
=== tai271828_ is now known as tai271828
=== tai271828 is now known as taihsiang
=== taihsiang is now known as tai271828
=== Laney is now known as Guest24649
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
tsimonq2cyphermox: Hey, would you happen to know what this would be caused by? bug 172111419:00
tsimonq2grr no bugbot, here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/172111419:01
cyphermoxdid the seeds for lubuntu-next change recently?19:11
cyphermoxI don't see anything obvious, though maybe that 'pvs' missing would point to lvm2 not being on the image.19:11
cyphermoxbtw, the same looks to be true for the lubuntu image too19:14
tsimonq2cyphermox: Nope, no seed change...19:19
cyphermoxI'll have a look in a bit20:27
acheronuk[21:20] <genii> I tried on my Acer D260 notebook, 64 bit install from a liveusb to another USB ( 128G )20:31
acheronukwould installing like that ^^^ have any relevance?20:32
=== santa is now known as Guest61433

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