
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:18
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om05:26
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: not sure if vivekenanda's issue was solved yesterday05:26
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Ubknown .. But I bet that installing with a EFI usb did the trick .05:34
lotuspsychjemight be05:34
lordievaderGood morning06:17
lotuspsychjehey lordievader06:30
lotuspsychjeon the train lordievader ?06:43
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje. No. Finished my master assignment, no need anymore to travel to Utrecht.07:25
lordievaderHow are you doing?07:25
Bashing-omgood nite - 'Nuf \o07:33
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BluesKajHi folks11:58
oerheksinteresting, Popey announced https://community.ubuntu.com/ > https://popey.com/blog/posts/new-ubuntu-community-hub-launched.html14:12
oerhekshi popey, this is more in line with askubuntu, looks good!14:13
popeyThanks. Suggestions for improvements most welcome!14:14
* oerheks continues washing windows* ( not the trademark)14:14
nicomachusI downloaded this desktop news/weather app called Coffee that was featured on OMGUbuntu and it's really, really bad15:00
nicomachuswhy is OMGUbuntu recommending crap like that15:00
nicomachusLike, it takes up 1/3 of my desktop and is always-on-top. no way to change that setting. There's only 6 possible news sources to choose from, mostly international (BBC, etc), and it wouldn't even load once I set those sources and my location for weather. Just kept spinning the loading icon for 10 mins.15:01
nicomachusWHY would anyone use that over something like newsbeuter or just a damn browser.15:01
nicomachusSpotify client also seems to have gotten 2 updates within the last week. And they seem to be major updates because it removes my desktop icon each time and makes me re-add it. Usually there are months between updates for spotify.15:03
nicomachusMaybe they're finally devoting some resources to us poor linux fools?15:03
BluesKajstill can't read the fonts on a large monitor, there no font options15:04
BluesKajon spotify linux15:05
BluesKajreadable on a 50inch TV on windows, but not linux15:06
nicomachusOdd. Ubuntu fonts usually scale really well, but idk if they're using Ubuntu fonts.15:24
nicomachusI do use Spotify on my HTPC and throw it up on the 55-inch in the living room often, don't usually have much trouble.15:24
BluesKajspotify fonts aren't readable from 10' away here15:30
BluesKajand I still don't need glasses :-)15:31
nicomachusinteresting. NordVPN has a Chrome extension now and it puts all Chrome traffic through the VPN but nothing else.16:36
BluesKajI'm using PIA , it has a lot of servers and also a separate proxy thru the netherlands for various clients like irc or torrents etc.16:47
BluesKajnicomachus,  I've read good things about the Nord vpn service16:57
nicomachusBluesKaj: I like it much better than PIA. PIA was getting too politically active for my tastes, and doing it in a way I despise. Nord let pay for 2 years with a pre-paid VISA card and I've seen better speeds and more options for connections.17:04
BluesKajnicomachus, I see, my internet connection is basic dsl here in the boonies and I haven't noticed much diff between DL speeds with it, as for thier political actions, the only thing I know about is their dispute with Russia about vpn privacy issues, so they pulled the servers there.17:09
nicomachusthey've been getting into US politics with very misleading, click-bait headlines on their blog. And donating to political causes. No thanks. I want a VPN tht focuses on providing VPN service. Not politics.17:10
nicomachusAnd I have a gigabit fiber connection so I definitely notice the speed.17:11
BluesKajI see Nordvpn  has a 72% off sale for 2 yrs serveice...very tempting ,but I just paid up for a year back in April. I'll check them out again next spring17:12
nicomachusYea that's the deal I got.17:13
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BluesKajnicomachus, just found out that PIA also has the vpn extension for google-chrome, just finished setting it up17:50

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