
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|zzz
sergiusenskyrofa snapcraft#1581 should be fine01:41
mupPR snapcraft#1581: catkin plugin: support rosdep pip dependencies <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1581>01:41
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mupBug #1577471 changed: Snap applications cannot access the user's normal XDG directories <personal> <snap-desktop-issue> <snapd-interface> <Canonical System Image:Invalid by pat-mcgowan> <Snappy:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1577471>04:18
mupPR snapd#3996 opened: snap: refrain from running filepath.Base on random strings <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3996>06:26
mupPR snapd#3997 opened: cmd/snap: completion for alias and unalias <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3997>06:34
mupPR snapd#3998 opened: snap-confine, snap-seccomp: Utilize new seccomp logging features <Created by tyhicks> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3998>06:43
mupPR snapd#3991 closed:  wrappers: fail install if exec-line cannot be re-written <Created by mvo5> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3991>07:02
pstolowskiyay, my rpis3 should arrive on friday08:04
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: nice :)08:08
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: did you get any cases?08:08
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: I have a few and I can share experiences08:08
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, yeah, I got 2 different cases - https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01F1PSFY6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00MQLB1N6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=108:10
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: I have the first one08:11
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: it's easy to assemble and disassemble but doesn't stack08:11
zyga-ubuntuthe second one looks very nice08:12
pstolowskiright, it's curved08:12
* zyga-ubuntu -> walk08:58
zyga-ubuntuok, now just focus on work :)09:32
__chip__zyga-ubuntu: as opposed to focus on what?10:27
zyga-ubuntu__chip__: distractions that plague this morning10:28
__chip__zyga-ubuntu: like https://guacamole.incubator.apache.org ?10:29
* __chip__ might be eviler than usual today10:30
zyga-ubuntuwhat is that?10:30
zyga-ubuntuinteresting software I see10:31
=== JoshStrobl|zzz is now known as JoshStrobl
Son_Gokumorning all12:25
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: hey12:26
Son_Gokuikey: you're alive!12:27
ikeyyessir - hows it?12:27
Son_Gokuikey: I got sick literally the moment I got home12:31
Son_Gokumy nose is completely stuffed and I have a constant headache :(12:33
ogra_Son_Goku, welcome to the club12:35
* zyga-ubuntu is sick just because of weather, not any fancy travel smavel12:36
Son_Gokuwell, I think I'm sick because of the weather rather than anything else12:36
Son_GokuI didn't travel very far...12:36
ikey7C here atm12:38
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|Work
* ogra_ wonders if xnox has an idea about https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/networkd-fail-to-set-ip-address-between-leases-if-ip-address-changes/2333 ... being fluid in system-networkd12:41
Son_Gokuikey: 12C here12:42
Son_Gokubut it was 8C a few hours ago12:42
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: hey, would you mind looking at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/397112:44
mupPR #3971: interfaces/mount: make Change.Perform testable and test it <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3971>12:44
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, will do12:46
sergiusensnacc are you registered on the forum?12:49
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: thanks, there's also a small second branch if you want to look12:49
Son_Gokuzyga-ubuntu, so, when are you going to start writing the SELinux backend for snap-confine? :)12:51
xnoxogra_, i need a dump of /run/systemd/netif/leases/* during all stages (one lease, two leases, first expired, both expired), in a launchpad bug report filed with ubuntu-bug systemd12:53
ogra_xnox, no "ubuntu-bug" on core12:54
xnoxconfig for the dhcp server / interactive script to reproduce would be helptful too.12:54
xnoxogra_, if a bug needs to be looked into a bug report is needed12:55
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: not sure, I need to finish layouts still, though I'm not alone anymore so that's a big relief12:55
ogra_xnox, well, the forum kind of became the bugtracker for snap, but i can ask him to file a LLP bug12:55
xnoxsure but this particular part (systemd-networkd) comes from a package in ubuntu, for which bug tracker is launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd12:56
xnoxand lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+git/systemd git repository12:57
ogra_note that there are PPAs for backported packages involved (netplan specifically)12:58
ogra_(also ... i think core is the only flavour that makes use of networkd in xenial)12:59
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, I can try :). nb, I've adressed your review feedback for early-sanitize13:01
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: I saw, thank you13:01
pstolowskiah, you replied, just noticed13:01
=== ShalokShalom_ is now known as ShalokShalom
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: oh, one more thing13:30
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: we need manjaro icon on https://snapcraft.io/13:30
davidcallezyga-ubuntu: this is coming today/tomorrow13:31
ogra_Mister_Q, should the UBports installer site there for a long time in "Ready to install..." (trying to switch my pro5 to ubports via the ubports-installer snap here)13:35
ogra_*sit there13:36
ogra_(seems to not move at all)13:36
* zyga-ubuntu -> break for lunch and back to small PRs that improve snap-confine13:37
mupPR snapd#3999 opened: cmd/snap-confine: add detection of stale mount namespace <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3999>13:37
niemeyerzyga-ubuntu: And also that other one...13:46
sergiusenskyrofa when you are up, can you read through this thread so we can have conversation later in the day on where/how this https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/classic-snaps-failing-on-ubuntu-17-10/2324/37 ?13:52
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: indeed :)13:54
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: I'll note to do that13:54
zyga-ubunture :)13:54
niemeyerzyga-ubuntu: Although I haven't really found good references to snaps in the web page, so maybe let's not add until there's something we can explicitly point to13:55
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: I think having install instructions is a must, I'll install them and check in the evening13:55
zyga-ubuntuI need to find a moment to swap my HDD, I bought a 2TB HDD as update to my laptop13:55
zyga-ubuntu(I ran out of VM space)13:56
niemeyerzyga-ubuntu: I wouldn't worry about it.. layouts are way more important13:56
ikeyi know the snap-update-ns changes bricked solus btw13:56
ikeyi was toying with git master last week13:56
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: ok :)13:56
zyga-ubuntuikey: oh, can you tell me more?13:56
ikeyya basically i was getting no such file or directory error from it13:56
ikeywhen it was invoked from snapd13:56
ikey(i straced which is how i know it came from snap-update-ns itself)13:56
zyga-ubuntuikey: is that on current solus package? I investigate13:57
zyga-ubuntuikey: do you have the strace somewhere?13:57
ikeynah not on the current pkg13:57
ikeywe're at, um13:57
* ikey looks13:57
ikeyill need to rebase it to newer master anyway as some of my PRs are in13:58
ikeyand i gotta figure out what strays i have left from ubuntu rally13:58
niemeyerikey: Thanks for letting us know. As an aside, please note we're working on major improvements around mounting  flexibility so we can support layouts and more. Following git too closely may be a bumpy ride for a while for that reason.13:58
zyga-ubuntuikey: let me know if you have some details13:58
zyga-ubuntuikey: strace is one thing13:59
zyga-ubuntuikey: but golang and strace don't work very well AFAIK13:59
zyga-ubuntuikey: you may need some prints here and there13:59
ikeyniemeyer, yeah this was on-the-day-git-master13:59
ikeyzyga-ubuntu, thats what im thinking13:59
ikeyjust printf the hell out of it13:59
ikeybut if git is rocky right now then ill leave it a little while longer14:00
niemeyerzyga-ubuntu: strace shouldn't care about language14:00
ikeystrace will just follow the underlying syscalls14:00
niemeyerzyga-ubuntu: You may be thinking of ltrace?14:00
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: hmmm, last time I tried strace and golang didn't work at all, maybe it is because of the threads and I dind't specify -f and I assumed it's something broken somewhere14:01
niemeyerikey: Yeah, I suggest following the releases.. once it reaches candidate we're pretty sure we have a winner14:01
ikeythen i can get the last of the needed solus PRs together14:02
ikeyand 2.29 would be full upstream solus support14:02
niemeyerzyga-ubuntu: ^14:03
niemeyerzyga-ubuntu: It wouldn't really make sense for it not to work.. this traces system calls, not application logic14:04
niemeyerzyga-ubuntu: It will likely be much noiser though, due to the runtime14:04
elopioGood morning!14:06
zyga-ubuntuelopio: o/14:07
elopioI hope everybody is safe back home now. It was nice to meet you all last week.14:07
elopiozyga-ubuntu: and we missed you. Hopefully next time it won't be in the US14:08
zyga-ubuntuelopio: or I will be able to come14:08
elopioA different country will be better 😃14:10
zyga-ubuntucosta rica maybe?14:11
niemeyerzyga-ubuntu: https://github.com/nomad-desktop/nx-software-center14:13
ikeynx = nixos right?14:14
ikeythe kde desktop that looks like budgie but isnt14:14
ogra_using the nix package manager14:14
ikeyright its the one that isnt that one14:14
niemeyerzyga-ubuntu: Or Puerto Rico.. I've heard the gov doesn't mind as much there.. </troll>14:14
* ikey gets confused on that too14:14
ikeythere, nxos14:15
ikeythe not-budgie-budgie14:15
ikeynot confusing at all14:15
niemeyerikey: Yeah.. I was surprised to find out about it.. seems like a curious mixture.. claims it's based on Ubuntu, but no debs, pacman, plus snaps14:16
niemeyerWonder if the author is around here14:16
ikeywonder if they've jumped on the ostree bandwag.. wait.. pacman?14:16
ikeywhat the shizz14:16
niemeyerYeah, don't ask me14:16
ikeypls excuse me while i find a corner to cry in14:17
ogra_ikey, funnily i was looking at nixos before because niemeyer and sergio were discussing their patchelf tool (which is a core part of the nix package manager) on the forum14:18
ikeyyeah the nixos approach honestly confuses me14:18
ogra_seems to be nix and nx day today :)14:19
ogra_(despite bein german re-unification day too :) )14:19
ikeyinstead of actually addressing the root cause of statelessness they worked around it with yocto style sysroots and reinvented subvolumes14:19
ogra_and pattching ninaries14:19
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: *nice*14:19
ogra_hello jetlag :)14:20
ikeymy old friend ...14:20
zyga-ubuntuwe are at the golden era of OS development14:20
zyga-ubuntuyou sneeze and wham, an OS pops out14:20
ikeyaccompanied by a couple dozen symlink farms14:20
zyga-ubuntuand it has access to all the apps :)14:20
niemeyerikey: ninaries sounds great!14:21
niemeyerikey: it's like a bit, but has nine states14:21
ikeywell i mean thats kinda the "dream" right? package manager is relegated to an implementation detail14:21
ikeynessita, bitField ^= &derpFace ?14:21
* zyga-ubuntu thinks "90s"14:21
ikeyer niemeyer *14:21
ikeysomethin somethin jetlag..14:22
ikeythis is what i get for poking fun. instant karma.14:22
niemeyerikey: Is there any package manager that isn't relegated to an implementation detail? :P14:22
ikeyits a badge of honour14:22
ikeya way of life14:22
niemeyerI should work on that then14:22
niemeyerBecause apparently we all work very hard so that our work eventually becomes invisible :)14:23
ikeyyea sorta backfired there on the fame plan..14:23
niemeyerYeah :P14:23
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: if you want to work on something visible14:23
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: we should make snap support wallpapers14:23
niemeyerOr we just make it crash a lot14:24
ikeyblack and white animated tiffs.14:24
ikey"why is gnome-shell using 48GB RAM"14:24
zyga-ubuntuikey: because it can :>14:24
ikeyoh burn14:24
zyga-ubuntuit's like vista14:24
zyga-ubuntuit sucks14:25
zyga-ubuntubut then you have free ram in laptops14:25
niemeyerpanic: snapd word undetected by microphones in last 10 days14:25
ikeythe henry hoover of desktops. :p14:25
zyga-ubuntunot like nowadays when windows 10 makes 4GB laptops common because it's one single time when windows actually improved memory usage so you don't need 8GB in baseline models14:25
ikeyah damn you ubunturally.14:26
ikeyi got still-face-derp-faced from the chris fisher vlogs14:26
ikeyer stillframe*14:26
ikeyhttps://plus.google.com/114713706129194876663/posts/PfL3dKtdMXc :(14:26
ikey"a face you can trust"14:27
zyga-ubuntucan you edit that to prevent mental burn-in ;D14:30
zyga-ubuntuI have something appropriate14:33
kyrofasergiusens, alright, I'm up to speed14:38
mupPR snapd#3973 closed: cmd/snap-confine: put processes into freezer hierarchy <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3973>14:51
kyrofaelopio, are you in today?14:57
naccsergiusens: probably not :/ i'll fix that today15:03
naccsergiusens: done, as nacc15:05
sergiusensgreat, in any case, you might be interested in https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/classic-snaps-failing-on-ubuntu-17-10/2324/15:05
sergiusensnacc ^15:05
elopiokyrofa: I am here, yes15:12
naccsergiusens: thanks will read15:13
naccsergiusens: i would highly recommend tests added to fix this15:13
sergiusensnacc it might be hard in adt, but certainly doable on travis15:14
kyrofaelopio, when you get a few minutes, can I get reviews on snapcraft#1581 and snapcraft#1582?15:14
mupPR snapcraft#1581: catkin plugin: support rosdep pip dependencies <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1581>15:14
mupPR snapcraft#1582: plugins: add ros2 boostrapper <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1582>15:14
sergiusenskyrofa (and elopio if you want) hangout?15:14
kyrofasergiusens, sure thing15:15
sergiusensthe weekly15:15
elopioThe gardener is cutting the grass just now. You won't be able to hear a thing.15:17
elopioI can jump in there and listen.15:17
rogpeppe1so... i want to make a snap that comprises a daemon that runs all the time, and a command that talks to the daemon via a unix-domain socket. what's the best way to structure that?15:21
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
rogpeppedo i need to declare a new interface and have two apps in my snapcraft.yaml that use it?15:23
rogpeppeis network-bind sufficient to create a unix-domain socket?15:25
kyrofarogpeppe, yeah, use network and network-bind15:55
kyrofaYou should be set15:55
rogpeppekyrofa: that will allow me to make a unix-domain socket in $SNAP_COMMON?15:56
kyrofarogpeppe, yep. Although I suggest putting things like that in /tmp15:56
rogpeppekyrofa: i saw the listen-stream attribute in https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/syntax#apps-and-commands but that doesn't appear to be an actual thing15:56
rogpeppekyrofa: i suspect the docs might be out of date15:57
rogpeppekyrofa: so, do all apps declared in snapcraft.yaml share the same /tmp ?15:57
kyrofarogpeppe, ah, that may be new actually15:57
kyrofarogpeppe, yes indeed15:57
rogpeppekyrofa: do they all share the same SNAP_COMMON too? I'm a bit confused as to what an app actually is actually.15:58
kyrofarogpeppe, although it's namespaced when looking at it from outside the snap, so you probably don't want that if you ever want access from outside15:58
rogpeppekyrofa: in this case, it's quite nice if only the command can get access to the socket actually15:58
rogpeppekyrofa: so if I just listen on /tmp/socket and dial /tmp/socket, then i should be good?15:58
kyrofarogpeppe, a snap is just a big blob of bundled binaries. You define how the user interacts with it using `apps`, which allows you to define either services or commands that are called by the user15:59
kyrofarogpeppe, yep, should work. That's what I do16:00
rogpeppekyrofa: ok, cool. it might be nice if the docs mention that "network" means unix sockets too16:00
kyrofarogpeppe, it looks like listen-stream and socket are for socket activation, so those features must be new16:01
davidcallekyrofa: months old iirc16:02
kyrofadavidcalle, hahaha16:02
davidcallesergiusens: do you recall? I think you added these ^16:03
davidcalle(in the docs I mean)16:03
sergiusensdavidcalle not me, it was someone working on lxd that proposed a new implementation for sockets16:05
sergiusenssanpcraft 2.0 never had socket support, snap.yaml had it hidden though16:06
sergiusensdavidcalle here's the long thread for it https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/socket-activation-support/2050/3116:08
* sergiusens takes a lunch break16:08
davidcallesergiusens: thank you16:08
kyrofaelopio, this PR is failing the CLA check with an email I don't recognize: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/158016:14
mupPR snapcraft#1580: cli: setup gitignore when working from git directory at init <Created by msis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1580>16:14
kyrofaNone of the commits seem to have it16:14
elopiokyrofa: that is Jeff, from heroku.16:18
elopionot sure where is it coming from.16:18
kyrofaWhat the heck. Master?16:18
elopioif you tell him to squash and rebase, don't they go away?16:19
kyrofaI'll try updating the branch first16:20
kyrofasergiusens, elopio two OSRF +1s on snapcraft#158216:37
mupPR snapcraft#1582: plugins: add ros2 boostrapper <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1582>16:37
kyrofaHey zyga-ubuntu, I seem to remember you poking at snapd on gentoo a while back. Did that seem to work?16:38
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: hello16:55
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: would you have the time to look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3999 today, I'd like to get initial feedback and iterate daily, the branch is rather small and instead of a full security review I'd like to just ack the basic principle16:57
mupPR #3999: cmd/snap-confine: add detection of stale mount namespace <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3999>16:57
rogpeppesergiusens: so i've made progress, but the client command gets a "permission denied" error trying to connect to the socket17:00
rogpeppesergiusens: do I need to manually chmod it after listening, do you think?17:00
rogpeppeoops, kyrofa ^17:01
rogpeppekyrofa: the socket mode is Srwxr-xr-x so I think it *should* be open. I can only suspect app armor17:18
kyrofarogpeppe, if you suspect apparmor, check the syslog, or use snappy-debug17:19
kyrofa(are you familiar with that handy tool?)17:19
rogpeppekyrofa: no, i didn't know about it. will take a look tomorrow17:26
=== JanC is now known as Guest6853
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: done (I can't commit to being able to do this daily, but I'lltry)18:03
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: thank you :)18:50
mupIssue snapcraft#1444 closed: catkin pip support <designed> <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1444>19:13
mupPR snapcraft#1581 closed: catkin plugin: support rosdep pip dependencies <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1581>19:13
sergiusenskyrofa mind taking another look at snapcraft#1565 ?19:20
mupPR snapcraft#1565: cli: add the pack command <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1565>19:20
kyrofasergiusens, on it19:20
sergiusenselopio mind following up on snapcraft#1567 ?19:21
mupPR snapcraft#1567: recording: record the snaps installed on the machine <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1567>19:21
elopiosergiusens: I'm on that after I finish with the dotnet tests.19:24
kyrofaelopio, can you take another pass at snapcraft#1582? Or are you good with it?19:31
mupPR snapcraft#1582: plugins: add ros2 boostrapper <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1582>19:31
elopiokyrofa: I'm good with it. I'll leave my +1.19:33
kyrofasergiusens, okay if that one goes in next?19:33
sergiusenskyrofa  do you have the follow-up ready already?19:35
kyrofasergiusens, mostly19:35
kyrofasergiusens, turning the demo into an integration test19:36
kyrofaBut yeah, I had it done for ROSCon19:37
kyrofaThen the stupid lighting talks...19:37
kyrofaWho raffles those19:37
mupPR snapcraft#1582 closed: plugins: add ros2 boostrapper <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1582>19:37
kyrofa\o/ thanks :)19:37
=== JoshStrobl|Work is now known as JoshStrobl
sergiusenskyrofa mind having a second look on snapcraft#1578 ?20:05
mupPR snapcraft#1578: project_loader: quote more environment variable values <Created by malept> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1578>20:05
kyrofaWill do, just a minute20:06
=== ikey is now known as ikey|zzz
mupPR core-build#11 closed: remove cruft from the writable-paths <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/11>23:20
mupPR core-build#22 closed: unit testing for sync_dir() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/22>23:20
mupPR core-build#11 opened: remove cruft from the writable-paths <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/11>23:21
mupPR core-build#22 opened: unit testing for sync_dir() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/22>23:21
mupPR snapcraft#1583 opened: ament plugin: new plugin <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1583>23:35

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