with libogg0 already installed20:28
tgm4883saml: you'll run into far fewer issues later on if you just rebuild the packages correctly20:29
samlthis package real cray20:30
samltgm4883, what's proper way to build a package?20:31
tgm4883saml: build it for the target distro you're looking for, set the proper dependencies, etc20:31
samlthere should be a prior art. like a docker image that's ready to use for me to execute ./configure && make  or something20:31
cristian_cif you0ve c sources, ypu could try checkinstall20:32
cristian_cotgerwise reading 'debian mantainer guide'20:32
samlah thanks. debian20:32
nacca docker image would't immediately help, as you need the build-dependencies for the package you are buliding20:33
naccyou can of course use a container (LXD is probably easiest)20:34
naccor sbuild20:34
samli mean, like ubuntu base image with all build tools already installed20:34
naccbut honestly, this isn't ubuntu support at this point20:34
naccsaml: "all build tools"?20:34
naccsaml: I feel like you perhaps don't know what you're saying -- each source package has potentially different dependencies20:35
nacccristian_c: that would probably get you some of the way, but won't work for all dependencies (e.g., libs, etc.)20:35
samli meant  pbuilder, bzr-builddeb ..20:35
cristian_cnacc: yeah, it's only common, essential20:36
naccsaml: ok, so you know the tools, but ... ?20:36
samlbut i'm just confused20:36
crozAnyone have a Twitter client they can recommend that can handle multiple accounts?20:45
xanguacroz: for KDE choqok, gnome corebird20:46
xanguaBoth graphical20:46
xanguacroz: you can use it, yes20:46
geniiProbably want corebird then20:47
crozso which one of the two do you recommend? both handle multiple clients?20:47
crozah thanks20:47
genii!info corebird20:47
ubottucorebird (source: corebird): Native Gtk+ Twitter client for the Linux desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.1-1 (zesty), package size 487 kB, installed size 2381 kB20:47
geniiNeed to enable universe repository if it isn't already20:48
oerhekssudo snap install corebird20:49
oerheksoh wait, that needs the gnome platform, i read http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2017/09/corebird-1-6-snap-install-ubuntu-16-04/20:49
leftyfbcroz: tweetdeck for google chrome20:51
konradosHi again. I tried on #linux, but maybe this is a more right channel.21:05
konradosWhen I do $ apt-get --dry-run upgrade  I have a really long list of stuff to be done. But for now, I would like to install only things related to the network-manager, here is the part of the output with those keywords: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/339e7fbc227f13ce11c35f32c99e3e7c for example: Inst network-manager [1.2.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.4] (1.2.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 Ubuntu:16.04/xenial-updates [amd64])21:05
konradosam I right that I can simply do $ apt-get install network-manager ?21:05
nacckonrados: yes, you can, but it might pull in deps beyond n-m itself21:05
konradosnacc, thanks, will then $ apt-get --dry-run upgrade network-manager; tell   me what it's gonna be?21:07
konradosoh, maybe I'll simply try...21:07
nacckonrados: i mean you can just do `apt-get --dry-run install network-manager` (upgrade with a package name does't really do what you think)21:12
konradosnacc thanks! Now it tells me I need to reboot, I'll be back in a minute :) Unless I broke smth :(21:15
smallfoot-does foo! in Rust mean what !foo does in other languages?21:27
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naccsmallfoot-: that would be better asked in a rust channel21:51
nacc!alis | smallfoot-21:51
ubottusmallfoot-: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"21:51
aroonihey team ; i restarted my ubuntu laptop via sudo reboot ; and now i just see two dots it seems like its frozen;  16.04.  should i hold down the power button and restart it again?21:53
tgm4883arooni: can you hit escape?21:55
aroonidoesnt seem to do anything21:56
aroonicontrl alt f1 doesnt work21:56
kostkonarooni, are the dots flashing?21:57
kostkonarooni, it's frozen21:57
aroonikostkon: yeah i restarted it it works fine now21:57
aroonii wish it were 100 % coming back from suspend but its not21:58
kostkonarooni, you are having suspend problems? Nevertheless, now that you are in the clear (for now) you should check your logs for any culprits21:58
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Pinkamena_DWhere is a good location to find the crystal structure data (bcc, fcc, lattice constant, etc) for many elements in one place?22:35
naccPinkamena_D: wrong channel?22:36
Pinkamena_Dnacc: yeah, second time now >.>22:39
Pinkamena_Dsmuxi does not switch fast enough22:39
naccPinkamena_D: np, just didn't want you to be waiting for a response :)22:39
gswallowHowdy y'all.  Anyone here consider themselves expert at building packages?22:53
smallfoot-gswallow, those experts are in #ubuntu-motu i guess22:54
naccgswallow: "expert" sort of, yes. But also, you might want #ubuntu-packaging22:54
gswallowthank you, too22:54
Moe_AHello, I'm having an issue with terminal background after updating to Ubuntu 17.04 where the background changes to black in some places and stays gray (tmux theme) under the text only. I was told it was maybe driver issues so I reinstalled nvidia drivers and even gnome3 but it is still the same, any suggestion of what could be the issue?23:34
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palmdkHello. I changed ownership of the /var to my own user by mistake. I have a similar system is there anyway i can apply the folder permissions from that system to the broken one?23:47
naccpalmdk: you changed the ownership or the permissions?23:48
palmdkSorry, ownership23:48
naccpalmdk: just change it back?23:48
palmdkThink there are quite a few different ownerships inside the /var folder?23:48
naccpalmdk: you didn't say you recursively changed the ownership23:49
palmdkI did23:49
palmdkIt is late - i been working all day and didn't check my script properly23:49
naccseems like the worst time to do something as root :)23:49
naccpalmdk: afaik, there's not a simple way to do what you want, as there is no guaranteed UIDs match between two systems23:50
naccpalmdk: most stuff in /var is ownned by root, did you also change the group?23:50
palmdkYep also the group23:50
palmdkThe similar system is a 3 day old backup23:50
naccpalmdk: (again, not mentioned earlier). Yeah, that makes it trickier23:50
nacc3 day old backup of the system that's now wrong?23:50
naccpalmdk: ok, then use `sudo chown` and `sudo chgrp` by hand to make it what it was before?23:51
palmdksudo chgrp - what does this do?23:52
naccpalmdk: changes the group, you can do it with just chown too23:52
naccpalmdk: it's possible you can do what you want with rsync and appropriate options, but I've never done it.23:52
palmdkHmm, what i was hoping existed was some method to print out current owners / groups as chown statements23:54
palmdkThere is a lot of files to do this manually :/23:55
naccpalmdk: i mean, you can write a trivial script to do it23:57
naccpalmdk: right, there's not often a trivial way to doing things as root23:57

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